Britt is your classic entitled prima donna with what I like to call a Scarlett O' Hara complex. The way she went off on that poor woman was painful to watch. Most people believe that she crossed the line, and that her suspension was appropriate. And, not surprisingly, quite a few people believe that she should have been fired.
Personally, I am still not sure where I come down on this one.
I know how wingnut Joe Concha feels about it:
"Rushing to judgment much of what online media and cable news opinion is built on these days. Exhibit A for this week is ESPN’s Britt McHenry.
Before we continue, know this: Britt McHenry absolutely deserves the suspension she’s currently serving. That’s plenty of levels of one person being mean to another, but McHenry struck the third rail of insults four times in her rant against a female employee of a tow company by hitting four special chords:
– Weight
- Teeth
- Class
- Education
McHenry is a reporter on a national network and must know (and she certainly does now) that she needs to conduct herself appropriately and accordingly both on the air and off…it’s all part of the (morality) contract. And once she saw a camera was in play, she should have taken a walk around the block a few times to cool off instead of turning up the vitriol higher.
But something had been odd about the McHenry video from the very beginning. In it, she’s appears to be going on an uncontrollable tirade against the female employee (only known as “Gina”, single mother of three) without responding in any way. Almost nobody in cable news or online or in the friendly world of social media bothered to question how anyone could be berated in such fashion without responding in kind. Another aspect that wasn’t even broached was the video clearly being edited via flash edits, which is often used in broadcast circles to marry different sound bites from one person without awkward jump cuts throughout (the flashes separate the bites while not breaking up the overall narrative).
The video was heavily edited by the tow company, which (given McHenry’s responses) either means the insults were likely a two-way street…or it sets the situation back to “We Just Don’t Know What Happened” status. Can we please see the whole video with edits?
No matter…the social media mob has spoken and #firebritt predictably began trending on Twitter. Lindsay Lohan’s career was single-handedly resurrected by all the comparisons to Mean Girls alone (Side Note: Rachel McAdams really carried the movie). Deadspin even dug into the 28-year-old’s sordid past of not being nice to people courtesy of this hilarious headline: ESPN Reporter Britt McHenry Has A History Of Being Rude As Hell. The irony, of course, is that Deadspin’s entire business model throughout its history has been to be rude to other people. Several ESPN employees–speaking off the record–say they want McHenry fired (because The Worldwide Leader is always full of fine actors).
But let’s say the video wasn’t edited. Based on her comments alone, should Britt McHenry be fired? The perspective here is absolutely not, and here’s why:
-She wasn’t on the air
-She wasn’t doing anything illegal
-Yes, her comments were mean…but they weren’t racial or ethnic slurs
Add it all up:
Suspension? Yes.
Termination? For losing it with a towing company? If that was the standard nationwide when including Parking Enforcement Officers, unemployment would be at 50 percent.
Britt McHenry will be on exceptional behavior moving forward. A week’s suspension and all the negative press and online sentiment will ensure that.
But almost the entire media should consider taking a mandatory vacation as well for (once again) not even bothering to check to see if there was another side of the story before rushing to judgment." [Source]
So he blames the press. No surprise there. Conservatives pundits are always quick to blame the press. As if they are not a part of that contemptible fraternity.
Sadly, I have to do my own little soul searching, because I should not have been so on the fence with this one. Had that woman been black and McHenry called her a nappy headed loser, I would have been crying the loudest from the Internet for ESPN to fire her little entitled ass. But she did not, so my racism chase did not take me to New York.
Shame on me. Because, unlike Mr. Concha, I am not devoid of feelings for my fellow human beings when they are preyed upon by those among us who society deems to be better.
Making jokes about that woman's weight, her social status, and her education was not cool.
I am still not sure if it should have gotten McHenry fired, but I do know that it should have gotten me a lot more fired up.
I saw the video and frankly I see a woman that is frustrated as hell at the 'system'
Black or white, anybody could have ranted like that! She was hopping mad at what they had done to her, and let's face it, that clerk just as in any store or business, agency, represents that particular place and so usually will bear the brunt of any clients anger.
I think that the clerk/person the insults were directed at was quite cool about it though! Loved her answers to the Britt!
Me thinks she's maybe heard it all before? xD I think she is to be commended!
"Sadly, I have to do my own little soul searching, because I should not have been so on the fence with this one. Had that woman been black and McHenry called her a nappy headed loser, I would have been crying the loudest from the Internet for ESPN to fire her little entitled ass. But she did not, so my racism chase did not take me to New York."
