"I would say it's exactly the opposite.... "ISIS exists and grew stronger because of the hawks in our party who gave arms indiscriminately, and most of those arms were snatched up by ISIS. These hawks also wanted to bomb [Syrian dictator Bashar] Assad, which would have made ISIS's job even easier."
Thank you Mr. Paul. It's nice to see that there is at least one GOP candidate who understands the nuanced and complicated reality that is the Middle East.
We just can't bomb and fight our way out of this problem. At some point we have to find a political solution. Clearly the military option has not been working.
Memo to our current president: You drone program is not the answer, either.
"The thing is that people need to understand the Middle East is complicated and there are no easy answers. We need to do what we do to protect American interests..... The ultimate victory is going to come when civilized Islam steps up and civilized Islam says that this aberration that is ISIS is intolerable."
I am not sure how Rand Paul will do in the republican primary. But if I had a vote he would get some serious consideration.
Glad that he gets something right.
He either won't do well in the primaries or will have to change his tune because the majority of Republicans are still of the opinion that we can "kill em all". Won't matter anyway because Santorum is in the race and he'll get the blah vote.
Carson/Cain 16
PilotX knows what the "majority of Republicans" think, because he knows so many of them so well.
Go figure.
"Thank you Mr. Paul. It's nice to see that there is at least one GOP candidate who understands the nuanced and complicated reality that is the Middle East."
What about the President? It was Obama who was so gung ho on toppling Assad. Sure he had nuts like McCain and Graham on board, but it was the Republican congress that put the brakes on that operation.
Rand Paul seems to be the best candidate on issues of war and peace. Bernie Sanders voted against authorizing the Iraq War, but he always votes to give Israel money to kill Palestinians with. Either one of them is worth voting for in the primaries.
Eh. Don't give old Rand too much credit for sensible foreign policy or defending civil liberties. He occasionally says something sensible, but it's crammed between tons of crazy utterances.
For example, he's all too eager to defend Americans against the dire threat of being droned on American soil. That's not a real problem -- it's Alex Jones crank conspiracy theorizing.
And just days ago, he referenced the stupid Ground Zero Mosque controversy by doubling down on the Islamophobia.
"When they told me that they were going to build a mosque at 9/11 [sic], I was horrified and thought that was a terrible thing,” Paul said. “But I’m not for a law to prevent them. If you want to march down the street and you’re a part of the KKK, I’m horrified by that, and object to it. But there are certain – the first amendment is about the right to be despicable.”
So, just to be clear, Paul is making the "even evil people have the right to freedom of expression" argument, and applying it to the case of Muslims having the audacity to want to practice their religion in New York City. That's "despicable" and comparable to the KKK.
Anyone who is not a total ass would understand that the "despicable" people were the bigots who objected to the mosque in the first place. (Also, the mosque isn't AT ground zero at all. It's just in Manhattan.)
Also, keep in mind that Rand is the same guy who thinks businesses should be able to discriminate against black people because property rights must be absolute.
Never forget that Rand Paul is a froot loop.
Also, I've gotta disagree with you on this, Field:
"At some point we have to find a political solution. Clearly the military option has not been working."
In the short term, there is no political solution. There just isn't. You're not going to be able to do a deal with ISIS, because they're insane. Somebody's military's going to have to fight them -- it's just a question of whose military. (Most Americans would prefer it not be our military.)
Over the longer term, sure, there are things the U.S. can do to extricate ourselves from the Middle East. We can support technological developments that would take us off the petroleum standard, and that, in turn, would mean we wouldn't be tempted to prop up dictators in order to stabilize global oil markets. We can stop giving $3 billion dollars worth of weapons to Israel until they get serious about dismantling settlements and creating a Palestinian state.
But that will take decades. Even if we get started on that process now, the grim reality is that we're going to be involved in the violence of the region to some degree for quite a while.
"He either won't do well in the primaries or will have to change his tune because the majority of Republicans are still of the opinion that we can 'kill em all'. Won't matter anyway because Santorum is in the race and he'll get the blah vote."
Rand Paul has no chance in the primaries. He is a non-factor with the GOP primary crowd. It'll end up being someone like Jeb Bush or (shudder) the idiot Scott Walker. They're the most faithful servants of rich people's interests and the ones who will adhere to the doctrine of military maximalism, just like Dubya did. And those are the Republican Party's core values: greed and violence.
And didn't Santorum say he didn't care about the blah vote? Yes, I believe he did. At least he's sorta kinda honest about not giving a crap about black people, unlike the rest of the crowd who regularly campaign for office by stirring up the fears of racist whites but then pretend to be oh so hurt and offended when you call them out on it.
"Anyone who is not a total ass would understand that the "despicable" people were the bigots who objected to the mosque in the first place"
It is Islamic custom to build a "Victory Mosque" on the site of a battle they have won. I say no. If that's bigotry, fine.
Fueled by this president's anti-police policies and race-baiting rhetoric, thugs are attacking cops and terrorizing major cities. Horrible violence is breaking out all over. We are witnessing a national crime wave.
• The deadliest month Baltimore has seen in more than 15 years, with almost 30 shootings and nine deaths just over the holiday weekend. That makes well over 100 murders this year, compared with 71 at this time last year, the fastest the city has reached 100 homicides since 2007.
• Any time Baltimore officers respond to calls on the city's west side, scene of the Freddie Gray riots, as many as 50 people threaten them, Police Chief Anthony Batts says. "We have to send out multiple units just to do basic police work," he said. "It makes it very difficult to follow up on violence that takes place there."
• In Melbourne, Fla., likewise, police have reported mobs surrounding and striking cops trying to handcuff suspects in two separate cases in the past two weeks.
• A similar spike in violence was reported in Chicago, where 12 people were killed and at least 44 — including a 4-year-old girl — wounded in mostly gang-related shootings over the Memorial Day weekend.
