"How prejudiced are Americans? The internet knows. Whether it's racism, sexism, cissexism, transphobia, classism, sizeism, or ableism, online residents are watching out for it and pointing it out at tremendous volume. Whole tumblrs are dedicated to meticulously cataloging the prejudiced histories of famous people.
While often useful and necessary, this strategy comes up short. The idea is that by "calling out" individual acts of oppression, we can raise awareness about the myriad subtle ways that prejudice manifests itself. The citizenry, better educated, will adjust its behaviors.
The problem is that white people, our dominant and most privileged socioeconomic group, tend to resist these critiques. In the case of racism, they are the ones who benefit from prejudice, and they squirm out of this stigma in increasingly interesting ways. How? These days, by loudly agreeing with those critiques, thereby signaling that they are meant for other, bad white people.
Think of the guy in critical theory class who embraces radical feminist authors extra-fervently in a bid to escape his own implication in the patriarchy. This bit of political jujitsu is rather "like buying an indulgence," as Reihan Salam put it at Slate.
One might respond that the answer is improved self-knowledge, greater humility, and more self-flagellation on the part of the privileged (see: #CrimingWhileWhite). Sure. But the problem is that there is no possible demonstration of prejudice and privilege that cannot also be appropriated by white people in the service of demonstrating the purity of their own views, resulting in an endless vortex of uncomfortable, obnoxious earnestness. Being a Not-Racist these days is getting very subtle indeed.
But there's another approach that is both simpler and far more difficult. Instead of focusing on individual guilt and innocence, the socioeconomic structure that undergirds racism can get equal or greater billing. If educating the privileged has reached a point of diminishing returns, then attacking racist outcomes with structural policy can make that education unnecessary.
Now, it should be noted that any individual instance of calling out prejudice is surely harmless and heartfelt. It should further be noted that many if not most anti-prejudice activists share these structural goals. The problem is a question of emphasis. Prejudiced words tend to get 10 times more attention than racist acts and structures. For example, Donald Sterling was hounded mercilessly for his racist comments, but largely ignored for his concretely racist actions as a landlord.
And the problems America faces go far beyond one rotten rich person. There's the prison-industrial complex. The stupendous wealth and income gap between black and white. The fact that the police randomly gun down unarmed black men and boys on a regular basis. That's just for starters — and it's getting worse, not better.
Working on those problems is going to take a massive nationwide policy effort. Prison and sentencing reform, ending the drug war, overhauling American policing, and implementing quota-based affirmative action would be a good start. In particular, there is a good case for class to take center stage in any anti-prejudice effort. Nearly all racist oppression is heavily mediated through economic structures and worsened by endemic poverty.." {More}
I agree with the reforms needed to curb institutional racism, and that economic self-reliance is remedy and possible cure-all for "racist oppression". But what is also needed is a level of individual soul searching that so call Christians found during the Christian Awakenings of the 18th and early 19th century in the United States.
It won't be easy. The "individual guilt" the author writes about, in my humble opinion, is tied to the larger institutions because of the makeup of the people and policy makers who run those institutions.
We will probably never be able to change what is in their hearts, but we can certainly hold them accountable and shame them into doing the right thing-----even if they do so reluctantly.
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»Their "reluctance" should inspire all of us. Humor is good, too. Mock the hell out of the Archie Bunkers, until they join the rest of us in the 21st Century.
As for fixes to the institutional aspects of racism, sending educational e-mails to SCOTUS would be a good place to start. That's an institution deserving of some serious mocking.
The fact is that every American, in fact everyone, has the right to be prejudiced since freedom of thought is a basic human right. There are those who believe some prejudgment is healthy and basic to human nature. In fact, I see a great deal of that in you own words and in how you speak of "bad white people." Have you even met these people? Or, are they just a nebulous, faceless concept integral to your narrative of oppression?
What a powerful picture!
The individual soul searching that you propose Field, should perhaps begin from the pulpits in the churches?
But I guess first God would have to convert the hearts and minds of all of those preachers and reverends that are racist themselves...
False blue,
Color of lilac,
Your great puffs of flowers
Are everywhere in this my New England.
Among your heart-shaped leaves
Orange orioles hop like music-box birds and sing
Their little weak soft songs;
In the crooks of your branches
The bright eyes of song sparrows sitting on spotted eggs
Peer restlessly through the light and shadow
Of all Springs.
Lilacs in dooryards
Holding quiet conversations with an early moon;
Lilacs watching a deserted house
Settling sideways into the grass of an old road;
Lilacs, wind-beaten, staggering under a lopsided shock of bloom
Above a cellar dug into a hill.
You are everywhere.
You were everywhere.
You tapped the window when the preacher preached his sermon,
And ran along the road beside the boy going to school.
You stood by the pasture-bars to give the cows good milking,
You persuaded the housewife that her dishpan was of silver.
And her husband an image of pure gold.
You flaunted the fragrance of your blossoms
Through the wide doors of Custom Houses—
You, and sandal-wood, and tea,
Charging the noses of quill-driving clerks
When a ship was in from China.
You called to them: “Goose-quill men, goose-quill men,
May is a month for flitting.”
Until they writhed on their high stools
And wrote poetry on their letter-sheets behind the propped-up ledgers.
Paradoxical New England clerks,
Writing inventories in ledgers, reading the “Song of Solomon” at night,
So many verses before bed-time,
Because it was the Bible.
The dead fed you
Amid the slant stones of graveyards.
Pale ghosts who planted you
Came in the nighttime
And let their thin hair blow through your clustered stems.
You are of the green sea,
And of the stone hills which reach a long distance.
You are of elm-shaded streets with little shops where they sell kites and marbles,
You are of great parks where every one walks and nobody is at home.
You cover the blind sides of greenhouses
And lean over the top to say a hurry-word through the glass
To your friends, the grapes, inside.
False blue,
Color of lilac,
You have forgotten your Eastern origin,
The veiled women with eyes like panthers,
The swollen, aggressive turbans of jeweled pashas.
Now you are a very decent flower,
A reticent flower,
A curiously clear-cut, candid flower,
Standing beside clean doorways,
Friendly to a house-cat and a pair of spectacles,
Making poetry out of a bit of moonlight
And a hundred or two sharp blossoms.
Maine knows you,
Has for years and years;
New Hampshire knows you,
And Massachusetts
And Vermont.
Cape Cod starts you along the beaches to Rhode Island;
Connecticut takes you from a river to the sea.
You are brighter than apples,
Sweeter than tulips,
You are the great flood of our souls
Bursting above the leaf-shapes of our hearts,
You are the smell of all Summers,
The love of wives and children,
The recollection of gardens of little children,
You are State Houses and Charters
And the familiar treading of the foot to and fro on a road it knows.
May is lilac here in New England,
May is a thrush singing “Sun up!” on a tip-top ash tree,
May is white clouds behind pine-trees
Puffed out and marching upon a blue sky.
May is a green as no other,
May is much sun through small leaves,
May is soft earth,
And apple-blossoms,
And windows open to a South Wind.
May is full light wind of lilac
From Canada to Narragansett Bay.
False blue,
Color of lilac.
Heart-leaves of lilac all over New England,
Roots of lilac under all the soil of New England,
Lilac in me because I am New England,
Because my roots are in it,
Because my leaves are of it,
Because my flowers are for it,
Because it is my country
And I speak to it of itself
And sing of it with my own voice
Since certainly it is mine.
And if we every got beyond prejudice and racism-the racial grievance industry would go out of business.
Can't have that happening, can we FN?
"Think of the guy in critical theory class who embraces radical feminist authors extra-fervently in a bid to escape his own implication in the patriarchy."
What supreme nonsensical drivel this shit is!
First and foremost, establish that a "patriarchy" actually exists! Women are:
- Far and away the biggest recipients of child support, alimony and property
- The least amount of prisoners
- The least amount of homeless
- Far less likely to die a work-related death
- By law entitled to female-specific laws, privileges and exemptions
- Have entire collegiate code dedicated to them
- 20:1 less likely to be charged for filing false reports or arrested for domestic violence
- The majority of college students
But, yeah, we live in a "patriarchy" that's operated by men, for men, and we hate women!
This shit is just as nonsensical as white supremacist society.
Here's a new flash: Some people just fucking suck and can't get out of their own way, so they like to look around and blame their and others' plight on "injustice," shit like the mythical and demonstrably false "wage gap" and "misogyny" and "systemic" nonsense that supposedly permeates our culture.
Ableism? LMFAO! What's next? The bigotry against headmates and otherkin? This shit is fucking sickening.
Want to be a victim? That's fine by me. But I'll be damned if people are just going to stand around and allow you to point a shit-covered needling finger in their direction, as if to blame them for everyone else's problems!
Tumblr is a place where sissies gather to speak about just how incredibly frustrated they are that the world refuses to treat them like special snowflakes. Being treated like everyone else in today's world is suddenly bigotry and oppression! One in a victim class (which Tumblr creates a new one every week) must be shown deference, lest white male supremacist patriarchy is out to get them!
Grow the fuck up. Life isn't tailored to your feelings.
I've done all I can to bring peace to this blog. Yet unrest continues.
Why are snowflakes always white?
A classic example of racism and white privilege.
Thanks Josh.
"implementing quota-based affirmative action"
Nothing says fighting racism like implementing racists polices that give the less qualified a advantage because of their skin color.
To the Fanatical African America Activists, all inequity is a manifestation of the class struggle. It is an expression of the conflict between the "progressive forces of the minority" and the "reactionary forces of imperialistic majority," which they feel will be timely resolved in favor of the minority. The activists' concept of inequity represents a continuation of slavery. In their perceptions, oppression occurs when there is a deficit of protest. Only constant protest brings change. Change is necessary to end oppression.
