The professional victims and outrage merchants from the right-wing chattering class are "outraged" at the president for stating historical facts about atrocities committed in the name of Christianity throughout history.
Yes, the savages of ISIS burned a man alive. Well, guess what.
They say that this president doesn't share their values. And I thank goodness for that.
Here in this country religion has been used to justify slavery and do unspeakable things to the people who were slaves.
As Americans we have a problem with the truth when it makes us uncomfortable. But it doesn't change it.
Just like this image; it will always be there to remind us.
"I guarantee you that will not find a Muslim in that picture."
Are you sure? The guy on fire looks Muslim.
Do you care to provide any context for this image?
The feigned outrage by rethugs was not only hypocritical, it was predictable.
"The professional victims and outrage merchants from the right-wing chattering class are "outraged" at the president for stating historical facts about atrocities committed in the name of Christianity throughout history"
It's kind of odd that the President seems more concerned with things that happened a thousand years ago than he is with shit that went down yesterday.
As Bobby Jindal pointed out earlier today, the scourge of Medieval Christianity seems to have abated over the centuries and now can be considered under control.
It would seem the President's job would be to deal with actual threats occurring now, during his tenure as president, would it not?
What the hell is wrong with this guy?
I have wondered if Naziism was more of a Christian movement than we are told. They had the iron cross medal, crosses on their planes, and they killed Jews. Jews were largely blamed for killing Christ back then. I think the Catholic Church changed their position about that out of political correctness after WWII. During WWII the church didn't oppose the Nazi's all that much. Mel Gibson got in trouble for holding on to that view. Going on memory of what I've read about it, I believe the Nazi movement was very Christian for a time, and then they got away from it somewhat. But I take what historians write with a grain of salt.
"As Bobby Jindal pointed out earlier today, the scourge of Medieval Christianity seems to have abated over the centuries and now can be considered under control."
You mean it has abated like the post racial era? like racism today?
You mean like Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and a host of other bm MURDERED?
The people who call themselves Christians are like ISIS who call themselves Muslims. It's got nothing to do with religion but deluded minds and dark hearts have made it so.
"Are you sure? The guy on fire looks Muslim."
Nope. He's a "nigger' as Whites called Blacks during those times. Come to think of it, you Whites still do today.
You were barbaric and evil then, and you are the same today. You proved that when Obama was elected President. Your racist barbarism came to the forefront and continues to gain momentum with legalized murders of bm. Your grand juries prosecutors in cahoots with a lousy defense shows the hypocrisy of your white justice system designed to kill Blacks.
Of course, you never want to hear or discuss that. It's too shameful and proves you are the devil.
Dear Mr Field, the reason we Whites don't want to talk about the past is because we often wake up at night in a cold sweat from dreams of the past of our ancestors.
You see, it is impossible to torture, hang, burn, castrate, and murder thousands of Blacks without some inner conflict. The human soul just cannot ignore such evil.
And it doesn't matter 'when' because the human soul is 'timeless' and needs cleansing? Why do you think all religions have confession? Sooner or later there must be a confession of the truth. Otherwise, the soul is restless until it does. Hence, cold-sweat dreams will haunt Whites generation after generation.
Limpbaugh said...
I have wondered if Naziism was more of a Christian movement than we are told
Well Limpy, you could always read a book or try to learn something regarding actual historical analysis of your question, instead of just wondering like an idiot.
I think perhaps you will find that Nazi ideology at root was quite anti-Christian and sought a return to pre-Christian pagan values. Those close to Hitler thought he was very anti-Christian, and Wikipedia states "Many historians have come to the conclusion that Hitler's long term aim was the eradication of Christianity in Germany".
But hey, feel free to just make up your own theories instead.
"You were barbaric and evil then, and you are the same today. You proved that when Obama was elected President. "
You are right, white people are barbaric and evil for electing Obama President.
I will never forgive them for that.
"You mean like Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and a host of other bm MURDERED?"
The Spanish Inquisition killed Trayvon?
You mean I'm off the hook?
The National Socialist German Workers Party, or NAZI Party had absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. The movement emerged in post WWI Germany as a nationalistic/paramilitary blend of socialism and nationalism used as a means to lure workers away from the influence of Communism. The Nazi's scapegoating of Jews, Catholics, the mentally handicapped, progressive artists, intellectuals, homosexuals, Africans, immigrants and others was NOT related to religion or Christ - it was a means to cultivate a racist ideology that was central to the Nazi's manipulation of the German people.
The Iron Cross you mention is a symbol that emerged in the 13th century which was adopted by the Teutonic Knights; a medieval German order of devoted Christians who organized to support and defend Christians making pilgrimages to the Holy Land; the Knights later participated in the Crusades and maintained territory and holdings in Germany and Europe well into the 19th century. The Iron Cross was adopted as a military medal by the Prussian Empire in the 1800's and was later used by the Germans in WWI - and later in WWII.
