When you drive down the street you better get ready to wave at a total stranger. And someone you have never seen before in your life will think nothing of striking up a conversation with you for damn near an hour about damn near anything.
Honestly, it creeps me out a little bit.
First of all, an hour out of my time with even a close friend is tough enough. That's how much I value my time. And when you talk about a total stranger, well....
But I digress.
So this cultural divide and how we treat each other got me to thinking about my friend Mike Huckabee. Him of the Beyonce fetish.
Mike just can't get over how "trashy" some of these women on the East Coast are.
"In Iowa, you would not have people who would just throw the f-bomb and use gratuitous profanity in a professional setting," Huckabee said during a radio interview on Friday. "In New York, not only do the men do it, but the women do it!"
"And you just are looking around saying my gosh this is worse than locker room talk," he continued. "This would be considered totally inappropriate to say these things in front of a woman and for a woman to say them in a professional setting, we would only assume that this is a very—as we would say in the south—that's just trashy!" [Source]
The poor guy should come to Philly. The F- Bomb is actually a term of endearment here.
Anyway, he is taking some heat for his rather sententious stance on the fairer sex.
Most women, whether they like to curse or not, just don't like the idea of some holier- than- thou fraud ---who likes to sing about sex and all kinds of raunchy things with his friends--- lecturing them about whether or not it's cool to let a curse word slip every now and then.
It got so bad for my man Mike that his station mate over at FOX, Ms. White Santa herself, is giving him the business and letting him know in no uncertain terms that women have changed a little bit since he was sipping milkshakes at the five & dime back in Arkansas.
"I do have news for you before I let you go," Kelly jestfully told Huckabee on her show, "The Kelly File," on Wednesday night.
"We are not only swearing. We're drinking, we're smoking, we're having premarital sex with birth control before we go to work, and sometimes boss around a bunch of men," Kelly, who lives in New York, said."
She forgot to mention that they curse during "premarital sex" as well.
Not that I would know that. I am just repeating what others have told me....
Anyway, some words of wisdom for my friend, Huck: Let this go. You are running for president and this is not how you want to start off your campaign.
Those "trashy" women and their sisters hold the key to you ever getting close to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
I think a majority of men would agree that many modern women are trash. Old Mike has a right to his opinion, and a right to run for a Republican nomination he will never get.
"First of all, an hour out of my time with even a close friend is tough enough. That's how much I value my time. And when you talk about a total stranger, well...."
Well, you see down South we are faith based lot where everybody we meet is a child of God. And the Father says for us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Down South, we aim to do exactly what God wants, not what we would rather do.
Mr Field, Mike has it right. There was a global study made in the 90's about the desirability of women according to nationality.
American women finished last because they were seen as too masculine, bossy, abortionists, and lacked morals.
Worldwide, the study showed that American women were the least desirable women on the planet!
Down South people are too nosy for my taste. Lol
Shove a lit stick of dynamite up Josh's depraved, unwashed, PNAC-lovin', racist, sexist, elitist, White Supremacist, homophobic, arrogant, self-righteous, self-important, paternalistic, Nazi-esque, colonial, imperialistic, hemorrhoid-laden Republiklan white ass!
STFU Yingyang
I don't think ge should talk about shktstache's mama like that.
Aww come on Field folks down south are nice.
The South IS nice. Huckabee isn't Southron....Arkansas is barely. You don't hear about that racial crap down here. No riots & such. (Except Florida. Ever wonder why the only Southern state Capitol that wasn't even TRIED to be conquered by the Yankee bastards wasn't Tallahassee??)....they aren't considered true Southerners, but they're about a South as you can get in the US.
Fields finally took a stand on something. Well, cancel Christmas!
No doubt General Sherman understand fire now in ways we can't image.
What about Oklahoma and Texas? Do you really think they are nice there?
Poor Huck, can't find anybody to talk dirty to him!
"repeating what others have told" you Field? Sure Field, umhmm ;)
Field said, "When you drive down the street you better get ready to wave at a total stranger. And someone you have never seen before in your life will think nothing of striking up a conversation with you for damn near an hour about damn near anything."
What Field failed to you FN Negroes that the people who wave at you aren't White. They are Negroes stumbling out of the local bar owned by Willie.
Huckaberyy is absolutely right. Beyonce is acting trashy. What is wrong with that woman.