The political theorists of this movement compare the minority and majority camps by a concept called the "correlation of forces." This concept compares the relative political, moral, economic, and judicial strengths of both sides. In the Activists' view, the correlation of forces has been shifting since the Civil Rights victories of the 1960's. Their ideology requires the correlation to shift continuously in favor of the minority regardless of verisimilitude to history. The correlation of forces may be advanced by both violent and nonviolent means. When it is advanced by violent means, the anti-law enforcement component of the correlation is the dominant factor.
@ Anon 8:24 PM
What a glorious poem! Such vivid imagery and such passion! I love it!
Thank you so much for sharing this beauty!
Dear Lilac,
It is my belated Christmas gift to you and my atonement for other less pleasant words. You are most gracious.
S. G.
There will always be racists. There will always be race players. Yet you will not always be so young and full of fire. Let those flames shape you into the man you will be. And when you have arrived at your own destiny, you will not care that the world has remained the same.
See the Way of life as a stream. A man floats, and his way is smooth. The same man, turning to fight upstream, exhausts himself. To be One with the Universe, each must find his true path and follow it
Remember this. The thorn defends the rose. It harms only those who would steal the blossom from the plant.
Hey, maybe it's "fire." I don't know. I just know that I run in skeptic circles, which are full of progressive and feminists and others who, while pretending to be skeptical about religion, fully embrace the idea of patriarchy and systemic injustice with anecdotal evidence at best.
I'm personally fed up past my limit of being blamed for all the world's ills simply because I'm a white male. The unmitigated gall of someone to say, "Think of the guy in critical theory class who embraces radical feminist authors extra-fervently in a bid to escape his own implication in the patriarchy."
That is explicitly saying that, "You're a male. As a male, you are responsible for the patriarchy in which we live, so your championing of female-specific causes is not enough! It's a cheap ploy to assuage your guilt."
It's so ridiculous to have people in this nation who rob, cheat, steal, refuse to do the things that everyone else must do to get ahead, and then turn around and blame whitey and patriarchy and systemic issues when they don't achieve equal outcomes.
Where in predominantly black precincts around this nation have white people even left a footprint in the past 3 decades? Yet, it's not their fault -- it's "racism" coming from white supremacist society; i.e. not enough of people from the outside giving exorbitant amounts of money for education and housing and businesses (that will just end up robbed and broken, playing the odds).
What have men done in the past four decades to hold women down or hold women back? We put them up on pedestals. My list could have went on and on, including:
- Women aren't drafted
- Women are far more likely to receive government assistance
- Women's shelters outnumber men's 50:1
- Women receive preference for quotas
- Etc...
There is such a heavy push in America to never, ever, not even once, look at the actual people suffering to see if they can do anything different. Nooooo... that's "victim blaming," and that's racist! Mustn't do that. Instead, blame everyone else for every little issue to befall an entire group. How much lower does America need to make standards before they're "fair"?
You are a man of much passion Justice and for knowledge. But there is but one lesson to learn in both. In matters of conflict, avoid, rather than confront. Confront, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious, nor can any be replaced. Follow this path and you will fear no challenge.
Field, thank you for the photo. It brings back memories...bad ones. I remember the vile wretched Whites with the facial expressions of demons. Those folks wanted to kill those Blacks. Their hatred was astonishingly evil.
It took great courage for those few Blacks to enter University of Alabama. Today, some of those who took the risk with their lives still carry the scars of those days.
I'm much older now and still experience the stench of racism. I really don't have much hope it will change. There are too many people in this country who don't want to do the right thing. They want it to continue, even though they say they don't.
Many blame Blacks, not Whites. Many claim 'they' are the victims, not the Blacks. Go figure.
If there is a God, He is short on souls in heaven. However, the devil is extremely busy...so busy he is on the verge of a great victory!
Dear Anonymous 0932:
True insight cannot be gained by length of years, specialized knowledge, by victory or defeat, doctrine or dogma. It can only be achieved by the illumination of one's inner self. That is the only home of peace. This is the lesson you must be careful not to overlook. As deeply as runs your disdain for a certain enemy, as deeply runs the truth that you are no different than your enemy. You both lack peace.
@ S G 8:59 PM
It's a lovely,lovely gift and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you!
When debating, the opponent must be confronted with more than one situation to deal with. One should not be diverted by rhetorical objectives of your opponent, but should concentrate on the destruction of the opponent's position. Detailed, exacting preparation must precede an execution of a strategy. Design actions to preempt the opponent and keep him reacting to situations that you control. Concentrate on the opponent's weak points rather than his strengths.
Josh, u seem like a dude who definitely has issues with the fairer sex. *patting couch and inviting u to sit*.
Field, you misunderstand Josh.
I think Josh is shorter than his wife.
MUCH shorter.
"It's so ridiculous to have people in this nation who rob, cheat, steal, refuse to do the things that everyone else must do to get ahead, and then turn around and blame whitey and patriarchy and systemic issues when they don't achieve equal outcomes."
There are Whites, lots of them, who rob, cheat, steal. And get this: they kill and murder Blacks and get away with it. Of course, it's fairly common in America since slavery.
Today, the cops just shoot Blacks numerous times, regardless of age, until they are certain the Black is dead.
Of course, it's understandable why Whites shoot Blacks. They are afraid. And that is the best reason of all for Whites.
Yisheng, are for harmony among the races or are you for attacking people?
The joining together of man and woman is always to be honored with mutual respect between the two. Apart, there is no life; but from such union, life may proceed. The husband who is open-eyed is open-minded. The husband who is open-minded is open-hearted. The husband who is open-hearted is kingly. For he first made his wife his queen before he made himself a king.
Yinsheng is after only one thing: Becoming assistant shift manager at McDonalds.
Yawshang is a lotus flower in a pond of ripples.
Ten million living things have as many different worlds. Do not see yourself as the center of the universe.
If you sow rice, you will grow rice. If you sow fear, you will grow fear. If you sow barley, you will drink beer.
"The joining together of man and woman is always to be honored with mutual respect between the two. Apart, there is no life; but from such union, life may proceed."
If you are saying that life cannot go forward without the union of man and woman, where does that leave the same sex marriages?
Lord have mercy, you have got me to thinking about what I don't want to think about....the Truth and its consequences.
From the Crane, we learn grace and self-control.
The Snake teaches us suppleness and rhythmic endurance.
The Praying Mantis teaches us speed and patience.
And from the Tiger, we learn tenacity and power.
And from the Dragon, we learn to ride the wind.
But from you, we learn to laugh.
What you ponder is a deep mystery. The mind and the body and the spirit are one. When the body expresses the desires of the mind and the spirit, the body is in tune with nature, the act is pure and there is no shame. Love is harmony. Love is Life.
"Issues with the fairer sex."
I'll hand it to ya, Field. In terms of nonstarters, that's at least tame. Most feminists, when confronted with facts, just label a man as misogynist in order to avoid dealing with said facts.
What I listed are facts. What you posted was some hogwash opinion piece about how a man who claims to appreciate feminist literature only does so to deflect blame away from his obvious part in patriarchy.
Sorry, but "patriarchy" is a myth. It is demonstrable and can be shown numerous ways, whereas feminists' only claim to the "patriarchy" include cooked rape statistics, the fraudulent wage gap, and misleading statistics about domestic abuse.
We do not live in a patriarchy. And, yes, I get pissed off when women claim not only that we do, but that men agreeing with the feminist cause are only doing so to assuage their own guilt.
But, let's be honest: Nobody wants to address the facts of a situation. Sophistry is the number-one tool of the grievance industry. "Oh, you have a problem with women!"
Lulz....yeah? Tell me something new. What's next? I hate blahs because one stole my GF? Always something other than dealing with things that are necessarily empirical, and the claim we live in a patriarchy is necessarily empirical, and it can be shown as demonstrably false, much like a test for the flu -- you either have it or you don't.
You need to calm down. Your GF is gone.
Anon. 11:18pm, She was always going to leave him. He just can't admit that.
Fengshui is a grasshopper that makes no sound.
To know love, be like the running brook, while deaf, yet sings its melody for others to hear.
What utter nonsense this piece is.
Racism is as natural as breathing.
Everywhere else in the world, this is accepted as a fact of life.
But in America we live in this fantasy world where reality itself is labelled racist.
Whites are the only people on the planet who try to treat people from other races the same (or better) than they treat their own people. This ultimately has the same effect as not breathing, as non-white people do not believe this nonsense.
In America, we encourage non-whites to be racist. We reward them for racist behavior. But whites expressing any group interest is forbidden.
The entire weight of the federal government, the media, entertainment, and education establishments is still fighting a war against white racism that was won 50 years ago. There is absolutely nothing left to white racism that could harm anyone. It has become such a rare and valuable commodity that an entire industry has developed to mine it. It can make you rich, famous, even be used to excuse any crime, including murder.
What a crock of shit this country has become.
@ Anon:
LOL -- yeah. She went black, and she never came back. I think they found her in a van somewhere, dead from an OD after going into extreme debt and losing two jobs to pay her new baby daddy's bills. And she gained 60 pounds in the process, and had the brothas drooling over her. Something about those fat white girls.....
But anyway, all joking aside, you gotta appreciate the standard used by social justice warriors.
A) Person makes claim about patriarchy, posits it as fact, claims also that men only agree with feminists to hide their complicity in the patriarchy.
B) Man, accused of being part of patriarchy, argues against patriarchy using facts.
A) Men arguing against gross, maligning claim of being part of patriarchy is accused of having women problems, lest he would just STFU and let nutty chicks say whatever they wanted to say.
It's a catch-22. Either STFU and be thought of as an oppressive male in patriarchy, or speak up and be thought of as an oppressive male in patriarchy.
