When I first started this blog I was obsessed with finding Lark Voorhies, you know Lark, right? She was Lisa Turtle on Saved by the Bell back in the day. Anyway, thanks to the growing popularity of the blog, I finally found her. And all I can say is be careful what you wish for.
But I digress. Back to obsessions.
Conservatives, like the rest of us normal people, have obsessions as well. Lately their attention has been focused on a very attractive singer/dancer/actress/ from Houston, Texas, who happens to be linked up with a famous rapper.

"Future GOP candidate for president, Mike Huckabee, claims that the Obamas are bad parents because the let their kids listen to Beyoncé. Mr. Huckabee calls Beyoncé's music, "sex music" .
"... not only do they let Malia (16) and Sasha (13) listen to Beyonce, they let them go to Beyoncé concerts and be in her sex presence."
Well their father has been in her "sex presence" (????) himself a few times, but how is that exactly a bad thing? I bet that Mike wouldn't mind being in her "sex presence" himself.
If I was in Lark's "sex presence" before she got...well, different, I would have been delighted. (Digression alert.)
And then there is Bill O'Reilly, this guy has had a serious Beyoncé jones for awhile now.
"Beyoncé Knowles-Carter doesn’t deserve to be named one of TIME Magazine’s most influential people, according to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, because her new album is promoting sex before marriage within the black community.
O’Reilly, who has been particularly concerned about Beyoncé’s “raunchy” new album since the music video for her song “Partition” was released, disapproves of TIME’s decision to put the singer on the cover of its annual “100 Most Influential People” issue. On his show on Friday, O’Reilly suggested that Beyoncé isn’t helping to address the “cultural deficits” in African American and poor white communities and is actually “part of the problem.”
Poor Beyoncé, all girlfriend wants to do is entertain, but she is being held up as a symbol for black single motherhood.
I wonder if this guy was held to such a standard when he was gyrating his hips and breaking the hearts of young teenage girls all over the country.
Naw, I bet not.
"The sort-of genesis of Fox Newsers criticizing Beyoncé for questionable material was back in 2010, when Fox contributor Sandy Rios and Bill O’Reilly went after the music video for Lady Gaga‘s “Telephone,” which featured Beyoncé. Rios had said to Megyn Kelly, “We’ve got Beyoncé and Gaga, gay and lesbian lovers. I mean, it’s disgusting"
I twill be the judge of that.
Well, since black illegitimacy is now over 71%, and since illegitimacy is the factor most strongly correlated with poverty and dysfunction, maybe " promoting sex before marriage within the black community" is not such a great idea.
Just sayin'.
Because old flabby large bellied huge assed conservative men want to rape Beyonce.
Beyonce is one of my favorite blondes.
I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes?
I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes?
9:29 PM
???????? please explain.
They're asking if her pubic hair is the same color as the hair on her head. Real classy.
-Doug in Oakland
Hey, it's a thing with me, okay?
BTW, I get asked that all the time.
And before you ask, the answer is "Yes".
Ronald McDonald is disgusting sex addict. I am surprised Field did not delete him.
You'd best stay out of my restaurants, punk, or I'll McFuck you up like you couldn't imagine.
what restaurants do you go to?
Beyonce could have been a legend were it not for her pushing so hard to be a sex symbol.
BTW if Beyonce is an "actress", then your trolls are "smart", LOL!!
Ronald McDonald,
You need to calm down. Otherwise the guys in white coats will McSedate you, Mcstrap you to a table at the McPsyche ward and McShock treatment you again. Remember how you hair was smoking after that? I have no doubt that Dr. Hamburgler would just love to have you committed again. So chill bro.
The King
"I wonder if this guy was held to such a standard when he was gyrating his hips and breaking the hearts of young teenage girls all over the country."
Actually, the old fogeys back in Elvis' day did think he was going to cause some kind of cultural apocalypse. Elvis was rather scandalous at the time. We forget that because all of those cranky curmudgeons are now dead.
But Beyoncé is even better fodder for the hand-wringers and pearl-clutchers, because unlike Elvis, it's not some potential, future societal implosion that might occur as a result of her sex appeal. Oh no, you can blame real societal problems that have already happened on her, to distract from the actual causes of those problems!