You do soul searching? I haven't noticed that, esp when it comes to Josh, Bill and some anons that you call trolls. And don't forget about the Negro you declare is not Black.
Also, you obviously haven't lost one wink of sleep from not paying Anon Inc for three years. That poor company is practically bankrupt because of you........'soul searching my ass.'
Anon does have a point, we do regularly comment on the weight, amount of teeth and educational achievement of many of our racist trolls. Hmmmm, maybe I should be nicer.
"Making jokes about that woman's weight, her social status, and her education was not cool."
Towing companies can be the worst. They have some eff'd up ignorant mean-spirited assholes who don't give a damn about people and their vehicles.
I like McHenry. She wasn't the best reporter, but she was growing into a fine reporter. They should not have fired her over some bs video. There is a big problem in America today...it's called social media. With a camera anybody can do anything to anybody and make it stick with a vote from on-liners.
Considering America lacks moral conscience, social media is living on a giant lie designed to hurt one another.
hey Desert I found it. We took a different route so I didn't get a chance to roll through Ferguson but just in case I was prepared.
This is amazing! they can fire young Britt, but allow Miss Harris to stay after making her hurtful disgusting comment about Mitt Romney's grandchild.
And look at Hannity and the entire Fox line-ups of lying mean-spirited jackasses and what they do to people.
And what about that uncle tomming Charles Barkley? Hell, he disgraced and demeaned the 'entire black race', and nobody called for Barkley to be fired.
This was totally unfair to that girl who obviously was berated herself. Our society lack discernment, fairness and justice.
Pilot! That was funny! and the guy was just security!!!
But I gotta tell you,I was real uncomfortable watching it! Hits too close to home my man!
don't worry, as long as you aren't african american, you are completely safe.
we do regularly comment on the weight, amount of teeth and educational achievement of many of our racist trolls.
That's interesting because my intestinal mucosal layer licking stalker has commented about what they think my weight is for years. And that's just fine by me, because at almost 5'8" tall and weighing 145 pounds, DH is quite pleased with my "hour glass".
Field, re: Britt McHenry, here's an interesting article from the New York Post regarding the reputation of the towing company from citizens and Yelp reviews in the DC area:
"McHenry, a DC-based reporter, was apparently towed by a company called Advanced Towing, a private contractor hired by various entities around the Arlington, Va., area to make sure people don’t illegally park.
Towing cars that are where they aren’t supposed to be is a necessary thing, an act of urban hygiene.
Still, let’s look at the Better Business Bureau rating for this outfit: It’s an F. Out of 40 complaints lodged against the company in the last three years, Advanced Towing has simply ignored 37.
Over to the Yelp reviews. Interesting.
Yelper Mary El P. said in January she paid with a credit card, was told it didn’t work, then presented another credit card. When the statement came, she claims she was billed twice. She says she called up an employee, who was rude and insulting and informed her that disputing a charge on a credit card was a felony.
Yelper Eric T. alleges that a tow trucker apparently spying on him zipped around the corner while he was letting his dog out to pee — and that when he protested, the Advanced Towing driver yelled out, “Don’t park here you f - - king f - - - - t,” using an anti-gay slur.
In early April, a man who ducked into an Arlington CVS for medicine for his sick child says he came back to find his car being jacked up by an Advanced Towing truck — with his two kids inside.
But here’s what’s worse than any of that.
Yelper KJ B. recounts their experience with Advanced Towing, claiming that the company steals cars.
Several reviewers have complained that Advanced Towing brings in legally parked cars — and then, when you complain, simply insults you and holds the car hostage.
Said Yelper KJ B., “Towing serves a purpose, but this company just steals cars! The first time I was towed was from my very own parking spot at my apartment complex. They claimed they didn’t see my parking sticker (despite its obvious placement on the back where it is on EVERY CAR.)”
We don’t even know what was said to McHenry, since the Advanced Towing employee’s remarks have been edited out of the video that went viral.
And how do you feel about private companies with which you did not choose to do business making videos of you, then leaking them to the media for the purpose of humiliating you?"
---------excerpt from NYP
link to article:
At Anonymous 12:15 AM:
Can't the Better Business Bureau do something about this company? I mean that's kinda crazy!
Actually, the city of Arlington Va should fire this totally corrupt towing company. But something tells me there is some politics involved and someone is making some money from all these wrong doings in the DC area.
My guess is when the truth comes out that towing company is going to catch hell from all sides.
It's a good thing it wasn't some Jamaican's vroom car they towed.
The video would have been totally different. First of all, the audio would have been a lot louder than Britt's little voice. There would have been a lot of loud MF's and B's in it....maybe even a fight.
