Frankly, I don't think it's so funny. I consider Mr. West a serious candidate and I would look forward to his contribution to the political debate and the circus that surrounds it.
Think about it for a minute. Is he any less qualified than say Donald Trump, Ben Carson, or Chris Christie? I know that Kanye has said some outrageous things in the past, but so has Donald Trump, and he (Trump) has been leading the field of republicans all summer long.
I keep thinking of all the positives that could come out of his campaign. He would, for instance, be able to mobilize young people and get them to register to vote and get engaged in the political process. I bet he would get more young people to register to vote than another young black man from Chicago did almost 8 years ago.
He would certainly know how to balance the budget. Kanye has managed to build a nice little fortune for himself by properly managing his rap and producing career, and by branding himself to optimize his money making abilities. Yes he has had some bumps along the way, but so has Donald.
Then there is the mixed race wife. Americans will like that. We still can't have two 100% Negroes in the White House just yet. Kim will make an excellent First Lady. (Think Jackie O without the racism.)
And Kanye might not have formally studied foreign policy, but dude has been to a lot of countries, and they love him in places like Japan. Besides, he could work with some of those leaders in some troubled spots over the world by touting the fact that his wife has roots in some of those same countries.
Admit it people, you would live for those state of the union addresses under president West. Can you imagine if one of those wingnuts shouted out "you lie" in the middle of his address? I can. It would be pure gold.
So Kanye, I say go for it, America needs you.
Heck if Donald Trump can catch lightening in a bottle well then so can you.
Besides, I already like your platform:
"Before you ask me to get a job today, can I at least get a raise on a minimum wage?
And I know the government administered AIDS,
So I guess we just pray like the minister say,
Allah o Akbar and throw em some hot cars,
Things we see on the screen are not ours,
But these niggas from the hood so these dreams not far,
Where im from, the dope boys is the rock stars,
But they can't cop cars without seein' cop cars,
I guess they want us all behind bars.
I know it." ~Heard Em Say~
Adam Levine for VP.
*Pic from forbes.com
Does it really matter? Blahs will vote for any candidate who has a 'D' beside their name or has a blah sounding name. See blah voters in Texas, South Carolina or Mississippi.
But the whole Democrat Plantation thang is just a myth..
Brother Field, you must be kidding. Kanye West? Lord have mercy, the race for the WH has turned into pure entertainment....a circus.
Stick a fork in this country, it's done.
This is so depressing. Even my meds is not enough.
depressed negro
"I consider Mr. West a serious candidate"
I consider him a spoiled rich brat, one of the biggest assholes on the planet. A friend's daughter worked at ones of the awards shows, and said he treated all the "little" people like shit during rehearsals.
Mixed-race wife? I think Armenian is considered white these days.
Even Czech is considered white these days.
Kanye West is a low IQ, blasphemous, racist, talentless, hack. And you Field have a lower IQ than Kanye if you think the idiot could ever be President.
"Then there is the mixed race wife."
What two races are you referring to?
Everyone knows the Vester Flanagan story was typical of blacks in the workplace, not anomalous, which is why it will be so symbolic and resonant. After all, he IS the black male we are all familiar with. Everyone knows him in every firm in every industry in America: a black guy who presents well, dresses well, is “articulate”, enthusiastic and usually charming. EVERYONE wants him to succeed. EVERYONE tries to help him. However sooner or later it becomes apparent that something is missing. It’s probably a function of IQ but it seems to present itself more as a kind of blur in the brain, a lack of focus that somehow prevents him from doing the one thing he was hired to do, whatever that is. At first it’s laughed of, then excuses are made, then it’s viewed with sadness, but finally all realize that he’s no good, he can’t do the work on time at the professional level required, and the excuses run out. He just doesn’t belong there. Of course he senses this, and soon comes to believe his “failure” is an expression of racism when in fact his employment is a pure example of anti-racism, of naive faith in something called diversity., which is meant to heal but ultimately only harms. The helping hands that have been extended him are forgotten; he retreats, becomes surly, more obnoxious, refuses to socialize except with other blacks (who may be at different stages of the same process) and thus you have current racist reality: a completely worthless employee drawing a high salary who is treacherous, malicious, bitter, angry, aggressive and almost impossible to fire. Most won’t got to guns like the vile bitch Vester, but they will degrade and ultimately destroy the institutions that reached out to them. One might even become president of the United States. And here’s what can be done about them: Nothing.
