The election of these individuals was historic in significance and should not be ignored.
I, too, like Mr. Williams, hope that these Negroes will not be just "window dressing" and tokens who lend cover for the racists in their party.
Tim Scott has been a senator for a while, and he does not have the greatest track record, but I will give Mia Love and Will Hurd a chance to prove my suspicions wrong.
Hopefully, two years from now, I will be writing about all the positive aspects of their ascendancy to congress, and not how, like Clarence Thomas and those of his ilk, they are doing more to hurt people of color than to help them.
Similarly, Love, as mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, focused on bringing more jobs to town. With black unemployment nationally over 11 percent, Love’s voice and her ideas for economic development create new opportunities for black Democrats to do business with Republicans.
Hurd’s CIA experience as an undercover officer in the Middle East brings a black man’s perspective to debates on dealing with Muslim extremists.To be clear, it is up to Scott, Love and Hurd to be more than window dressing for a GOP with a major problem as a party defined by the anger of older, white, conservative men.
But they’ve beaten the odds so far. I’m rooting for them to do it again."
Remember, there are some other folks "rooting for them" as well.
Finally, the state of Missouri has declared a state of emergency in anticipation of the grand jury verdict in Ferguson.
Michael Brown's family attorney says that the governor of that state is "preparing for war" and he is concerned that the governor's actions will incite what is sure to be an already angry crowd if the grand jury does not indict Officer Darren Wilson.
My money says there will be no indictment, but we will see.
"The Ferguson, Missouri officer who killed an unarmed 18-year-old is featured in an online video taken by a man who said Darren Wilson unlawfully arrested him and violated his rights.
The 15-second video shows an officer alleged to be Wilson in uniform in the middle of a conversation with resident Mike Arman, who made the brief recording.
Resident Mike The video begins with Arman asking the officer his name, and Wilson replies, "If you wanna take a picture of me one more time, I'm going to lock your a-- up."
Arman replies he is not taking a picture but recording the incident, then Wilson walks several feet toward him.
Arman asks Wilson if he has the right to record the incident and Wilson replies "no" and says "come on" as the video comes to a shaky end.
The video shows only a small glimpse of the encounter but Arman writes in the description of the video posted Friday that Wilson violated his First Amendment rights, arrested him unlawfully and lied on the police report." [Source]
Mr. Arman, at least you are alive to tell your story. Consider yourself lucky.
If anything, this attitude is more prevalent than racial profiling.
Some cops are feel okay with investigating people using race-based criteria.
Damn near ALL cops are uncomfortable being video recorded. Your phone just might end up getting "accidentally" broken while you're being held in custody on some bogus charge.
Democrats sure are quick to call the National Guard on you negros.
Makes you wonder why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time.
Least hoses and dogs have been replaced by tanks and heavy artillery.
I guess that's progress.
"Least hoses and dogs have been replaced by tanks and heavy artillery."
That must make you very excited. Remember to call your doctor for erections lasting more than four hours.
So ... this happened:
Supporters Of Ferguson Cop Plan 'Pants Up, Don't Loot' Billboard
A politician is a politician. The majority just want the power and the money. Some do care about the people and the land they may rule over,but those are unfortunately few and far between.
Looks like in Ferguson nothing is going to change for the better. What a sorry situation for the people there! Wow! I dunno Field, I dunno...
Field, have you seen this video about the teacher who was body slammed and knocked out by a student at Bertram High in Philadelphia? My God, there is no hope for us.
God bless Bill O' and Fox News.
They care about us negros. They do the work FN refuses to do.
There is no hope. Nothing to save us from Hispanics when they take over.
You think they are going to have mercy on us like YT has?
I fear for my children and the future of this country.
Wilson will be a completely "free sheet" soon.
And FINALLY a show with a Black woman as President!! Of course we ALL KNOW that ONLY happens in Africa.
Field said, "Hopefully, two years from now, I will be writing about all the positive aspects of their ascendancy to congress, and not how, like Clarence Thomas and those of his ilk, they are doing more to hurt people of color than to help them."
