"Chicago’s Oak Street Beach is a popular summer destination, but for one mother, it turned out to be a lesson in racism for her young children.
Raquel Bolton posted a video on Facebook that shows a white woman calling her and her two children the n-word after her children, ages 4 and 8, accidentally splashed the woman.
Bolton explained what happened on Facebook:
Bolton explained what happened on Facebook:
While at the beach #oakstreetbeach this lady called us the N Word three times in front of my children all because they splashed water on her. I asked her to stop yelling at the kids and said I'll call the police. She walked in my face twice yes I could've reacted but I didn't. Yes I thought this lady was going to spit or put hands on me first because that's how angry she was....here's
On the video, the irate white woman rattles off the n-word several times and even questions Bolton's education.
"Of course you haven't graduated and you don't know the Constitution of the United States and what it says," the woman states.
"Of what? That you could just walk around calling somebody a n--ger?" Bolton asks.
The woman responds, "Yes, it's called free speech in America. Right to free speech. Look it up."
The woman responds, "Yes, it's called free speech in America. Right to free speech. Look it up."
It didn't take long for Internet sleuths to figure out the identity of the white woman. According to The Frisky, Angelle Marie Massion is the irate woman in the video. Massion's Internet footprint led the women's site to her blog. But what's even more interesting is the fact that Massion seems to have a history of incidents involving racist outbursts. In 2006 she was reportedly arrested in an incident involving harassing students at Northwestern, with police saying that she yelled racial slurs at officers, according to the Daily Northwestern.
'It's times like these when having a cellphone readily available is a good thing. Especially when it puts people's racism on blast for the world to see."' [Source]
I have my own views about Ms. Massion, and this might surprise you, but in a way I actually feel sorry for her. She seems like a rather pathetic individual. Somehow, though, these particular types of individuals always seem to be the most racist: Miserable human beings who made nothing of their lives so they lash out in the only way that they know how.
Good for Ms. Bolton for not making an already bad situation worse. I am glad she showed some restraint and was able to capture her ignorant beach buddy on video for all the world to see.
*In my best John Quiñones voice* What would you have done in this situation?
I have my own views about Ms. Massion, and this might surprise you, but in a way I actually feel sorry for her. She seems like a rather pathetic individual. Somehow, though, these particular types of individuals always seem to be the most racist: Miserable human beings who made nothing of their lives so they lash out in the only way that they know how.
Good for Ms. Bolton for not making an already bad situation worse. I am glad she showed some restraint and was able to capture her ignorant beach buddy on video for all the world to see.
*In my best John Quiñones voice* What would you have done in this situation?
"What would you have done in this situation?
Obviously, this is a odd situation involving women. One does not know the originating circumstances - perhaps the children were rude and out of control - but calling them "niggers" is certainly unusual and very rude. Situations like this are best handled like the mother apparently did, and not escalated further.
But of course we have only one side of the story.
The other side is that whites often have to put up with rude, loud, angry, and potentially violent black people.
Most of these "civil discussions" about race are supposed to consist of black people expressing their grievances and whites admitting guilt. But it is better for conversations to go both ways, and one can never assume they are getting the whole story unless they hear both sides.
The facts here could be that the black family was allowed to act inconsiderately at the beach, drive a white woman off, and then publicly shame her on the internet when she lost her temper and spoke rashly.
Imagine a similar circumstance where we have the white woman's cell phone video of her being harassed by a black family. If she posted it on the internet, do you think the story would have gotten as much publicity or such a positive reception?
This would be an example of Black Privilege. Blacks have the right to act rude on the beach, and whites cannot be rude in return.
Anon10:31pm, "What would you have done?" That was the question. Of course, you probably can't relate to being called a nigger so that's probably why you began to wonder what 'justified' the wm's actions. Of course, it's because niggers are loud, rude, angry and violent.
Have you ever been attacked by a loud rude angry and violent nigger? Try it.
*In my best John Quiñones voice* What would you have done in this situation?"
I would have beat the shit out of that fat racist ghost. There is no reasoning with a nasty white racist. All you can do is stomp the shit out of them.
