"Black people have an awful lot to say about Ben Carson, even if President Ben Carson is pure fantasy. No reason to think otherwise: The legendary neurosurgeon’s bizarre quest for No. 1 gives us little confidence he’s pulling this one off. His Monday announcement in Detroit (you have got to watch it), including an offbeat circus collection of gospel Eminem and a bizarre drill show of aging, pot-bellied soldiers onstage, cements that view.
Does it really matter what African Americans think about Ben Carson? No, not really, so this Washington Post piece on the subject was probably an exercise in futility. Black people aren’t voting for Republicans anyway, much less participating in GOP presidential primaries.
Now, it goes without saying that black people made Dr. Ben. The wild success of Carson’s first book, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, the foundation for two decades of public life and a TNT movie, was pushed by black America’s once quasi-fanatic embrace of the Detroit native’s struggle-to-the-top story. You could find Gifted Hands in many a random black church and Sunday school as something of a second Bible.
But that was before folks got to know political Dr. Ben and that ill-fated 2013 National Prayer Breakfast babble where he blasted President Barack Obama’s health care law—with the president sitting right there watching. At that point, Carson went from favored black son of Motown to alien friend of Rush Limbaugh. With his edgy, oddball rants on race, constantly spiced with an incessant focus on the “black laziness” archetype, Carson only cares about what white conservatives think.
And why shouldn’t he? Carson’s blimp-sized brand appeal snags him 29 percent favorability ratings among black voters, according to last week’s YouGov poll (pdf)—just 1 percentage point of black support ahead of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). (Yes—apparently 28 percent of black voters see something in Ted Cruz.)
He doesn’t care because total black-voter participation during the 2012 Super Tuesday Republican primary was just over 2 percent. Two Southern states with massive black populations, South Carolina and Mississippi, each registered a 2 percent black primary turnout. Republican pollsters tabulating primary exit polls don’t even bother factoring in black voters, frequently classifying them as “n/a.”
Black America’s acute distaste for the Republican brand and its candidates is well-known and documented. There’s probably nothing wrong with that, considering the GOP establishment’s open hostility to black-favored policy outcomes.
Still, how you feel about a political party has little to do with whether or not it works for you. Like corporations mulling over markets, political parties operate as complex business operations with limited cyclical resources. While it’s incumbent upon all political parties like the GOP to pimp themselves in any election as a better ballot alternative, it’s also crucial for politically active populations to strategically position their interests." [More]
This is all very interesting. But it's something I have heard from quite a few black folks: As black people we need to consider voting for the republican candidates and register as republicans so that both parties will have to compete for our votes.
This of course is easier said than done.
I recently met a sharp republican brother running for council at large here in Philly.
He seemed to have his act together and we agreed on quite a few things about how to move our city forward and address the needs of the black community.
The thing is, though, that his party wasn't really supporting him. He was frustrated that he was not getting the support that he needs and was out on an island trying to spread their message.
"They (the party) would rather put their weight behind some white guy who is given them the same old same old. They just won't get behind someone like me."
That's really a shame, because if the republican party is serious about reaching out to minorities and improving the perception of their party, they will start supporting and putting their weight behind candidates like James Williams.
Building grass roots candidates from local communities is how they would start making inroads into our community. Not getting on some cable talk show and telling us how sincere they are about reaching out to people of color.
I am sorry, but candidates like Ben Carson, Allen West, and Herman Cain, are just not going to get it done.
Until the republicans in Washington realize this fact, we will always just be "n/a" in their book.
This is all very interesting. But it's something I have heard from quite a few black folks: As black people we need to consider voting for the republican candidates and register as republicans so that both parties will have to compete for our votes.
This of course is easier said than done.
I recently met a sharp republican brother running for council at large here in Philly.
He seemed to have his act together and we agreed on quite a few things about how to move our city forward and address the needs of the black community.
The thing is, though, that his party wasn't really supporting him. He was frustrated that he was not getting the support that he needs and was out on an island trying to spread their message.
"They (the party) would rather put their weight behind some white guy who is given them the same old same old. They just won't get behind someone like me."
That's really a shame, because if the republican party is serious about reaching out to minorities and improving the perception of their party, they will start supporting and putting their weight behind candidates like James Williams.
Building grass roots candidates from local communities is how they would start making inroads into our community. Not getting on some cable talk show and telling us how sincere they are about reaching out to people of color.
I am sorry, but candidates like Ben Carson, Allen West, and Herman Cain, are just not going to get it done.
Until the republicans in Washington realize this fact, we will always just be "n/a" in their book.
They're just not going to get what done?
What is it that you want to get done?
And if Democrats can't get it done on even the most micro scale now, after multiple decades at the helm, isn't it worth a shot to at least let a Carson try his way?
Field, I don't know you personally, but I suspect that, in your life, you focused on education, studied hard, and worked hard to get where you are.
However, when you get into your Education Series, I have yet to see a post where you've preached that same type of ethic. It's typically just pointing out how X is racist and how Y is affected, but never any real practical advice on how an individual can overcome. Not saying you've never addressed that; just that I've never seen it. I've only been around for about a year or so, so...
Okay, so rail against what you and your ilk believe to be systemic racism. Call out the policies and politicians you feel are hurting your community. But are the two propositions truly mutually exclusive? Can you not continue to do that while also supporting someone like Ben Carson?
More importantly, has Ben Carson's way ever been tried before?
Before the welfare state, even with exponentially more racists and legitimate policies expressly working against blacks, the black family and black poverty levels were in much better shape than after Democrats and the welfare state took control.
I say a guy like Carson should be given a go at it. He's not a career politician. He's an exceedingly intelligent, self-made individual. He's also not afraid to say what he thinks, even if it's politically damaging. Which, of course, has led him to say some very stupid things, but I personally find that refreshing, at least compared to politicians whose choice of socks is nothing but a political move based on which color polls higher.
I don't know if Carson would be good or bad for America overall. But he can't be worse than what we have now, and his overall message to the American community at large might go over better than other politicians' whose message is basically, "America is unfair because of rich people; America owes you a fair life."
Carson seems, to me, the type to say, "You owe yourself."
Blacks will never leave the democrat plantation. Blacks know the racial grievance industry will employ slave catchers like field negro to attack, slander, use racial epithets and bully them.
Blacks would much rather vote for a political party that has turned their cities into urban war zones, created double digit poverty and unemployment.
It's much safer this way.....
Whitey's Oppression is right, the Republicans will turn our cities into majestic gardens of ttanquility, freedom and prosperity lead by the great Dr. Ben. If only you negroes realized he and the Republicans are your only hope.
Carson/Cain 16
Palin/Bachmann 24
And after the years of the brilliant Dr. Ben President Palin can continue the urban economic prosperity by drilling on every street corner and frack in every park! Drill baby drill! You negroes stuck on that damned democrat plantation have no clue what prosperity awaits you when you vote Republican. Your cities can look just like trailer parks in Mississippi and West Virginia and who doesn't want that?
Carson/Cain 16
Palin/Bachmann 24
Gohmert/Love 32
Unfortunately Ben Carson is half idiot. The brilliant part of Ben Carson is the part that convinced white men that Black people would vote for him because they bought his book. The brilliant part of Ben Carson performed masterfully in the operating room. The idiot part of Ben Carson allows his ego to run roughshod over his common sense. Any Black man who bears witness to the daily indignities put on Barack Obama by white men and then thinks that these same white men will support and vote for ANOTHER Black president- is insane. The insult is in watching Uncle Ben perform for his employers, saying whatever craziness enters his mind or is presented to him by "strategists". He's allowed them to strip him of his dignity and intellect and present him as their new Black buffoon for 2016. "Looka here folks, the last one we gave you was a singing, cowboy hat wearing pizza pimp with no knowledge of government! Now we got a Brain Surgeon from the hood who doesn't know what the Constitution is! Stand up Ben, turn around for the people and smile pretty! Look at them teeth Ladies and Gentlemen!"
