Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Cops gone wild?

Image result for salinas beating imagesOnce again we can see a cell phone video showing America what happens when thugs disguising themselves as law enforcement officials unleash their fury on  a fellow citizen.

"The video, which was shot in a shaky minute-and-a-half, does not show what caused several officers to repeatedly strike the man, Jose Velasco, 28, with batons while he writhed on the pavement in the middle of the street.

Just a few feet away, several lanes of stopped traffic watched the scene unfold; the video appeared to be shot through the rolled-down window of one of those cars." [Watch here]

And of course there is the obligatory statement from the police department.

"In a press release, the Salinas Police Department said officers were called to North Main Street after Velasco was seen running through traffic and jumping on cars.

When officers arrived, Velasco was "slamming" his mother into the pavement, the release said; he "violently resisted" the officers, and attempted to grab a Taser from one of them.

Officers subsequently fired a Taser twice at Velasco, the release said, "neither having any effect on him."

Velasco's family told NBC affiliate KSBW that he is mentally ill.

Salinas Police Chief Kelly McMillin told KSBW that the video "absolutely" concerned him. "Anybody who looks at that video without context would have concerns, because it looks terrible," he said."
It seems that every day we wake up to another one of these incidents.  
And why are we surprised?
Here is what the leader of the largest police department in the country had to say about hiring black cops:
"According to New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, the reason black males are underrepresented by the city’s police force is because so many would-be recruits have served jail time.
In an interview with The Guardian, Bratton addressed the gap by saying: “We have a significant population gap among African American males because so many of them have spent time in jail and, as such, we can’t hire them.”
Indeed, data updated by the New York Times earlier this year shows that the New York Police Department is 21 percentage points more white than its residents. Only 16% of the NYPD is black, while the city’s population is 23% black, suggesting a slight racial gap in the force. That being said, the NYPD is actually quite diverse compared to many other police departments, partially due to court-ordered mandates."
Yes, we acknowledge that a disproportionate amount of black men in New York  City have probably come in contact with the criminal justice system in that city. ("Stop & Frisk" will do that to you.) 
But the thing is this, the Commissioner should be focused on getting quality black recruits for his department and not making statements that should be reserved for a criminologist.    
Finally, happy trails Officer Casebolt.
It took that disgusting video of you abusing and groping that 14 year old girl for you to resign, but we are glad you are gone.
From what I have been seeing and hearing since this incident; your resignation should have been forthcoming a long time ago.
But don't worry, I am sure that the folks at FOX VIEWS will find something for you to do and keep you paid.
They have been your biggest supporters. Their star anchor even implied that it was the 14 year old girl who was at fault for getting assaulted and sexually abused by you.
So get your last check, get a makeover, and head to New York. There is an anchor chair there with your name on it.   


Anonymous said...

Police are human beings, regardless of race. Citizens are human brings regardless of race. Relationships between human beings are synergistic. The more police are disrespected the worse some will behave. The worse citizens are disrespected, the worse some will behave. The worse things get, the worse they will get. Yet, respect leads to respect. Choose.

Anonymous said...

"They have been your biggest supporters. Their star anchor even implied that it was the 14 year old girl who was at fault for getting assaulted and sexually abused by you."

Who is FOX News star anchor? I mean, FOX has a lot of stars. I believe they are the only network with an abundance of stars?

Anonymous said...

Blacks can't pass fireman's, policeman's, teachers tests. So they are dumbed down.

Imagine how awful it must be to be this dumb and demand standards be lowered.

field negro said...

Anonymous@10:10, we can't. Why don't u tell us how "awful" it is?

dinthebeast said...

I wonder what it would take for the cops to finally get the message that they are doing it wrong. Video evidence does not seem to be working. They are notoriously hard to prosecute, so I don't believe that is going to work (although it might, if a few of them actually did some high-profile jail time). Maybe we need to rethink the whole law-enforcement paradigm. They seem to be savvy enough to avoid abusing the children of the rich and powerful, so bad publicity probably won't get a chance to change anything.
Perhaps I have this all wrong and there really are enough poltroons out there who feel comforted under the thumb of an occupying army that no change is possible. Be that as it may, it does not make what they do any less wrong.

