Their leader, John Boehner, told us so.
"BOEHNER: Chris, Chris, one more time -- the House has done its job under the Constitution. It's time for the Senate to do their job.
Listen, I've got a tough job here. So does Senator McConnell. But Senate Democrats are the ones standing in the way; they're the ones jeopardizing funding. Why don't they get on the bill and offer amendment, offer their ideas? Let's see what the Senate can do.
WALLACE: And what if the Department of Homeland Security funding runs out?
BOEHNER: Well, then, Senate Democrats should to be blame. Very simply.
WALLACE: And you're prepared to let that happen?
BOEHNER: Certainly. The House has acted. We've done our job."
No you haven't done your job. There. Is. Still. No. Money. For. DHS.
And yes, I blame the dems as well. You all need to lock yourselves in a room and don't come out until you have a deal on this very important issue.
It never ceased to amaze me how all these politicians can get on television and pontificate about how weak Obama is when it comes to fighting terror and how we need to double down on terrorist at home and abroad, and yet they won't come together to pass legislation to fund the very agency that is charged with protecting us.
Speaking of not coming together, tonight my racism chase takes me to Idaho; not for potatoes or blue football fields, but to see how our "post -racial' country is doing in a state that is not exactly known for its love for the Negro.
What we have learned is that it's very tough to prosecute someone for a hate crime in Idaho.

The two men were involved in a beating at the Torch 2 club early on the morning of Oct. 20, 2013. Prosecutors alleged that they attacked Derrick Lewis simply because he was black, screaming racial epithets. Hansen and Henery questioned the veracity of some of the witnesses and acknowledged being in the fight, but said race was not a factor.
If convicted, the defendants had each faced up to 10 years in prison. The all-white jury of seven women and five men began deliberations Thursday afternoon.
The two men responsible for a beating at the Torch 2 club targeted the victim simply because he was black, a prosecutor told a jury Thursday as he asked them to convict the men of a federal hate crime.
Beau Hansen, 31, and Jonathan Henery, 29, hit Derrick Lewis repeatedly in what Assistant U.S. Attorney Aaron Lucoff described as an unprovoked attack. Hansen and Henery are white, Lewis is black. All three are from Boise.
Eight people who were at the club in the early morning hours of Oct. 20, 2013, testified that they heard Hansen and Henery yell racial slurs at Lewis, Lucoff said.
"They called this man (a racial epithet) many times. There is no better evidence of why these men beat Derrick Lewis," Lucoff said.
Defense attorneys in their closing statements following seven days of testimony said there was no evidence Hansen or Henery were racists, and they denied their clients yelled any slurs. They each had black friends since childhood and served time with other blacks in prison without incident, attorneys Mark Ackley and Thomas Dominick said.
"When I think of a racist, I think that intolerance goes across the board," Ackley told jurors.
Dominick agreed: "Is racism something you just turn on and off? Use your common sense."
If convicted, the defendants face up to 10 years each in prison. The all-white jury of seven women and five men began deliberations Thursday afternoon. Jurors must reach a unanimous decision to acquit or convict."[Source] (h/t to Robin for this story)
An all white jury in Idaho convict a white man for a hate crime? That was never going to happen. I don't care what the facts were. Still, these two angels will get theirs one day. It's just a matter of time.
Finally, look at this video and tell me that if this was a black man talking to the police this way he would still be alive. Shout out to my twitter fam, Son of Baldwin, for the link.
The Congress is doing its job to reign in a lawless President the only way it can.
It is the President who is holding our security hostage, not congress.
If congress can't force him to obey the law, the only recourse will be armed revolution.
Beating up a negro who started some shit is not a "hate crime", come on.
I hope these good fellows get their legal fees reimbursed, along with a sack of potatoes for their trouble.
"When I think of a racist, I think that intolerance goes across the board," Ackley told jurors."
Amen. Why does FN always side with the bm even when there is no evidence to support his cause?
Field barges into my living room through my laptop over bullshit. This is worse than the cops in the video who were inside that poor man's house without cause. What is this country coming to?
That video was actually funny. In a sick sort of way :)
To answer your question Field, of course if that were a black man he would have been tasered or shot, wrassled to the floor and hog tied,and prolly the parents right along with him! Ahahaha! Everybody going to jail tonight!!! oh,and let's not forget the dog! Shot right through the head and on to dog heaven! Cos, you know, a dog owned by blacks has GOT TO BE A MENACE AND A THREAT!
So yes the police would have had a field day (no pun intended:) Shootin'and tootin' and jailin' and bailin' but since they were white folk theyhad to stand there and be insulted :) So funny, they must be ashamed of that video.