Anonymous said...
It's a good thing it wasn't some Jamaican's vroom car they towed.
First of all, the audio would have been a lot louder than Britt's little voice. There would have been a lot of loud MF's and B's in it....maybe even a fight.
1:15 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention about the camera. A red-blooded Jamaican would have shoved that camera up somebody's ass...and that would have been the end of the story.
But you know Anon, that's the impression I got, that she is so mad because she feels wronged! Like she doesn't care where this goes! 'Call the police, take me to jail' I'm so angry I don't care!
So maybe it's a good thing this got leaked because if what you say about this company's practices is true, then maybe now because of the attention, it will finally stop.
Yīshēng said...
we do regularly comment on the weight, amount of teeth and educational achievement of many of our racist trolls.
That's interesting because my intestinal mucosal layer licking stalker has commented about what they think my weight is for years. And that's just fine by me, because at almost 5'8" tall and weighing 145 pounds, DH is quite pleased with my "hour glass".
Someone tell this hoochie mama the article isn't about her or her fantasies.
You're an old ghetto hoochie mama who no doubt has dried up prune sacks for breasts.
DH = Designated Husband. So the dude still won't marry you. Can't blame him. Why buy the bacon when you can get the pig for free.
If any of you ever doubted the depths of Josh's narcism and pomposity - read this sentence and behold...
"This obsession with me is fucking laughable. I don't have another way to describe it. I picture you idiots literally thinking about me in the morning as you log onto Field's. "Let's see what Josh said about this..."
He thinks we only come to this website to learn his views!
Meanwhile he comes to a blog about racism every single day, calls the black people on the site 'cunts' on a regular basis, and when they react it's because we have an obsession with him!
You really couldn't make it up.
" Because, unlike Mr. Concha, I am not devoid of feelings for my fellow human beings when they are preyed upon"
Field is devoid of feelings for his fellow human beings being preyed upon by his fellow blacks.
See this blog daily.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...If any of you ever doubted the depths of Josh's narcism and pomposity - read this sentence and behold...
On the real, I couldn't give two f**ks and a half a hot d**n what a racist like Whuteemoo has to say. And I'm not going to waste time reading it either.
A quick check of YouTube shows the "Scarlett O' Hara complex" is the norm for black women
This is only news because Britt McHenry is white.
White women are expected to be nice and lady like.
Black women are expected to act like, well, black women.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
If any of you ever doubted the depths of Josh's narcism and pomposity - read this sentence and behold...
"This obsession with me is fucking laughable. I don't have another way to describe it. I picture you idiots literally thinking about me in the morning as you log onto Field's. "Let's see what Josh said about this..."
He thinks we only come to this website to learn his views!
Meanwhile he comes to a blog about racism every single day, calls the black people on the site 'cunts' on a regular basis, and when they react it's because we have an obsession with him!
You really couldn't make it up.
3:23 AM
PC, you prove Josh's point. Here you are commenting about him, AGAIN. It sure looks like you are "obsessed" with him. Everything he says you have a response. Now there are many others you don't respond to. In fact, you even ignore anons who make insulting remarks about you.
Yet, you can't go 'one' day without making some remark about Josh. He is correct...you are obsessed with him. He's not being narcissistic, he's being truthful.
You really ought to give it a rest. Go take care of your family instead.
Dr Ranos, PhD-"This is only news because Britt McHenry is white.
White women are expected to be nice and lady like."
I agree. What happened to her was totally unfair. She stood up for herself as best she could, under the circumstances. She was dealing with an abusive troglodyte of the lowest order. I am praying that the towing woman(if you can call her that) is NOT Black. But it has all the markings.
Dr Ranos--"Black women are expected to act like, well, black women."
10:20 AM
Please do lump all bw into the same category as Dr Yisheng. Not all bw are like her. Some are actually civil, sophisticated, educated and speak well.
"You really couldn't make it up."
...he says as he introduces a personal beef with me from a previous discussion into a brand new discussion, as he does so frequently.
NOOOO! That's not obsessive.
You're 100% right: You couldn't make this shit up.
"PC, you prove Josh's point."
He won't see it that way, of course; he'll have some justification for his obsessive behavior. It'll be my fault, somehow, someway, and I shouldn't have made him do it!
Because I say curse words to people who happen to be black!
Oh, shit!
That's his entire fucking grounds for calling a racist! lmfao....he's right: You can't make this shit up!
