Any minute now we will hear if that Missouri grand jury will indict Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson.
I am waiting with the rest of you, and, frankly, I have no idea if 9 of these 12 people will find that there is enough evidence presented to go forward with a trial of the man who shot Michael Brown to death.
It's been three months, and all the evidence the prosecutor had was submitted to this grand jury. Yes, a prosecutor can indict a "ham sandwich", but that is only if he wants to.
This prosecutor did not seem hungry to me. But we will see.......
Part 2:
So there will be no indictment of Officer Wilson. I am still watching the prosecutor, Robert McCulloch; and he is giving a strained and canned explanation of the grand jury investigation and why Officer Wilson was not indicted.
He seems to be defending the shooter and demonizing the victim.
He kept talking about what a "tragic incident" this was and how sad he is for the family of Michael Brown. Now he wants to get a discussion going with the community and to "stay engaged". It just seems like a case of too little too late to me.
Sadly, once again a family has deal with a son who was murdered in a very public way, and once again the killer will go free.
Most of us, of course, are not surprised. Those of us who saw the build up to this announcement pretty much saw the writing on the wall.
“Regardless of the grand jury's decision, the Brown family and our legal team ask again for peace and calm, even though we understand people may have feelings of anger or disappointment...”
Yes they do Mr. Crump, and given what has been happening in America of late we can't really blame them.
Now I am watching the president say that we must "respect the rule of law" and that we must protest peacefully if we disagree with the decision.
That might sound like a fair request to some, but let's not forget, we all must respect the rule of law. Not just the citizens protesting the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown case, but the people sworn to uphold the law as well.
i pray in Messiah's Mighty Name that folk will refuse to be controlled/manipulated by these rituals and staged events.
IF folk can't tell something is up...
i don't know what it will take.
it is my prayer that Blessed Blacks won't take the bait. that ALL citizens of this nation will seek to see beyond the Black and the White.
in the Name of Yahushua Messiah aka Jesus Christ around the world, i pray.
Now Field you know damn well your rethug hee-haws don't know the meaning of the word bifurcated.
Speaking of rethug hee-haws, indicting Wilson is NOT about justice for Brown because he was a thug that WRONGLY caught two bullets in the head.
It's for all the Black men who are doing the right thing and the cracka cops who will have to give second thoughts before unloading their weapons on them out of feigned fear.
I agree with you, FP. The whole thing has been staged for dramatic effect...just like TM in Florida. It's the same ole story, again and again...It's justice, but since when has there been 'justice'.
Well, I wonder what Lilac will say about the verdict she was dead wrong about? It only proves one thing: she is wrong as she always is.
Evidence doesn't lie. The system works. Negroes should think twice before they start hitting a cop.
Were does Officer Wilson go to get his reputation back?
Pant's up - Don't loot.
Anonymous said...
Well, I wonder what Lilac will say about the verdict she was dead wrong about? It only proves one thing: she is wrong as she always is.
9:31 PM
I am an eternal optimist,and proud of it. I am profoundly sad at this.
Anon 9:26pm- martial law.
don't agree with all points but this soul is hitting quite a few licks.
some of US see...
Yah is sending me on a backtrack to drop some 'lil nuggets over here as follow up to the last thread convo.
He showed me where 'ole boy Don Lemon was even talking to the actor cop in Ferguson...
like we are about to be arrested? if folk ever been on a set, THAT is precisely what it looked like. all caught on tape. this madness is happening in plain sight- yet folk want to bicker 'bout melanin levels. seems the more schooling folk have the harder it is for them to see.
those fanning the Black White flames miss the whole point.
the Kings factor in all of this because of who we are- Blessed Blacks- in the big picture. those that will quietly watch it go down with US got...
Believe that.
ALL nations will gather to US...and we are called to make NONE feel a stranger. so i can't get down with the Black White distraction at this point in the game...
it is about humanity, folk.
we need each other. ALL tribes are gifted to be a Blessing to humanity. the coat of many colors...
Love this prosecutor. Field, you should be taking notes.
Where does Wilson go? Back to the $hit stool where others like him come from.
Once again a decision falls mainly along racial lines
Hidden Colors, KNOW YOUR HISTORY!!!
Sheets on, permission to shoot!
Facts. Know the evidence.
Hidden Colors, KNOW YOUR HISTORY!!!
Yeah, no winged pigs over Missouri tonight.
Life lesson...dont rob convenient stores and attack cops in their cop cars back to back. It won't end well for you.
Class dismissed
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Yeah, no winged pigs over Missouri tonight.