Shooting them like Roof shot those 9 Blacks would be quite effective. You see, Whites think they can do anything to Blacks without consequence.
Look here Ms. Massion, you sorely lack the personal passion to be in tune with today's fashion. Now, take your rotting potato, saggy looking ass to the nearest shower and wash your filthy buttocks, ... BEEEOTCH! Just because the Constitution says we have free speech, doesn't mean you cannot get your ass wooped! That black woman should've threw some sand in your face and commenced to stomping the shit outta you like we do down South, ... BEEEOTCH!
"I would have beat the shit out of that fat racist ghost"
That validates her opinion of you.
Most Whites are naturally evil. Hence, there is not much you can do, except to say, "I forgive you", like they did in SC. Then go on about your business until the next N-word incident. And believe me, it's happening to some Negro, er, I mean nigger, everyday in America.
I am sure even Field has been called the N-word in his profession by cops, lawyers and even judges. After all, he works in Philly.
Anonymous Ghost dancer said...
"I would have beat the shit out of that fat racist ghost"
That validates her opinion of you.
11:21 PM
She needs no validation. Her opinion validated in her mind and heart by her racist parents. Unless some one beats the shit out of her, she will continue degrading Blacks. Kicking her ass will make her think before doing a repeat, unless she is masochistic and loves to be beaten to pulp.
Crazy beaches - you had to dig pretty far up your ass for that twisted BS . LOL
Fuck this shit. I'm out.
Who are you kidding? You folks aren't going to beat the shit out of NO Whites. That's because you know better. You know damn well the cops will be on your ass and you will be lucky to get out alive.
Your only option is to beat the shit out of your own kind to insure the cops won't beat your ass.
Many Europeans are stressed by certain social situations, especially where they feel they are confronted or their authority is challenged. If circumstances don't fit "the pattern," it is then that their true nature is manifest. We must remember that these people are confrontational and aggressive and because of their perceived privilege feel no need to consider anyone else's feelings or rights but theirs. They feel obliged to, "put you in your place."
What would I have done? Were it possible I would have tried to have her charged with assault for traumatizing the children. I would ask the court to sentence her to attend therapy as well as require her to pay for therapy sessions to address any psychological damage she may have caused these innocent youth.
Feral Europeon, indeed!
BOO HOO HOO! Someone, somewhere, used the dreaded N-WORD! Oh noes!
Let's form a committee - no, a COALITION! - to deal with this outrage, and to make sure this never, ever, ever, ever, ever happens again!
Because, as we all know, in 2015, NOTHING is more important than a black person's fragile feelings.
God, you people are the biggest ninnies on the planet. The Chinese are going to eat you alive in the 21st century.
Not sure what I would have done. Sorry to disappoint anon above, but I have never been called a nigger to my face by someone of another race. (To.My.Face.)
So I am not sure what I would have done. I don't have kids, so I can't even relate to that aspect of it. I guess she could have made it a teachable moment for them.
I actually like what she did: kept her angert in check and public shamed the cretin.
I found a pic that the mother took of the woman sitting right by the shore.
The position of her body was very telling in that it looked tense, and although all you can see is her back, it relays a visible tension,even anger.
There are two little boys (don't know if they are the ones in question) running in the surf towards the shore, seemingly in her direction or thereabouts.
From her posture and body language it seems almost as though she was already angry and confrontational, almost as though she was waiting for a drop of water to land on her so she could blow up.
Who sits at the shores edge where there are people playing in the water, if they don't want to get wet???
And if there are children playing would you not move somewhere a little dryer? Or was this her beach owned by her and those children had no right to be there, because from her posture, that is how it looks that she felt.
In my opinion, she was mad and thinking negative thoughts already about the children.
She should be legally processed/sued as in part this was emotional child abuse.
In my best Judge Judy voice asking loudly:
"Ms.Massion, who sits at the very edge of a beach where there are people and CHILDREN playing and splashing!"
Answer me is this beach your personal property? What? speak up I didn't hear the answer! Was that a NO???"
"$10,000 and six months in the county jail! Bailiff take her away"!!!!!!