Fucking sophistry.
You seem calmer now. It's good to see you making a joke. But I know that must have been a painful experience, losing a GF.
Giant spider stalks Voodoo Fest in New Orleans!
It's the holidays and we really need some religious talks on FN. Field, why don't you ask Anon Inc for some sermons?
Of the Giant Spider!
Yeah, mine is also slippery and hard to handle. I like the challenge though :) I don't know, some days it works better than others. I haven't figured out if it's because my pole is either warm or cold.... overall confused about the whole thing. Just keep trying! I wish you much luck. Hang in there. You will succeed. Of that, I have no doubt.
Integration seems to be a good way decrease racism. The public's attitude about gays seemed to change overnight. I think a big part of that was gays shaming each other into coming out. Once people realized they had friends, neighbors, relatives, and co-workers who were gay, people changed their minds about it. And when it comes to education, people do need to learn that their is inequality out there.
Mighty Negro Field, if you travel I hope you not forget bring with many clothings, US dollars, and jar of gypsy tears to protect you from Republicans. I in USSA many years now. It great success! High five!
Ray Ciss said...
Whites are the only people on the planet who try to treat people from other races the same (or better) than they treat their own people. This ultimately has the same effect as not breathing, as non-white people do not believe this nonsense.
In other words, WASPs are the least racist people on earth. They are noteworthy for NOT navigating life via family and ethnic connections -- the very opposite of the endlessly repeated "white privilege" slander.
Interestingly, a couple of nonwhite foreigners have told me that the USA is the least racist country on earth. Hmmmm....
"Integration seems to be a good way decrease racism."
Yeah? Forced diversity may in fact be--at least partially--responsible for so much disdain and racial disharmony. Let's face it: There are a lot of folks who don't want to mix. That goes for whites, blacks, Latinos, Asians, and particularly Natives. Whatever one might say about how we once treated Natives, what is true is that during that time, to the conqueror went the spoils. So, we didn't have to give them reservations. It might sound cruel, but we were the conquering people. Instead, we segmented them off from the populous, and while Natives are very poor, there's no pushback to join the rest of society. They might not be happy, but they certainly don't want to create diversity.
So we have a precedent existing in modern-day America. IMO--and I'm no nationalist or anything--allowing people to be segregated if they so choose might just be a way to quash some of the disharmony.
Cowboys and Indians aren't trying to kill one another these days. I don't think white folks are lining up to buy homes in East St. Louis either.
If black folks think white folks are out to get them, I have no problem allowing black folks to have free reign of entire cities, including the government, police, education, etc. White folks can find another place. Latino folks can find another place. If people want to blend, let them. But don't force it.
It would also be a good--albeit a tragic violation of human rights and dignity--experiment to see if "whitey" is really the problem.
When you force diversity, you're not simply mixing people. You are whittling away at existing culture to make room for the non-assimilation of competing cultures. See Sweden and their African immigrants' frequent riots and looting, and it becomes clear that forcing diversity isn't a cure-all.
So if I asked you about art, you'd probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. Michelangelo, you know a lot about him. Life's work, political aspirations, him and the pope, sexual orientations, the whole works, right? But I'll bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You've never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling; seen that. If I ask you about women, you'd probably give me a syllabus about your personal favorites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy. You're a tough kid. And I'd ask you about war, you'd probably throw Shakespeare at me, right, "once more unto the breach dear friends." But you've never been near one. You've never held your best friend's head in your lap, watch him gasp his last breath looking to you for help. I'd ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet. But you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. Known someone that could level you with her eyes, feeling like God put an angel on earth just for you. Who could rescue you from the depths of hell. And you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel, to have that love for her, be there forever, through anything, through cancer. And you wouldn't know about sleeping sitting up in the hospital room for two months, holding her hand, because the doctors could see in your eyes, that the terms "visiting hours" don't apply to you. You don't know about real loss, 'cause it only occurs when you've loved something more than you love yourself. And I doubt you've ever dared to love anybody that much. And look at you... I don't see an intelligent, confident man... I see a cocky, scared shitless kid. But you're a genius Josh. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about me because you saw a post of mine, and you ripped my fucking life apart. You're an orphan right?
I know you're experiencing that awkward moment when you were just about to kiss someone as sexy as hell and then you hit the mirror. We've all been there.
When shit starts to get this weird, it's probably a good indicator of your medicine clock expiring. Pop another pill, fight off those headmates, and strive on.
Keep calm and dose!
Mr. Eric Holder is certainly one white man that’s not scared to talk about race. He was there in Ferguson and he stood in solidarity with protesters around the nation.
You're growing into a responsible young man giving such caring advice. You seem to have a sense of greater serenity than just two hours ago. I'll keep sending you the positive, green light energy. It's calming and healing. You need both right now.
Try this mantra and know that you are the jewel of the lotus.
Om...Mani.... Padme....Hum....
Om...Mani.... Padme....Hum....
Om...Mani.... Padme....Hum....
Om...Mani.... Padme....Hum....
Om...Mani.... Padme....Hum....
Om...Mani.... Padme....Hum....
I find this very inspiring. Selma is nothing if not ambitious. DuVernay aims to evoke the urgency behind King’s goal to enfranchise Southern blacks—that’s why she interrupts her chronology to depict the church bombing in Birmingham that killed four little girls in 1963. (She envisions them chattering, pre-explosion, about Coretta Scott King’s hairstyle.) And she seeks to emphasize the grounded political wisdom behind the high-flying rhetoric of King’s nonviolent protest. When King arrives in Selma and confronts the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), his youthful competition, he states three principles of protest—“Negotiate, demonstrate, resist.” He explains that raising white America’s consciousness is as crucial as organizing black communities. King’s marches provoke racists to behave badly so national media will take notice. DuVernay lays that much out clearly. But when his legions proceed to the courthouse, the awful spectacle of Southern white lawmen brutalizing righteous citizens overpowers the film’s attempt to engage viewers more deeply. DuVernay’s scenes of street atrocities achieve a dogged power, but her rendering of King’s character fails to provide a counter-weight to all the carnage. With police batons thudding against flesh and bone, and almost surreal images like a mounted posse-man in a cowboy hat lashing men and women of all ages, the movie captures horrific challenges to civil disobedience. But it doesn’t clarify King’s own complicated responses to events.
I think there needs to be a black awakening in this country.
Blacks need to be happy.
Blacks need to stop committing so much crime.
Black mens need to start supporting they chillins.
Black women need to get over themselves.
America is less racially divided today than it was before Obama took office.
Or so Obama says.
America is less divided than Iraq after Obama disastrously pulled out the troops.
What we need around here is some new carpet.
Heri za Kwanzaa!
Happy Kwanzaa! PilotX!
Traditional Kwanzaa Song
Dollar Mamie she be comin' 'round signin'
Signin' 'bout cherry cobbler and kill the gobbler
Almost time to eat and slobber
Dollar Mamie she be comin' round singin'
Neigh on Wintertime pantry packin'
Gravy lip smackin' and no more corn shuckin'
Dollar Mamie she be comin' round naggin'
Face all a saggin' feet all a draggin'
Teeth a nashin' 'cause she pull the wagon
Dollar Mamie she be comin' 'round shin''
Moanin' and a cryin'
Cause she old and her time's a flyin'
Field, you might be interested in the cover article in the most recent issue of Mother Jones.
Everyone has prejudices. The trick is getting people to recognize them and work at undoing the results of a lifetime of social conditioning. It's not easy, although we've come a long way. At least now even most overt bigots recognize that being labelled as a racist is a bad thing. 60 or 70 years ago they didn't care. They were proud of their memberships in groups like the Klan or White Citizens Councils. Not anymore, with the exception of a few knuckle-draggers who are such losers that the only thing they can claim to be proud of is a genetic accident they had no control over.
So Ray Ciss thinks that everyone is a racist except him and his peeps. Interesting.
Pssst, Mr. Ray Ciss, be careful; you don't want your fellow aryan brothers to find out that you are posting their (not so) secret manifesto on a black blog.
US police forces = destination for America's poor White trash.
How many Rockefellars and
Kennedys are in law enforcement?
There is nothing natural or normal about racism. Systemic racism was invented in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as a retroactive justification for the economic imperative of slavery.
The Mediterranean societies of antiquity attached no particular significance to race.
"The Greeks and Romans attached no special stigma to color, regarding yellow hair or blue eyes a mere geographical accident, and developed no special racial theory about the inferiority of darker peoples qua darker peoples. H.L. Shapiro notes that 'modern man is race conscious in a way and to a degree certainly not characteristic previously,' and points out that in earlier societies the ability to see obvious physical differences did not result in 'an elaborate orientation of human relations within a rigid frame of reference."
—Frank M. Snowden Jr., Blacks in Antiquity 1970
Anon1:57AM, you can't be serious.
President Obama Tells NPR News The U.S. Is "Less Racially Divided" Than In 2008
Bill, Obama's presidency simply brought out what Blacks have always known was there.
No better, no worse.
You be bit chin'!
The Purple Cow said...
There is nothing natural or normal about racism. Systemic racism was invented in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as a retroactive justification for the economic imperative of slavery.
Previous civilizations had no need to justify slavery.
And perhaps the notion of race had not been refined much in the past, but the concept of tribe and nation were at the core of identity, and for most of human history, genocide didn't need must justification either.
The last vestiges of systemic racism, which persisted in only a few states, were expunged 50 years ago. White racism was completely deligitimized decades ago. Yet the war goes on.We have always been at war with white racism.
Whites are not working together to keep blacks down. 'Whites' are not sticking together to accord special privileges on whiteness.
One the other hand, blacks feel justified in lashing out at whites based on the message that slavery never really ended.
