I'm the girl that took the picture of the soldier and child in Baltimore that went viral. I meant to capture a sad moment, one of wasted resources and failure. Who knew that so many people think all of our race and economic problems could be solved if someone would just think to smile at a child?
The accusations of being a pot stirrer, a know-nothing liberal, and race-baiter have been coming at me almost faster than I can read them. Good. Keep it coming. You wouldn't hate me if I didn't make you uncomfortable.
Keep telling me to forget the misery and to just see the happiness. Keep criticizing me for bringing it up. Keep talking about it because that is the first step. But let's keep it real when we talk about it.
How can you look at that picture from Baltimore and think it shows a promising future? The problems leading up to this picture continue to be swept under the rug while people mindlessly smile over a picture of a child.
How about we focus on the fact that 86 percent of public school students in Baltimore get free/reduced lunch?
How about we focus on the predatory payday loan and checks cashed establishments that people in this neighborhood are subjected to, continuing the cycle of poverty they are in?
How about we focus on the fact that I took this picture on Fulton Ave about a month ago, and how it's pretty average for much of Baltimore:

I don't find my picture to be tragic because I hate the military or because I hate guns. It seems to me that 30 seconds of critical thinking would clarify that. I find it to be tragic because we don't give a damn about these communities until the destruction threatens the rest of us.
If this was a picture of a child on a field trip to the Pentagon, I'd see how it's cute. Adorable, even. But that isn't what this is. This is a community being told they are too vile and worthless for anyone to give a damn about them until they start to burn things down -- and even then, people only care long enough to be keyboard activists with uninformed opinions.
Baltimore has a lot of problems, but being a city full of people that want to loot and riot isn't one of them.
I think it's pretty clear why there was a riot on that Monday afternoon -- what did the police expect when they loaded up with riot gear, turned off public transit, didn't allow children to leave, and instigated pissed off kids? Yet here we are, painting Baltimore as a city of lawlessness.
If we're going to talk about lawlessness in Baltimore, let's talk about the millions of dollars used to settle and hide cases of police brutality.
I have watched news anchors and the Internet, in general, wonder why people felt the need to burn the businesses in the community, consequently limiting their own options of where to shop. Over my week in Baltimore, I listened to and talked to a lot of people, from those who were pro-riot to those who were pro-peace. The impression that I got wasn't that all people necessarily hate all businesses that aren't black-owned -- it's that they hate that the businesses won't pay living wages or promote people of color.
Without the ability to build capital (or even pay rent) and without the experience of being more than entry level employees, how are people supposed to start their own businesses? How will there ever be more black-owned businesses in primarily black communities?
In my opinion, the onus is now on wealthy business owners of all races in Baltimore and the surrounding area to do their part in making the city a more livable place. It's on the middle and upper middle class residents of Maryland to change the way things are run.
I saw an incredible amount of unity build up in one week of Baltimore protests -- a level of unity that is rare for any kind of movement. The revolution is here, and "us vs. them" is not going to be black vs white. It's going to the people who have hopped on board vs. those who haven't. Do not stand on the wrong side. Support the organizations that are on the ground making a difference. Support the organizations working to feed the hungry children of Baltimore and working to make the streets safe. Do not shop at places that do not allow their entry level employees to grow.
Nothing will change over night, but it's time we start working to provide education and opportunities instead of casting judgement when most of us can't even imagine what it would be like to live in West Baltimore." [Source]
Well, there is that whole interracial ebony and ivory thing. It all helps us to wrap our "post-racial" vibe into a nice little packet.
This author is obviously not playing along.
Party pooper.
*Pic from Huffington Post.
Great insightful post. If only the right folks reading it could grasp it for a moment to care about their fellow man.
"The impression that I got wasn't that all people necessarily hate all businesses that aren't black-owned -- it's that they hate that the businesses won't pay living wages or promote people of color."
What you are saying is they hate the fact they are useless people without any marketable skills.
"Nothing will change over night, but it's time we start working to provide education and opportunities instead of casting judgement when most of us can't even imagine what it would be like to live in West Baltimore."
Is there something specific about the geography of West Baltimore, or North Philly, or maybe the South Side of Chicago that makes life there such a hell? Do you think that if we just relocated the people there to San Francisco or Seattle or Idaho their lives would be better? As we've seen over and over again with places like Ferguson, black people take their problems with them wherever they go.
We've been working to provide "education and opportunities" to these communities for decades. Casting judgement is exactly what is needed when dealing with dysfunction. It's time to break out the fire hoses again.
"Support the organizations working to feed the hungry children of Baltimore and working to make the streets safe."
Why would there be any hungry children in Baltimore? Between welfare and food stamps, there is no reason any parent in America can't afford to feed their children. The schools already feed them two free meals a day, these parents only have to motivate themselves to feed their kids once. Pathetic.
And who is it exactly we need to work to provide safety from? How do you protect people who can't stop attacking the police sent in there to protect them from themselves?
Enough is fucking enough already.
This Summer of Hate is going to finally convince America that Freedom has Failed.
Burn it all down my negroes, burn it all down. And when the last fire goes out, the party will be over.
The welfare state has rendered fathers superfluous. The result:
Manifest Density requires that low status less intelligent euro-am's embrace ignorance. They just can't figure "it" out. Why this? Why not that? Those that pander to those who suffer from these maladies have prospered for centuries assisted by the "euro" peon innate feeling of inferiority. Why don't we have a white history month? My ancestors didn't own any slaves! On and on and on with the moans and groans.
They used opium on the Chinese. They used whiskey with the native Americans. They put crack in our community. But the saved the most dangerous substance for you.
Racism is a powerful, highly addictive drug that provides its users a false sense of comfort and power. Be careful because if you don't watch out you'll be next. Don't believe me? Keep playing dumb.
In my opinion, the onus is now on wealthy business owners of all races in Baltimore and the surrounding area to do their part in making the city a more livable place. It's on the middle and upper middle class residents of Maryland to change the way things are run.