Bang the gavel!
I found a pic that the mother took of the woman sitting right by the shore.
The position of her body was very telling in that it looked tense, and although all you can see is her back, it relays a visible tension,even anger.
There are two little boys (don't know if they are the ones in question) running in the surf towards the shore, seemingly in her direction or thereabouts.
From her posture and body language it seems almost as though she was already angry and confrontational, almost as though she was waiting for a drop of water to land on her so she could blow up.
Who sits at the shores edge where there are people playing in the water, if they don't want to get wet???
And if there are children playing would you not move somewhere a little dryer? Or was this her beach owned by her and those children had no right to be there, because from her posture, that is how it looks that she felt.
In my opinion, she was mad and thinking negative thoughts already about the children.
She should be legally processed/sued as in part this was emotional child abuse.
In my best Judge Judy voice asking loudly:
"Ms.Massion, who sits at the very edge of a beach where there are people and CHILDREN playing and splashing!"
Answer me is this beach your personal property? What? speak up I didn't hear the answer! Was that a NO???"
"$10,000 and six months in the county jail! Bailiff take her away"!!!!!!
Bang the gavel!
First off, I would NEVER go to a beach where there were blacks. White people have been attacked many times over the past few years by black flash mobs at that beach. Racism will save your life!
Blogger field negro said...
Not sure what I would have done. Sorry to disappoint anon above, but I have never been called a nigger to my face by someone of another race. (To.My.Face.)
I keep forgetting that you were not born and raised in the 'good ole USA' among evil White characters like the woman in your post.
I was born in Oklahoma many years ago where it was common to be called "nigger" to your face, it was for the mother and her children to experience being called "niggers" to their faces in Chicago. It had to be frightening and degrading to the mother, to say nothing of what it did to the children emotionally and psychologically.
Blacks in America, however, have learned to 'suck it up' the flat out in your face of being called a 'nigger', lynchings by white mobs, injustices, and white hostility that can erupt at anytime, or anywhere...even at the beach.
Blacks born in America, in cities like Chicago and down South, "know their place", which still lingers in their fearful hearts, minds and souls from the days of Jim Crow and even before. You must not forget that 'Chicago' was, and is, the city where MLK turned back during his march saying, "the Whites in this city can't be helped." Today, however, it's the Blacks that can't be helped, also because they are killing each other by the hundreds or dare I say, "the thousands?"
The mother of those kids, while to be congratulated for having the courage to film the moment and put it on facebook, also was a coward. The ww physically got in her face, a threatening daring pose by any standard and the mother of those children did nothing. And believe me, her children were watching.
Was this a teachable moment? You bet. It's the same old racist message sent by Whites generation after generation. And the same old emotional and psychological message, which is "a nigger ain't shit"... that subtly, and blatantly gets passed down to black kids, generation after generation.
You see, what happened in Chicago, at Oak Beach, the near North off of Lakeshore Drive is nothing new to AAs, esp to those of us born and raised in America. During the Jim Crow era in the 50's, 60's even today, a black person will be called a "nigger", not only by Whites but by Blacks as well. That's the subtle message our children get from black parenting.
I am sure those kids would have gotten a much greater message of DIGNITY if the mother had taken her gloves off and went to battle with that evil creep. And THEN, as a follow up, posted it on facebook.
As Blacks, we make excuses for our fears of Whites. We talk BIG, but we do 'little' at the moment. The fact is, we have always been paralyzed by fear. It's an unspoken shameful gene passed down from slavery....generation to generation. The only way to expel that haunting demonic gene is to stand up and be willing to die for our DIGNITY. As a race, we just haven't gotten there yet. And I am not sure if we ever will. It's as though MLK and Malcolm X were dreams of Courage, but ended up as though they were a story of our imaginations.
"If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."---MLK
"I am sure those kids would have gotten a much greater message of DIGNITY if the mother had taken her gloves off and went to battle with that evil creep"
Yeah, nothing would bring back fonder memories of mom's 'dignity' than thinking back to that time she brawled on the beach and beat a middle-aged woman into submission. Good old mom.