There are many non-WASP groups that do stick together to pursue in-group interests - Jews, Indians,Chinese, Koreans - this is quite normal throughout the world. Mainstream white Americans are the exception when it comes to the pursuit of ethnic interests.
Yet is only this imaginary white privilege that we are concerned about. Who is setting this agenda anyway?
Nan said...
Everyone has prejudices. The trick is getting people to recognize them and work at undoing the results of a lifetime of social conditioning
Why would you want to undo a lifetime of social conditioning? You would want to correct what you had gotten wrong, but much of makes up stereotypes and even prejudices is valuable information that you need to navigate the world well.
For most people, racism is based on personal experience, yet does not survive personal interaction. You may believe most white people are assholes, but if you interact with a white person who consistently behaves in a decent manner, you will begin to see that person as an individual. It may move your opinion of white people in general only slightly if at all, but you will no longer impose that template of assholery on that particular white person.
If you meet and interact with enough white people who are decent toward you and don't run into too many assholes, your overall white person stereotype will change. This of course will be influenced by what you read, see and hear from the media, but personal experience cannot be completely negated by propaganda.
We never really know what is in other people's hearts. What matters is how they treat you.
A personal anecdote (not mine):
I was getting my hair cut in the local barbershop one day. I had just moved to the neighborhood, and my car had been broken into and the stereo stolen. I mentioned it to the barber (we're both white), and he said "It was probably some damn black kid who came up here from the city on the #3 (bus)". I didn't say anything, but I said to myself "This guy is a racist" and from then forward I tried to patronize other barbers in the shop. Then one day I saw something interesting. I was getting my hair cut by a different barber when a black woman came in with a couple of rowdy kids in tow. Here was a stereotype just made for disdain for a racist. She was fat, her kids were urban and belligerent, they were obviously lower class urban, likely from different fathers (there were three kids and their skin tone varied a lot. I know that doesn't mean anything, but that's my observation, my filtering of Us and Them). What did the "racist" barber do? He greeted her professionally with a smile, bantered a bit, took the kids one at a time into his chair and gave them excellent haircuts. He thanked them for coming in, and asked them to come back again soon, even when they didn't tip. (I made an excuse to hang out just to see how it all played out).
Well. Here's a conundrum. A man I had tagged as racist because of his statement had just acted in a decidedly non-racist fashion. He revealed his racist thoughts to me because he tagged me as part of his Us, but then when a time came where he might act upon those thoughts, he didn't. He didn't treat his customers as Them.
Honestly, what more can society ask? Think or believe what you will. Say what you want (within limits). How you act....that's where the rubber meets the road. You could be as racist as Woodrow Wilson, but if it doesn't affect how you treat people, so what? To my mind, and I think to most conservatives, that's the reality of racism.
Good point about the police Doc, the LAPD used to recruit in the deep south. Imagine their glee when they found out they could get paid to beat nigras.
Good point Doc, now it seems people are more intent on showing their personal feelings. It used to be people of good manners kept their political opinions to themselves in public and at work but now that ended because so many want to bitch about the "worst" president ever but we all know what they really mean.
Agree that in the real world how you actually treat people is more important than what's in your heart.
But doesn't that go contrary to the whole Christian thingy?
That comment that a black person stole your stereo is certainly stereotypical of many whites to say. I think it's time that all white decide not to follow their bass instincts towards bias. The black community needs to turn up the treble on the issue of racial stereotyping by continued protests. Through such effort all society will gain greater awareness of the issue being brought to full volume. Absolute clarity is needed from our leaders as well about the rights of all Americans to be free of the incessant, annoying and thumping subwoofer of racial prejudice.
Brother Field,
You must have known many Christians who appear to be hypocrites. I have in my experience. For the longest time, I saw that as the problem with Christians and religious people in general. However, over time, I have come to see that such hypocrisy is rather a human problem, a problem of personal character. It is played out most profoundly when one espouses any creed or system of belief beyond their moral capacity to fulfill. For some, this ideal is merely the standards of society or their chosen profession. Indeed, certain profession foster such hypocrisy as they, but their very nature, involve certain departures from good moral conduct. For example, does not an attorney, defending a client he knows is being guilty, often find himself in that place of tension between the ideal of doing what is right and doing whatever it takes to win the case? Do they not often choose to abandon the practice of law as a path to true justice and pursue it rather as a game of contest? You tell me. You're the lawyer.
@ Anonymous:
So, if a white person really did have their stereo stolen by a black person, you're saying that they shouldn't say such because it reinforces stereotypes?
Here's a novel idea that I'm sure will get me labeled as a racist: Don't steal car stereos!
Like it or not, stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. And let's be completely honest here. Field allows all sorts of comments, so we might as well implement some brutal honesty. Nobody, and I mean nobody, gives a shit about stereotypes unless they're negative.
- Black men are hung
- Black people are better at sports and athletics
- Mixed babies are so cute
- Blacks have rhythm
Positive stereotypes are embraced, but logically speaking a positive stereotype is every bit as either accurate/inaccurate as a negative stereotype. The only difference is the emotional investment made in the negative.
If a community of any sort wishes to turn the volume up on anything, it should be on those who perpetuate negative stereotypes by falling into negative behaviors. For instance, instead of a Catholic complaining that too many people stereotype priests as pedophiles, their efforts would be better spent telling priests to stop molesting kids.
It's really simple, at least in my humble opinion. But it's also understandable that some folks have too much emotion invested in these topics. I can't break balls on that front.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
It used to be people of good manners kept their political opinions to themselves in public and at work but now that ended because so many want to bitch about the "worst" president ever but we all know what they really mean.
Your point is bush brought out the worse in dumbocrats?
"Agree that in the real world how you actually treat people is more important than what's in your heart.
But doesn't that go contrary to the whole Christian thingy?"
"Like it or not, stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. And let's be completely honest here. Field allows all sorts of comments, so we might as well implement some brutal honesty. Nobody, and I mean nobody, gives a shit about stereotypes unless they're negative.
- Black men are hung
- Black people are better at sports and athletics
- Mixed babies are so cute
- Blacks have rhythm"
Be we do care about stereotypes that are supposed to be positive but are, in fact, negative.
For instance, see three of the four stereotypes you mentioned above.
Josh, Josh,
Let me offer you these words. I see your struggle and my heart stirs. You are clearly carrying a burden you do not understand. You have a great fear of those who differ from you. This is because you see such difference as a threat. Yet, that fear is only emblematic of a deeper and very human fear, a fear you cover over with so much anger, the fear of your own mortality. As long as you think of your real self as the person you are, then of course you're going to be fearful of death, fearful of others, untrusting of the world around you. But what is a person? A person is a pattern of behavior, of a larger awareness. You know, the two-year-old dies before the three-year-old shows up, the three-year-old dies before the teenager shows up. All of life is a dying and rebirth, Josh. So, I invite you. I implore you. Reach deep into your womb and give birth to yourself.
those that don't even attempt to walk the narrow path, Love to call others hypocrites.
in doing so, prove themselves to be hypocrites.
heathens hate to be judged...
they just love to judge others.
didn't folk get the memo?
Messiah is the Perfect One.
everybody else is trying to be like Him.
even lucifer. he, of course, with a wicked twist.
there are no perfect people. we would have to clear all history books, if that were the standard. and they would be clear indeed.
it is written that the accuser stands night and day to make accusations against His People.
so, oh well.
that's just what it is.
i would rather struggle to find the narrow path while giving Him Praise, stumbling and falling, than to not even bother to seek or know Him at all.
for those that think there are many ways to come to the Father- take that up with Messiah. He said there was only one way. + He died for the forgiveness of our sins.
there are Good souls everywhere. i pray for US all in Messiah's Name. that those who know Him/His Word will get to know Him/His Word better. that those who don't now Him/His Word will get to know Him.
"Black men are hung"
Trod upon this field
Become the shadow
Of those who slumber beneath
Let your thoughts pass to them
Like a single tear
Full and warm
Rolling down your cheek
To fall and touch
Their parched and dreamless slumber
Dream of them waking
Enter into their sleep
Look upon their last hours
And let those hours be your first
And behold for the first time
Age beside eternal youth
Life beside eternal death
Rising up again each evening
In that beautiful night
Which once brought them rest
Find yourself among them there
Lying in that dim repose
Listening to their silences
Allowing their blood to fill your veins
To overflow into your outer self
Allow their breath to fill your lungs
To speak within you
And from you
To become their voice
Calling themselves from sleep
Rousing themselves from the depths
Beckoning themselves into the twilight
To that place where life embraces death
Where brown mingles with green
Where rivers touch the desert
Where day and night kiss
Where sky touches earth
Where the dew of heaven meets the air
To that threshold of between
Where spirits commune intertwined again
Where shadows stretch and strain
Rising at the last glow
To touch life
And the face of eternity
"Be we do care about stereotypes that are supposed to be positive but are, in fact, negative."
i see what may have been meant by earlier comment. though Scriptures teaches that our hearts are evil, unless He sits on the throne of it. so to act Right in spite of heart felt thoughts= on point.
at the end of the day, if folk would act Right would we still be mad 'cause they couldn't Love for Real? shouldn't that be something we pray for them on?
i pray for Josh. he seems truly upset:( while i don't agree with all points or even most. i can see where he is trying to come from. not sure how to increase understanding without joining the debate and i would rather not;)
Blessings all!
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Good point about the police Doc, the LAPD used to recruit in the deep south. Imagine their glee when they found out they could get paid to beat nigras.
Yinsheng and PilotX are a couple of hardcore racists bitching about racism.
Go figure.
Good Will Hunting was a good movie. Nice plagiarism there.
"We do not live in a patriarchy."
So maybe young Joshua can explain why we have never had a female President. Just a by-product of a non-partriarchal society?