Well. Just landed in Cali to visit my oldest who has her own business making bespoke vintages for the Silicon Valley wealthy who are seeking out Vanity Vintage Wine as the next "thing". She's making money hand over fist and it was great to sample some of the wears while grazing in "slow food" Sonoma.
Thought I would check in with everyone at FN and see that nothing has changed. In fact, every time I check in with y'all since we left the US, nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing.
So, here's my advice to the naive young author of this sob story piece:
The onus is not on the upper middle class people of Maryland. The onus is on those who live in Baltimore to make the right choices, and if they continue to make poor choices, then to accept the responsibility that comes with that failure.
Birth control is cheap, but working on a stable, monogamous relationship isn't easy or immediately satisfying. The "rules" for upward social mobility haven't changed. Finish high school. Find work that fits your ability and temperment (and no, not everyone has the ability to go to "college" nor should they). Seek out and work on a stable relationship and marry. Don't have more children than you have the resources for - that includes not just money, but time and effort and interest.
Those basic precepts seem to be outside the grasp of understanding of the denizens of Baltimore.
Instead, they seek to blame others and demand yet another "wealth redistribution" and more undeserved freebies. Enough!
They are free. Free to make good choices, and free to make bad choices. To blame others for the circumstances they find themselves in longer hunts.
That should be "wares".
And: 1619-2019
What kind of gobbedlygook nonsense was that? The opportunity that the free and open West provides is offered to all races, genders and creed without discrimination. The only caveat is hard work and determination to succeed are required. That is ALL.
I can't blame people for thinking the photo is cute. It is. Kids are cute. That little black girl having a happy moment with the white national guardsman is a bright spot in an otherwise bleak event.
I can easily see the sadness, though, too. Here is another picture from the story that makes me a bit sad:
I mean, there's no good reason for this little girl not to get along with those national guardsmen. Why should they be enemies?
In theory, when she grows up, she could have white dudes who look just like that as friends or lovers. But in practice ... the odds are against it, because the odds are against her ever escaping her impoverished neighborhood.
Without knowing her exact circumstances, who knows if she'll even survive to adulthood? Some parts of Baltimore are really bad.
The "pull your self up by the boot straps" meme is great if you actually have boots to wear.
Politricksters and folks at the top are taking all the boots.
Just sayin
"The impression that I got wasn't that all people necessarily hate all businesses that aren't black-owned "
Impressions are like assholes-everyone has one...
Obama's sons and daughters don't hate all businesses that are not black owned, but when they riot they target for destruction all businesses that are not black owned....
Can't blackwash the hate. Not even a nice try.
"Baltimore has a lot of problems,"
All of which have been caused by Democrat policy failures and corruption.
Baltimore has a black mayor, majority black city council and a diverse police force.
Baltimore has everything the left tells us it needs for blacks to thrive.
Yet they don't...
Blacks will continue to vote Democrat at least 88% of the time and blame everyone else but themselves for their lack of boots.
"In my opinion, the onus is now on wealthy business owners of all races in Baltimore and the surrounding area to do their part in making the city a more livable place. It's on the middle and upper middle class residents of Maryland to change the way things are run."
You mean accounting for almost 100% of the tax base isn't enough?
When is enough, enough to the left?
Why is it the fault of everyone else that blacks won't free their minds and leave the Democrat plantation?
Really good post and very timely, I just landed in Charm City and on my way to the hotel (or as my Yawdie bretheren put it temporary housing). I'll walk around and get a sense of what's going on, well after my nap because this morning thing is for the birds. Keep up the educational series.
Uncle Renaldo said...
Baltimore has a black mayor, majority black city council and a diverse police force.
Baltimore has everything the left tells us it needs for blacks to thrive.
You can add in several billion dollars in targeted stimulus money for "at risk" communities.
The place has been flooded with money, opportunity and black control, and things only have gotten worse. How long do we have to be forced down this road to hell before we turn back?
Mississippi, Louisiana and Tejas have overwhelming Republican governments and are near the bottom in education, health and many other metrics. They've had white governors for decades and receive more tax money then they provide. How long do are going to be forced down this road to hell before we turn back?
"Mississippi, Louisiana and Tejas have overwhelming Republican governments and are near the bottom in education, health and many other metrics"
That is because they have much higher minority populations than other states. Mississippi has the highest black population percentage of any state; that's why it's always at the bottom in terms of education and income statistics. Louisiana has the second highest black population percentage, and Texas has an average black population, but a very high Mexican population:
BTW, Texas does a better job educating all those Mexican kids than liberal California does.
Expand your horizons PilotX.
That is because they have much higher minority populations than other states. Mississippi has the highest black population percentage of any state; that's why it's always at the bottom in terms of education and income statistics. Louisiana has the second highest black population percentage, and Texas has an average black population, but a very high Mexican population:
Nope, it's because dumb assed poor whites continue to vote Republican. Even if it is because of the high population of blahs it seems Republicans are bad at governing us so why should we vote for them. Also, West Virginia has a high population of whites and a very small population of blahs but it still has very bad educational outcomes and leads in drug addiction and poor dental health. Why is that? With a 97% white population it seems W. Virginia should be a veritble granden of eden no? Seems the blame the blah excuse doesn't hold water asshole. Republicans can't take responsibility for anything it seems.
"Expand your horizons PilotX."
Says the asshat that has never left his trailer park.
The bottom 8 states in education are dominated by Republicans. Funny that. That's something to be proud of I guess (if you're an idiot er I mean Republican). And they also have the poorest and most uneducated whites. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, correlation?
I guess the fewer teeth a state collectively has equals the amount of Republican affiliation.
PilotX said...
Nope, it's because dumb assed poor whites continue to vote Republican.
Whites in states with very high black populations tend to vote Republican out of necessity. The Democrat party is explicitly anti-white. The real correlation for the bottom eight states in education is the percentage of students who are black. Republican administrations are merely an indication that whites will finally exhibit some survival instincts once their numbers become marginal.
