Whether you choose to believe Dr. Michael Eric Dyson or Bill O'Lie-ly, there is no denying that there is a perception that policemen are out of control all over the country. And the more you read stories like this one, the more you realize that those perceptions are grounded in reality.
I will start in Milwaukee, where the autopsy was just made public in the Dontre Hamilton case.
"The white Milwaukee cop who killed a mentally ill black man shot at the victim’s back from above him, an autopsy indicated.
Officer Christopher Manney fired 14 bullets at Dontre Hamilton, but no gunpowder residue was found near Hamilton's wounds. That means the two men were not close to each other, said Hamilton family attorney Jon Safran.
The autopsy, released Monday, also showed Hamilton had no drugs in his system when he died on April 30.
A prosecutor has yet to decide whether to file charges against Manney." [Source]
Officer Manney, like Officer Wilson, will not be charged. He was doing what he was charged to do, and the citizens of Milwaukee are grateful for his service.
The citizens of New York City are waiting to see if the police officer who caused the death of Eric Garner will be indicted by a grand jury.
We will see if Officer Daniel Pantaleo hits the kill- a- Negro jackpot like Darren Wilson did.
"Trust your eyes.
That was the message from Eric Garner’s son to the Staten Island grand jury, which sources said could decide as early as Wednesday whether to indict the NYPD officer who killed his dad with a chokehold.
“I'd tell them to go to the video and see what the officer did, and believe that what he did was a crime,” 18-year-old Eric Snipes told the Daily News. “I want him to get indicted.”
But Staten Island won’t burn like Ferguson if that doesn’t happen, he said.
“It’s not going to be a Ferguson-like protest because I think everybody knows my father wasn’t a violent man and they’re going to respect his memory by remaining peaceful,” Snipes said. “It’s not going to be like it was there.”
Wrong Eric, it could be exactly "like it was there".
You've zeroed on on the greatest crisis facing black Americans today, Field: The 0.5% of black deaths that are attributable to police action when a criminal violently resists arrest.
Until we have a country where a black man can attempt to kill a police officer with complete immunity for his actions, we shall never truly be free.
"there is no denying that there is a perception that policemen are out of control all over the country. And the more you read stories like this one, the more you realize that those perceptions are grounded in reality."
No Virginia, policemen are not out of control. It's just black/brown folks letting their paranoia get there best of them.
Paranoia that is being stroked by racial arsonists like field.
Does anyone know how to appeal the decision of a city to condemn a house? For any help I will be eternally grateful.
Racial arsonists need a false meme like "HANDS UP! DON'T SHOOT!" to sell what happen to Eric Garner .
What about-
A lesson that field refuses to teach-
Don't attack, threaten, or act belligerent towards cops.
Prof Kinky, do you think there will be a race war in the future. I ask because it sure doesn't feel good out here.
I mean, the cops are going to kill as many bm they can get away with. They can only do this for so long before there is a "breaking point".
Maybe Obama will step in and help?
Man, I sure wish FP would contribute some nuggets of wisdom and compassion for our bm, but she might not be in the mood for us.
If bw would stand up for us the cops probably would give us some slack.
It's a damn shame we are by ourselves!
Some Minister ought to do a sermon about this.
"Does anyone know how to appeal the decision of a city to condemn a house? For any help I will be eternally grateful."
Don't concern yourself with such unimportant matters. You will be in my belly long before the city comes to demolish this hovel. I am quite hungry.
A Giant Spider
RE: Obama helping, check out what Chris Rock had to say about Obama...here's an excerpt:
"When asked what Obama had done "wrong," Rock said the president would potentially be viewed more positively if he let "the country flatline."
"In sports, that’s what any new GM does," Rock said. "They make sure that the catastrophe is on the old management and then they clean up. They don’t try to save old management’s mistakes."
"Don't concern yourself with such unimportant matters. You will be in my belly long before the city comes to demolish this hovel. I am quite hungry."
Now I know you are lying because spiders don't eat Negroes. They prefer the delicacies of Whites and Asians.
"When asked what Obama had done 'wrong,' Rock said the president would potentially be viewed more positively if he let 'the country flatline.'"