Brother Field, CT hasn't done half the damage Obama has done to us. Why haven't you talked about Obama? You are a HYPOCRITE and a non-caring Negro who covers for other non-caring Negroes.
You are no Field Negro. You are a political wimp.
"And speaking of Officer Wilson, forget the Michael Brown incident for a minute, apparently this guy is just not a very good police officer."
Brother Field, you are wrong because I heard it out of the mouth of the Ferguson Chief of Police that Darren Wilson was a very good officer with a clean record.
The people who just hired Mr. Scott & his colleagues to put black faces on white racism this month hired Clarance Thomas for the same thing a quarter century ago.
"Finally, the state of Missouri has declared a state of emergency in anticipation of the grand jury verdict in Ferguson."
Field, the reason the Gov has declared a state of emergency is because they already know what the grand jury's verdict is: NOT GUILTY.
Anon, thanks for that link re: Bertram High School in Philly. It's a shame what has happened to the black race. There is no reversing the violence, ignorance and stupidity that has the black community in its grip.
We are headed for extinction and deserving so. In 50 years there will be no black race. we will have killed each other off with help from the police.
I mean, who wants to deal with the next generation of Blacks in high school? Each generation is more violent and dumber.
It's almost an impossibility for that to happen in America, but our peeps have found a way to do it.
FP, please give your take on that video. Any thing in the Bible about kids beating up and knocking out their own teachers? This is madness.
The odds that they will wait for sub zero temperatures to announce their decision look better than the odds that they will indict Wilson.
"FP, please give your take on that video. Any thing in the Bible about kids beating up and knocking out their own teachers? This is madness.
11:16 PM"
KJV Proverbs 22:6- Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Anon, take another look at the video. this time, LISTEN to what our children are saying...
LISTEN to the demographics from whence they hail...
LISTEN to their experiences with their teachers/school...
LISTEN as they CLEARLY say they would not recommend their experiences to ANYONE...
then know that we are failing our babies/children as a nation.
yet, we reserve the Right to then we turn right around and blame them for our failures.
folk would rather denigrate the babies before they will find their BASS voices and address their MIA fathers...
no prob with BASS when addressing women + children.
this video reduced me to tears.
i feel anguish and vexed to my soul. only Yah knows...
take a look at the post linked just below. don't necessarily read it. just scroll and take a look at the pics of our babies...
try to realize that the time is rapidly approaching where those of US that look at ourselves + our babies through the eyes of our enemies...
will BEG our historical enemies to do this to our children.
it seems easier to take this route, than to hold ourselves accountable to give our promise (our children) the future they deserve + want.
notice the young man saying in the video the teachers don't teach nor prepare them for college?
'cause THAT is NOT the endgame nor point.
peep the pics in this post:
the schools are prep for the penal system + the sexual predators' playground.
then the babies got sexual predators when they get to lockdown.
new slaves...
peep the game, His People/my people...
US constitution amendment Xiii
sec. 1.
neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted...
please know that laws have been passed where conviction = not necessary.
"Congress still has not prohibited President Obama’s ability to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens arrested on American soil without trial or due process…"
as a place to start getting familiar:
folk who don't think Blessed Blacks will feel it first + worst = out of touch with what's really going on.
while folk throw the women + children under the bus...
whoever the young man was at school laying folk OUT...
CLEARLY needs his father/male mentor to teach + mold him in the Right direction. channel his power/energy in the Right direction. it is NOT a job for womenfolk past a certain age with certain young alpha menfolk.
IF we don't care about our sons/daughters, how dare we get all brand new when officers cap 'em in the mean streets.
anybody else had enough of the hypocrisy?!
+ folk, even now, are playing right into the let's get this martial law popping plan...
i'm Good.
i don't want any.
i have no nastiness to heap on the heads of our babies.
i would suggest BW shut it DOWN.
walk ALL clowns that demonstrate they won't Stand + help provide for their babies.
or keep doing what ya doing and watch your babies needlessly suffer. struggle solo like folk don't know others will watch + ridicule before they will lift a finger to assist.
it is time for our nation to turn to Him/His Word.
have we not had enough?
