It seems that while the family was inside the home, a police officer was investigating a burglary call. He went into the backyard of the home, and the poor dog, who always played with the mailman, suddenly charged him. (The officer's uniform must have fooled him.)
Sadly, officer William Moreland fired three bullets into the family dog killing him instantly.
Now the people of Questa Verde are outraged. The seven year old Welsh corgi named Jack did not have do die this way. Officer Moreland has been placed on paid administrative leave pending a further investigation of the incident.
PETA and various other groups have been picketing the police station and calling for the officer to resign. It is reported that the family is in seclusion and are devastated.
OK, so I just made up that entire story to make a point. Unless you believe that the movie Poltergeist was not based on fiction, you will understand that there is no town called Questa Verde, California. And the last time I checked, detective William Moreland was Wendell Pierce's character in The Wire. Jack? Well I think that was the name of the scruffy little dog on Little House On The Prairie.
But here is the thing, had it all been true, more people in the majority population would be up in arms about the shooting death of Jack the Welsh corgi than they would the shooting death of Tamir Rice , or the choking death of Eric Garner.
No matter how egregious the actions of the police officers were in these cases, we learn that poll after poll shows that most people in the majority population just do not see it that way. To them, their local police are fair to black people.
Again, had the story above been true, I suspect that polls taken about the actions of Officer Moreland would have had a different result than they do about the actions of the police officers in these latest high profile cases where black men were killed. White folks take it to a whole different level when it comes to their pets. When it comes to the lives of young black men, on the other hand, not so much.
The president has dogs. Why isn't he on television saying if he had a Welsh corgi he would look like Jack? It's an outrage!
*As far as I know the dog in the pic's name is not Jack and he is doing just fine.
You mean Democrats like their woofy pets more than their black pets?
Pets don't kill 3 and wound 30 (so far) in Chicago. BM's do. Even you know the difference.
"To them, their local police are fair to black people."
"Their" police is a big part of the problem. Their police aren't very successful at protecting and serving in "our" community.
QLB, do you have a college degree?
it would make more sense to find cases where folk are not violating the law like they just arrived in the states with NO idea that the blind folded white lady called "Justice" can see them + has a looooong history of doing them all kinds of ways wrong.
THIS is why i had nothing but a blank stare for the 18 year old clowning with cops like she didn't know...
i had just said days before that folk best understand- quickly- that the police can cuff and stuff + do whatever for how long ever ...
it feels like i am on repeat.
on many different levels.
though i must confess the paid leave detail was pure comedy. lol. i can see that happening...
and the next day some Black folk would STILL be acting like they had NO clue as to what time it is in these here united states of america.
all those that are not all shocked + awed with the brand new crew=
whatever is clever.
FN you just made up a whole post? lol.
Field, be careful of sarcasm and exaggeration. Some of your posters can't understand their use. You have to be very blunt or they'll freak out. Well, at least we don't have to read a lecture about the word epidemic.
Corgis don't commit 25 times more violent crimes against white people than white people do against Corgis.
it should go without saying...
but i will say it anyway...
i am saddened by the senseless loss of life.
in any case, comprised of folk of all colors. particularly BW and girls which get no Real Love from anywhere...
Tupac asked:
do we hate the ladies that make the babies.
fp's answer:
all signs indicate.
that said, we must all act like we know where we are.
i think all this "color blind", "diversity" stuff has folk caught off guard. i don't presume to know what the dealio is...
it is my sincere prayer that folk will get back to their Good sense...
ps. the i can't breathe campaign feels a lot like the ice bucket over the head campaign to me. i can't get with it for that reason.
when that's over, what then?
have any LAWS been impacted? ndaa addressed?
and does the Black lives matter campaign extend to the carnage done intra- racially?
those that have profited mightily by promoting the criminal life, do they bear any responsibility? or are we just going to silently pretend not to notice as they take their places in front of the camera so folk can see their faces + forget their complicity?
after all music has ALWAYS been about the struggle for our people. when we couldn't gather to discuss the liberation plans...
we sang the liberation plans.
notice music has been hi jacked to promote materialism, baby mama/daddyism, and all other death to the Black nation inducing isms.
or are we to look at these facts with a giant...
these are the questions that are on my mind. folk that are well connected. come from long money + hustled up on long money... in and out of DC...
could do more than cry about what they see.
that's IF folk are serious.
The Daily Show had a brilliant take on this. If you haven't seen it.
"Black Lives Matter" meets "Stop Snitching" on the streets of St. Louis:
Marchers included several family members of young men killed in St. Louis this year whose killers have not been apprehended.