I'm pretty sure Chris Rock was wrong about that.
If you let a football team completely fail, you get rewarded with a bunch of awesome draft picks.
If you let the country fail, you get starvation, rioting, and exploding crime rates.
During the Great Depression, FDR didn't become popular by saying, "Please focus on how much Hoover sucked while I stand by and let the country get worse than it already is."
That was a good article re: Chris Rock about Obama. I especially liked the part where he said "We wanted Michael Jordan, but we got Shaq"
That was a pretty good analogy.
Yeah, it's like the trolls from Anon Inc. Field wanted Michael Jordan but he got Barkley instead.
Still Barkley was a good player. He just has a big mouth.
The trolls are like that.
Field, if you want MJ, send more money.
Take a look at what the atheists are doing to XMAS this year with nasty billboards against XMAS...It really pissed me off.
Gandhi was a lawyer;
Field is a lawyer.
Gandhi was a Liberator;
Therefore, Field is a Liberator.
It makes good sense and logic.
I wonder why the Michael Brown killing caused so much more protest than the other killings?
@ Limpbaugh:
Because the leftist media/activist/government coalition decided it would.
This story was selected to serve the Narrative that is used to control and distract the masses. Blacks are kept afraid and angry, whites are kept terrified and accused.
Any recognition of just who is looting America is prevented.
Why don't dogs like black people?
Ah yes, Milwaukee. White girl bleeds so much.
stories like the above link trouble me more than grown men.
thanks to the beautiful passionate soul that posted the link on FB:)
Anon 9:22- i have been bringing Love + a message of strength to the BM, Black people, and all nations.
not sure what more i can say or do at this point. even this nugget of Love = a FN repeat for me.
KJV 2 Chronicles 7:14
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
folk would rather worship themselves + all else but Yah. it seems the last thing that folk want= precisely what they need in order to be free.
i pray that we will all get closer to Him. many Blacks don't even know that book is speaking of them so lost are they.
@Divide and Conquer- tell it! add that the Real looters, first looted identity + heritage. while cornering the market on the slave trade and i simply refuse to be misled, hand fed, nor re-directed.
there is immense profit in human suffering.
i pray to walk in faith into a way to make a difference.
Blessings all!
I think, as it now stands, Obama is about the 4th best and most effective president in American history. This of course could change for better or worse.
To stay with Rock's analogy; we wanted Jordan but got Reggie Miller. Shaq would be giving O too much credit.
ield negro said...
I think, as it now stands, Obama is about the 4th best and most effective president in American history. This of course could change for better or worse.
To stay with Rock's analogy; we wanted Jordan but got Reggie Miller. Shaq would be giving O too much credit.
This right here, is some funny ass shit .
field negro said...
I think, as it now stands, Obama is about the 4th best and most effective president in American history
I am still not drinking.
Folks like "lolo" keep accusing me of being a closeted Obamaholic, and I keep telling you folks that I am not. Now I probably could be, but every time I even consider it, something comes up and reminds me not to drink the O-Aid.
Field, do your remember the moment you picked up the bottle of obama-aid and became a obamaholic?
"Obama is about the 4th best and most effective president in American history"
What a laugh....
"I think, as it now stands, Obama is about the 4th best and most effective president in American history. This of course could change for better or worse."
Personally, I'd rank Obama at around 10th. After Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Jefferson, John Kennedy, and James Polk.
Still not too shabby, though, especially compared to his absolutely awful predecessor, who clocks in at around 40th on my own personal scorecard.
Obama won't get full credit for his accomplishments until a few years have passed.
Right now, too many liberals are unable to let go of the fantasy that Obama could have made racism and angry Tea Party obstruction vanish with his magic wand, and too many conservatives are trapped in a mass persecution fantasy in which they are "the real victims of racism" and completely powerless poor people are somehow ruining the economy.
"too many conservatives are trapped in a mass persecution fantasy in which they are "the real victims of racism""
Since obama is a conservative, that explains his feelings of persecution.
Field, how many more conservative presidents do you have on your top 4 list?
