Just look at that poor man on the ground getting the business from San Francisco's finest.
"A throng of San Francisco cops detained a man with one leg by sitting on his prosthetic limb after they mistook his crutches for weapons, witnesses said.
At least 14 officers helped in the takedown earlier this month, said Chaédria LaBouvier, a journalist who filmed the incident.
The officers held down the man, who appeared to be homeless, for at least 30 minutes, LaBouvier wrote in a Monday post on Medium. He lay on the ground half-naked, his pants slipping off as he struggled with cops, and repeatedly asked, “What are you doing this for?”
LaBouvier said she was on her way to the Medium office to discuss a new project on police brutality when she noticed the cops corner the unidentified man.
Witnesses told her the officers were responding to call about someone waving sticks downtown — the “weapons” turned out to be the man’s crutches, she said.
“These are my crutches. I use these to walk,” the man explains in the video as the cops take them away from him. Then, several officers wrestle him to the ground.
At one point, the video shows an officer kneeling on the man’s prosthetic leg to further retrain him
More cops formed a “blue wall” around the man, LaBouvier reported, apparently an attempt to block witnesses’ views of the incident. At least 14 officers were on the scene, she said.
During the takedown, the man repeatedly told cops he was in pain — and asked them why they were restraining him.
“That s--t hurts,” he says in the video. “I have a f--king sore, an infection, on my leg.”
He continued: “What the f--k is wrong with you? Is this what you do? Is this respectable? When I say ‘no’, is this what you do to me?”
After 30 minutes on the ground, medics took the man to a hospital against his will, LaBouvier said. The cops did not arrest the man or charge him with any crime, she said. [Source]
Fourteen police officers to subdue one black man with one leg? My goodness, what if he had two?
I bet that poor brother's heart is not in San Francisco.
*Pic courtesy of dailykos. com
Mr."The" Field Negro if "he had two" he would've been killed, not taken to a hospital. That's too threatening, a black man with two legs.
On second thought, who knows if the only reason he's still alive is because of the woman filming?
Maybe even a black man with one leg is too threatening?...Or maybe even just a 'black' man with no legs, but black...or no legs and no arms, but black, to them...yup, waaay too threatening..
I can understand 13 cops but 14? He has that superhuman negro strength and they feared for their lives. Damn, I was about to go to the doc and get my knee checked out after a tennis incident but maybe I'd better take an advil and go to bed.
As a bm, this is so depressing. I hate seeing these things done to another bm. We are the target in America, have been the target since day one in America.
Damn, I was about to go to the doc and get my knee checked out after a tennis incident but maybe I'd better take an advil and go to bed.
9:30 PM
you might end up worse off by going to the doctor. he just might tell you to have your leg cut off.
The FieldNegro said...
getting the business from San Francisco's finest.
It's amazing how many of these police beatings take place in dumbocrat controlled cities.
It's almost like there's a pattern or something.
Bill said, "It's amazing how many of these police beatings take place in dumbocrat controlled cities.
It's almost like there's a pattern or something."
12:23 AM
Bill, as a Democrat and a bm, I see no pattern in Democratic controlled cities.
Where there is a glaring pattern is in those Red States and Republican jails where Blacks decide to hang themselves.
'Why' do Negroes hang themselves like Waller County jails in Red States? Are the conditions so distressing that they just can't take it anymore?
Why is this pattern repeating itself over and over again?
Just gotta wear a wrap on the knee for a few days. Just to be safe I'm gonna avoid San Fran layovers until I'm 100%.
Hey, Feeled, you should do a story on the 30+ blacks shot in Chicago this past weekend. Oh, wait ... never mind.
Gotta keep that spotlight on Whitey at all times. If you find a real bad one ... CHA-CHING!!!!
@ PilotX-
The white and Asian tech nerds and hipsters of SF will really appreciate you staying away. They've got the town almost 100% gentrified by now, and you being there would just spoil things.
Just heard that O'Reilly is worried that if Donald Trump becomes President he might deport him. My God, what would happen to the FACTOR? I shutter to think about it. It is so informative. Great news and entertaining also. That's the best way to learn the truth.
Anonymous said...
@ PilotX-
The white and Asian tech nerds and hipsters of SF will really appreciate you staying away. They've got the town almost 100% gentrified by now, and you being there would just spoil things.
1:28 AM
How can that be? it's a city sanctioned for illegal immigrants who shoot Whites. From what I hear, Whites are moving out of SF. It's not safe.
Party doesn't start til the X man arrives.
Why are you picking on Chicago? I mean he could do a story about West Virginia because I'm betting there are plenty of racist sites that already focus on the Windy City. Gotta pick on Blackie right?
