It didn't take long for him to be exposed in Louisiana, and I suspect that the higher his profile gets the more the rest of us will see that he talks a good game but when the rubber meets the road he can't deliver.
"BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Year after year, Louisiana didn't have enough money to cover its expenses, yet Gov. Bobby Jindal refused to roll back income tax cuts or ever-increasing corporate tax breaks. Instead, he raided reserve funds and sold off state property.
Jindal suggested job growth from his economic development wins would replenish those assets once the recession ended. It hasn't — and money from the lucrative oil industry has taken a nose dive with crude prices. Now, the Republican is running out of short-term patches and is struggling to plug a $1.6 billion budget hole just as he tries to build support for a possible 2016 presidential run.
Funding for higher education and health care services will almost certainly be subject to cuts deeper than what they already have endured in recent years, and Jindal's successor will have to repay a string of debts and IOUs.
"They've used all the smoke that was in the can and all the mirrors that they could buy and now they're out of tricks. Their solution is to gut higher education like a fish," said Republican state Treasurer John Kennedy.
As for Jindal, he said in a recent interview that the shortfall isn't his fault, and he dodged any talk of his temporary fixes.
"The shortfall next year is almost entirely due to the declining revenues, and the vast majority of that is due to falling oil prices," he said.
The numbers, however, don't back up the governor's explanation.
More than $1 billion of the shortfall on the horizon for the fiscal year that begins July 1 can be tied to Jindal's refusal to match the state's spending to its yearly revenue over his two terms in office — as he also steadfastly refused to consider tax increases.
When Jindal took office in 2008, he positioned himself as a fiscal conservative who decried budget shell games akin to "using your credit card to pay your mortgage." It didn't take long to ditch that rhetoric and shift the focus to saving critical services with any money available.
Jindal scraped together what he could from all sorts of funds: railroad crossing safety, artificial reef construction, housing programs and the blind. He pieced together money from one-time legal settlements and property sales, using it to pay for continuing programs. Lawmakers went along, and Louisiana has careened from one budget crisis to the next as the dollars either don't pan out or the sources of financing dry up and need replacing.
"Our budget has been full of sleights of hand — it's almost a Ponzi scheme of moving moneys around, one-time money around, to serve recurring needs," Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne, one of the Republicans vying to be Louisiana's next governor, said at a recent forum.
Jindal said those patchwork fixes aren't really "one-time dollars" because the state has similar types of money available to pull together annually. "They have been here year after year," he said.
The governor has successfully trimmed some spending by cutting more than 30,000 full-time state employees. He's reduced the state's vehicle fleet, privatized much of the Medicaid program, turned over the state's charity hospitals to outside managers and looked for ways to make state government more efficient.
That hasn't closed all the gaps, however, and Jindal's short-term solutions leave a string of debts for Louisiana's next governor to pay off.
The state owes $190 million to federal officials for improper Medicaid spending in hospital privatization deals, an order being appealed, and a $270 million repayment to the state "rainy day" fund in 2017 as part of a legal settlement. Economic development deals will cost the next governor at least $340 million over his first four years.
Far fewer savings accounts will be left to pay those liabilities because Jindal drained or reduced trust funds.
As complaints grew louder in recent years, the Jindal administration defended attacks from Democrats and conservative Republicans who decried budgets reliant on accounting gimmicks, claiming its budgeting protected needed programs without raising taxes.
When he talks of his record in national appearances, Jindal doesn't mention the budget troubles. He describes cutting Louisiana's budget from $34 billion in 2008 to $25 billion — but doesn't explain much of that drop comes from spending down one-time federal recovery dollars after hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
The state's general fund, by comparison, has only dipped from $8.7 billion to $8.4 billion during Jindal's seven years in office.
Previous governors have used piecemeal financing to fill budget gaps over the years. Jindal's two immediate predecessors, Republican Mike Foster and Democrat Kathleen Blanco, each used up to $600 million in such "one-time" funding to stop cuts in particular years.
But Jindal's use of such financing reached new highs, a situation the chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party, state Sen. Karen Carter Peterson of New Orleans, called "a ticking time bomb."
New money hasn't rolled in, despite promises that tax revenue would increase from multibillion-dollar manufacturing and petrochemical projects announced by the Jindal administration in the last few years." [More]
We got rid of ours here in Pistolvania, but there are governors in Ohio and Wisconsin running the same trickle -down "Ponzi scheme" , and they are hoping to ride their slight of hand governing methods all the way to the White House.