Now if I would have been one of those cops, I would have tasered that bitch to the floor,cuffed him,and dragged his foul mouthed ass off to jail, and see who's gonna try and stop me sheet! I taser them too x*D
I'm just kidding, I'm too peaceful too ever do something like that...or am I? hehehehe...
Lilac, "To answer your question Field, of course if that were a black man he would have been tasered or shot, wrassled to the floor and hog tied,and prolly the parents right along with him! Ahahaha! Everybody going to jail tonight!!! oh,and let's not forget the dog! Shot right through the head and on to dog heaven! Cos, you know, a dog owned by blacks has GOT TO BE A MENACE AND A THREAT!"
Lilac, if you live in PR, how do you know anything about racism? I mean, in PR there is no such thing as racism...Everybody is PR and loves everybody. That's why there is an exodus from America to PR.
Anon 11:11 PM: Because I once lived in the states. I left because of precisely that, racism.
In PR because almost everyone has some black in their lineage we all usually consider ourselves as one.
Instead there is more of a class or economic distinction here.
Lilac, what is the population of PR and is it overcrowded yet? I hear people are moving there in droves. Have noticed that?
Do Americans need a passport to go to PR?
I know what you're getting at, and it's not going to work, but actually yes it's true, and you know why it seems ;)
"Mr Cow who is Magna Carta? Seriously, many of us would like to know."
Oh. My. God.
(OK, it might be the oldest joke in history, but I thought it was time to dust it off - but alas, to no avail.)
Field, congratulations you will never have to watch a cricket game again.
Fair play to the Irish, they played as well as they needed to, I suppose.
All the talk on social media this morning is of the impending break-up of there WICB. Rumour has it that the Yawdies and the Trinie Posse are tired of the bullshit and want to go it alone. on their own.
This is how old the joke is, from before I was born, a BBC sitcom called Hancock's Half Hour.
Lord have.mercy! Honestly I will take Barbados and that's it.
Seriously, we.might have to start going it alone. We all do it in soccer, so why not cricket?
"I don't care what the facts were."
Of course you don't, field.
Which is why it's so easy to spot your racial demagoguery and fear mongering.
It's not for everybody:
President Obama is now offering cash rewards for invading our country illegally:
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.
The revelation — which contradicts what he told Congress last week — comes as lawmakers also raised concerns Mr. Obama’s amnesty could open a window to illegal immigrants finding ways to vote, despite it being against the law.
Maybe Field could explain to y'all why giving your tax dollars to Mexican immigrants who have broken the law to come here is a good idea.
Also, perhaps you could expound on how expanding the labor force at a time when the labor utilization rate is at historic lows will help bring down black unemployment, which stands at twice the national average?
At least there are the long-term benefits of no longer being the nation's largest minority group, and getting to stand in line behind Hispanics when it comes to government attention, right Field?
If Obama wants it, it must be good.
"Maybe Field could explain to y'all why giving your tax dollars to Mexican immigrants who have broken the law to come here is a good idea."
Explanation: It's bullshit. The IRS isn't planning on giving tax refunds to anyone who did not pay taxes.
What they are proposing is that illegal immigrants who DID previously pay income taxes under false social security numbers would be able to get refunds on those taxes, once they've become legal.
Not the same thing at all.
Right-wingers are always claiming that illegal immigrants pay no tax. This is just not true. Many of them DO pay federal and state income taxes -- just not under real SS numbers (because they don't have them). And of course, they cannot evade property and sales taxes.
"And yes, I blame the dems as well. You all need to lock yourselves in a room and don't come out until you have a deal on this very important issue."
No the Dems don't. Here's how things are going to go down:
The GOP will defund DHS.
The Dems will attack the GOP relentlessly for helping the terrorists win.
The GOP will panic, wet themselves, and restore funding.
This whole exercise has been a dumb stunt to mollify the Republican redneck bigot base, who desperately want to believe that there is some way they can kick all the Latinos out. There is no such way.
It's not about the DHS, it's about illegal amnesty.
"Explanation: It's bullshit. The IRS isn't planning on giving tax refunds to anyone who did not pay taxes."
Actually, no, Obama's IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.
Stop shilling for the people who are working to dispossess you.
Anon, I think it's u that's "shilling" for the crazy wingnuts of America.
Anon@12:19 is 100% correct.
Wingnuts are just not very bright.
Haven't heard from Bill today.
He must have read that Gallup poll that says -for the 7th straight year- O is the most admired person on earth.
FOX VIEWS heads explode.