The Swastika is the chief symbol of Nazism, but it's a symbol sacred to ancient Indian, Hindu and Buddhist cultures used as far back as 10,000 BC. While SOME members of the Catholic church were sympathetic to Nazi's in WWII, the Nazis were not a Christian organization in any way shape or form. The Iron Cross symbol seen on German planes and tanks in WWII was an effort to connect with the German medieval and later Prussian past as a means to bolster nationalistic feelings. So respectfully no, they never "got way from it" - Jesus did not figure into Nazism in anyway. Hitler worshiped the warped idea of the superiority a mythical "Aryan" culture - not God.
Did you know that Hitler was a socialist?
"The feigned outrage by rethugs was not only hypocritical, it was predictable."
I don't think it was all that feigned. Part of their movement is comprised of crazy religious Christian extremists, and they don't like it very much when they're called out on it, even indirectly.
The truth is that hardcore Christian wingnuts dislike theocracies like Iran or zealot groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. But it's not their extremism they dislike; it's that the extremism is the wrong flavor -- Muslim, not Christian.
Frankly, guys like Mike Huckabee would fit in just fine in Iran or Saudi Arabia. Women know their place, gays are put to death, science is regularly overruled by the clerics ... paradise! Except not enough Jesus for poor Huck. *sad face*
Our Christian extremists really are not so very much better than the Middle Eastern Muslim extremists. There just aren't as many of them here, and the rest of us won't let them get away with pulling that sort of Dark Ages nonsense anymore.
"Frankly, guys like Mike Huckabee would fit in just fine in Iran or Saudi Arabia. Women know their place, gays are put to death, science is regularly overruled by the clerics ... paradise!"
So why is it that it's the liberal Democrats who seem to be such fanboys of Islam?
"I have wondered if Naziism was more of a Christian movement than we are told. They had the iron cross medal, crosses on their planes, and they killed Jews. Jews were largely blamed for killing Christ back then. I think the Catholic Church changed their position about that out of political correctness after WWII."
The Catholic Church didn't comport itself that well during WWII. The Pope mostly tried to stay on Mussolini's good side, and there were some actual Nazi sympathizers in the hierarchy who helped Nazis flee to Argentina after the war to avoid punishment.
But most of the Nazis themselves were either Lutherans, or adherents of this explicitly racist version of Christianity that the Nazis invented, called Positive Christianity.
Some cretin said...
"Our Christian extremists really are not so very much better than the Middle Eastern Muslim extremists"
In your lifetime, how many airplanes have Christian extremists flown into buildings?
How many homos have they thrown off roofs?
How many people have they decapitated in the name of their religion? Stoned to death? Set on fire in a cage?
Are you that fucking dumb, or are you just so twisted by some fucked up personal failing that you feel compelled to say such stupid shit?
"So why is it that it's the liberal Democrats who seem to be such fanboys of Islam?"
They aren't.
Again, Islam is a huge religion with a lot of diversity in it. The entire religion is not synonymous with the extreme theocracies of the Saudis and Iran. And definitely not synonymous with terrorist organizations.
Personally, I don't hate Christians. I do, unabashedly, hate the Christian Right
I don't hate Muslims. I do hate the Islamic Right -- particularly the folks who think burning people is a fun pastime.
"The Pope mostly tried to stay on Mussolini's good side"
"But most of the Nazis themselves were either Lutherans, or adherents of this explicitly racist version of Christianity that the Nazis invented, called Positive Christianity."
The wikipedia article you linked says:
Hitler himself was hostile to Christianity, and historians, including Ian Kershaw and Laurence Rees, characterise his acceptance of the term "Positive Christianity" and involvement in religious policy as driven by opportunism, and a pragmatic recognition of the political importance of the Christian Churches in Germany.[2] Nevertheless, efforts by the regime to impose a Nazified "positive Christianity" on a state controlled Protestant Reich Church essentially failed, and resulted in the formation of the dissident Confessing Church which saw great danger to Germany from the "new religion".[4] The Catholic Church too denounced the creed's pagan myth of "blood and soil"" in the 1937 papal encyclical Mit brennender Sorge and elsewhere.
So "Positive Christianity" was a fake Christianity that failed to gain adherents and was denounced by the Catholic Church before WWII ever started.
You are so full of shit you don't even read your own links.