Let's see if Americans catch on before it's too late.
Finally, I am glad that a major news outlet like the New York Times is reminding us Americans of our hypocricy when it comes to our history of terrorizing a race of people and condemning others for doing a similar thing.
It is important to remember that the hangings, burnings and dismemberments of black American men, women and children that were relatively common in this country between the Civil War and World War II were often public events. They were sometimes advertised in newspapers and drew hundreds and even thousands of white spectators, including elected officials and leading citizens who were so swept up in the carnivals of death that they posed with their children for keepsake photographs within arm’s length of mutilated black corpses.
These episodes of horrific, communitywide violence have been erased from civic memory in lynching-belt states like Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Mississippi. But that will change if Bryan Stevenson, a civil rights attorney, succeeds in his mission to build markers and memorials at lynching sites throughout the South as a way of forcing communities and the country to confront an era of racial terror directly and recognize the role that it played in shaping the current racial landscape.
Mr. Stevenson’s organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, took a step in that direction on Tuesday when it released a report that chronicles nearly 4,000 lynchings of black people in 12 Southern states from 1877 to 1950. The report focuses on what it describes as “racial terror lynchings,” which were used to enforce Jim Crow laws and racial segregation. Victims in these cases were often murdered without being accused of actual crimes but for minor social transgressions that included talking back to whites or insisting on fairness and basic rights." [Source]
I wish Mr. Stevenson luck. Americans do not want to remember this part of their history. Sadly, this is a part of their history that they would very much like to forget.
*Jindal pic from Think Progress.
Wow, Field. Great post. Some of the greatest thieves and liars on the planet come from India. They also are some the most racist individuals known to man. Hell, they even have a cast system against their own kind.
As far as the lynchings are concerned there are many of us Blacks who know about the losses of neighbors and relatives to lynchings in America. The only reason it is not talked about more is Whites don't want to own up to their barbarism. They would rather pretend that they are good people...obviously a profound denial by a wretched evil group with a history of horrific barbaric violence. Yet they moral audacity to go around the world calling other people 'evil'....such shameless hypocrites!
However, karma has a way of returning back what you give out to the reap what you sow, whether you acknowledge the truth or not. The truth does not bend for anyone.
SHAME is what prevents Whites from facing the Truth. Deep inside they know what they have done and cannot bring themselves to speak it. This is also the reason they don't want to talk about racism. It's too painfully shameful.
Whites are full of SHAME, which they try to dump on the vulnerable, namely Blacks.
I know what I'm talking about. I am White and I hope Mr Stevenson is successful. The Truth will set you free. And freedom is what every human wants.
We need to remember that part of our history but I think it won't be because blah lives have never mattered.
As far as Bobby jindal the folks in LA got what they voted for. We also elected a R here in Illinois but we have a Dem Super majority to hold him in check.
Scott Walker doesn't believe in evolution. No wonder 94% of scientists aren't Repubs. Funny that.
Those blacks who were lynched deserved it.
You can see today the chaos that ensues when swift justice is denied.
It's time to start lynching again.
Bobby Jindal is a far better man than you, and the moral cretin who inhabits the White House.
Your hack piece is a pack of lies.
Field: You are off script. You are supposed to be attacking Scott Walker now.
Bobby Jindal isn't a fraud; he's just a fiscal conservative -- which means his ideology is a fraud.
These folks' blind faith in the free market has mountains of evidence opposing it, and yet the bastards refuse to abandon their wrongful thinking. "Cut taxes down to the nub and the economy will boom!" they say. Then the economy fails to boom, predictably, and they follow that up with a bunch of lame excuses for how it's somehow all the liberals' fault.
The same thing has happened, only worse, in Kansas, where Sam Brownback and his merry band of rich-people worshipers have utterly trashed that state's economy.
I don't know when people in this country will wake up to the fact that government does some very necessary and useful things, and gutting it doesn't usually have positive results for most of the populace.
Brother Field, Melissa-Harris-Perry interviewed Eric Holder and I can't believe she called him a duck and asked him to quack like a duck.
That was so disrespectful. I have had it MHP, the more she stays on TV, the wackier and dumber she becomes.
I apologize to you because I know she is a good friend of yours. Can't you find better friends? I suggest you do because she is capable shaming even you.