But there is justice in Missouri tonight.
this guy is from the lou or st. louis...
he will cuss you out while he shares his information. that's a warning. i don't focus on the messenger nor the delivery so much. instead i seek to get the message. e'erbody got a piece of the message. from Cornell West to homie on the corner in the hood. those on the street call it what it is in no uncertain terms.
lol at the notion of "justice"...which has nothing to do with any of this.
we got solid evidence of military tanks + folk more strapped than when they are at war in foreign lands...all on american soil.
the police state is here.
solid evidence that THIS is how they plan to treat american citizens...
yet folk want to bicker over color.
this mess makes a soul want to cuss, fuss + holla!
find #1 of the video if interested. #2 hit all the points. which is why folk will recall me asking the bragadocious lawyer that was rolling with Sybrina Fulton's camp if she was an Eastern Star. i know the daddy = up to his eyeballs in the wickedness. i wanted to know what the deal was with the mother. was she down for the sacrifice as well.
those not factoring in the secret societies in all of this are missing key points.
lower level folk have no clue. the higher up initiates know precisely what is going down.
Black Boule and prince hall masons...
not interested to be distracted by color. the Black devils do the.most.damage.
My own personal Ferguson verdict:
Kinky, "But there is justice in Missouri tonight."
Can you express these words in Spanish to your girlfriend in PR?
Btw, the riots are about to start. Get ready.
I'm so happy I'm doing the Crip dance, field! Crip, crip, crip, crip, yo!
Good. Wilson can go right a book and get off the streets now! Yes!
Shut up, Barry!
Aw, they tried to turn the police car over but couldn't quite do it. Those blunts will take it out of ya'. Shoulda' went with that purple drank.
Crip, crip,crip!
President Obama is so non-supportive of Blacks it makes you wonder WHY Blacks continue to cover for him.
Mr. President: Why the hell don't you stand up and tell them that your killing of Black & Brown youth isn't going to hold no more! #Ferguson
Mr. President: What brought you out to tell Black youth to be peaceful? Why the hell don't you go to the wicked police department? #Ferguson
7:27 PM - 24 Nov 2014
Why doesn't obama do that? After all, obama is black.
A blind man could have seen this decision coming a mile away. Those people calling for peaceful protest seems to forget the peaceful protest of the 60's came with a whole lot of blood, sweat and tears.
For some reason could only post under Anonymous signed blackinalabama
I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law.....
Too soon?
What Blacks need is a White President and a White AG.
Anonymous Lilacpr said...
Anonymous said...
Well, I wonder what Lilac will say about the verdict she was dead wrong about? It only proves one thing: she is wrong as she always is.
9:31 PM
I am an eternal optimist,and proud of it. I am profoundly sad at this.
9:39 PM
There is a fine line between an eternal optimist and a moron.
Let the riots begin.....
Kinky said there is justice in Ferguson tonight.
Yep, you are right, Kinky. White Justice is always justice. It always wins.
Congratulations Kinky! You and your PR girlfriend must be celebrating tonight.
Where is FP? Why isn't she reporting on this evil?
Why do Racists insist on bullshit stats like Black on Black crime when BOB crime is mainly between CRIMINALS and THAT is why Black folks don't focus on it. White on Black (WOB) crime is mainly about racism against law abiding Black citizens.
Do you souless, amoral f**kers understand NOW?
Hidden Colors, KNOW YOUR HISTORY!!
Obama the Executive Order ninja and imperial ruler-in-chief, just told America: "We are a nation built on the rule of law. Ha ha ha that's ironic!
I guess the grand jury's plan to deal with the protesters is to just let the cops shoot them.
Dr., they do it because they can't think for themselves.
Should have known the first places looted would be McDonald's and a liquor store.
Violence is bad but the chance for America to see what liberalism is all about, in real time, is a good thing. Thank you libs. You built this.
What the hell happened to the bifurcated post? Is Field lying again?
No surprise tonight in Amerikkka.
Anon 10:40 PM-
i refuse to be emotionally or spiritually manipulated.
point blank.
full stop.
i posted some information above. take a look.
the rabbit hole goes deep. those focused on melanin levels are missing the bigger picture.
the puppets being trotted out are of no interest to me. i prefer to focus on the hidden hand pulling the strings.
there are exactly NO surprises here for me. there is a great evil at play that folk are sleepin' on. i feel like i am whispering in the wind by speaking.
Black folk are on the receiving end of spiritual wickedness like no one's business. our collective refusal to take it to the spiritual realm= we remain bamboozled. i Understand with all the extra biz going down in the churches. more freemasonry + spiritual wickedness in high places.
i have been on the twitta listening to lawyers get all brand new like they just got to america yesterday. i can't...
i won't...
i am done.
we got freemasonry. secret societies. the emergence of the police state out in the open. a martial law psych op on full display and folk want to bicker 'bout race. locals indicate that folk are being bussed in to get their riot on...
when the other shoe drops america will have richly earned ALL judgment.
all players in this debacle are about to get paid for their services, if they haven't already. i do mean ALL. IF the pic we saw was a Real person- Michael Brown- he is the only Real victim in this. i am not convinced that what we saw = Real.
let the mason throw up their pyramids on THAT one + snicker at the dumb sheeple that fall for all jokes + each hoax...
i feel like i am just sitting and watching. Standing and Speaking when i feel led to do so...