Fuck you.
i would just like to say for the record that the madness of some Edomites and others canNOT be blamed on Scriptures nor Messiah.
twisting Scriptures. it is for THIS reason that the nation described to a tee as the Chosen Ones of Yah in Scriptures were forbidden by law to read the Scriptures, in particular and in general. violations punishable by death.
this was so that we as a nation would not know who we are...
these laws have been done away with...
folk STILL seem not to know who we are. many consistently look to the Hebrew speaking, European Gentiles as described in Scriptures.
it is respectful to be mindful that not only BM met such fates as depicted in the image. BW have shared in every bit of the horrific suffering. then and now what happens to us is down played or overlooked altogether. do we know that many lynchings/torture sessions of BW were not even documented? the average BM mentions lynching like it was just a BM fate. it was not. THIS is how folk can rally in Ferguson re: police brutality and not.make.a.peep about the BW raping/brutalizing cop.
it was all about the menfolk.
Ida B Wells Barnett risked life and limb so fed up was she re: lynching, torturing, suffering of our people...
other folk may choose to make it all about politics and the menfolk...
i choose to Stand with Yah on Truth and honor for ALL of my ancestors.
not just the menfolk.
ps. isis is man made by our government. the government conspires to make the problems. though politicians aren't even trying to hide their isis connections, really. then these same puppets send our sons and daughters off to wars that greatly profit their hidden masters who select 'em and bank roll their stays in office...
all under the pretense of fixing the problem.
the superb owl aka the super bowl, for those too focused on being "entertained" to know...
just did a war dance mega ritual for those of us that know to watch the signs.
so, pardon me if i refuse to go along with the christians vs muslims scripted play.
ALL folk will twist all Truth from the Scriptures...
given a chance.
not just the Edomites/Europeans. and it is not time to bash/persecute the Christians. nor Muslims either for that matter. folk thinking they are supposed to be running through murdering folk are on one and should not be charged to the accounts of the faiths that don't endorse such practices.
THIS is why we are admonished in Scriptures to study to show ourselves approved.
KJV 2 Timothy 2:15
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto Yah, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
i pray for all souls that we will know that TRULY those that lead us...
mislead us.
+ lead us astray...
ALL day.
Shabbat Shalom + Blessings all!
"In your lifetime, how many airplanes have Christian extremists flown into buildings?
How many homos have they thrown off roofs?
How many people have they decapitated in the name of their religion? Stoned to death? Set on fire in a cage?"
If our most extreme Christians were running America? I'm sure they would be throwing homos off roofs. And stoning "sluts," or burning women who've gotten abortions.
And they wouldn't be flying planes into buildings, because they wouldn't need to, as the US is a very powerful country. But I wouldn't be surprised if lobbed cruise missiles into every Muslim country they could manage to aim at.
Your assumption is that these people lack the desire to do these things. The truth is that they merely lack the ability.
"Your assumption is that these people lack the desire to do these things. The truth is that they merely lack the ability."
There is not a single Christian denomination who advocates any such thing, while Muslim Imams preach violence and hatred all over the world every single day.
You project your own psychopathic fantasies on those you see as enemies.
Typical leftist.
I wonder if there has been 'a' case where Blacks lynched, burned and castrated a wm in America?
Of course not. Blacks don't have that kind of barbaric violent mind nor heart.
"So 'Positive Christianity' was a fake Christianity that failed to gain adherents and was denounced by the Catholic Church before WWII ever started."
It failed to gain adherents among Germans who were not Nazis. MOST Germans were not Nazis.
And I never said the Catholic Church as a whole endorsed Nazism (although certain Church figures tacitly did). But it didn't take much of a stand against it, either.
@ 1:07am- i don't think any true follower of Messiah would be doing any of those things.
just as Muslims when left to their own devices PEACEFULLY live in close proximity to others.
it amazes me to see souls fall right into the propaganda + mind control.
www3 WILL be a religious war of the most contrived kind. all signs indicate the masses are prepped + ready to fall in...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wonder if there has been 'a' case where Blacks lynched, burned and castrated a wm in America?
Every two years, blacks kill more whites than the total number of blacks that were ever lynched in America.
focusedpurpose said...
just as Muslims when left to their own devices PEACEFULLY live in close proximity to others.
Name one part of the world where Muslims live PEACEFULLY in close proximity to others.
Just one.
Field, I take it you're one of those "pro blacks" I hear a lot about. Power to the people, and all that jazz. If so, help me understand the gaping hole in logic here.
E.G.: When pointing out racism and whites, often is the case white people are told, "It's what y'all did! It's in your DNA! It was your people!" etc. As if to harken back to a time where birthright and bloodlines were all that mattered to who a person became in life.
The glaring lack of logic: Reverting to such a time, which many insist we should to judge whites and Christians, would also revert us back to a time when you were in chains and had no freedoms whatsoever.
There seems to be an utter refusal to accept change. But why?