I agree. MHP is a fool.
OMG! Melissa is crazy, and idiot. How embarrassing for the Attorney General of the USA. She seems to have a knack for degrading high level people. She pissed on Mitt Romney about his black grandchild, and now this. MSNBC really needs to fire her. The bw is sick, very sick.
Just like one previous comments stated that the lynched deserve their fate, that same thinking continues 5 decades after the laws stopped the practice. The comparison of Blacks then (human rights period) and now is vastly different. I guess poor ole Emmitt Till deserved the kicking, stomping, eye pulling-out and shots to the head during the punishment phase that some whites- acting as the legal system- carried out justice.. Oh yeah, instead of a decent burial, they tossed his weighted body in the river. To insure his death penalty was complete tire rims were use to keep him under water. His crime: reckless eyeballing.
Oh yeah brotha Panther, just reading about the "crimes" Black folk were lynched for is just astounding. Accidently bumping into a white person while running for a train, knocking on the wrong door, ect. The dehumanization of people of color is a trip.
Ha! Go ahead and start the party and see how that turns out. I dare you.
SAP2 and Pilot, don't let these racists get to u. They will lose in the end. This is why they are so upset. They are losing "their" country and they see the writing on the wall.
Megyn Kelly wishes that she was half the woman that MHP is.
Don't even get me started on Kansas.
”Yet in all those lies happily thrown out there (undoubtedly taken from a source like MediaMatters as just gospel)”
Politifact, actually. If you would like to debate the veracity of any one of them, I’m ready when you are.
”Nobody said Fox wasn't a right-wing news source. Nobody said they don't get shit wrong.”
So to recap then Josh, your argument is that when Williams lies he’s telling a terrible and heinious lie. However when FoxNews tells porkies they are just “getting shit wrong”. Which is very different from lying apparently.
”So, if any of their hosts were involved in anything that was even remotely close to what Williams is involved in, you fucks would never let it go.”
Well Josh, I can’t speak for the other fucks here obviously, but this particular fuck is confused by your logic.
What makes Williams lying about being in the ‘copter that was in front of the one he was actually in, a worse class of lie than (for instance) all those Obama/BenGhazi lies? Or how about the death panel lies? How about the ISIS attacked Fort Knox in 2009 lies? Mmmmmmmm? How about the Obama released ISIS’s leader in 2009 lies? How about the ‘non-Muslims are no longer allowed in my home town’* lies?
What makes all these FoxNews lies a better class of lies than Williams’s?
Are you sure you are not a conservative, Josh? Because as my old mate Douglas Adams was fond of saying:
”If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family Anatidae on our hands.
*Incidentally, I was there last Saturday with about 1 million other non-Muslims.
"Which is very different from lying apparently"
I don't know. You seem to be the expert on Fox here. You tell me.
Is there a difference in, say, O'Reilly reporting that second-hand smoke isn't settled science vs. him reporting that he held a charity drive for Wounded Warriors that gave out 12 motorized chairs, only to find out it never happened?
Seems to me there's a huge fucking difference in inaccurately reporting a news story and in lying about something to make yourself look like a hero.
"Residents are using welfare cash to purchase pot."
"I was in a helicopter that took a RPG hit and we barely made it out with our lives."
If by your "logic" you find these things indistinguishable, then that's a you problem, not a me problem.
"Are you sure you are not a conservative, Josh?"
What I'm sure of is that the brain trust here at Field's is going to tell me what I am, whether I like it or not, whether I am those things or not, or whether I say different or not. That's just what it is; that's the class of folks 'round here.
I understand it every time I click that "I'm not a robot" button to post. It is what it is. Do what you feel. To quote Redman: I'll be dat.
Oh, wait. Or is dat wacist? lol
""Residents are using welfare cash to purchase pot."
"I was in a helicopter that took a RPG hit and we barely made it out with our lives."
Well that's one way of looking at it, I'm sure that's the way most conservatives would choose to look at it, but you could also express the same equation this way...
"Obama watched the attack on Benghazi and delayed military intervention that could have saved American lives."
"I was actually in the helicopter that was immediately behind the one that was hit by RPG fire, and it was very scary, I felt like my life might be in danger."
The problem in fact appears to be yours after all.
The Purple Cow said...
a worse class of lie than (for instance) all those Obama/BenGhazi lies? Or how about the death panel lies?