"Since obama is a conservative, that explains his feelings of persecution."
The people saying Obama is a conservative are delusional liberals who mostly fall into the "Obama could have made racism and angry Tea Party obstruction vanish with his magic wand" category.
It's nonsense, unless you consider anything short of communism to be conservative.
As our present economic crisis deepens, several writers have grudgingly admitted that Obama seems to have been right about racism, but—they are quick to add—wrong a solution. In the celebration of the l50th anniversary of the End of Slavery, the Canadian-American psychologist, Bill Livant, has identified this as "coitus Africanus", sub-variety "Negro interruptus". For if Obama was right about racism, given all that he understands by "racism", then he had to be right about a solution, for the latter resides inside the folds of the former. In which case, the only way to deny the possibility of racism is to reject the analysis of a solution that portrays it as a possibility.
Meanwhile in Amsterdam.....
.... Dutch authorities have begun the process of closing NINETEEN prisons due to a lack of criminals.
Meanwhile in Amsterdam.....
The cover-up of rapes and other crimes committed by mooslims continue on.
So purple cow, what do you think of our conservative president obama?
Is he the best ever? Or what?
field negro said...
I think, as it now stands, Obama is about the 4th best and most effective president in American history. This of course could change for better or worse.
Obama thinks that too. However I don't believe future historians will be so deluded as the two of you are.
Following in the wake of a terrible president, in the midst of a financial crisis, with an unprecedented level of support bordering on messianic fervor as the first black president, Obama had a historic opportunity for greatness. He could have used the trillions handed to him to get people back to work, stopped foolish meddling in the cesspool of the Middle East, and most importantly, he could have used his ascension to put an end to the whole racial grievance industry and move America beyond the destructiveness of racial politics.
But he didn't. He got the ball the first and goal after the other team fumbled deep in their own territory, and instead of finishing the job, he went the wrong direction.
Instead of bringing us together he driven us further apart. He has deliberately exacerbated racial animus and has pursued a naked strategy of dispossessing whites from their country. He has waged a war against the Middle Class for the benefit of his billionaire backers and his government dependents.
He sold a government takeover of healthcare through lies and deception, and set in motion a process that will result in the destruction of a healthcare system that worked for 95% of people.
He has abandoned poor black students in failing inner city schools in favor of protecting the teachers unions.
He is social engineering the greatest military on earth into a gay bathhouse and female advancement institution that will become as good at fighting as NASA has become at spaceflight.
His disastrous foreign policy has left American credibility in shambles and Islamic fanatics in charge of the Middle East. He "reset" relations with Russia to the point we have a new cold war, abandoning loyal allies in the process.
He has taken an obscene national debt that he called "unpatriotic" during the Bush years and increased it by 70% in just six years.
Worst, he has extended what should have been an 18 month economic recovery into six years of stagnant growth and mass unemployment.
He could of been on Mount Rushmore; instead he will be remembered as the worst president in history.
What a choke.
Meanwhile, we await Jesus' return.
Jesus is here.His name is obama!
señor kinky said...
field negro said...
I think, as it now stands, Obama is about the 4th best and most effective president in American history
I am still not drinking.
Nice find.
FN repeatedly talks about not being an obama-bot but his own words mock his claim.
Obama will be remembered as the president that lied the most.
Starting with his lies of the stimulus lowering unemployment, the stimulus funding "shovel ready jobs"
The lies about Obamacare lowering the cost $2500.
The lies you can keep your doctor.
The list of lies goes on and on.
The Obama legacy.
I emphasize war and peace issues and future residual effects more than most people do when they evaluate presidents. Obama has doomed us to be lied into war again by protecting the Bush Administration. But sadly, there isn't much competition for higher rankings. His competition includes people who should have been hung for treason or war crimes. LBJ accomplished a lot but he lied us into war too. Clinton didn't expose Reagan and Bush's treasonous deal with Khomeini to keep the Americans hostage while Carter was president. We might not have had the Bush Jr presidency if Clinton had exposed Bush' fathers' treason. In Clinton's defense, he might not have known, and it would have been harder to prove than Bush's war crimes. Deduct the dot com boom from Clinton's economic success. Al Gore's legislation while he was a Senator had more to do with that than Clinton did. If the TTP passes, that will be Obama's NFTA. Ending net neutrality would be like Clinton letting the media consolidate. Obama's ranking will drop below Clinton's, in my opinion, if those things happen. FDR might be the best president. Eisenhower and JFK were good. Carter might have done the least damage since them. Who knows what would have happened without the peace treaty he arranged. That's four who were better than Obama. Maybe Obama is in the running for fifth best. He has accomplished a lot militarily with minimal loss of life.