The fix was on from the beginning.
The Goons need to get arrested. They aren't there to protest. They are just there to cause trouble.
According to FN's link, 17% of whites are murdered by blacks and hispancis. Less than 4% of blacks and hispanics are murdered by whites.
I agree racism is why blacks and hispanics murder so many whites.
Hidden Colors, KNOW YOUR HISTORY!!
you are missing the whole point my friend.
the dems and the repubs = the same.
neither are for the people.
here...let these Good white folk tell you what time it is:
Looks like the prosecutor is a Democrat.
Tell me why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time?
Damn right Kuckkkoo,
burn those muthaf**kers DOWN, NEITHER are healthy options for Black folks anyway and BOTH are killing Black folks!!!
Thanks for shouting out Hidden Colors the stupid, wish I could see your face when you realize what you've just supported.
Loser Ferguson protesters = lynch mob.
Looks like the grand jury has spent an incredible amount of time and money going through every bit of evidence, concluding that Michael Brown's criminal activity led to his being confronted by police and getting violent.
Liberals can look to themselves for the result. They create a nation of victims who think they're entitled to do anything they want if they belong to some sympathetic victim group.
@Anon 10:44 PM-
why do i get the feeling when it is time for BO to go...
he will whip out an executive order indicating he is now potus for LIFE?
your comment made me remember the horror that makes me shudder. lol!
"why do i get the feeling when it is time for BO to go...
he will whip out an executive order indicating he is now potus for LIFE?"
I figure when it is time for Obama to go, he will breathe a big sigh of relief. He won't be able to high-tail it back home to Chicago fast enough to take a nice university job and get away from the Tea Party knuckle-draggers for good.
it doesn't matter what happens huh? folk are going to do the dem/repub paradigm to the bitter end...
going to warp young minds at a university = more insidious than mangling the constitution, really. but hey, he will have lots of company. lol.
ok...we may agree to disagree.
he appears to have a healthy contempt for Black folk so i don't get all the pure uncut support really.
As you said Field, no surprise. Always been legal to kill blah men. At least this time they didn't advertise it and have a crowd around and sell postcards of the burned mutilated body. Maybe that's some progress.
BTW Field, in Philly downtown by 2nd and Chestnut. I hear a lot of restaurants nearby. Bout to head out and explore.
"Looks like the prosecutor is a Democrat.
Tell me why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time?"
Because the Republican Party is full of racist assholes like you Kinky. And it wouldn't make sense to support a racist party because one prosecutor decided not to bring one case. You certainly are stupid. Prosecutors regularly side with cops or are you too dumb to understand this? No wonder you're a Republican, the stooopid is strong in you and that party.
Well, the Michael Brown ghetto trash entourage kept it classy.
Brown's step-father Louis Head jumped up and down as he erupted in rage and said: 'Burn this b**** down! Burn this b**** down!'
Read more:
And apparently Parks cried when it became official that the Scheme Team dreams of $hakedown dollar$ wasn't going to happen.
And the animals in the Ferguistan Safari Park are busy destroying their natural habitat.
There is a fund being set up to assist innocent white business owners relocate. I will be more than happy to gift generously.
And let the natives enjoy their new improved surroundings.
KOCH BROS. PAID TROLLS(KKKinky, Quick Lunatic Bitch, Bullshit Bill and all other ASSorted White racist trolls).
F*ck all you palefaced Conservaturds and your lame-assed comebacks. It's
just another triumph for White Racist Amerikka!!! Don't dare tell me the dice aren't loaded in Whitey's favor!!
Homicidal Honky, Ku-Klux-Kop Officer Porksausage NOT CHARGED!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What the phuck did you expect??? Yo, Bro. Field, didn't we all saw this shit coming?
"With liberty and justice for Caucasians only"
Only the universal aggressor/oppressor, evil and bloodthirsty White man (Wilson, Zimmerman, Fuhrman, Cheney, Pantaleo, Dunn, Bush) is allowed to kill with impunity!!
I still think that fat, racist ofay police chief Tom Johnson should be charged with jury tampering for releasing that phony videotape of Mike "stealing" some tobacco. That tape was "doctored"; The Ferguson Pigs are just as crooked and dishonest as the Sanford FL. Pigs. I REPEAT--that bohonky only did that only to give every Repulikkkracker racist pig in Amerikka rhetorical ammunition.
it is not about color.
the police state is here...
Not to condone the looting.... the liquor store owner had many months to protect his stock. These liquor store owners are not oblivious to the community they poison. Just like in the past decades, the owners will escalate losses for insurances. Think of the looters as sick people trying to get medicine. Albeit the wrong medicine.
I care less if want I say may not agree with you... but there are many African Americans that are just hanging own. They may not see a bright future that many bloggers see. YES, I know that some have overcome some obstacles that we all have, But hold the "if I can do it.... so can you".