"Yinsheng and PilotX are a couple of hardcore racists bitching about racism."
And Colonel Corn is a hardcore racist bitching about other hardcore racists bitching about racism. Irony is lost on teh stupid.
Dear FP,
You say they Scriptures teach that we are evil. Yet, have you ever consulted the Sculptures regarding our nature. What woman upon beholding Michael Angelo's "David" does not fall at once to her knees with her mouth, in awe, gaping?
Dear Arthur,
Thank you for your kind words.
"i pray for Josh. he seems truly upset"
Should I just shout "nigger, nigger, spic chinks!" or make some rambling, nonsensical post about Bible verses or movie quotes? I do not understand the standard that a person cannot disagree with something, and thus voice that disagreement, without being accused of something.
That I'm angry, that I don't like women, that -- whatever!
In what type of world do some of you inhabit that an individual cannot give voice to an alternative opinion without it being hate or anger or something other than a logical assessment of a situation?
(That's a rhetorical question, of course; I know the answer: The PC world where all opinions are either the same, or there's a nefarious purpose behind it.)
Am I screaming throughout my comments? Am I cursing any gender? Do I have hordes of exclamation points which might express some type of "anger?"
For flip's sake, now I got somebody "praying" for me simply because I dare to offer up a lengthy assessment of dissent.
I'm starting to figure out why so many people decide to troll at Field's rather than attempting to engage in any worthwhile debate. It's much easier to troll, and everybody assumes you're trolling even when you're serious. lol
as it relates to the pic...
the first thing i thought was how if this sista in the pic ...
tried to tell folk how some of these women get down...
folk will be trying to silence her by calling her "jealous" or asking if a ww took her man...
i know...
that nice lady's face is all twisted out of shape in hatred;( get her together and she would promptly cry + lie + deny that she started it.
glad the battle is less in folk face today. there has been change. there just needs to be a lot more of it...
You misunderstand the pic. The WW is jealous of the BW because she looks so cool in those sunglasses. The WW tried a pair on once and just looked like Elton John, sorry Sir Elton John.
What we need our here is some lucite.
3:28 PM
if you study art history you will learn that white folk painted pics of their relatives. whitening all things is not right to me. so you lost me...
no accusations. i said you seem/appear.
you might be a racist...
if you just can't wait to inject the n-word into convos where it does not need to go.
what's wrong with prayers? why is that so offensive to you?
see why i thought you might be upset? lol. i said i can see where you are trying to come from. lol.
field negro said...
>Agree that in the real world how you actually treat people is more important than what's in your heart.
But doesn't that go contrary to the whole Christian thingy? <
If your ideology means you should have love in your heart for everyone, then you should strive for that. However, what is in your heart or your head should be your own business. All we have a right to demand from others is how they act toward us.
@3:35pm- thanks for the clarity;)
I have something difficult to say to you but it must be addressed. If you are sharing a confined space like this thread, essentially using it as toilet, some sensitivity is necessary. When you have to go, the others will turn their back and you MUST flush immediately and often during this process to avoid smelling up the confined space. Do your "business" and flush constantly. Do not sit there and subject the other commenters to your "product". Don't be surprised if you hear "Water is free!" yelled by one of us the next time you forget the proper etiquette. Remember, flush early and often.
It's all about respect.
Josh said...
@ Anonymous:
>So, if a white person really did have their stereo stolen by a black person, you're saying that they shouldn't say such because it reinforces stereotypes?<
No. If you actually knew for sure who did it, it becomes a usable piece of information.
Odds are, it that neighborhood at that time, it probably was a black kid who took the stereo, but to assume so when you have no real idea who did it does reinforce a stereotype. This kind of feedback bias can reinforce stereotypes exponentially. And unfairly. Humans are inherently neither fair or rational, but one should always strive to be as fair and rational as possible.
It's all about respect.
3:49 PM
Bless your little heart;)
I know you feel alone, but remember, you are never alone because Mighty Yah is always with you.
i will pray for you.
you should read this verse: Deuteronomy 3:4.
Yah has something better planned.
Yah won't give you more than you can handle.
everything happens for a reason.
the tastiest pickles grow in heaven.
The glory of the MIGHTY MESSIAH washes clean the sin of the sinful human race!!!
Ah, I see the problem now. I've been too busy stealing car stereos to do things to keep people from stereotyping me. I mean I figured it was a dead end life because folks stopped stealing car radios back in the 90's but hey I gotta try to keep up with the times. How about you Field, FP, PC, Brotha Panther and Doc you still in the car radio stealing game?
didn't you wake up and smell the coffee?
the YAH has been waking me up at night
preparing me (through my reluctance and doubt) to deliver a message to America.
Lucifer is laughing at all of us- whatever!
Once you get on the sin train you can't get off!
he's the conductor...
Psychology, I'm glad that old horse finally up and died!
Beat your plow shares into iPhone 6's and your iPads into Galaxy's
The Big M. Is a sin!
PilotX,- Do you guys ever play video games while the plane is on auto-pilot?
Run! The web bots are coming!
Robert Says...
That's a powerful photograph. I didn't live through those days but I admire those who stood up for what is right.
These photos from that time are also very moving...
"you might be a racist...
if you just can't wait to inject the n-word into convos where it does not need to go. "
So, "spic" and "chink" was fine, though? I see where your priorities lie. lol All about that self, self, self.... ain't that a pop song?
@1:16, that story you told don't mean jack $hit. When there's money to be made, Whites GLADLY tuck their racism away when it's time to get paid.
Josh you're a LOST cause.
You think "mixed babies are cute" and consider that a "positive" for Blacks. Yet EVERY person in your family would $hit a brick at the thought of a "mixed" AKA Black (via the one drop rule) baby.
BTW not all mixed babies are cute.
my login went down
It was the work of the DEVIL
but nobody can stop YAH!
FP, "i would rather struggle to find the narrow path while giving Him Praise, stumbling and falling, than to not even bother to seek or know Him at all."
Yes, yes! This is why I love it when you comment here. Sometimes the words you say open portals in my mind and heart. You help me to find the words to describe what's in my heart.
Also, your comments point to the fact that I don't have to apologize to 'anyone' for seeking and loving GOD.
You give me encouragement to stay on that "Journey of a 1000 miles...one step at a time." In a world that is nothing but a gilded sepulcher, choosing the Way to GOD is tough, but I have faith the Journey will be worth it. In the end, this world has little to offer and to hold on to.
Thank you, FP. You are a wonderful Sister.
God bless you.
Anonymous said...
FP, "i would rather struggle to find the narrow path while giving Him Praise, stumbling and falling, than to not even bother to seek or know Him at all."
thank you! May the MIGHTY YAH bless you in this season of HIS light!
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Ah, I see the problem now. I've been too busy stealing car stereos to do things to keep people from stereotyping me.
No, your racist posts full of cartoonish portrayals of people you disagree with, selective use of facts and your and inability to comprehend statistics are enough.
Yīshēng said...
@1:16, that story you told don't mean jack $hit. When there's money to be made, Whites GLADLY tuck their racism away when it's time to get paid.
Yingtang is the face of intransigent racism.
The ugly face.
PilotX is an intelligent man. In fact, he's a real pilot. He knows how to drive a plane up into the sky, set the computer and watch the lights blink. How many hours have you pulled in the simulator learning to crash? Tell me. None?
Why do you find the photos at
Is it the racial context of the photos? I don't understand.
i got off the ride at the n-word. which you said twice. lol. a racist stutter. i stopped there. so let's stop there...
Anon 5:30pm- all praise to Yah Almighty. the mistakes alone are mine.
to praising Anon: never get over yourself:) praise Him!
Josh did not say the actual-out-there-for-all-hear-and-then-awkwardly-snicker N-word.
You intentionally misreflect his comment.
That's why I say that I and people like me are the LAST white people who black people should trust. You almost never know if we are being real, and never in the moment. In fact, we're far more dangerous to you than straight up kluxers because they'll never be in a position to double cross you like we will. Work with us when you must, but NEVER trust us.
PS if we're real then our work is among white people anyway.
WC, I agree. But the funny thing is black folk keep trusting Whites and then complain about being set up and betrayed.
I mean, right here on FN, there are some Negroes who converse with Kinky as though he were a trustworthy person--while he has proven that he is not, over and over again.
All Kinky has to do is say the right things and all his lies and racism is forgotten by many FN Negroes and PR Negroes. It's amazing how much Negroes want and need the approval of white racists. It is not going to happen.
It's beyond comprehension 'why' some Blacks continue down this self-degrading road. But they do and it happens quite frequently.
go back and re-read. then stop lying on me.
thank you.
i forgive you for the error.
@ Yisheng:
Suck a fucking nut, you loopy piece of garbage. Who the fuck are you to assume that my family is made up of racists!?
Is your family made up of good-for-nothing, leave-their-families male rapists and thieves?
Seriously. Get fucked.
"Josh you're a LOST cause.
You think "mixed babies are cute" and consider that a "positive" for Blacks. Yet EVERY person in your family would $hit a brick at the thought of a "mixed" AKA Black (via the one drop rule) baby."
Every single mother-lovin' person I know who has a mixed baby says the same exact fucking thing about it/them, "Mixed babies are so cute!" Every single fucking one.
Do you think this is just some fake "positive" stereotype I invented on the fly because my family is racist and doesn't like mixed babies? You loopy bitch.
I've seem some ugly-ass mixed babies. Like Rod Man would say, some of these babies are wallet babies are locket babies, not living room babies. But every single person I know who does that "look at my baby" nonsense says the same thing about mixed babies. The. Same. Exact. Thing. "Mixed babies are so cute!"