Doesn't exist.
Economic policy?
Totally fair. The peasants don't really need to eat.
War on Drug? Mandatory minimum sentencing?
Long prison sentences for trivial offenses are a brilliant idea.
Nope, all of America's problem's are caused by ... Beyoncé. It's so obvious!
Maybe some of these fogies on the right are a little caught up on Beyonce. But none are so obsessed as our First Lady, who if she could be anyone else in the history of the world, chose Beyonce.
A conflict-weave-wearing, booty-shaking, non-graduating pop star. Not a justice, not a scientist, not even Oprah, but Beyonce.
If Beyonce is one whom people think spread a positive message, so be it. But I'll be damned if I'd want my daughters listening to her music, or my wife wanting to be her.
This is partially the obsession of conservatives with a time in which things were so pure and decent. The top three gop Presidential candidates talk like Ward Cleaver and think we should return to the 50's. This is how they roll, old out of touch white guys. I don't know, I'm not down with my President using phrases like "golly" and "gee whiz". Maybe we can move past the 50's one day.
BTW, hot pic.
PilotX said...
Maybe we can move past the 50's one day.
Liberals have been waging war on the 50's for a half century now. I doubt they'll ever stop.
Ronald McDonald said...
You'd best stay out of my restaurants, punk, or I'll McFuck you up like you couldn't imagine.
10:33 PM
Dear Yisheng, what do you recommend a frightened Anon should do about Ronald McDonald?
I mean, he is terrorizing Negroes on FN like Bull Connor with his police did to MLK and his peeps in Selma, Alabama during his marches?
Not only that, he is speaking nasty and evil about Beyonce. Why does Field let a sick mofo like him stay on FN? I mean, there should be some limits what people say about Beyonce.
I mean, they don't say disgusting things about some White entertainers like Jerry Lee Lewis or Liberace or whites wearing hoodies do they?
Huh? Conservatives have been waging war on common sense.
The Field Negro said...
I wonder if this guy was held to such a standard
Didn't CBS show him from the waist up?
That gyrating hip thing.
Has a teev station censored Beyonce?
Seems Elvis was held to a higher standard.
I could swear that old Huckleberry played played bass with Ted Nugent on "cat scratch fever" at all those campaign stops (yep on YouTube). So I guess he doesn't mind sexually suggestive lyrics when they're sung by a gross old man who nobody wants to f•••.
Good point WC. Conservative hypocrisy at its finest.
She's high yella!
Hot pic PX? Really? If it weren't for the sexy lingerie, I'd think she was about to have a BM on a public toilet.
Hope there was enough tissue in there to control the
splash, LOL!!!
"I could swear that old Huckleberry played played bass with Ted Nugent on "cat scratch fever" at all those campaign stops (yep on YouTube). So I guess he doesn't mind sexually suggestive lyrics when they're sung by a gross old man who nobody wants to f•••."
Yep, old Holier Than Thou Huck, rockin' out with The Nuge, a dude who wrote songs about sex with thirteen-year-olds, and who legally adopted another teenager in real life so he could bone her without legal repercussions.
Does doing it with your adopted daughter count as "family values"? (I mean "family" was involved, and I'm sure Nugent "valued" her as often as he could manage to get it up.) Given the flamboyant hypocrisy of the Christian Right, it probably does.
Blogger Yīshēng said...
Hot pic PX? Really? If it weren't for the sexy lingerie, I'd think she was about to have a BM on a public toilet.
LOL...I agree 100%. I guess it comes down to perception doesn't it? If you are a smart healthy person, she looks like she's sitting on a toilet. There's nothing 'hot' about that, unless you are a creepy shit addict...or Ronald McDonald. LOL
Hmmmmm, never thought of it that way Doc. Nah, I still say she looks hot.
"Well, since black illegitimacy is now over 71%..."
"illegitimacy"[!} Jesus H. Christ...
How are things back there in the 1950's?? Have you invented Teflon yet?
Ronald McDonald is a FOX producer. BUSTED!
Doc, her acting skills are....meh, but I call her an actor because she has had major roles in movies.
Don't thing anyone van refute WC's point about the Nug e and Huck.
Wingnut, thy name is hypocrisy.
field negro said...