White folks in places like Oregon, Minnesota or Vermont can afford to indulge their liberal fantasies because black people are merely an abstraction. Their view of blacks is formed by all the positive noble portrayals on TV and the censored views promulgated by the liberal media.
Whites in places like Mississippi and Louisiana have no illusions about what it is like to live among large numbers of blacks. They don't need Oprah movies or Toure columns to understand the plight of black Americans. They cannot afford to indulge a democrat party that has no use for them and works tirelessly against their interests and the interests of their children.
Look a little harder at the numbers, bush pilot. It doesn't matter if the people running things are black or white, liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, the main thing that matters when it comes to educational outcome is the demographic makeup of the students.
Think boy, think.
So tell me why businesses and people are leaving blue states for states that are govern by Republicans?
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Mississippi, Louisiana and Tejas have overwhelming Republican governments and are near the bottom in education, health and many other metrics. They've had white governors for decades and receive more tax money then they provide. How long do are going to be forced down this road to hell before we turn back?
Look within those numbers and you will see why that is true...When you exclude certain minority groups and illegals, rankings by those metrics go way up.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Mississippi, Louisiana and Tejas have overwhelming Republican governments
Are they rioting over it?
It appears poor rethugs don;t mind being screwed over by their rethug rulers.
The people dissatisfied and rioting will keep voting for the same party that already rules over them. That is bat-shit-crazy.
So again, explain to me why blacks in Baltimore and other cities are going to vote for the political party that is most reasonable for their oppression?
And HA! To Rev. Njohi...That some kind of funnie....
The GOP said...
I guess the fewer teeth a state collectively has equals the amount of Republican affiliation.
If that was true places like California and Pennsylvania would be red states.
"Obama's sons and daughters don't hate all businesses that are not black owned, but when they riot they target for destruction all businesses that are not black owned...."
Except that this is not really the case. Both anti-riot conservatives and pro-riot black people (yes, there are some) are misrepresenting this.
Most of the rioting isn't some kind of rational protest against specific policies that residents dislike. It's largely blind rage (with a bit of selfish opportunism thrown in on the part of the looters). They're wrecking everything in sight. It's not an organized process.
During the riots, a community center costing $16 million and intended to provide job counseling and housing for senior citizens was burned to the ground. So ... grandma doesn't get to have a roof over her head because you wanted to stick it to the man? Way to make an convincing statement! I'm sure dirty cops everywhere in Baltimore are super sorry now. You showed them, rioters!
In most cases, rioting is not some kind of effective tool for change. It just causes lots of indiscriminate destruction, before the authorities ultimately show up and stomp everyone into submission. Outbreaks of mass violence may not be totally avoidable when people are forced to live in intolerable conditions, but no one should be under any illusions about the likelihood of this ultimately benefiting anyone. It won't.
"In most cases, rioting is not some kind of effective tool for change."
Maybe not for the rioters, but it is pretty effective for the Leftists who encourage it as a tool for achieving Fundamental Change.
They are pretty damn rough on their tools however.
"Maybe not for the rioters, but it is pretty effective for the Leftists who encourage it as a tool for achieving Fundamental Change."
Nope, it isn't that either.
Rioting is a gift to authoritarian right-wingers, who want to suspend all civil liberties in this country.
And, of course, arms manufacturers. Every time a riot happens, it's time to buy stock in companies that make stun grenades, body armor, and tanks.
I think we can all agree that right wingnuts are pretty dumb. Don't expect them to understand that investing in the education of an undeserved population can foster long term benefits.
Pilot, have a crab cake from Phillip's for me. :)
Undeserved is right, Field.
"Rioting is a gift to authoritarian right-wingers, who want to suspend all civil liberties in this country."
Right...because "right-wingers" control the White House and the DOJ that is encouraging these riots, and "right-wingers" control the media that turns black criminals into martyrs and promotes the false narratives like "hands up, don't shoot!" that drive the masses into the streets.
How fucking stupid can you be? I guess you've already answered that question.
Senator: Obama's attack on Warren was sexist
Can't dumbocrats even civilly discuss issues amongst themselves without name calling?
A lot of the commenters on this site are just fucking retarded. Get a life losers.
That soldiers gun is almost pointing at the child! I can't even believe any one would let their child come that close to a weapon!
Call me cynical,or call me cold, but I don't see the cute in any way shape or form.
field negro said...
I think we can all agree that right wingnuts are pretty dumb. Don't expect them to understand that investing in the education of an undeserved population can foster long term benefits.
Which is why we've been doing just that.
Glad you finally picked up on that field...
If we could just cut out the democrat corruption and examine how monies are being spent-that would even be more beneficial..
OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
That soldiers gun is almost pointing at the child! I can't even believe any one would let their child come that close to a weapon!
Call me cynical,or call me cold, but I don't see the cute in any way shape or form.
Hola mi isla princesa ha sido un rato....
Ese soldado tiene su arma apuntando a la tierra y la seguridad está activada. Y lo más probable es que la foto fue puesta en escena ...
lilacpr2000 said...
That soldiers gun is almost pointing at the child! I can't even believe any one would let their child come that close to a weapon!
Yes Lilac, this picture is just another example of how black people aren't very good parents.
Ha! The wife mentioned Phillips. Being a cheap pilot I'm going to Dick's Last Resort because Phillips is on that BS with their prices.
For a people that own damn near everything in a country, it must be a pain to not be able to enjoy what you've gathered by hook or by crook, without your finger forever on a trigger; guns aimed to kill. That's a hell of a way to live and must be horrific trying to pee. Good thing, so far, none of you have shot off your joint.
If that was true places like California and Pennsylvania would be red states.
In the rural areas where people are toothless this is true. The fewer teeth the higher the participation in the Republican Party. You know your politics so well sir.