I don't think it's true. My buddy Charlie's mixed baby looks like Nelson Mandela with Vitiligo. Poor thing is like 2 months old and looks like an 80-year-old man. But "black don't crack" I thought. lol But brown gets wore down!
The fake positive stereotype was created by mutants like you who think EVERY race on the planet with "White blood" is better. The ONLY reason Blacks in America ever cosigned on it was because there were a TON of advantages/opportinities afforded to mixed people back in the day. African OTOH, could give a rat's ass about your mutant genes.
Better yet, it's called a superiority complex and MANY people like you have it shithead, so take your righteous indignation about my comments and stuff it up your EX wife's flat, nonexistant ass!!
And one more thing you sun intolerant, PRUNE FACED by age 30 mutherfucker!
"The fake positive stereotype was created by mutants like you who think EVERY race on the planet with "White blood" is better."
Yeah. Because it's white people I've heard saying that -- particularly the racist ones, like the ones in my family that you just assume are racist, you stone-stupid piece of shit.
Not every parent of every mixed baby I've ever met in my life, but only white people! lol ... You can't make this shit up.
If you're gonna malign my fucking family, I'll speak to you any goddamn way I please! If you got an issue with me, keep it at me! But, no, you bring my fucking family into a discussion? You ass-ignorant, loopy bitch.
But I suppose it's my fault your double-digit IQ ass flies off the handle and throws snack packs at the wall. You'll spin it into white people's fault somehow, I'm sure.
I caught glimpse of the word "bitch" and figured I didn't need to read not another mutha'f*ckin' word.
So consider yourself of the short list of folks here whose comments I no longer read or respond.
I was thinking today. I'm going to write some more 70's Music. There's just no reason we should have a limited supply of that.
Oh, no, you ain't a-readin' my posts no more? LOL .. You didn't read 'em in the first fucking place, you ignorant ass loopy bitch. You gloss over shit for something to take out of context and then go into your typical anti-white rhetoric about "mutants" and whatnot.
Something, BTW, most of Field's audience seems to be fine with. But let someone give it back in kind, and all hell breaks loose with the, "OHHHH, we thought you were different!" nonsense.
What's the O/U on words in Yisheng's post he/she/it had to run through a spellchecker? lol ... I say 10's the line, and 11 is the number -- I'm taking the over.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I was thinking today. I'm going to write some more 70's Music. There's just no reason we should have a limited supply of that.
10:05 PM
did Josh make you say that?
Damn Josh, you whipped Yisheng real good. That's pretty good for a white boy.
Personally, I would like to give a black pass because you shot that stupid uneducated bw down.
You're still a racist but I like what you did to Yisheng. You see we Blacks don't like her either and don't claim her because of her mixed blood. And let me be clear: she ain't cute.
LOL @ "still a racist."
Oh, yeah? Good to know.
But by the bye: The language you're using in your post is highly insensitive to use around or about POC! Be careful with your rhetoric, sir, as words like "whipped" evoke a very harsh reality in AA history. The imagery brought back by those types of words just work to reinforce the stereotype that blacks are to be subservient to whites, and fall under heel of master's commands.
You need to place a trigger warning with that type of rhetoric. It's the responsible thing to do!
"No, your racist posts full of cartoonish portrayals of people you disagree with, selective use of facts and your and inability to comprehend statistics are enough."
You must be a professor of statistics huh? Also I notice your lack of panties in a twist when others cartoonishly portray blah people. Carry on Dick.
Doc and FP, leave Josh alone. He probably just thought you guys stole his 8 track player from his car.
Yeah, here am I, blaming all black people for being car thieves. It's not like I was defending blacks against some racist idiot just three days ago, who insisted blahs were genetically stupid.
I wonder what Pilot's response to me would be if I had wrote:
Welcome to the klan Joshua.
I wonder what Pilot's response to me would be if I had wrote:
He probably wouldn't be too surprised. Probably more surprised had you not found a way to use the n word you little racist.
Yeah. That seems to be the standard. White person says "nigger," despite any obvious surrounding context, that's a death sentence. "Oh no you didn't!!"
"HAHA! I knew you just wanted to say that word, racist!"
Black person rails on for paragraph after paragraph of insulting anti-white rhetoric -- well, that's okay. That's just because white people are racist, and white people are more racist, and white people's racism brings it on themselves, and only white people can be racist anyway, because the new Marxist standard of racism = white + power. Insulting my family and myself, well, that's just a side effect of white supremacist society; no harm, no foul. I can't get offended. Whites, AKA those without color or culture, do not get offended the same way as blacks when racial slurs are levied at them personally or their families. There's no deep history. There's no systemic oppression. Therefore, there's no crime.
Just as there is no hate crime category in race lest the perpetrator is white. We all understand these things. I reckon it's "justice" maybe. I dunno.
I obviously had it coming. I dared say that "mixed babies are cute" was a positive stereotype, because every proud black baby daddy I know whose baby mama is white says the same shit: "Ain't mixed babies so cute?" "Damn, mixed babies are cute!" "Man, mixed babies are just too cute!" "These cute-ass mixed babies look like little adults; they're so cute!"
I should have repented for my brutal racism, and I might not had suffered vicious racist insults against my person and my family. It's my fault. *Chastises self for being white.*
Well boo hoo Joshua. It's soooooooooo hard to be a white man huh? Tell you what son, no one here gives a shit about how your little feelings are hurt. Go back to stormfront or wherever it is crybaby white boys like you go to bitch about how unfair life is treating you. Yeah yeah we know, there is no WET and it's just soooooooo unfair. Cry me a fucking river. I bet you don't chastise white racists on other sites do you? Do us all a favor and go away. We don't give a fuck about your silly problems.
Fuck, and I thought Kinky was annoying but Josh is 100X's more annoying. That's probably why he's here, he can't get a date because he annoys the fuck out of any woman he meets in about 2 seconds.
@ Anonymous:
Who the fuck is this "we"? That mouse in your pocket acting up again? Or, contrary to what I've been told so often by black folks, are all black people the same, and "we" (e.g. an unwavering, monolithic collective) is the way to view folks?
@ Joshua is annoying:
Yet you can't stop reading and replying, can you? Who owns who in this situation, son? lol
"Who the fuck is this "we"? That mouse in your pocket acting up again?"
Me and your mom Joshua. That's her hand in my pocket. We all know where her mouth will be later.
@ Anonymous:
Oh, the creativity! You missed your calling over a decade ago with Fez on MTV Snaps. lol
I almost made the mistake of calling you "son," like the other guy. But I would have instantly regretted that. We both know you don't know who you father is. It woulda been cruel.
Well, from the comments from FN Negroes who are giving all their attention to Josh, it looks like 2015 is going to be all about Josh.
I wonder if we will ever learn?
It's been over 4 centuries and we are 'still' focused on the master when we ought to be focusing on ourselves.
However, it's understandable that over the centuries Negroes developed the habitual thinking of getting their self-worth and approval from the master. Talk about White color arrousal... We've got it bad.
Josh represents the wm and we can't get enough of him...It's like an addiction.
Actually, any wm can come on FN and say something negative about Blacks and FN Negroes go into orbit. We are like puppets on a string for Josh.
We are so stupid. We deserve to be on the bottom because we give power to Whites like Josh.
Don't deny it...it's been recorded in the comment section again and again in each thread on FN.
It's really a sad state of affairs of mind and heart, and it's primarily in the black community. There just doesn't seem to be any sense of dignity or pride.
Again, it's understandable. Slavery leaves it mark for generations to come. It destroys people, both the victims and the perpetrator with seemingly no way out of that mind-set.
2015 is just going to be more of the same shit.
Accusations of racism in my corner of the world do jack-shit for Maori people, and only serve the needs and vanities of Pakeha (white NZers). Hence 9 times out of 10 when there are cries of 'that's racist' it'll be Pakeha people doing the calling - as the author in your article indicates, it allows them to carve our their own 'good white person' space. But I disagree - I do think it is damaging to call out individual 'racist' attitudes solely because it reinforces the idea that the most damaging aspect of racism is the shitty ideas we hold of each other, and the ugly BS people say (Josh being a case in point). The structural elements of racism, in the educational system, the justice system etc etc, not to mention the criminal/'thug' re-presentations in mass media, are the shit that damages and stunts young black/brown lives. Black/brown potential. Thriving. And make no mistake the systems I mention are NOT broken - they are working exactly as they are designed to. An individualistic lens is so dominant in US contemporary culture that too often the mis-belief is that things can be improved one white person's attitude at time. Let them drown in the swamp of their own misconceptions - their view of the world and their understanding of 'other' is so myopic that they live in narrow, uncomfortable worlds as they should. The focus should be (IMHO) on removing the barriers to black/brown thriving and conscientizing the marginalised.
"I almost made the mistake of calling you "son," like the other guy. But I would have instantly regretted that. We both know you don't know who you father is. It woulda been cruel."
I know who your mom is Josh. I wonder........nah, you're too dumb to be my kid.
"Oh, the creativity! You missed your calling over a decade ago with Fez on MTV Snaps. lol"
Says the imbecile who thinks it's the height of intelligence to throw around the word nigger. A writer with three degree? Ha! More like a drooling inbreed.
Trillions of dollars has been frittered away on "quotas" and "affirmative action" and every wet dream demand of black grievance specialists. The rest of the world - not just America has had enough. Enough of the wasted time and energy trying to "uplift" a group that will never be able to compete in an increasingly technologically based world, enough of guilt, enough of trying to appease those who have no desire to accept their own faults and incompetencies.
There will be no more appeasement, no more set-asides, no more institutional collective guilt mandated by the communists and anti-freedom agitators.
The wheel is turning and what will replace it will make Jim Crow look like nirvana.
If tribute is to be extorted, then those who pay the tribute will have a say on how and who it is redistributed to.
