Something about seeing Negroes in the snow must really set off some white folks.
The thing is, when you are in the snow, you can't hide. In case you didn't notice you Negroes tend to stand out in the snow.
In New Rochelle, New York, the police actually drew their guns on some Negro kids who were having a snowball fight.
"The incident happened early last week, and video was uploaded by LiveLeak and posted on New Rochelle’s Talk of the Sound on Saturday.
“Don’t f**king move, guys,” the officer can be heard saying on the cell phone video with his gun drawn. One of the teens is kneeling on the ground with his hands in the air. As the officer searched him, the woman filming the incident gave her account of what happened.
They were having a snowball fight,” she says.” This group of guys was having a snowball fight and now a cop has a gun on them.” [Source]
Of course they do. Those snowballs, like anything else in the hands of the Negro, can be dangerous.
This all shouldn't come as a surprise; police officers are drawing their guns on 11 year old kids in their own bedrooms these days.
If you are an older Negro you are not immune from the "color arousal" issues that many folks in law enforcement now suffer from.
"Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole has reassigned an officer involved in the arrest last summer of a 69-year-old man who refused to drop a golf club he was carrying on a city sidewalk.
Officer Cynthia Whitlatch ordered the man to drop the golf club, saying he had swung it at her patrol car in a threatening manner and struck a stop sign. A video of the encounter last summer shows that after driving around a block, the officer pulled her cruiser up to a corner where the man, William Wingate, was standing, and yelled at him to drop the golf club.
She told him he had swung it at her, and that audio and video recordings from her cruiser would back up her allegations.
Wingate appeared surprised, seemed to have trouble hearing the officer, and then insisted he had done no such thing. He said he had used the golf club as a cane for 20 years.
Wingate was eventually convicted of unlawfully using a weapon under a plea deal in which the charge would be dismissed if he had no other offenses for two years.
No recordings surfaced to bolster Whitlach’s version of events, and after a state lawmaker questioned the arrest, the city attorney’s office took another look. Prosecutors dismissed the conviction, and the police department apologized for the arrest and returned his golf club. The department said this week the officer had “received counseling” from her supervisor — which O’Toole initially deemed an appropriate resolution." [Source]
Apparently it wasn't an "appropriate resolution" for officer Whitlach.
"But then the chief became aware of troubling Facebook posts made by Whitlatch about a month after the arrest — at a time when protests in Ferguson, Missouri, had gripped the nation’s attention.
The weekly newspaper The Stranger reported that Whitlatch said she was tired of “black peoples paranoia” and wrote of “chronic black racism that far exceeds any white racism in this country.”
Whitlatch is white; Wingate is black.
In a written statement Thursday, O’Toole said she was “shocked and disappointed” on Wednesday to read Whitlatch’s comments. She reassigned the officer to desk duty, where she would have no interaction with the public, pending a review of her cases, and asked the Office of Professional Accountability to launch an independent investigation.
I am shocked! A racist police officer. *sarcasm off*
Oh well, fortunately it doesn't snow a lot in Seattle.
Pretty much blows, Mr. Field, when in our US Supreme Court declared "post racial" society, a child is not just a child to too many members of law enforcement.
Not that most of us would want LE to focus on children, but since they are inclined to think children are armed, perhaps they should take a second look at school shootings. In nearly 99.9% of those incidents, if not 100%, the shooters were white children.
Yes sir, the police definitely need retraining, until they see children as children. Those too afraid to make the grade need to find another line of work in which they do not carry firearms. Gun and stupid or afraid are not a good combination.
We were having a snowball fight as teens, and our buddy Jason, who was 18 at the time, launched one at Dusty who was running away, and it ended up going through someone's open window and damn near caused them to wreak the car. Jason got 2 years in jail for launching a projectile at a moving vehicle.
Motherfuckers don't play with snowball fights!
So.....you want to live in a society where guys can walk down the street, hitting shit with a golf club and threatening police officers? Really Field?