The fact of the matter is that, by and large, Christians haven't acted in these atrocious ways for quite some time.
Sure, we can all play, "Remember that time..." but it's awfully odd how these little trips down memory lane are only supposed to work against those thought oppressors: Whites and Christians. Whereby the actions of some equate to the actions of all -- a time, an era, a period. But the same people forcing this standard on the world refuse to allow anyone to use it for, say, Muslims. They're "99.9%" peaceful, according to POTUS and every one of his scrotum lickers.
It's not a problem with the "truth." For fuck's sake, man, a kid can't make it out of 4th grade without being bombarded by this imagery and made to feel like a piece of shit if he's white. While we were in school, our teacher literally separated the class into white students and black students, pointed at the white students, and said, "You oppressed them."
We did? Fuck. White girls crying and apologizing. Black boys giving the stink eye to white nerds who were fucking petrified of blacks for the rest of the school year.
I feel like George Costanza here: We are aware! We all know what these "truths" are in the past. But we also all know something else: They were in the past.
Bringing them up as some type of moral equivalency is sophistry and emotional pleading of the highest order.
Are any of those motherfuckers still even alive who did this shit? I know nobody from the inquisition is alive. Maybe you'll find a few 90-somethings who burned a cross or dragged a black man. I don't know.
But we have issues to deal with on the table today. These continuing trips down memory lane act as nothing but a detour.
One cannot live in America without being constantly bombarded with these "truths." We are all aware! School and pop culture pummel our heads with these "truths" at every opportunity. Nobody even fucking denies them. It's just that at some point, people have to move the fuck on or be buried under the stigma of a past they weren't a part of. Living vicariously through pain of those long dead is unhealthy and leads to necessary polarization.
There's an enemy out there to fight today, an enemy that's burning and stoning and murdering indiscriminately. And for everything that enemy is, there is one thing that enemy is not: White Christian.
Fields believes in collective guilt for white people and collective absolution for black people.
Go figure.
Progressivism is universalist. Islam is universalist. Holy war necessarily ensues. To call on Muslims to abandon Jihad is to call upon them to unilaterally surrender to progressivism.
We faced this problem once before, and solved it once before by means short of genocide. The solution is to impose the Peace of Westphalia, first on ourselves, then on Muslims.
Peace of Westphalia implies that Muslims resident in our lands are forcibly converted to our official belief system, or else are forced to get the hell out. Our official belief system, to prevent entryism backed by violence aiming at state domination, must necessarily absolutely exclude the proposition that Mohammed is God’s prophet, let alone his final prophet.
After these White Christian Americans dismembered and/or burned the Black victims -- while they were alive, these same White Christian ghouls, now sexually aroused, went home and fornicated. Their offspring are with us today; the descendants of these lynch mobs constitute the heart and soul of the republican and tea parties. They wear suits, ties; some wear the robes of the clergy and judiciary. And, some even visit here; rabidly spewing their bile for cheap thrills.
But, "the chickens, or hens, are rapidly coming home to roost." Sooner, or later, Negroes are gonna wake up and abandon the Christian/Church plantation...imho
Back on yesterday's topic ... Chris Christie really is toast.
The dude is not even trying to appear not-crooked. He's just shamelessly, openly dirty.
"the descendants of these lynch mobs constitute the heart and soul of the republican and tea parties."
Yeah. But you don't even go far enough. You see, these white devils, after murdering and flaying and burning and dismembering blacks, set out on an ancient mission of the Catholic Church to infiltrate Juan Ponce De Leon's ship and accompany him on his voyage. After discovering the Fountain of Youth, these horrible white racists drank until their bellies ballooned to the point of near bursting with the magical waters.
So, in fact, these horrible white racists today, who wear suits and ties but who, according to moronic logic, are the exact fucking same, are actually the exact fucking same! They're immortal now, haven taken their fill of the mythical fountain.
Also, leprechauns hide gold at the end of rainbows, a horseshoe will make you lucky enough to win the lottery, and you will be brutally murdered by a ghost witch if you say "Bloody Mary" into the mirror three times.
All of this shit has the exact same (my, that's a popular term) basis in reality as DNA somehow being racist or by some mere happenstance of birth you're thrust into the political and religious beliefs, actions included, of your ancestors.
I know scientific literacy isn't a strong suit in American culture, but holy fucking shit.
Maybe these white people are from the ancient Highlands of Scotland, where God decided to perform a test amongst the righteous, creating a contest whose outcome will result in only one survivor to claim the prize.
Start the music: Here we are, born to be kings, we're the princes of the universe!
And not that weak TV series shit; I'm talking the original Hollywood movie with Sean fucking Connery.