St. Louis alderman Jeffrey Boyd, who marched Sunday, said the protest was intended to draw attention to homicide victims whose killers haven’t been brought to justice.
“One of the things I think this says to the community is these are people who care,” Boyd said. “Some of the families of victims don’t feel they’re being heard.”
Dear Jeffrey Boyd: Tell the people in that neighborhood to start snitching if they want those homicides cleared. Otherwise, we’ll be left to believe that they really don’t think that black lives matter.
@Pilot X-
i get this whole post was a joke.
folk are dying though.
at what point do the best and brightest get serious about making a difference?
or do folk just want to brag about their degrees and how well connected they are?
Hey PilotX, how many hammer attacks do we get to read about before it's a "thing" that you can pretend doesn't exist like the knockout game?
"at what point do the best and brightest get serious about making a difference?"
You mean what am I doing? Trust me sis, I've been active in the community for years. I just happen to have a funky sense of humor, got it from my mom;-) What I do in my real life is 180degrees different from what I post here.
"Hey PilotX, how many hammer attacks do we get to read about before it's a "thing" that you can pretend doesn't exist like the knockout game?"
Don't know, how many have there been?
In the very real city of Oakland, California, the police shoot people's dogs during raids all the damn time. And sometimes they don't die instantly; sometimes they hide behind the couch and scream bloody murder until they bleed to death.
So because I don't watch TV and didn't recognize the names you used, I found your story entirely plausible.
Do you think that a dead Welsh Corgi would stir up more outrage than a dead Chocolate Pit Bull? I do, but perhaps I'm just cynical that way. I think that even the dog needs to appear white to get the sympathetic reading your story gives it.
Sadly, I find the point to your post to be completely valid, and that's a damn shame.
-Doug in Oakland
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
"at what point do the best and brightest get serious about making a difference?"
You mean what am I doing? Trust me sis, I've been active in the community for years.
Not you, the "best and brightest".
As far as your activity goes, I'd suggest some penicillin.
good to know.
'cause the folk that could most make the difference- in that they are not struggling for their own survival- seem to be "color blind"...
which means that time finds them giving + helping all the folk that DON'T look like them.
it seems Black folk are the only folk that START their giving campaigns with others. those better positioned nations help each other FIRST.
but hey!
seems i am the only one that doesn't think it is time to play...
so it's all Good.
Not you, the "best and brightest".
So not you either.
"it seems Black folk are the only folk that START their giving campaigns with others. those better positioned nations help each other FIRST."
C'mon now. Even the way I post here you should know me better than that. Ha!
i posted video links here before where the police were capping folks' dogs like they were out for a hunt.
so this "joke" post did not auto resonate as a joke. i have seen it happen in Real life with my own eyes.
not even an attempt to contain the dogs without doing harm...just the police strolling up + blasting the dogs over and over and over again.
the paid leave detail- was funny. that, too, is believable though. folk go on paid leave after killing people.
get promoted, too, as quiet as it is kept...
FP, "it is my sincere prayer that folk will get back to their Good sense...
My dear FP, as I asked a serious question in the previous thread, I am asking another serious question, which I would very much like to know:
"When was the time people were in their senses? Can you give two examples? One for the Whites and one for the Blacks?
I can't think of one for either. Although this post made a lot of sense except it was a what's new?
Dogs hate black people. I know this because I am a Native American.
No word on how many hammer attacks have occurred?
The "Blue Wall of Silence" created, maintains and promotes "Snitches get stitches." (I see you Iran-Contra scandal.
Good post, Field. This one is one of your best. It's hard to argue with this post.
Have you noticed the resident Whites who hate Blacks have been silent? Bill knows a righteous story when he hears it.
Hell, the story even gives Kinky some pause and prayer for forgiveness.
Brother Field, thank you for stirring the conscience of those Whites up to no good.
"When was the time people were in their senses? Can you give two examples? One for the Whites and one for the Blacks?"
i don't know how old you are...
but i can tell you that in my lifetime, i have seen evidence of Love waxing cold in Blacks. what ails US is a spiritual condition.
we act so "smart" like we don't need Him/His Word. we would rather follow a man, it seems. despite all the evidence of menfolk being bought out + re-directed with the quickness.
we don't like each other very much now. and i remember when it used to be different.
i remember when you did not have babies out of wedlock like it was A- ok + something to be proud about.
i remember when BM married the women they impregnated in much larger numbers.
i remember when it was ok for BW to need BM.
now the opposite is promoted...
folk will pair the BM up in the media with anyone + everyone BUT the BW. not only that...