"Clinton didn't expose Reagan and Bush's treasonous deal with Khomeini to keep the Americans hostage while Carter was president."
That's because there was no deal.
Two Democrat led investigations found no proof of deal.
Of course you think Carter was a good president. Which says you're not much for thinking.
One in three Americans has put off seeking medical treatment in 2014 due to high costs, according to Gallup -- the highest percentage since Gallup began asking the question in 2001.
Thirty-three percent of Americans have delayed medical treatment for themselves or their families because of the costs they’d have to pay, according to the survey....
The hardest-hit: the middle-class. Americans with an annual household income of between $30,000 and $75,000 began delaying medical care over costs more in 2014, up to 38 percent in 2014 from 33 percent last year; among households that earn above $75,000, 28 percent delayed care this year, compared to just 17 percent last year.
The lowest-income section, some of whom can take part in Medicaid and who are more likely to qualify for significant premium and cost-sharing subsidies on an Obamacare exchange, are less likely to delay care this year....
It’s a remarkable shift: after Obamacare’s redistribution of wealth, the middle class is actually delaying medical care due to high costs at a higher rate than the poorest section of the country, which is highly subsidized by taxpayers.
@ Divide and Conquer Thanks. You are probably right that the media is the biggest factor in determining which killings get emphasized. Natalie Holloway comes to mind.
field negro said...
I think, as it now stands, Obama is about the 4th best and most effective president in American history.
Like biden said...
you know the truth: The middle class is still in trouble,” Biden said. “You don’t have to know the numbers, you can feel it. You can feel it in your bones.”
The obama economy has been great for rich people that donate to Obama.
And to the record number of people depending on the government.
The middle class, well, they don't vote dumbocrat so it's not as if they had any hope that President Obama would help them.
Anon@9:01, those were great comments.
I put Kennedy, Lincoln, and Clinton ahead of him. You could also argue John Q. Adams, FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower.
I wouldn't argue with any of those being put ahead of himm
Worst Presidents of the last 100 years:
1. Obama
2. Carter
3. Nixon
4. Wilson
5. LBJ
6. Clinton
7. Bush II
8. FDR
9. Hoover
10. Harding
11. Kennedy
Best Presidents of the last 100 years:
1. Coolidge
2. Reagan
3. Eisenhower
4. Truman
5. Ford
6. Bush I
* Police killings of blacks down 70% in last 50 years
* In 2012, 123 blacks were killed by police with a gun
* In 2012, 326 whites were killed with a gun
* In 2013, blacks committed 5,375 murders
* In 2013, whites committed 4,396 murders
* Whites are 63% of the population blacks are 13%
Sounds like police should be shooting MORE negroes, not less.
Courtesy of Black Agenda Report...
Field I know you are a fan....
"Black folks should have only one thing to say to President Obama: “Prosecute!" Every time Eric Holder or Barack Obama or a high profile misleader turns up in public they must be met with this very simple demand.” The only thing standing in the way of civil rights charges against Darren Wilson is Obama, himself."
Anybody else notice that when FP get's an azz whoopin by some rightous truth, it lays low and all of a sudden BIB rears it's ugly head?
BIB,FP,Troll Burgundy,LA. 4 for the price of one!
Sale today,sale! You get 4 trolls for the price of one! Save money on these cheap trolls!
They don't have much to say but at they are here! Like the phantom soldiers in Irak!
"The only thing standing in the way of civil rights charges against Darren Wilson is Obama, himself."
Prosecute him for what? Defending himself?
field negro said...