Still after 63 years; many Black males dead, no policeman charged. Now this is my experience. Share your experience in regards to dead Black males (unarmed) and armed white policemen. Save the usual comeback on BOW crimes. There will be time to discuss that as well.The numbers will start with the first Black murdered in America. I would tend to say that the Blacks got a long time to catch up. So, really we don't need that pissing contest.
We need solutions. President Obama is not able to address internal race issues. So in finding a solution, I offer one tactic. Obey the one with the gun. Pretend it is a robbery and you want to live post event.
Bifrugate is a word that is often used medically. It is where the blood vessels branches off- into two paths. The word was right on.
The corrupt system will continue to be corrupt due to the Blacks being easily duped into rage.
Not knowing your history has caused us to be easily manipulated to the wrong response.. The first act in the civil remedies was not violence in the 60s. You will not win with a non-white war happy president. The oppressors will use him as a shield to take the race responses off the table. StillaPanther2
Yīngyēng said...
Once again a decision falls mainly along racial lines
Says the woman who calls for indicting an innocent man in order to achieve 'racial justice'.
Someone so incapable of rational thought has no business being in college.
Get your Christmas shopping done early!
100% off sale in Ferguson tonight!
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
As you said Field, no surprise. Always been legal to kill blah men.
What an idiotic statement.
It is not yet illegal for a white police officer to defend himself against a black thug who is trying to kill him. Despite the best efforts of liberals atop the media and the federal government, a total collapse into anarchotyranny has been avoided, thanks to the courage of authorities in St. Louis County who refused to be intimidated by feral mobs mobilized by Obama-type activists.
The leftists gathered in Ferguson and elsewhere will riot. But America will survive. For now.
for QLB:
Pants Up, Don't Loot @1:26 AM
Republikkklan Dick
Officer Peckerwood began the altercation when he put his shitstained hands on Brown. He tried to shoot Bro.Brown when he couldn't pull him into his SUV; Mike was trying to save his own life by grabbing for piggy's firearm. He knew the pissed off pig was about to execute him! The punk-assed pig had no goddamned business grabbing bro'man in the first place
And may I say that Bob McCullough is a lying, dishonest 212 lb. sack of skunk shit; Blaming the media for HIS dicketry and incompetence. I hope all the White asshole pigs in Ferguson get killed!!
Dear Anonymous DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!
Give it a rest while boy, you've been trying this schtick for a while now and you've convinced nobody.
the police state is here...
it's not about color folk.
might Ferguson be the event this WM spoke of?
the ammunition is stockpiled. there are not even enough Black folk to use it all. so distracted by melanin White folk are missing the point...
Black folk that want to rail against White folk while chasing /mentoring everyone BUT Black folk...
are missing the point.
Black life is valuable? yet we won't lift a finger for one another. i AM a witness to this Truth.
Emergency Police Powers aka martial law. the new constitution already prepared? THIS could explain the non stop shredding of the old one.
the Wrath is lining up for America.
are we?
or yet another...
I need a footnote here. What do you mean by a "ham sandwich"? Why didn't he eat it?
Ferguson Goddamn.
If you are of the praying kind, pray for Phil Hughes this morning.
The Purple Cow said...
If you are of the praying kind, pray for Phil Hughes this morning.
I will .
You should use this to become more alert and not get your little eggshell head damaged by balls, while getting teabagged by local Muslims .
"...while getting teabagged by local Muslims ."
There are Muslims in Cheshire?
Who knew?
Anon@1:41, if there are lots more people like u living here America won't survive for long.
Pilot, I hope u enjoyed old city last night. I will ne at 15th & Arch today. (About 15 blocks feom u)
Let me know if u can do lunch.
Charles Pierce has a good take on the decision via a vis policing in the rest of the country.
Field, if you have time you'll appreciate it.
Murder? He charged that cop,
over and over.
You're a shameless liar, much like your man Barry.
Both lawyers, huh?
Burn baby, burn.
What we learned from Ferguson.
It's been proven now, though the Left is anti scientific theory and methodology, that large clips and large numbers of rounds are necessary. 7 shots and the big man was still charging. The 8th one put him down just in time only because it was a head shot.
Let's see if the Left will bother to use this data in the future like any reasonable person of science would.
I doubt it, though. They follow a religion of the Left.
Get those clips while you can crackers!
focusedpurpose said...
@Anon 10:44 PM-
why do i get the feeling when it is time for BO to go...
he will whip out an executive order indicating he is now potus for LIFE?
your comment made me remember the horror that makes me shudder. lol!
Horror indeed.
Ever notice people (like dr. queen) who are racist cry the loudest about racism?
Anon@1:41, if there are lots more people like u living here America won't survive for long.
Thankfully history has clearly demonstrated that the evil rule by the melanin deficient, NEVER lasts more than 500 years outside of Europe.
In 25, years America will look more like it did before the mutants committed mass genocide than it does now.