Predictably you didn't mention a single Obama lie.
Saving $2500 for the typical family?
Why do you put more importance on foxnews lying to their 3 million viewers than what the President of the United States repeatedly and intentionally lied about?
And the funny part is you keep insisting Obama is a conservative yet you never treat him like one. Go figure.
Ding Ding PurpleCow.
The Purple Cow said...
quacks like a duck,
That was funny when Melissa Harris-Perry, professor and msnbc host asked Eric Holder to quack like a duck.
Is quack quack the same as ding ding?
field negro said...
Megyn Kelly wishes that she was half the woman that MHP is.
If megyn kelly asked Eric Holder to quack like a duck, would that have bothered you?
Dumbocrat double standard?
US Army to Start Training Ukrainian Troops, Commander Says
Didn't we trying helping the Afghanistans against the soviets in the 80s?
Bro Field, you know damn well MHP did a stupid and embarrassing thing to Eric Holder. He deserved better. I am real sick of that sorry excuse of reporter, interviewer, host or whatever else she is supposed to be. Nitwit, that's what she is....she continues to lose viewers' respect, esp our folks.
Quack like a duck? What the eff is that? Holder has been a courageous Lion throughout his tenure. A 'duck' he is not. There is something wrong with that woman. She's sick and very disrespectful.
I hope she gets so much backlash from the black community and liberal Whites that MSNBC has no choice but to fire her silly ass. As a BW, She is pathetic.
The comment didn't get to me, I actually think it's funny that a present day white person would even think about trying some of the old school james crow tactics. I would suggest starting small like telling some of our younger sistas and brothas that they can't enter from the front or drink from the same fountain as whites. Just make sure I'm there to watch, I would love to see that go down.
Looks like you'll have to put up with a bunch of Dems next year. You would probably have a better time at the Repub convention.
SAP2-"I guess poor ole Emmitt Till deserved the kicking, stomping, eye pulling-out and shots to the head during the punishment phase that some whites- acting as the legal system- carried out justice.. Oh yeah, instead of a decent burial, they tossed his weighted body in the river. To insure his death penalty was complete tire rims were use to keep him under water. His crime: reckless eyeballing."
Surely Blacks have got to know nothing much has changed? The method of killing bm has changed. Instead of lynching Whites tie Blacks to a truck and drag them until dead. Also, they shoot bm like Zimmerman did and of course, it's a frequent occurrence a bm is shot dead by the police.
One must understand that in order to feel better about themselves, in order to feel superior, Whites must act judge and jury over Blacks, kill them and THEN rationalize and justify their actions. They do this by demonizing Blacks while Whites carry out evil demonic acts.
That mindset will never change. It's in their bones.
PX, in the bay area, Blacks are different, a strange breed. They are too willing to please Whites. In fact, they are scared to death of Whites.
So they probably would not resist being told they could not drink from a white fountain. Then they would burn up their own businesses and neighborhoods.
There is no 'black power' here. That ended with the demise of the Panthers.
Bill is losing it.
"Bill is losing it."
Did he ever have it?
"PX, in the bay area, Blacks are different, a strange breed. They are too willing to please Whites. In fact, they are scared to death of Whites.
So they probably would not resist being told they could not drink from a white fountain. Then they would burn up their own businesses and neighborhoods."
So when you decide to try this let me know.
"So when you decide to try this let me know."
Look, if Blacks won't do anything about the murder of TM or other bm, what makes you think they would do anything about a damn drinking fountain? They won't.
field negro said...
Megyn Kelly wishes that she was half the woman that MHP is.
Megyn Kelly wishes she was fat? I doubt that.....
"Predictably you didn't mention a single Obama lie."
This is what I mean. Josh and I were having a discussion about ethics in journalism, in particular FoxNews and this guy Williams. So neither of us mentioned Obama lying, that was because Obama is not a functioning journalist, he is in fact the President of your United States.
But to Bill, everything - absolutely everything - has to be about Obama being a bad man, and if the subject isn't about Obama being a bad man well then it just should be.
And then he's got this imbecilic 'ding ding' thing. He runs around like a two year old with poopy-diapers shouting "ding-ding, ding-ding" and thinking that makes him seem clever.
As I say, he's losing his grip on reality.
Anon11:35am Blacks can't do anything about their powerless circumstances anyway. Oh they can riot, but that's all they can do. And the more they riot, the more obvious it becomes they have no power.