Right...because "right-wingers" control the White House and the DOJ that is encouraging these riots, and "right-wingers" control the media that turns black criminals into martyrs and promotes the false narratives like "hands up, don't shoot!" that drive the masses into the streets.
False narratives don't drive people into the streets, being sick of police brutality does. How many millions did B'more spend settling brutality cases? Didn't Ferguson city employees get fired for racist e-mail? Seems you're the stooopid one sir.
Hey Karen, you said "the opportunity that the free and open West provides is offered to all races, genders and creed without discrimination."
You are suffering from an acute case of Manifest Density, that's why it appeared as gobbledygook (corrected that for you.) to you. You need help. I suggest you come back to the fields more often.
"False narratives don't drive people into the streets, being sick of police brutality does"
But police brutality is not what makes West Baltimore such an awful place to live. Nor is it 'racist' emails.
There is no epidemic of police murders, no discrimination directed by government against black people.
You just mouth the memes the media puts in your head without ever questioning them.
Leftist heuristics are designed to be invisible to dumb people. Maybe I shouldn't say dumb people -- I should say people who do not think deeply or sharply about philosophy and society.
Leftism is crafted specifically to appeal to such persons, who are not only a majority but a dominant majority in society.
Leftism is not thinking -- It is a permission to not think, granted to those who dislike thinking.
It is pret-a-penser, "ready to think," "off the rack thinking" in the French expression.
Try opening your eyes and thinking for yourself. These riots are being orchestrated for the benefit of those who are pushing the Leftist agenda; they do not advance the interests of the people doing the rioting.
Stop being a tool.
"Good thing, so far, none of you have shot off your joint."
Oh, they don't have to worry about that!
Hola Tio Renaldo:) Si, puede quensea cierto que esa escena ese 'staged'. Aun asi no es bueno que un nino este tan cerca de un soldado armado! Yo jamas lo permitiria! Es locura!
Got to Phillips during happy hour so loaded up on appetizers and Natty Bo. Got a pretty good guitar player/singer. He's jamming, even played some Marley. I'm gonna steal some of his ideas for miself.
Feral negroes beat 61 year old white man nearly to death, media yawns:
Leftism is not thinking -- It is a permission to not think, granted to those who dislike thinking.
Really? Are you fucking kidding me? The right is the most non thinking bunch of idiots every created. You fools can't care about the environment because Al Gore lives in a big house and flies on airplanes. You form your opinions by listening to college dropouts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and elect idiots who think the earth was created in 6 days and Jesus is sending earthquakes because abortion and gay marriage is legal. There is no stoooooooooooopid like the stooooopid on the right.
Feral negroes beat 61 year old white man nearly to death, media yawns:
Does the media also yawn when white people are beaten by fellow whites? If so then STFU!
"You fools can't care about the environment because Al Gore lives in a big house and flies on airplanes."
Wrong. One can care about the environment and still call a hoax a hoax, especially when those who are profiting so much from it have the world's largest carbon footprints themselves. It's all just a power grab:
Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s top business adviser on Friday claimed climate change was a ruse encouraged by the United Nations to create a new authoritarian world order under its control.
Maurice Newman, chairman of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council, said the real agenda was “concentrated political authority. Global warming is the hook.”
In a column for The Australian newspaper to coincide with a visit by U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres, he added that the world had been “subjected to extravagance from climate catastrophists for close to 50 years.”
“Figueres is on record saying democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model,” he wrote.
“This is not about facts or logic. It’s about a new world order under the control of the U.N. It is opposed to capitalism and freedom and has made environmental catastrophism a household topic to achieve its objective.”
“[E]co-catastrophists and are extremely well-funded. They have a hugely powerful ally in the White House.”
Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s top business adviser on Friday claimed climate change was a ruse encouraged by the United Nations to create a new authoritarian world order under its control.
The stooooopid continues on the right. All of the 90+% of climate scientists confirm the planet is warming but fucking morons brainwashed by the oil and gas industry post stooooooooopid shit like the post above. You have hereby lost your right to criticize anyone on the left.
I guess Jade Helm 15 is going to enslave Texans in abandoned Walmarts huh? Fucking stoooopid paranoid idiots. No wonder W and Palin travel in your crowd. New world order huh? Hope you're wearing your tin foil hat you retard.
call a hoax a hoax
Only the tin foil hat crowd believes this shit.
Time to fumigate Field!
FP, IF Jesus was NOT White, then who is was crucified?
Or more importantly, did a crucifixion of the 'real' Jesus happen? Or was that a lie too.
Don't know if you been keeping up with the 'slide' in membership of Christians in America. Looks like we are headed in the same direction as Europe.
The interesting thing is membership among POC's are increasing, not only in America but in Africa too....go figure.
"All of the 90+% of climate scientists confirm the planet is warming"
Correction: Some of the hucksters pushing the Global Warming myth claim the planet is warming, but this is refuted by the actual data for the past 18 years:
• The Mean Global Temperature has been stable since 1997.
• 57% of the cumulative anthropic emissions since the beginning of the Industrial revolution have been emitted since 1997.
• The amount of CO2 of the air from anthropic emissions is today no more than 6% of the total CO2 in the air.
• The lifetime of CO2 molecules in the atmosphere is about 5 years instead of the 100 years said by IPCC.
• In some geological periods the CO2 content of the air has been up to 20 times today’s content, and there has been no runaway temperature increase!
• The maximum surface of the Antarctic ice-pack has been increasing every year since we have satellite observations.
• The trace gases absorb the radiation of the surface and radiate at the temperature of the air which is, at some height, most of the time slightly lower that of the surface. The trace-gases cannot “heat the surface“, according to the second principle of thermodynamics which prohibits heat transfer from a cooler body to a warmer body.
• The temperatures have always driven the CO2 content of the air, never the reverse. Nowadays the net increment of the CO2 content of the air follows very closely the inter-tropical temperature anomaly.
• The forecasts of the “climate models” are diverging more and more from the observations.
