None but ourselves can free our mind." ~Bob Marley~
She thinks that black people who support the democrat party are trapped in a form of mental slavery.
In her mind black folks are slaves to the party that just so happens to have a different political ideology than she does. Go figure.
“We need to remove ourselves from a different kind of slavery,” Love said in her own speech on Wednesday. “What I’m talking about is a slavery that comes from being dependent on people in power.”
This kind of rhetoric is ironic coming from a conservative . I mean who depends on people in power more than they do?
People with money, at least in America, are people with power. And in Washington it is the people with money who are crafting legislation and policy by buying off people like Mia Love and her
I think my homie Bob was referring to sell-out Negroes who seem to have forgotten to speak for---- and advocate on behalf of others who aren't in power. We shouldn't be "dependent" on people in power, so we shouldn't be taking orders from them.
Mia, let me hip you to something: Crafting legislation that only benefits the rich and powerful keeps them in power, and it makes you nothing more than a tool that they use to achieve their goals.
Finally, the right wing is smearing those three dead students in North Carolina, and the rest of us normal human beings are left to wonder how they lost their sense of humanity.
I don't care what their political views were, those students did not deserve to die in such a horrific manner.
If you don't believe that you are a slave to ignorance.
"She thinks that black people who support the democrat party are trapped in a form of mental slavery."
Well, she is right. She speaks the truth, except it's not just the Dems or Repubs, it's every White person in America that Blacks are mentally enslaved to, including the white justice system. This is nothing new. It's been going on for centuries.
Once you are enslaved to people, Black or White there is no way out unless you turn to the Creator. Until you do, you WILL remain in bondage.
"I don't care what their political views were, those students did not deserve to die in such a horrific manner."
I agree. Many non-Muslims killed at the hands of ISIS did not deserve to die either.
Republicans like to say things like black people are "brainwashed" into voting for the Democratic Party. The irony is that, in numerous studies, Republican voters are far more poorly informed on a host of issues, making their voting decisions on the basis of all sorts of fraudulent "facts" and farcical conspiracy theories.
None of this is to say that the Democratic Party is perfect. The Democratic Party's voters, including the black ones, aren't perfectly free from prejudices or ignorance. The Democratic Party's politicians aren't perfectly free from the corrupting influence of the wealthy. But both groups are better on those accounts than their opposite numbers in the GOP.
Says a woman married to a white man, a member of a religion that thought she would be a slave in the next life until 1976, lives in the whitest state in the union and is a member of a party that just until 2014 never had a blah woman congress person. Yeah, she is the perfect person to comment on blah issues. Toms have always been called "courageous" by their white massas. She is the prototypical yessa boss negro.
That Charles Johnson guy -- the one who was saying needlessly spiteful stuff about the dead NC Muslim students -- is an absolutely massive d-bag. No matter what the news item may be, he can be counted on to have the most repulsive take on it.
He was also one of the chief suspects in smearing police shooting victim Michael Brown, attributing a criminal record to him that he did not have.
It's too bad the guy that killed the students was a progressive loon, with a raft of sensibilities that fit right in with the Field Negro demo: A rabid atheist, passionate progressive with a limited intellect and not much self-control.
A review of the Facebook page of the man charged in these murders, Craig Hicks, shows a consistent theme of anti-religion and progressive causes. Included in his many Facebook "likes" are the Huffington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Bill Nye "The Science Guy," Neil deGrasse Tyson, gay marriage groups, and a host of anti-conservative/Tea Party pages.
Man that guy sounds just like PilotX! (Except for the fake pilot part).
Is Mia Love a slave?
No. Slaves are the ones that Field Negro catches and brings back to the Plantation.
Jig for your democrat massas Field! Jig!
Most Democrats are really just moderate Republicans, and as Ted Kennedy said, "the last thing the country needs is two Republican parties".
"He was also one of the chief suspects in smearing police shooting victim Michael Brown"
No one should ever impugn the memory of Gentle Giant, aspiring astronaut, budding rap star Michael Brown.
The bastards.
Limpbaugh said...
"the last thing the country needs is two Republican parties".
I wish we had at least one.
PilotGenius said...
Says a woman married to a white man, a member of a religion that thought she would be a slave in the next life until 1976, lives in the whitest state in the union and is a member of a party that just until 2014 never had a blah woman congress person. Yeah, she is the perfect person to comment on blah issues
I suppose you would apply the same logic to Barrack Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro), raised by his white mother, grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, never saw a blah person until he went to college, member of the party of slavery and Jim Crow, dedicated zealot to White Liberalism, despite its horrific effects on Black America. Yeah, he's the voice of Negrodom.