Only Whites can change the circumstances of Blacks. That's where the power is anyway and PX is fully aware of it. He knows that the only thing a black person can do in get into a brawl with a white person. and then there is no guarantee he will win the physical fight. Everyone knows the Black is certain to lose the legal fight.
PX, and PC are bm who blow smoke up people's asses. That's because they are powerless against a white justice system.
Eric Holder gave some power to a 'fair' justice system. But according to MHP Holder was just a duck.
"Megyn Kelly wishes she was fat? I doubt that.....
12:26 PM"
Here comes Kinky calling all bw fat. Lord have mercy, You have no respect.
The Purple Cow said...
This is what I mean. Josh and I were having a discussion about ethics in journalism, in particular FoxNews
Why particular Fox News? Why not particular CNN? Or particular NYTimes?
oh lord, kinky is ripping PC.
Blogger PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
I would suggest starting small like telling some of our younger sistas and brothas that they can't enter from the front or drink from the same fountain as whites. Just make sure I'm there to watch, I would love to see that go down.
Why would you need to be there when you can tune in Chiraq news at five to see the results of young sistas and brothas with low IQ's and no impulse control?
Mr. Stevenson’s organization, the Equal Justice Initiative, took a step in that direction on Tuesday when it released a report that chronicles nearly 4,000 lynchings of black people in 12 Southern states from 1877 to 1950.
Just think, we only have to go back 10 years to find 4,000 whites murdered by blacks.
Most interracial crime is committed by blacks.
The number one cause of death among blacks under the age of 25 is black males.
Funny that.
Could anything have been a greater evidence of the viciousness of racism than lynching? How about white politicians perpetuating racism for their own gain? Lyndon Johnson knew it:
"I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
Human beings can be such scum.
If anyone could be forgiven for being racist, it would be a black American. But that would be thinking logically...
Kinky, are u calling MPH fat? Have u ever seen her other than on your rabbit ears black and white tv sitting in your trailer?
I have, and i stand by my statement.
I once saw her with tampons in her ears. She was looking tubby.
Doesn't matter. Her ratings suck. She will be off MSNBC before long.
Megyn Kelly will continue her success and soon will be the most watched, most trusted name on cable news.
Here's some color arousal field negro won't post about.
As seen in the above video, the man called Nowlin a “bitch” and spit on the windshield of her car. He then raised a clenched right fist and said, “Fuck you, Black Power.” He added, “White bitch” before returning to his vehicle.
Blogger field negro said...
Kinky, are u calling MPH fat? Have u ever seen her other than on your rabbit ears black and white tv sitting in your trailer?
Brother Field I have seen MHP. She is overweight, a bit chunky.
Why not just be truthful? It clears the air.
I call BS on anon@3:30. Where did u see her?
Megyn Kelly's knees are big, she has no shape, and she needs a new hairdresser. So there is that.:)
Must I quote Sir Mix-A-Lot to u wingnut?
Bro, I am involved in academia. I saw her recently at a campus meeting at Princeton. She is heavy and has big hips and a wide ass.
As far as Megyn Kelley is concerned, no one cares how skinny she is or that she is knock-kneed. One thing for certain: She would NEVER do to a great Atty Gen. what MHP did to Holder.
In fact, I doubt if 'anyone' would act the way MHP's disrespecting behavior. I am glad Holder didn't quack to feed her destructive bw's behavior.
I used to think highly of MHP...not any more. She is more of liability to the black race than an asset.
Here's a little information re: Black females being expelled at 6 times the rate of White females...That's twice as bad as the expulsions of BM.
Let's face it. Whites see nothing good about us. They never have, and never will.
What makes our plight so poignant is these crooked white monsters are in power. Is it any wonder we are an angry race? Hell, anybody would be angry after centuries of injustices from loss of life to loss of future.
Field, what in the name of Jehovah....OMG!!!.....What are you doing studying Megyn's knees?
"Big hips".
I can't relate to this brother. If u are really in "academia" u can appreciate the concept of the a2w ratio.
Or, maybe not. ;)
Sorry kinky, it didn't take much studying. They are horrible.
But hey, to each his own.
"Megyn Kelly's knees are big, she has no shape, and she needs a new hairdresser. So there is that.:)"
Where did u see her? I saw her in person and her hair looks fine.