• As said by IPCC in its TAR (2001) “we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
• Last but not least the IPCC is neither a scientific organization nor an independent organization: the summary for policy makers, the only part of the report read by international organizations, politicians and media is written under the very close supervision of the representative of the countries and of the non-governmental pressure groups. The governing body of the IPCC is made of a minority of scientists almost all of them promoters of the environmentalist ideology, and a majority of state representatives and of non-governmental green organizations.
All of the 90+% of climate scientists confirm the planet is warming but fucking morons brainwashed by the oil and gas industry post stooooooooopid shit like the post above. You have hereby lost your right to criticize anyone on the left.
Well, you are wrong - the "peer reviewed research" invented by the far left eco nut cases has been thoroughly discredited and found to be fraudulent, but I digress.
Those same "climate scientists" also agree that "global warming" is created by humans, and an excess human population out of balance with the Earth is the real problem.
Yet, these same lefties will demand the right for the most ill-equipped to continue to breed like feral savages, consuming resources with blithe abandon, and accelerating the "global warming" problem.
You can't have it both ways, but Progs always think they can.
And yes, the population explosion is a problem, and it's going to have a very unpleasant end for those on the lowest rungs of the ladder.
All over the globe these pictures are just propaganda snippets that still evoke the wrong messages. One-two weeks ago, that young white kid in the uniform was ready to use that weapon on her (the girl) brother, father and mother- or anybody that looks like them.
I know from experience that us Americans like to give candy bars, soap and other trinkets to the children after we destroyed their village, cities and lives.
What would been nice and truthful was if a Black soldier was playing with a little girl. The Americans pull these picture out after every war/occupation.
I guess a new generation needs to be brainwashed.
field negro said...
I think we can all agree that right wingnuts are pretty dumb. Don't expect them to understand that investing in the education of an undeserved population can foster long term benefits.
Pilot, have a crab cake from Phillip's for me. :)
12:25 PM
Africans in America have been the most over-served population in history.
The agitators and shakedown artists of Baltimore do not have widespread support in the larger community beyond the grievance industry.
The main question I keep hearing about Baltimore and their incessant demands for "more, more, more" is the blunt question:
What the hell was the point of the 22 TRILLION dollars already wasted on the permanent black underclass?
Kansas City Grievance Mongers got a federal judge to extort ungodly sums of money to give the local school board unlimited resources to fulfill every single wish in the BGI playbook. ABSOLUTELY no improvement in the "black-white achievement gap" although the black bullshit artists got every single demand met, and then some.
Washington DC spends the most per pupil than ANY OTHER school district, yet the non-performance of the black student population continues....
Two sociologist in Memphis tracked the Section 8 voucher holders dispersed into suburban communities after the demolition of a major public housing project ... rather than taking advantage of their new surroundings and changing their feral behavior to act like humans, all it did was spread the crime and savagery to formerly safe and stable communities.
The answer is not more money or more resources wasted on a population that is incapable of change.
The question is, what is the solution beyond mandatory control and quarantine?
Blacks and their shakedown leadership make get a few billion more thrown at them until the Head Grifter and the Mooch exit the White House, but after that, there's going to be real pain in the black underclass. Pain that they can't even conceive of yet, they are so used to "demanding" free food, housing, childcare, meals, phones, utilities they can't imagine a world when the Free Shit Army ends.
And it will. Sooner than most realize.
The question is, what is the solution beyond mandatory control and quarantine?
Well, India seems to have decided that quarantine of their most desperate poor is the future. The US already has a similar system in place, but I suspect it will begin to escalate as tensions over resources increase:
"India's Smart Cities Project is Social Apartheid".
"The US already has a similar system in place, but I suspect it will begin to escalate as tensions over resources increase:"
Good White Liberal Translation Dictionary
“dangerous” = black
“bad” = black
“sketchy” = black
“marginal” = black
“touch and go” = black
“rough” = black
“crime prone” = black
“inconvenient” = no cabs = black
“gun free zone” = black, as translated from the MSM-ese
“no-go” = 100% black
“ghetto” = archaic, so black has become unacceptable as a euphemism
“teen gangs” = the blackest of black
“seedy” = black + street walkers
“scary” = witnessed a black committing a crime there
“tricky” = black, with some mestizos
“crazy” = more trannies than blacks
“edgy” = African immigrant blacks with jobs + overpaid gay web designers
“borderline” = black, but saw some white faces and exhaled with relief
“decent” = less black
“up and coming” = even less black
“expensive” = non-black
“yuppie” = been non-black so long forgot how bad black was
“boring” = asian
Half the country is moving around to avoid the joys of integration being forced upon it by the self-righteous other half who themselves avoid it. People end up being like gypsies, always ready with some bags packed. Life in the US gets trickier by the day.
I used to live in a DC neighborhood that is now rapidly gentrifying and got in a couple years before things took off. Race was a huge issue – for the newcomers (nearly all white) it was the clash between wanting to be perceived as “good” white people to their neighbors but having to tolerate an alien culture where trash is just dropped on the ground, people sit on porches or stand on the street and have a yelled conversation back and forth at all hours of the day/night, frequent public urination, and periodic violence like when a neighbor’s loser son would let us all know he was back out of jail by administering a beat down to his girlfriend right on the sidewalk in plain sight.
For the blacks that lived there, there was a portion that accepted (or was resigned to) the fact that the neighborhood’s demographics were being upended and made an effort to be neighborly and there were others who seethed with resentment. One of the most entertaining events while I lived there was when a corner liquor store had been shut down and was attempting to re-open and there was a neighborhood meeting about it. All the white liberals stood up to argue that it attracted trash, loitering, urination, etc (and everyone know the only people who patronized it were black) and it should remain closed, and all the blacks that showed up accused the whites of being racists who were systematically trying to remove every business that the locals valued. I spoke with several of my neighbors afterwards and all these good progressives were shocked, shocked to have been forcefully denounced as racist by the people whose neighborhood they were trying to improve. The place is now a wine shop, FYI.