The brilliance is enough to take one aback habitually. Whiplash-inducing bits of wisdom gleaned from the brain trust at Field's.
"@ 1:07am- i don't think any true follower of Messiah would be doing any of those things."
See, that's the problem, though. Who gets to say who is a "true Christian"?
In my own person judgment, I'd say an awful lot of Christian fundamentalists are obviously terrible at being Christian -- and yet they are convinced they are the absolute most Christian of anyone in America. They support capitalism-on-steroids, and show nothing but contempt for the poor. These beliefs are blatantly incompatible with Jesus' actual teachings in the Bible.
Most people would say the Nazis' Positive Christianity was an obvious distortion of the scriptures -- but the adherents sure claimed to be practicing Christianity.
The same is true of groups like ISIS. The vast majority of the Muslim world does not consider these wackjobs' interpretation of the Koran to be valid.
But regardless, there is no licensing board for religion that can pull your Christian card or your Muslim card for being lousy at your chosen faith. If you say you are one, well, then I guess you are one.
Will "true Christians" be In Church tomorrow?
I bet there won't be any Negroes in any of those "true Christian" churches.
Just sayin.
Yep, Hitler would have his own show on FOX if he was alive today.
Photos like that were sold after the events to the people who brought their families to these gatherings. We don't even acknowledge that these horrific events happened. It's always a deflection such as "now blahs kill more whites", "that was sooooo long ago" ect. We can't even look at the person being burned alive as human. Sad that this country cannot even come up with a "my bad, yeah that was fucked up". Same shit different day, when you spend hundreds of years dehumanizing a group of peope it's easy to dismiss them and impossible to ascribe them with any human attributes. We aren't individuals we are a group of simple stereotypes who breed like rabbits and steal car stereos. Shrug.
The Field Negro said...
historical facts about atrocities committed in the name of Christianity throughout history.
Not being religious I have no dog in this fight...
Comparing what christians did in 1250 to what muslims are doing in 2015 is batshit crazy.
Does Obama (and Field Negro) not believe mankind has progressed since the days of the crusades?
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
...we are a group of simple stereotypes who breed like rabbits and steal car stereos. Shrug.
Stereotype or rite of passage?
Outrage follows Denver police shooting of Latina in stolen car
Mimi Madrid Puga, 26 and a youth organizer, gazed at the memorial.
"I was Jessie 10 years ago," she finally said. "I took cars. It's a rite of passage for many teens, but it shouldn't carry the death penalty."
Maybe PilotX being college educated and employed as a real life pilot is out of touch with today's youth and their rite of passage.
The problem with white people is that they live lives of lies and delusion. White guilt? You make me laugh. You white people have and will continue to rape, rob, and murder non-white people and sleep well enjoying the fruit of your monstrous labor.
The klan considered themselves a Christian organization. That terrorist group still exists.
We have the same attitude of either ignorance or blatant disregard of the context of harm against blah people. That a white person is harmed by a blah person today is no excuse to ignore the horrific history of treatment of blah folks. If a blah person harms a white person that person will be arrested and prosecuted while white folks did harm with impunity to blah folks. The lynchings weren't just about the violence it was about creating a climate of fear because the perpetrators of these crimes knew they wouldn't be punished because all public officials, juries and law enforcement officers were white. Hell, the people in your picture were posing for pictures, which would be sold after these lynchings, and were never punished. Totally different environment and that context is ignored. This is the same attitude that led to events like the one in Field's picture "one of them hurt a good white person so one of them has to pay". The more things change......
field negro said...
Yep, Hitler would have his own show on FOX if he was alive today
He'd be more interesting than O'Reilly
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
We can't even look at the person being burned alive as human.
Because he wasn't being burned alive.
They were cremating a dead body.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
The klan considered themselves a Christian organization. That terrorist group still exists.
The NOI considered themselves a Muslim organization. That terrorist group still exists.
"Pictures can lie's" granddaddy was there and passed it down to the family what happened.
Anyway, Pilot, u are spot on with your analysis.
The klan and the tea party still consider themselves Christians.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
If a blah person harms a white person that person will be arrested and prosecuted while white folks did harm with impunity to blah folks.
That's not true. Lynchings were rare things, and most of the people lynched actually committed capital crimes.
"The klan and the tea party still consider themselves Christians."
That's like saying ISIS and the UAW still consider themselves Democrats.
There never was anything racist about the tea party.
Hey wingnut @11:55, can u produce one picture or a link to an account of the NO I lynching or terrorizing white Christians in America?
Take all the time u need, I will wait.......
The tea party owes their very existence to racism. So there is that.
I think this thread will go a long way in showing people of conscience the kind of evil and ignorance that still exists in America.
Carry on, wingnuts.