• In Manhattan, 16 people have been murdered this year, a 45% jump over the same period last year, while the number of shooting victims nearly doubled, from 33 to 61. That doesn't include a rash of Central Park muggings, subway assaults and vandalism.
• In the nation's capital, the so-called "D.C. Mansion Murders" have gripped the city, which is suffering a similar surge in homicides.
V In Omaha, Neb., a white female police officer was shot and killed by a black gang member as she tried to serve him a felony arrest warrant.
• A New Orleans housing authority cop, also white, was gunned down as he sat in his patrol car — the first on-duty death in the department's history.
• In Rio Rancho, N.M., another white police officer was gunned down after pulling over a gang member during a traffic stop — the first officer shot and killed in the line of duty in the department's 34-year history.
Victims can blame the crime surge on politicians who give criminals "space" to break the law. Who order cops to stop "stop and frisks." Who tie their hands while giving thugs license to loot and kill.
Called "racists," officers' morale is in the sewer. Cops fear for their safety and worry about being unfairly accused of using excessive force against black criminals.
Fundamental Change has arrived.
Cool. I am a fan of this blog.
"Fueled by this president's anti-police policies and race-baiting rhetoric, thugs are attacking cops and terrorizing major cities. Horrible violence is breaking out all over. We are witnessing a national crime wave"
As white authority–and its concomitant civilization–finally relinquishes an already tenuous grasp, what emerges from the void will appear to our eyes as anarchy. But that impression will not be entirely accurate.
Order finds a way. And that way will likely be found in the person(s) of those very much like Joshua Blahyi. As background, Mr. Blahyi fell into some ill repute a few years prior during a fairly well chronicled stint as a nudist cannibal warlord. He was accused, and candidly admitted to, devouring the remains of freshly slaughtered infants, dissecting pregnant women to settle wagers on whether they were carrying a boy or girl, hacking the limbs off of live prisoners until they lied as torsos in the mud, and recruiting child slave-soldiers as young as 10 to dismember and devour under his tutelage. When asked of the final butcher’s bill–how many had he murdered in the end–Mr. Blahyi estimated that he personally, or fighters directly under his command, had dispatched no fewer than 20,000 souls. Perhaps some of you are familiar with his formal military designation: General Butt Naked.
Today the former star officer is a cherubic Christian pastor spreading the gospel in his native Liberia. Like him on Facebook today! And while some callous Field Negro readers may not find it in their hearts to forgive, it’s not like the man was ever an immoral monster–like say Paula Deen. There are no records, or even allegations, of racism by Blahyi in either his military or civilian roles. Obviously we know who is more repugnant and reprehensible.
Though returning to Baltimore, and the weedy sidewalks of cities like it, this is how order will come. Not as flamboyant as Blahyi, for who is? (hand down Malik). But Big Man politics follows Africans well beyond Africa. And no man is bigger than he who is perched atop a heap of corpses.
So sit back for a long, hot summer and let's see who can build the biggest pile in Baltimore.
Field, "Thank you Mr. Paul. It's nice to see that there is at least one GOP candidate who understands the nuanced and complicated reality that is the Middle East."
Yes, I thank Rand Paul also. He speaks truth to power. It's really too bad Obama can't find the words that lead to the truth.
If Rand Paul makes it to becoming the Republican Presidential candidate, he has my vote. Not because he is Republican, but because he is more honest and trustworthy than Clinton. Of course, Clinton might not BE the Democratic candidate in 2016. In that case, it should be an 'interesting and worthwhile' election.
"It is Islamic custom to build a 'Victory Mosque' on the site of a battle they have won. I say no. If that's bigotry, fine."
The people building the mosque aren't celebrating any victory. They aren't al-Qaeda, just regular people. And, yes, it's bigotry. Nothing about you is "fine."
"Fueled by this president's anti-police policies and race-baiting rhetoric, thugs are attacking cops and terrorizing major cities. Horrible violence is breaking out all over. We are witnessing a national crime wave."
Nonsense. There's no "Obama crime wave." It's the same crap that happens every damn year: the weather gets nice and everybody comes out to play -- including the gangbangers.
That will never change unless the U.S. spends the money to economically develop poor neighborhoods, finds the political will to force employers to pay a living wage, and tightens up our ridiculous gun laws.
Until then, the shootings will continue, regardless of who's president.
Don't forget, though, that Paul is GOP by default. Because our brilliant system in America is sooo much better than a dictatorship that, instead of having one party, we have a whopping, impressive TWO! \O/
So, he has little choice, unless he wants to be a Democrat. At least if he still wants to compete on a platform on which it's possible to be elected.
FYI, to be human is to hurt another human being in a devastating way up to the point of death and enjoy it.
In the previous post, the cop told the victim what she was going to do to her and proceeded to do it. Of course, she killed her. That is, she took the life of another human being and enjoyed it.
Hence, whether there are guns or not, humans want to kill each other, esp if they are Black. Black lives don't matter so guns or no guns-- Whites will find a myriad of ways to kill Blacks....they always have.
The demons run the earth. They have been here for at least 400 years, and counting. Blacks will continue to suffer at the hands of the evil ones. There won't be any relief until Blacks start caring about their own lives. Until then, cops can murder Blacks with impunity.
Field, you are an attorney, surely you, like most Americans, know this? The amazing thing about this today is that there is NO ONE for justice and fairness.
NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE sounds true but that is not necessarily true when it comes to Blacks. Injustice has been heaped on Blacks for so long that it is considered normal....
Furthermore, it's Whites like JOSH and Kinky and a few others who keep the ball rolling over Blacks, or to use a nasty term that PX loves to use on his people: 'blahs'...hell, we are so irrelevant we have lost our dignified name to nothingness of 'blah'.