"Fine" in a bad blond dreadlocks kind of way, or fine enough for tv?
Just asking.
My God! What has brought on criticism about Megyn's looks? Oh, I see:
MHP eff'd up in an interview with the Attorney of the United States and Field is trying his best to deflect her asinine F***UP.
Sorry. It's not working. MHP DID a dumb-ass disrespectful thing to Eric Holder...Megyn Kelly did not, and never would.
You know something Brother Field? It never ceases to amaze me about the attitude of some of our folks toward Blacks in high positions. Some, like MHP, act and think they don't have to respect one another's position; and that we can take liberties to degrade another. Hell, I'm surprised MHP didn't call him the N-word as a term of endearment...
Can you not see by doing that we agree with white racists that we don't deserve respect?
""Fine" in a bad blond dreadlocks kind of way, or fine enough for tv?"
Both... although I really don't care. Why are u so obsessed with Megyn? u seem to know every inch of her from head to toe.
Did she hurt you?
señor kinky said...
Megyn Kelly wishes she was fat? I doubt that....
Actually, Megyn wishes she didn't look like Sponge Bob Square Pants from behind.
"Small" men are always threatened by women with an ass. ALWAYS.
"Why particular Fox News? Why not particular CNN? Or particular NYTimes?
Dunno Kinky, why don't you ask Josh? Given that he started the debate.
"oh lord, kinky is ripping PC."
Kinky, you poor deluded fool. You don't have the intellectual nitty in your gritty to "rip" an educationally sub-normal chicken, let alone somebody with a massively superior intellect to yourself.
Truth is, you're as dumb as a fucking fencepost.
And talk about taking a comment out of context, at least the Rethugs are consistent.
MHP gave an analogy. The quack question was a little weird, but rhetorical.
Opps my bad, do they even know what context and rhetorical means?
Blogger Yīshēng said...
"Small" men are always threatened by women with an ass. ALWAYS.
6:39 PM
Why is that? Why would a small guy want to hump an elephant that is unattractive and unwanted? It makes no sense.
Isn't that the problem for so many fat-ASS bw like yourself? They are too huge for anyone.
field negro said...
Megyn Kelly's knees are big, she has no shape, and she needs a new hairdresser. So there is that.:)
It sounds as if you are one of those 3 million foxnews viewers. :)
Megyn is on Mediaite a lot.
I think I touched a nerve with Anon@4:38.
Is she a friend of yours?
The Purple Cow said...
"oh lord, kinky is ripping PC."
Kinky, you poor deluded fool.
PurpleCow being played by anonymous for months now believes Kinky is anonymous.
Just yesterday PurpleCow thought I was anonymous.
I bet I could google and find PurpleCow believing Josh is anonymous.
I'm seeing a pattern.
I thought she established a wonderful rapport with Mr.Eric Holder She got him to talk as he is a reserved kind of guy. They both laughed and clearly enjoyed each other and it was fun to watch.
field negro said...
Megyn is on Mediaite a lot.
Huh? I thought Megyn was a foxnews host.
Oh, I get it.
You mean you look at pictures of their female reporters and watch foxnews clips and on other websites to feed your foxnews obsession.
At least I can admit I copy/paste from :)
MHP is just another affirmative action embarassment.
Why yes, my ass is PHAT and there's absolutely NO confusion about that!!
BTW, a "mouse" like you would have a VERY difficult time humping an elephant.
Elephants don't seem much into being tickled,
not sure what to make of this comment thread...
i try to participate over here...
there just isn't much to work with, i am afraid.
folk can only seem to notice wall street banksters + the crooked lawyers/law makers that serve them when they are in pale skin.
how this conversation degenerated into a diss BW and WW fest..not sure.
all i can say is this:
IF this is the behavior of the best educated with the most opportunities...
no wonder satan's agents are stomping unimpeded throughout the land.
for the soul indicating that Whites feel shame...shame is of the enemy to our souls. where ever there is disobedience to Yah's Word, shame follows shortly thereafter. from the garden of eden to now.