As far as your new Republican friend is concerned- good luck. His party has no use for reasoned thinking and they will never have the vote of people who think and read- Black or white. He should take some time off and come back in four years after the Clintons have run thru DC proper.
Pilotx be sayin'
" You negroes stuck on that damned democrat plantation have no clue what prosperity awaits you when you vote Republican."
Tru dat....
Of course negroes are still waiting on Obama to pay they rent and hand out Obama cash......
Great Post FN...Truth is the Black Electorate is waiting for viable political options and alternatives ...
"Truth is the Black Electorate is waiting for viable political options and alternatives"
If only that was true.
The black electorate is waiting to swallow whatever democrats decide to find them.....
"Does it really matter what African Americans think about Ben Carson? No, not really, so this Washington Post piece on the subject was probably an exercise in futility. Black people aren’t voting for Republicans anyway, much less participating in GOP presidential primaries."
Well, there are TWO people who will vote for Carson and not notice that they have voted Republican.
Those educated brilliant people are PilotX and Yisheng.
Anonymous said...
"Unfortunately Ben Carson is half idiot. The brilliant part of Ben Carson is the part that convinced white men that Black people would vote for him because they bought his book. The brilliant part of Ben Carson performed masterfully in the operating room. The idiot part of Ben Carson allows his ego to run roughshod over his common sense."
You are right about Carson. He is part idiot. He is, however, like some doctors are: smart in their field, but stupid in others, ESP. politics.
Just because he was a great surgeon who saved lives in the operating room does not make him acceptable to the white race. NOTHING that is human and Black is. Sooner or later, he WILL find out from DIRECT experience as a Black politician that to run for President in a racist America is the mark of a brilliant intellectual idiot.
But Blacks may vote for him simply because he's Black and justify their reasoning as "we Blacks need a change". However, they won't be going in droves like they did for Obama. Carson carries the stench of a Charles Barkley: successful Black but dumb and naive with the belief that he has transcended his blackness.
The FieldNegro said...
both parties will have to compete for our votes.
The dumbocrat party competes for the Black vote?
Funny one FieldNegro.
The Dumbocrat party with a Black president still didn't work for the best interests of Black people. Unless said Black people were rich, then they did very well under Obama. You know, the rich got much richer under Obama, the poor pushed further down under Obama and dumbocrat agenda.
Black unemployment rate is still double white unemployment with the dumbocrats in charge.
I wonder why all the dumbocrats in charge of education are suspending Black kids at a much higher rate than white kids, even in nursery school.
Is dumbocrat controlled education working out for Black kids?
Since the last report in 2012, the gap between the four-year graduation rate for black males and white males widened from 19 points in the 2009-10 school year to 21 points in the 2012-13 year. For Latinos, the gap shrunk to 15 points from 20 during that same period, according to the report.
The national graduation rate for black males was 59 percent, 65 percent for Latinos, and 80 percent for white males for the 2012-13 school year, according to the report. Particularly striking was Detroit where only 20 percent of black males graduated on time in the 2011-12.
Detroit, another example of dumbocrats competing for the Black vote?
Obamacare Is Working. Unless You're Black.
Lets think about how many Black people are in jail today because of Bidens law that treated Black cocaine users different than white users.
A dumbocrat policy that resulted in Black men being sent to prison at an alarming rate. Biden sure doesn't get much heat for that, it's almost as if Black dumbocrats know better than to speak up. And why did Obama pick a Veep that is behind so many Blacks being incarcerated?
Is that competing for votes?
If you want to see how a political party competes for votes, look at all the progress the Dumbocrats have made working for gay issues.
*IF* everyone dissatisfied with the government voted for a third party, that candidate would win.
Unfortunately people have been trained to obey their party.
Ding Ding
Bill, stop trying to fool us. We know that you are a republican.
Whitney oppression seems so angry.
I wonder if he had a bad experience with Negroes earlier in his life.
A Negro girlfriend left him, maybe? :)
Poor fella.
Josh said...
Field, I don't know you personally, but I suspect that, in your life, you focused on education, studied hard, and worked hard to get where you are.
However, when you get into your Education Series, I have yet to see a post where you've preached that same type of ethic.
Why do you believe FieldNegro would want to share the secrets of his success with those that have less.
And besides, how many Blacks can afford private boarding school like FieldNegro was privileged with.
Strange that Obama and FieldNegro were both raised with privilege and Ben Carlson was raised in poverty.
And which one is called a House Negro?
field negro said...
Bill, stop trying to fool us. We know that you are a republican.
I keep asking and you keep ducking the question.
You believe a pro-choice, pro gay marriage, pro drugs is republican?
Have you been drinking with Jim Jones like so many of your fellow dumbocrats did?
Quote: Josh-the-Wacist
"Never in the history of your engaging with me has said engagement been about a "debate." Nothing that would even remotely qualify."
Ohhhhh, Josh losing touch with his short-term memory again.
Either that or he's a fucking liar.
Field, you had to go there didn't you?
I;m not angry nor bitter, i just believe blacks can and should do better.
I submit to u, Josh, that there are a lot of hard working folks who worked harder than I ever will, and who still can't catch a break because the game is rigged against them.
field negro said...
I submit to u, Josh, that there are a lot of hard working folks who worked harder than I ever will, and who still can't catch a break because the game is rigged against them.
What did you do different than those that can;t catch a break?
"Strange that Obama and FieldNegro were both raised with privilege and Ben Carlson was raised in poverty.
And which one is called a House Negro?"
The one who inserts his tongue so far up the white boys' rectum that he could probably earn a living polishing their teeth.
iAnd which one is called a House Negro?
Bill, a better and more sincere question is how man Black people growing up in poverty end up becoming Surgeons? Racism in a BIG part of the answer.
Yīshēng said...
Bill, a better and more sincere question is how man Black people growing up in poverty end up becoming Surgeons?
Not many people growing up in poverty escape poverty, let alone become a world class doctor. Racism is of course a part of that, I believe the bigger part is crappy parents.
What did Ben Carlson do differently than Michael Brown?
Wouldn't it be beneficial to learn how someone raised in poverty can become a world class doctor?
"What did you do different than those that can;t catch a break?"
I was lucky. My parents were able to help me along the way.
Unfortunately not everyone can make that claim.
Wouldn't it be beneficial to learn how someone raised in poverty can become a world class doctor.
Let's start with reparations for the free labor provided by slaves. Then let's work on reparations with interest for the 40 acres and a mule Blacks weren't able to receive. Add to that the purposeful tolerance of low performing schools, and now folks only have racism to overcome.
BTW great parents alone can't abrogate the negative effects of $hitty schools for the first 12 years of one's life.
field negro said...
"What did you do different than those that can;t catch a break?"
I was lucky. My parents were able to help me along the way.
Unfortunately not everyone can make that claim.
Lucky because of the quality of your parents?
The "game is rigged against them" because of their parents?
I agree 100%
Short of requiring government permission to breed, how do you fix it?
Bill, good parents can rarely "make up" 12 years of substandard education.
Besides that, the US was NEVER set up to have so many people be educated/successful, the foundng fathers banked on slavery being permanent thus a permanent "lower class" of people to support everyone else.
This is true even today with so many educated without jobs on level with their education.
I just wonder when the "have nots" are going to say enough with this bullshit system set up so that few people can maintain and/or strive for a decent standard of living.
So IMHO, this will NEVER be fixed, the top 1% will NEVER willingly give up economic control of the other 99%.
I've seen some things about how nutty Rafael Cruz's father is. I could never believe Cruz was as idiotic as he is. I thought he was trying to start a Jim Jones like cult. But maybe his father brainwashed him and he is really is a nut.