-Doug in Oakland

Anonymous said...

Hey Field, how do you think the Left's attack on local police is going to work out? Have you really thought this one through?

Anonymous said...

Well, Mr Field, the videos will change nothing as far as the police are concerned.

They will continue to kick ass, esp Black and Brown asses...but mostly Blacks. You should know this.

Hence, your posts are falling on police deaf ears.

Yisheng said...

It's going to take some rich and/or famous kid to get killed by a cop for something to change Doug.

Anonymous said...

You've got 4 police officers there, and they couldn't manage to subdue 1 prisoner without resorting to beating the hell out of him with their batons?

WTF? I sure hope this is not standard operating procedure in their police manual.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

All the black people are hanging out at Popeye's.

Sorry, Colonel.

focusedpurpose said...

seems to me that folk are itching to come in and take control of policing...

i mean, they can't seem to get it right.


maybe we need the UN to help get this Right?


@9:32 pm- yep.

@10:10pm- americans, in general, are dumbed down, as evidenced by your comment.

what i find laughable is the fact that folk can't seem to understand that we can walk through the hue man color spectrum and see citizens getting this treatment.

despite melanin deficiency induced "superiority" some folk seem rather slow on the get in the know.


i will say it again:

the police state is for EVERYONE.

Blessed Blacks will get it first, of course. then it spreads out from there...

as it has already begun to do.

folk just want to distract US with the Black/White fight like agents of satan don't come in ALL hues.

just as Yah's people do.

come on now...

Blessings all!

The Purple Cow said...

"Hey Field, how do you think the Left's attack on local police is going to work out? Have you really thought this one through?"

Damn, you've stumbled on our secret plan.

Plan is, we're gonna drive all the white cops out of the job by saying mean things about them, because we know the poor lambs can't cope with that. THEN we are gonna staff all of America's police departments entirely with brothers and sisters, after which we will hunt down and kill your 12 year old son on the street, and wrestle your 14 year old daughter to the ground - see how you like it when the fascist boot is on the other foot.

It's an interesting social experiment, I think you'll agree.

Anonymous said...

I forgot all about Field Negro. I used to read this blog. It is interesting and different. For one thing, I'd never seen a black guy be so openly hostile to whites. It seemed delightfully immature and joyfully innocent. I was certainly awestruck by how he expressed his opinions too, even those contrary to reason or facts. I thought "Good for him! He has guts!" But I found his use of his blog to show photos and ask for captions absolutely revolutionary. I read lots of blogs and you just don't see that from anyone. Other bloggers usually stay on topic.

I've never seen any black guy be so open about such a difficult topic as racism before. Sadly, he doesnt seem to receive an outpouring of sympathy from black commenters. They just use his blog to argue. In fact, the content of each post seems often to be met with stunned silence ten petty insults between readers. But still it is amazing.

Maybe other blacks ho can read, inspired by him, will use their blogs to also lay open to the world their inmost, darkest and shameful hatred for whites and clear the air a bit. We hear people like Al Sharpton preach about the sins of whites frequently and with much to say about these pallid sinners. But how many blacks talk about their own racism and actually demonstrate it online? How refreshing it is to hear one finally and shamelessly declare his racism to the world on the eternal Internet. It makes for some edifying reading to be sure. I think such honesty is always good for the soul and inspiring to the readers who want to know how black people really feel about white people. Who better to exemplify that honesty than a true, black racist?


Anonymous said...

Blogger field negro said...

Anonymous@10:10, we can't. Why don't u tell us how "awful" it is?

As I said

" http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/awful

If too many Blacks can't pass a Firefighters test, a Teachers test, a Policeman's test, well then that test must be racist.

Anonymous said...

The Purple Cow said...

"Hey Field, how do you think the Left's attack on local police is going to work out? Have you really thought this one through?"

Damn, you've stumbled on our secret plan.

Plan is, we're gonna drive all the white cops out of the job by saying mean things about them, because we know the poor lambs can't cope with that. THEN we are gonna staff all of America's police departments entirely with brothers and sisters, after which we will hunt down and kill your 12 year old son on the street, and wrestle your 14 year old daughter to the ground - see how you like it when the fascist boot is on the other foot.