"The ultimate victory is going to come when civilized Islam steps up and civilized Islam says that this aberration that is ISIS is intolerable."
w/ little tweak:
"The ultimate victory is going to come when Righteous souls step up and Righteous souls say that this aberration that is..."
fill in the blank with most any "tradition"..
from last thread:
i believe in turn the other cheek.
just when we do it, all parties involved will be slapped + working on forgiveness.
i am Hebrew. i hold dear old time religion.
everybody needs to act like they know what is written. not just the ones folk seek to control.
FP-from last thread:
i believe in turn the other cheek.
just when we do it, all parties involved will be slapped + working on forgiveness.
i am Hebrew. i hold dear old time religion.
Thank you for answering my question. I really appreciate it. When you say, "...old time religion" I assume you are talking about The Old Testament? What about the New Testament? I seem to recall that Hebrews honor Christ as a prophet but not the messiah?
"Furthermore, it's Whites like JOSH and Kinky and a few others who keep the ball rolling over Blacks, or to use a nasty term that PX loves to use on his people: 'blahs'...hell, we are so irrelevant we have lost our dignified name to nothingness of 'blah'."
PX is making a joke.
A couple years back, Rick Santorum got busted on camera telling his supporters he didn't give a shit about black people. (Again, most people are aware this is the prevailing attitude within the Republican Party, but it's hilarious when one of them gets caught actually admitting it out loud.)
Santorum then preposterously claimed that everyone had misheard him, that he was talking about "blah people." So he felt the need to complain to his supporters about ... people who are boring? He's not going to represent the political interests of boring people?
Hahahahahaha. Most unconvincing lie ever.
also want to address from last thread:
folk may pretend that i am caught up in my feelings.
when i simply speak what is written...
concerning the daughters of edom that refuse to repent + quit the wickedness.
there will be hell to pay for all nations that refuse to repent + quit it.
if folk know what is written though, concerning the nation of edom...
Thank you for answering my question. I really appreciate it. When you say, "...old time religion" I assume you are talking about The Old Testament? What about the New Testament? I seem to recall that Hebrews honor Christ as a prophet but not the messiah?
2:10 AM
Anon you are welcome.
i AM speaking of Torah. which speaks to the Hebrews.
not the Gentile Jews...who say they are Hebrew, but are not.
which you seem to confuse the two.
He and all His disciples were Hebrews, who could be mistaken for ancient Egyptians.
Messiah, King of the Hebrews, was quite clear- He came to fulfill the Law not do away with it.
though the Gentiles got it all twisted today.
i Love Yah.
and i Love my neighbors- which is the cliff notes of the Law.
Love my enemies, too. just don't intend to play patty cake with 'em. these get tough Love + the Truth pure uncut. let 'em run up and slap me, and i will do my best to take their head off.
then we may forgive + turn the other cheek.
they best know i Love history though, and keep in check their flow:)
@KC- some of the most wicked portray themselves as being nice. lucifer himself, appears as a light.
i am from the south and have met some of the most vicious, hateful white ladies/people. they reserve the right to keep up devilry, neatly hidden out of sight. then cry + lie when called out. then ALL swoop in to protect them.
suffice it to say...
when i say nice white ladies...
and when you say it- we are speaking from different filters + perspectives.
you need to get this.
typically nice white ladies take subtil shots at the humanity/femininity of BW. it helps them feel "superior"...
the nice white lady last thread took it to the physical/spiritual.
spiritual of the demonic variety.
"tradition" really.
i pray for ALL souls to Understand/comprehend the nature of the battle.
i have no forbidden golden calves. so the ww pedestal, comprised of lies, gets dents kicked in it too. Righteous ww already know that it is all a crock of lies.
had many run up to me and tell me the obvious, in a whispered voice, like they were spilling secrets.
Yah Bless ALL of His People, caught up in the wicked matrix, trying to walk the Righteous narrow path of Truth. in a world handed over to the wicked + lies...
for a time.
as it is written.
Blessings all!
"Wrong. There has been no warming in over 18 years."
Evidence please. Show me your evidence for saying the Earth is not getting warmer. Show me your evidence for saying 2014 was not the hottest year ever (c.q. the NOAA and NASA evidence.
"There are many things. Eccentricities in the earth's orbit and axis (wobble). Changes in solar output cycles. Volcanic activity."
i) Has the Earth started to wobble massively since world war two? If so, I haven't heard about it.
ii) If Volcanoes emitted massive volumes of CO2 the graph of CO@ levels would show a series of spikes, one for every eruption. In fact the graph shows a smooth curve.
iii) Volcanoes account for just 1/150th of the CO2 emissions caused by mankind.
iV) There has been no discernible increase in sun heat output since 1978 when satellite observations began.
"Wrong again. We are still coming out of the last Ice Age."
No true. See the top two graphs of this page.
"Because we are in a relatively stable period, near the center of an ice age cycle. Change is quicker at the beginnings and ends of these cycles."
Did you not see that not only is this sentence internally inconsistent, it also entirely contradicts your previous answer?
"NOAA has been caught multiple times fudging data, in particular making the past look colder so as to inflate claims of modern warming. Which is not happening."
Evidence please. Please show links to proof that NOAA has fudged data "on multiple occasions"
"It is not "cherry picking" to point out that there has been no warming over the last 19 years when refuting a theory that says increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions are responsible for warming. This period of time has seen the greatest release of CO2 in human history, yet has experienced no warming."
OK I will re-frame my previous answer in terms so simple even someone as dim as you might be able to understand it.
i) 2014 was the hottest year ever. It's not only NOAA and NASA that say that, the WMO also says that.
There are a variety of other organisations that say the same thing. I will keep posting links until you face reality.
ii) Even before 2014 there was no evidence global warming had stopped. Six of the ten hottest years in history had been in the period between the last super-El_Ninio year and 2013
How can I make this simpler than that?
"Game over cow."
I agree. Your game is over.