"I suppose you would apply the same logic to Barrack Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro)"
Actually no. Barack moved to Chicago, married a blah woman, represented a blah district in the Illinois state senate, joined the Blah Congressional Caucus without vowing to destroy it and went to a majority blah church on the southside of Chicago. But other than that your comparison is spot on.
I don't know if killing those three people was a hate crime or not, but the guy being an atheist is a point on the side that it wasn't. His Facebook post that atheism would solve the middle east problems is probably true, although it isn't something that will happen. Pointing out that religion causes wars isn't incriminating at all. It sounds more like concern for mankind. Maybe he is someone who feels disdain toward all religions, but an atheist is probably more likely to be impartial towards Muslims than Christians and Jews would be.
"member of the party of slavery and Jim Crow"
Ha! Still on that stupid shit huh? Too bad the gop is virtually all white and very undiverse but hey let's not let facts blunt a perfectly good rant. Let's compare how many Democratic versus Republican governors supported confederate history month in the last 20 years shall we?
Does anybody know if Mia joined the CBC?
"It's too bad the guy that killed the students was a progressive loon, with a raft of sensibilities that fit right in with the Field Negro demo: A rabid atheist, passionate progressive with a limited intellect and not much self-control."
Early reports suggest that this individual did not kill 3 people because of politics, but because of a stupid dispute over a parking space.
Not that that's really any better reason for committing multiple homicides, but the politics and religions of the killer and victims likely weren't relevant here.
Too bad this loon was allowed to own a gun.
Blogger PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Does anybody know if Mia joined the CBC?
10:49 PM
She has not joined the CBC and doesn't plan to. She stated that the CBC is full of old ideas and enslaved Blacks imprisoned by the Democratic Party.
It all makes sense. BTW, I am a Dem and I can't stand the CBC. They are a worthless bunch of rip off politicians. They don't give a damn about Blacks.
Field, I read Karl Malone's interview. I must say I agree with him. It's time we got off our asses and did something for ourselves instead of blaming Whitey and whining about the past.
That's why Mia will be a welcomed addition to Congress. I also wished there was a place for Stacey Dash. She would be a great help in changing the black landscape.
She has not joined the CBC and doesn't plan to. She stated that the CBC is full of old ideas and enslaved Blacks imprisoned by the Democratic Party.
I think she has. She said she wanted to join and destroy it from the inside. I guess she can instill some good new Republican ideas. Maybe she can even influence the gop tp elect more negores because there are as many blah women in the gop congress as are blah women in my house right now.
"I also wished there was a place for Stacey Dash. She would be a great help in changing the black landscape."
Said an ignorant white person.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"I also wished there was a place for Stacey Dash. She would be a great help in changing the black landscape."
Said an ignorant white person.
12:33 AM
You got the wrong person, Negro. Just because I think Stacey would make a good Congress woman doesn't make me White.
"You got the wrong person, Negro. Just because I think Stacey would make a good Congress woman doesn't make me White."
You're right, it means you're white and an idiot.
This might be one of the most racist comment sections I've seen in awhile.
”PurpleCow being played by anonymous for months now believes Kinky is anonymous. Just yesterday PurpleCow thought I was anonymous. I bet I could google and find PurpleCow believing Josh is anonymous. I'm seeing a pattern.”
12:35 señor kinky makes a post
12:37 Anonymous poster praises kinky
12:44 señor kinky makes a post.
I’m seeing a pattern.
"I bet I could google and find PurpleCow believing Josh is anonymous."
Go ahead Billy-boi, let me know what you find out.
Liberalism Kills, get your comments rigjt; I am agnostic, not an atheist. I know this migjt be hard for you, but tey to get a book and learn about the difference.
Heard the father od one off these kids say that this waa. def a hate crime. His daughter told him the guy hated them because they were Muslims
I will believe him and not the Chapel Hill police.
*try* *was*
I hate texting on the train.:(
Field continues to be a slave to hypocrisy.
Field has no problems smearing Chris Kyle and President Reagan with lies and innuendos.
Yet when one blogger posts the hateful words of one of the murder victims, field is outraged!
Keep slaving away field and try to remember your sense of humanity when you smear a dead Republican.
The Purple Cow said....
I'm seeing a pattern.
Paranoid much? What else do you see? Dead people? Little green men?
field negro said...
Heard the father od one off these kids say that this waa. def a hate crime. His daughter told him the guy hated them because they were Muslims
I will believe him and not the Chapel Hill police.
Of course field would believe opinion and speculation over fact and logic.
This guy had a history of bullying and starting chit with others.
The left always jumps to conclusions before all the facts are in. They dismiss any facts that don't back up they narrative.
If the shooter had been black, would field, the liberal media and the rest of the left be so quick to call it a hate crime?