Being black to some people is nothing but a shield, and they're thankful that there's racism in the world. As long as there is, they get to twist everything into "because I'm black!" The guy can take digs at me on a personal level since ever I first started posting here, throwing shit up from three discussions ago into the latest discussion just so everyone else can witness him as he tries to drag me through the mud, as he plays to an audience and all but says, "Watch this!" And I call a cunt a cunt, and what's his brilliant Sherlock, House-had-an-epiphany moment about it? "Because I'm black!" lol
The FieldNegro said...
Because, unlike Mr. Concha, I am not devoid of feelings for my fellow human beings when they are preyed upon by those among us who society deems to be better.
but I do know that it should have gotten me a lot more fired up.
Not devoid of feelings, just not enough feelings to fire you up.
The Purple Cow said...
calls the black people on the site 'cunts' on a regular basis, and when they react it's because we have an obsession with him!
As said by someone that routinely copies/pastes from days and days ago. Talk about obsession. Even Anon doesn't stoop that low.
PurpleCow is expressing an alarming amount of self-denial for him to not acknowledge he's the one with mommy issues that routinely calls people he is losing an argument to "cunts."
Ding Ding PurpleCow.
The FieldNegro said...
Almost nobody in cable news or online or in the friendly world of social media bothered to question how anyone could be berated in such fashion without responding in kind.
Kinda like the young girl at chik-fila that took the abuse from the rich white dumbocrat that is now out of a job.
Funny, no one asked the girl what made her take the high road.
Maybe you've been reading PurpleCow too long to appreciate people that don't react negatively towards others.
The FieldNegro said...
-Yes, her comments were mean…but they weren’t racial or ethnic slurs
So that's all that matters now?
Treating people badly will be acceptable as long as it's not racial?
This same Arlington company towed my car last Spring. Had to call Uber to take take us to get my car. As my six year old and I walked up to the trailer to pay (holding hands) my kid started crying and his leg was bleeding. There was a a sharp metal piece sticking up for the ground. I asked if they had water or a bandaid - ANYTHING! The attendant hatefully said no, and I should watch my kid better!! I must have called her a bitch, but she was indeed being one. By the way, her two kids under 8 yrs were riding bikes behind the gate holding the impounded cars. Imagine the message she's teaching them. They looked horrified at the situation.
Britt's overweight viewers with less education and imperfect teeth should see to it that she is fired. I certainly don't want to see her superficial smiling face on TV.
As long as the government profits off your car being towed, nothing will change.
Don't worry Doc, simple minded individuals rely on stereotypes to make up for their lack of experiences outside of their little worlds.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Don't worry Doc, simple minded individuals rely on stereotypes to make up for their lack of experiences outside of their little worlds.
See dr. queen...And it seems like PX also stereotypes whites.
Let's stop and wonder at the astonishing stupidity of the one called 'Bill' shall we?
"As said by someone that routinely copies/pastes from days and days ago. Talk about obsession. Even Anon doesn't stoop that low."
No sure where to start on this one.
Routinely copying and pasting from days and days ago? A.K.A. holding people accountable fro something they have already said, is that what you mean?
This to Bill's tiny brain is 'stooping low'. Holding people to account for stuff they just said is 'stooping low'.
But wait, it gets worse.
"PurpleCow is expressing an alarming amount of self-denial for him to not acknowledge he's the one with mommy issues that routinely calls people he is losing an argument to "cunts."
Let me give you a dictionary definition of the word 'Cunts', Bill-boi.
vulgar slang
1. a woman's genitals.
2. an unpleasant or stupid person.
You see that number 2 definition there hillbilly?
That's you, that is.
Josh, same thing.
I don't know of a more unpleasant or stupid person than you Bill, (Josh is as unpleasant as you, but not quite as stupid), so the word CUNT could not be more appropriate when dealing with fascist scum such as yourself and Josh-the-Racist.
But most amusing of all is the concept that you, either of you, have ever won an argument with me. I mean how do you get it into your stupid little heads that you are even capable of beating me in intellectual contest? I mean what fucking weird alternative reality do you call home???
And as for Mommy issues, you are the one that still lives at home with your Momma. I left home thirty years ago.
"Ding Ding PurpleCow."
In your trailer park this probably wins arguments for you.
I mean with 'Cletus-the-slack-jawed-Yokel' he's probably quite impressed when you shout 'Ding Ding' over and over again like a demented fucking chimpanzee. I bet he gives up arguing with you right there and then, and goes back to fucking your eight year old sister.
However here in the adult, civilised world, things are a little different Billy-boi. Just shouting 'Ding Ding', 'Ding Ding' impresses nobody but your fellow yokels.