It's an interesting social experiment, I think you'll agree.

Blacks living in White society has been an interesting experiment.
It's amazing what occurs when Whites flee Black dysfunction, crime and the like. The White infrastructure provided crumbles and cannot be sustained by Blacks.

The Purple Cow said...

" We hear people like Al Sharpton preach about the sins of whites frequently...blah, blah, blah..."

Al Sharpton!!!!

I should imagine it be like an entire four or five days since a racist poster last invoked his name. Not only are they never afraid to drag up tired old cliches, they'e the last remaining people on Earth who give a flying fuck about what Sharpton thinks about anything. Still it's good to see their stereotypical hate figures getting a new airing.

All we need now is a mention of Jessie jackson and Eric Holder and we'll have a full set!

C'mon boys, don't let us down...

The Fixer said...

Cops gone wild?

Negroes gone wild?

There. Fixed it for you.

Dr. Ramos, PHD said...

"It seems that every day we wake up to another one of these incidents."

Glad you finally notice. Everyday we are being exposed to the lack of respect, reasoning and self control from the black population.

"And why are we surprised?"

No one is surprised. Blacks can't help themselves. Or so white and black Democrats tell us.

"Yes, we acknowledge that a disproportionate amount of black men in New York City have probably come in contact with the criminal justice system in that city. ("Stop & Frisk" will do that to you.)"

Black men are more likely to commit crimes because they have little impulse control and low iq's. "Stop & Frisk" has nothing to do with that. Now that Liberals have ended "Stop & Frisk", murders and violent crimes are up. Liberals are taking new York back to the bad old days.

"Finally, happy trails Officer Casebolt."

The Liberal lynch mob has lynched another. I guess due process is just for black people.

"But don't worry, I am sure that the folks at FOX VIEWS will find something for you to do and keep you paid.'

What's up with fn's sick obsession with Fox News? It must cause you major butt hurt that Fox News is the most powerful, most trusted, most watched in cable news and sometimes all of cable.

Manifest Density 119-2019 said...

If high IQ = high intelligence
If Chinese have higher IQ'S than euros
If Chinese are communist

Does this mean we should be communists, too?

Anonymous said...

Purple Cow's "secret plan" hits closer to the truth than he thinks. 'Civil Rights' has devolved to the promotion of a false narrative of victimhood that is used to incite and justify violence against society as a means to achieve political ends.

Anonymous said...

Chinese are nationalists.

Anonymous said...

Manifest Density 119-2019 said...

If high IQ = high intelligence
If Chinese have higher IQ'S than euros
If Chinese are communist

Does this mean we should be communists, too?

If "if' and buts were candy and nuts, we would all have a merry fu8ckin' Christmas.....

Anonymous said...

"Black men are more likely to commit crimes because they have little impulse control and low iq's. "Stop & Frisk" has nothing to do with that. Now that Liberals have ended "Stop & Frisk", murders and violent crimes are up. Liberals are taking new York back to the bad old days."

There's no meaningful evidence violent crimes are up, in NYC or anywhere else. This is a phony Fox News narrative not backed up by facts.

But no one should expect any kind of acknowledgment of that, ever. When the facts don't agree with their demented ideologies, wingnuts just shout the same old lines, louder and louder. For the last 6 years, wingnuts have been shrieking that we need backbreaking austerity or else disastrous inflation will occur. Guess what? The dreaded inflation has not arrived. Did this make the shrieking stop? Hahahaha. Nope.

Because wingnuts live in their own manufactured reality.

"Finally, happy trails Officer Casebolt."

The Liberal lynch mob has lynched another. I guess due process is just for black people.

Due process is for persons accused of crimes. But Officer Casebolt isn't being prosecuted.

His boss just saw him on video, storming around like a rogue elephant, verbally and physically abusing people for no good reason ... and fired his ass. This is generally what ought to happen to bad employees.

Manifest Density 1619-2019 said...

Thanks anon@8:44a


Should we be nationalists, too?

focusedpurpose said...

"His boss just saw him on video, storming around like a rogue elephant, ..."


Virginia said...

@3:15am- Too bad stupidity isn't painful.