Field, i notice you haven't blogged about the LLWS winners out of Chiraq who cheated their way to the championship.
I hear the team from Philly may also have cheated.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop or trying to think of a way to defend these cheaters?
"In her mind black folks are slaves to the party that just so happens to have a different political ideology than she does. Go figure."
Isn't this returned in kind by bathed-in-the-Kool-Aid liberal blacks who think of Republican blacks as house negros and Uncle Toms and suchlike?
Or is this another one of those mystical "black things" that no white person can ever possibly understand, and thus there's no sense in trying to explain it in any way that would come across as remotely logical? lol A lot of those "things" ironically enough.
For reasons unknown (okay, perhaps indeed somewhat known - LOL) questioning whether Mia Love joined CBC tickled my funny bone. This does bring up whether it's known if any black republicans elected to congress or senate also joined the CBC.
As a Chapel Hill Alum, I don't recall the police being anymore distrustful than any other small town police force in NC. However, Chapel Hill was supposed to a southern version of a place like Princeton.
I guess I was wrong.
Being psychotic enough to kill over a parking space is bad enough. Either way nothing will happen, goofy people will still be allowed to own guns.
Brother Field Negro, you are brilliant, your presentation of the facts and evidence are right on time!
This blog is a must read for me.
"Paranoid much? What else do you see? Dead people? Little green men?"
No, but thanks to Field I get to interact with little white men on a daily basis.
Blogger field negro said...
Liberalism Kills, get your comments rigjt; I am agnostic, not an atheist. I know this migjt be hard for you, but tey to get a book and learn about the difference.
Ah Field. Why don't you let everybody know what being an agnostic means to you?
I have read before that you consider yourself an agnostic. However, I have read your adverse remarks against Christianity and religion in general. Your adverse remarks sound very much like a fundamentalist atheist.
So why not clarify where you stand? Only you can explain your position as it pertains to God. No book can do that.
Blogger Yīshēng said...
As a Chapel Hill Alum, I don't recall the police being anymore distrustful than any other small town police force in NC. However, Chapel Hill was supposed to a southern version of a place like Princeton.
I guess I was wrong.
9:42 AM
LIAR. Over the years you have claimed to be an alumni of more colleges than people on FN. You really ought to STFU.
Besides, you are too stupid to graduate from college. As a matter of fact, I question whether you finished HS.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Being psychotic enough to kill over a parking space is bad enough.
Yep, progressivism is in the end is pretty psychotic.
The CBC wouldn't late Mia in. They only take racists and haters into their pathetic little club.
The FieldNegro said...
Finally, the right wing is smearing those three dead students in North Carolina
What about the shooter, no comment?
There must be a good reason you are pretending to be more offended by some tweets than someone that actually killed those 3 muslims or Kayla Mueller.
Oh yeah, the shooter shares ALL your political views and hates the same people you hate.
Reminds me of...
Bill Sparkman 2009
Joe Stack 2010
Amy Buishop 2010
John Bedell 2010
Times Square bomb 2010
Muslim cabbie killed in NYC 2010
James Lee 2010
Clay Duke 2010
JAred Lee Loughner 2011
Floyd Lee Corkins 2012
Funny how dumbocrat politics forces you to focus on tweets and not the actual murder.
field negro said...
Heard the father of one off these kids say that this was def a hate crime
Of course it was a hate crime, it was perpetrated by a progressive.
The FieldNegro said...
And in Washington it is the people with money who are crafting legislation and policy by buying off people like Mia Love and her conservative elected buddies.
Here are some facts to go with your outdated talking points.
According to, from 1989 to 2014 rich donors gave Democrats $1.15 billion — $416 million more than the $736 million given to the GOP. Among the top 10 donors to both parties, Democrat supporters outspent Republican supporters 2-to-1.
Feel free to check out where dumbocrat money comes from...
The 3 richest people in the world...
1 Bill Gates (dumbocrat supporter)
2 Warren Buffet (dumbocrat supporter)
3 Carlos Slim (biggest shareholder NY times)
Why do the richest people in the country vote for your party?
The 10 richest House districts:
New York 12
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Democrat
Per capita income: $75,479
California 33
Rep. Henry Waxman, Democrat
Per capita income: $61,273
New York 10
Rep. Jerry Nadler, Democrat
Per capita income: $56,138
California 18
Rep. Anna Eshoo, Democrat
Per capita income: $ 54,182
Connecticut 4
Rep. Jim Himes, Democrat
Per capita income: $50,732
Virginia 8
Rep. Jim Moran, Democrat
Per capita income: $50,210
New Jersey 7
Rep. Leonard Lance, Republican
Per capita income: $48,556
California 12
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Democrat
Per capita income: $48,523
New York 3
Rep. Steve Israel, Democrat
Per capita income: $47,991
Virginia 10
Rep. Frank Wolf, Republican
Per capita income: $47,281
Follow the money, it's easy.