Carson wouldn't be the first doctor who is a right wing nut. I can think of some others. I used to get Doctor Mercola on-line newsletters until he sent out Fox News shit. Carson might believe what he says. And that doesn't preclude a subconscious desire to please the white man or make money. I had a conservative black friend and he really pissed off black people. I know he was a genius because he was a walking encyclopedia on all Chicago sports, including hockey. I suppose Carson could be like that, only a medical genius. Maybe they have asperger's syndrome.
Before they can run for anything, it seems they have to have a billion dollars donated their way. Take 43 million from that killin', give every African in America one; then no one will have to be worried about Africans ever again. We'll all be flying the hell out of here yelling: "Feet Don't Fail Me Now"!! It'll be Sayonara Palies, because we'll all be headed to NegroTown.
Speaking of Black male Doctors, 90% of the ones I've known/interact with under the age of 45, are COMPLETE jerks!
That's why I married an Engineer I LOVE smart men, but the medical types are FAR too egotistical!
And they don't cope well with a Black woman being smarter than they are, LOL!!! ;)
Anybody know ANYONE waiting for Barack to pay their rent or is WO lying? And other than voting for Dr. Ben why would anyone blah consider voting for the same party that these racists here are comfortable in? Well, it's not going to matter because according to my tea party contacts Barack is going to take over and impose martial law.
Carson/Cain 16
Palin/Bachmann 24
Gohmert/Love 32
I guess voting Republican is a good idea because of how great a job W did. I could go for 8 more years of that.
Go figure:
I can solve this! Let's lower the requirements for being a Ranger, and let the dickless ones keep trying, until they can pass!
It's worked before. The Queen is your working example.
Funny only blah people are shamed for voting Democratic even though the majority of Asians, Latinos, Indigenous, scientists, young people, people with advanced degrees, ect also vote the same. Makes you go hmmmm or is blah shaming the in thing?
Yisheng, "That's why I married an Engineer I LOVE smart men, but the medical types are FAR too egotistical!
And they don't cope well with a Black woman being smarter than they are, LOL!!! ;)"
5:40 PM
As a bm in the medical profession I agree wholeheartedly. That's why I too married an female engineer. Female doctors don't cope well with a Black man smarter than they are! LOL
Anonymous said: Female doctors don't cope well with a Black man smarter than they are! LOL!!
My husband is in Mensa, plus he earns more than many Docs do, so we're CLEAR on who "da man" is in our house, lol!!!
You never answered my query, Queen "Yisheng" nice person.
WHERE did you get this idea that Jayne Mansfield was black? Why in the world would you pick her, supposedly out of the blue, to even suggest such a thing?
You further elucidate that many other white folks of importance were actually black.
Where are you getting this information? I tried GOOGLE, but can't find it.
Your consideration would be appreciated, without insults.
How do you define Black, Lt. Commander sarcastic person?
Historically in America, "one drop" of Black blood makes you Black. If that's the case, then most "White" Americans are actually Black since thousands of the descendants of White Slave owners "passed" or lived as "White".
So by the "one drop"/wider nose rule, Jayne Mansfield was a just a very light skinned Black chick, who looks like a LOT of my relatives which is why I can so easily spot "Whites" with Black features.
BTW, what do you care if she's Black, you must be related and concerned you're Black too since you can't seemt to let this go! Carol Channing admitted in her book later in life to having a Black Grandmother, something she NEVER would have shared a the peak of her career. Surely, you're not naive enough to believe she was the ONLY person in Holloywood doing this, Emilio Estevez/Martin Sheen! And like I said before, the most beautiful women in the world have some African ancestry.
Mensa? who gives a fuck about Mensa? That proves nothing except some one from Mensa was desperate and dumb enough to marry Yisheng. LOL
"Short of requiring government permission to breed, how do you fix it?"
A hugely complicated issue. But a journey of a thousand miles...
Step 1) Make it illegal for single mothers on welfare to have additional children. In America, there is very little a father has to do before he's said to be guilty of child abuse. There's a case of a father who had limited custody of his children and was said to have abused them by feeding them fast food. At the very minimum, a single mother who's already on welfare to take care of her existing children should be fined or worse for bringing another child into the world.
When people talk about failing black schools, the state of the inner city, police abuse, etc, we hear that it's society's responsible to fix these issues. But for women who continue to bring children into the world when they can't care for them, where is their responsibility to society? We call them victims of the system and lavish on them welfare goodies.
It has to be a give and take. Individuals need to be responsible to society. If you're a single mother who's already drawing welfare, which means you're not independent and are having trouble caring for your existing kid(s), then bringing more children into that situation, without a father and without stable finances, is child abuse.
Charge them as such. That's a good first step.
We turn single mothers into victims in this nation, and we don't make distinctions. There's a big difference between a mother who's down on her luck, the man ran out or died, she lost her job, etc, and a woman who has five kids by four men and keeps spitting out babies she can't care for.
White racism may well be responsible for many bad things in this nation. But just imagine if you could greatly reduce the number of bastards who are poorly raised and end up wreaking havoc.
^^^ 11:49, apparently YOUR barely literate, DUMM a$$ gives a f**k about Mensa or else you wouldn't have commented.
Lt. Commander Johnson, you shouldn't even be talking about the dickless, considering you don't even have one yourself.
there will be no reparations.. THIS is written clearly in Scriptures.
the US and the Set Apart lands= ours. great substance as it is written.
Yah knows that folk will try to give folks food stamps then hem and haw like they done big things, after 400+ years. this is why Yah Himself will snatch down one Kingdom and set up another.
all written in Scriptures. no forbidden crystal ball nor am i that smart. just know what is written + not afraid to tell it. those in this "Christian" nation choosing to be offended...
i'll pray for ya.
the 1 drop rule is racist through and through + invalid. only those that revel in their bastardy relish and grip it with all their lives/soul.
the purpose of the 1 drop rule was related to property rights. seems folk have a history of placing stuff over their own souls, flesh and blood.
you know, history is the un-doing of the tribe of edom.
this is NOT an indictment of ALL.. there are bad apples in all tribes. i pray that we will ALL repent.
Jade Helm 15 has quietly ballooned to 40 states.. the Wrath is lining up. as it is written.
Shabbat Shalom!
"you know, history is the un-doing of the tribe of edom."
forgive my ignorance, but who is the tribe of edom?
Pontificate the disadvantages of being barely literate. Blacks + reparations = DUMM. Metaphor? MetaWhat? I rest my case.
Mahogany is beautiful, as is confidence. One drop too many, confidence GONE as is beauty when confidence is GONE.
Mother Africa birthed intelligence and science, is Europe the land of your birth? Clearly confused and clearly misused. Solitude? Not when confidence GONE. Lonely, clearly.
Partnerships = life, and BLESSED. Like Eve FOR Adam.
"Step 1) Make it illegal for single mothers on welfare to have additional children."
So Josh the man who would have us believe he is a Libertarian, wants America to imprison women fro the crime of getting pregnant.
I got news for you Joshy-boi, you are not a Libertarian you are a fascist.
If you're so much smarter than I am, TPC, and can easily defeat me in all these "debates" you've imagined in your head that we've had, then why in the fuck do you need to habitually quote-mine and take shit I say completely out of fucking context?
Using a point about "finer" features to suggest I was making a beauty judgment or saying "finer" meant "better." Taking a quote of mine about the intelligence of you chadrools and somehow linking that to race.
And now, the biggest quote-mine blunder of them all, "Josh...wants America to imprison women for the crime of getting pregnant."
That is not what I said. Not even close. Not fucking remotely. And the fucked-up thing is that, no matter how much you fucking hate me, the record exists directly above you and shows demonstrably just how wrong you are.
You remind me of the liberal media. The reason they're so dishonest and one-sided is that there's no one there to hold them accountable. They can get away with it. You can spew any retarded shit you want, and nobody here holds you to account. Well, except maybe Bill, but the stage is set to where a white person can't call bullshit bullshit lest they're called racist. Primarily by you. The starter of the nonstarter.
What I said is that a single mother who already has a child she CAN'T AFFORD TO CARE FOR is committing child abuse by bringing another child into the world, which she will not be able to care for!