Corrections officers charged with looting convenience store during unrest
Government employees looting.
You sound like the victim of a bad transvaginalmesh. You may want to contact a good lawyer.
Swifty the Bookkeeper
Field is a virtual transvaginal mesh.
Anon @ 11:46
The Regime and their determination to forceably "integrate" every neighborhood in the US through Section 8 vouchers and mandatory mixed and low income housing will not end well.
The folks in Baltimore fail to really appreciate how they are just fueling the sentiment that is going to lead to misery beyond what they can imagine.
We live in the post-Negro period, when people have moved past "Negro Fatigue" and into full blown pushback and resentment.
It would seem that you are the one so deeply indoctrinated you can't see anything else but what you've been programmed to see.
Many black activists speak about reaching out the marginalized whites to make common cause; however, they never act upon it, because that would mean acknowledging the pain of others and that not only blacks have a history of abuse, oppression and pain at the hands of other. You are your own worst enemies in that respect.
Instead of parroting nonsense, why don't you consider that the black experience wasn't unique to POC
Almost none of the black readers will read this let alone have some intelligent and non-abusive commentary because that would take real courage.
I've lost count, is this the 100,000th time a white racist has posted a link to the history of the white slave trade? Or the 1 millionth?
Isn't it called Stockholm Syndrome... you know, when the oppressed develop an affection for their oppressor? Are you white? Are you a woman? I know if nothing else many white woman have suffered under the heel of ,shall we say, second class citizenship. It's ok.
"why don't you consider that the black experience wasn't unique to POC"
I think I already said that remember somewhere around opium, crack and oh yeah your addiction racism.
I am so glad you came back. I see you are not closed minded you are willing to get help and fortunately for you we are here to open your eyes.
And oh yeah , grazing is not a good look for you as all your wears/wares are showing.
Now gone git!
By the way,what does this mean?
"Birth control is cheap, but working on a stable, monogamous relationship isn't easy or immediately satisfying"
I'm so sorry for you.
The Purple Cow said...
I've lost count
Socialist often have problems counting.
"We live in the post-Negro period, when people have moved past "Negro Fatigue" and into full blown pushback and resentment."
1:34 AM
You mean you once favored Negroes? GTFOH..You have never considered the plight of Blacks, and this goes all the way back to slavery and slave trading.
And now you have got "Negro fatigue?" GTFOH. What you mean is you don't, won't and lack the capacity to do the 'right thing'.
So you claim you have moved on past "Negro fatigue?" You never were 'there' in the first place.
What Blacks and Whites in America need to do is roll up their sleeves and work toward ending racism and inequality so that America can realize its ideal.
No one can move past the "fatigue" of racism or any other problem. You can only "keep" sweeping it under the rug. And each time you do that, it get funkier and funkier. Hell, it stinks so bad in America that even the Angels in heaven are holding their noses.
The Purple Cow said...
I've lost count, is this the 100,000th time a white racist has posted a link to the history of the white slave trade? Or the 1 millionth?
The Purple Cow illustrates once again that the word "racist" has lost all of its original meaning.
In the context of this site, "racist" seems to mean "superior person who I resent".
Not having to think = Black Privilege
Dear Mr Field, the month of May is Melanoma Awareness Month. Please do a post regarding the dangers of tanning beds and not using sun screens by your white posters.
It's not worth it to try to look healthy.
Your comment was profound SAP.
A Black Panther Forever said...
All over the globe these pictures are just propaganda snippets that still evoke the wrong messages. One-two weeks ago, that young white kid in the uniform was ready to use that weapon on her (the girl) brother, father and mother- or anybody that looks like them.
Really? When is the last time a national guardsman used a weapon on a person that looked like them? Has this ever happened within your lifetime?
All the people who the feds have shot in my lifetime have been white.
What Blacks and Whites in America need to do is roll up their sleeves and work toward ending racism and inequality so that America can realize its ideal.
No ... the permanent underclass needs to stop making choices that allow them to continue to live in the cesspool of their own making.
A thumb has been put on the scale in favor of blacks for the past 40 years, it is long past the time for it to end.
Make blacks compete on their merits, not demanding priviliges and gibsmedats earned solely by milking white guilt.
Even the Supreme Court acknowledges this has gone on for far too long.
The gravy train is coming to an end.
Your comments just seethe with anger and resentment. The attitude that oozes from your keystrokes is exactly the same attitude that created the conditions for a group of seething, angry feral blacks to beat a man to death for trying to break up a fight between two (black) teenage girls.
Richard Fletcher is yet another victim that you won't find discussed on BGI blogs like this one.
And you wonder why blacks are at the bottom of the social rung in every single culture in every single corner of the world.
Nothing is going to change for you, until YOU change.
And now you have got "Negro fatigue?" GTFOH. What you mean is you don't, won't and lack the capacity to do the 'right thing'.
No, apparently it is blacks who "lack the capacity to do the "right thing" - witness the two Baltimore correctional officers arrested for looting a 7-11. Same-o, same-o. It appears you're incapable of the self-restraint that is necessary to function in a civilized society.
"So you claim you have moved on past "Negro fatigue?" You never were 'there' in the first place."
Actually, tens of thousands of idealistic whites voted for Obama as show of support and sympathy to blacks and as an expression of hope.
Well, THAT has sure evaporated. Poof! Gone! Some of those starry-eyed millenial idealists are the ones most vocal about ending the welfare gravy train that blacks agitate to have increased and without any limits.
Yes, when even the indoctrinated young have Negro fatigue, the jig is up. Literally.
What Blacks and Whites in America need to do is roll up their sleeves and work toward ending racism and inequality so that America can realize its ideal.
Uh, no. Blacks need to stop behaving like feral savages and BGI enablers need to stop making excuses for their inexcusable behavior.
A good start is to stop funding the ghetto breeding program that the "Great Society" created.
Blacks are worthless. Why do well-behaved, intelligent whites always have to be the villains because of your dumbfuckery?