And what is wrong with J-Z for letting her do that raunchy shit?
BM usually have morals and don't put up with trashy stuff. This is the kind of stuff that ruins bm.
"She forgot to mention that they curse during 'premarital sex' as well."
And sometimes they call out to God and Jesus, too! At least Megyn didn't mention that on-air, or else Huck might've had an aneurysm right on the spot.
Mike's like a caveman who got flash frozen during the Paleolithic Era, but his glacier just thawed out and he's awakened in a strange new land. He must just spend all his time staggering around, goggle-eyed and confused, because it's 2015 and nothing makes sense to him anymore.
I think we should do him a favor and pop him back in the freezer.
Anonymous said...
What about Oklahoma and Texas? Do you really think they are nice there?
12:05 AM
Never been to Oklahoma...but I'm sure I killed more than my share of deer & hogs in all-over Texas. The folks were always most friendly, both white & Texicanos.
It's like the South here too.
The other day I was at a pharmacy waiting for a scrip to be filled,and the gentleman sitting opposite me started chatting and we talked about so many things, including his wife's bout with cancer, and we had the greatest time. So instead of waiting all bored we had a great conversation and shared ideas, insights and information.
That happens all the time here. I guess in many ways all small towns are alike.
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
Anonymous said...
What about Oklahoma and Texas? Do you really think they are nice there?
12:05 AM
Never been to Oklahoma...but I'm sure I killed more than my share of deer & hogs in all-over Texas. The folks were always most friendly, both white & Texicanos.
12:29 AM
What about the Blacks, or are they a non-issue in OK and TX? They seem to be docile and obedient in those states...a kind of plantation mentality.
lilacpr2000 said...
It's like the South here too.
The other day I was at a pharmacy waiting for a scrip to be filled,and the gentleman sitting opposite me started chatting and we talked about so many things, including his wife's bout with cancer, and we had the greatest time. So instead of waiting all bored we had a great conversation and shared ideas, insights and information.
That happens all the time here. I guess in many ways all small towns are alike.
12:30 AM
Bullshit. When I was in PR I never met so many mean-ass people in all of my life. It was good to get back to Brooklyn.
The gop loves their paternalistic 50's loving white males. Some kind of Ward Cleaver complex. Huck and Romney talk like they stepped right out of a 50's sitcom and are actually serious candidates. Oh and we can't forget Mr. Blah people.
Now that being said NYC can be a bit of a culture shock. That shit hit me there and I'm from Chicago. Ha!
"Nazis Were Socialists, Not Right-Wingers
Anyone who comments here regularly should already know that Hitler was a Socialist.
Just to clarify:
Left Wing = Collectivist
Right Wing = Individualist"
Oh good grief.....this one again.
It's amazing how these far-Right types have just a couple of arguments they've cut and pasted, and they keep re-pasting them over and over again, - ad nauseum - long after they have been thoroughly debunked.
Do I need to re-post by debunking yet again?
Part One: Hitler, Socialists and the “International Jewish Conspiracy”
After WW1 Hitler was stationed in Munich in Bavaria. At that time Kurt Eisner, leader of the Independent Socialist Party, declared Bavaria to be an independent Socialist Republic. Hitler was appalled; he viewed Socialism as simply part of what he called the ‘International Jewish conspiracy’.
Of course Hitler was keenly aware that the father of Socialism – Karl Marx – was a Jew. (This may come as a surprise to you, but Adolph was not mad keen on Jews, in fact it’s fair to say, he was a bit of an anti-Semite.) Most of the key figures in German Socialism at that time, such as Eisner, Rosa Luxemburg, Toller and Eugene Levine were Jews. Similarly many of the key figures in the Russian October revolution of 1917 had been Jews, such as Trotsky, Radek, Litvinov, Zinoviev and Joffe. Hitler was further outraged in July of 1918, when the Bolsheviks enacted a law that made all discrimination against Jews illegal.
When the German government regained control of Bavaria in 1919, many hundreds of Socialists were summarily executed without trial. To prove his loyalty to the German government and his opposition to Socialism, Hitler volunteered to rat on fellow soldiers who he knew to have Socialist views. So impressed were the Army officers with Hitler’s fervor and anti-Socialist beliefs that they recruited him to be a political officer, lecturing German soldiers on the dangers of Socialism, Communism and Bolshevism
Part Two – Nazis and Industry
In the time leading up to Hitler’s election he sought to exploit the massive social unrest in Germany by promising to strengthen Trade Unions, while simultaneously promising Germany’s capitalists that he would destroy the trade union movement. Hitler made good to his promises to Capitalists. The Nazis abolished trade unions, all collective bargaining, and the right to strike.