No reason to keep pushing the outdated dumbocrat talking point.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
bad the gop is virtually all white and very undiverse but hey let's not let facts blunt a perfectly good rant.
More outdated dumbocrat talking points.
Van Jones -
“You may have a field where you have two Latinos, [Sens. Ted] Cruz and [Marco] Rubio, you could have an Asian, Jindal, you could have a woman, Carly Florina, you could have a black guy, Herman Cain, uh, Ben Carson, you could have real superstars,” he continued. “And suddenly, you have a riveting primary on their side. Nothing on our side. I think Democrats should worry.”
virtually all white
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren
Joe Biden
field negro said...
Heard the father od one off these kids say that this waa. def a hate crime. His daughter told him the guy hated them because they were Muslims
I will believe him and not the Chapel Hill police.
Feel free to talk about the shooter involved in this hate crime.
Oops, you talked about a blogger instead.
There must be a good reason you can;t speak about the shooter of a hate crime.
Probably his left-leaning ideology you share.
So now I have to explain to grown so called educated people the difference between an agnostic and an atheist. My goodness.
Anywhoo, if the plane is going down I will give it a shot and call on Jesus. The atheist , however, will not.
Poor Bill. I think PC might be right. Hold on to something, Bill; your head must be light from all the spinning.
This guy was a xenophobe and a hater. I think we all know which camp he belongs in.The same one that passes laws to support his hatred and position.
And what laws are you talking about?
This guy was a fan Of MSNBC,SPLC and other leftwing groups.
Which is why you haven't posted about him. Must break your heart he wasn't a Republican or watched Fox News.
"virtually all white
Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren
Joe Biden"
Bill, you have proven to be the absolute dumbest person on the planet. How do you even breathe being so dumb? The man currently occupying the White House is not white in case you haven't noticed. There is ONE Black woman in the entire congress on the gop side and it took until 2014 to elect her. The gop nominee in 2016 will certainly be another white man. 90%+ of Republicans are white or are you too stupid to realize this? PC is right about you. Holy shit you are one stupid man!
You think Bill can pull together two brain cells to understand this?
Remember, Bill is a professional troll. Logic is foreign to him.
ield negro said...
This guy was a xenophobe and a hater. I think we all know which camp he belongs in.The same one that passes laws to support his hatred and position.
His political views align with yours.
Why do you need to deny facts?
field negro said...
Remember, Bill is a professional troll. Logic is foreign to him.
Professional if you would pay me.
I'm working for free for you Field Negro.
No benefits.
Not even a living wage.
Least field could do is thank a brotha.
I appreciate you taking the time to educate the fields.
Sometimes blacks forget where they would be without the help of good white men and nice white ladies....
World Cup starts tonight, can't wait.
My poor wife.There will be nothing else allowed on our TV for the next seven and a half weeks.
The Purple Cow said...
My poor wife.
"Poor Old Bill."
I'm seeing another pattern PurpleCow.
At least I've got a wife, Bill.
Not something you will ever experience.
Kiwis going well so far, I reckon they could win the whole thing.
Hey Field, did you check the head of the FBI admitting to racial bias in the justus system? Interesting times.
Pilot, I did. And I give him credit for his candor.
PC, I thought the Aussies were the team to beat. This is a shame. You have to get it like ppv in this country.
Go Windies!
Bill I would consider paying if u would bring some good trolling to the table. But this.....
The Purple Cow said...
World Cup starts tonight, can't wait.
My poor wife.There will be nothing else allowed on our TV for the next seven and a half weeks.
That's probably the least of her problems.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Hey Field, did you check the head of the FBI admitting to racial bias in the justus system?
An Obama appointee toeing the company line? Really?
And who runs the 'justus' system in Black Run America?
Interesting times indeed.
Field, "Blogger field negro said...
So now I have to explain to grown so called educated people the difference between an agnostic and an atheist. My goodness."
Yes. It would be a good idea, if you can.
Don't you mean the whit man's invention, the Internet, gives you this ability? Or has the black community convinced themselves that it was them that invented the net?
Everybody's a heap of talk. We need to tune people out and think for ourselves. People who are all kinds of confused sexually are the last people we should be taking advice from. Yeah, I ended the sentence with "from". There's something wrong with the folks on the fake pedestal of "supremacy". Ain't nothin' supreme about them.
Q: What's the difference between Chris Kyle and George Killerman?
A: 21 pounds!
Q: What's the difference between Chris Kyle and Craig Hicks?
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