If a person cannot care for their kids, that person is committing child abuse. Child abuse should be illegal in every instance.
Bringing children into the world in destitute situations, without fathers, and without the financial means to support them, or in many cases the emotional maturity to raise them properly, is most certainly child abuse.
Libertarianism, fascism, fucking Buddhism -- child abuse is child abuse and should not be tolerated.
Show me the libertarian who believes a parent should be free to abuse their child.
I'll wait...
"That is not what I said."
Oh yes it is.
So the conservative media is held responsible by someone? Really?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"you know, history is the un-doing of the tribe of edom."
forgive my ignorance, but who is the tribe of edom?
1:26 AM
no stress,my friend.
most from the tribe of Edom don't know they are Edomites, so many lies they have told...
Edomites are white people.
they have told so many lies that many among them seem rather confused as to who they are...
it stands to reason those that look to the babes of humanity to teach/lead them will not know the Truth about much.
Blacks are the Ancients and must wake up to the fact that our history has been whitened...
WE are the seed of Abraham as written of in Scriptures. not ALL Blacks, but those that were shipped to foreign lands to be held as slaves for 400 years...
Shabbat Shalom!
the 2nd nugget of Good sense ever written here by one mpd in years:
"Partnerships = life, and BLESSED. Like Eve FOR Adam."
however, it must be the RIGHT partnership or it is better to fly solo.
you know?
take a look at that example even. Eve would've been better with a man that would Stand firm on Yah's Word. the Word he received/knew from Most High BEFORE Eve came on the scene. would've worked out better all the way around.
wrong partnerships won't bless/make you...
they will break you...
some of US refuse to compromise nor squeeze ourselves in little boxes, designed to stop US.
You've been objectively getting your ass stomped here for the past couple of weeks. Everything you quote of mine or try to make stick is objectively, demonstrably bullshit and can be shown quite easily to be such.
I'm embarrassed for you.
You live in a fantasy world, Josh. A world where normal rules of logic and normality don't seem to apply.
I'm not embarrassed for you because you are clearly suffering from some sort of mental disorder, and that's not something to be ashamed of.
Speaking of shame, I see you're utterly shameless.
"'That is not what I said.'"
Oh yes it is."
It is easily provable that that is NOT even remotely fucking close to what I said, and the proof exists directly above these responses. What kind of low-character asshole are you? It's tragic.
Blatant, willful lies. You have let your obsession with trolling me completely turn you into a schmuck. And this is just the latest in a list of examples of you going completely batshit in order to take a personal dig at me.
So, yeah, a fantasy world. It must be. A world where you blatantly and willfully and habitually lie and twist and distort, all to insult me, yet it's ME who somehow has the issue.
I can't stop fucking laughing! I mean, it's not as if we're talking face to face, and you're here misrepresenting what I said in person. There exists a thorough, permanent record of what I say, and still you feel comfortable enough to unabashedly lie and turn X to Y if it means you can insult me.
It must be a fantasy. It beggars belief that anyone would be that moronic -- and steadfastly so! Even when proved that what you're saying is bullshit, you don't concede you were wrong. You simply double-down on it and blame and insult me some more.
It confuses the ever-lovin' shit outta me, but it's fantastic for a laugh.
"A world where normal rules of logic and normality don't seem to apply."
Are you fucking serious? lmfao
It is easily provable that that is VERY fucking close to what you said, and the proof exists directly above these responses. What kind of low-character asshole are you? It's tragic.
"I can't stop fucking laughing!"
Wow, you really don't have a life at all, do you?
"that is VERY fucking close to what you said"
1) Calling it child abuse for a single mother who's already on welfare and cannot care for one child to bring another child into the world in the same situation.
2) Imprison pregnant women.
Yeah, so close. Missed it by that much!
"Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her". Proverbs 31:28-29.
How wonderful is was to wake up to this scripture from my loving husband and daughter!!
Happy Mother's Day to all the FN Mothers and GodMothers!!!
Christ Josh - you are such a fucking liar, even when the truth is staring us all in the face.
"Step 1) Make it illegal for single mothers on welfare to have additional children."
And how in the fucking hell does something being illegal for abusive, neglectful mothers equate to imprisoning "pregnant women"?
It doesn't, is the answer.
Only in your fucked-up head, where it doesn't matter how much of an ass you make of yourself, or how blatantly you fucking lie, the ends justify the means and you'll just spin it around to say I'm the one with the issue.
You're looking like a complete fucking jackass here, demonstrably talking shit, and it doesn't even register with you. You turn around and pin it on me.
Ignorance must really be blissful.
Josh for fuck's sake STOP LYING, MAN.
You KNOW what you said, everyone else here can see what you said. You wanted to make it illegal for poor women to have babies, that's the reality of what you said and you know it.
You can pretend to be 'amused by my stupidity' all you like, you and I both know the truth. You have shown us a small glimpse of your dark, evil soul.
"You wanted to make it illegal for poor women to have babies, that's the reality of what you said and you know it."
The fucking comment is still up there. I'm not deleting it. Anybody who wants to fucking read it is free to read it.
Nowhere do I even suggest what you're saying I blatantly said.
This is the third time now you're outright fucking lying about it.
I suppose you're getting a big kick out of the trolling here.
"you and I both know the truth."
Apparently not. My comment is up there for the world to see, and you can't stop fucking misrepresenting it!
It's why you only post a few words of it at a time, and then give your fucking opinion on what you think it's saying between the lines. You know you can't make a case for it, just like your "'finer features is racist" and "chadrools is racist" nonsense that you can't make stick.
You have a predictable one-two combo. Quote-mine someone while giving a condescending comment from your high horse. Stick by the misrepresentation and claim superiority while attaching labels to the person you preemptively decided was the conquered in the scenario.
You're not slipping it past me. I know why you morons quote-mine. If you use my context, you don't have a point. You need to use your invented context.
What I don't understand is why you're clinging to this like grim death after being shown repeatedly and objectively to be completely full of shit.
Blatantly and demonstrably lying your fucking off ass in front of everyone, and you don't even bat an eyelash.
Holy shit, this is so fucking apt that it's freaking me the hell out:
The practice of quoting out of context (sometimes referred to as "contextomy" and quote mining), is an informal fallacy and a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning.[1] Contextomies are stereotypically intentional...
Arguments based on this fallacy typically take two forms:
1. As a straw man argument, which is frequently found in politics, it involves quoting an opponent out of context in order to misrepresent their position (typically to make it seem more simplistic or extreme) in order to make it easier to refute.
It's like whoever wrote this knows TPC personally! Freaky...
"Step 1) Make it illegal for single mothers on welfare to have additional children."
Me: Poor single mothers on welfare having additional children is a form of child abuse and should be illegal, if we're serious about the welfare of children. These mothers have a responsibility to society not to continue birthing children into destitute circumstances without fathers and without financial stability. Perpetuating willfully the cycle of poverty is child abuse.
You: Josh wants to throw poor women in prison for getting pregnant!
What's next?
Me: It should be illegal for people to just randomly litter in public spaces.
You: Josh wants to put litter bugs in prison for 20 years without a trial because he's a fascist!
I'll give you credit in one area: You certainly aren't a quitter. You're objectively full of bullshit, which can be shown demonstrably, but when you set your mind to it, you don't just let it go.
I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing, but you certainly do put the effort in.
Reiteration is often good: As a straw man argument, which is frequently found in politics, it involves quoting an opponent out of context in order to misrepresent their position (typically to make it seem more simplistic or extreme) in order to make it easier to refute.
However, you don't wanna put in too much effort. You still have to contextualize things per your liking to make them easier to handle.
I don't begrudge that; you obviously have something extremely personal against me, so do what you gotta do. But at least spice it up. It was hysterically funny; now it's getting boring.
Quote: Josh-tyhe Wacist
""Step 1) Make it illegal for single mothers on welfare to have additional children."