KJV Deuteronomy 28:37- And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Sovereign shall lead thee.
while lost ones call it a book of "fairy tales"...above is lifted from the curses for disobedience. the Blessings for Obedience are there as well.
don't take my word for it...
KJV Leviticus 26:15-17
15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:
16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption...that shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
17 And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you...
seems pretty clear to me.
i pray with my whole soul in Messiah's Mighty Name that ALL with an ear to hear, will hear.
we are called by His Name, Chosen for a Purpose. all we need to do is turn from our spiritual wickedness to Him/His Word and He will heal US.
THAT'S His Word.
He is NOT a man that He would lie.
i pray all souls in Ferguson will Stand in powerful prayer + Peace and will refuse to destroy their own businesses + neighborhoods.
there will be no rebuild. only more suffering for our people.
i pray in Messiah Yahushua's Mighty Name, aka Jesus Christ around the world- that He will redeem His People from the pit and wake US up!
Blessings all!
Yep, had experience with lying police officers. It's kind of a shock when you think these are supposed to be the good guys.
A tree was planted on the capitol grounds to honor Emmitt Till. My man Eric Holder spoke at the ceremony. I really feel attached to this story because Emmitt was the exact same age as my dad who also lived in Chicago at that time. Since his family was from New Orleans they drove through the south and he could have very easily ended up like Emmitt. I need to go visit the site.
Anon@10:11, always be careful of the o key doke. Watch the video again.Just sayin. :)
Limpbaugh I was thinking the same thing.
Pilot if u do go let us know what the experience is like.
"Makes you wonder why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time."
Kinky, if you want to know why blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time - go look in the mirror.
lilacpr2000 said...
Looks like in Ferguson nothing is going to change for the better. What a sorry situation for the people there!
Yep, it is getting blacker and blacker. Ferguson is doomed.
Yīshēng said...
And FINALLY a show with a Black woman as President!! Of course we ALL KNOW that ONLY happens in Africa
And we ALL KNOW how well Africa is run!
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
A tree was planted on the capitol grounds to honor Emmitt Till.
I look forward to the day when our government is planting trees for the white victims of black violence.
Has Obama lost the NY times?
President Obama is poised to ignore stark warnings that executive action on immigration would amount to “violating our laws” and would be “very difficult to defend legally.”
Those warnings came not from Republican lawmakers but from Mr. Obama himself.
For years, he has waved aside the demands of Latino activists and Democratic allies who begged him to act on his own, and he insisted publicly that a decision to shield millions of immigrants from deportation without an act of Congress would amount to nothing less than the dictates of a king, not a president.
I guess Obama talked himself into another corner.
Does he believe he's a king or the president?
FBI Warns Ferguson Decision ‘Will Likely’ Lead to Violence By Extremists Protesters
The bulletin cites a series of recent messages threatening law enforcement, including a message posted online last week by a black separatist group that offered “a $5,000 bounty for the location” of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, who fired the shots that killed Brown on Aug. 9.
Did the FBI ever issue warnings of violence from the extremists at nra or tea party protests?
field negro said...
Kinky, u two cut that out right now. I am getting jealous.
2:22 PM
O mi senor kinky! vez lo que you have done! Con tu sweet talking hablar! Now Senor Field esta celosooo!
Tenemos que stop esto! Pero es que I'm a sucker por el 'sweet talk' y when usted call me "isla princesa" :) o my,my!
usted es muy bad senor kinky! Y yo no puedo resist su charming ways! Shhhhh! No decir nada al Sr. Field!
The protesters in Ferguson are demanding the right to assault police officers without consequences.
Is this what "Civil Rights" has devolved to?
Much appreciation to FP for the balanced perspective imparted to Anon about the plight facing our children in communities throughout our nation and world.
Maybe you should start trying to raise your children right.
Well anon, when whites start getting lynched regularly by blah folks with no recourse or prosecution then we'll start planting trees for them but even that wouldn't satisfy a racist like yourself. White male victimhood is legion with the trolls here. It's sooooooo hard to be white in America huh?
