That is what a leading republican (there is a shock) lawmaker in Tennessee must scream to herself every night before she goes to bed.
"Tennessee's House majority floor leader kicked off a scandal back home by calling for the creation of "a Council of Christian Relations and a NAAWP in this Country." But after the Facebook post came to light, Rep. Sheila Butt (R) said that her critics had it all wrong: "W" doesn't stand for White, it stands for Western!
Why people who live in the Western Hemisphere -- which includes everyone living in the United States -- would need a special-interest group wasn't addressed by Butt.
The comment was first flagged by alternative weekly newspaper Nashville Scene.
Her comment came in response to an open letter from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the largest Muslim civil liberties organization in the U.S., urging 2016 GOP candidates to engage Muslim voters and reject Islamophobia.
Butt later deleted her comment and replaced it with, “We need groups that will stand for Christians and our Western culture. We don’t have groups dedicated to speaking on our behalf.”
Many criticized Butt for using the acronym NAAWP, which various white supremacy groups have used in the past to mean the National Association for the Advancement of White People. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke founded an organization with that name.
Butt has responded to critics by saying her original comment was not intended to be racist and that she meant for NAAWP to stand for National Association for the Advancement of Western Peoples.
In an interview with Nashville-based political blog View From The Hill posted Thursday, Butt said she was not aware that the acronym was racist.
“That was an acronym that at that morning, I simply made up to say, ‘National Association for the Advancement of Western Peoples,'" she said. "I had no idea that had ever been used for that before. So that’s something that just came out of nowhere, actually."
Butt's comments sparked a backlash from CAIR as well as the Tennessee House Black Caucus.
Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director, told The Huffington Post they showcase “the overall level of ... bigotry” acceptable within the Republican Party.
“We’ve unfortunately had too many Republican Party leaders and lawmakers make such statements,” he said. “It’s really time that they address this issue as a party instead of just pretending that Islamophobia doesn’t exist within their ranks.”
He added that Butt's stated goal of advocating for “Western peoples” is not much better than advocating for “white people.”
“You almost end up with the same result even if you believe that explanation,” he said" [Source]
The only thing worse than a racist is a dumb and disingenuous racist.
Look, if you are going to be a racist I would respect you more if you were honest about who you are and what you represent.
Finally, it's another day, so time for another Bill O'Reilly lie.
This one involved nuns...oh wait, that was yesterday. Sorry. This one involves bricks and the LA Riots.
" Bill O'Reilly's recollections of various big events he’s covered continue to be questioned, as a new report out today featured several of his former Inside Edition colleagues disputing how O’Reilly has talked about covering the L.A. riots.
According to The Guardian, O’Reilly has talked on multiple occasions about being in direct danger during those 1992 riots while he was at Inside Edition, saying as recently as this week, “We were attacked by protesters, where bricks were thrown at us.”
However, other people who worked for Inside Edition while O’Reilly did and also covered the riots are not saying the same thing. One of them flatly states, “It didn’t happen.” Another says, “I honestly don’t recall watching or hearing about that. I believe I probably would have remembered something like that.”
There was, however, an incident some of them recall differently:
“It was one person with one rock,” said McCall, the sound man. “Nobody was hit.”
“A man came out of his home,” said Antin, who was operating the camera that was struck. “He picked up a chunk of concrete, and threw it at the camera.” Told of O’Reilly’s description of a bombardment, Antin said: “I don’t think that’s really … No, I mean no, not where we were.”
“There was no concrete,” said McKeown. “There was a single brick”.One of these individuals, Robert Kirkham, also said that O’Reilly was “being very insensitive to the situation” and got very confrontational with one resident who was trying to clear the wreckage.
Update — 10:45 p.m. ET: We should note, in the report Inside Edition filed on the riots, reporter Bonnie Strauss said rocks and bottles were thrown at the journalists covering the riots.
We have reached out to Fox News for comment on this story." [Source]
The biggest question I have is why Billo is still trying so hard to pretend to be a real journalist. I mean the guy is still kicking butt in the ratings. And unless he has sex with a sheep on live television while beheading babies with a vey large knife, he will always have his FOX viewers.
I guess he still wants to be accepted by the rest of us sane people. The thing is, though, we know a mad man when we see one, and Billo fits the definition to a tee.
Sorry Bill, we can't believe anything you say anymore. But it's alright. I am sure that those News Corp checks are not bouncing.
"Sorry Bill, we can't believe anything you say anymore. But it's alright. I am sure that those News Corp checks are not bouncing."
Well, speaking personally, Bill had no credibility to lose. This news has not altered my opinion of him in the slightest. He was awful yesterday, and he remains awful today.
And honestly, like Brian Williams' lie, these lies are not consequential. They are amusing and kind of sad, in that they reveal his desire for everyone else to believe he is some kind of badass that he is not.
But the other lies O'Reilly tells, the whoppers that are his bread and butter -- those are the real damn problem.
