My fellow field hands, I will not be chasing racism tonight. Instead, I want to congratulate the people of Rock Hill, South Carolina, for confronting their racist past, acknowledging it, and taking the necessary steps to correct a historic wrong.
We need more of this in America. Just watching the people and their actions in that courtroom today said volumes.
More stories like this will make this jaded field Negro take another look at his outlook on racial matters in this country, and it will make him take a less misanthropic and cynical view of all such matters as it relates to our current society.
"Local prosecutor Kevin Brackett, who helped initiate the motion to clear their names, apologized to the men and said they deserved to be recognized as heroes.
He noted they did not want their arrests to be erased from public documents because they felt it was important that their actions be remembered.
"There is only one reason these men were arrested ... and that is because they were black," Brackett said. "It was wrong then, it’s wrong today."
Graham, 72, said after Wednesday's hearing that the group sought no "hero worship," either in 1961 or now.
"It wasn’t for any glory," he said. "We were simply ... students who were tired of the status quo, tired of being treated as second-class citizens."
Their case offers a lesson to young people in the ongoing fight for equality, a struggle not lost on the men, he said.
"Even though we were treated unjustly, still nonviolence prevailed," Graham said. "You think we’re going to sit down and rest now? No, no, no. We’ve got to lead by example." [Source]
The "Friendship Nine", like so many others who fought against injustice at the time, deserved better.
I am just glad that they are finally getting the treatment they deserve from the justice system and the people of South Carolina.
Finally, a few days ago Louis Gohmert was so upset about the president having the audacity to mention race in his SOTU address, that he found it necessary to call out the president for being a racial "divider". He then went on to lament the fact that the president wasn't a uniter like his high school coach.
"I am amazed that simply mentioning ‘my favorite coach in high school who happened to be black’ caused liberals to start asking about my high school ‘basketball’ coach. I did not mention the sport, but it happened to be my Junior Varsity FOOTBALL coach. I was a captain, played quarterback, thought the world of Coach Williams and loved the way he brought everyone together as a team."
OK, so here is the thing, as most of you know I am not a journalist; I am a lawyer. But something about this story bothers me a little bit. I am not saying that there couldn't be a black JV football coach at a public East Texas high school in 1969, 70, or 71; but let's just say that I have to get the Missouri treatment with this one: You have to show me.
I took it on myself to call the Mount Pleasant (Texas) Tribune, and I spoke to the sports editor of the paper. Since Mr. Gohmert attended Mount Pleasant High School, I wanted to know from the paper of record in that town if there was in fact an African America coach named Williams who coached the JV football team in the late nineteen sixties or early seventies.
The fellow was kind enough and he took my number. He also said that he would be getting back to me shortly. That was almost a week ago and I have still not heard from my friend from Texas.
Now again, I am not saying that Mr. Gohmert is
If any of you happen to see a link proving that there is in a fact a Coach Williams, please provide it in a comment after this post.
Hopefully he is still alive. I would love to speak to him to see what kind of teammate young Louie was.
"Hopefully he is still alive. I would love to speak to him to see what kind of teammate young Louie was."
Probably the kind that ran the wrong direction down the field. Louie is dumb as a post. He's probably the dumbest Republican in the House -- which is really saying something.
No way tired, only when it comes to the Creator. Everything else just hype.
Louis Gohmert was right to call out the president for being a racial "divider".
Obama is not even really black, yet never fails to take an opportunity to show just who he hates.
He had a historic opportunity to bring the country together. He chose instead to divide the country on race to further his political agenda and for his own personal aggrandizement.
He is the worst thing to happen to America in a century. Obama is part of a cancer that needs to be cut out.
The Field Negro said...
Now again, I am not saying that Mr. Gohmert is lying being dishonest, but I would just like a little more confirmation of his story, since all of my Google searches have failed to produce definitive proof of a Coach Williams.
Nice. You convinced me.
I think he's lying.
Check old census records lol no joke
It's always funny to me when southern white males lecture others about race. Remember Jeff Sessions lecturing justice Sotomeyer? To them simply bring up race is being devicive. On another note gotta love the cozy relationship between the religious right and the gop. The American Family Association is paying for members of the RNC including Reince Prebus to fly to Israel. The spokeperson of the AFA says America was founded as a Christian nation created to further Christianity. This on the heels of Bobby jindal's prayer rally. Interesting.
Louie gohmert played football. Ah, that might explain a few things. A few too many blows to the head?
...a few too many blows to the head, back in the leather helmet days.
Some people are good storytellers, some speak truth.
I am speaking from what I witnessed during the turbulent days of integration. In my part of the country most Black high schools were closed and therefor the varsity coaches of these closed schools were placed in subordinate positions- such as JV coaches and asst. coaches.