Did it work for you in school?
Math Teacher: Bill, what is the square root of 125?
Bill: Ding Ding.
Math Teacher: That'll be another F. for you then Bill.
Geography Teacher: What's the capital city of Suriname, Bill?
Bill: Ding Ding
Geography Teacher: "No that would be Paramaribo, Bill, and you've just failed again. Here's a Dunce's cap, go stand in the corner."
Your life will be ever thus, Billy-boi.
Quote: Josh-the-Racist
"Because I say curse words to people who happen to be black!Oh, shit!
That's his entire fucking grounds for calling a racist! lmfao....he's right: You can't make this shit up!
OK Josh, I've explained this to you a couple of times now, I see I'm going to have tot try again, perhaps in simpler terms.
Here's a hypothetical situation for you, Josh.
A white man comes every single day to comment on a blog written by an Afro-Carribbean gentleman, which is largely about racism.
His comments are never constructive, they are only ever negative and destructive. He goes to great lengths to explain how he dislikes all the black respondents on the blog, he spends all his time abusing them and attempting to denigrate every single word they say. However he has no problem with any of the white correspondents, even when they are as stupid as Bill.
Not only that, he clearly believes that all black people think the same. He demonstrates over and over again the simplistic view of black folks who all think alike and all motivated by the same things. He does;t see black folks as individuals.
Now Josh, can you think of any single reason why a white man would obsessively troll such a website?
What could possible motivate him?
By holding "accountable," what you mean to say is: To elect and present yourself as the arbiter of all things right or wrong, and thus calling something "stupid" by your bare assertion means it's stupid. No need to explain the why in it. It's just enough that you say it. Because you say it, so it is. Yet I'm the one trying to convince people of my superiority.
Though as I said before: I'm just thrilled that you finally got around to telling me why you insist I'm a racist. And the answer: Because I say mean things to "black" people! LMAO...
Because they're black? Don't matter. If they're black, then it's 'cause they're black. It's that they are black, and if a white person says something to a black person, then that's racist! You never manage to fail mentioning the skin color of people I'm arguing with.
It couldn't be I call you and the anon crew cunts because of how fucking obsessed you idiots are with me, taking it upon yourselves to troll and harass me on a daily basis. Nope. It's not the actions you take; it must be your skin color!
It's my fault. I had it coming. I shoulda kept my mouth shut, I guess.
Hold that shield out far and high, you cunt you.
Though I wonder how far that standard works the other way 'round?
You only talk your shit about Bill and I 'cause we're white. You cunt racist.
"Now Josh, can you think of any single reason why a white man would obsessively troll such a website?"
Josh, why do you come here everyday?
"By holding "accountable," what you mean to say is: To elect and present yourself as the arbiter of all things right or wrong, and thus calling something "stupid" by your bare assertion means it's stupid. No need to explain the why in it. It's just enough that you say it. Because you say it, so it is. Yet I'm the one trying to convince people of my superiority."
Nope, what I'm saying is you should take responsibility for the shit you post.
"Though as I said before: I'm just thrilled that you finally got around to telling me why you insist I'm a racist. And the answer: Because I say mean things to "black" people! LMAO..."
As I have now explained no less than three times that is nonsense. I'm saying you come here every day because you hate black people and abusing said black people is the only thing left that makes you feel like a man. It's not the fact that you swear at us every day that makes you a racist, it's the fact that you have a psychological need to denigrate us, everything we say, everything we do, and how you suppose we live our lives. That's what makes you a racist. The fact that you believe all black people think, feel and act the same way, makes you a racist.
Now you can pretend to LMAO and ROFL all you fucking like, but you know I am right.
Name calling is what it is, i do it all the time for deserving cases such as your self.
"Because they're black? Don't matter. If they're black, then it's 'cause they're black. It's that they are black, and if a white person says something to a black person, then that's racist!"
No, when a person says something racist to another person - that's racist.
" You never manage to fail mentioning the skin color of people I'm arguing with."
Because the colour of our skin is the only reason you are here.
"It couldn't be I call you and the anon crew cunts because of how fucking obsessed you idiots are with me..."
No, because we are not obsessed with you. This is a figment of your bizarre imagination tied to your rampant narcism.
...taking it upon yourselves to troll and harass me on a daily basis.
Wait a minute - what????????
We troll and harass you??
Are you insane?
Do we follow you around the internet abusing you?
Do we send you abusive emails?
YOU COME HERE AND PROVOKE US, when we react to deliberate provocations you accuse us of trolling! That's just totally fucking unbelievable, even for someone as borderline psychotic as you.. Your obsessive compulsive self-importance and pomposity has just fucking blown my hypocrisy meter to pieces.