You appear to be the victim of a defective Bladder Sling. If so, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact a good attorney at once to find out more about your rights.
Swifty the Bookkeeper
If you or a loved one have died because of using a transvaginalmesh or was diagnosed with Enlarged Vagothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation.
Call 888-PU55YLAW now to claim your money.
Let us fight for you!
Yisheng used a window screen and some duct tape, and man, but her pussy is messed up. Is she entitled to any compensation?
Law enforcement against blacks is inherently racist. Gentrification proceeded under an unprincipled exception. Eric Holder is rolling back that unprincipled exception. Not only does every good progressive know that being black is no indicator of propensity to commit crimes, he also knows that a past history of criminal conduct is no indicator of propensity to commit crimes in future.
Thus Krystalnacht in the small parts of Baltimore where whites are permitted, areas which were suddenly revealed as a precarious ghetto subject to the terrifying whims of a non white male majority.
After all, if the radical program succeeds, and ethnically cleansing white males becomes the next big holy cause, the way ladyboys were yesterday’s holy cause, each member of the establishment wants to be last to be fed to the crocodiles, and to this end will industriously feed his fellow establishment members to the crocodiles.
If Baltimore is being ethnically cleansed of whites because two thirds black, then this has no great implications for the rest of America. There is a lot of ruin in a nation. We let leftists destroy Detroit out of hatred for whites, we can let them destroy a hundred Detroits.
If on other hand Baltimore is being ethnically cleansed because the New York Times and Eric Holder are rolling back the unprincipled exception that white laws are enforced on black people, then every white male in America is in the same boat as white males in Baltimore.
The obscure town of Ferguson, Missouri remains in the spotlight of national concern because in Ferguson the cops tend to be white and the criminals black. Something must be done about this! Of course, this pattern is observable everywhere in the United States. Ferguson is an extremely average town. Liberal cities like Santa Monica, CA tend to have racial disparities in arrest rates that are much worse. Indeed, the more liberal the city, the more that arrests consist of whites punishing blacks.
Because blacks are naturally and inevitably violent and subhuman, law enforcement is naturally and inevitably racist. Did I hear someone say “Not all blacks are like that”? But when you take statistics over all arrests, all unpleasant encounters between police and citizens, as Eric Holder has been doing, you get the mean, the median, and the mode, and the mean, the median, and the mode is that law enforcement consists of blacks being vicious subhuman thugs and whites stopping them, which is racist. So Eric Holder issues an injunction to stop this racism, which is to say, to stop police from protecting whites against black violence.
If all men are created equal, it is morally wrong for police to protect whites from black violence. And Eric Holder has proven this, in a court of law, over and over again.
If the Obama Administration and the press were out to do to every municipality in America what they’ve talked of doing to Ferguson, the country would soon become a lawless Mad Max post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Conservatives tend to suppose that progressives are basically sane, so will refrain from making the US into a lawless Mad Max post-apocalyptic wasteland.
I don’t think progressives actually think things through, I don’t think they ask themselves “would it be good if we progressives, acting as a whole, did X”. Rather each progressive does that which maximizes his status relative to other progressives, makes him holier than the next progressive, and if the net effect of all these holy actions by all these holy progressives is utterly disastrous, they rewrite history and reality that the net effect is just wonderful.
Eric Holder is just proving himself more holy by burning down Ferguson and Baltimore, and if that works, over time, lots of people will prove themselves more holy by burning down lots more.
Something similar to this happened in the period 1953 to 1969 leading to the 1967 race riots which ultimately resulted in the ethnic cleansing of whites out of Detroit and many other places, and it was rolled back, leading to the era of gentrification.
People take it for granted that “the inner city” is occupied by hostile subhuman savages. But in most of the world the inner city is where the civilized and elite upper crust live and play, since it is naturally desirable to be close to the center of things, and the subhuman savages are excluded to the exurbs, the favelas, where land is naturally cheap. And, until the Warren Court, that was the way it was in America. The Inner City went black due to the courts privileging black violence against whites. If do an ngrams search on inner city and you go through google books by date, you don’t see references to the inner cities being a scary dangerous place, poor and black, until you see references to civil rights and such, until the Warren Court period. The inner cities are the way they are because, during the Warren court period, whites, rendered second class citizens, denied the right of collective self defense, were ethnically cleansed out of the most desirable real estate, with the result that it became the least desirable real estate.
In the fifties and sixties, the courts systematically abused judicial discretion and due process protections to excuse criminals generally and black attacks on whites in particular. Due process protections were systematically abused to obtain the substantive result that it was difficult to punish crime, and near impossible to punish black crime against white people.
To counter this, the politicians struck back against the judges with mandatory sentencing and terrifyingly broad prosecutorial powers, prosecutorial discretion being abused to counter abusive judicial discretion, and punitive prosecutorial process being abused to counter judicial abuse of due process to obtain substantive results.
Gentrification ensued – or rather regentrification, as parts of the inner city resumed the civilized character that they had had before Civil Rights and the Warren Court.
But since then, with unlimited nonwhite underclass immigration, with huge numbers of foreigners entering the country to live on crime and welfare, which is to say, to live on white males, the white vote has become effectively irrelevant. Most white males vote outside the Overton window, in that they will reliably vote for whichever major politician is closest to the right edge of the Overton window. Single women tend to live on welfare and affirmative action jobs, so vote with non whites.
The great majority of white males already vote for the rightmost candidate permitted. What are we going to do? Vote twice? Backlash is just not going to have any noticeable electoral impact. There is no substantial electoral downside to hating white males twice as much as the other guy and thus being twice as holy. As a tidal wave of non white underclass immigration floods the country to live on crime and welfare, the white male vote becomes increasingly irrelevant. Everyone is asking themselves what they can do to win these new voters. No one wonders what will influence white males.