Dumb and disingenuous racists, isn't that the description of the Republican Party? Ha! I'll give Butt a pass because 1 she was made fun of her entire life because of her name and 2 she's from Tennessee. If you think Christians and people from the "west" need advocate groups you really need to check in with reality. The GOP loves their stupid.
If the "GOP loves their stupid", they should be creaming over PilotX.
"The only thing worse than a racist is a dumb and disingenuous racist."
Hey, there's no need to bring Yisheng into this. That's uncalled for, Field.
Field, I am getting tired of your posts about Bill O'Reilly. As I have mentioned before, O'Reilly tells the truth. He does not exaggerate, he just tells it like it is.
You lefties want to discredit a truthful man. It's understandable, considering you have yet to be truthful about anything.
Anon, I co-sign with you 100%. Folks are nothing but a bunch of jealous FN Negroes who can't get their shit together.
White people can have no legitimate interests, and if they ever voice any such a notion, they are bigots.
"...Butt said she was not aware that the acronym was racist."
Presumably because she's had her head so far up her namesake part!
"Presumably because she's had her head so far up her namesake part!"
Hmmm ... National Association for the Advancement of Western People? I gotta say, this does sound an awful lot like a pathetic after-the-fact justification for an outrageous comment! Much like Rick Santorum's not-particularly-believable "blah people." (Just as a refresher, Santorum is adamantly against helping those undeserving "blahs," whoever those folks are.)
It's really unbelievable, the craziness that goes on in some of these statehouses. The amazing level of stupidity really puts the ignorant antics of Congress critters to shame.
In one hilarious recent case, while trying to defend yet another idiotic anti-abortion provision, a GOP state legislator revealed he has less understanding of human anatomy than a typical eight-year-old child:
"An Idaho lawmaker received a brief lesson on female anatomy after asking if a woman can swallow a small camera for doctors to conduct a remote gynecological exam.
The question Monday from Republican state Rep. Vito Barbieri came as the House State Affairs Committee heard nearly three hours of testimony on a bill that would ban doctors from prescribing abortion-inducing medication through telemedicine.
Dr. Julie Madsen was testifying in opposition to the bill when Barbieri asked the question. Madsen replied that would be impossible because swallowed pills do not end up in the vagina.
'Fascinating. That makes sense,' Barbieri said, amid the crowd's laughter."
The honorable gentleman appears to be misinformed: the stomach bone is NOT connected to the vagina bone.
“That was an acronym that at that morning, I simply made up to say, ‘National Association for the Advancement of Western Peoples,'" she said."
Somebody should tell the silly bint that NAAWP is not an acronym, it's an initialism
I'm a FOX viewer and I'm sure field is also no matter what he claims. He's gotta see what the true story is, right?
Anyway, if Bill Oreilly was telling stories just like Williams or just about everybody in Obama's administration come to think of it, then I won't watch his show or support him. So fields wrong yet again. This labeling of people is a thing for him. Makes him feel better.
This "phobia" nonsense, which is quite "anti-science", is of course a drummed up political tactic from the guilty Left.
If you don't like something or have a natural scientific preference for another thing your labeled as actual having a mental disorder. Quite Nazi like if you think about it.
it is a good and natural thing to dislike things, dare I saw even hate them. The PC crowd is trying to outlaw dislike or preference, and has if not on paper in a real practical sense on the job. The PC crowd is trying to outlaw free thought. That's who field supports.
Speaking of liars, Bill O' went head to head with Obama the other night.
Which liar got the best ratings?
"White people can have no legitimate interests, and if they ever voice any such a notion, they are bigots."
1:34 AM
The historical 'interests' of Whites in America has been to continue discrimination and bigotry. This is not an assumption or an accusation. It's an American historical 'fact'. And it has repeated itself again and again from slavery to Jim Crow to modern times to post-modern times to so-called post-racial times. It's not a pretty sight and it says a lot about the nature and character of America.
Racism is the continued result of White bigotry, which, for some weird odd reason Whites strive to maintain. Actually, it's not strange at all. Whites see their bigotry as a way to maintain power based on the color of white skin.
This evil phenomena can only be understood from a 'white' perspective and not a human perspective. It is a soul-sickness that cannot be rationalized or reasoned away because the disease itself is not rational.
Hence, unless Whites turn inwardly and look at themselves and what they have done--and continues to do--to POC, bigotry will prevail until there is a revolt against this tower of hatred against minorities.
Whites should be afraid, very afraid of their own racial apathy, for this IS the most destructive and deadliest disease known to America.
Bigotry and prejudice has, and contines, to contaminate all sense of human decency, human dignity and human respect.
In short, it is the kind of merciless evil that corrupts and hardens the human heart that 'always' leads to 'certain' senseless killings and injustices, which has been the history of White bigotry and racism in America.
No good can come out of evil. Evil is evil. It has no interest in goodness. In fact, it is enemy of good.