"It's my fault. I had it coming. I shoulda kept my mouth shut, I guess. "
You know, instead of hating on us, you could have just tried debating with us. You might have learned something.
"Hold that shield out far and high, you cunt you."
No idea what this shit is supposed to mean.
"Though I wonder how far that standard works the other way 'round?
You only talk your shit about Bill and I 'cause we're white. You cunt racist."
Some of my best friends are white.
I have it on good authority that my wife is white.
My kids could possibly pass for white if they were so inclined. (They're not).
But rather than examine your own feelings of personal inadequacy it's just easier to call me a racist.
"If any of you ever doubted the depths of Josh's narcism and pomposity - read this sentence and behold..."
Nope, I don't think any sane individual can doubt Josh's narcissim and inflated sense of self worth.
"what I'm saying is you should take responsibility for the shit you post."
Good luck with that one. Josh loves to stereotype blah folks and say us folks attack in groups ect but doesn't see his statements as racist. Must be because he grew up in the projects and thinks he has a black pass? You might be giving him too much credit as far as being brighter than Bill. At least Bill keeps his racist Tourette's like racist outbursts to a minimum, he just likes to cut and paste Fox News talking points. Since math and geography aren't Bill's thing he likes to cut and paste here and in real life.
"You only talk your shit about Bill and I 'cause we're white. You cunt racist."
No Josh, we talk about you because you're a racist and Bill is dumb as a bag of rocks. You ever wonder why Whitey's Conspiracy, Limpbaugh and Still a Panther aren't attacked even though they're white? Never gave that a thought huh?
I don't have any sympathy for towing companies.
NO you're the racist! No you!.
No you're the cunt, No you, No you! No you the cunt, no you the racist cunt, no you,you you, no you the racist no I'm the racist,I mean you're the racist and I'm the cunt! I mean you're the cunt and you're the racist, no,no I mean, wait a minute, wait a minute I'm confused here, lemme get this straight now...You're the racist and you're also the cunt, so I'm....so what am I?... Nothing? Wait, wait, your're the racist, and I'm not the racist, and I'm not the cunt, but you're the cunt so I'm the...oh fagedaboudid!
You guys realize what you sound/read like? I mean...ahahahhaa!
"Ding Ding PurpleCow."
In your trailer park this probably wins arguments for you.
Trailer park?
Ever hear of Pavlov and how he trained dogs to respond when he rang the bell?
Ding Ding PurpleCow.
"Ding Ding PurpleCow."
In your trailer park this probably wins arguments for you.
Trailer park?
Ever hear of Pavlov and how he trained dogs to respond when he rang the bell?
Ding Ding PurpleCow.
Josh said...
You only talk your shit about Bill and I 'cause we're white. You cunt racist.
When PurpleCow loses the argument he always goes to the personal insults. It's a pattern that PurpleCow repeats over and over.
Britt will keep her job.
All is right with the world.
Virginia said...
"Now Josh, can you think of any single reason why a white man would obsessively troll such a website?"
Josh, why do you come here everyday?
3:36 PM
Josh has every right to post on FN as anyone else. Why do YOU come here, sister?
And why are you obsessed with Josh?
Why aren't you obsessed with Yisheng and PC? They are more narcissistic, racist and degrading than Josh could ever be.
And you know what's weird about PC? he's married to ww.
Now, Virginia, why would PC be on FN when he hates Negroes more than Josh?
The point is you are obsessed and against Josh when you ought to be livid with the uncle toms and sell-outs on FN. And believe me there are more of them than anybody else.
Blogger field negro said...
Britt will keep her job.
All is right with the world.
9:10 PM
Brother Field, that is good news. I had hoped things would turn out ok for her. She didn't deserve to be suspended let alone fired.
Did you read the article I posted about the towing company?
That's who the social media ought to go after.
I realize this blog is open to all. There was no attack behind the question to Josh. Was just curious as to why Josh comes back everyday.
I'm here because I want to learn from others. I want to understand experiences of posters here. I wants things to get better.
Not obsessed. Josh is interesting, very funny, and often close minded. He's a lot like my father. Wait, he lives in Northern Virginia too. Dad, is that you?
I don't think it's weird for PC to post here about racism. Being married to ww doesn't erase his experiences as a bm.
"Never gave that a thought huh?"
Honestly? Not many thoughts, no.
Out of the hundreds of blogs I've visited since my first ever computer in '99, this is the only one where bloggers literally sit back and dictate the politics and race of a complete fucking stranger.