The practice of quoting out of context (sometimes referred to as "contextomy" and quote mining), is an informal fallacy and a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning.[1] Contextomies are stereotypically intentional...
Arguments based on this fallacy typically take two forms:
1. As a straw man argument, which is frequently found in politics, it involves quoting an opponent out of context in order to misrepresent their position (typically to make it seem more simplistic or extreme) in order to make it easier to refute.
Except of course, that this quote is not out of context.
This is, word-for-word, what you said:
"Step 1) Make it illegal for single mothers on welfare to have additional children."
How exactly are you planning to stop women getting pregnant?
Bible classes?
Enforced sterilisation?
"How exactly are you planning to stop women getting pregnant?"
The practice of quoting out of context (sometimes referred to as "contextomy" and quote mining), is an informal fallacy and a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning.[1] Contextomies are stereotypically intentional...
Arguments based on this fallacy typically take two forms:
1. As a straw man argument, which is frequently found in politics, it involves quoting an opponent out of context in order to misrepresent their position (typically to make it seem more simplistic or extreme) in order to make it easier to refute.
"Bible classes?
Enforced sterilisation?"
Contrary to your habitual straw-men, it is not even close to my intention to imprison women or to sterilize women.
A single mother is in no way necessarily a bad thing. A single mother who cannot afford to take care of a child, however, is a dangerous thing if she continues having children. A single mother who's already on welfare, already struggling, yet continues to have children is committing child abuse. There is no way to sugar-coat that fact. It is abusive to continue to bring children into a world where they will be hungry, receive a poor education, and be proxies of the state wholly dependent on taxpayer monies to supply their nourishment and medical care and education and housing and everything else vital to a child's development.
No prison, no forced abortifacients. But how about some practical steps to help deter child abuse among irresponsible, insolvent single mothers?
A misdemeanor charge of child abuse, which carries with it penalties, but not the fucking gas chamber, you quote-mining, hysterical chadrool. Things like:
- Community service.
- Automatic denial of additional welfare.
- A mandatory fiduciary fund set up to where all monies received must go to the child, and only to/for the child, or else face felonious fraud.
- Mandatory parenting classes/family monitoring (e.g. a very short leash, ready to yank the child if it's not being cared for)
- Existing welfare contingent on making sure the child attends school and does well.
In other words, take the fucking meal ticket away.
I don't know how it works in England, but where I grew up, "independence" for women meant intentionally getting pregnant. Having a child as a single mother where I'm from meant the mothers received:
- Their own apartment
- Free food
- Free medical
- Free daycare
- Monthly monetary payments
- Free transport pass
- $1,500+ tax credit per child
- And the ability to pin child support payments on any man whose name they decided to write on the forms.
(Unfortunately, this is a fact. In America--again, I don't know about the UK--all a woman needs to do to get child support from a man is write the man's name on the welfare application, or on the BC. Even if the man can prove he's not the father per DNA, he still has to pay. He can still go to prison for nonpayment.)
It might not be a life like Cleopatra or a Clinton or Bush, but if you grew up in a falling apart piece of shit with your mom and want to get out and get your own place, well, if you're a girl, all you need is a baby. And not having a husband/father is exponentially more beneficial. It's simple math.
This is why black men get a bad rap for being deadbeat dads who just up and abandon their kids to go do drugs and thug it out on the corner. Not true. In many instances, they're only used as sperm donors or bargaining chips for cash. Women aren't stupid growing up in these poor places. They know how to game the system: Have many babies.
Too bad that in Josh 's case birth control was not retroactive!
Fuck you Josh!
Yeah, Freddie. Things are going so fucking great in the nation today. Guys like me who actually want to get to the root causes of the problem are the ones who are fucked up. Whereas guys who think it's okay to keep bringing bastard children into the world, driving the fatherless rate higher and higher, are the ones "down" for the cause.
I guess just keep stickin' it to whitey. Fight the man. Ignore the other issues.
It's worked out so well thus far!
"- Automatic denial of additional welfare."
So starvation and eviction! Great! That'll certainly help!
" A mandatory fiduciary fund set up to where all monies received must go to the child, and only to/for the child, or else face felonious fraud. "
Which would lead to the imprisonment of the mother for the crime of being poor and female.
"Mandatory parenting classes/family monitoring (e.g. a very short leash, ready to yank the child if it's not being cared for)"
So taking the child away from poor parents and handing it to rich parents. Mmmmmm. Are you sure you're not a fascist?
"Existing welfare contingent on making sure the child attends school and does well."
Riiiiiiiiiiiight, so if the child does badly at school you starve it to death.
Wonderful solution, Josh.
"Which would lead to the imprisonment of the mother for the crime of being poor and female."
How so? Are you saying that poor single mothers can't help but to spend their child's welfare monies on things like weave, nails, liquor, and pot? Isn't that racist? ;)
Seriously. A fiduciary fund is the fucking LEAST that should be done. For child support, too.
Money is handed over to these women in the expectation that it will go toward the child. In too many cases the child is the last place it actually goes. Making the money the child's and not the mother's, with the mother merely acting as the trustee of the child's money, seems an incredibly practical, logical step to take.
Don't steal your child's money to buy personal mommy goodies and there won't be any beef.
"Riiiiiiiiiiiight, so if the child does badly at school you starve it to death."
Why shouldn't it be a parent's responsibility to ensure their child attends and makes an effort in school? If the kid is just stupid and can't pass, that's one thing. But to not show up, or to not do his/her work, or to be a disciplinary problem, which affects all students, that's another issue entirely.
You seem to be advocating that a mother should have no responsibility to the child's education, and should be able to spend welfare monies however she wants.
Don't forget -- we're talking about welfare. Free money given to people as part of a system of social sympathy and quasi-responsibility. While they're called "entitlements," people aren't entitled to it at all. Advocates beg and appeal to emotion until the faucet opens. "Kids will starve!" "Mothers will be homeless!" "Mothers are helpless victims here!" "Don't be a fascist; give money now!"
I notice you fucking love to criticize me. And I admit fully that I don't have perfect ideas. I'm just a dude who works long-ass weeks and lives check to check. I'm not a politician. I'm not a community advocate. So if I'm going wrong, by all means -- call it out. I don't mind that part of it.
What crawls under my skin is that you swoop in on your high horse telling everyone else how they're fucking up, but you don't offer jack-fucking-shit in the way of possible solutions. You just tell everyone else how much their shit stinks while you refuse to drop a deuce within a mile of the nearest person.
America's child support and welfare system is broken. Many single mothers game the system and many end up with litters of children they cannot care for financially or emotionally. Fatherlessness is growing exponentially in America with each successive generation, and that isn't something that can be pinned on "whitey." Children in these communities are more violent, less educated, and are repeating the same cycle in which they grew up. Only they start younger, have even more children, and receive even less education.
What do you suppose we do to fix it? Collapse capitalism and raise mini Marxists? Give more money to poor families who already get $60,000/year per family? (My entire family lives on less than that, and we're doing okay, by the bye...)
You can sure wag your finger and break my balls and tell me how much my ideas suck. But in terms of offering conventional, practical solutions to obvious problems, your mouth stays clammed shut like a scared kid at the dentist.
What should we do? Tax the rich at 75% and divi up the booty to hand out freely to each indigent person? Force businesses to open up in areas where they're statistically likely to under-perform grossly per average and be robbed multiple times per year? Make high-paying jobs a right? What!?
"How so? Are you saying that poor single mothers can't help but to spend their child's welfare monies on things like weave, nails, liquor, and pot? Isn't that racist? ;)"
Ask yourself, you said it not me.
It's myth that poor mothers don't spend their money on their kids. Vast swathes of academic research show that to be untrue. The fact is that poor people are poor because they're born in the wrong place. The intelligence of rich kids and poor kids starting school is the same - again proved beyond academic doubt.
"You seem to be advocating that a mother should have no responsibility to the child's education, and should be able to spend welfare monies however she wants."