This formula was also used for principles from the Black schools. They (Black educators) were demoted to asst. principles and guidance counselor.
As far as sports the Black coaches regained their status due to the white coaches inability to control the Black athletes when their numbers were majority. Today I see a lot of white coaches still having asst. to handle the spoiled athletes.
Also as a sidebar, there are not many fans coming to see football at the HS levels. This is the 757 area and there will be more recruiters (UVA, NC State, VA Tech and now ODU) at these games versus fan. Another factor is that HS football is a night sport. Now when the best schools in the 757 meet there are more police than spectators and the game is played in the daytime.
How I long for the day...... So there is a possibility that maybe there was a Black coach at the JV team. Also on the flip side the Southernmost states were the last integrate and the Black coaches in that state may be a decade behind. I find it hard to believe that a young whit boy could develop any warm and fuzzy feelings with a coach in the 69-70s.
"Nice. You convinced me."
Notice Bill once again cherrypicks his quotes. He is too dumb to realize we can all read the same post and recognize the steps Field took to further investigate the story. Wow, I bet Gohmert is smarter than Bill.
Ok, no links as yet.
Bill is a prolific Googleist (I made that word up) when it comes to Obama, I am surprised that he hasn't given me something as yet.
"Bill is a prolific Googleist (I made that word up) when it comes to Obama, I am surprised that he hasn't given me something as yet."
His computer doesn't have the letter R so he can't search for republican shenanigans. His hypocrisy won't allow for it.
field negro said...
Bill is a prolific Googleist (I made that word up) when it comes to Obama, I am surprised that he hasn't given me something as yet.
Okay, here' something.
1. A specialist in Google search
2. An adherent or advocate of Google
Anything else I can do to help you out Field Negro. :)
Jon Stewart noticing...
Stewart: Why’d Obama Skip France but Drop Everything to Visit Saudis?
What does it say when the biggest Obama supporters start calling him out?
Taking a break from calling out rethugs and foxnews, Berkeley University is poised to pay women and minority facility equally.
Campus poised to act on salary gaps for women, minority faculty
Gotta love how even dumbocrats and Obama supporters have problems paying women and minorities equally.
Quote: The Divider I Chief"
"He had a historic opportunity to bring the country together. He chose instead to divide the country on race to further his political agenda and for his own personal aggrandizement."
Hang on, isn't a racial divide exactly what you Nazi types want?
Why are you complaining?
(BTW, aggrandisement is spelt with an 'S'.)
Field is casting aspersions on Gohmert's asparagus.
"What does it say when the biggest Obama supporters start calling him out?"
It says his approval rating is up to 50% dumbass. I guess you missed the other 90% of the show where he clowns conservatives huh? Typical Bill, hypocritical to the end.
The Purple Cow said...
Quote: The Divider I Chief"
"He had a historic opportunity to bring the country together. He chose instead to divide the country on race to further his political agenda and for his own personal aggrandizement."
Hang on, isn't a racial divide exactly what you Nazi types want?
Are you falling for your own rhetoric? Conservatism preaches color blindness. Conservatism is based on individual rights, not group identities. It is the 'Progressives' who are obsessed with racial identity politics.
Secondly, it is you totalitarian socialists who are the modern day heirs of the Nazis:
Nazis Were Socialists, Not Right-Wingers
Anyone who comments here regularly should already know that Hitler was a Socialist.
Just to clarify:
Left Wing = Collectivist
Right Wing = Individualist
Democrats and Nazis are collectivists. Conservatives are individualists.
Collectivists are obsessed with power between groups. Group identification is paramount to them. They believe that a person's politics and status should be based entirely on their group affiliation, including their race.
Conservatives believe in individual agency. A conservative society is one based on mutual respect for individual rights. One's race is irrelevant.
Collectivists like Nazis and modern day 'Progressives' are the racists.
"It says his approval rating is up to 50% dumbass."
SOTU bump which is already fading, plus a certain low-information/low IQ segment of the population who give the president credit for falling gas prices, despite his doing everything in his power to prevent falling gas prices.
That our feckless, incompetent and traitorous President has a popularity above single digits is a strong case for the failure of democracy.
It's time to burn it all down.
Now were was field negro when Cory Booker was making up his ray-rays and pookies?
Oh that's right....Fielddbaby only goes after one side.
My god these trolls are clueless.
Sticks and stones.
Approval ratings (right now) FIFTY PERCENT.
Oh yeah, Romney by a landslide.
Maybe he will do it this time. I hear he is running again.
Good lord!
Progressives like Field love Democracy once they get to 50.00001%, but have no use for it otherwise, as when the majority of the citizens of a state vote to outlaw gay marriage.