Standard commie Alynskyite tactic: Muslims are committing atrocities in the name of their religion all over the world, and the Liberal machine instead shifts the conversation to the Crusades.
And oh yeah, anything else we consider evil about the past was the fault of Christians too.
We will link the sins of the past directly and collectively to Christianity, while denying that acts done today by explicitly Muslim groups openly in the name of Islam have anything at all to do with Islam.
Liberals are lying fools who deserve zero respect.
Damn facts!
Field has used this logic before, that things some whites did to some blacks in the past justify all black violence against whites today.
He is nothing but a base racist.
field negro said...
the NO I lynching or terrorizing white Christians in America?
NOI = Nation Of Islam?
I noticed you specifically said White Christians. :)
There must be some reason the SPLC lists them as an extremist group.
field negro said...
Hey wingnut @11:55, can u produce one picture or a link to an account of the NO I lynching or terrorizing white Christians in America?
Take all the time u need, I will wait.......
No need to wait:
I see the SPLC is still running with the left-wingnut myth Giffords was shot by a right-wing extremist.
That’s in addition to the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, an attack that left six dead that same month. The assailant appeared to be severely mentally ill, but he also seemed to have absorbed certain ideas from the radical right, including the notion that the federal government is evil.
There must be a good reason the SPLC has to lie about the shooters political identity.
The SPLC is the number one hate group in America.
If brian williams gets fired from nbc, no doubt foxnews has a spot available.
Cars were king. If you had transportation out of town to high ground you might eat. You might get some water. So here we are driving through town in our rental cars. State troopers had to cover us by aiming at the men in the street just to tell them ‘Don’t think of doing a smash and grab and killing this guy for the car.’ I carried a case of Vienna sausage, cans of Vienna Sausage, as collateral in case we had a smash and grab carjacking. I was going to offer it in exchange for my life.
All these scary men in the street just waiting to kill him and steal his car. Lucky for brian he had state troopers aiming guns at these dangerous men.
Still waiting.....
field negro said...
Still waiting.....
Go ahead and keep your head up your ass, Field. History will pass you by sooner.
FP, "ALL folk will twist all Truth from the Scriptures.."
Dear Focused Purpose, if your statement is true, how will any human being know the truth, and how will they know the right thing to do?
Are you saying it's all hopeless for us humans?
" I carried a case of Vienna sausage, cans of Vienna Sausage, as collateral in case we had a smash and grab carjacking. I was going to offer it in exchange for my life."
As soon as any control breaks down, negroes go feral.
White people and Japanese people came together after natural disasters to help the victims and put things in order.
Black people always just loot.
Do black people even like Vienna sausage?
"As if to harken back to a time where birthright and bloodlines were all that mattered to who a person became in life."
Harken back? America's Gini coefficient is the highest it's been in modern times.
"I feel like George Costanza here: We are aware! We all know what these "truths" are in the past. But we also all know something else: They were in the past."
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
George Santayama
"Do black people even like Vienna sausage?"
Why do you care?
"As soon as any control breaks down, negroes go feral."
It's astonishing how little American Whites know about humans and history. History shows Whites are the masters of feral evil gone crazy:
mob lynchings of Blacks(with their children looking on for entertainment),
'genocide' of Native Indians,
burnings of Blacks,
castration of Blacks,
KKK terrorizing Blacks,
rape and theft,
murders of BM by modern day cops in America-(a "white legalized justice system OUT OF CONTROL"),
Hitler, advocate of the pure Aryan race...(the king of Whites gone "feral")...
I could go on listing, but I won't.
Let's just say that your own White History, which you proudly carry in your evil soul, is immensely and profoundly evil....'feral gone mad'.
You really should stop judging and STFU. And yes, Blacks remember what you did to our ancestors, and yes we remember today what you are doing to us today....
And yes, the ETERNAL TRUTH is: "We will never forget what history shows who you are... Demons of the highest order against the Divine."
"I feel like George Costanza here: We are aware! We all know what these "truths" are in the past. But we also all know something else: They were in the past."
Well, tell that to the children who were sexually molested in their families. Tell it to the Jews whose loved ones were gassed by the millions. Tell it to the Blacks who came from slavery. Tell it to the Black families who lost their sons, brothers to a justice system that has been against them since the inception of America.
Sure it's in the past. Hell, everything happens in the past...but it determines emotional and spiritual state of Americans today.
And guess what? our 'state' is not good today. Even with our money and 'things' we are as sick as ever. The terrible and scariest part is people like you are unaware of where ignorance is taking us....
"It's hard to see where you're going when you only look in the rear view mirror"
Carlos Santana
Why do you think so many prisoners convert to Islam? It gives them permission to do what they like to do: rape, pillage, murder. It tells them that shit's RIGHT.