Typical Josh Strawman, I've never said any such thing.
"Don't forget -- we're talking about welfare. Free money given to people as part of a system of social sympathy and quasi-responsibility."
Welfare is not free money. everybody pays taxes, and poor people pay the most taxes of all..
"Kids will starve!" "Mothers will be homeless!" "Mothers are helpless victims here!" "Don't be a fascist; give money now!"
Correct, all those things are true.
Part of the psychological condition that leads to conservatism is a fear of uncertainty. That's why conservatives like you always have ludicrously simplistic solutions to complex problems.
i)"Criminalise poor women, if they don;t spend every penny on their kids.
ii) Take the kids off them if they play hockey from school.
iii) Take their money off them if you don't approve of their lifestyle choices.
Never mind that they live an existential hell-hole, created by class warfare in the interests of corporate profits. Never mind that narcotics distribution and prostitution are the only two industries that are recruiting in their areas. Never mind that their kids go to school in grim slums, staffed by defeated and burned out teachers. None of that matters in simple conservative logicland.
"All the pieces matter and all the pieces fit."
"America's child support and welfare system is broken."
No it isn't.
" Fatherlessness is growing exponentially in America with each successive generation, and that isn't something that can be pinned on "whitey."
You can't put millions of black men in prison and then complain that they are absentee dads. You can't have your cake and eat it, Josh.
"What should we do? Tax the rich at 75% and divi up the booty to hand out freely to each indigent person?"
Academic research has shown that 77% is the ideal figure. It gives the maximum return.
"Give more money to poor families who already get $60,000/year per family?"
The highest a family on welfare can earn in the USA is in Hawaii, where theoretically they can pull down a maximum of $49,175 including TANF. Only ten states allow more than $35000, and many far less - $16,984 in Mississippi for instance. Don't forget Only 27% of families in poverty received TANF in 2012.
"Force businesses to open up in areas where they're statistically likely to under-perform grossly per average and be robbed multiple times per year?"
Yes, absolutely. Except you won;t need to force them if you give them proper support, tax breaks and decent quality education and policing
"Make high-paying jobs a right? What!?
Make paying a living wage, a right. In the UK the majority of people on welfare are in full time work. I don't have the US figures, but I bet they are not far behind.
So the state is subsidising the profits of corporations like MacDonald's that don't pay the living wage.
Socialism for corporations.
"It's myth that poor mothers don't spend their money on their kids."
Yeah. I don't live in the world, apparently. What's true is what some suit-wearing caller says after asking open-ended, confusing questions on the telephone.
"You can't have your cake and eat it, Josh."
Being the trolling Brit you are, you know better than any-fucking-body here--since all you do is troll other peoples' comments here--that I've LONG advocated for the system to STOP throwing men in jail over bullshit like child support. And what do dumbasses like you say? "You're anti-woman too, ey, Josh? Misogynist!" So who's trying to have their cake and eat it here exactly?
"The highest a family on welfare can earn in the USA is in Hawaii..."
But government spends 60k per. It's not my fault the welfare system is broken and the wheels of bureaucracy must be greased to the point the person handing out the welfare drives a Lexus and the person receiving it rides the bus.
Just like Native Americans' healthcare policies. Government spends 7k per individual policy, yet Natives have the shittiest health in the nation. And the prevailing "wisdom" pertaining to a fix: "We need to spend more money!"
"Socialism for corporations."
Corporations can kiss my ass, along with the lobbyists and crooked politicians who perpetuate a fucked-up system. But that also includes the public unions, specifically the teachers' unions, whose stranglehold on education ensures that an inner city school can receive the most funding in the nation, while having the worst students performance wise. And we can't fire teachers or set performance standards. People get up and start chanting about conservative paranoia, fascism, and the poor, poor plight of well-meaning educators who could reach these kids if they only had the resources (read: Pay raises).
I predict that at some point in America's future, we're going to realize that it all starts with the single mothers raising these kids. The crime, the poor education, the joblessness, the despair, the quick-to-rage, emotional (some might say "womanly") manner in which these young boys and men lash out. We'll realize that single mothers in these communities are just piss-poor parents, and everyone's too fucking scared to hold them responsible. But then it'll be too late.
If you think single mothers are the root cause of america's problems, then I would suggest you are totally insane.
Do you have a problem with women?
Of "America's problems"? No.
Of the worst problems of the inner city? Yes.
- Fatherlessness
- Poor education
- Violence
- Extreme poverty
- A total lack of responsibility
- Repeating the cycle of stupidity
Yes, I do. And, no, not because they're women. That they're women is the biological happenstance of that gender being able to birth babies. If it were the situation that the women weren't around and all these kids were being raised by single fathers, and the results were the same, then I'd be saying it's the fathers.
It's because the mothers are the only parent in the home, and they are doing an extremely poor job of raising these children.
While the aggregate of fatherless children in the US in the black community is over 70%, that doesn't paint the picture of how things are in the hood. The numbers there are around 90%. The black men and women able to create and keep stable families in middle-class America hides how dangerously horrific the problem actually is where it matters most.
These women are not doing a good job raising these children. They're just not. It is demonstrable.
Wanna blame that on white people? Fine. Wanna blame that on society depriving these communities of opportunity? Fine. That still doesn't change the fact that girls who are poor, uneducated, and wholly ill equipped to raise children continue to get pregnant and bring children into the world.
And let's be honest here. It's rarely "Oops, I have one baby and I'm down on my luck, help!" The common scenario is more than one child by more than one man.
The children who grow up to deal drugs, wreak havoc in schools, shoot other kids for shoes and turf, rob their neighborhood stores, etc, are the sons and daughters of single mothers.
If all the Fords I drove broke down, I'd have to blame the people who manufactured them. But when so many youngsters in the inner city go astray and turn to crime, the go-to scapegoat is white supremacy. In my estimation, the problem starts a lot closer to home. These mothers are raising horrible children; they're perpetuating poverty.
You fancy yourself intelligent; let's try a rudimentary thought experiment. All it requires is honesty.
Let's say America has a blank check to create a town, Newtopia, and this town consists of:
- Wonderful, spacious housing for thousands
- Pristine schools with all the latest tech
- Dozens of businesses paying $15/hour and up
- Scenic, picturesque parks
- Gated communities with gorgeous lawns and high property values
Now, let's take an entire inner city and drop it into Newtopia. How long before it becomes an inner city?
I say five years, tops. If you say different, ah salute. I don't begrudge it. I just disagree. You and I probably agree that these kids don't have enough opportunity. However, where you may think it's because the rest of society doesn't provide them with enough opportunity, I feel their opportunity is taken away from the time they're born due to their single parent's parenting ineptitude, bad habits, emotional state, etc. I say that new town won't be cared for; it won't be cleaned up, it won't be secured by the residents. The single mothers will expect that to be someone else's job, and that mindset will be carried forward by the children.
On this blog, I understand my feelings on this matter are the overwhelming minority. But for black people in general, they're not. There are thousands upon thousands of American blacks online right now who also realize what the problem is. You can find them around Tommy Sotomayor's many channels and websites, attempting to offer solutions to change the dynamic.
I post the exact same shit there as I do here. Never once has someone there called me a racist or fascist. I typically get thumbed-up toward the top. But, I know -- they're the house negros. They're the Uncle Toms. They're brown-nosing whitey. They're not "down" for the cause. They're self-haters and misogynists. They couldn't possibly live in these areas and allow their personal experience to dictate that the issue is something other that white supremacy. That's HNB.
Well there you go.
Yep. And so it will continue to go so long as too few people have the courage to swim against the tide.
"That kid just shot that boy because of white supremacy! White people took his opportunities and oppressed him, so he acted out. It's society's fault." = FNB. Fight the continued oppression!
"That kid was raised wrong! Where were the parents? Where was the discipline in the home? Why was this kid running around with guns?" = HNB. Damn sellout, steppin' 'n fetchin' for Uncle Charlie.