I work around black males every day. They are always on edge and could snap at any moment. Vester is so typical of black males.
Kayne West, a musical genius speaks!
And yeah, if Chump can run then ANYONE can!!!
Anonymous said...
I work around black males every day. They are always on edge and could snap at any moment.
Just don't drop the soap, homie! Then again, the Klan/Skin Heads will protect you in the pen.
Doc, that was classic.
Anon@8:02, sounds a lot like Donald Tump. I knew people who worked around him and they say that he was a major lesgue jerk. Treats little people like crap.
So there is that.
Can't say that I'm a fan of Kanye, but I'd vote for him before I'd vote for Bill the Cat, I mean Trump.
-Doug in Oakland
Not a huge fan of his music myself Doug. (Although I did love him on that track, Selfish with Slum Village) But, like u, I will take him over the Trumpster.
Good Grief, Kinky: Our favorite character indeed from Peanuts when it comes to the tired trope of Democratic voters - "Blahhh...Blahhh...Blahhh & Blahhh...Blahhh...Blahhh," again!!
If making a point about voting on the specific merits of candidates, you're absolutely correct. However, your point as well as like-minded folks gets lost in the ongoing blather when not acknowledging the extreme right often vote along the same ideological spectrum even when devoid of substance.
"Is he any less qualified than say Donald Trump, Ben Carson, or Chris Christie? I know that Kanye has said some outrageous things in the past, but so has Donald Trump, and he (Trump) has been leading the field of republicans all summer long."
True, but the Republican presidential candidate field should never be used as benchmark for what kind of person should run for office. Virtually none of those mouth-breathers, douchebags, and freakazoids should even be considering running for dog catcher.
"He would certainly know how to balance the budget. Kanye has managed to build a nice little fortune for himself by properly managing his rap and producing career, and by branding himself to optimize his money making abilities. Yes he has had some bumps along the way, but so has Donald."
Hmmm. I'm not entirely convinced that the ability to get young 'uns to blow their pocket money on Kanye's ability to rhyme "sarcophagus" and "esophagus" translates into expertise in macroeconomic theory or public policy. Unless we want the federal government to invest a couple billion dollars container-ship-loads of weird sunglasses, Cristal champagne, and bling, it's probably not a good idea to let Kanye anywhere near the budget.
Admit it people, you would live for those state of the union addresses under president West. Can you imagine if one of those wingnuts shouted out 'you lie' in the middle of his address? I can. It would be pure gold. Then there is the mixed race wife. Americans will like that. We still can't have two 100% Negroes in the White House just yet. Kim will make an excellent First Lady. (Think Jackie O without the racism.)"
Think Jackie O, but skankier, less smart, and with a propensity for chasing down any camera in a five-mile radius around her.
If Kanye were president, we might see more of her than him!
And Kim K might be the one delivering the State of the Union address -- nude, of course, except for a tiara.
Though, now that I think about it, I actually do want to see Kanye run for president. Because when he loses, he'll probably bum-rush the stage at the subsequent inauguration to snatch the microphone, and the Bible on which they are swearing oaths, and complain to the whole planet about how unjustly he has been treated by the American electorate (and Taylor Swift). That ought to be funny.
They should have a checklist with the most important criteria that make a person most qualified for the job. Politicians in Washington have lost a lot of respect.
I won't be voting for any candidate who tells me that an obvious controlled demolition in broad daylight was caused by burning carpet melting eighty steel columns at the same time. Even if you do believe the official story, you should want a real investigation to see how sky scrappers can be built safer, how long it is safe for fire fighters to stay in burning buildings, and how controlled demolitions can be done real cheaply. Subpoena Larry Silverstein and he'll sing like a bird before he gets to the stand. He already confessed to Charlie Rose on national television. The people who lied us into the Iraq War, like Dick Cheney, walk around free. You don't have to even look at the 9/11 inside job to know they committed war crimes. I'll gladly vote for Kayne if he is the best candidate on the litmus test of these two issues - a real 9/11 investigation and punishing the Bush Administration war crimes. When the government tells such blatant lies and the media covers it up for them, not a lot of other issues matter much. So far, all of the other candidates are a joke.