The fact is, you are not actually a stupid person. In your heart of hearts YOU KNOW global warming is real. YOU KNOW the evidence is massively and overwhelmingly against you. But it's a rite of passage and a rite of faith for you far-Right types to continue to deny the evidence. You are the useful idiots of global capitalism Heaven forbid that helping to save the world should momentarily dent corporate profits. Far better to let the destruction happen while squealing that we can " prove anything with facts."
Wow, some really good and constructive comments above.
Even folks I disagree with, I must admit, made some good points.
Now here comes the trolls in 5...4..3...2..
Hey field!!! How's it hanging?
You can't make liberal shit up. Before Marilyn Mosby was the kickass super hero of the left, she was all ghetto on Judge Judy...
Judge Judy Season 5 Episode 119
I bet there's some nude pics of her too.
What do you find "ghetto" about her performance, Uncle Renaldo?
To me she comes across as smart, eloquent and very well prepared.
She also won her case. She appears to have made a habit of winning her cases.
"I bet there's some nude pics of her too."
Oh I bet you would love that, Uncle Renaldo.
I can imagine your little wrist working furiously, trying to get some reaction from your tiny little needle-dick.
The Purple Cow said...
I can imagine your little wrist working furiously, trying to get some reaction from your tiny little needle-dick.
I bet you would love that too....Since you are so obsessed with penis..
Do you fantasize about men jacking off a lot?
Moooo goes the gay purple cow.
"Do you fantasize about men jacking off a lot?
Nope, but even if I did, I wouldn't waste my time jerking off over that tiny little thing you got dangling between your gonads.
Could have fooled everyone. Since that is all you post about.....
The Purple Cow said...
I can imagine your little wrist working furiously, trying to get some reaction from your tiny little needle-dick.
PurpleCow and his white dick fetish.
Does your wife know you "imagine" (others call it fantasizing) about white dick so much.
Even socialist Bernie Sanders knows the truth about the unemployment rate.
The truth is that real unemployment is not the 5.4 percent you read in newspapers. It is close to 11 percent if you include those workers who have given up looking for jobs or who are working part time when they want to work full time. Youth unemployment is over 17 percent and African-American youth unemployment is much higher than that.
Discourage American workers to give up looking for work and the president can take credit for lowering the unemployment rate.
I wonder why the media, except fox, never talks about the real unemployment rate.
Must be a good reason the media needs to keep it secret.
The Purple Cow said...
"Do you fantasize about men jacking off a lot?
Nope, but even if I did,
Statement Analysis teaches us everything before the word "but" is to be disregarded.
The Purple Cow said...
1. "Evidence please. Show me your evidence for saying the Earth is not getting warmer. Show me your evidence for saying 2014 was not the hottest year ever (c.q. the NOAA and NASA evidence."
2. ..."There has been no discernible increase in sun heat output since 1978 when satellite observations began.."
The sun's output does vary along with the sunspot cycle. The question you asked was what possible inherent or natural processes might affect climate. I gave you some examples. There are many more. Do you deny that the climate cycles independent of human activity?
3. The Milankovitch cycle is only one factor in ice age periodicity. If it were the only factor, one would be able to calculate the exact pattern with past ice ages and thus preduct the future ice age schedule, when in fact there is great variation in the length of each ice age and the time between minimums that doesn't line up with orbital eccentricities.
4. Sort of. What I meant to say the rate of change is much higher when the climate is flipping into or out of an ice age; when the temperature graph crosses the x-axis (average). The mid points of the peaks or troughs see less change century to century. There has been a relatively steady rate of change for many centuries now, with a resultant consistent small sea level rise rate.
5. I supplied these links yesterday. NOAA has been caught changing data and has given various reasons for doing so. What is evident is that these changes have always boosted the resultant warming trend, typically by revising past estimates downward. If the adjustments were based solely on technical issues, one would expect a more neutral effect.
6. 2014 was most certainly not the "warmest year ever". But even if it were, it is one point on a graph. You can have that point. The theory of Global Warming says that increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions will directly correlate to increasing temperatures. This should be valid for any time period chosen, including the past 19 years, which just happens to be the 19 years in which the greatest amount of anthropogenic CO2 has been released into the atmosphere. When you plot those 19 points, there is no discernible trend. Do the global warming alarmists acknowledge this and admit that maybe their models are wrong? No, they double down, "adjust" the data, and tell us that this is just a "pause" before excessive economic freedom kills us all.
I don't discount the very real possibility that human activity can affect climate in a significant way, perhaps even to extent it causes deleterious effects to life on the planet. (If it moderated an ice age, that would be a good thing). But it pays to be skeptical when the people who were telling you they needed more power to control things through legal, regulatory and taxation authority, that hated capitalism (and oil companies in particular), that hated big houses, SUV's, meat - everything associated with a modern, energy-intensive, high consumption (American) lifestyle, suddenly came up with a theory that conveniently justified criminalizing everything they hated and that placed them atop the moral hierarchy of man. Oh and by the way, they needed to be in charge in order to run things properly.
The fact that climate scientists and politicians have been caught lying and fudging things (Climategate) and that charlatans like Al Gore have made hundreds of millions of dollars preaching its gospel, and that no detectable harm from Global Warming has yet been evidenced goes a long way toward convincing me that maybe this is less about science and more about politics. Science does not call skeptics "deniers" and cut off debate by saying the issued is "settled".
You want have a good faith debate on how we should proceed to organize the globe politically and economically, let's have at it. Telling me I shall be smote from above like Sodom and Gomorrah unless I change my sinful carbon ways and pay my tithe to the state priests immediately puts me in opposition mode. I'll advocate for freedom over state control until the day I die, especially when I feel that control is being justified in the name of a lie.
Gotta love dumbcorats and their double standards.
L.A. labor leaders seek minimum wage exemption for firms with union workers
Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council, are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforces....
For much of the past eight months, labor activists have argued against special considerations for business owners, such as restaurateurs, who said they would have trouble complying with the mandated pay increase.