But, hey, whatever makes it easier for people to sleep at night miles--and sometimes continents--away from the issue. There's no rhyme or reason to humanity; we're just here. We're just meat with firing neurons. Life is about preservation and being as comfortable as possible, and conformity is a way to achieve both.
Josh, you are so clueless I don't know where to begin.
As I said a couple of days ago, conservatives always have massively simplistic solutions to complex and messy social problems. It's not your fault, it's part of being a conservative. Academic research shows that political conservatism is driven by fear if uncertainty, that's why people like you constantly search for certainty by asserting that there is an easy solution for every problem.
And without wanting to repeat myself unduly, in the words of Lester Freemon, "all the pieces matter and all the pieces fit". You cannot isolate one area - single mothers, for instance, and say "this is the problem", because it isn;t that simple. There are a mess of interlocking problems, all of which need to be tackles simultaneously if anything is to be done.
So poor schools have to be tackled, at the same time as improving job opportunities outside of narcotics supply, at the same time as you have to stop putting young men in prison of inordinate amounts of time for crimes that would hardly elicit a slap on the wrists from a European court. Simultaneously you have to tackle to criminally low pay that means couples have to work 100 hours a week just to make ends meet (100 hours a week doesn't leave much time for parenting.)
And on-and-on it goes.
Demonising poor people is a no-brainer, massively simplistic way to avoid dealing with society's real problems.
I've been coming here regular for about a year, and I've seen many, many different posts from you. However, every single time I see The Purple Cow's comments on the
blog, they're never--ever, not even once--in relation to Field's posts. And they're never--not a single fucking time!--one of your opinions of you offering your views on a topic. Every single fucking comment of yours I've ever read has been you criticizing someone else's comment. It's been you rifling through everyone's comments until you find something to wag your finger at. At wag your finger you do. Exceedingly guarded, but shockingly quick to insult another's stance.
During our many exchanges, 99% have been initiated by you breaking my balls and telling me what the fuck is so wrong, evil, cruel, racist and fascist about my stances.
The thing is, it cannot work in reverse. You don't offer up a stance; you don't seem to stand for anything, only against shit. So there's no possible way for anyone to disagree with your opinions on important issues. You don't offer them up; you just act as the true-or-false, good-or-bad arbiter of everyone's collective thoughts and ideas and politics.
Maybe this is by design. Being a member of the skeptic community, which is oftentimes at odds with the religious community, I've met more than a few people who've had
this same habit. On videos about evolution or creation, they don't offer their own opinions. They never do. Instead, they scroll down and read comments from other people who are brave enough to put themselves out there with their ideas, and then they act like champions of wisdom by shouting shit like, "You're just an anti-Christian bigot!"
and "You're fucking stupid!" and "You're wrong!" It's no secret why they don't post their own opinions on the shit. They're not there for that. They probably don't even watch the videos. They only scroll through the comments.
For all the times you've said I hurl abuse, I need to feel superior, and this and that, that seems to be goal-one of yours: Find a comment you feel you can can slap around to show everyone that TPC is above the fray.
If there exists on this blog a time where you simply put yourself out there by offering up your personal feelings on an issue, instead of someone else's comment, I sure as shit haven't ran across it.
But in every single comment section I've checked, I see the same thing: TPC busting someone's balls over the comment they left.
You sort through people who offer their feelings on the subject matter at hand, and then you interject to call people wrong, stupid, racist, fascist, etc. Fucking vulture.
Maybe you have a superiority complex. Maybe you're a chicken-shit who doesn't want people doing the same shit to you. I don't know; If that's what works for you...
Maybe one day we'll all see what exactly you stand for. Fuck knows everyone here gets an eyeful of what you stand against -- and it seems to be people who aren't ideologically aligned or grammatically inclined enough for your personal tastes.
And now, to top it off, relative privation!
"There are more and bigger problems than just single mothers, therefore you wanting to do something about ill equipped single mothers is stupid, unimportant and should be ignored."
Holy shit.
For someone who likes calling other people illogical, it sure wouldn't hurt you to brush up on the basics of logic. Don't delve too deeply; we wouldn't want you to miss a day of trolling other commenters here. But at least the fucking basics, mate.
"You don't offer up a stance; you don't seem to stand for anything, only against shit."
That's your problem right there in a nutshell, Josh. You want me to be as simple-minded and simplistic as you. Well sorry, I'm not going to play your game.
I've outlined in the previous post on this very thread what I feel needs to be done. But because it isn;t simplistic, superficial drivel, you don't even recognise it for what it is.
"There are more and bigger problems than just single mothers, therefore you wanting to do something about ill equipped single mothers is stupid, unimportant and should be ignored."
I said absolutely no such thing. What I said was you lack the intellectual sophistication to see what the real problems are.
Will criminalising single mothers solve a single problem? No, it will not.
Will refusing to pay welfare to women who's children don;t do well at school turn America's economy around? No, it will not.
So in short, you are offering bad solutions to the wrong problems. Forgive me if I don't take you seriously, or give your idiotic, internally inconsistent, clearly not-thought-through solutions the attention you feel they deserve.
"Well sorry, I'm not going to play your game."
Again, every fucking thing in the world, you turn around and put it back on me. How the hell is it my game?
I read Field's posts, I leave comments which expressly give my feelings on those situations. You're a vulture who patrols the comments sections looking for opinions you disagree with to put on blast. You don't offer a single thing that's fucking original; you don't risk your views being picked apart like you pick apart everyone else's views. And that's my game? Holy shit. Man the fuck up!
You've completely rigged the game to be one-sided. You offer nothing save criticism, and when you dish out the criticism, it's with the hubris that you know all the world's fucking answers and have the right way of thinking, and you subsequently must set right the wrongheaded chadrools who dare offend you with their ignorance by offering opinions you don't agree with.
You're worse than a chicken-shit progressive who only ever criticizes without contributing anything but negative reviews of others' opinions. You're the fucking hall monitor.
"Forgive me if I don't take you seriously, or give your idiotic, internally inconsistent, clearly not-thought-through solutions the attention you feel they deserve."
1) I'm not looking for you to give my views anything. If you wanna call them stupid, AH SALUTE! I can't say it any differently than how I already said it:
"The thing is, it cannot work in reverse. You don't offer up a stance; you don't seem to stand for anything, only against shit. So there's no possible way for anyone to disagree with your opinions on important issues. You don't offer them up; you just act as the true-or-false, good-or-bad arbiter of everyone's collective thoughts and ideas and politics."
I don't need my views verified or discussed, etc. I just have no way of knowing where the fuck you stand on anything because you don't offer up views. You don't attempt to touch on potential solutions. You only give other people a world of fucking shit and grief based on their views. You don't stand for jack shit. You just stand against shit other people say.
2) I have no trouble in attempting to offer up things which may actually help people in these areas in these situations. And if that means my personal views might need to be tweaked or trashed to actually help, I'm good with that. But that's something you don't even attempt. You just sit back and call everyone's ideas, thoughts and politics stupid, fascist, racist, etc.
It's what you do. And you fucking know it's what you do. You're married to identity politics; you have an incessant, burning need to place labels on everything! You come here only to browse the comments and do that.
Why you're too much of a chicken-shit to even own that is beyond me. You're still trying to turn the shit back around and blame your own bullshit on me.
It's crossed over into creepy territory.
Oh dear, I think you are losing touch with reality, Josh. You need to calm down, take a chill pill. Go for a lie-down in a darkened room or something.
This is a discussion board son, not Nightmare on Elm Street.
I have explained my views and my stance on a variety of subjects for many years on this board Indeed you have responded to many of my views. But now, you are re-writing history and saying none of that ever happened.
Oh well, let me know what the nice young man in the white coat says, next time you see him. Maybe you need to up your medication? Just a thought.
I have your best interests at heart, Joshy-boy, as you well know.