And I'm willing to bet that there is a good bit more to that snow ball fight story than just some kids having fun.
But I guess since there is no real racism to chase, you will have to make do with head-scratchers like these.
And watch your back out there in the snow, you'll never see me coming.
Bro Field, I left Philly because of snowball fights and racist Whites hard to see in the snow. I moved to Madison WI but it was the same there. As a matter of fact, it was worse because damn near all of Madison was white white.
So I moved to Chicago to the South Side. It was much better because there were no Whites around...just Negroes in the snow. The trouble was it was too effing cold!
So I moved westward to Phoenix. Let me tell you something: It's so sun shining hot there that you still can't see those Whites coming. But they sure can see a Negro.
So I moved to Las Vegas. Lost all my money there but made friends with a white buddy, who was from CA. He had been stuck in Las Vegas because he lost all his money too.
So we hitch hiked to his home state where he said there is no racism. "Well", he said, "there is racism but it's California style. It's different from the kind of racism you have been used to," he explained.
Damn if he wasn't right. Blacks can have snowball fights in the mountains and the cops won't mess with you. It's alright. It's wonderful! Black men evern date wm. Some even marry them without the cops effing with you.
However, if there's a shooting or a robbery or you're standing on the BART, they might mess with you with guns blazing. But that would be just an human error by a cop which is not prosecuted in court.
Bro Field, you need to come on out here. It's a bm's paradise...well, until the ww gets pissed off at you. Then, your black ass is toast.
Okay, this snowball fight thing is ridiculous from start to finish. First off, what is wrong with the person who called the cops over a snowball fight? Talk about a killjoy. And what possible explanation does the cop have for drawing a weapon on them? He was defending himself against the lethal threat ... of snow? I am really curious to hear what he has to say about it.
The other story, the one about the old man and his golf club cane, is just confusing. The cop is clearly racist, as indicated by her social media comments, but that still leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Even racists usually have some reason for their actions (even if they're bad ones), but I cannot figure out what motivated her to pick on this old man. I watched the dashcam video from the cop's car, and there doesn't seem to be any cause for why she got a bug up her butt and demanded the dude hand over his cane. Just completely bizarre. I'm wondering if she's not only racist but maybe also a bit insane.
Anon8:26pm, all racists are a bit insane. But no two racists are the same when it comes to insanity. Some are more insane than others....it's just that simple.
There is nothing to figure out when it comes to racial prejudices. It's buried deep into the emotional subconscious that no one, including the racist, has control over.
All the cool kids are racist.
"all racists are a bit insane. But no two racists are the same when it comes to insanity. Some are more insane than others....it's just that simple."
You might like to think so, but no, racists aren't all insane.
All people are prone to biases and prejudices. It's part of the human condition. Very bigoted people just give into their prejudices more than most, filtering available evidence through confirmation bias, presumably to serve some emotional need they have.
Racism is a bad political belief system, not a recognized mental illness.
Same stuff, different day. Those kids are lucky the cops didn't shoot them because they looked like a demon and were rushing him with snowballs making him afraid for his life.
We rescued an infantry company caught in a massive blizzard one night in January, 1986. Because Marines have so little hair, and these guys were all so hyperthermic, their universal blue pallor completely erased their race. I grew up in a leftist home; I was raised to believe in racial equality. I'd loved black people as friends and family my entire life -proud to be on the right side of our neighbors' scorn for my Godfather's family and us for associating with them, but I have to admit that blizzard was the first and only time that I "haven't seen" people's race.
Imagine getting a gun pulled on you because you threw a snowball! Some people just aren't cut out to be cops.
Josh said...
launched one at Dusty who was running away, and it ended up going through someone's open window and damn near caused them to wreak the car.
7:28 PM
Someone was driving around with an open car window in the cold ??? ;)
"Some people just aren't cut out to be cops."
Or pilots, really.
"Someone was driving around with an open car window in the cold ??? ;"
Yeah, because nobody smokes fucking cigarettes, and it's not like there can still be snow on the ground when it's 50 degrees and sunny outside.