Black folk with the platforms to make a difference will pair BM up with everyone BUT the BW and won't pair the BW up with anyone. like they are promoting the dysfunction. then...
when the children are a hot blazing mess...
just guess...
who gets the blame for the mess?
i remember when folk ran the risk of a beat down or getting disappeared if they thought for a minute they would come through just doing whatever to the womenfolk of folks' families.
not anymore.
folk will get a greater beat down over something silly. like stepped on shoes or feelings that are bruised.
i remember when certain things- like serial killing for example- were things that White folk did.
i remember when Blacks were in original sin, like all other humans, yet somehow were more...
than today.
Black Wall Street for example.
think we collectively got the means to do it again?
if so, what's up?
might it be those with the ends are heavily manipulated + controlled?
i remember when Blacks were let off of hi jacked planes 'cause folk knew we had nothing to do with the madness.
those days are long gone, yet our conditions are more permanent underclass pitiful than ever.
i could go on, but will stop.
do you not?
remember...that is...
as it relates to your question last thread...
a close spiritual bond with Yah = the objective.
folk can.not.wait...
to try to follow some man somewhere.
despite what is written.
we are to look to His Word and ask Him to guide US.
spiritual counsel= important. make no mistake. yet, even then, we have to be very careful. seems if one departs from the okey doke, even spiritual counsel will treat folk like they are radioactive.
ask me how i know...
it seems folk want to control others more than they want to control themselves. the church is the perfect place for this to happen to souls, too.
i think this is why we have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling...
as it is written.
it seems "education" today teaches folk it is all about the spoon feed.
none of US have all the answers.
i think it is the best we can do to keep seeking + pressing forward... praying without ceasing and encouraging one another.
Quotes Bill-oh
"All your stories about women you date/marry have all been about white women."
Factually incorrect. I mentioned (for instance) that I dated the sister of mass-murdering Liberian psychopath Charleds Taylor
"Did you ever date black women?"
God yeah, I was an equal opportunity seducer.
I dated women from every single ethnic grouping that you can think of* including Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Apache - even Irish for god's sake. It's not like I've ever done a statistical survey or anything, but I probably dated more white women than black, but that's only because there were more white women around - therefore more opportunity. But tbh, the colour of the woman's skin was of no more consequence to me than the colour of her panties.
"Did you set that white woman straight like you would a troll?"
Not having red hair I was in no position to "set her straight". If she felt that calling her g***** was as offensive as calling me N***** - who was I to argue?
*Having said that, I'm struggling to remember any Inuits - though I did date a Finish girl called Outi who was born inside the Arctic circle.
Not sure about other cities, but stories about cruelty to animals make the evening news here. Black men being killed? Eh.Maybe.
A cop killed a moose in Colorado and lied about it. He is in jail. The good People of Colorado were outraged he killed such a majestic beast.
Excerpt from a brilliant speech by Pablo Iglesias (Spain's next Prime Minister) on what it will take for the Left to triumph.
Worth a read, Lefties....
"That’s how the enemy wants us. He want us small, speaking a language no one understands, in a minority, hiding behind our traditional symbols. He is delighted with that, because he knows that as long as we are like that, we are not dangerous.
We can have a really radical discourse, say we want to do a general wildcat strike, talk about the people in arms, brandish symbols, carry portraits of the great revolutionaries to our demonstrations — they are delighted with that! They laugh at us. However, when you gather together hundreds, thousands of people, when you start convincing the majority, even those who voted for the enemy — that’s when they start to be afraid. And that is called “politics.” That is what we need to learn."
coincidentally, another interesting thought experiment over at, though it's based on fact:
Many communities have no snitch policies. The Italians, Latinos, Vietnamese, ect. Have long histories of protecting each other and not talking to cops but of course it becomes a problem if blah folks do it.
In the reception room waiting for the Doc to finish my flight physical. They have conservative talk radio on! Dear god, the stoooooopid! I need to steal some of his drugs and maybe OD! Save me!!!!!!
PilotX -
Same with Beth Israel Hospital in NYC- Fox News, everywhere! The irony is that the hospital was originally built to serve the poor and downtrodden...
FoxNews has just identified Sydney as "Australia's capital city".
I swear to God, you couldn't make it up.
field negro said...
Not sure about other cities, but stories about cruelty to animals make the evening news here. Black men being killed? Eh.Maybe.
Do you mean the non-foxnews evening news?
Doesn't your evening news report on black people being killed by white people?
What else do you want?
If the evening news started reporting on the black on black killings, wouldn't you accuse them of being racist like you do fox news?
anotherbozo said...
coincidentally, another interesting thought experiment over at
Why are dumbocrats so scared of 2-3 million foxnews viewers in a country of 316 million?