When are we going to see a 'good' officer jump in and say ENOUGH. These officers aren't scared, they're relieving tension.

With phones everywhere there's no stopping these videos. Officers need cameras with no off or erase button.

Manifest Density 1619-2019 said...

"If "if' and buts were candy and nuts, we would all have a merry fu8ckin' Christmas....."

8:46 AM

You appear to have anger issues. Casebolt had anger issues, too. I hope you come back when you feel better. And by the way,some people have severe allergies to nuts so, no we ALL wouldn't have a happy holiday.

Anonymous said...

"When are we going to see a 'good' officer jump in and say ENOUGH. These officers aren't scared, they're relieving tension."

I don't think that's really true. We need to look at each of these incidents independently.

In a lot of cases when an officer mistakenly shoots someone who was unarmed, it really is because he was scared. He feared the suspect was armed and figured he only had a split second to make a decision on that possibility. (There's even a standard police officer expression for this: "I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6." This means he'd rather deal with 12 jurors trying to jail him after mistakenly shooting an innocent person than have his coffin carried by 6 pallbearers after mistakenly NOT shooting a dangerous person.)

But cops behave badly for a variety of reasons. Anger is only one of those reasons.

I've often said that some bad cops become violent when you force them to exert any effort at all in the course of their jobs. They're flat-out lazy. Officer Casebolt made this explicit at the pool party incident. He was bitching and moaning that the teenagers were making him run around while wearing heavy equipment in the hot sun. Basically, they made him break a sweat, so now they all had to pay.

Marlene Pinnock took an awful beating from a California officer who completely lost it when she wandered into traffic. (Pinnock has mental problems.) I have to assume the officer was stressed out at having been placed in danger himself in the process of wading into traffic to go after her. So his reaction was to save her ... and then beat the shit out of her for making him save her? This is not a man in control of his emotions, and I really hope he is no longer on the force, because this is just frightening.


Dr. Ramos,PHD said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"There's no meaningful evidence violent crimes are up, in NYC or anywhere else. This is a phony Fox News narrative"

Well there is crime data that is based on actually crime. Of course that will be ignored for the screams of "RACIST!!!" and "FOX NEWS!!!"

Education is just hard for some.

"For the last 6 years, wingnuts have been shrieking that we need backbreaking austerity or else disastrous inflation will occur."

Who are these "wingnuts"? Are they the same "wingnuts" who were shrieking that obamanomics would result in a stronger middle class?

"His boss just saw him on video, storming around like a rogue elephant, verbally and physically abusing people for no good reason"

So he was mimicking the behavior of blacks who started the confrontation with the police?

Manufactured reality is for those who seek a
manufactured density.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

You know who said...

The conservative lynch mob has lynched another. I guess due process is just for white people.

There, fixed it for ya.

The Fixer said...

Cops gone wild?

Negroes gone wild?

There. Fixed it for you.
Nope it was correct the first time. And stop stealing my name you unimaginative asshole.

The Fixer Don't Be Fixin' Nuttin said...

Get an id you lazy asshole.

Anonymous said...

"Well there is crime data that is based on actually crime. Of course that will be ignored for the screams of 'RACIST!!!' and 'FOX NEWS!!!'"

No, there isn't any meaningful crime data that can be used to prove an increase in crime caused by police reform. In fact, there isn't any long-term data available to prove any increase in crime at all.

You've got the Rudy Gulianis of the world out there lying and claiming that the sky will fall in if the cops aren't allowed to be racist. But they're juking the stats to make their arguments. They're cherry picking meaningless short-term data to serve whatever bogus point they want to make.

Heather McDonald tried to pull this crap in the Wall Street Journal recently:

"In New York, for example, she focused on the higher homicide rate — up 13 percent since this time last year — instead of the overall violent crime rate, which is down by 7 percent in 2015. In Los Angeles, however, MacDonald focused on 'shootings and other violent felonies' — which are up 25 percent — instead of the homicide rate, which is down by 14 percent in 2015." (h/t Salon.com)

It's easy to seize on whatever short-term spike happened this month, while ignoring whatever short-term drop occurred, in order to serve your point. Robberies up? Scream your head off. Rapes down? Ignore it completely. But it's all meaningless. Crime stats fluctuate a lot over the short term, and none of that has anything to do with how cops do their jobs.