Case in point: Some dude says, "As a black man, I don't think Josh is a racist," and since that goes against the narrative created here, you have half a dozen people here telling the guy that he's not black. They say he's a white troll.
I've never been to another place where that happens.
So, no, I don't give a thought to anyone's race whatsoever. I had no earthly idea TPC was black until it started to get thrown in my face, like it fucking mattered for some reason. Back when he used to do his typical cunty one-liners, on his high horse, I had no fucking idea if the dude was black, white, Latino, whatever -- nor did I fucking care. I think the first time I knew was when Yisheng jumped in on TPC's side, admitting she was doing so because he was "black" and I was white, and that I was somehow trying to hold down intelligent black people, or some such nonsense.
I'm not even sure if all the anons trolling me are black. I know Pilot is because he can't resist saying "blah" whether using his legit name or his troll anon, but for the rest I reckon I just take TPC's word that they're "black," since he seems to know every fucking morsel of information in the entire fucking universe, and has named himself the arbiter of what's right, wrong, and what the color of someone's skin is.
Bottom line: I don't give much thought to anyone's race here. 10:1, when I read something about anyone's race on this blog, it's usually people ganging up on someone else to tell them whether they're really black or white.
As to why I'm called a racist and other whites aren't: There's no mystery there. It's the same reason the so-called "pro blacks" call Tommy Sotomayor a coon but say the thugs in the street are "keepin' it real." I wasn't fucking born yesterday. I know there's a strain in every community that demands ideological purity, none more so than the black community. Hell, on this blog, if you go against the black consensus, folks here go beyond just calling them a house negro or uncle Tom. They outright say that the person isn't black! lol
So, yeah, no big mystery. Agree with the consensus, you can kick your feet up and clip your toenails. Part of the fam. Think independently and call bullshit bullshit where it suits you? Well, that's racist!
The biggest--and only--piece of evidence presented to date that Josh-the-Racist is a racist: I curse at black people.
That's the standard. Black people here = protected class. If you're white and curse a black person, you're a racist.
"No, because we are not obsessed with you."
...he says as he posts about me yet again. And will continue to do so, in unrelated discussions. But noooo, there's no obsession.
"...he says as he posts about me yet again. And will continue to do so, in unrelated discussions. But noooo, there's no obsession."
Josh is blushing just thinking about the attention he's getting. He thinks I'm cuute!
Aw, isn't that sweet?
"The biggest--and only--piece of evidence presented to date that Josh-the-Racist is a racist: I curse at black people.
That's the standard. Black people here = protected class. If you're white and curse a black person, you're a racist."
That's bullshit and you know it. TPC has outlined your posts in which it's pretty clear you hold racist thoughts or pretend to. Stop crying and man up and take some responsibility for your posts. It's more than cursing a Black person and you know it. Hell, even a white dude called you out as a racist.
Boo Boo Shity said:
Why aren't you obsessed with Yisheng and PC? They are more narcissistic, racist and degrading than Josh could ever be.
Maybe Virginia doesn't want to take the immature stalker title away from you.
"TPC has outlined your posts in which it's pretty clear you hold racist thoughts or pretend to."
I know this is flat-out fucking nonsense. Never a single motherfucking quote of one racist thing I've ever fucking said! Not fucking once. You'd think, at the least, someone would be dishonest and go pull up that old quote of mine to Yisheng out of content, when I responded to her cursing my family. But no; not even that much. Just bare assertion -- and while you lot can thrive on illogical nonsense, it doesn't do very much for me. Sorry.
TPC is making a case that I "hurl abuse" at black people. In doing so, that makes me a racist. Because the person at the end of a "motherfucker" happens to be black, and only because they're black, I'm thus a racist. Because black people need to be treated differently than I'd treat anyone else. That WOULDN'T be racist for some reason. Treating them like I treat everyone else: That IS racist. And the tragic part is that no blacks here seem to mind that standard. I'd think at least one or two would say, "Hey, TPC, take it down a peg. I don't need a shield!" (The guy you all say isn't black notwithstanding.)
At very fucking best all that's saying is that, if I "hurl abuse" at people who happen to be black, that makes me a racist.
And that's LITERALLY SAYING that black people are a protected class and cannot be spoken to like, say, TPC speaks to white people.
It's a double standard, it's hypocritical, and it's entirely transparent.
My "racism" seems to oddly get stronger and more noticeable every time TPC and I have words. And anyone interested can trace the history back if they want. It's all on record. Notice I didn't start to become the "racist" until the bitch boy painted himself into corners and had to rely on the go-to schtick of overly sensitive race baiters.