The Nazis enacted the "Charter of Labor" this piece of legislation gave employers total power over their employees. It established a legal position of employer as "leader of the enterprise," The law specifically stated:
"The leader of the enterprise makes the decisions for the employees and laborers in all matters concerning the enterprise."
It continued..
"It’s task is to see that every individual should be able to perform the maximum of work."
Under the new rules between 1932 and 1936, average wages fell, from 20.4 to 19.5 cents an hour for skilled labor, and from 16.1 to 13 cents an hour for unskilled labor.
So much for the Socialist tenant of giving workers ‘control of the means of production.’ Remember that V.I. Lenin said the first requirement of a Socialist economy is that the “Commanding Heights” of the economy must be taken into worker control. The Nazis did none of that.
The very first victims of the Nazis mass killing machines were no less than 400,000 Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists.
Part Three Lebensraum – Nazi Philosophy
Hitler replaced the key Marxist concept of class conflict and replaced it with ethnic warfare between Aryans on one side and Jews and Gypsies on the other. Within Germany expressions of class-consciousness were specifically banned by law, Germany’s 100 year history of Social Democratic philosophy was ruthlessly supressed.
The Nazis promoted Völksgemeinschaft, which translates as “folk community.” In this ideology all the economic classes would be united in a struggle to establish a racially pure, Aryan nation, uniquely German in it’s nature and culture. This was in sharp contrast to the prevailing Socialist ideology which was essentially internationalist in nature.
The Nazis were principally nationalists. They sought to occupy other nations in the quest for Lebensraum - living space – where ethnic Germans would lord over lesser races – untermenschen – in a sort of racist paradise. Again a stark contrast to the prevailing socialist paradigm that postulated in international workers living in a borderless society.
Finally looking at the key sources of support for the Nazis, these came politically from aging Right Wing nationalists like Luddendorf and Bismarck, and financially from capitalist families such as the Krupps. It’s difficult – if not impossible - to see why these people would support the Nazis if they had a life-long history of opposing leftist ideology, and would be acting against their own financial interests if the Nazis really had been Socialists.
Love that the RNC is taking a trip to Israel with a hate group. Hmmmmm. Interesting.
Well yes, there is that.
Although they would call it just being friendly.:)
They sure are.
Thanks for the history lesson PC.
It was a bit much for wingnuts to read, though.
Could u post it in video form for them?
Well, Blue Bovine....
If it hadn't been for the white men of European Ancestry, your butt wouldn't be where you are, screwing a supposed white woman with bad teeth, and criticizing people.
AND. Talk about "cut & paste", just where did you get all that dribble you posted above...(In parts, no less...with your obvious comments inserted)
Yeh. I'd like to see it too.
SO...show us your reference, butt-head Bovine.
You know you have it saved in your "favorites"
Don't forget to include the people who wrote the crap you espouse!!!!!
BTW...I think Hitler was a living turd, and should have been assassinated in the 1930's.
It's not my admiration for the man.
I just have a problem with his legacy...and numbnuts like the Purple Cow who believe everything they read in their foodbag.
Remember the ship the ST. Louis?
I didn't think so.
Poor old Commander Johnson still hasn't developed that second braincell I see. Also disappointed to see you have such a low opinion of American dentistry, my wife has a very fine set of pearly whites, as Americans tend to do.
I wrote the whole thing myself dear boy, about two years ago. I wheel it out everyone one of you idiots comes up with that 'Hitler was a Socialist,' shit. Feel free to Google any part of it, you won't find it anywhere where I didn't post it.
Uh huh, You call yourself a "cow", Well, that should make you intelligent. I've seen their "second brain cells" on the end of a sledge hammer.
I knew you were posting crap that you read, you are so obvious. You are a plagiarizing cow-flop turd.
I actually like & respect you. man. But, I won't be as stoopid as you might presume.
And, with the dental work in the British isles, I'm happy for your wife.
BTW...I NEVER said Hitler was a "socialist" I have no concern what his mindset might be, except from a sociopath view..