Sweet buttered Jesus, man, just pretend you can think critically about something for once in your life.
The only time my window is ever rolled up is if it's raining. Even if it's -4 outside, I want that fresh air in the car to counteract that artificial heat. But, yeah -- it's impossibru. Nobody else on the planet is like that. We'll go with that. lol
Frosty, i hope that isn't threat. But if it is, I live in Philly, and I am not very hard to find. ; )
Anon@8:59, that is grossly incorrect. All the cool.kids date people of different races along with people in their own race.
Racists tend to be losers who have to depend on family members to get dates.
Considering blacks have a hard time controlling their violent impulses, the cops were right to act the way they did.
How many "innocent" snow ball fights have resulted in shootings/murder in the black community?
Hillary did the same thing over the vaccine issue, flipped 180 degrees and now is all for them.
But being a democrat means pesky things like past opinions are never mentioned.
I wonder if all these disease breakouts around the country have anything to do with Obama importing hundreds of thousands of undocumented kids from Central America, bypassing the health inspections, and spreading them out secretly all over the country?
Nah...that's crazy talk!
LOL@libs and their conspiracies.
I bet Limpaugh is all in on the vaccination conspiracies.
You should have waited until you got the WHOLE story. One of those teens had a gun and was pointing it at someone. The cops were called and the guy ran. The video actually picks up after the guy ran and the others were told to kneel.
"But being a democrat means pesky things like past opinions are never mentioned."
Hillary is from a time when Democrats never had their opinions and past questioned by the media.
Speaking of Hillary, anyone heard from her lately? High-blood pressure and diabetes is a bitch. Or so i've heard.
One statement made soon after Lancet published a (since debunked & witdrawn) papar strongly correlating certain vaccine preservatives (since replaced in response) and the second after said withdrawal and debunking. Same with Hillary (who by the way I hope finds enough gratification as a grandmother and doesn't run) who based her statements on the best available science. This is in contrast to the republiklanners who've never relied on science, framing it instead as an issue of "freedom of parental choice." That's why they've been exposed as craven. They didn't care about the science when it agreed with them, and they don't care now when it doesn't.
The cops have now responded to the snowball fight story. They are saying there was no snowball fight, that the narration on the video is bogus, and they were responding to a 911 call about a possible gun crime.
Stay tuned.
Go brush your tooth.
You have no idea what Hillary bases her lies and fringe beliefs on.
So go take your white guilt meds.
"Gotta love the way Obama flip flops on issues as public opinion changes. (of course ALL politicians do it, Obama is the president and ran on not being bush)."
That's not a "flip-flop." That's changing your opinion based on evidence that becomes available over time, which is something reasonable, grown-up people do.
Obama's first statement was made in 2008. Since then, a huge number of medical studies have been done to test whether vaccines cause autism. There is now tons of statistical evidence that proves they do not.
Unless Chris Christie, and Rand Paul, and Jenny McCarthy, and Jim Carrey, and all the rest of the anti-vaxxer buffoons want to claim they are living in 2008, there is simply no excuse for their behavior.
Vaccines are safe and very necessary. They should be mandatory. The people arguing otherwise are either idiots or political opportunists.
Chris Christie, and Rand Paul are not"anti-vaxxer buffoons".
I swaer the left thinks they can say whatever they want and not be fact checked.
What about all the pre-2008 studies that proved that the anti-vaccination hysteria was nothing but leftwing bullshit?
Those studies don't count?
Only the left would try to blame Republicans for the hysteria they (the left) created.
That's not what Stacey Dash said or thinks.
Fieldbaby isn't even hiding his attempts to misled his readers anymore.
"Chris Christie, and Rand Paul are not 'anti-vaxxer buffoons'."
Technically no. But they are now pandering to the anti-vaxxer buffoon vote. Which is just sad and shameful.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Same with Hillary (who by the way I hope finds enough gratification as a grandmother and doesn't run)
It's too bad Webster Hubbell didn't live long enough see his and Hillary's granddaughter.