Interesting point the article makes about foxnews...
They probably won't mention him at all
So the opinion at dailykos is that foxnews wouldn't try and claim he is a "gentle giant" or try to defend him?
Interesting observation.
Aw man!!! I thought it was for real!! Here I was all outraged and all the thoughts running through my head ready to type them! When it turns out to be made up x(
Bad Field! x( x)
But, unfortunately I do think it's though!
Because remember all the fuss they made when Spain ordered that nurse who had Ebola's dog to be euthanized???
PETA and the entire world protested and spoke out and e mailed all over. So there you have it!
Your made up post is not so made up after all ;D
FP-"i think this is why we have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling...
as it is written. "
Yes! that is what I have been feeling but could not find that inner voice to put it into words. Now that you have put what I have been feeling, it is 'obvious' what I have been fearful of.
Thank you. This is 'why' I hope you will continue to write and deliver spiritual teachings because I know very little.
I have been learning a little here, and a little there. However, I get some inner synthesis and synchronization when you comment here....Thank you.
Do you ever wonder if Field reads your comments?
I think Field is a 'closet' Christian.
Pilot, my buddy is a dentist and he had that crap on in his waiting room. I told him if I came back and saw his television on Fox I would put him on blast.
Happy to report that he now has CNN on in his waiting area. It's the little battles we fight that count sometimes. :)
field negro said...
Pilot, my buddy is a dentist and he had that crap on in his waiting room. I told him if I came back and saw his television on Fox I would put him on blast.
There it is. The mind of a leftist.
Anon@5:37, flattery will get you nowhere.
There seems to be a rash of Black people setting White people on fire:
field negro said...
Happy to report that he now has CNN on in his waiting area.
Now foxnews is down to 1,999,999 viewers.
In a country of 316 million.
"Happy to report that he now has CNN on in his waiting area. It's the little battles we fight that count sometimes. :)"
Lucky, I like the guy and I can't leave because he did a bunch of physicals for kids in my summer camp for free. Now if we can just get him to turn off Fox and WLS I'd be happy. Next time I'll just turn to a jazz station or something.
"Same with Beth Israel Hospital in NYC- Fox News, everywhere! The irony is that the hospital was originally built to serve the poor and downtrodden..."
At least I'm not alone in my misery.
Still no word on the number of hammer attacks. Tick tock.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's10:16 AM
"Many communities have no snitch policies. The Italians, Latinos, Vietnamese, ect. Have long histories of protecting each other and not talking to cops but of course it becomes a problem if blah folks do it."
Yes dumbass, it is a problem when blahs have thousands of unsolved murder in their communities.
No other community facilitates such dysfunction.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
long histories of protecting each other and not talking to cops but of course it becomes a problem if blah folks do it.
Is there a difference between "protecting each other" for crimes committed upon whites and crimes committed upon other blacks?
"Still no word on the number of hammer attacks. Tick tock."
tick tock......
field negro said...
"Still no word on the number of hammer attacks. Tick tock."
tick tock......
I can;t believe both you and PilotX are so old the technology of Google escapes you.
No need to thank me.
Brother Field, why should an anon make up hammer attacks on Whites if it didn't happen? He has nothing to gain from doing that.
So, there is no need to further challenge him. Trust is a vital part of life. I accept what anon has said.
Yes Bill, we are all aware of the incident where that Bosnian man was attacked in St. Louis.
I think Pilot wanted the number of...let me spell this out slowly for you: a.t.t.a.c.k. (S)
"I can;t believe both you and PilotX are so old the technology of Google escapes you."
TPWTBS. Need me to do their work for them. If hammer attacks we so prevalent would we need to search for info? Now these fools are paranoid about getting hit with hammers. Does it ever end?
"Yes dumbass, it is a problem when blahs have thousands of unsolved murder in their communities."
Thousands huh? I guess whites don't have unsolved murders huh?
field negro said...
Yes Bill, we are all aware of the incident where that Bosnian man was attacked in St. Louis.
I think Pilot wanted the number of...let me spell this out slowly for you: a.t.t.a.c.k. (S)
I wasn't linking to any particular incident, as proven by the search terms, "=hammer+attacks."
If you want a total of attacks, why can;t you scroll through the pages of google search and keep a running tally of attacks?
I can't do everything for you.
Here's a tip...
If you want to omit the Bosnian hammer attack from your search results, add "-Bosnian" in your search.
Point is, total attacks =One (1)
I am pretty sure that's the Pilot was trying to make.
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