The anti-black campaign is already gaining steam. Color of Change is a great place to start to figure out which companies (black appeasement losers) to economically boycott. Some people here mocked when a commenter stated they boycott Coca-Cola and Coke products - well, apparently they aren't the only ones :
I travel extensively and I make sure to educate people that these companies which slobber all over blacks are evil and not worthy of their money. When we host teens, I remind them only the lowest classes of the social structure eat at McDonald's or drink Coke or fly American Airlines - that all these companies have gone "365 Black" slobbering over black dollars at the expense of the people who actually keep them financially alive, and placing blacks into the upper hierarchy of their corporate structure.
It pleases me no end to see that the message is getting out there. Each time I travel, I see that the black boycott of "365 Black" American corporations is working, and that they are viewed as for the underclass.
It will take time, but we, the educators, continue to make progress. We will smash and destroy the nascent Black Appeasement Class.
@ Anonymous:
"I wonder........nah, you're too dumb to be my kid."
Oh, please. How would you know who's your kid and who isn't? Unless you've been on Maury already. Tell me, were you the 7th or 8th selection of Tanisha's before lucky #9 came through as the baby daddy? lol
@ the anonymous I'm just assuming is Pilot but is too big a bitch to sign it as such for fear of taking another beating:
"Says the imbecile who thinks it's the height of intelligence to throw around the word nigger. A writer with three degree?"
1) Do I come across as condescending trying to explain to you what a straw-man is?
2) What is a "three" degree? Is this like a special super degree?
GREAT point by Akire!!!
And anon's point too, to basically stop wasting time on negative BS.
Yeah. That damn negativity. Damn white racists in here, trying to present more obstacles for people to overcome. A dozen people waving their finger in my face; two anons trying to hold me down while a third bites my fingers. And I wonder how many realize that my big outburst of "racism" was simply replacing the slurs in Yisheng's post to me? lol
"It pleases me no end to see that the message is getting out there. Each time I travel, I see that the black boycott of "365 Black" American corporations is working, and that they are viewed as for the underclass.
It will take time, but we, the educators, continue to make progress. We will smash and destroy the nascent Black Appeasement Class."
Good luck with that. I'm sure with your efforts the evil Coke, McDonalds and American Airlines will be no more.
Holy shit, this blog is attracting some psycho idiots.
"Some people here mocked when a commenter stated they boycott Coca-Cola and Coke products"
No, we rightfully pointed out most of us don't give a shit what you or anyone else buy or drink. If your stupid ass doesn't drink Coke or fly on American Airlines I bet they appreciate the loss of one insane racist. Who would want a loser like you as a client?
"I travel extensively and I make sure to educate people that these companies which slobber all over blacks are evil and not worthy of their money."
You mean you waddle your fat ass down to the local Walmart and bitch about darkies. Are you Josh's mom? My you've gained weight.
"1) Do I come across as condescending trying to explain to you what a straw-man is?"
No, you come across as an idiot.
"KnowledgeisPower said..."
some really stupid shit. Next time separate the words knowledge and is. Moron. Then again white racists usually are pretty fucking stupid.
@ Anonymous:
I'm going to start calling you rim shot. Fucking comedy gold there, my man.
At least Google a page of "your mama" jokes, for your own pride if nothing else. Just sneaking "your mom" into otherwise boring and unrelated shit comes across as forced and weak.
@ Anonymous #4910
"No, you come across as an idiot."
What? But I have a "three degree," according to your genius ass! That must means I's really smaryt. Like a teacher in Mississippi or a school board president in Detroit. lol And I didn't even have to sue anyone to get my "three degree."
"And I didn't even have to sue anyone to get my "three degree."
They probably just gave it to your dumb ass to get you to go away. you must get that a lot huh? You also have to be able to afford a lawyer to sue someone and we know you're broke because no sane person would ever pay for shit you write. Writer! Ha! Yeah, you write your mom's number on truck stop stalls so she can feed your big dumb ass.
BTW, Rim Shot is your mom's nickname already.
Wanna know why they call your mom Rim Shot Josh or does your three degree ass know already?
Ah, look at the anonymous twins. They're so cute, and suddenly so tough! As soon as one says something, the other one gets emboldened and comes in for the kill. It's like they share the same weak mind or something even.
Which one of you bites fingers and which one smears poop on the wall?
Or is it kinda like a switch-off thing?
I guess that "if the black don't win, we all jump in" stereotype is also false. lol
"Which one of you bites fingers and which one smears poop on the wall?
Or is it kinda like a switch-off thing?"
You seem to have quite the insight in such matters. Is this what you and momma Rim Shot do in your spare time Josh? I mean when you're not "writing". Ha!
Nah. My mom helps your mom down at the welfare office. There's no shame in it, of course. Plenty of grown-ass people think it's spelled "Uminploytmin." It's hell to get your SNAP card that way, but that's where community outreach comes into play. Removing those obstacles of systemic racism, one typo correction at a time!
"I guess that "if the black don't win, we all jump in" stereotype is also false. lol"
But I know the stereotype about white meth head women becoming $2 whores is true because old Rim Shot will do just about anything. You know your mom don't work at no welfare office, she blows truckers. You probably help don't cha Rim Shot Jr? er I mean Josh.
"But I know the stereotype about white meth head women becoming $2 whores is true because old Rim Shot will do just about anything. You know your mom don't work at no welfare office, she blows truckers. You probably help don't cha Rim Shot Jr? er I mean Josh."
Oh yeah, they both wear Daisy Dukes and switch around twirling purses. I think Josh dreams of earning enough money to buy a journal so he can pretend to be a writer but his mom takes all of his earnings and spends it on meth. I mean damn, she could at least share the meth because he gives up so much to help her with the truckers. Life's a bitch sometimes, that's why he's so irate here and lashes out. Maybe he can call one of those help lines for abused kids.
Looks like Junior f**ked with the wrong Black female this time.
And I guess all those negative stereotypes about Black folks not sticking together aren't true afterall.
Black power, black power, BLACK POWER! !!!
"...that's why he's so irate here and lashes out."
It's not the quality of the company that keeps me coming back, but rather the hysterical hypocrisy of some of the members. A new and exciting standard with each new post! Today's standard: Attempt to malign someone's intelligence, referring to them
as an imbecile, though rather than attempting to debate said imbecile on any points of fact or their stance, attack his character and his family viciously in an
attempt to get a cheap reaction.
Noooo, that's not imbecilic at all!
I'm the irate on here? lmfao ... Hollywood couldn't make this shit up. A bitch-ass dude on his bad-ass "Anonymous" tag cranks up the volume on insulting my family every single time he posts here, in a weak and transparent attempt to make make angry, and I'm the "irate" one? lol
Nothing says butthurt like continually insulting a person's mother every time you post. And not even good ones. Damn.
And, again, fellas -- try not to fully embrace the stereotypes so willingly. At least pretend to be different. lol
@ Yisheng
Not so fast, my dizzy friend. They aren't getting your back. They're chasing each other's asses around. It's a bro-love thing. #2 is up #1's ass, as they try to out-duel one another on weak-ass "your mama" jokes.
I'm assuming the loser has to submit his prison pocket for stuffing at a later date. We know about those "down-low" brothas out there!
But I'm more progressive. I understand the struggle. They're not on the creep or anything; they're just finding comfort and love in a hairy rear puss. It's damn near 2015. Stop judging!
"And, again, fellas -- try not to fully embrace the stereotypes so willingly. At least pretend to be different. lol"
i tried but your mom and the meth thing brought me back to reality.
"Nothing says butthurt like continually insulting a person's mother every time you post."
Yeah, you would know something about butthurt wouldn't you sweety. Isn't that what the truckers call you and your mom Joshua?
Anyone who's spent half a dozen replies in a failed attempt to make someone ragequit by viciously insulting their mother hasn't the credibility available to claim someone else is “irate.” Continually maligning someone's mother when you're supposedly speaking to that someone is the epitome of enraged behavior and thus the very definition of irate.
Trolls make the Internet entertaining, particularly on places like YouTube. But nowhere have I ever witnessed such hypocrisy and willful ignorance that could even begin to rival Field's trolls. Y'all are a breed all your own! If it's not the gross and blatant double standards on what constitutes racism, it's the hypocrisy of someone going to incredible lengths to prove themselves feebleminded while simultaneously calling someone else an imbecile. And leaving it under the “Anonymous” label, which is the universal sign of ultimate bravery, is just the topper.
No, let me retract that. The topper would be the unoriginality of the trolls who cannot even create worthwhile insults without simply stealing and rewriting what I post. lol
This is like going snap-for-snap with Pee Wee Herman all the sudden. I think a black guy stole his bike in one of those movies! lmao
For Pete's sake. At what do you excel? Teaming up with other anonymous trolls to get your bravery badge? lol ... You certainly don't shine at insulting. Not for lack of trying; you just don't appear to have the talent.
"The topper would be the unoriginality of the trolls who cannot even create worthwhile insults without simply stealing and rewriting what I post. lol"
Well you are a "writer". Ha!
"I think a black guy stole his bike in one of those movies! lmao"
Well, I think a white guy like yourself went to the porn movie with Pee Wee and grabbed his pee wee. Did he pay you your usual $2? LMAO
"For Pete's sake. At what do you excel? Teaming up with other anonymous trolls to get your bravery badge? lol ... You certainly don't shine at insulting. Not for lack of trying; you just don't appear to have the talent."
Well Rim Job Jr. we know at what you excel. The reviews from the truckers in your home town in West Virginia attest to such. I'm glad you're proud of something you do well. Maybe mom will share some meth and you'll be in a better mood.