And of course when the subject of black males being one act away from being felons, dr. queen brings up prison rape and field thinks it's classic black male behavior.
Blacks. Always proving racists right.
Blacks. Always proving racists wrong.
Call me crazy, but I want candidates who've mastered at least one public policy area, military, international relations, economics, law enforcement, etc, and thought deeply about others. Someone with enough respect for the position that they don't consider it an entry level position; who've submitted themselves to voters and won election to offices of increasing responsiblity. I don't trust or want candidates who think that the job is a breeze, who think that all it needs is the right personality.
Good Grief, Kinky: Our favorite character indeed from Peanuts when it comes to the tired trope of Democratic voters - "Blahhh...Blahhh...Blahhh & Blahhh...Blahhh...Blahhh," again!!
Yep, you can rely on good old Kinky to post pointless nonsense that smacks of racism and slavery imagery. It's almost as if any sane person would even consider voting Republican when an idiotic jerk is leading the polls. What rational person could for one second imagine voting for Trump, Christie, Santorum, Huckabee..........? Sometimes you have to choose between the Democratic plantation and the Republican sanitarium.
I don't trust or want candidates who think that the job is a breeze, who think that all it needs is the right personality.
It worked for W. Then again I guess that proves your point.
"He would certainly know how to balance the budget"
There is hardly a black on the planet who can manage his personal finances, let alone balance a country's budget. That's a job for Jews. Kanye needs to keep shucking and jiving for white folks, and leave the serious stuff for the adults.
LOL. Leftwingers and they conspiracy theories.... 9/11 INSIDE JOB!!!!!! BUSH WAR CRIMINAL!!!!!
But Limp would vote for Obama. The same Obama who is covering up the truth about 9/11 and protecting BUSH!!!
In fact, Joe,Hillary and Bernieee all know the truth about 9/11 and are covering it up. They are also protecting BUSH!!!!!!.
So what Dem are you going to vote for?
I get your point FF. Thing is, there are no cases in recent history of rightwingers electing a candidate they know absolutely nothing about.
Greene in South Carolina and Gray in Mississippi. In Texas, a white Republican ran as a black Democrat and got the majority black vote. These examples go a long way in proving the Democrat Plantation is a thing.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Someone with enough respect for the position that they don't consider it an entry level position
Someone like Obama? President was his first full-time job.
Oh wait, he was a Senator for all of six months before he started running for President.
A Kanye West presidency would be indistinguishable from the Obama presidency.
Blacks. Always proving racists right.
"Blacks. Always proving racists right"
Word up, homie.
What rational person for one second imagine voting for Hillary or Bernie? Oh, nevermind. Living on the Democrat Plantation means you don't think or use your imagination. You just do and vote like you are told.
You will vote for me.
What rational person for one second imagine voting for Hillary or Bernie? Oh, nevermind. Living on the Democrat Plantation means you don't think or use your imagination. You just do and vote like you are told.
Let's see, Hillary was first lady, senator and Secretary of State and leads the Democratic polls. Donald Trump is a carnival barker and reality tv show host and leads the Republican polls. Um yeah. Oh that's right, he said he reads the bible too so he has the ignorant sanitarium.
You will vote for me.
Greene in South Carolina and Gray in Mississippi. In Texas, a white Republican ran as a black Democrat and got the majority black vote. These examples go a long way in proving the Democrat Plantation is a thing.
Which means their Republican opponents sucked. That's like chiding Jews for not voting for the nazi party. Then again conservative asshole would probably do that. I guess blah folks were wrong for not voting for David Duke either? Conservatives are soooooo simplistic no wonder they though it was a good idea to nominate Palin as VP. Such a serious party.
Just wow. Yeah, let's nominate this bimbo as VP.