Exemptions for unions?
Of course.
After unions pushed for a higher minimum wage, now they want to be exempt from it.
If not for double standards, what standards would dumbocrats have?
"After unions pushed for a higher minimum wage, now they want to be exempt from it."
They pushed for Obamacare, and then got exempted from its provisions.
That's how the Left rolls - one set of rules for "us" and another for "them".
"Furthermore, it's Whites like JOSH and Kinky and a few others who keep the ball rolling over Blacks..."
I don't even know what this means. Are you trying to say that I have power over blacks?
Because I didn't want to live my life researching meticulously other peoples' data at some state university for pennies in a field that, other than Dawkins, is unknown to most, I went into business for myself. In my capacity as a web copywriter for a couple of mid-level companies, I have power that amounts to fuck-all over anyone. I'm beholden to an editor (who herself is black, imagine that!), and business owners and webmasters and big wigs who set rules for Bing and Google who will remove my shit if it breaks their rules.
I grew up in the slums. I have no family inheritance. I don't have people in politics. There's nobody I even know sharing my DNA whose credit would be good enough to co-sign a mortgage refinancing if I needed it. What fucking "ball" am I rolling? I'm an average dude who has an average job and I lead an average life. Maybe some more folks who whine that there's a ball rolling over them should try that very basic shit first and then whine later if it don't work.
WTF do I do in my life to "keep the ball rolling over blacks"?
Field, before you give Aqua Buddha too much serious consideration, you might want to read a very smart blogger/political analyst on the subject, Charles Pierce over at Esquire. Just check all his previous (short) articles about this Randite. Pierce has something called the "five minute rule" which states that both Ron and Rand Paul seem to make sense at first, but by the time they've talked for at most 5 minutes you break into a cold sweat and realize that they're each completely nuts.
You knew Rand Paul didn't approve of the Civil Rights Act, right?
Pierce's address is here:
Josh said...
"WTF do I do in my life to "keep the ball rolling over blacks"?"
You exist.
Radical equalitarianism cannot coexist with white achievement, which it criminalizes as white privilege.
Being "average" won't save you. Whiteness must be eliminated.
anotherbozo doesn't beat the 5 second rule.
"Whiteness must be eliminated."
I see somebody's been wasting their time reading Tim Wise rather than studying a trade.
Maybe put as much effort into your own life and you might find that this aspect of "privilege" is, by and large, a work ethic.
The sooner you realize that the end game of modern leftism is white genocide the sooner you'll start fighting back.
The Purple Cow said...
"Do you fantasize about men jacking off a lot?
Nope, but even if I did,
The Purple Cow said...
"Do you fantasize about men jacking off a lot?
Yes, but even if I did, so what?
Dimiwitted Quotes: Bigfoot
”The sun's output does vary along with the sunspot cycle.”
Not really. As this excellent paper from the Max Plank institute from 2004 points out, sunspot activity has a miniscule effect on global temperature.
”The question you asked was what possible inherent or natural processes might affect climate. I gave you some examples.”
Well, no you didn’t.
You gave a couple of examples of things that have very minor affects on global temperatures, and a couple of other things that are just plane bonkers (Volcanoes!!!!!). That does not represent an answer to my question.
” There are many more.”
Such as…..???
”Do you deny that the climate cycles independent of human activity?”
You know I don’t, given that we have already discussed Milankovitch cycles. However, let me explain YET AGAIN, that no known ‘natural cycles’ can explain the astonishing increase in temperature since 1900 (>0.85C) compared to Milankovitch cycles of 0.5C in 8000 years.
”I supplied these links yesterday.”
” NOAA has been caught changing data and has given various reasons for doing so.”
Even if that was true (it isn’t), what about all the other organizations that say 2014 was the hottest year ever? NASA for instance. Is it your contention that every single one of these organizations is lying?
”2014 was most certainly not the "warmest year ever".
Yes it was.
”But even if it were, it is one point on a graph. You can have that point. The theory of Global Warming says that increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions will directly correlate to increasing temperatures. This should be valid for any time period chosen, including the past 19 years, which just happens to be the 19 years in which the greatest amount of anthropogenic CO2 has been released into the atmosphere.”
OK, let me explain it again for the fourth time.
i) 19 years ago was the previous hottest year ever.
ii) Six of the ten hottest years ever recorded in history were contained within those last nineteen years.
iii) However, they were not quite the hottest years ever because they were not super-El Ninio years.
iv) But that does not mean that global warming had stopped. It just means that we have not had another super-El Ninio year.
This is basic high school math. If you can’t understand it, I can’t help you.
”When you plot those 19 points, there is no discernible trend.”
If you think having six of the ten hottest years ever, in one 18 year grouping does not constitute a discernible trend then I really can’t help you.
"I don't discount the very real possibility that human activity can affect climate in a significant way, perhaps even to extent it causes deleterious effects to life on the planet. (If it moderated an ice age, that would be a good thing). But it pays to be skeptical when the people who were telling you they needed more power to control things through legal, regulatory and taxation authority, that hated capitalism (and oil companies in particular), that hated big houses, SUV's, meat - everything associated with a modern, energy-intensive, high consumption (American) lifestyle, suddenly came up with a theory that conveniently justified criminalizing everything they hated and that placed them atop the moral hierarchy of man. Oh and by the way, they needed to be in charge in order to run things properly."
If you think 97% of climate scientists hate capitalism you are living a paranoid fantasy world.
But supposing you were right? If 97% of scientists hated capitalism, what would that say about capitalism?
"The fact that climate scientists and politicians have been caught lying and fudging things (Climategate) and that charlatans like Al Gore have made hundreds of millions of dollars preaching its gospel, and that no detectable harm from Global Warming has yet been evidenced goes a long way toward convincing me that maybe this is less about science and more about politics. Science does not call skeptics "deniers" and cut off debate by saying the issued is "settled"."