The Purple Coward @3:28 AM
Can't stand it when Black People speak up?? I don't need your permission or approval, you asswipe conservaturd!! I come on this Black blog ONLY to return the fire coming out of the mouths of Ku-Klux Klannish, lily-white, pig-skinned, self-important KOCH Bros. asstrolls like you!
I know you think you're really cute; you and your Republikkkunt bravado, hiding behind your paternalistic, me-first Eurocentric superior attitude!
Oh, and YOU give it a rest, YOU PUSSY!! How long have YOU been vomiting this Aryan brotherhood bilge on this Black blog?? GTFOH!!! I can smell your phony sense of entitlement from here; I know damn well you won't call any black person a "boy" to their faces, because you'll get your skull crushed; Like all Ku-Kluxers you attack and retaliate in secret so you can't be held accountable; you are a Purple Coward and no-one is buying YOUR bullshit!
Vinny @8:33:
Shove it, Oily Greaseball. No people in the Universe is are as racist as Caucasians...You win the cup, the certificate and the prize money.
That's why Whites are universally despised; Caucasians are the scourge of civilization: they can't run their own business because they're too busy trying to run everyone else's--get your filthy White asses off this blog!!
If you can stomach it, here's Darren Wilson's testimony. They heard this and didn't indict?
Wilson asked them politely to use the sidewalk. That's all you have to read to judge his credibility...
The winner in Ferguson?
The liberal media, they got their wish.
Billy goat, I think you forgot to mention the Kkkop that got away with murder.
I don't attend college you f**kin' idiot, ONLY UNIVERSITIES allow students to earn Doctorate level degrees.
STUPID A$$!!!!
This is a vid which disappeared from, but has showed back up again. I first ran across it right after Michael Brown was killed.
So it does sound like Brown rushed at the cop. Still, 12 shots! But if he just kept coming?
I believe police/military brutality is at the top of the Justice fail list. In my city most of the local gov't and police are Black so the race factor is less of the issue. Though I do remember years ago when I was part of an Atlanta Regional Commission outreach program to people who were qualified, but not receiving benefits, the Black employees of the local Housing Authority surprised me with their absolute distain of poor people. Around here that would mostly be Black because the city is mostly Black.
I'm confused that it's being reported that Brown's family is calling for calm while also reporting his step-father saying....
"Brown's mother collapsed in tears, while the victim's stepfather screamed 'Burn this b**** down'."
Oh, no. Watching the news and here's Al Sharpton, every white racist's dream machine. Is there a crazy-old-aunt attic where this man can be stashed when there are cameras on the way?
Unless Wilson is a Saint, he's probably some sort of bigot. First off, the usual reasons. But also, in his case, he was in a position of being the son of a woman who was a known criminal who ripped off those close to her. In my school-of-the-better-than-thou theory of society, this would make him even more susceptible to the disease of racism.
One more thing. This turn of events makes me more afraid than I've been since almost four years ago when a young Black man smashed my teeth out on the sidewalk while repeatedly calling me a "white bitch", while robbing me. A half block from the police station. Like a whole lot of little old white women get out of there cars, say hello, and walk on by a young Black couple at 11 pm, while being bigots.
I know when I head north for dinner on Thurs. I'm going to have too contend with concerns I don't want to discuss. I love my neighborhood. It's like Mayberry with diversity. And my house is almost paid for. But young Black kids have been increasingly unfriendly in recent years. I liked it better before the yuppie/buppie invasion of 2001-2, when we all moved here for the great old houses and cheap rents. A lot of folks got displaced and some of their children probably carry resentment. I got the last cheap house on my street in 1997. Same street I'd rented since 1987. I could never afford to buy/rent here now. And poor neighborhoods all over Atlanta are getting gentrified. There's no place to live if you don't have considerable means.
Oh gosh, I'm sorry. Rambling again.
Hey. Why do so many black men shave their heads? That's what I came by to ask yesterday but got distracted.
"Anonymous DIE, WHITE DEVILS!! said...
The Purple Coward @3:28 AM
Can't stand it when Black People speak up?? I don't need your permission or approval, you asswipe conservaturd!! I come on this Black blog ONLY to return the fire coming out of the mouths of Ku-Klux Klannish, lily-white, pig-skinned, self-important KOCH Bros. asstrolls like you!"
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
You should.
It might come as a bit of a shock though.
You see that lank greasy brown hair?
You see those three chins that are a pale, sallow pinkish brown colour?
You see those rolls of fat round your neck? - same colour.
Truth is you are a caucasian, a white man.
Sorry to break it to you so suddenly, but it's for the best.
Well lookie, lookie. The physical evidence supports Officer Wilson's story.
And the "HANDS UP!"?
The gentle being shot in the back?
That was all bullshit.
Of course this never was about evidence. Or the truth.
This was about getting revenge on whitey. And whitey being a cop was just gravy on they chicken.
Which is why you won't read field posting about the evidence.
Instead, field will be doing what MSNBC, Rev. Al. and the rest of the gentle giant's supporters are doing-race baiting and playing the victim.