I wonder what percentage of the Black population in the U.S will try to sue either an individual White person or a White owned business at least once in their lifetime? It is the ghetto lottery for Black people. A lot of Blacks dream of one day becoming wealthy off of claiming false racial discrimination.
I get your point FF. Thing is, there are no cases in recent history of rightwingers electing a candidate they know absolutely nothing about.
Greene in South Carolina and Gray in Mississippi. In Texas, a white Republican ran as a black Democrat and got the majority black vote. These examples go a long way in proving the Democrat Plantation is a thing.
Proves nothing. It does prove blah people dislike racist candidates or those who support racist imagery. How long did the confederate flag fly in S.C. with support from Republicans? It's still flying in Mississippi with full support of the majority of Republicans. Funny that blah folks don't much care for racist white supremacist imagery and candidates who support such and/or don't condemn it. BTW, those are heavily Republican leaning states so it really doesn't matter who the Dems nominate the Repub is going to win with majority white support. Why don't you ever mention white southern plantations and how they vote Kinky? Oh that's right, you have to try to shame blah people into voting for your chosen party, it can never be that blah people are aware enough to vote their interests. Yep, let's join a racist like Kinky who thinks he can whitesplain to us how to vote.
I wonder what percentage of the Black population in the U.S will try to sue either an individual White person or a White owned business at least once in their lifetime?
Why don't you work on the answer and get back to us. Interesting question.
Fair enough, Kinky: However, whether electing a candidate all because it's presumed he or she is a black democrat or not taking the time to vet misguided and extreme talking points, it all boils down to a less enlightened citizenry.
Case in point, as mentioned by The GOP, is the way the election process becomes the choice of the lesser of two evils.
So how are folks, black voters, in particular, supposed to embrace a political party in which the mindset is "Take Our Country Back" or "Why worry about the 47%; they only want free O'bama phones"; and the even more egregious quest to totally dismantle voting rights?
Yes, in the interest of stemming rampant voter fraud, do be sure not to trip over the thousands of dead voters on the way to the voting booth.
"Blacks. Always proving racists wrong"
now go to bed junior. Black shaming time is over.
So true.
F&F, here's Kinky's sole purpose here.
The backward focus on transgressions against blacks obscures the massive land grab going on in Africa today. Industrial agriculture and logging, both Chinese and Western, displace subsistence peoples into urban slums. But *this* neo-colonialism serves the interests of the economic upper stratum and is rarely reported upon as such. The American left, useful idiots that they are, see only the rear-view mirror of history and their own navels.
I’d also suggest the immigration pressure on Europe is an effort to redomicile this excess population (in service of the same economic interests).
So how are folks, black voters, in particular, supposed to embrace a political party in which the mindset is "Take Our Country Back" or "Why worry about the 47%; they only want free O'bama phones"; and the even more egregious quest to totally dismantle voting rights?
Why don't look behind the curtain young lady, you need to just do what we say and feel the shame of voting your particular interests. If we can't appeal to your vote by good policy we'll just shame you into voting for us by using slavery language and accusing you of not being an enlightened voter but being on some sort of plantation. So your only choices are voting Republican or being constantly harassed for not voting for us. Your choice.
Ngozi said...
I’d also suggest the immigration pressure on Europe is an effort to redomicile this excess population (in service of the same economic interests).
Africa is an enormous amount of land that hasn’t been fully exploited for economic benefit. Galton suggested about 130 years ago that the Chinese would make far more off African land than Africans would. But now there are a billion Africans so they have to be redomiciled somewhere if the Africa is to be fully exploited.
Ngozi said...
The backward focus on transgressions against blacks obscures the massive land grab going on in Africa today. Industrial agriculture and logging, both Chinese and Western, displace subsistence peoples into urban slums.
The 5th president of Zambia Michael Sata said:
"We want the Chinese to leave and the old colonial rulers to return. They exploited our natural resources too, but at least they took good care of us. They built schools, taught us their language and brought us British civilization. At least western capitalism has a human face; the Chinese are only out to exploit us."
A general assumption of the moderate conventional wisdom over the last half century is that average black performance is dragged down by specific impediments, such as poverty, crime, culture of poverty, parental taciturnity, lead paint, or whatever. One would therefore expect blacks without those impediments to score equal with whites.