Climategate is a myth.
No less than seven commissions, INCLUDING ONE STAFFED BY SCIENTISTS RECOMMENDED BY CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS, have examined the evidence. Every single one of them discovered that there had been no scandal, and no disinformation.
"You want have a good faith debate on how we should proceed to organize the globe politically and economically, let's have at it. Telling me I shall be smote from above like Sodom and Gomorrah unless I change my sinful carbon ways and pay my tithe to the state priests immediately puts me in opposition mode. I'll advocate for freedom over state control until the day I die, especially when I feel that control is being justified in the name of a lie."
OK so I see you have now given up on debating the science, and have gone into full-on paranoid right-winger mode.
If you can't understand that even in the face of rising CO2 concentrations, a flat temperature graph over the past 19 years does not indicate the earth is warming, I can't help you.
The "97% of scientists" is complete bunk, and you know it. Even if it were true, scientific facts are not decided by a vote.
Denying climate scientists were caught fudging data and steering conclusions by the release of the Climategate emails shows you have all the intellectual honesty of a Creationist. Inconvenient truths indeed.
Keep serving power, Cow. You are a natural groveler.
"If you think 97% of climate scientists hate capitalism you are living a paranoid fantasy world."
It pains me very much to say so, but I have to agree with Le Purple Marxist on this one. Scientists, by and large, are very neurotic -- and for at least the ones I've known, heard about, read about, etc, they don't do too much on politics one way or another. There's something about the mindset of the typical scientist that's wholly objective at its core. Their minds are the tabula rasa; the rest of society is an open book, easily read. These men and women are, by and large, exceedingly intelligent but, more than that, very proud. They pride themselves on being objective and allowing the data to paint their conclusions; they are not a group of government cock-sucking sycophants whose loyalties can be purchased for a grant.
Unfortunately, every time a group wants to disagree with the science, there are multiple accusations levied against the character of objective researchers. Such is the case with evolution, the BBT, and even things like star formation and airborne pathogens and, tragically, vaccinations.
At some point, the people saying "NO!" to the science are going to have to check their ideologies and stop projecting on perfectly honest men and women that it's an entire discipline that's more likely to be crooked and not the individual viewing it.
Notwithstanding the doomsayers whose data tinkering is used to paint more of a Gore-like picture of the climate. But, to be sure, they're like Piltdown Man all day; that is to say, they're aberrations and not the norm.
So, question the data if one must, but questioning the collective integrity of an entire scientific discipline is just some moon-landing conspiratorial fodder.
We're talking about people whose IQs are, probably at a minimum, 2 1/2 SD over the aggregate. In other words, they don't need to game data for a living. They can actually build shit and contribute shit to society, earning a living in multiple ways, while the vast majority of people busting their balls can't handle entry-level geometry.
Rumor has it that cops in Baltimore aren't working as hard as they used to because of all the dumbocrat anti-cop sentiment.
Black deaths are skyrocketing up.
Does that mean the cops actually were helping keep the #BlackLivesThatMatter safe?
Josh said...
Scientists, by and large, are very neurotic -- and for at least the ones I've known, heard about, read about, etc, they don't do too much on politics one way or another.
Except for when securing taxpayer funding.
Josh said...
"We're talking about people whose IQs are, probably at a minimum, 2 1/2 SD over the aggregate. In other words, they don't need to game data for a living."
Said like someone who is about a half SD short of average.
"Scientists" are not "at a minimum" IQ level of any sort.
And gaming data for a living goes back to the beginning of data.
You are saying "smart people never lie to dumb people. We should trust them and do what they say".
Because of course the people in charge never lie to the masses to steer them in the direction they want them to move.
People in government always seek to increase their power.
Government funds the vast majority of science.
Scientists who produce science that facilitates government increasing power get funding.
The media aligns with power and bestows prestige on "good" scientists and opprobrium on "deniers".
Scientists are people and thus desire funding and prestige.
You get what you pay for.
Judicial Watch [on Tuesday] released new State Department documents showing the Benghazi attack was called a “terrorism event” almost immediately after the attack took place. Another document suggests that Hillary Clinton tasked an official to contact the FBI, evidently not knowing that the FBI was already on the Benghazi matter under longstanding State Department counterterrorism response protocols.
Despite knowing it was an attack, the State Department, including its Security Command Center, continued to falsely tie “demonstrations” to the Benghazi terrorist assault.
Last week, Judicial Watch reported that it had obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified “Secret” documents from the Department of Defense and the Department of State revealing that DOD knew almost immediately that the Benghazi attack was committed by the al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood-linked “Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman” (BCOAR), and had been planned at least 10 days in advance. Rahman, known as the Blind Sheikh, is serving life in prison for his involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and other terrorist acts. The new documents also provided the first official confirmation that the U.S. government was aware of arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria.
“The Obama administration – including Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice – knew immediately that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack. The State Department’s new smoking gun documents put to rest any question about what Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice knew – and when they knew it,”
Yet they told us it was a spontaneous reaction to a YouTube video, and put the creator of the video in prison. The media enabled this lie, and then assisted Obama in papering it over by coordinating answers during a Presidential debate.
Think of the total contempt that Hillary had for the parents of Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith when she told them that she would get the Islamophobic villain responsible for making the video that supposedly caused their sons’ deaths.
Think of the total contempt the Obama administration has for the American people.
Think of the total contempt the media has for all of us.
What difference does it make?
Hillary, 2016.
"Said like someone who is about a half SD short of average."
For real. Maybe. I'm not a highly intelligent person, by any means. I'm an average dude. But, I'll tell ya what: I got $500 right now that I'll let Field hold in escrow via PayPal, against $50 you put up, saying that I beat you in an IQ score by a minimum of 12 points. We'll take it in live time, under monitors, to exclude cheating or Googling answers on the fly. Hell, scratch that -- I say I best you by 2 solid SD, and I'll even spot you 7 minutes in total time.