"But I'm more progressive. I understand the struggle. They're not on the creep or anything; they're just finding comfort and love in a hairy rear puss. It's damn near 2015. Stop judging!"
Yeah I bet you understand the struggle there sweetness, er I mean Joshua. Struggling to get a trucker's dong in your caboose so mom can smoke tonight. Be brave little soldier, things will get better one day. You'll be a famous writer and you'll be rich beyond imagination. Until then grab your ankles and hold on because Buck likes to fuck.
How long will it be before young Rim Job here gets all red in the face and starts typing nigger again? 5 minutes?
LOL @ Anonymous #2 desperately seeking #1's approval. It's like a little puppy. "Hey, wait for me! Let's get 'im!" "Okay, you swing first, then I'll bite his fingers!" lmao
And, hell – now you're not even trying! Either of you! There goes your one good thing.
Don't you want to give those taxpayers their money's worth? They've sponsored you all this time, for the price of a cup of coffee per day. And this is how you repay them? At least throw in some extra curse words or make sure your English is broken at more regular intervals. Something, man; it's like you've quit on your life's goal of being troll numero uno all the sudden. Maybe you need to take it through the out door from Taye Diggs to get your groove back? Worked for Stella, might work for y'all.
It's not your fault, though. Internet flame wars exist in the universe of meritocracy. We can't lower scoring standards or claim cultural bias here. You have to perform as well as everyone else. Well, of course you can claim whatever you want. Just don't expect the federal government of the USA to step in with new laws which make it illegal for all comments to be graded on the same scale. But one can dream. Probably whitey's fault in the end.
Y'all wanna pick up a 4th or 5th to help you in this lame and failed attempt at flaming me? It's not working out at only 2 1/2 vs 1. My white privilege is kicking in! lol Maybe The Purple Cow will stop by later and wag his finger in disappointment.
"Maybe you need to take it through the out door from Taye Diggs to get your groove back? Worked for Stella, might work for y'all."
More gay innuendo huh sweety? Rim Job really screwed you up.
"Probably whitey's fault in the end."
I blame bad parenting, Rim Job shouldn't have had you out there blowing truckers to feed her meth habit. I would recommend seriously calling one of those social service help lines, I mean I pay taxes so I don't mind helping out trash like you and your mom. Hell, it's the good Christian thing to do.
How's that writing thing going? You publish anything anybody besides Buck has read? Writer. Ha!
"My white privilege is kicking in! lol"
Yep, looks like the truckers prefer white girly boys. Gotta be proud about something right?
Yīshēng said...
I caught glimpse of the word "bitch" and figured I didn't need to read not another mutha'f*ckin' word.
So consider yourself of the short list of folks here whose comments I no longer read or respond.
You can take the rat out of the hood, you can't take the hood out of the rat.
"This is like going snap-for-snap with Pee Wee Herman all the sudden. I think a black guy stole his bike in one of those movies! lmao"
Nah, a fat white guy stole his bike just like the fat white guys you and your mom blow to feed her meth habit.
"You can take the rat out of the hood, you can't take the hood out of the rat."
You can take Billy out of the hills but you can't take hill out of Billy.
Josh is probably at the truck stop right now in Daisy Dukes and a fishnet shirt. He's the girly looking one with a diary he writes in.
Josh, if you see my moms and transgender bro at the truck stop, tell um i said hey!
Come on baby, shake them Dasisys. Look at Rim Job with them Daisy Dukes on I want you to look at Josh with them Daisy Dukes on/ everybody.........
Look at Josh with them Daisy Dukes on/he really got it going on.....
And Josh, tell my moms and transgender bro, #BlackLivesMatter....
"Josh, if you see my moms and transgender bro at the truck stop, tell um i said hey!"
Wouldn't that be like Josh looking in a mirror?
"And Josh, tell my moms and transgender bro, #BlackLivesMatter...."
Josh is too busy blowing truckers and having his face plowed into the front seat. Oh yeah, he also writes about it in his diary.
Excerpt: Dear diary, today mom made me blow Buck again. I can't believe she smoked up all the meth. I HATE HER! One day I WILL be a writer and rich and me and Buck can drive all over the country in his big truck.....
Signed Josh AKA Rim Job Jr.
Talk about irate! lol These guys get a little crew going, suddenly they're the bootleg Bloods up in here. Going all Bangin' in Little Rock style, trying desperately to insult me with as many as they can gather, obsessively posting, and all failing miserably.
Pirating my shit and just rewriting it; saying the same weak insult over and over. It's almost like these guys aren't very smart. But, nah, that can't be it. It's just white supremacy holding them back with cultural bias. lol
In all fairness, though, Anonymous #1 at least has a little bit of self respect. He at least started it out, while #2's bitch-ass didn't say a fucking word until his new buddy started in. Then, suddenly, he felt it was safe to crawl up out the crack house with his two cents -- which were taken out of the "Take a Penny" tray at 7-11. Take one, leave one, dammit! Not "Take as many as you need to complete the purple drank recipe!" Uncivilized.
lol In all seriousness and sincerity, though: You guys need some help here! Got me outnumbered and then some, and still it's a gigantic FAIL. This can't be good for Field's blog's image. You guys, go call up some reinforcements.
Here's what you do: Go to one of your weak-ass all-talk Facebook groups, post my verbatim retelling of Yisheng's quote to me, pretend that it was me, a white guy, who initially flew off the handle with racist insults, and whip up that anti-white sentiment! Then, you might have like 20+ here to help your weak asses accomplish something.
This isn't a fair fight. I'm swatting gnats.
O/U on the time frame for the next "Rim Job" (pirated from my comment ) or "gay" (pirated from my comment) so-called insult? I say the line is 8, but I'll take the over. And O/U on recycled insults: 20 +3.
"And O/U on recycled insults: 20 +3."
Says who? The make believe writer? Please. Go back to your day job.
"It's just white supremacy holding them back with cultural bias. lol"
Well we know what's holding you back, Buck. I bet he's using a ball gag to shut you up because no one wants to hear your whining.
Dear Diary, I just won another internet debate. Well, I just used "lol" a lot and declared myself the winner but hey that's a start right? I better go now, Buck needs his rim job and other than mom no one is better. Bye for now
Signed Josh AKA Rim Job Jr.
"This isn't a fair fight. I'm swatting gnats."
No son, you're swatting nuts. Buck's. Now get back to work! I need my meth!
"Well we know what's holding you back, Buck"
Are you calling me "Buck" or are you attempting to convey that "Buck" is holding me back? That can work with one of these ":" or one of these "."
Did I simplify it enough for the learning curve, or do you need a more elaborate set of instructions?
I know it's unfair and probably racist to expect one to conform to basic standards of writing. But if your intention is to insult me, which seems obvious from your obsessive nature here, it would help tremendously to construct a grammatically correct sentence conveying the point you wish to push across.
After all, you want the person you're insulting to know that you're trying to insult them. Right? Right. So, tighten up a little. No pun intended for your loose booty after #1 drilled you sideways for an after dinner snack tonight. I'm sure you have the pillow biting down to a science at this point.
We know what tickles your fancy, Cock < See, that's confusing.
We know what tickles your fancy: Cock. < Better.
"Did I simplify it enough for the learning curve, or do you need a more elaborate set of instructions?"
you mean like when truckers instruct you how to blow them? I bet you're good at instructions aren't you sweety....er I mean Josh
"No pun intended for your loose booty after #1 drilled you sideways for an after dinner snack tonight. I'm sure you have the pillow biting down to a science at this point."
You seem to know a lot about gay sex there Rimmy. Mom must have taught you well. I bet you make her a lot of money for her meth don't ya? Now get back to work, mommy needs her meth!
"We know what tickles your fancy: Cock. < Better."
Yeah, we know what you like Rimmy Jr. No need to tell us.
"You seem to know a lot about gay sex there Rimmy. Mom must have taught you well."
You're seriously not even trying now! See how spoiled your ilk get when the bar is lowered so tremendously? Then blame society.
My mom's a gay man now? You don't even pay attention to what you're typing. lol You just flame wildly, like slinging shit against a wall, and hope that your buddy will come here to bail you out. If it weren't at least 2 vs 1, this wouldn't still be going on. You safety-in-numbers pussies. lmfao
"If it weren't at least 2 vs 1, this wouldn't still be going on."
You know about 2 on 1's don't ya? Buck and his buddy double teaming you?
Dear Diary: Buck and his buddy doubled up on me today. Mom said it was just this once but they did pay her $5. Maybe I'll get a dollar one day but she does have to get her meth.
Signed Josh AKA Rim Job Jr.
Stop typing and get back to work! I need my meth!
It has been painfully obvious for about 20 responses now that your goal isn't to insult me; rather your goal is to impress one another. Everything each of you say is just to score points with your buddy. You morons probably have a chat opened up on old-school MSN, meticulously going over who's going to say what and who gets to go first. lol
I thought the two of you together would work out to 1 and 1/5 a person, but, boy, was I wrong. We're barely dealing with 1/2 a brain here combined. But just like diplomas are given for attendance, the equivalent of participation trophies, you each earn a big check for effort! I'll have the ribbons shipped to your homes, along with a copy of the 5th grade self-esteem improvement course taught via puppets. I recommend watching it in between seasons of Madden, but, hey, whenever you manage to scrape up enough time. I know it be hard out there on a pimp.
"I know it be hard out there on a pimp."
You know about that don't cha sweety? Your pimp puts you out on the stroll every nite. Mama needs her meth. Just keep bobbing on Buck and one day you'll be a writer.
Dear diary: my ass hurts because of Buck and his friend but mom says one day I won't have to whore myself and I'll be a rich and famous writer:-)
Yeah me!
Signed Josh AKA Rim Shot Jr.
P.S. did I mention my ass still hurts?
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