But a close inspection of the social science data suggests that the world doesn’t really look like that. For example, the 2013 federal National Assessment of Educational Progress scores for 12th graders in Reading:
Blacks who are the children of college graduates average 274, which is the same as whites who are the children of high school dropouts.
The Math Gap is the same.
At the high school dropout level, The Gap in math is 16 points, but at the college graduate level, The Gap is twice as large: 32 points. That’s the opposite of what the conventional wisdom would imply.
Shucks, I dunno, Mr. GOP: Guess Ise picks mah'sef up by mah boots straps cuz insanitee izvvot'n dem demz fo da same failed pollyseez & Ise nevah leave da dem plantation.
@11:17 PM:
A more interesting study would be whether black children raised by white parents or white families like Obama, for example, do better academically than children raised in black families in the same communities and schools.
My impression here in Florida is that while inherited IQ probably does play a part in black low achievement this is overwhelmed by the effect of social pressures, poor child raising practices, and so on. For example a child whose parents have a very restricted vocabulary that has few literary or scientific words is probably going to be off to a slow start in the education system.
I have a bit of a dog in this fight as I have a black step-daughter and daughter aged 6 and 2 and would like them to be able to get decent jobs later on, or marry into wealth. So far they are both bilingual in English and Spanish and enjoy going to school. Right now they are trying hard to convert me to Christianity. Hopefully they will not be doomed to a life of penury in the ghetto, God willing.
"Before you ask me to get a job today, can I at least get a raise on a minimum wage?
Forget minimum wage, if I know Europeons like I think I know Europeons I say....SWHC, RGR Buy! Buy! Buy! Retire in 2024.
If we have a culture, the majority of whom aren’t that literate, getting their history lessons from Django, 12 Years a Slave, and the NWA movie, and watching it over and over again at home, the chances of random acts of violence towards those who are showcased as the antagonists of these movies, will rise significantly.
I went to the SAG screening of Django. Afterwards, my friend asked me what I thought of the movie. I said, “this movie is going to get a lot of black people, and some white people killed.” He said, “naw, naw. it’s just entertainment.” I said, “That’s easy for you to say. The black folks living in the shitholes of this country, who barely have a clue of what to do next, who barely graduated high school are going to think it’s a documentary, and they’re going to pay for it, not you. They’ll pay for it by confronting cops for no good reason, which will get them shot, or attacking white people, which brings the cops, which will get them shot or in prison. Just sayin’.”
I can remind my friend now, what I said back then, and y’know what he does? He just gets quiet, and tries to change the subject.
He’ll never say “you know, you’re right. Django is a devisive mean-spirited piece of shit, that exploits the ignorance of black people for coin, and it’s getting them killed.”
Why should he sweat it? That was back then. “The Hateful Eight” is about to be released, and it should kick ass, because Tarantino!
@Jonathan Mason
You would think that there would be an adoption study where black babies are adopted in the first month of life and raised by whites, but I have never seen a study like that.
I agree with you about social pressure/culture. The worst thing many parents do to their black children is send them to school. In order to survive emotionally and sometimes physically, kids have to conform to the values of their peers.
Learn about the schools in your area. Usually there is a selective school or magnet school that is highly ranked. Make sure your children do well academically so that they can attend a top middle school or high school and be surrounded academically motivated peers.
Shucks, I dunno, Mr. GOP: Guess Ise picks mah'sef up by mah boots straps cuz insanitee izvvot'n dem demz fo da same failed pollyseez & Ise nevah leave da dem plantation.
Don't forget your Obama phone. Ha!
But the whole Democrat Plantation thang is just a myth..
This is the only true statement Kinky has ever posted. Let's all reflect on this moment in history.
Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” "male," and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students.
According to the syllabus for Selena Lester Breikss’ “Women & Popular Culture” class, students risk a failing grade if they use any common descriptors that Breikss considers “oppressive and hateful language.”
"Students will come to recognize how white privilege functions in everyday social structures and institutions.”