But since Obama has been able to ride progressive control of the media to a narrow electoral victory and achieve a temporary blip of popularity back up to 50%, democracy is wonderful again. When your margin of victory comes from dominating the portion of the votes contributed by the dumbest of the dumb, it's no wonder the country is going to shit.
Trust me, the country will 'be just fine.
Same ole America no matter who is the HNIC
There is a lot of ruin in a nation, but not an infinite amount.
It does matter who is the HNIC, if only regarding the pace of the decline.
I nominate this brother for a Honorary FN of the day mention in you sidebar:
Standing up for your community is FNB.
Washington (CNN)The U.S. military and intelligence community now suspect that one of the five Taliban detainees released from Guantanamo Bay in return for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in May of last year has attempted to return to militant activity from his current location in Qatar, CNN has learned exclusively.
No surprise the Obama administration is keeping the Bergdahl decision hush hush.
"as when the majority of the citizens of a state vote to outlaw gay marriage."
Dumbest comment ever. Civil rights should never be up for popular votes. Interracial marriage was also unpopular when it was deemed illegal. Typical stooopid conservative tripe. You guys don't even try to sound intelligent huh?
"It's time to burn it all down."
Nope, things are going just fine for most of us. Were you ready to burn things down when W ran the economy into the ground and had a 30% approval rating?
Dumbest comment ever. Civil rights should never be up for popular votes. Interracial marriage was also unpopular when it was deemed legal. Typical stooopid conservative tripe. You guys don't even try to sound intelligent huh?
Teh stupid ass said.."Civil rights should never be up for popular votes"
There is no right to marriage in the Constitution
Still a Panthers
Your comments are right on point.
During this time, disipline was removed from the schools because Whites refused to have their children
disiplined by the few Black teachers. This led to disrespect for all teachers and is a major factor in the decline of schools even today.
Still a Panthers
Your comments are right on point.
During this time, disipline was removed from the schools because Whites refused to have their children
disiplined by the few Black teachers. This led to disrespect for all teachers and is a major factor in the decline of schools even today.
"During this time, disipline was removed from the schools because Whites refused to have their children
disiplined by the few Black teachers. This led to disrespect for all teachers and is a major factor in the decline of schools even today."
The problem in schools today are unruly white kids?
Are you high?
I'm blacker than Obama. Abandoned by his black father, raised by upper middle class white people, grew up in Hawaii and went to school in Indonesia. I'm sure he's really in touch with what the average AA family in the USA is all about. Obama has no clue about anybody that grew up beneath his tax bracket.
Do me and GWB have anything in common? Other than the fact we are both white, absolutely not. We don't and never have lived in the same reality. Same with Obama and the average black person. No commonality at all except color. Obama grew up as a rich prick and could give a shit about the average black person.
Everything he does reflects that. Same as Bush. Neither of them has every worked a day in their lives, and could care less about the little guy. Black or white.
How could he Google BarRRack Obama then? DemocRat? Your reply was dumb and full of fail. Try harder next time.
Yes. Absolutely. Instead the people elected Black Bush.
Hahaha, that's freaking hilarious. Majority white schools are doing just fine. How are the majority black schools grading out these days? The decline in schools is really only happening to one demographic. That's why black parents try their damndest to get their kids into white schools .
You can have a school full of asians/whites and Hispanics but as soon as you get too many Laquifa's and Da 'qwon's the school goes into the shitter.
"There is no right to marriage in the Constitution"
You're right dumbass, just like they're is no right to interracial marriage but if it was left up to voters that would be illegal in several states. I tell you conservatives get dumber by the day.
"That's why black parents try their damndest to get their kids into white schools ."
Not true at all. They're plenty of good schools with majority blahs. Let's not talk about the shitty schools full of poor white trash. I'll take blah public schools over the hillbilly infested schools you and your mother/sister/cousin went any day of the week Bubba.
"Instead the people elected Black Bush."
Puulllllleeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz! Barack is ten times the President dumb ass could ever be. What were W's poll numbers in his seventh year? Seems a lot of people agree with me.
Is da crack dawg. Nome sayin? Dem crackas always be bringing da bruddas down. It be the white man who be making fings tough for da black man to get his. Nome sayin? Fo shizzle nizzle. Cause of slavery and sheet, ya feel me?
Bush was bad, Obama is worse.
"You can have a school full of asians/whites and Hispanics but as soon as you get too many Laquifa's and Da 'qwon's the school goes into the shitter."
Unless that school is near a white trailer park full of meth heads and moonshine drinking hillbillies. A toothless hoedown of incest. Move along Bubba.
"Bush was bad, Obama is worse."
That's bullshit and you know it. What was Bush's poll numbers in his 7th year? Oh gee, 20 points lower than Barack's? Seems more people agree with me than you. Not surprising since you're a moron.