Summer is beginning, so of course, crime is up. But that happens every damn year. It proves nothing, yet you can count on conservatives pretending there is a new crime wave caused by liberals saying mean things about cops.


Manifest Density 1619-2019 said...

I see we are experiencing a breakthrough!

Now I think that we can all agree that manufactured density is an unnatural construct that acts in opposition to the more desirable nationalistic development needed for a healthy society. I mean, why feign ignorance of those components of societal development that only serve to ignore injustice and inequality for all citizens. You know, things like redlining, poor schools, Jim Crow laws, wasting money on ineffectual programs that only benefit the profiteers. And let's not forget to mention Japanese internment camps, Indian reservations , etc. Why not manufacture a reality where cognitive strengths are measured and utilized to improve the connection to the whole thereby increasing a)one's individual self-worth and b) create value for the whole.

That the "pale male" must maintain control points to a darker and more formidable pathology but we still have time to correct this, too.

Joder La Resistencia said...

Anonymous said...


10:34 AM

Wouldn't you be pissed if you heard this song?

Ms. Peachez - Fry That Chicken


The Fixer said...

Get an id you lazy asshole.
Yes, do that.

Paranoid white guy said...


Unarmed blah teenaged girls are scary to armed white men.

Anonymous said...

"His boss just saw him on video, storming around like a rogue elephant, verbally and physically abusing people for no good reason

So he was mimicking the behavior of blacks who started the confrontation with the police?"

Even if this were true, and I am not saying it is, the difference is that they are teenagers and he is an adult police officer.

As a police officer, it is a given that one will encounter individuals who are rude, disrespectful, and uncooperative. This does not give an officer license to drop down to their level, or batter them into submission. Police have the right to demand cooperation with lawful law enforcement requests, and to use necessary amount of force -- and no more than necessary force -- to achieve compliance with those requests. That's it.

Those are the terms of the job. Anyone who doesn't accept those terms should not be a police officer.

Just because some members of the general public are boneheads, that doesn't mean cops have the right to turn into Cartman.


Bill said...

Does this explain why the left doesn't want voters to show ID?

Ferguson mayor recall petition lacks required signatures
The reasons for being invalidated include:
19 were blank lines
65 had no address
65 had no signature
562 were not registered in St. Louis County
366 were registered in St. Louis County, but not in Ferguson
18 had the wrong signature (they were not close to the signature in the voter database)
30 signatures were duplicates


I wonder why dumbocrats thought turning in invalid government paperwork was going to work?

Bill said...

The Lying Purple Cow said...
Not only are they never afraid to drag up tired old cliches, they'e the last remaining people on Earth who give a flying fuck about what Sharpton thinks about anything. Still it's good to see their stereotypical hate figures getting a new airing.

As said by someone that whines about worn out cliches-
Koch brothers

To quote you, "as if you give a flying fuck what they think about anything."

Without double standards LyingPurpleCow, you wouldn't have any standards.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder why dumbocrats thought turning in invalid government paperwork was going to work?"

Because everyone who gets involved in politics isn't a professional activist? All petitions have some signatures that end up being invalidated. If this one had more than usual, all this proves is that the person who conducted the petition didn't know what they were doing (probably because of inexperience), or else they'd have either checked the identities of the signatories or collected more signatures before submission.

Nothing particularly sinister here.

And Voter ID laws do nothing to fix erroneous voter registrations. The only conceivable benefit is in preventing one person from assuming the identity of another registered voter at the voting booth -- which virtually never happens.

These laws have no legitimate purpose and are a patently obvious attempt to reduce the numbers of young and low-income voters who tend not to vote Republican. When Democrats introduce mandatory voting and free photo IDs, watch Republicans shit a brick as their efforts to cheat are unmasked.

field negro said...

Anon@12:04, that was well stated

Of course it will not resonate with some of our racist and ignorant troll friends, but u tried.

anotherbozo said...

I would never be cut out for police work. I would have gone with using the two police at the scene to work together to restrain the man until cuffs could be put on him, even on his ankles if necessary. Beating him to a pulp would have seemed a bit messy, involving an ambulance, maybe, not to mention all the paperwork required after.