Dear die-white-devils
How was the tape "doctored"? Do you have a link where that is addressed? I roam the internets constantly and have not got a whiff of that. I'm talking lefty blogs too. Plus that's something that could be demonstrated, no?
It is very sad that people are burning their own neighborhood. Are we seeing the birth of a "food desert"? Where are all the entertainers/sports guys who matter to youth? If they had been yelling don't loot and riot, it could have worked. Kids don't care about "Black leaders". No color kids care about any color "leaders".
Good post (on an American Socialist blog no less) from my old buddy Ricky Lenin on the "outside agitators" of Ferguson.
As long as one side (the police) collect the evidence, control the evidence, there will be mistrust. For too long this system has been built on trust. As we now see trust has turned into a one trust and the other side mistrust.
This present system that we have, want me/us to somehow suspend what we have seen/experienced from the past. The flaws that once again appeared should be addressed by my people.
Many witnesses to events in the neighborhood during the day or night are people that are allowed to roam are the vast number of BM with warrants that can't be a witness due to fear of arrest. I find it so amazing that the police can go into a "no snitch" zone and find sooo many willing people that talked. Is the "NS" code only applied when there is a white life to save?
The DA said there were witnesses that even the FBI could not find. The FBI having all the US governmental resources could not find people that had no plans of flight prior to this event. Now that is amazing.
I am sorry, having close and personal battles with the police, I know they lie. plant evidence, intimidate witnesses and anything else to free their criminals-in-blue (looking out for my back) partners.
I know less then than I know now because of my mistrust. The system CAN be changed to at least have citizens -a rapid response team- to even-see the process. Nawww why should the team with all the power change. That is the American way.
Tribalecho I call bullshit.
Pilot X, I enjoyed chopping it up over lunch with u my brother. You are the real deal.
Next time u are in Philly hills at me.
I meant holla not "hills". ( Damn auto correct)
Hello Field,
I have been a long-time reader of your posts and analyses and I have found them insightful at many points.
I am originally from the Chicago area, but I do not live far from Ferguson, MO.
I have some questions for you:
1) Do you believe the investigations of Michael Brown's death by Fed and locals were thorough?
2) Being the son of a (now retired) police officer, I was told that for a police officer to answer questions directly by the grand jury is highly unusual. I understand that Officer Wilson answered questions for more than four hours?
3) I also learned that prosecutors will not be as "hungry" in the case of a police officer as they may need the future support of police unions for political positions the run for?
I don't have the exact same opinion about exactly why or how we got there, but I agree with focusedpurpose about where we are. I lost faith in the justice system when the highest court in the land stole my vote, straight along party lines. Dick Cheney would have been executed a long time ago if there was equal justice for all. The government investigates itself and the police investigate themselves. The more they get away with, the worse things get.
This cop sounds like a Complete negrophobe. Michael Brown was nothing but a stereotype to him: a demon with super human strength, not a smart-assed teenager. Anyone who thinks this killing wasn't all about race racism profiling (which is to say stereotypeing) and racialized policing and justice in America has either not been paying attention or is invested in systemic racism.
This grand jury decision was right out of our racist history as at home in 1890 as in 1920 or 1950.
Right on whitey. Michael Brown is racist. That is why Michael Brown attacked the white police officer.
There are enough shitheads in any town to satisfy the riot quotient, and the police can always be counted on to abandon enough burnable small businesses for chaos to break out so that they can "restore the peace" with overwhelming force.
Looks like it's going to come down to a federal civil rights claim. The deadly force standards there don't automatically exonerate cops whO shoot scary black boys. Just ask the Rodney King 4 about the difference in federal court.
Libs are just soooo shocked you can't attack police officers without facing the consequences.
Hey whitey's con, how's that saint trayvon federal civil rights investigation workin' out for ya?
Kkkuckoo do you mind commenting on Wilson who is a 6'4" ~ 250 pound man characterizing Brown an out of shape, borderline morbidly obese teenager, as Hulk Hogan?
Are you people really that soft and wimpy? Well not you because you're not even 5'8" tall.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Just ask the Rodney King 4 about the difference in federal court.
The difference between driving while black and attacking a cop sitting in a police car?
What do you believe the cop should have done after Michael attacked him?
Kkkuckoo do you mind commenting on Wilson who is a 6'4" ~ 250 pound man characterizing Brown an out of shape, borderline morbidly obese teenager, as Hulk Hogan?
80 pounds is a lot of weight advantage in a fight.
It's worth noting that Wilson is 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs about 210 pounds. Brown was an inch taller and weighed about 290 pounds.
as said by Bill
FOCUSEDPURPOSE- "Black folk are on the receiving end of spiritual wickedness like no one's business. our collective refusal to take it to the spiritual realm= we remain bamboozled. i Understand with all the extra biz going down in the churches. more freemasonry + spiritual wickedness in high places."