Us normal folks crack up. :)
APNewsbreak: Democrats seek relief from health law penalties
WASHINGTON (AP) — The official sign-up season for President Barack Obama's health care law may be over, but leading congressional Democrats say millions of Americans facing new tax penalties deserve a second chance.
Let's think about this...
Instead of letting people learn firsthand in 2015 the promise of saving $2500 was an outright lie, dumbocrats want to deceive the people a little more and delay the fines/penalties for a year.
In 2016, 6 months after people start having their $$ confiscated for tax penalties, they will be going to the polls to vote for a dumbocrat?
Anon@12:19 is 100% correct.
Bill said...
In 2016, 6 months after people start having their $$ confiscated for tax penalties, they will be going to the polls to vote for a dumbocrat?
The full force of the Obamacare law does not take effect until AFTER the 2018 election.
The whole point was to front load benefits and back load costs, because the American people had to be tricked into allowing this to happen in spite of a majority of people who never wanted it.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid should all hang for this.
field negro said...
Haven't heard from Bill today.
Been at a jazz festival for a couple days. Adjudicating high school/college bands and doing some clinics.
"Lord have.mercy! Honestly I will take Barbados and that's it."
Why Barbados. Please answer. Don't do what Lilac did, ie, she didn't answer the questions. That leaves me suspect of PR and the people represented by Lilac.
This is serious business. I want to move to an island where bm are safe.
Is a passport required to enter Barbados? How about PR, the VIs?
"Why Barbados."
They're black.
(Field is a racist - keep it quiet)
He must have read that Gallup poll that says -for the 7th straight year- O is the most admired person on earth.
FOX VIEWS heads explode.
Us normal folks crack up. :)
Obamaholics raise a glass to their Kim Kardashian like president for winning a popularity contest.
Gallup? Really? How's that Romney landslide working for ya field?
Field is all over Gallup when it says something positive about Obama.
But when the Gallup CEO said the unemployment numbers put out by the Obama administration were "a lie", they had no credibility whatsoever.
Funny how that works.
I guess when your target demo is the low information crowd, consistency doesn't factor in.
señor kinky said...
Gallup? Really? How's that Romney landslide working for ya field?
Every time Field Negro laughs and writes "romney in a landslide" he's mocking the same people he's now citing as a source?
Things really are going bad for Field Negro's party.
""Why Barbados."
They're black."
I'll tell you why Barbados.
Garfield Sobers, Clyde Walcott, Everton Weekes, Frank Worrell, Conrad Hunte, Wes Hall, Seymour Nurse, Charlie Griffith, Vanburn Holder, Keith Boyce, Geoff Greenidge, David Murray, Wayne Daniel, Collis King, Joel Garner, Desmond Haynes, Sylverster Clarke, Malcolm Marshall, Fidel Edwards, Dwayne Smith, , Sulieman Benn, Kemar Roach, Kraigg Brathwaite, Carlos Brathwaite...
That's why.
PC, I have no idea why you would list all of those people as a promotion for Barbados. What's up with that?
What do all those people mean for the average bm looking for refuge from the dangers of being killed in America?
PS if they are famous, let me explain that I am not famous nor want to be. I just want to live a safe, peaceful quiet life. I am not looking for fame or famous people.
You're so clueless it's incredible.
Thanks PC. But u will notice that I didn't even try to explain it to the trolls. They are quite the clueless lot.
Cricket lovely cricket. :)
I swear these trolls are stupid.
A prediction about who will be president and a popularity poll are two different things.
"What we have learned is that it's very tough to prosecute someone for a hate crime in Idaho"
Good. Hate crime laws are evil.
If you don't see that you're evil yourself, field. But we knew that already, huh? Just you and me.
.....White racist assholes Vinny, Josh and Kinky have been identified by the CDC as the source of the Ebola virus, the new Super-Syphilis and the Measles outbreak, respectively; in the United States....For the sake of humanity (and the blogosphere) they will be isolated from society, systematically executed; their homes razed and all of their possessions destroyed..strictly as a public service!!
Back to you.....
Are we insane? Since when are we arguing FOR the DHS to be in continued existence??
The DHS should never have been created. Let it die.
Hmmm. I wonder why your idiots never want to discuss THIS:
Was it a hate crime? Was it on the national news..?
I wonder if the poor, disadvantaged bros called them white assholes while they were screwing them in the ass before they killed them.
Stick your cricket in there, field.
Oh...did I mention the Wichita Massacre? Silly me, I forgot. That wasn't a "hate crime", either.
You'll have to Google that one, you poor disadvantaged "folks".
Cause you damn sure won't comment about it.
I know!!!!! Let's talk about some crap that happened 60 some-odd years ago!
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