"You are saying "smart people never lie to dumb people. We should trust them and do what they say"."
Well, okay. Except and that, that's not at all even remotely close to what I said. But, okay...I suppose I have no defense against straw-men of your own creation.
People lie in general. Sure. What I'm talking about is what a scientist is. I highly doubt you know nor can conceive of an objective mind, thus you'll always project onto everyone else that they're all exactly like you. And what's that say about you?
"People in government always seek to increase their power.
Government funds the vast majority of science.
Scientists who produce science that facilitates government increasing power get funding."
If you have a view that cynical of the grant process, I honestly won't begrudge it. I myself am a cynic. However, if it's that wholly corrupted, you should have no issue whatever showing actual evidence of this corruption, that goes beyond the climate equivalent of evolution theory's Piltdown Man (Read: Hint -- don't use Glenn Beck to source here.). If it's that simple--scientist agrees with politicians, scientist gets funding--then finding that paper trail should require you about 10 solid minutes of half-assed research to show the correlation between ideological alignment and funding for the sciences.
"If you can't understand that even in the face of rising CO2 concentrations, a flat temperature graph over the past 19 years does not indicate the earth is warming, I can't help you."
It's yourself that has not needs help. Six of the hottest years ever have been in the last 19 years. 2014 was the hottest year ever.
You know I'm right. Stop pretending you don't.
"Denying climate scientists were caught fudging data and steering conclusions by the release of the Climategate emails shows you have all the intellectual honesty of a Creationist."
So the SEVEN independent commissions who investigated the case and found no fraud are all lying are they?
Including the one staffed by scientists approved by climate change deniers?
You don't even believe what you are saying yourself.
"People in government always seek to increase their power.
Government funds the vast majority of science.
Scientists who produce science that facilitates government increasing power get funding.
The media aligns with power and bestows prestige on "good" scientists and opprobrium on "deniers".
Scientists are people and thus desire funding and prestige.
You get what you pay for."
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. So how do you account for the fact that no other branch of science has tried this trick?
How come no other group of scientists have thought "Hmmm, lying works for climate guys, I'll try that myself."?
How do you account for the fact that climatologists in countries where the government denies climate change is real, (such as Australia for instance) also side with global warming. Surely if your idiotic theory held water they would furiously be running up research saying that climate change is bollocks.
Incidentally, governments do not fund "the vast majority" of scientific research, as you claim. In the USA the figure is 36%, and much of that is military spending.
"However, if it's that wholly corrupted, you should have no issue whatever showing actual evidence of this corruption"
And I don't:
Field Negro ,PLEASE don't drink the KoolAid, Papa PAUL is a Die Hard White Supremacist and Baby Rand has the same tendencies. Rand Paul don't love no Black people!!! Politicians in Both parties say one good thing for Black humans and then say five hundred negative about us, but we are treated so bad we hang on to the one positive comments. Go research Rand Paul fathers news letter, with the many articles from the White STORM FRONT contributors. Black People; don't let the DEVIL trick you.
The Purple Cow said...
"So how do you account for the fact that no other branch of science has tried this trick?"
Are you joking? Have you never heard of the term Lysenkoism?:
Science can never be completely independent from its source of funding.
If ExxonMobil funded really smart scientists who said that anthropogenic CO2 kept alien invaders away, would you believe them?
If Phillip Morris funded research that said smoking cured cancer and made your dick bigger, would you be skeptical? (I'd bet you'd start smoking just to see if it worked).
And regarding your inability to understand trends, if you plot your height over your lifetime you can discern an upward trend, but I'll bet at least 6 out the last 19 years you've been the tallest of your life. You're not getting any taller, and the earth is not get any warmer.
Come on man, stop playing stupid.
The Purple Cow said...
Six of the hottest years ever have been in the last 19 years.
All 6 thousand years?
Can you link the stones the first measurements were written on.
Climategate is like Piltdown Man-lite.
But to each their own. I know many folks who believe Bush blew up the towers, we never landed on the moon, and that Paul McCartney is a clone.
Such is life.
So actual emails from climate scientists discussing how to "hide the decline" is equivalent to 911 truthers or moon landing deniers?
Such is stupidity.
"So actual emails from climate scientists discussing how to "hide the decline" is equivalent to 911 truthers or moon landing deniers?"
"Such is stupidity."
Could be my take on this is rather stupid. I'll let you play the judge on that. Or, it could be that you're not exactly reading what I'm saying.
In evolutionary biology--and even in the evolution V religion debates in general--we're aware of a hoax that was perpetrated on scientists around a century ago, give or take: Piltdown Man. Some hoaxer decided that he would make news by claiming the discovery of a complete humanoid fossil, when in reality it was all bullshit. And the scientific method is what found that the bullshit was bullshit. Nevertheless, Christian creationists had their ammo. "How can evolution be true!? Look at Piltdown Man!" "It's all a hoax and a scam! Look at Piltdown Man!" "Scientists LIE about evolution! Look at Piltdown Man!" Some still to this day, claim that Piltdown Man disproves the whole of evolution.
What I'm saying is that, on the grand scale, Climategate is light in comparison to that. You have a few fucking bozos attempting to doctor data. What else is new? This is something people familiar with science are fully aware of: Hoaxers trying to tilt shit. It's people who have a fly-by-night approach to brushing over the disciplines who live or die by the hysteria.
But, more to the point: How the FUCK do you--me, or anyone else--know that the data is doctored? Because science! The same thing you're decrying is the same damn reason that hoaxers like those Climategate bastards are caught.
Now, when someone takes the infinitesimal number of hoaxers and bad scientists and extrapolate that to be representative of science as a whole, then it DOES equate to 911 truthers and moon landing deniers.
"You have a few fucking bozos attempting to doctor data."