Wingnut, thy name is hypocrisy.
Yes, I've been pointing out your double standards and hypocrisy for a while now.
Your confession should help you.
Don't worry Field Negro, we all like you anyway.
Now just admit Elvis was held to a higher standard. :)
"a dude who wrote songs about sex with thirteen-year-olds, and who legally adopted another teenager in real life so he could bone her without legal repercussions."
That makes it legal? Hmmmm.....
The Purple Cow said...
"Well, since black illegitimacy is now over 71%..."
"illegitimacy"[!} Jesus H. Christ...
How are things back there in the 1950's?? Have you invented Teflon yet?
No, we have no Teflon or EBT cards, but we have intact families, full employment, income equality, safe cities, strong communities, and much more optimistic outlook on life.
John Kerry Decides The Best Way To Apologize To France Is To Have James Taylor Perform
No Beyonce?
Only filthy rich white men would pick other filthy rich white men to sing.
Call them out Field Negro.
Nope. I like James Taylor.
A republican president would have taken Nugent.
The New Republic film review...
The Real 'American Sniper' Had No Remorse About the Iraqis He Killed
I have not seen American Sniper.
In the old days, people used to watch the movie before writing a review.
When you're a dumbocrat, no need to watch the movie before regurgitating dumbocrat talking points.
Did I miss Field Negro admit Elvis was held to a higher standard?
field negro said...
Nope. I like James Taylor.
A republican president would have taken Nugent.
Have you seen the video?
Being a lawyer you might have missed it.
A "trick" sound guys do for entertainers that treat them bad is to set up defective equipment. Like faulty mics and faulty mic stands.
Why are you assuming that a rethug president would have made the decision to stay home watching football instead of sending a high ranking white house official like Obama did?
field negro said...
Nope. I like James Taylor.
This land is your land
This land is your land
And did I mention
This land is your land
Take what you feel like
Just please don't kill us
James Taylor concert officially over:
Giving the queen of England an iPod full of your own speeches for her birthday was tough to top. We just did.
I'm an old lady who remembers how Elvis was reviled.
Beyoncé gets on my every last nerve, but that's a matter of taste, I guess.
Hattie said...
I'm an old lady who remembers how Elvis was reviled.
Please keep those facts to yourself.
Field Negro was just throwing shade on a white guy.
Hattie said...
Beyoncé gets on my every last nerve, but that's a matter of taste, I guess.
I bet she tastes pretty damn good, just like my McRib.
"Up On The Roof" & "Fire & Rain" are classics.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Pay $48.8 Million to Resolve Federal Government's Claims that it Provided Benefits to Ineligible Aliens
Taxpayers will be paying back the $48.8 million.
Not the politicians that did wrong.
"Nope. I like James Taylor."
Yeah but he should have stayed with Kool and the Gang.
Aw man, smart move by the RNC to limit the number of Presidential debates to minimize the embarrasment but that cuts the best comedy show on tv in half. Oh well, I guess they just have to hurry up and get in the crazy.
1. I would not let any of my kids near Mike Huckabee. He's a creep.
2. I don't approve of Bill O'Reilly. He is also a creep.
Personally, I believe Ed is a creep.
So do I.
Field, why haven't you mentioned the movie "SELMA"? Beyonce is in the movie...she plays Coretta Scott King.
IMO, her face was beautiful! It's the best look she has ever had. And why haven't you Negroes given praises to the black actors in that movie?
Beyonce really played a great role as Martin's wife.
Btw, I hear that you pay a white troll company that provides all the photos for your blog but you haven't paid a nickel to black-owned Anon Inc, you uncle tommin Negro!
Anon, I agree that Beyonce looked more beautiful than she has ever looked. You know, she looked like she had a nose job and had a dentist to whiten her teeth.
Anyway, she was a knock-out in that movie. Blacks should be proud of her. I know I am.
That would Be a British actress named Carmen Kosojo(sp?) who plays CSK in the movie. Not Beyonce.
I know that we all look alike, but you have to read a little and do your research before posting on blogs. :)
No one would confuse Yisheng with Beyonce....
Hey Fuckelberry!!
Hey, white people! Why spew your hate on this blog? Are you rejects from your own kind, the cesspool of hunanity?
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