"What about all the pre-2008 studies that proved that the anti-vaccination hysteria was nothing but leftwing bullshit?
Those studies don't count?
Only the left would try to blame Republicans for the hysteria they (the left) created."
There were some studies prior to 2008. But the vast majority of studies occurred after that point. It is simply no longer acceptable to claim the verdict is out on vaccines. They are safe.
And "the left" did not create this panic about vaccines and autism. A now-discredited British scientist did. Vaccine paranoia is a bipartisan phenomenon, not something only the hippie lefties are doing. In fact, one of the most prominent promoters of anti-vaxxerism was Republican Congressman Dan Burton:
Here's some news from back in 2000. Please note it was a Republican promoting vaccine unconfirmed and damaging scientific speculation, and a Democrat calling him out on it:
"The hearing was called by its chairman, Representative Dan Burton, an Indiana Republican whose granddaughter has autism. He said she may have contracted it from a vaccine even though current research has not found any connection between the onset of autism and a vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella.
Representative Henry A. Waxman of California, the ranking Democrat on the committee, prodded witnesses and complained to Mr. Burton that the hearing was unfairly stacked to show a connection between vaccination and autism. While getting the science right is important, Mr. Waxman said, getting parents to mistrust vaccines would certainly lead to deaths from diseases that generally have been contained.
Plenty of right-wingers now believe this unscientific nonsense, and they are exactly the voters Christie and Paul are aiming at.
You can pretend anti-vaxx paranoia is some kind of lefty thing, but you're just lying, as usual.
It is the left-wing that is anti-science.
They are doing now to science what they did to education, literature and art.
Leftism is a cultural cancer.
Are u wingnuts saying that vaccines cause autism?
I know that's the new republican party line.
So the new republican party line is the same has the democrat party line?
Remember, Democrats are the loudest voices pushing this issue.
Calling for/holding hearings is hardly promoting leftwing hysteria.
In 2008, Hillary called for investigations. Does that make her a anti-vaxxer?
Of course Hillary thinks the earth is round and the sky is blue. So who knows?
#grandmasknowbest <<<<<That tag outta to help grandma get elected president!
You are being dishonest is saying Republicans are promoting something they spent years laughing at the left for doing.
Of course the left is also trying to re-write their history. I shouldn't be shocked.
Gallup CEO: "America's 5.6% Unemployment Is One Big Lie"
"There’s no other way to say this. The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long-term and often permanently unemployed as well as the depressingly underemployed, amounts to a Big Lie. And it’s a lie that has consequences, because the great American dream is to have a good job, and in recent years, America has failed to deliver that dream more than it has at any time in recent memory. I hear all the time that “unemployment is greatly reduced, but the people aren’t feeling it.” When the media, talking heads, the White House and Wall Street start reporting the truth -- the percent of Americans in good jobs; jobs that are full time and real -- then we will quit wondering why Americans aren’t “feeling” something that doesn’t remotely reflect the reality in their lives. And we will also quit wondering what hollowed out the middle class."
The biggest threat to a corrupt regime is when truth moves away from the "conspiracy theory" fringes and into the mainstream. Which is why we thank Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO of Gallup, for daring to tell the truth to those who care to listen
All Obama says is how he wants to help the middle class, yet everything he does is designed to hurt the middle class. Obama is pure evil.
Have your children received MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations?
D: 82%
R: 88%
I: 79%
http://cdn.yougov.com/cumulus_uploads/document/yvq4zzxr18/tabs_OPI_MMR_20150128.pdf …
There was a time when 5% unemployment was considered a good thing.
Poor wingnuts. :)
Yeah, when it really was 5% unemployment, not 12% unemployment.
Those Negroids knew better than to play around in the white man's snow like that. They shoulda been in somebody's kitchen or somebody's field, working, like all Negroids should.
The police are just doing their God-given duty of keeping the Negroid on his toes. Never give those groids a break.