"The only thing worse than a racist is a dumb and disingenuous racist. "
Everyone turns to look at field.
Gotta love the hypocrisy of the left.
CAIR? Maybe they should focus on cutting their ties to terrorist groups and purging the antisemitism in their own ranks before they cast stones.
PC, "Somebody should tell the silly bint that NAAWP is not an acronym, it's an initialism
4:35 AM"
What does 'bint' mean?
and what is the difference between an 'acronym' and 'initialism'...can you put it in context? Thank you.
"Racism is the continued result of White bigotry, which, for some weird odd reason Whites strive to maintain. Actually, it's not strange at all. Whites see their bigotry as a way to maintain power based on the color of white skin. "
This is nonsense. White people are the least racist people on earth. In fact, they are the only non-racist people on earth. They invented "anti-racism".
The word "racism" didn't even exist until the 20th century, because the assertion of group dominance was just taken as a natural part of human existence.
Today, whites are not only prevented by their own government from asserting dominance, they are forbidden to pursue any group interest or even admit to any racial identity.
This while every other racial group on the planet receives legal support and even funding from the government expressly to pursue their narrow group interests at the expense of everyone else, especially whites.
And yet, according to the dominant liberal ideology, only whites can be racist.
Quite a system.
The Field Negro said...
Sorry Bill, we can't believe anything you say anymore.
Another blog post about o'reilly lying.
How many posts about "The typical family will save $2500 on Obamacare?"
There must be a good reason Field Negro holds a cable news guy to a higher standard than he holds the president he voted for.
Not all liars are equal to Field Negro.
DOJ Not Filing Charges Against George Zimmerman For 2012 Killing Of Trayvon Martin
I was wondering why FieldNegro wasn't blaming racism for Zimmerman not being charged.
Obama - Dumbocrat
Eric Holder - Dumbocrat
I guess that answered why FieldNegro has gone crickets on the news Zimmerman won;t be charged.
Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.
African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.
She points to the second column.
“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”
The last column draws gasps.
Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.
-50 points for being Asian?
+230 points for being African American?
The parent of a black son that was killed in the street by a "dreamer."
“Do black lives really matter? Or does it matter only if you are shot by a white person or a white a policeman?”
There must be a good reason Sharpton, Field Negro and Obama aren't talking about this black life.
Thanks for keeping the HHN honest.
This BM appreciates the help and goodness of whites.
"-50 points for being Asian?"
Many foreign Asian students take the SAT in their home countries, and there is rampant cheating:
African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.
"African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points"
So that's how Yisheng broke 500....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points"
So that's how Yisheng broke 500....
3:57 PM
Yisheng broke 450, not 500.
She got an extra 50 for being ugly.
Yisheng does not deserve such insults. She is a brilliant scientist who has devoted her life studying, researching and defending civil rights. She is a doctor and an activist and she is quite attractive.
Please do not let your racist mind run wild about her.
Dear Mr Field, I noticed in your sidebar that you have made Kanye and Amber Rose "House Negroes of the Day". But why? Amber certainly does not deserve to be in the House.
What she said isn't nearly as bad as the cringing ignorant stuff Yisheng has said. Why don't you stick Yisheng in your sidebar and ask her to stop her profanities and ignorant statements?
Amber is not even a negro.
"what is the difference between an 'acronym' and 'initialism'"
An acronym makes a word.
Initialism is just the first letter of every word.
In a grammatical context, it is literally like the most meaningless "rule" there is, the difference between the two. So much so that you probably had to go to school in the '60s or '70s to learn it. It's down there below split infinitives and passive language and reflexive pronouns and verbs.
There is no universal standard. Someone's opinion on this is just their opinion, and that opinion is per their source -- what they learned.
NAAWP: Why do you THINK that the SAE FRATERNITY did not want any BLACK MEMBERS?
"YOUNG BLACK THUGS who REFUSE to follow the LAW, should not be INCARCERATED, they should be ...!" (TRAINAISM)
All the WHITE PEOPLE who moved out of DETROIT are now going to have to move back as part of OU DIVERSITY TRAINING!
1) http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ou-says-s...
2) http://www.kpho.com/story/19730527/surveillan...
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYa8zm7Jzls
All the WHITE PEOPLE who moved out of CHICAGO are now going to have to move back as part of OU DIVERSITY TRAINING!
All the WHITE PEOPLE who moved out of ST. LOUIS are now going to have to move back as part of OU DIVERSITY TRAINING!
All the WHITE PEOPLE who moved out of BATON ROUGE are now going to have to move back as part of OU DIVERSITY TRAINING!
All the WHITE PEOPLE who moved out of MEMPHIS are now going to have to move back as part of OU DIVERSITY TRAINING!
All the WHITE PEOPLE who moved out of TULSA are now going to have to move back as part of OU DIVERSITY TRAINING!
All the WHITE PEOPLE who moved out of BIRMINGHAM are now going to have to move back as part of OU DIVERSITY TRAINING!
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