3:11 So not true. The Quran is a fair beautiful book.
Maybe you feel guilty about something, when the unbelievers are addressed.
What about the good Christian folks stealing of Hawaii. But I will never blame religion just the racists in sheep clothing.
Those who have paid any attention at all over the last...oh....1,400 years are not surprised by the brutal and shocking behavior we see from Muslims on a daily basis. What is shocking is the ease with which some immediately declare that either this is not Islam, or more insidiously, that those who commit these acts are simply psychopaths.
That Islam is not Islam has been examined by the Right-leaning press, but the dismissal of these acts as those of the mentally ill is a dangerous precedent, and one that is part and parcel with the denial that Islam does in fact call for the killing of unbelievers. By calling them insane is to minimize the perfectly coherent and consistent belief system that has convinced them that non-true believers are unworthy of life and may be killed; that women are on earth to please men, and their subjugation is noble.
This is not delusion or mental illness, though the barbarity demonstrated by many of Islam's adherents would be considered exactly that by Western thought. Calling it such is the same rationale that sees Islamic terrorism as a law enforcement issue, or IS expansionism as a regional problem.
Islam is rationally evil.
Still waiting.....
What a dumbass.
field negro said...
Still waiting.....
Now you know how I feel when I ask you to supply a link.
I read so much about Islam and Christianity on FN, but I wonder if 'anyone' really knows what religion is?
What is it and what role do humans play in religion?
Are they different or the same thing? I think it is important to make the distinction if we can. Otherwise, folks are judging and criticizing in the dark.
Obama talked about Christians killing in the crusades on Thursday.
So far, no christians have killed to defend their religion.
"So far, no christians have killed to defend their religion."
Y'know, the weird thing is, he's serious.
Anonymous Bill said...
Obama talked about Christians killing in the crusades on Thursday.
So far, no christians have killed to defend their religion.
5:14 PM
Maybe so. But you have certainly killed and continue to abort helpless babies.
How do you reconcile that with your religion? Let me answer that for you...You don't and you can't.
Bill said...
Now you know how I feel when I ask you to supply a link.
Links were provided.
So true anon. they have 'legally' killed millions by now. Guess man made laws are 'higher' than God's Law, huh?
By that logic, religion is an inconvenient Truth and therfore is 'ignored' when necessary, which is most of the time.
Anon 5:54pm, why are you trying to make hypocrites out of Christians who have abortions? It's legal, stupid.
Anon6:01pm, you are not God, so STFU.
Mr Field, thank you for this post. The photo was very appropriate. It reminds us all what lies in the national psyche and why bm today are murdered by the white justice system. It's the nature and character of the majority to do so.
Christianity and Islam have the same kind of followers.
Europeans today controls both the image of Christianity and Islam . Both religipn stolen frpm the best of African people.
in america and in other parts of the world, muslims live peacefully. have done so for hundreds of years.
@ whoever asked-"church" on sun day= following the ways of the gentiles. the same ones that decided changing the Sabbath was their right + place to do.
let me scroll up and
@8:08- @ the end of the day...
NO one can say what condition another's soul is in. NO one can say with certainty what is Truth for another.
those of US doing our very best to follow Messiah, don't have any stones to throw at others. we are too busy working out our own salvation, with fear and trembling. considering the fact that the road to hell is paved with Good intentions.
there are really evil folk skilled at looking like they are Good + only up to Good. these are addressed in Scriptures and M Scott Peck's people of the lie, did a Good job of breaking down the wicked game.
on the flip side, genuinely Good folk have missteps/sin as well. those that aren't even trying to walk the narrow path are usually somewhere pointing their heathen fingers at these souls. i have found it best to ignore them. since they appear to thrive on strife + vexing others. some days i ignore better than others.
@Ashutar- your name reminded me of Ishtar, who unwitting Christians celebrate on easter. she was said to be the g-ddess of war and rode a lion/tiger...go back and look at the superb owl 1/2 time rituals again.
@1:10- we are to study Scriptures for ourselves.
in doing so, we learn that making graven images of Messiah = strictly forbidden.
so Edomites painting Messiah and everything else white= forbidden. not to mention just dumb, considering the region of the world Scriptures addresses.
find the lost book of Enoch, and see the devil described as...
a white man.
that could be why the book was "lost";( lol. how else would white supremacy stand?
folk would not be sitting in church on sun day either IF they would read. they would see in the book of Acts, the first church, Messiah and all were maintaining Hebrew customs. keeping Sabbath and observing the feasts and times. reading further in Scriptures, folk would see the warning that folk have CHANGED the feasts and times...
there is hope for humanity. Messiah made certain of it. now ...
what folk choose to believe is on them + indicative of their free will.