The Purple Cow said...
Oh good grief.....this one again.
Have you ever considered anonymous just says that to pull your strings and watch you react?
BTW, Obama is not a right-winger. You and I both know that.
The Purple Cow said...
I wheel it out everyone one of you idiots comes up with that 'Hitler was a Socialist,' shit
You mean whenever a troll pulls your strings and wants you to respond.
The Purple Cow said...
Hitler replaced the key Marxist concept of class conflict and replaced it with ethnic warfare between Aryans on one side and Jews and Gypsies on the other
Exactly. Hitler used the socialist template and merely changed Lenin's "Who, Whom?" formulation. The collectivist ideas were the same.
Today, socialism has come full circle with Cultural Marxism the focus instead of class struggle. Today's leftists promote ethnic warfare between whites on one side and everyone else on the other.
So, not only were the Nazis left wing, but today's left wingers are Nazis.
Considering how racist the government is, Suge Knight sure has gotten away with a lot.
*IF* the dumbocrats support the troops, why are dumbocrats hating so much on the American Sniper movie.
It's not as if Chris Kyle voted with pelosi and her dumbocrat party to authorize bush going to war.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bullshit. When I was in PR I never met so many mean-ass people in all of my life. It was good to get back to Brooklyn.
1:19 AM
I find that amazing because over here everyone, and I mean everyone, is especially kind and friendly towards visitors and foreigners from any other country.
We just want them to feel at home and take away a good feeling and impression of our island.
So you'll excuse me but I kind f find that hard to believe.
I've never seen it happen anyway.
So Im sorry if you were unfortunate enough to have met mean people, you must have met the only ones on the island ;)
Not that we don't have mean people here, of course we do. But even mean ones are always kind to visitors.
"I knew you were posting crap that you read, you are so obvious. You are a plagiarizing cow-flop turd."
Prove it or shut the fuck up.
"BTW, Obama is not a right-winger. You and I both know that."
He's a conservative, you and I both know that.
Incidentally, Noam Chomsky argues that the last liberal American President was Richard M. Nixon.
Somewhat over-stated maybe, but he has a point.
The Purple Cow said...
"...prevailing socialist paradigm that postulated in international workers living in a borderless society."
Some borders are more equal than others. The Socialist takeover of Poland, when the Nazis and Communists split the country down the middle, illustrates how socialism breaks down borders between people.
Study the old, once rarely-seen photos of the Nazi and Soviet officers smiling and shaking hands as they prepare to murder the Poles and confiscate their property. That's international socialism in action.
Collectivism always leads to the same thing: Mass murder. Soviet and Nazi totalitarianism were not identical, but were based on the same insane collectivist doctrines as today's socialists.
It seems that way. Here on the west coast, everyone walks around with a chip on their shoulder.
More like a respect mentality. People seem to have mutual understanding there. Except in the cities; urban attitudes still prevail there.
Hello Mr. Field,
I have read your blog for years. Lurking but never commenting until now.
I moved to Atlanta from Alabama over twenty years ago. I would speak to total strangers and they would give me a look that sent a slight shiver down my spine.
A transplant from Mississippi explained that Atlanta is a melting pot of so many cultures from around the world.
Evidently, the most challenging group are people from the northeast :)
America needs some Socialism right about now.
PC, they can't show plagiarism because there was none.
We will leave that plagiarism stuff to their friends Rand and Dr.Ben.
Somebody needs to get on women!
In the theory of evolution by natural selection, there is a very common postulate about women: During our evolving, women found it beneficial to sleep with multiple men, and even after having a child, would abandon the man with whom she had it to find security with another man -- the idea being, it was beneficial for a woman's survival to keep shacking up with multiple men.
IMO, this is what gave rise to religion. Men were the originators of the "nesting" philosophy. They cared about their seeds' survival. They were telling these women, "Get back in that cave with that kid while I go hunt mammoth, bitch!" But the woman would shout, "No, Ooga! I'm going to Booga's tent!" And he was powerless to stop it.
So, eventually, men figured something out: If we claim a higher power commands women to be obedient, we can keep them with us! They never wanted total control; they just wanted them to stop being sluts. But total control through fear-mongering was the only way.