To stay with Rock's analogy; we wanted Jordan but got Reggie Miller. Shaq would be giving O too much credit.
To stay with the basketball analogy...
Abdul-Jabbaar was arrested for death threats against darren wilson.
The primary issue here isn't whether Darren Wilson was right to kill an unarmed teen, because we already know he was wrong. Nor is the issue here regarding whether Michael Brown was a thug walking in the middle of the street, because we do know he should be ALIVE. The main focus should be how white folks still collectively still hold political power in this country and blacks (or people of color) are still powerless. Power is what effects change. Power is what makes things happen. Power is the ability to place St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCullouch in jail for prosecutorial misconduct. Power is the ability to place cowards like Darren Wilson in jail even against opposition to do so. Again, power is what we as a people are still lacking.
Nat Turner II
"COLD HARD TRUTH", please pass some of that good collie u are smoking. *coughing from all the contact* :)
lol @ 1:08pm.
"A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men ... [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men."
"From Woodrow Wilson's The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People (New York and Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1913).[1] In this same work, Wilson also wrote the below:
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
these are the same folk that Lincoln + Kennedy spoke of/were taken out by...
so i don't get all the circular talk really. BO is on his best behavior. folk have shown him that they will+ can get close to him at the WH.
it's as if we americans can't process/handle the Truth so we avoid it at all costs. kindda like Anon @ 1:08pm:)
Blessings all!
"Anybody else notice that when FP get's an azz whoopin by some rightous truth, it lays low and all of a sudden BIB rears it's ugly head?"
Some have never gotten over the fact that not all Black folks are Thrilled with O...
I dont get into the petty arguments about
Who is or ISNT getting enuff Sex...
U know the usual topics that proliferate here constantly....
But please tell me what is WRONG with DEMANDING that the POTUS pull the strings to Indict and Prosecute Darren Wilson??
What is TROLLISH about that request???
Never mind that I havent posted on FN in months...., and I didnt even sign in...and you knew who I was...
Who is TROLLING Whom>???
A lot of my friends are cops, blah cops of course so I have an overall positive opinion of them but flew with an ex-cop recently and I can see how events like Ferguson can happen. Dude was ruefully explaining how he never got to shoot anybody despite being a swat sniper. He seemed to wish the events in which he pulled his gun or had a beed on a perp hadn't turned out peacefully. He was kind of a dick and I know every occupation has them. Now we're lucky enough to have him.
Its about time u stopped frontin...
Do it like its Legal in DC....
Now Eric Garners killer is set free....
We need protests saying PROSECUTE!!!!
Something is terribly wrong here....
Best president ever?
William Henry Harrison
Nappy Turner said...
"The main focus should be how white folks still collectively still hold political power in this country and blacks (or people of color) are still powerless."
Power is demanding the right to attack police officers without the police being permitted to defend themselves.
"Power is what makes things happen. Power is the ability to place St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCullouch in jail for prosecutorial misconduct. Power is the ability to place cowards like Darren Wilson in jail even against opposition to do so. Again, power is what we as a people are still lacking."
If you want to use that power to put innocent people in jail just so you can feel better about your own failures, then it is a good thing that you lack it.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
A lot of my friends are cops, blah cops of course so I have an overall positive opinion of them
Always the racist dick.
At you're consistent.
Here you go Billiy:
The obama economy has been great for rich (White) people that donate to Obama.
And to the record number of (rich White) people depending on the government.
Awwww! Got all your panties in a bunch cuartet?
@1:08, excluding BIB it's called multi personality disorder, ROTFL!!!! ;)
Yīshēng said...
Here you go Billiy:
The obama economy has been great for rich (White) people that donate to Obama.
Now your preaching to the choir.
And to the record number of (rich White) people depending on the government.
And thankfully for opensecrets.org, we can see who the rich white people are "donating" to in order to enrich themselves.
I don't remember seeing an answer yesterday...
Do you believe the rethugs would be going along with BidenCare and the exact same Obama policies if white male democrat Biden was president?