"As a bm, this is so depressing. I hate seeing these things done to another bm. We are the target in America, have been the target since day one in America."
A "bm"? Are you a "bowel movement"?
"DIGITAL BLACK FACE ALERT" signs were up Mac. You have to know where to look for them.
Lilacpr, u are too funny.
Mack Lyons said...
"As a bm, this is so depressing. I hate seeing these things done to another bm. We are the target in America, have been the target since day one in America."
A "bm"? Are you a "bowel movement"?
Same color, same usefulness, same consistency, same smell.
Trayshawn Wiggins said...
Yo man them pussy ass white cops pickin on a brother cause he got bgger dick then theyres. That's why the white man is scared of the Brothers. Cause they all got big Black Dicks. White women love the Big Black Dick. Look it all the Porn. White man keep jack off to the Big Black Dick. Theyre dick don't get hard they so small.
Petty soon all the kid's in the World gone have Big Black Dicks. Cause they gone be Black. You no what im sayin.
The FieldNegro said...
sitting on his prosthetic limb after they mistook his crutches for weapons
This was liberal San Francisco, I wonder if his crutches had the required orange tip to designate these weren't crutch weapons.
"As a bm, this is so depressing. I hate seeing these things done to another bm. We are the target in America, have been the target since day one in America."
I would think you would know me by now. You Negroes don't know shit. Mack Lyons go back to where you came from, uncle tom. Field, you are just a Negro who lacks discernment. Law must be very hard for you.
depressed negro
Interesting. You post the most vile racist comments but you choose not to post my comment questioning the outrage since no one knew why he was arrested. I live here and worked 2 blocks from where this happened. The street people in this area can be very violent. Local news reports he has mental health issues, is known to the police and has an outstsnding felony warrant for assault. Finally, the video at no timt shows 14 cops on this man. There were 5 initially and 3 held him until EMTs arrived. Police may have used excessive force but you cannot tell from the video. All I'm asking is that people be accurate. Somebody called the cops on this guy and it wasn't because he was peacefully walking down the street.
Let's see. Black are low-intelligence and violent. Latinos invade our country and steal jobs. Asians are weak, small, and uncreative. Native Americans are just plain defeated. That leaves white people. Oh yeah, we made the world! Ha!
Let's see. Whites like Go Pack are low-intelligence and violent. Whites invade our country and steal jobs. Whites like Go Pack are weak, small, and uncreative. Dumb ass trailer-trash like Go Pack are just plain defeated. That leaves white people.
Uh oh, civil war in the GOP?
"... I live here and worked 2 blocks from where this happened. The street people in this area can be very violent. Local news reports he has mental health issues, is known to the police and has an outstsnding felony warrant for assault. Finally, the video at no timt shows 14 cops on this man. There were 5 initially and 3 held him until EMTs arrived. Police may have used excessive force but you cannot tell from the video. All I'm asking is that people be accurate. Somebody called the cops on this guy and it wasn't because he was peacefully walking down the street."
3:38 PM
Yeah, I live in SF also. And I know Whites want all Blacks out of the city. And it looks like that's going to happen. So, the only ones who will be living there will be Whites and some Asians. Our esteemed asian Mayor Lee backed by Whites and a brutal police force is making it possible.
Just because you lived near where the cops brutalized this homeless BLACK MAN, doesn't justify what they did to this man. Of course, in your white eyes the bm is wrong, always wrong. It's understandable, given your racist history and violent legacies. Your mind and heart are no better than Roof who walked into a church and murdered NINE Blacks and the cops treated him to a hamburger and fries before gently escorting him to jail. SF law enforcement is a sewer when it comes to respect and fair treatment of Blacks and you know it.
anon5:25p, your comment reminds me that Capitalism doesn't work for the majority, only a few. There really needs to be a discussion about Socialism. If only there was a politician who leaned that way.
If Trump becomes President, I am hoping he will lean in that direction.
You gotta love the fixer. :)
Dear Brother Field, with the hacking of Ashley Madison and dumping all information on the internet, I am concerned that your name might be out there.
More importantly, I am concerned about the security of FN. You said a long time ago that FN was secure. Well, Ashley said the same damn thing. Furthermore, Anon Inc warned me that you don't even pay your bills let alone pay for security.
Brother Field, I can't afford to have my name out there with you, PC, PX, Yisheng, Lilac and Faith. I mean, that would be f...ked.
So please tell me I am safe and you have taken exceptional precautions to make FN "hacker proof"? I would like to sleep tonight.