We need a happy medium. Look, femininity isn't a "social construct." Women aren't simply called the "fairer sex" colloquially, there is hard science to back up the fact that women are less violent, less vulgar, and less profane. And for guys like Mike, even though he's turning a mole hill into a mountain, he's afraid that women are losing their femininity. And to an extent they are.
These whacky feminists today who believe "gender" is a social construct want women to act in some of the most disturbing ways just to buck the system. And that's not going to work out well a generation hence. Men are going to pull your whole card, ladies! No more special preference in court. No more "don't hit a lady" chivalry. No more sugar daddies. No more preferential hiring and binders of women.
When you're treated just like everyone else, you're going to be fucking miserable! When women are treated like men, you're going to beg to be treated like ladies again.
So maybe a few less F-bombs and a few more curtsies. Just sayin'...
@11:53 PM
You're wrong Jerky Jack-off Josh.
That's not Madam Yisheng firing at you.
Wrong again KKKochhole!!
"Huck and Romney talk like they stepped right out of a 50's sitcom and are actually serious candidates."
Romney may personally have a throwback lifestyle, but he's not the kind of guy to force his religious views on everyone else. People like Huckabee and Santorum are. Leave it them and we'd turn into the Christian version of Iran.
The problem with old "47%" Romney is the horrible economic policy he'd like to enact on behalf of himself and his Wall Street aristocrat chums. We all might as well just vote for monarchy. Thankfully, Willard has today announced he won't be running, so it's probably safe to say we've seen the back of him.
field negro said...
America needs some Socialism right about now
Let the killing begin!
@ Josh
You really need to find a way to move past your unhealthy obsession with "sluts" (particularly black "sluts"). I don't know what chick stepped out on you, but you need to get over it and stop being such a colossal douche.
If you find you're turning into Huckabee and ranting about Beyoncé, it might be time to reassess your world view.
field negro said...
We will leave that plagiarism stuff to their friends Rand and Dr.Ben.
Don't forget me!
"The problem with old "47%" Romney is the horrible economic policy he'd like to enact on behalf of himself and his Wall Street aristocrat chums."
LMAO! As if Romney could possibly do any more for Wall Street than Obama has!
Who do you think Wall Street backed last time?
Purple Cow loses another debate.
Go figure.
The solution when internet stalking turns real life.
"White racist, 1%-er elitist pig and Capitalist Bloodsucker "Shit" Romney is now officially out of the 2016 Presidential race!!!---
--Upon hearing the news, Josh slashed his throat and wrists, ran naked down his home street and was rushed to Old Dominion hospital----We sincerely hope he doesn't pull through"!!
"Back to you, Michelle Malkininny!"
This is not a human being.
"Some borders are more equal than others. The Socialist takeover of Poland, when the Nazis and Communists split the country down the middle, illustrates how socialism breaks down borders between people."
How is this even relevant? Under a Marxist doctrine there would be no borders and the central state would wither away. If you want proof that the Soviets we're not Marxists or Socialists, that's it right there. The Soviet union was a system of state-owned capitalism, not Socialism.
"Study the old, once rarely-seen photos of the Nazi and Soviet officers smiling and shaking hands as they prepare to murder the Poles and confiscate their property. That's international socialism in action."
In your imagination, yeah. However here on planet Earth. Hitler and stalin were totalitarian despots, nothing to do with Socialism.
"Collectivism always leads to the same thing: Mass murder. Soviet and Nazi totalitarianism were not identical, but were based on the same insane collectivist doctrines as today's socialists."
The Soviet and Nazi regimes had much in common, but what they had in common did not have much to do with collectivism. Both the Nazis and the Soviets were followers of vertical collectivism which was a top-down system of government. True Socialism aspires to horizontal collectivism which stresses collective decision making, cooperation and teamwork amongst equals.
To believe that all collectivism is the same thing, or that Socialism and Fascism are the same thing, you would have to believe that Sweden and North Korea are one and the same place.
Quote Anonymous 3:16
"Purple Cow loses another debate.
Go figure."
If it makes you feel better to believe that son, you just go right ahead and believe it.
The Purple Cow said...
"To believe that all collectivism is the same thing, or that Socialism and Fascism are the same thing, you would have to believe that Sweden and North Korea are one and the same place"
Sweden and North Korea are different because Swedes and Koreans are different, and because the North Koreans have adopted a purer form of socialism.