And obviously being a racist you don't understand the significance of Emmitt Till. Oh and BTW, the civil rights memorial has the names of whites killed by fellow whites whose only crime was associating with negroes. Is that good enough for you?
Whites Only Laugh at Your Humor out of Pity. If you wish to continue lollygagging upon the dole, then show some patriotism you miserable brutes. The Moslems and Latins will not be so merciful. Moslems will force you to convert or die, force you to abandon drugs and alcohol, and whip you for hip hop music. Latins are already murdering you in droves in the southwest and the west, especially in California. White America is your greatest ally, so stop fighting us. You have a history in this nation, and it would be best for you to not attempt to create a distinct racial nationality within this land. Your division will only serve to hasten your oppression by foreigners who’s culture is more unlike your own than your modern day white “oppressors”,
You have done nothing but complain for as long as I can remember, and yet whites still struggle to maintain wealth and security in this land. We have a hard enough time as it is, you seem to think that you are the only ones struggling. Should you maintain a B- average and an SAT score equal to the national average, you will have money thrown at you to attend very good universities. All that is required is that you avoid gang influence and self destructive behaviors. Yet you continue to murder each other in a manner most akin to civil warfare and still blame your miserable state on white people who have nothing and want nothing to do with you.
If I hear another peep about the Black Struggle I may Vomit.
Go outside before u "vomit" . Or, maybe not. I am sure the smell will be the same: The stench of ignorance.
Bill's O obsession continues. It must drive wingnuts crazy to live under Obama rule.
I love it.
Bill Cosby loves him his Jello Pudding and rape.
If Cosby had stayed on the plantation, we never would have heard a word about his raping ways.
FP- "Anon, take another look at the video. this time, LISTEN to what our children are saying...
LISTEN to the demographics from whence they hail...
LISTEN to their experiences with their teachers/school...
LISTEN as they CLEARLY say they would not recommend their experiences to ANYONE...
then know that we are failing our babies/children as a nation.
yet, we reserve the Right to then we turn right around and blame them for our failures.
folk would rather denigrate the babies before they will find their BASS voices and address their MIA fathers..."
You are exactly right. And thank you for your insightful and wise comment. It looks like as a people that we might have crossed the point of no return with our children. If that is the case, we are also at the point of no return as a race. Our children are our future and greatest resources but we are treating them like throw a-ways.
It's a mystery to me why anybody cares about what happened in Ferguson when parents don't give a damn about what's happening to their children in school.
Does anybody care? If they do, then why aren't there outrage of against our pitiful parenting? against no fathering?
I am, and have been distraught at what's happening to us. The future is of the black race is bleak. It's as if we are all doing this macabre dance of death, waiting for the final curtain to fall.
History will not be kind to us. And I shutter to think what happens on Judgment Day. We haven't a leg to stand on for we are without spiritual legs today.
Thank you for your comment to me. As always, I learn more about myself, others and where we are ain't good.
God Bless you, Sister.
STAGGERING DISPARITY ACROSS AMERICA OF ARRESTS OF BLACKS AND OTHERS. I would like to say that it's not surprising and nothing has changed....but it's gotten worse.
This world is headed to hell in a hand-basket. There is violent conflict everywhere.
Another woman has come forth to accuse Bill Cosby of rape. WTF? why are all these women ganging up on poor Bill?
I know why. It's because he is a bm. Is there no rest for the bm? Lord have mercy.
Dear Mr Field, you'll be happy to know that O'Reilly spoke out about the Washington Redskin name and offered a solution for a new name. It was a brilliant idea. I would be very much interested in your opinion of the new suggested name for the team:
Sorry Anon, I happen to think that Bill O is an idiot.
Mr Field, your prejudices will keep you ignorant and uninformed.
On the other hand, at least you can empathize with racists. They think very much like you do about O'Reilly.
It's a shame prejudiced minds are unwilling to try to get beyond their closed minds.
One of the best comments ive ever read here!
You love it because youre an angry, hateful, evil, divisive person.
You make me fucking sick. Youre about as low and grimy as scum gets.
You will suffer for your evil ways.
Of course you do..because youre a racist black man.
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