As a bm I have an upstanding reputation and can't afford to have it tarnished.
"More importantly, I am concerned about the security of FN. You said a long time ago that FN was secure. Well, Ashley said the same damn thing. Furthermore, Anon Inc warned me that you don't even pay your bills let alone pay for security.
Brother Field, I can't afford to have my name out there with you, PC, PX, Yisheng, Lilac and Faith. I mean, that would be f...ked.
So please tell me I am safe and you have taken exceptional precautions to make FN "hacker proof"? I would like to sleep tonight."
LOL. I just posted about this two minutes ago.
I guess we are thinking alike, although we are not both black. ;)
Field, "I guess we are thinking alike, although we are not both black. ;)"
Brother Field, this proves I am Black because Whites and Blacks don't think alike.
I agree! It proves it! No question Mr.'The'Field!
Anon you are black!!!
But why don't you change your handle to Black Anon? Just so we know..
If things went down the way they've been described, then these cops are some dumb mofos.
I mean, if I were one of these cops, once I showed up and found that the "weapons" this guy was alleged to be wielding were actually crutches used by a one-legged man, that would've been it for me. Just write it up in the report and move on. Why waste time on such a non-problem?
And I don't really understand at all how this turned into a physical altercation.
Finally, after the guy was already cuffed, they're still leaning on him and trying to restrain him further in the video. What was that about? How dangerous can a handcuffed guy with a fake leg really be to you?
Someone needs to tell these clowns there are actual crimes going on that they should probably attend to, and to stop wasting time hassling innocent people for no reason.
"How can that be? it's a city sanctioned for illegal immigrants who shoot Whites. From what I hear, Whites are moving out of SF. It's not safe."
You heard wrong. Fox News may be full of imbeciles running around with their hair on fire over one tragic crime, but that doesn't mean most of the residents of San Francisco feel the same.
Statistical evidence says that immigrants, including the illegal ones, commit crimes at lower rates than native-born Americans. The mass deportations that the wingnuts demand will do exactly nothing to bring down crime in this country.
Right-wingers are covering up their hate with phony "safety" concerns. They are liars, and Donald "Mexico is sending rapists!" Trump is also a liar.
Anon @6:48, thanks for those FACTS.
The black's in America are the equivalent to 43 million Cecil lions to the Europeans living here. They have a thrill a minute sending us into the great beyond.
5:26 didn't address a single issue I brought up in his near hysterical response. I don't live in this area I worked in this area for 10 years. Most street people/homeless are harmless but a few are quite violent. But you knew that since this is your neighborhood, right? There were never 14 cops on this guy based on what's in the video. He was kicking the police and already had a felony warrant for assault.
Black people have lost their natural minds over the police. We are SUPPOSED to be outraged over police killing unarmed people. But police restraining combative people using nothing more than their body, not so much. In Oakland people are rioting over police shooting thugs who (1) shot a cop (2) tried to carjack using a gun.
By the way I am black you knucklehead.
"5:26 didn't address a single issue I brought up in his near hysterical response. I don't live in this area I worked in this area for 10 years. Most street people/homeless are harmless but a few are quite violent. But you knew that since this is your neighborhood, right? There were never 14 cops on this guy based on what's in the video. He was kicking the police and already had a felony warrant for assault."
Yeah, but where is the proof that this particular guy was violent? Maybe he was, but so far, I've yet to see any evidence. The story at this point is that police responded to a call over his brandishing "weapons" ... also known as crutches. That doesn't seem to justify an arrest in the first place.
And yes, the guy later kicked police, but he was already subdued at that point. He was handcuffed and face down on the pavement, helpless. What is the solution in that scenario? Maybe step back five feet and let the guy writhe around on the ground until he calms the hell down? Instead, it looks like a giant group of cops is applying lots of additional force, for no apparent purpose.
This is hardly a terrible abuse of force incident, but it doesn't look good, either.
Jesus, just check out this malarkey.
This is what wall-to-wall lying looks like. Trump's latest speech has it all -- immigrants are criminals, myths about "anchor babies," fantasies about being able to make Mexico pay for a border wall or to pass unconstitutional laws revoking birthright citizenship. I don't think there's one sentence in there from start to finish that isn't in some way a lie. But the ignorant Republican racists will lap this up, no doubt.
5:16 According to local news reports this man had an outstanding felony warrant for assault and was well known to the police. You are right however that the optics are bad. That's why having more facts and less emotion serves us so much better.
5:16 According to local news reports this man had an outstanding felony warrant for assault and was well known to the police. You are right however that the optics are bad. That's why having more facts and less emotion serves us so much better.
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