Of course there are variations in collectivist systems, but they all depend on top-down systems of government that tend toward totalitarianism, and they are in the end completely "vertical". There is not nor ever has been a "horizontal" system of collectivism on a national scale.
Fascism is a variant of collectivism and thus belongs to the Left. Nazism was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).
Hitler was a (national) socialist. You are an (international) socialist. Both are designations of the Left.
You wish to define Nazi's as Right wing because you wish to ascribe race-based nationalism to the Right, because the Right embraces nationalism while the Left hides it.
But the racial aspect of Nazism belongs on the Left. It is the Left that is obsessed with racial classification (and all other forms of identity).
Right wing means respect of the sovereignty of the individual. Collective good arises from voluntary associations, not from forced direction. People are recognized as being different but are equal before the law.
Leftists like you and Hitler always have big plans for how everyone should live. Just leave us out of it.
Josh, why do u hate women?
HI Janell, thanks for commenting, and for reading all these years.
Jamaican man's will voided because it was deemed 'racist':
When Eric Spence died two years ago, with no family by the curmudgeon’s bedside, the Jamaican-born man left a last will and testament that disinherited the daughter he raised and left all his worldly belongings to the daughter he hadn’t seen in more than 30 years.
“I specifically bequeath nothing to my daughter, Verolin Spence, as she has had no communication with me for several years and has shown no interest in me as her father,” the spiteful 71-year-old Maple widower wrote in his will.
But in reality, that wasn’t the real reason he cut Verolin out of his will: He was angry that she had given birth to a white man’s child.
“In about September 2002, my relationship with my father came crashing down,” recalled Verolin Spence, 51, in a court affidavit. “That is the time when I told my father that I was pregnant. When he found out that the father of my child-to-be was white, my father told me that he was ashamed of me.”
From that moment on, she said he refused to return her phone calls and wanted nothing to do with her or her son.
In a rare judgment released Tuesday, a Superior Court judge in Newmarket [Ontario] set aside Spence’s will and divided his $400,000 estate equally between his two daughters. “It is clear and uncontradicted, in my view, that the reason for disinheriting Verolin, as articulated by the deceased, was one based on a clearly stated racist principle,” ruled Justice C.A. Gilmore.
Field, even though you are a big fan of oppressive government, shouldn't this old Yardie have been able to leave his estate as he saw fit?
"Sweden and North Korea are different because Swedes and Koreans are different, and because the North Koreans have adopted a purer form of socialism."
You're a funny guy. I mean kind of stupid, but still funny.
"Of course there are variations in collectivist systems, but they all depend on top-down systems of government that tend toward totalitarianism, and they are in the end completely "vertical". There is not nor ever has been a "horizontal" system of collectivism on a national scale."
Well yes there is, it's called "Western Europe".
"Fascism is a variant of collectivism and thus belongs to the Left."
Collectivism is neither of the left or the right.
"Nazism was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism."
Now you're just making this shit up as you go along aren't you?
" The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)."
Blah, blah, blah.
We know why Hitler chose to use the word Socialist in his party name, he explained it in 'Mein Kampf' (I'm sure you have a copy on your shelf.) Hitler chose to use the word 'Socialist' because he hoped to sew confusuion amongst the working class Germans who at that time were particularly devoted to Left wing politics, and also (as he says literally in the book) because it would "inflame the reds".
"Hitler was a (national) socialist. You are an (international) socialist. Both are designations of the Left."
I don't believe that even you are stupid enough to believe this is true. Hitler was a racist, like you. Hitler was a nationalist, like you. Hitler was a fascist like you.
"You wish to define Nazi's as Right wing because you wish to ascribe race-based nationalism to the Right, because the Right embraces nationalism while the Left hides it."
The left derides nationalism because it does not believe in it. In a Socialist world there will be no nations to be nationalistic about.
"But the racial aspect of Nazism belongs on the Left. It is the Left that is obsessed with racial classification (and all other forms of identity)."
Again, you are just making shit up as you go along. It's theLeft that teaches there is no such thing as race. Race is a social construct. Only the Right believes that skin colour classifies human beings.
"Right wing means respect of the sovereignty of the individual. Collective good arises from voluntary associations, not from forced direction. People are recognized as being different but are equal before the law."
No, that's horizontal collectivism in action.
"Leftists like you and Hitler always have big plans for how everyone should live. Just leave us out of it."