Dr. Ramos, PHD said...

"You've got the Rudy Gulianis of the world out there lying and claiming that the sky will fall in if the cops aren't allowed to be racist"

Rudy said no such thing. Rudy has a track record of lowering crime in a place where many social scientists and Liberals said it couldn't be done.

"Crime stats fluctuate a lot over the short term, and none of that has anything to do with how cops do their jobs."

Crime stats have everything to do with how police do their jobs. I can't believe someone who acts like a expert on policing doesn't know this.

"Even if this were true, and I am not saying it is, the difference is that they are teenagers and he is an adult police officer."

The inconvenient truth is these teens were attacking whites and other teens, hurling racial insults and acting without regard for their fellow humans. This whole incident was started by blacks.

Blogger filed or anyone in the media will never report on that. Why? Because they believe blacks can't help themselves are always the victims.

Dr. Ramos, PHD said...

Anonymous Bill said...

Does this explain why the left doesn't want voters to show ID?

Ferguson mayor recall petition lacks required signatures
The reasons for being invalidated include:
19 were blank lines
65 had no address
65 had no signature
562 were not registered in St. Louis County
366 were registered in St. Louis County, but not in Ferguson
18 had the wrong signature (they were not close to the signature in the voter database)
30 signatures were duplicates

I wonder why dumbocrats thought turning in invalid government paperwork was going to work?

12:29 PM

The real reason why Democrats are against voter id laws.

SFNorCal said...

Blacks are too accepting of mediocrity.

Virginia said...

"I don't think that's really true. We need to look at each of these incidents independently.In a lot of cases when an officer mistakenly shoots someone who was unarmed, it really is because he was scared. He feared the suspect was armed and figured he only had a split second to make a decision on that possibility."

Are we reading the same blog? All week long this blog discusses incidences independently as well as big picture. Good point about police being scared. What's happening is they feel more scared around brown folk. When people are scared they inflate the level of threat.

Being "scared" means they get to misuse their power, shoot, kill, and beat people? And too scared to admit it and deal with it. It's an uncomfortable truth.

Anonymous said...

white "people", the cancer of humanity.

Virginia said...

Goodness no! Not all, but certainly you:)

The Purple Cow said...

"Being "scared" means they get to misuse their power, shoot, kill, and beat people?"

So you are saying that they shoot unarmed 12 year old children dead, and wrestle 14 year old girls to the ground because they are scared?

Wow! How scared would the poor lambs be if they met an adult?

Anonymous said...

Virginia said...

Goodness no! Not all, but certainly you:)

...And so is your mama bitch, fuck you honky!

Anonymous said...

43 murders last month in Baltimore is more than a small spike.

Anonymous said...


Virginia said...

"So you are saying that they shoot unarmed 12 year old children dead, and wrestle 14 year old girls to the ground because they are scared?"

Casebolt wrestled a girl down because he is a bully. It made him feel powerful and thought he could get away with it. He wasn't scared. A police department sent a weepy documented unstable officer to kill a 12 year old boy, it's incomprehensible.

Many officers lie and say they're frightened to justify using excessive force. We see it all the time. Many officers are scared. Growing up my father, a retired police officer, never said a racist word, but if we were at a light and a black person walked near the car he would press the lock button quick. That distorted message teaches fear. How many officers grew up with those messages?

Pam said...

Well, well, well, so The Bolt is gone, huh? And not a moment too soon. But wait...the thuggish white BYTCH who assaulted that black child and started the whole ridiculous incident also seems to have been suspended from her job, according to the last report I read. She could even be fired by now since the company she works for is affiliated with Bank of America, and God knows they don't want or need any more trouble because of all the stupid, racist decisions they've made.
Btw, did you see that video on the web of those two low-IQ floozies fighting in Walmart? Man, I haven't seen anything that entertaining since that drunken white creep got whomped upside his head with the American flag last year after he spit on some Ferguson protesters. One of them even told her little boy to hit the other woman in her head, since she was trapped beneath the other one and clearly didn't have what it takes to do it herself. The shopper who was filming this called it "white trash as it's finest". I cosign on that!

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