1. Don't resist
2. Raise your hands. Keep them up.
3. Don't charge the police officer.
4. No punching. Really, no punching.
5. Don't grab for the officer's weapon.
6. No kicking.
7. No biting.
8. Follow ALL instructions.
9. Don't reach into your pants.
10. Smile, relax and be friendly. Enjoy the experience.
Including BIB. Trolls all
Bill asking me the same question twice won't get me to change my original answer.
@5:08, #11, Be White.
Anonymous said...
The primary issue here isn't whether Darren Wilson was right to kill an unarmed teen, because we already know he was wrong. Nor is the issue here regarding whether Michael Brown was a thug walking in the middle of the street, because we do know he should be ALIVE. The main focus should be how white folks still collectively still hold political power in this country and blacks (or people of color) are still powerless. Power is what effects change. Power is what makes things happen. Power is the ability to place St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCullouch in jail for prosecutorial misconduct. Power is the ability to place cowards like Darren Wilson in jail even against opposition to do so. Again, power is what we as a people are still lacking.
Nat Turner II
Blacks are powerless-because blacks choose to be powerless.
Wanna see how much power blacks have? Step-off the Democrat plantation and and stop voting for the white democrat power structure you have been victimized by.
Until that happens, blacks will continue to get what they deserve.
I am curious to know if our right-wing trolls consider Eric Garner a thug.
"#11, Be White"
Question: what was the composition of the Grand Jury? It was Staten Island, Bigot Haven, home of the Michael Grimm, congressman under 20 indictments who was nevertheless re-elected. I want to know how many black citizens were on the jury. Any?
As a New Yorker I'm ashamed of my own damned town, even if it's the retarded borough.
We all saw the video. What the F does it take?
The choke-holding cop, Pantaleo, "prays for Garner's family and hopes they accept his condolences."
No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up.
—Lily Tomlin
i don't do petty arguments, i just reserve the right to back folk up as they continue to obsess + project in my direction. like the mpd projection. lol. this from one with many named alters.
a coward Anon whining 'bout who it thinks is who= non issue.
something is very much not Right and it is a spiritual condition.
we war not against the flesh...
i don't do religion so well. but i am Real clear 'bout the spiritual bind the time finds black folk in.
have you considered there isn't a great deal of prosecution going on because things are working according to plan?
notice it doesn't matter how much folk suffer under this administration...
ANYONE that calls it is either a racist or suffers from crabs in the barrel self hatred.
it is the silliest thing, ever.
field negro said...
I am curious to know if our right-wing trolls consider Eric Garner a thug.
Right field. Eric Garner was a gentle giant on his way to college before he got choked the f*ck out by the po-po.
it should also be noted that i have posted pretty regularly lately...
nor do i use any other handle outside of fp. so the rest = more silliness.
don't let the Left/Right fight coax you outside of the human circle.
Garner was on the wrong side of the law. however, the illegal choke hold put the officer ALSO on the wrong side of the law.
the objective, in theory, should be for police officers to apprehend not assassinate. don't let it happen to you KC. stay inside the human circle.
to your point, i will be glad when Black folk stop rallying behind BM criminals. it is not a Good look + gives folk too much room to be confused.
particularly when the out of control police are throwing grenades in houses killing sleeping children. if we could unstick ourselves from the all the Blacks are men meme...we might actually get somewhere.
field negro said...
I am curious to know if our right-wing trolls consider Eric Garner a thug.
"#11, Be White"
Why do you think only whites can act civilized?
It's not about race; it's about culture.
It may be unfair to require Africans to live to European norms, but it's the only way if we are going to live together. The only alternative is segregation. Are you ready for that?
Yīshēng said...
Bill asking me the same question twice won't get me to change my original answer.
Not asking you to change your answer.
Yīshēng said...
Put another way, BidenCare and Edwards care would have been FAR better received because: 1) the White man gets to be the hero saving all us po' lil' colored chillin' from poor health care coverage and 2).the plan wouldn't be recorded forever in history with an African name.
Better received by rethugs?
You believe rethugs would have agreed with everything Obama has done if Biden/Edwards had been president?