WTF is wrong with you?
field negro said...
Not sure what I would have done. Sorry to disappoint anon above, but I have never been called a nigger to my face by someone of another race.
That's odd, considering you author a daily blog dedicated to ferreting out microscopic levels of white racism.
Let' see:
1. Black Jamaican immigrant comes freely to America
2. Marries an American woman
3. Is employed as a lawyer by a government entity
4. Lives in a nice section of a major city
5. Drives a nice European automobile
6. Has sufficient disposable income for nice vacations
7. Participates freely at a high level in political and civic activities, speaking at conferences, doing radio interviews etc.
8. Has never been barred from any institution, association, establishment, or employment opportunity because of his race
9. Has only ever had black people call him nigger to his face
10. Spends his free time attacking the majority population of the country he moved to as irredeemably racist and amoral, nakedly embracing tribal politics as he cherry picks stories that reinforce his narrative of bad whites and saintly blacks.
What a country!
Brother Field, I remember a story you told when you were in Louisiana. While on the golf course with your fearful NAACP friend, you told some wm to go 'fuck himself'.
Now, as I recall, the wm didn't even call you a "nigger" and you got all bent out of shape and probably was close to kicking his ass. Fortunately for that wm, your NAACP friend possessed the unspoken fearful gene of "niggers know their place".
As I recall, he put you in your place by telling you, "We don't do things like that down here."
As I recall, that put a strain on your friendship.
Do you still claim you don't know how you would have reacted if you had been the black mother at the Oak Street Beach in Chicago? Personally, I think you would have gone ape-shit.
BTW, how's that friendship with that sorry weak-ass NAACP friend of yours doing? Have you repaired it? You see? that's the difference between having the Spirit of Dignity and Courage, vs being a meek, with head bowed down( i.e.staying in your place in the face of an angry White).
One day, I hope AAs will experience the birth of Courage and reclaim their Dignity. That will be a glorious day, but not so good for racist evil Whites.
Jack Smirnoff is the classic example of White Satanic thinking...the reason slavery came into being by a Whites who couldn't stand the tyranny of slavery in England.
In other words, "perverted evil thinking" that comes naturally to Smirnoff. You really ought to lay off that vodka.
Anon @ 10:42 aka Field Negro:
Who do you think you're fooling? Field Negro is always talking about DIGNITY and COURAGE and post as ANON. Pleeezzzze!, ... you need to get yourself a new gig because you are no longer fooling anyone. You're so full of sh$t!
anon11:11am, DIGNITY AND COURAGE are basic qualities of being human. You miss the point completely. Of course, you think I am Field Negro because you don't have the basic spiritual qualities found in humans.
All you can do is accuse me of being Field Negro, which I am not. Of course, it's your ignorant arrogant white privilege to do so....
Anyway, it's irrelevant 'who' I am. What is relevant is 'what' is said. Of course, you are here on FN to determine who's who which isolates you from the conversation. Good luck.
The FieldNegro said...
She seems like a rather pathetic individual. Somehow, though, these particular types of individuals always seem to be the most racist: Miserable human beings who made nothing of their lives so they lash out in the only way that they know how.
Sounds logical.
She probably treats everyone she comes into contact with like shit. No doubt she was abusive to her own kids, just like her parents were to her.
Not everyone gets the parental privilege entitlement you enjoyed.
Anon@10:42, got me on th golf course story. Ok, maybe I would have tripod out just a little bit. But then she is a woman, so maybe not.
Anon@10:30, glad u have been reading the blog. One little quibble, though. Mrs. Field is from South Louisiana. I don't consider that a part of America.
And for the record, no type of racism is "microscopic".
I have noticed that this past year more than any other, white people who post on this blog are less hesitant to say the most hateful and racist things. They know and simply don't care and what's worse, they use all this hatred in an attempt to prove that a charge of racism isn't valid.
I'm not sure what's wrong with these very sick people.
How hateful and racist of that Deborah girl to speak of whites in that manner.
When i first read the headline i thought field was finally confronting the black riots, black mob attacks and rapes that happen at black spring break or anytime a bunch of blahs gather at any beach. I should have known better.