which is why His yoke is easy/burden light. there is no argument. there is no debate. we are forbidden that sort of time wasting with specificity.
many christians are being led astray + fleeced because they refuse to read their Scriptures. they are relying on folks in business with the government, with the promise of tax exemption to tell 'em what they need to know. and folk ain't talking. at least not about the Truth. instead they are making merchandise of His People, as it is written.
this is the only way to explain how so many think they are supposed to be standing in support of the apartheid, man made state of israel. complete with the star of remphan that is forbidden throughout Torah/Old Testament.
ps. america and her usual suspect allies have been the aggressor in the middle east. muslims had NO thing to do with 911. americans have been prepped to hate muslims for several years now, based on lies. isis is a euro/edomite creation.
i pray souls from all nations/tribes will awaken to the non stop lies, designed to divide and conquer US all. nwo = no joke...
to whoever keeps mentioning abortion...
the focus on abortion is yet another way for men, who REFUSE to control themselves, to try to control women.
what i can tell you for sure is this:
obedience to Yah's Word will eliminate MUCH suffering. it is written that fornication = sin against one's own soul.
in the absence of fornication/adultery much could be avoided.
the throwing up of abortion is yet another example of the heathen pointing finger. do we not know that it is written that the enemy to our souls seeks to accuse us day and night? folk won't follow Messiah, don't know or even care about what is written. they just want to accuse and aha! folk that seek to walk the righteous path.
it matters not.
'cause here's what's so:
when sin is taken to Yah and confessed, turned away from + forgiveness asked for...
forgiveness is received.
so what other folk/souls with planked eyes go on and on about= their personal business.
until menfolk stop raping + random baby making...
as far as i am concerned, ALL abortion talks are off the table.
until folk become as obsessed with vasectomies/man b.c as they are with blue pills + abortions...sexist hypocrites calling others hypocrites will go back to ignore.
even as i type, i pray more women/girls and men/women, all colors, will know to seek His Face + ways early.
much human suffering is avoided this way.
FP, "until menfolk stop raping + random baby making...
as far as i am concerned, ALL abortion talks are off the table."
Is that what God says in the Scriptures or is that your own will?
What is the 'right' thing to do according to Divine Law?
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
There are about 320 million Americans.
Find me just one who doesn't remember the past.
Maybe those babies from Field's latest caption would be a great place to start, and probably the only place worthy of looking. And by the time they're out of elementary school, one of those babies will feel like the entire fucking world hates him, and the other will feel like it's his fault.
Scriptures say he who is without sin...
cast the first stone.
that said...
until menfolk stop raping + random baby making, while marrying NO one...
ALL abortion convos are OFF the table as far as i am concerned. menfolk, all around the globe, need to control themselves first and foremost.
now go back and read the rest of what i said. your question is already addressed.
following Yah will make it all much more simple for men and women. unless one runs into one of the many rapists on the loose...
hope my efforts to clarify are of assistance.
no snark. straight no chaser.
Blessings to you!
Yeah, it's menfolk. They're raping these women that are coming up pregnant. Patriarchy!
Three out of every two women are raped.
From what I had read, Christians were next on the list. They were trying to abolish religion. Jews were just picked on first because they happened to be the wealthiest group at a time when everyone else was just trying to survive.
Josh is living proof of mental retardation and DNA mutation brought on by 1000 years of unrestrained inbreeding
Fuck you Jack-off Josh!!
Go suck a hospital mop!!!!
More white people are killed by cops than blacks killed by cops. Information is your friend.
Is this post sarcasm? If it isn't then wow, just wow. I could find 100 examples of blacks torturing, raping and burning white/asian people with a 10 minute Google search.
And Stalin would have a show on CNN. What's your point? That there is bias in media? No fucking way!
Spot on mate. Spot fucking on. Of course the reply will be: " Well that only happened because of slavery or micro racism or something. Anyway it's white people's fault they were killed because slavery."
Take a look at Africa fuckwit. A good long honest look at that shit hole and then come back and let us know if any of that happens over there. Cannibalism is still practiced over there. Rape as a means of curing Aids. How about Mandela and the inhuman atrocities they committed. How South Africa has some of the highest totals of rape in the world. Hutu's and Tutsi's inflicting horrible massacres on each other. The slave trade was enabled by BLACKS raiding and kidnapping other BLACKS to sell in the slave markets which by the way still exist. The list could go on and on but it won't matter anyways because blacks have a very narrow and black centric view of history.
For what? You asked for an example and he gave one. Or are you waiting for more handouts from white/asian/jewish taxpayers? Did your EBT card not get refilled this week?
Lol what? Neither religion has anything to do with Africans. Are you drunk again Quantavious Washington?
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