The punishment for repeatedly using the banned words, Breikss warns, includes “but [is] not limited to removal from the class without attendance or participation points, failure of the assignment, and— in extreme cases— failure for the semester.”
Breikss is not the only WSU faculty member implementing such policies.
Much like in Selena Breikss’s classroom, students taking Professor Rebecca Fowler’s “Introduction to Comparative Ethnic Studies” course will see their grades suffer if they use the term “illegal alien” in their assigned writing.
According to her syllabus, students will lose one point every time they use the words “illegal alien” or “illegals” rather than the preferred terms of “‘undocumented’ migrants/immigrants/persons.” Throughout the course, Fowler says, students will “come to recognize how white privilege functions in everyday social structures and institutions.”
Breikss is not the only WSU faculty member implementing such policies.
Who gives half a fuck. If your dumb ass ever gets admitted to WSU and take any of these classes don't use the term illegal alien. I swear white males have to bitch about the smallest most insignificant shit. Holy fuck.
Blogger field negro said...
Not a huge fan of his music myself Doug. (Although I did love him on that track, Selfish with Slum Village) But, like u, I will take him over the Trumpster.
9:06 PM
Brother Field, Brother Doug, the two of you must be kidding. There would be 'no way' you would vote for Kanye but there is always the possibility you would vote for Trump.
Why? Because Hillary Clinton is your other choice. If you really want to trash and put the final nail in the coffin for America, just vote for her.
You two are very depressing....so depressing that I can't sleep because there might be a majority crazies like you in America. My God, man. What is wrong with you folks? There is no hope for us.
This is so depressing that I can't read FN anymore.
depressed negro
I guess Republicans are natural thieves? Something Bill will never post.
Why? Because Hillary Clinton is your other choice. If you really want to trash and put the final nail in the coffin for America, just vote for her.
Man please, if W didn't totally wreck this country no one can. Not even Kanye.
Why aren't you Negroes talking about Ben Carson, who is NOW tied with Trump?
I know why you can't bring yourselves to notice Carson because the Democratic Party has niggarized you so much you can't see him. Field is a Dem Stephen Buckwheat guy set up to follow Dems. It's depressing and sickening.
I gotta go. I can't take this niggariztion anymore. Too many gutless Negroes in the black race.
KinkyCon you left out Obama arming ISIS. Him doing that was arguably a mistake. They armed the "moderate rebels" to overthrow the relatively moderate countries of Libya and Syria and caused all kinds of devastation. But protecting war criminals wasn't a mistake. Obama's DOJ represented Rumsfeld against torture charges and Obama pressured Spain not to press war crime charges. Obama has doomed us to be lied into war again. And I doubt that Obama doesn't know that 9/11 was an an inside job.
Yes, I voted for Obama. He was the lesser of evils against Hillary, McCain, and Romney. One good thing he did is preserve net neutrality, our last vestige of non fascist media. The Iran treaty is good too. Obama accomplished a lot militarily with Seals and drones. I don't agree with all of his military goals, but at least he minimized U.S. casualties. Especially in comparison to Bush. I don't regret voting for Obama, but the lesser of evils isn't good enough anymore. I do regret my votes for Bill Clinton. Like Trump and Ben Carson supporters, I don't see any status quo Democrat/Republicans worth voting for. I don't like Trump or Carson either. I might vote for lesser of evils candidates Sanders or Paul in the primaries, but I'll write someone in in the general election if a good candidate doesn't come along.
If you don't vote for Trump in the next election you are a fool. See, the problem is NOT the candidates, it's the voters.
Damn anon 1:18 you stole my thunder. Ben Carson proves that America needs a blah man in the WH. He is going to leave Trump in the dust. Even Republicans see the benefits of a brotha running thangs.
Carson/Cain '16
West/Dogg '20
TheFieldNegro said...
So Kanye, I say go for it, America needs you.
Great points about being successful in business.
If not for his wife I'd vote for him.
Boy, comments got extra racist and stupid again tonight, for some reason.
Shouldn't all you troglodytes be busy writing worshipful fans letters to Donald Trump while touching yourselves?
Kanye for Pesident??
You gotta be kidding.