One woman upset because a blah woman can't control her kids uses the n~word. Blah victims all over the country come out for the blah victimazation party.
Whether or not this black woman liked it, it is within the other woman's rights to call her (allegedly) a nigger or anything else she likes. The black woman has no legal right to "not be offended" by this woman, or anyone else. People offend others in the public space, all the time, every day. Get over it and move on. At a minimum, consider what tripped this woman's fuse. Pretty sure like other commenters noted, her two little niglets were probably out of control, making it an unpleasant experience for everyone. It again highlights the cultural gulf between what whites view as acceptable behavior in shared space, and what blacks feel is okay. Just another example of why integration is a failure and DIE-versity will continue to drag America into the undertow. You can't have a First World nation with a Third World population.
I know exactly the type this woman is an example of. I fly with guys like this every once in a while. Always on edge readdy to explode at any perceived slight or challenge. I feel kind of sorry for them because they are almost always divorced and I doubt they will live much past 50 because of the stress and anger they carry around. But she's right, it is a free country and she can call anyone all the n-@@ers she wants but that can only end badly in Chicago (just say'n). I do know if these were my kids I'd have said exactly what my mom would have said "boys, get away from this lady, it's pretty obvious she has some issues" and walked away. Maybe it's the fact that there's a blah man in the WH but it just seems to be many whites trying to instigate stuff. As Ice Cube said, let a hoe be a hoe.
Back in the 60s this white woman would have been toast. In fact, she would have been able to say the word "nigger" only once before she got an automatic reflexive black foot up her racist white ass. During those days, for a ww or wm to call a "I'm-Black-and-I'm-Proud" Negro a "nigger" would instantly be in a fight to the death.
But times have changed. Negroes are no longer proud.
I for one was not moved by this bloated caucasoids outburst. These fits of rage are an everyday occurrence for them. They KNOW that they cannot reproduce at the rate of any other group in this world and it is driving them mad. The reason i feel no sympathy for the young black chick is because she's a "white is right" kinda idiot. I was born and raised in Chicago, southside, Englewood. Oak st and North Ave beach are both so racist, so I don't know why blacks even go there. I assume she is from the westside, she is closer to the beaches on the southside where there is TONS of culture and she wouldn't have to deal with a rapidly aging whale.
Call a spade a spade.
"Rapidly aging whale" . Ouch. :)
Blacks most violent uncivilized creatures on the planet.
Whites, the most violent, uncivilized creatures on the planet.
I guess being recessive in many departments will do that to you.
...And for the record, if that fat, pale beach sloth got in mine or my kids faces that white polar bitch would have been scavenging for it's teeth.
Here we go again, Field...
MLK was NOT lying about these creatures in the Chicago area. Or any area on the planet, for that matter...There was another recorded incident this year (somewhere in America, doesn't matter where), where a white female called a man the 'N' word to his face and the next thing she knew his big, black hand went sailing through the air and connected squarely with her ruddy face. It's sooooo interesting how that brought a halt to things.
She reminds me of the crazy anti-Muslim lady who drives around the country interrupting Islamic ceremonies. Has that same look about her.
Unless it's 10 or 15 grids on one white person. Then dey be alz bout dat sheeit homie!
Hahahaha! Field you just got served! Response?
There is an entire continent for blacks to go and discover their dignity. Why live among whites if we are so evil? Go back to da muddaland and rediscover anything you want. Careful though you might end up in chains again courtesy of your Nubian kings and queens.
A white woman on the Southside of chicago? You must be kidding right? Chick would be raped within the hour.
"There is an entire continent for blacks to go and discover their dignity. Why live among whites if we are so evil? Go back to da muddaland and rediscover anything you want. Careful though you might end up in chains again courtesy of your Nubian kings and queens"
...And there is an entire country for you peckerwoods to go back to. This is NOT your country you stink wet dog smelling colonial bitch.
BTW-Blacks don't speak or spell the way you're trying to imply hillbilly. That's just a figment in your diseased mind. Goddamn, mediocrity is a motherfucker. Must really suck to be you.
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