Whites would collectively feel better if they would:
confess their sins.
turn from them.
stand against injustice, no matter if the system of death is set up for them to benefit.
instead quite a few want sshhh! folk and skate past the Truth.
some Blacks do it from the other side, if there is a snowball's chance in hell that folk (BM usually) might look bad.
injustice anywhere is indeed a threat to justice everywhere.
consider this:
emasculating BM has long been the modus operandi for some american WM/WW and other KJV Psalm 83'ers.
degrading the humanity of BW and children, participated in by all.
notice that all nations/tribes are getting this same treatment now?
indeed, what is done to the least among us will be done to the greatest among us.
folk that don't believe the hospitals are yet another modern day killing field/money making industry that could not care less about health and wholeness for humanity...may you never learn firsthand. it would be wise not to be too vocal about your disbelief, though, until more facts are collected.
politicians lie. that's what they do. pretending not to notice this based on racial bias= free will. i respect free will. co-signing detrimental to humanity behavior on the strength of skin color...not so much. it doesn't matter who is doing it, really.
it is not about color folk.
never has been, according to what's written.
the devil threw that in there/up so folk could remain distracted, while his minions work diligently to take US all out.
KJV Deuteronomy 28. lost Hebrews (Black folk) would do well to read it. US waking up = essential to humanity. it is clearly written that IF we won't bow to Yah, He will allow enemies to get high above US. our color = not a factor. Yah made ALL colors. ALL colors come from Black.
maybe i need more "education" in order to not see how dumb the whole argument really is. folk are in the middle of prophecy unfolding, Real time, bickering 'bout folks' hair, rear end size, and knocked knees...
free will.
i got nothing but Love for ya'll...
Blessings all!
"I thought she established a wonderful rapport with Mr.Eric Holder She got him to talk as he is a reserved kind of guy. They both laughed and clearly enjoyed each other and it was fun to watch."
Easy now. The word "fun" and republican trolls do not go hand in hand.
They are very angry these days.
FP, "how this conversation degenerated into a diss BW and WW fest..not sure."
Someone criticized MHP for her lousy disrespectful interview with Eric Holder.
Then Field turned sexist and racist. He called Megyn skinny with big knees and that she needed a hair-dresser.
See? Field is nothing but trouble. He causes good wholesome honest people to degenerate into darkness.
There is no doubt in my mind that Field and Yisheng and PC work for the devil.
FP please save your prayers for them and pray for those who have a chance of becoming good.
I do not work with the devil. The devil is under contract with FOX VIEWS.
field negro said...
Easy now. The word "fun" and republican trolls do not go hand in hand.
They are very angry these days.
8:43 PM
Hahaha! As long as we're not! That's all that matters! ;)
"Hahaha! As long as we're not! That's all that matters! ;)"
10:25 PM
STFU. That's all you do is laugh. It's not funny, so why are you laughing. Life is not to laughed at.
Fools. All of you.
"Dunno Kinky, why don't you ask Josh? Given that he started the debate."
I did? I just pointed out that it's odd that for as much as Fox News is hated 'round here, they don't have a host that has pulled a Brian Williams.
For that observation, I'm now a Fox-loving conservative who doesn't think the network ever, ever lies, hence the reminder of former lies plastered like a "BOOYAH!" in-my-face because...fuck knows why.
I have no love for Fox. However, I don't view them in the same shill-for-righty way in which many here do; I view them as a televangelist network of Christians, evidenced by their complete lack of understanding of anything scientific, and their gross disrespect and mischaracterization of atheists. As a skeptic, I take that very personally. Fuck Fox News. But they don't have a Brian Williams!
"Obama watched the attack on Benghazi and delayed military intervention that could have saved American lives."
And to what degree is that semantics vs. someone painting themselves as a hero in a situation that simply never happened? And now even more of his stories are being seriously questioned, like whether or not he ever rode with Seal Team 6 and if a Navy Seal on the bin Laden kill team actually wrote him a thank you letter and sent him a piece of a crashed helicopter in memoriam.
Fox doesn't have one of those. And to the extent they do, he or she has yet to be busted.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
STFU. That's all you do is laugh. It's not funny, so why are you laughing. Life is not to laughed at.
11:35 PM
We live OUR lives as we please! If you want to stew in bile 24/7 that's your prerogative. Enjoy! x*D
I told u they were angry. And to think, it's almost Ventine's Day. :)
I knowField! Time for all love and kisses and warmth and friendship and love and kisses and hugs!(Did I say that already?)x*D
C'mon guys get a love on will ya!
Piyush's problem is that he thinks he's white. He just has a brown way of showing whiteness. India's calling him to say "Hello!!"
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