I'm relatively certs, any half-assed blogger would crucify him, given the opportunity. Tell us counselor, what's on his rap sheet. (hah hah, that was a joke)
Anon@9:13,those were some good comments. I might have to renew my contract with Anon Inc.
Anon@2:39, I think they ran out of ink.:)
Oh, yeah...and Dennis Rodman should be his VP, Spike Lee his Secretary Of State,...oh, this administration would go on forever.
We would finally get to water the crops with Garor-ads.
t. Commander Johnson said...
Oh, yeah...and Dennis Rodman should be his VP, Spike Lee his Secretary Of State,...oh, this administration would go on forever.
8:11 AM
One thing for sure, there would be no more resentments against the USA for calling some countries "axis of evil".
America would be loved by everybody with Blacks in the WH Admin. In addition, we would not have to put up a wall to keep immigrants out anymore. Kanye would me our economy 'humm' like it never has before. Spike would calm down ISIS, Rodman would be the delight of N. Korea and China, and Putin would love Kim Kardashin and fascinated by her ass so much he would pull out of the Ukraine.
You see, if we could get rid of some of these racist to the core Whites, America could soar because Blacks would be at the forefront instead of Trump. The International Society for a 'better America' would be delighted.
Personally, I think Field would make a good Special Ambassador to Cuba AND Jamaica because he likes Cuba's cigars and he has personal interests in Jamaica.
Yep, it's Tuesday, and I have a dream today.
"Boy, comments got extra racist and stupid again tonight, for some reason."
This is nothing compared to a few days ago. That was bad, it was as if stormfront sprang a leak. Then again I'm pretty used to folks getting their jollies off abusing and shaming blah folks.
Dream about Detroit, then get back to us when the nightmare is over.
(should be about a 365-day nap)
Good morning, PilotX.
Did you ever find out "what" made a lead pilot, and a wingman?
I saw a show about Gabby Gabreski the other nite, and he hadn't made single kill when he was appointed to be commander of a squadron.
Of course, he went on to be one of the highest scoring Aces in WWII....
We'll talk about the German Aces, like Hartmann & Rudel...et al..
Anonymous the GOP said...
Let's see, Hillary was first lady, senator and Secretary of State and leads the Democratic polls. Donald Trump is a carnival barker and reality tv show host and leads the Republican polls. Um yeah. Oh that's right, he said he reads the bible too so he has the ignorant sanitarium.
10:37 PM
Let's see, Hillary ignored security warning and allowed Benghazi to happen. Hillary lead the Obama Administration lies and attempted cover-up. Hillary voted for the Iraq war and allowed hospitals that treated rich white liberals to refuse to take in poor minorities in New York City. Hillary used her role at the State to enrich her and her husband and get sweetheart deals for the family money-laundering business. Hillary lead the charge to destroy women who were telling the truth about her serial molester husband.
But hey, all that don't matter. Hillary has a vajayjay. That is why the left feels she deserves to be elected...
"Why don't you ever mention white southern plantations and how they vote Kinky?'
Because southern whites vote Democrat (and are more willing to look at both parties,) and don't bitch when a political party ignores them?
the GOP said...
Why don't look behind the curtain young lady, you need to just do what we say and feel the shame of voting your particular interests.
And how is voting "voting your particular interests" i.e. overwhelming voting Democrat helped poor blahs living in the most violent places in this country? Like Baltimore,Oakland, Chiraq and Detroit?
What are those schools in those areas like? What's the job picture like in those areas? And why is it the most violent places in this country have majority blah populations and are controlled by Democrats?
The FieldNegro said...
So Kanye, I say go for it, America needs you.
Your party needs him!
Considering the very old and very white the dumbocrat party is hoping wins the election, YOUR party needs him sooner than later. Your party is lacking young and color this election cycle.
Without some youth and color, can your party count on the same level of support from Blacks?
Black Lives Matter has rejected the Democratic National Committee’s resolution in support of the grassroots group’s efforts to address and overcome racial tensions in the wake of numerous shooting deaths of African-Americans at the hands of police officers.