It would be nice if we could find a Right winger on this website with some measure of intellect. All we get is idiots like you who continue to deny reality. You know you are talking shit but you just don't care.
Field, why do social justice warriors act like nerd-ass wizards and try to use slogans as magical spells?
I can see claiming there's a "war" on women when someone wants to make abortion illegal and such. But what am I saying that's anti-woman?
You mean, pointing out our justice system in America favors women over men? Well, hell, Field -- do you live in a white community? What happens to all you black males when your old ladies decide to get the cops on you and to put the child on you and demand support? You go to jail. What happens to her? She's taken care of and allowed to keep having children.
How is pointing this out somehow hating women?
Blacks who speak against the debauchery in the black community are also accosted by you wizards who use words like magical spells to shut them up. Someone who says, "Pull up your pants and go to school" gets called a "coon" an "Uncle Tom" a "sellout," a "house negro," so they'll STFU. Someone who shoots a 12-year-old boy for his Air Jordans -- what is he called? He's "real." The gangstas are "real." The thugs are "real." The dropouts are "real." People demanding change are the ones coonin'.
You might be able to cast your spells on somebody, but I ain't the one.
There's nothing anyone can pick out of what I say to show it's anti-woman, hence the fact you don't. You instead just try to create wizard spells with baseless slogans.
The Purple Cow said...
It's the Left that teaches there is no such thing as race. Race is a social construct. Only the Right believes that skin colour classifies human beings.
In case you haven't noticed, all leftist thought today is centered on identity politics, foremost being race. Just like the Nazis.
Race based affirmative action and racial quotas are policies of the Left.
How can one enforce race-based affirmative action and racial quotas if one believes there is no such thing as race?
Beyond that, if race does not exist, how can anyone be racist? How would a poor racist figure out who he needs to discriminate against?
Talk about denying reality, and supporting one's position with idiocy. You know you are talking shit but you just don't care, because Leftism is based on the denial of reality.
So. Mr. Purple Turd.
RACE is a social construct????
Again, your udders are lacking..tating.
At an event this morning, Vice President Joe Biden told Democrats that, "To state the obvious, the past six years have been really, really hard for this country."
"And they've been really tough for our party. Just ask [former DCCC chair] Steve [Israel]. They've been really tough for our party. And together we made some really, really tough decisions -- decisions that weren't at all popular, hard to explain," said Biden.
Biden was speaking at the House Democratic Caucus retreat in Philadelphia.
Only two more years. We sure are going to miss Slow Joe.
He is not running for president, he is dialing for dollars
Mr Field you should go see the movie, "Black or White". It will change your view on race. Take Josh and Yisheng with you.
I read that yesterday the head pilot got locked out of his cockpit when it was time to land. That's right the Pilot was unable to get in the cockpit to land the plane!
This sounds like PilotX to me. Negroes tend to mess up things that no one else can do.:)
Yishbang has been banned from most movie theaters.
The Purple Cow said...
"BTW, Obama is not a right-winger. You and I both know that."
He's a conservative, you and I both know that.
Incidentally, Noam Chomsky argues that the last liberal American President was Richard M. Nixon.
Somewhat over-stated maybe, but he has a point.
I believe I made my point how easy it is to bait you into replying.
Thanks PurpleCow.
field negro said...
America needs some Socialism right about now.
Why, are the people that donated to Obama not profiting enough?
What happened to you caring about the middle class?
field negro said...
America needs some Socialism right about now.
Have you heard how people in Venezuela are doing?
Venezuela Food Shortages
Why do you want that for Americans?
Socialism so Obama can become a Billionaire like Hugo Chavez while the citizens go without?
Do you ever hear about a person escaping a capitalist country and sneaking into a socialist country?
Neither have I.
I wonder why.
I noticed you picked America to come to and not Venezuela, I don't wonder why.
Hey, Purple cow crap...I supposed you missed this one, while trying to remake others words:
So. Mr. Purple Turd.
RACE is a social construct????
Again, your udders are lacking..tating.
6:43 PM
Please don't disappoint us, I want to see you dance, boy.
After Huckabee puts a stop to fornication, he can move on to ending the abominations of eating shellfish and wearing clothes made of multiple fabrics.
As long as he doesn't go after pederasty you're cool, right Limpbaugh?
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