You talk about the spiritual wickedness Blacks are experiencing as if it was something new for us. This evil against us began with slavery.
Yet you say this is not about color when history clearly delineates the terror of racism against us continues on and on.
Instead of expecting Blacks to suddenly make a shift to spirituality while they are being shot dead in the streets by WHITE cops why not SHOW none of this racist horrendous stuff to us is NOT what it's all about?
Do you really think Blacks will look at the injustices against them for over 400 years as not about color? What about the Whites, do you think they don't see us as Black, ugly and animals whose lives aren't worth much?
The story is always the same: Kill the N-word...shoot him dead. Then justify the murder because the Negro was attacking.
When Blacks are outraged and there is a riot, or a march, then order a jury to set the white murderer free.
Take a long time to make it seem like the jury really deliberated and had difficulty deciding. Just to add credence to the jury, make sure you have at least ONE OR MORE BLACKS on the jury. Of course, those Blacks are going to support the Whites.
This is the pattern for years. In the case of Michael Brown there wasn't even a reminds me of the Jim Crow days when Whites killed Negroes whole-sale and there wasn't even a trial.
These people have a history of evil and they are simply being themselves in their ever-lasting attitudes toward Blacks. THAT! will never change.
And now you say we should pray and study the Bible, which in America is the wm's Bible?
I don't see 'any' way out for us. We have been trapped in this hell-hole since slavery and will never be free.
Field. BS about what? My teeth and my beloved 1993 Accord Station Wagon? I thought i'd mentioned that attack before. It was almost four years ago. I'm sorry that the pics were on film and not digital. I still never go out in my 'hood after dark. One of the bartenders at the place I was going to that night after work also got robbed, at gunpoint, while walking home from work. He's much bigger, younger and Black. But there was a gun involved. I don't think these guys even live around here. The Tavern is right across the street from a MARTA rail station.
Or BS about something else?
If you're talking about the vid, you can hear the men, in the background. Did you go to the Daily Mail site? These are two AA men talking, or at least that's how it sounds to me. The guy who saw what happened sounds pretty stunned by Brown's behavior. Apparently Brown kept moving so he thought the cop keep missing him.
I also don't understand the idea that Brown was so physically dominate though. Sounds like the cop was a pretty big guy too.
Two women on the PBS Newshour are saying that the grand jury was not run like any grand jury they'd ever seen before. Very light on Wilson.
But what I really came back by to say was that Nixon's actions DO sound like a conspiracy theory now. He doesn't supply enough outside law enforcement, kinda like he wanted the place to burn. More on the way tomorrow? What? A little late for that. People in Ferguson just lost a lot of places to shop and work. A Black woman interviewed on Newline was upset that her job, which she really liked, is gone.
Really Bill? 80 pounds
of FAT NOT muscle is not a "lot" at all. Unless Wilson was afriad Brown was going to sit on his wimpy ass.
That's it, he feared being sat on by an overweight pre-diabetic teenager.
Michel Brown didn't attack Officer Wilson, Officer Wilson whipped his patrol car back and within inches of him and then slammed his door
Into Michael Brown bouncing it off of him and back into himself after which Officer Wilson grabbed Michael Brown through the window. This was the disinterested testimony. Only Officer Wilsons own account contradicts this collective eye witness recitation.
I wish I had a piece of that case.
Blogger Yīshēng said...
Really Bill? 80 pounds
of FAT NOT muscle is not a "lot" at all. Unless Wilson was afriad Brown was going to sit on his wimpy ass.
That's it, he feared being sat on by an overweight pre-diabetic teenager.
Who is Brown? I thought the guy who got shot for attacking the cop was indian? Wasn't his name Dindo Nuffins?
Yīshēng said...
Really Bill? 80 pounds
of FAT NOT muscle is not a "lot" at all. Unless Wilson was afriad Brown was going to sit on his wimpy ass.
I'm glad you have never been involved in fighting.
80 pounds of fat is a lot of weight in a fight.
I just wish Yisheng was not Black. But since she is Black I just wish she would shut up.
80 pounds of fat is only a lot when you're a 6'4" trigger happy wuss afriad of the shadow of your own gun.
If anyone knows about FAT- it would be a black queen. A black dr. queen.
Today show, nothing like the demographics of foxnews or the rush show.
Did the grand jury make the right decision in the Ferguson case?
81% Yes
19% No
White democrats think the right decision was made.
Yīshēng said...
80 pounds of fat is only a lot when you're a 6'4" trigger happy wuss afriad of the shadow of your own gun.
Michael had a lot more than 80 pound advantage on the store clerk he was manhandling as he was stealing.
Any comments about how the store clerk felt being threatened and robbed by Michael?
Yisheng can match Brown, pound for pound. You see, those sisters in DC pack a lot of weight.
Bill, you don't argue with an expert with direct experience with a lot of pounds.
Wait a minute, anon. You are assuming that Bill is in good shape and not fat. That is a racist assumption.