No, it was more than a few fucking bozos, it was the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, and a good portion of the the scientists who wrote the IPCC report including Phil Jones, Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, and Malcolm Hughes.
The data published by these institutions is used by climate scientists around the world. When they tampered with it, they altered any conclusions subsequent researchers and climate modelers drew from it.
To use your analogy, it was as if the Piltdown Man hoax had been perpetrated by the Smithsonian and the Royal Society of London and the information derived used as a basis for the science of of human evolution. Which of course didn't happen, it was just one fucking bozo who was quickly discredited. So your analogy doesn't work.
I don't know whether or not anthropogenic global warming is a real problem, but I do know the people pushing it as a big problem have been caught lying about fundamental precepts of their theory. Why would you entrust your future to these people?
Bigfoot, if you can't figure out scale, I can't help in this regard.
At the time of Piltdown Man, how many scientists were actually fucking with evolution altogether? At the time of Climategate, how many were there? The latter had orders of magnitude more, crossing disciplines and fields of study even.
"Why would you entrust your future to these people?"
Who the hell ever said I did? If I haven't been clear enough with my words, let me phrase it differently: Those doomsayers and Gore-like idiots can kiss my ass.
What my comment was focusing on originally is the idea that scientists are purchased by government. On the whole, this is bullshit. In some cases? Sure. But--and which makes Piltdown extremely analogous--the few don't speak for the many. I realize that this isn't how it is colloquially; I'm not blind to that. The few bad apples do spoil the entire lot. But factually it doesn't work like that.
Do you just feel compelled to debate anything, regardless of whether you have the faintest understanding of the topic?
"Are you joking? Have you never heard of the term Lysenkoism?:"
Oh for fuck's sake, I do believe he is serious.
I just love how immigration-without-assimilation is transforming America.
It's becoming such a better place, don't you think?
Anon @ 1:11 AM said...That will never change unless the U.S. spends the money to economically develop poor neighborhoods, finds the political will to force employers to pay a living wage, and tightens up our ridiculous gun laws.
Poverty does not create the ghetto. Rather, a ghetto culture of violence, sex, and drug use creates poverty.
"I don't know whether or not anthropogenic global warming is a real problem, but I do know the people pushing it as a big problem have been caught lying about fundamental precepts of their theory. "
Seven commissions of enquiry, including one staffed by scientists approved by a committee of climate change denialists, have examined this case and decided there is no scandal.
Let me explain the number seven to you, Bigfoot.
i) It is one more than six.
ii) It is one less than eight.
iii) It is the fourth prime number
iv) It is a Mersenne prime
V) It is a double Mersenne prime
vi) It is a Newman-Shanks-Williams prime
vii) Seven is the lowest natural number that cannot be represented as the sum of the squares of three integers
viii) Seven is the aliquot sum of one number, the cubic number 8 and is the base of the 7-aliquot tree.
ix) n = 7 is the first natural number for which the next statement does not hold: "Two nilpotent endomorphisms from Cn with the same minimal polynomial and the same rank are similar.
x) 7 is the only number D for which the equation 2n-D=x2 has more than two solutions for n and x natural. In particular, the equation 2n-7=x2 is known as the Ramanujan–Nagell equation.
xi) 7 is the only dimension, besides the familiar 3, in which a vector cross product can be defined.
xii) 7 is the lowest dimension of a known exotic sphere, although there may exist as yet unknown exotic smooth structures on the 4-dimensional sphere.
xiii) 999,999 divided by 7 is exactly 142,857. Therefore, when a vulgar fraction with 7 in the denominator is converted to a decimal expansion, the result has the same six-digit repeating sequence after the decimal point, but the sequence can start with any of those six digits.[1] For example, 1/7 = 0.142857 142857... and 2/7 = 0.285714 285714....
xiv) It is the number of committees that have investigated the alleged 'Climategate' scandal, and have discovered that there is actually o scandal.
Seven whitewashings by ideological co-conspirators cannot blot out the stain falsifying data and manipulating conclusions.
There have been zero explanations as to why these falsifications do not invalidate the conclusions.
The evidence is damning.
Read the emails.
FP, "i am from the south and have met some of the most vicious, hateful white ladies/people. they reserve the right to keep up devilry, neatly hidden out of sight. then cry + lie when called out. then ALL swoop in to protect them."
I have observed it. The weird thing though, there were a few bw(toms) who supported those nasty ww. I found myself hating the bw more than the ww. But I learned a valuable lesson about myself: I hate sell-outs more than I hate white racists.
FP, "the nice white lady last thread took it to the physical/spiritual.
spiritual of the demonic variety.
"tradition" really.""
Yes it is tradition, nothing new. Still, it's quite jarring to see it on video. What will be more hurtful and more humiliating is IF that demonic cop gets away with murdering that defenseless woman.
You know, nothing much has changed since Jim Crow. In fact, Jim Crow never left in the first place.
Rand Paul said more than against the Iraq War criminals than the Democrats did when he talked about Cheney starting the war for Halliburton profits. The Democrats call purposely lying us into war a "mistake". The other Republicans still seem hesitant to even admit that. Yes, Paul is an unqualified fool who reverses a lot of the positions he was right about, but he is way better than the other Republicans.
But Hillary is a woman.
Hillary, 2016!
There’s something wonderful about being alive at the time when the liberal-progressive project finally disappears into its own absurdity. That moment hasn’t quite happened yet but it can only be a year or so down the road. The election of Hillary Clinton will likely smash us through to the other side of the looking glass entirely. See the last third of Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey to get an idea of the ride we’re about to take.
Bullshit the Hebrews honor Jesus. The Talmud explicit says that Mary was a whore and that Jesus is in hell boiling in a vat of semen. That's honoring Jesus?
Islam is far more respectful of Jesus than Jews ever will be.
Who care about black lives? Black people obviously don't so why should I?
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