Thus the kind of political backlash that occurred against the courts allowing criminals to go free, that led to mandatory sentencing and alarmingly broad prosecutorial powers, is now politically irrelevant. It will not change electoral outcomes. It does not matter how white males vote, because most of them already vote their interests, and if even more of them vote their interests, that adds up to not many votes up for grabs.
These days, alarmingly broad prosecutorial powers are apt to be used against any person who attempts to defend himself against black violence.
With white males effectively already a minority, quite likely there will not be reaction that causes them to try something less ambitious – quite likely this will slowly escalate into the coming purge of whites as a market dominant minority.
It is early days yet, but that is the way the wind blows.
Whites are well on the way to becoming a market dominant minority. Market dominant minorities tend to get ethnically cleansed or genocided, sooner or later. Further, the necessary mythos for genocide and ethnic cleansing is already in place. We whites, merely by existing, cast baleful magic spells that cause all other groups to underperform. It is like original sin. We can only atone by vanishing. Pretty much everyone believes this, including most whites. Whites possess the evil magic mind control powers previously attributed to Jews.
Progressives collect mountains of evidence that group x is doing poorly compared to white males, for numerous values of x, and there really are only two possible explanations. Evil white males are casting evil spells harming members of group x, or group x really is inferior and needs to be ruled by their betters.
And, of course, no decent person would suggest that group x really is inferior and needs to be ruled by their betters.
Libertarians and Conservative Christians attempt to mark out a position somewhere in the middle, avoiding these two extremes, but a position in the middle turns out to be mighty slippery, seems that rather than avoiding both extremes, they embrace both extremes, depending on whether they are being criticized from the left or the right. Whenever they explicitly deny one position, they implicitly affirm the other.
But I really was not expecting the market dominant minority treatment until whites really were a minority. Cleansing Baltimore the way Detroit was cleansed seems premature. Efforts to cleanse New York, Baltimore style, have been forcefully checked by good old fashioned politically incorrect policing. But if ethnic cleansing is the next big cause, the way ladyboys were the last big cause, the New York check is only temporary,
From the point of view of the Cathedral as a whole, it does not make sense to make a start on ethnic cleansing and genocide so soon, but from the point of view of any one member, any one faction, any one conspiracy within the Cathedral, if ethnic cleansing and eventually genocide is inevitable sooner or later, it is in the interest of any one element of the Cathedral to try for sooner, to gain a status advantage by jumping the gun on the next big thing.
The Cathedral is more like a cancer than a conspiracy. It is not necessarily capable of following its own best interests.
Libertarians, conservative Christians, and such, don’t want to accept the position that white males cast evil spells that impair the performance of other groups, which position has the disturbing implication that white males need to be eliminated, but neither do they want to accept the positions that whites should rule over inferior races and men should rule over women, and so they attempt to take a variety of intermediate positions, but these intermediate positions consist of crimestop, doublethink, and unprincipled exceptions, and so are inherently vulnerable to the superior holiness of the position that white males cast evil spells, and since it seems that no amount of punishment or castigation can stop white males from casting these evil spells, white males have to be eliminated.
Thus, for example, a libertarian may piously say that there is no such thing as race, that that is collectivist thinking.
This pious tactic works just fine in Turkey, in most of Latin America, and in Egypt, where anyone who notices that the ruling class is white, and the underclass brown, is apt fall down several flights of stairs in a one story police station. In consequence, everyone piously agrees that all Turks are one race, all nationals of the Latin American country in question are all one race. Similarly, there are a lot of black countries where the ruling elite varies from milk chocolate to “Huh? That guy is white!” and somehow strangely no one seems to notice.
But in America, such piety does not go far, because a progressive points out that black schools are invariably very bad schools, and proposes that whites fix this problem (presupposing that whites caused this problem). Saying that there is no such thing as black school because there is no such thing as a black is unlikely to be persuasive, because it is perfectly obvious that the progressive is correct in that there are such things as black schools, and that black schools vary from bad to worse.
So the libertarian, inconsistently, temporarily dumps his position that there is no such thing as race, and snarkily asks “Why is that when blacks are bussed to good schools, those schools then immediately become bad schools”
But the libertarian dare not answer his own question, for the true answer is crimethink, whereas the progressive can easily answer the question: White males are so evil and hateful that they cast evil spells upon the school when blacks are bussed there.
So the progressive asks the libertarian what is to be done about black schools. And the libertarian cannot answer, for were he to answer, the true answer is that the black schools must be subject to white authority, black students forced by harsh discipline, including the frequent application of corporal punishment, to behave like white students, (in other words, whites must rule over blacks), and that mothers who deprive children of their biological fathers need to be shamed and punished as trash, sluts, and whores, (in other words, males must rule over females).
And so the libertarian has no answer that he dare speak, or even dare think, but the progressive does have an answer: Somehow make sure that white males are just somehow not around any more.
Any program for races and sexes living together as equals will always run into the problem that they are not in fact equal, and political activists will then always make hay out of this inequality.
And the end result of activists making hay is that one race must be eradicated, or one race must rule the other.
Any solution short of whites ruling over blacks and men ruling over women is always necessarily vulnerable to the superior holiness of those who wish to prevent evil white males from casting evil spells.
Any measure to prevent evil white males from casting evil spells will always fail, requiring ever more drastic action to deal with the evil committed by white males and the very great harm that they magically inflict.
Bring on the Thunderdome, you CUT AND PASTE TOO D*MN MUCH!!!!!
Sorry, got carried away.
The racists are out in force. Blah shaming must be the new sport.
Holy Jesus anon at 10:04pm, such good info about global climatology. Please please please link us to the site from which you got this information or are you a climatologist and know this off the top of your head. Bwwwwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa.
Dumb ass doesn;t even know to credit the source of information. Jesus conservative trolls are fucking stoooopid.
Hey, isn't Karen the boar from Canada who decided to become a racist when Barack was elected? I think that's her dumb ass.
damn auto correct. Isn't Karen the broad from canada is what it should have said.
No, boar IS correct, and yeah it's the same bitch.
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