"But now, you are re-writing history and saying none of that ever happened."
Perhaps about nine responses into a discussion after you initiated it by trolling me, you let slip a very abridged version of your views on a matter or two. Not saying it hasn't happened. Though it's not you airing your views per se; it's more like you dismissing my views and basically saying, "X isn't right, retard racist; Y is right!" Then you'll loosely jumble together some nonsense to justify why Y is right through the bare assertion of you saying it's right.
And it's all on record here, unless you've gone back and deleted your own shit.
But I stand 100% behind my observation. Never have I seen you, not a single fucking time, offer your views up on Field's actual posts. You patrol the comments sections; you don't look for what Field writes. You look for what commenters say, and you pounce and shovel shit on anyone and anything that offends your sensibilities.
Motherfucker, you know this is why you stop by. And you can't even own that. You come here for the sole purpose of starting arguments within the comments section. And everyone fucking knows it.
Never has there been a case of you responding to Field's posts giving your opinions on a matter, potential solutions, what you think the problem is, etc. It always starts by you galloping around on your high horse, reading through the comments, and then going into your condescending cunt routine when you read a comment you don't like.
But, yeah, turn it back around on me. It's always me, 100% of the time, 100% responsible. It's never, ever you -- TPC: Not even once! You're fucking perfect. You don't troll; you don't antagonize; you don't belittle or label or jump to conclusions; you don't patrol the comments section looking to put on blast opinions you don't agree with. It's all in my head.
Again, I don't live in the world. Reality is solely part of your sensory experience. I'm just intruding on it and fucking up your narrative. Or, how it's more commonly said: It's your world; I'm just living in it.
Or maybe Cool Lester Smooth has a quote that would apply here.
I reckon you'd know more about that too. Airborne osmosis for those exceeding X amount of melanin.
"But I stand 100% behind my observation."
Well then you are clearly insane.
"You don't troll..."
Clearly you do not understand what the word 'troll' means. YOU choose to come HERE and call black people motherfuckers. I don't chase YOU all round the internet. You calling me a motherfucker, and me calling you a cunt in response is not trolling.
Just so you know.
"you don't antagonize; you don't belittle or label or jump to conclusions; you don't patrol the comments section looking to put on blast opinions you don't agree with. It's all in my head."
Oh yes I do all of those things, but that's because you are a cunt.
As previously discussed.
"Well then you are clearly insane."
But my observation is 100% accurate.
If that meets your standards of insanity, so be it...
"I don't chase YOU all round the internet."
I missed this the first time.
Show me one instance of me reading something you said in the comments section and then putting your name up there. We both know how it works. Who the fuck are you lying for? 100% of the time, it's you who digs up my comments and start in with "racist," "fascist," "stupid," etc -- sitting there in judgment without ever having to tell anyone where you stand. You lay back in the cut until you find something to wag your finger at.
And it's demonstrable and still all on record. Why you keep trying to weasel out of it is amazing.
Own it! WTF is the big deal? There are worse things you can be than the self-appointed hall monitor of a blog who decides that, on a daily basis, you want to rifle through everyone's opinions until which time you can "correct" them and set right their bigoted, fascist stances.
It's what progressive social justice warriors do. Why attempt to libel me for noticing that you carry yourself like that? WTF is there to be ashamed of?
You've decided to appoint yourself an authority figure of this blog's comment section. So fucking what? It is what it is.
It's fucking axiomatic for anyone who's ever read more than two discussions on this site. Yet because I'm the one calling attention to your habitual holier-than-thou behavior, you have to act like a two-year-old brat, shaking your head and screaming "NO!" even after you've been caught in the cookie jar.
Why do you gotta transform yourself into a "dindu nuffin" over it?
It's how you carry yourself. Are you ashamed of yourself or something? Is anon right when he calls you a self-hater?
Josh, you are one weird motherfucker.
Get yourself some therapy son, you are out of your tree.
"And it's demonstrable and still all on record."
What is?
"Why you keep trying to weasel out of it is amazing."
I'm sorry, but what exactly am I supposed to be 'weaseling' out of????
"Own it!"
Own what?
" WTF is the big deal?"
I've no idea.
Whatever you need to do to keep it going...
I guess that's how you choose to carry yourself.
Your business; I don't begrudge it.
I would expect someone who thinks so highly of himself to present himself with more integrity, but it is what it is.
See ya next time you troll me in a random discussion and tell me that you don't, I guess...
Have you considered getting psychiatric help, Josh?
I think the position you are attempting to take here and the arguments you are attempting to make are so far removed from reality, I find myself worrying for your continued mental stability.
You seem to have issues distinguishing between reality and your (increasingly bizarre) perception of reality.
I'm worried for you.
Of course you're worried for me. If you don't pretend like you have no clue what I'm talking about, your narrative sorta dies.
Whatever you gotta do to keep up appearances, mate.
I don't mind that it's at my expense; we both know it can't be at your expense. That defeats the purpose.
Your position is so demonstrably insane and irrational, I've run out of things to say.
I highly doubt that.
And now, suddenly, you know my position again. For the first few responses, you knew it but just disagreed with it; you just turned it back around on me and excused it away. Then, suddenly, you didn't even know it; you had no idea what I was saying -- everything was a question mark. Now, of course, you know it again; you know it's "demonstrably insane and irrational."
Yet in each new discussion of Field's you bring my position to life. You just can't fucking help yourself. Your need to be the hall monitor is that deeply ingrained.
What's a hall monitor?
The guy who stands in the hall and judges everyone else's behavior -- the snot-nose weasel with his orange ribbon and tin badge who tells kids to stop running, checks their hall passes, tells them to keep calm and not to shove, who hovers over them at their lockers looking for infractions so he can write the kids' names in his notepad and give them to the teacher at the end of the day.
Or, in this context, a guy who shows up not to participate in the theme of the blog but rather to keep a watchful eyes over the comments sections, pointing out infractions, telling people what they're supposed to be talking about, etc.
Most blogs have one. And the majority are self-appointed; people who just took it upon themselves to elect themselves to a position of comment-checking authority. You're this blog's hall monitor.
No sweat. It had to be somebody...
So where's my orange ribbon and tin badge?
I want one.
I'm sure you can dig one up. I don't know how resourceful a person you are; but maybe if you went around whining that you can't get one 'cause you're black...
Are you SURE you're not a racist, Josh?
'Cuz I was always taught "If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands."
As I've said repeatedly: It's your world! I'm just here doing you an inconvenience by existing within the scope of your sensory experience of reality.
I'm whatever you decide I am; I'm absolutely powerless to decide anything whatever for you. You can label me as whatever you want, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
And you've taken full advantage of this from jump street, labeling me as many things, including but not limited to:
- A conservative
- A fascist
- A racist
- A religious kook
- A gun nut
- A misogynist
- A police apologist
- Etc...
Your obsession with identity politics makes you perhaps the most label-happy individual I have ever ran across online -- and that's including the Tumblrettes whose days are spent inventing ways for people to be bigoted against otherkin and headmates. Of all those people, never have I seen someone more anxious to label negatively another individual than yourself.
So, why the rhetorical question? Why even phrase it as a question? It's been your number-one label for me since ever I first posted here.
Do us both a favor and just say what you fucking mean. We both know that whatever you say, however you act, whatever you do, you'll just turn back around and pin it to me somehow. I'll be the one who's gone sideways; you'll be the honest, true, right-thinking arbiter of justice and righteousness -- The Field Negro's hall monitor; a shining example of integrity and logic.
Insert bored emoticon: __________________
"...a shining example of integrity and logic."
True dat.
Well, if one cannot have a high opinion of oneself, then a high opinion ain't worth having.
Careful with the hubris aspect; but I'm sure you'll be able to easily explain that away as someone else's fault. After all, you're the center of the known universe. The rest of we pawns and plebs exist at your say so.
"After all, you're the center of the known universe. The rest of we pawns and plebs exist at your say so."
True dat.
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