Case in point: If I call you a fucker, Anonymous, for your bullshit backing of TPC, TPC thus calls that racism since I'm "[hurling] abuse" at you.
It's a fucking catch-22. The guy calls me a racist. I ignore it, I'm a racist. I argue against his bullshit, that just PROVES I'm a racist.
It's why hardly no one gives a fuck about the label these days.
"Case in point: If I call you a fucker, Anonymous, for your bullshit backing of TPC, TPC thus calls that racism since I'm "[hurling] abuse" at you."
You're totally missing the point Josh. TPC isn't calling you a racist because you called him a fucker, far from it. He, I and other posters are calling you a racist because of the numerous racist comments you have posted. I, like TPC, have been around for a minute and know racist behavior and tendencies and you check all of the boxes. Don't think of it as one single comment or insult but think of it more of a common attitude and continuous pattern. There are usually tell tell signs of racists, and those of us who have been around and are Black can usually see these signs. You can either own up to the fact that several posters see these racist tendencies in your comments or brush it off as you usually do.
"It's why hardly no one gives a fuck about the label these days."
No, it's why racist have never cared about the label. It's just another tell tell sign of a racist. In the past white racists have always accused Black people of being too sensitive and created their own definition of racism which usually absolved themselves of any negative connotation and ascribed the term to the aggrieved party. The old I'm rubber you're glue defense. We're not the problem, it's the (insert other people never yourself here) northern agitators, uppity negroes, ect. Thing is Josh we know exactly who you are, you are too obvious and the more you try to pretend you're not who you are you just look even sillier. I know you think all Black folk are inferior to you and you can run your game but guess what, you're just another closeted racist who will eventually show his true colors. Just a matter of time man. Watch this space.
"He, I and other posters are calling you a racist because of the numerous racist comments you have posted."
When asked about all these many fucking racist things I've said, none of you have a damn piece of evidence to present.
It will just be more of the same. It will be TPC saying I "hurl abuse" at black people, and when asked to back that up or to explain it away beyond a protected class of people, it will start all over again.
Circular logic.
"you're just another closeted racist who will eventually show his true colors. Just a matter of time man"
Just when I thought I've experienced the full level of tard the anonymous crew had to dish out, here I am taken aback by another notch. Which is it, anons? Either I'm posting an abundance of racist comments on the daily, or I haven't gotten around to it yet.
It can't be both.
You morons need a morning meeting. The conclusion from each is the same: Racist. The reasoning is just laughably contradictory.
It's almost like "racist" is just a slur you bitches are throwing out...
"Either I'm posting an abundance of racist comments on the daily, or I haven't gotten around to it yet."
Huh? You have posted numerous comments that may be considered offensive/racist. Do I want to spend my time going through past posts to find the specific ones? No. The fact that you discount even the remote possibility that some of your posts may be considered (let's not use the term racist because everyone has their own definition) offensive speaks volumes. The truth is you have to admit as a white male your ideas of racism are different than a person of color's. If we can at least agree on that much we can try to move on and end this particular debate.
"It's almost like "racist" is just a slur you bitches are throwing out..."
Funny, the one who cries the most like a little bitch is name calling. typical.
"Do I want to spend my time going through past posts to find the specific ones?"
No one does, evidently. Proving one's claims true would actually require a little bit of effort. It's much easier to say, "You post an abundance of racist comments" rather than showing just fucking one instance of anything I've said that's "racist."
And fine by me. If that's how y'all wanna carry it. Truthfully, I don't expect that you lot know what a logical fallacy of bare assertion is anyway. And it's probably unfair of me to hold you to the standard that you should know or even should be logical in discourse.
Or is that racist too?
I reckon everything I say at this point is considered "racism."
But it's all good. I don't have low expectations for you morons because you're black; I have low expectations because you're morons.
"Funny, the one who cries the most like a little bitch is name calling"
Coming from the dude who, for months now, changes his blog name as an insulting incarnation of my name, solely to harass me. Rich.
So, TPC, tell me more about how it's just my imagination that people are obsessed with me here. Maybe you'll want to change your name to "Josh the Racist" full time, follow me around after every fucking comment I leave and tell me how I'm the one with the problem.
You dickless chadrools can say what you want. The facts are ever present on this blog: You loons are obsessed with me.
And, no, "chadrool" isn't a derogatory racist term. Italians have plenty of words for that: Mulignan, briquette, shine, smoke, ditsoon. So you can save the "I bet Josh means 'nigger'" spiel.
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