Whites like to piss in the snow.
field negro said...
There was a time when 5% unemployment was considered a good thing.
Yes it was.
Have you heard about U-6
Under Obama the lowering of the unemployment rate is due to people giving up looking for work.
Average hourly pay slipped 5 cents in December. And the unemployment rate fell partly because many of the jobless gave up looking for work and so were no longer counted as unemployed.
Why are people leaving the workforce?
U.S. unemployment decrease reflects more workforce dropouts
Even MotherJones is pointing out how many people have given up looking for work.
The key issue here is probably an overreliance on the headline unemployment rate. It's now registering 5.6 percent, and under normal circumstances that would be about as low as you could expect it to go. But these aren't normal circumstances, and there's every reason to think that the headline rate isn't telling the whole story. If you look at broader measures, like the one on the right, you can see that we're still well above the level of 2006-07. There are still a whole lot of people who have simply given up looking for work and aren't being counted by the "official" numbers.
if you look at the employment-population ratio, which measures the total percentage of the population that's currently employed. It plummeted by nearly five percentage points during the great crash, and it's recovered less than a point of that loss over the past couple of years.
There must be a valid reason you keep pushing the "official" numbers without any mention of all the people that have given up looking for work.
field negro said...
Are u wingnuts saying that vaccines cause autism?
I know that's the new republican party line.
According to the communities with vaccine arousal issues, it's more of a dumbocrat party line.
No, the strongholds are in places like Newport Beach, Santa Monica, and Marin County, California. The affluent, the educated, the enlightened, the ones who believe in purity and science — people in liberal enclaves are the ones rejecting one of the 20th century’s major scientific achievements.
Seattle Schools With Most Unvaccinated Students Are In Wealthier Neighborhoods
Wealthy L.A. Schools' Vaccination Rates Are as Low as South Sudan's
Don't worry.
Rich white dumbocrats are still the anti-science vaccine deniers.
Nice try Bill, but numbers never lie.
Sorry. :(
It must suck to be a wingnut sympathizer these days.
field negro said...
Nice try Bill, but numbers never lie.
But commie democrats do.
Jig for Massa, Field! Jig!
field negro said...
Nice try Bill, but numbers never lie.
All those left-wing links documenting the decline in the work force yet you're going to stick to your talking points that Obama is lowering the unemployment rate.
Here some more of my lying numbers...
New orders for manufactured goods in December, down five consecutive months, decreased $16.4 billion or 3.4
percent to $471.5 billion,
New orders for manufactured durable goods in December, down four of the last five months, decreased $8.0
billion or 3.3 percent
Shipments of manufactured durable goods in November, down three of the last four months, decreased $1.6
billion or 0.6 percent
And that DESPITE a huge stimulus provided by falling oil prices....WTF?
"Are u wingnuts saying that vaccines cause autism?"
Well duh, Michele Bachmann and now Rand Paul provided the evidence. Don't you keep up with the latest science?
PilotX is a vaccine troofer.
Go figure.
Check out my man Keith's latest cartoon. The truth.
"PilotX is a vaccine troofer.
Go figure."
Yep, I don't do anything without checking to see what Michele Bachmann and Rand Paul have to say about the matter. They're almost as smart and accurate as my magic 8 ball. I like them because they are smart by Republican standards.
Brother Field, why do you ignore my comments? I spent all night writing just for you. If you don't start replying I am going to take my bat and ball and go home. That includes a lot of Anons too.
"Yep, I don't do anything without checking to see what Michele Bachmann and Rand Paul have to say about the matter. They're almost as smart and accurate as my magic 8 ball. I like them because they are smart by Republican standards."
Now that's cold.
PilotX said...
They're almost as smart and accurate as my magic 8 ball
A magic 8 ball? I wondered how you got through life.
I get through life by cashing my big pay checks for being an airline pilot. The 8 ball kinda helps.
Very doubtful
It is decidedly so.
So the eyewitness forgot to mention the guy with the gun? Just stop it.
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