Well well well. Here's video showing Michael Brown's stepfather shouting "Burn this bitch down! Burn this bitch down!"
Lord have mercy.
Where is FP?
Have you noticed that GRANNY has been conspicuously missing over this verdict?
Remember she said she had a lot of work to do re: Ferguson back in Sept? Yeah, I wonder what kind of work she has been doing? Was it for Darren Wilson? just asking.
Really Bill? Now you're adjusting your narrative (like typical Rethugs) to fit your wack and racist ass agenda?
You know you sound like you're a big wussy White man too.
That's old news, @9:50. Stop using your uncle's meth schedule to measure time, and you'll get the latest news in a more timely fashion.
Oh shit. I was just gonna say that I think a lot of affluent and middle class Blacks here in Atlanta might not see Brown in a very good light either because there's been a lot of violent crimes against those folks on the news lately......AND NOW THE DOWNTOWN CONNECTOR has been shut down by some pro-Ferguson/Brown protesters. Let me tell you, the people who are gonna be pissed about this are going to be a very bi-racial group.. Well, they've arrested a few protesters, and a reporter. No details about that. Oh good, some pol said something about Nixon's fuck up and letting the town burn. Four or five arrested. No mention of the reporter. Our local news programs sucking as usual.
Hey Field. Have you ever been to nakedcapitalismdotcom ? Race is big, money's bigger. Good blog.
Dear Mr Field, it looks like somebody let Yisheng lose from the Ferguson zoo. Any chance of locking her up again?
Yīshēng said...
Really Bill? Now you're adjusting your narrative (like typical Rethugs) to fit your wack and racist ass agenda?
I didn't change anything, Michael outweighed the cop by 80 pounds.
80 pounds is a lot of weight difference in a fight.
No comment about the store clerk victim of the Michael Brown robbery?
You know you sound like you're a big wussy White man too.
Of course.
What has happened ot FP? Why hasn't she responded to the comments sent to her?
Ok. Now the police are saying they're going to arrest if they don't disperse which is dumb because right now the protesters are in a part of downtown where NOBODY else is at this time of day/night. Ha. One guy yells, WE'LL GO UPTOWN. Cops should leave 'em alone. Uptown there actually are people and a night life. These kids are now by the downtown MARTA station. And like I said, there's VERY little that goes on around there at night. So far every reporter down there is white. I wonder why. This is Atlanta. We have plenty of black reporters. I mean white's fine, but why NO black reporters? Except on the anchor desk. Strange.
I think Nixon was primarily passing a hot potato, too cowardly to do what was right. McCulloch probably saw it as an opportunity to enhance his relationship with the police, get press coverage, and get some voter support. This isn't to say that racism wasn't a factor for them, Wilson, the police department, or grand jury.
tribalecho, there's a lot of shit that is going to go down by the MARTA station. It could get ugly because now the Whites are going to snuff out the spirit of black protesters by terrorizing them. Just like the KKK during the Jim Crow days.
Hey, it's effective. It worked then, and it'll work now. People don't change, whether they are Black or White.
Anon 10:45, I meant there is generally not a lot of activity in that part of town at night. What whites are going to terrorize them? The only whites down there are part of the protests. And the oddly all white, mostly women reporters from local tv. Anyway they moved. they went north and they blocked the connecter earlier. It was a great move imo. As long as I'm not trying to get somewhere up there. It was certainly less disruptive than a Braves game. Got everyones attention. I think it's too funny that some biz is pulling out of the Cumberland area where the Braves are moving so they can play where the rich white folks roam.
Did you see Mayor Reed? He's pissed. He's had a bad week. A few days ago his fire chief got caught distributing a book he wrote talking about how disgusting homosexuals are and now windows have been smashed. The protesters who went north were totally peaceful but I can tell he's really pissed. Doesn't help that the fire chief looks like he could be his brother. I can hear Bortz now, or whoever our local Limbaugh is now. Don't listen to talk radio much any more. I did my duty keeping track of the hate when I drove around for my job years ago. All the white gays on my neighborhood association Facebook are totally anti-Wilson and they don't even seem very politically minded.
What Blacks in Atlanta should be worried about is the way the middle and affluent are breaking away and forming their own cities. Or the way MARTA rail riders can't go to the bathroom cause our bathrooms stay locked. Or the lack of security at our MARTA rail stations. I know I paid for that one, with my teeth. The north side gets ridiculously cheap rides to the airport and we get the shaft. I call it The Southside Shuffle. I was in Chicago many moons ago and I seem to remember that your train fare was more if you went longer distances. I'll have to google about that. Probably won't matter for some time though. Those folks ain't gonna be on the train much now anyway.
I just got home from lunch at the Senior Ctr down the street. I was the only white person and I had a sneaky feeling folks were surprised to see me. Maybe just a coincidence but there are usually four or five white geezers. Great huge lunch for $3.50. That's what happens when they know you vote. Old people of all colors tend to vote.
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