Eric Garner, no relation to James Garner, was a Cigarette salesman. I can't imagine he would have gotten along very well with Michael Brown. Michael would have wanted the cigs for free. Eric would have insisted on being paid. It would have been quite a protracted street brawl between two large men. Being New York, a crowd would have gathered, bets would have been made, money would have exchanged hands. Then, someone would have thrown in a couple of rosters to keep the bets coming. It really could have been quite ugly. Thankfully, all of this was avoided and the streets of New York are safe again for man and chicken alike.
1. When you address them say "Yes Sir, Boss!.
2. Tap Dance
3. Say "Yowza," and tip your hat.
4. If in trouble say "O Lordy, Lord! I swear I be good!"
5. Offer them some of your Watermelon.
6. Offer to shine their shoes
7. Let them touch your hair for good luck
8. Play the banjo. Sing the blues.
9. Drop to your knees and sing 'Mammy'
10. Fart like Louis Armstrong
Bill do ANY two people agree on EVERYTHING ALL the time? You MUST be single, LOL!!!
The point is that the healthcare policy would have been FAR more palatable coming from a White man.
And for the dumbass that asked about Hillary, her "testicles" wouldn't have sufficient because they're not real.
"The point is that the healthcare policy would have been FAR more palatable coming from a White man."
So I guess the Republicans rejected Hillarycare because it was from a White woman?
Are you really that dumb?
@ 7:36 PM:
That's LOL good.
@actually European norms are African norms with a malovent twist.
Dear Ms Lilac,
My whole world is falling apart because you told me to call social services after my kitchen pipe broke. They condemned my home. On top of this, I've been having diarrhea all day from eating only cold soup. They cut the power. I'm out of TV dinners because the they spoiled in the freezer.
A social worker is coming tomorrow to help me get into a nursing home. I don't want to go to a nursing home! My life is over! My home is gone! I'm losing all I have, All because of your advice!
So it's ok for a cop to strangle a guy to death for selling loosies on the corner? Is there any limit to their power of life & death?
No, but if you forcibly resist arrest you risk being choked.
Eric Garner made a bad choice.
"The only alternative is segregation. Are you ready for that?"
I know that you aren't. *does a jig*
"The only alternative is segregation. Are you ready for that?"
What does that entail? If ww can join bm I am all for it.
wm like KC can have Lilac, Yisheng, FP, Beyonce and her sister, and any other bw you like. We'll even throw in buckwheat and aunt jemima to sweeten the pot.
Sounds good? I believe we have a deal. My lawyer Field will draw up the contract.
And believe me, Field KNOWS what he is doing.
lol @ 10:04pm! i always had an inkling all the WM hatred= hatred for the competition.
which is why i reserve the Right to be as forgiving of some WM as some BM are to WW.
i belong to Yah so folk can't give me away as a part of the embody the racist stereotype deal.
you are funny though...
Blessings to you!
Anonymous said...
Dear Ms Lilac,
My whole world is falling apart because you told me to call social services after my kitchen pipe broke. They condemned my home. On top of this, I've been having diarrhea all day from eating only cold soup. They cut the power. I'm out of TV dinners because the they spoiled in the freezer.
A social worker is coming tomorrow to help me get into a nursing home. I don't want to go to a nursing home! My life is over! My home is gone! I'm losing all I have, All because of your advice!
8:01 PM
Listen to you!!! Jesus Christ you should be thanking me!!!
You are falling apart in that house with the spider waiting in the wings! I mean really!
You are going to a place where they will do the cooking for you! Three squares a day with snacks! TV,hot showers,clean sheets! You will be better off I'm telling you! You will love it!
Who knows you may even find a sweetheart there and marry again. Yes, it happens! ;*D
I have spent the day moving, I am bushed and beat and still a long way from finished. Every bone hurts, and I hate moving! I am now going to bed. Good night.
Please let me know how it goes in the home :)
PS: Spidey will miss you, I know.
Dear Ms. Lilac,
I won't last long in there. I know the place they mentioned and it's a dirty, terrible hole. I give up. I've lived long enough and will not end my days in a place not fit for dogs. Fortunately, I still have an out. So let me tell you goodbye. I know you were just trying to help. So, between us, all is good.
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