Dear Kinky, as a bm I have been wondering what Blacks can do to get you on their side? Just a thought that arose at 3am in the morning while dreaming. I listen to my dreams because I believe they have great significance.
yours truly and forever,
depressed negro
Oh Field, THIS is indeed priceless.
Yep, I can imagine what Kanye would do if one of those white racist assholes DARED disrespect him on national television. He'd probably do exactly what I'd do--have the Secret Sevice escort him to my office where he'd get the tongue-lashing of his f'ing racist life, after turning off the mic temporarily and going FULL STREET on him right there in the halls of Congress.
President West in 2020!
You blacks are fucked if you think the solution to your problems is to whine and blame whitey.
Dear Oregon Pride, thank you for your insightful comment. As Mr Field's Assistant on loan from Anon, Inc. let me say I am quite impressed with you. And so is Mr Field.
I have been thinking about what you said about my peeps and hope they will stop whining and blaming the wm. That is a horrible position to take, as you have indicated.
Mr Oregon Pride, what do you suggest Blacks should do to improve their positions of poverty and discrimination by 'people'? Please note I did not blame 'Whitey', just 'other people'.
Again, thank you. I have been thinking about moving to Oregon. My understanding there are virtually NO Blacks there. That sounds like heaven to me because I am sick and tired of my folks.
In addition, I've been trying to convince Mr Field to move there also where he could set up his blog and not be bothered by so many stormfront folks.
I am not sure he will do it but I've got the pressure on him to do it. Mr Field is so accustomed to Philly the man actually thinks Philly is a nice 'world class' city. He is a classic case of ghettorization.
Please keep posting your comments of wisdom on FN. You are a true American.
Can somebody tell me what Obama thinks of Kanye? If I remember correctly Obama had something to say about Kanye when he jumped on stage and took the mic from lovely Taylor Swift.
Did he approve?
President? That is a laugh. The man can't even but together a coherent sentence with correct grammar. Maybe you need him. I wouldn't trust him to walk my dog.
Well, 2016 is a long way off. But 2016 is Trump's year. And, when he builds that beautiful wonderful wall that we so desperately need, he will be re-elected in 2020. And Kanye will go away.
President West in 2020!!
Only a bunch of friggin' white idiots would actually believe that Don Trump will, A) keep even ONE of his "Trump Show", (oh my bad!), his campaign promises, and, B) that ANY country in the world would be stupid enough to expend the resources it would take to build a wall that is long enough to span the U.S. - Mexican border, which 1,933 miles long. Trump has been very mum on the details of such an enterprise, other than the fact that it would be "high", "have a door in it", that "It might be named 'The Trump Wall' one day", and that somehow, he's singlehandedly going to "make Mexico pay for it". Because he's obviously the most astute deal-maker in human history and "loves the Mexican people".
Even if he manages to be elected President by some miracle, he is NOT going to spend the incredible amount of money and resources it would take to ship over 11 million people out of this country, presumably without the approval of Congress. Let's just forget the fact that Congress approves all government expenditures. In fact, let's forget about Congress altogether. His Presidency would merely be a continuation of "The Trump Show" just like his campaign.
Reality says that none of these pathetic, unemployed racist hicks will be getting their chance to play stromtrooper and roll some frightened women and children up outta here. Nor can any of their hateful, lazy hides look forward to whatever nice paychecks they hope they'll get for their help building "Trump's Wall". Your know why? Because Washington does not work that way and Trump will not be some kind of racist 'savior'.
Have you noticed, Field, that he hasn't said ONE WORD, made not one PEEP about Dr. Ben Carson, who is second in the polls? He keeps harping on Jeb Bush who is third. Jeb Bush is not his strongest competition, but as usual the white male mind simply can't process reality. Maybe Jeb B. will surpass Dr. Carson in popularity, but we'll have to wait and see.
Agreed. Black males are the stupidest, useless, violent and impulse-driven creatures on the face of the earth. Saw plenty of that crap when I worked in construction.construction. They also think
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Sooooo, I read this when it first came up in 2015. Had a lot of thoughts then, but didn't comment. Nonetheless, to say the least, time has revealed a lot of the speculation noted in these comments. I desperately hope we, ALL OF US, as a county can find a way back together. OneLove!
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