"Is da crack dawg. Nome sayin? Dem crackas always be bringing da bruddas down. It be the white man who be making fings tough for da black man to get his. Nome sayin? Fo shizzle nizzle. Cause of slavery and sheet, ya feel me?"
Nope, ya'll darkies are keeping the wite man down wif dere Affermative axshun. Yee haw! Imma smoke muh meth and screw my sister cause us whities caint get ahead wif dem nigras taking all de jobs. Wheres da shine at? Now let me go sit in muh pickup truck wif no tires and drink.
Teh stupid ass said..
You're right dumbass, just like they're is no right to interracial marriage but if it was left up to voters that would be illegal in several states
An interracial marriage ban would be discriminatory, and would therefore be unconstitutional as it denied people access to an institution based on race.
But a gay marriage ban would not be discriminatory, as it would apply to all people equally. Limiting marriage to heterosexual unions is not prohibited by the Constitution.
The voters of a state are within their rights to restrict marriage to between a man and a woman. But the people are no longer sovereign, as their will can be overturned by a single appointed Federal judge.
Yep, because real life really shows that to be true. Hilarious. Of course there are lots of schools with dumb white trash. No argument there, and I mock those fools when they whine about people holding them back.
Wait a second though. I thought ALL white people had privilege and were treated with more rights than blacks. But you just admitted there are poor white people. Hmm. Something doesn't add up here. How can there be poor white people? I thought that wasn't possible in this society?
So which is it. Do whites have all these privileges that Blacks don't or don't they? If they did how could there be poor whites?
You better freshen up your talking points, I think you slipped up on the narrative there.
Teh stupid PilotX said...
That's bullshit and you know it. What was Bush's poll numbers in his 7th year?
but he also said:
" but if it was left up to voters that would be illegal in several states."
In one case the opinion of the majority is sacrosanct, in the other it is to be overruled.
Typical lying liberal hypocrite with absolutely no credibility.
Go figure.
Yeah because polling numbers equate to success. You can't really be that dumb can you? Both of them have been complete failures if you look at it objectively. Take political bias and racial politics out of the equation. Do you seriously believe Obama has been a good president?
That makes you as dumb as the clowns that support Bush and think he was a good president. Use you brain man. They are both terrible presidents and anybody with an ounce of objectivity could see that.
But Obama is worse.
Why would a school full of asian/ whites and Latinos be near a trailer park? That doesn't even make sense. A school near a trailer park wouldn't have many, if any, Latinos or asians.
See the difference between me and you is that I don't make excuses or defend the worthless people of my race. Every black person that is charged with a crime or in jail is there because of racism or some other dumb ass excuse. White people in the same situation are there because they are criminals and do stupid shit.
See the difference? I don't make excuses for white scum, they are what they are. You and others like you on the other hand always hate an excuse for the bottom feeders of your race. Maybe if blacks started condemning the scum in their ranks instead of making excuses for them other races would star taking your valid complaints seriously.
When some gangbanging piece of garbage guns someone down and the cops shot him, all we hear is that he was a good boy or he din do nuffins. Then we hear how poverty made him do it and excuse after excuse to justify his actions. When a white person commits a crime the average white person wants that fucker locked up so he can't do it again.
Move along,clicks and whistles are hard to type, so I'll just call ya.....Leon Washington.
Haha that's funny. Too bad for you I hate low rent white trash as anybody so that stuff doesn't get to me. Makes me laugh to be honest with you. Low rent whites are as bad as anybody else, they always have an excuse. Never want to take responsibility for their actions and always try and find a scapegoat.
When blacks stop making excuses for their black trash, I'll start taking their complaints seriously. Until then.....
What's moronic is that people think poll numbers validate a presidency. If Obama pulled all the troops out of the middle east and his polling numbers dropped to 10% does that mean he's wrong.
Saying a president is good because his poll numbers are up is ludicrous. You seem fairly smart, if you are honest with yourself you know that polling numbers are easily swayed and bear no reflection on how good or bad a president is. C ' Mon man you are definitely smarter than that.
"Maybe if blacks started condemning the scum in their ranks instead of making excuses for them other races would star taking your valid complaints seriously."
Blacks make heroes and martyrs out of the worst among them.
Dear Mr Field, it's in the news that two criminal lawyers were in a video with some black rappers rapping about killing cops.
Before seeing the video, I was concerned that you might have been in the video, but I heard they were from NYC. Needless to say, I was relieved to know that you had nothing to do with it.
Anyway, they are talking about the 'possibility' of the lawyers being disbarred for being in a video that raps about killing cops.
I was wondering what your take is on something like this?
Oh, I forgot to leave a link re: the video:
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