It's not surprising that the "Oath Keepers" guys don't see the irony in their actions. Somehow I think that irony is lost on these types of people.
The good news is, of course, that there was only four of them. The bad news is that they were heavily armed and did not seem to be able to articulate why they are there in the first place. (Not to mention that more are sure to come.)
Unless I am missing something, the folks from the law enforcement side seem to be well prepared for anything that may come their way, so they really don't need these vigilante types making an already tense situation worse. In fact, it looks to me like they (law enforcement) are ready for war.
The "Oath Keepers" look like they are ready for war as well. They sure had a lot of fire power. It's amazing that the authorities are charging a reporter with trespassing and obstructing justice, but not these "Oath Keeper" guys. The reporter was armed with a camera, the "Oath Keeper" guys are armed with guns.
Of course they don't pose a threat to these like-minded individuals who, for the most part, are probably just glad for the company.
"The men said they were part of a group called "Oath Keepers," which describes itself as a non-partisan association of current and former U.S. soldiers, police and first responders who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution. They told reporters on the street that they were in Ferguson to protect a media organization.
The men attracted immediate attention in the mostly black neighborhood, which exploded into violence on Sunday night as protesters marked the one-year anniversary of the killing of an unarmed black teen by police.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights organization, has described the "Oath Keepers" as a "fiercely anti-government, militaristic group," and St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar condemned their appearance in Ferguson." [Source]
Hmmm, a " fiercely anti-government, militaristic group". I think that they will fit right in.
*Pic from thedailybeast.com
No harm will come to them. White men can point guns at federal law enforcement officers with no repercussions but changing lanes while blah is an arrestable offense. The more things change.
Santa is here early and he looks pissed!
White a Guns Matter!
Unbelievable! Just Unbelievable!!!
So now there's two different law enforcement? The police and these vigilantes? Who authorized them? Who???
They win the most ironic name contest. Armed conspirators Organizing against the constitutional government of the United States naming themselves after the oath of alliegance to that government. It's as if a group of pedophiles organized to molest children and named themselves child protection services.
Yes, lets worry about four white guys there to protect innocent citizens, not the thousands of leftist protesters and assorted thugs looting and burning down businesses, assaulting journalists, shutting down highways, and shooting at police officers.
All of this a year after a violent punk got killed after he robbed a store and attacked a police officer. A year of protests over an act of justice.
What the fuck is wrong with black people?
@lilacpr200): "Who authorized them? Who???"
They were self-authorized. It's a white privilege thing.
The FieldNegro said...
Hmmm, a " fiercely anti-government, militaristic group". I think that they will fit right in.
Is the BlackLivesMatter group considered pro-government pro-police?
Are the protestors pro-government pro-police?
@Dindu Nuffin: "What the fuck is wrong with black people?"
Quit feigning ignorance. You know the answer.
White folk is "What the fuck...wrong with black people."
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"Armed conspirators Organizing against the constitutional government of the United States naming themselves after the oath of allegiance to that government"
White Christian conservative attachment to the Constitution and traditional American ideals such as representative democracy are consequences of their deeper attachments. These attachments have endured long past the time our government broke the bounds of the Constitution. These men are upholding an oath to a piece of paper that has been slowly shredded by progressives over the past 80 years, culminating in the lawless administration that is fomenting and abetting these riots.
The only thing preserving the peace is White Christian America's connections to a country that doesn't exist anymore. The unifying culture is disintegrating, and America is devolving into polyglot tribes scrabbling over the remains. White America still puts its faith in a decaying piece of parchment under glass to protect them from those who wish to loot their legacy. As the progressive agenda proceeds and our sham democracy exposed, White America will let go.
Once those connections are severed, they are simply a larger, more dedicated, more effective, and better-armed group playing the game of power. I tend to doubt post-democracy is going to be all that those celebrating it now believe it will be.
Bill said...
Is the BlackLivesMatter group considered pro-government pro-police?
Are the protestors pro-government pro-police?
11:09 PM
Well yes, I would say yes. They are protesting because they want to be a part of America. They want to be treated fairly,with equality and accepted as per the American dream.
Let us remember that the Black men that have been killed have not been killed while committing a heinous crime!
Selling loose cigs, hanging out, walking around, etc.,etc.
What is being protested for is the America that says that everyone is equal under the law.
So yes they are pro
government/America. Or at least what America used to stand for.
Mr. White said...
These men are upholding an oath to a piece of paper that has been slowly shredded by progressives over the past 80 years,
11:29 PM
Look like plain ole racists to me lolol!
Even people who like guns will tell you that these idiots aren't doing them (or themselves) any favors.
-Doug in Oakland
Brother Field, as a bm I really think things are going to work out in Ferguson with arrival of these four white heavily armed men.
I mean, they will probably end up saving a few black lives by stopping some of those Negroes who loot stores and cause a lot of trouble.
To put the icing on the cake, BLM will have to check themselves with their loud aggressive behaviors toward harmless wm like Bernie Sanders.
I am thinking about starting a black movement against BLM because they are hurting the future of black America.
As a bm, what do you think of my ingenuous idea?
Digital Blackface Alert!
Shocking, Fox commentators say Carly Fiorina won the kids' table debate and now she's in the top five after polling near the bottom. The artificial inflation of her numbers has begun. Need someone to attack Hillary without coming across as sexist. So predictable. Just like when the gop chose Mikie Steele after Barack was elected so they wouldn't seem racist and when Palin was recruited to try to pick off Hillary supporters.
Here’s the lessons from Ferguson America:
Don’t let your kids grow up to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor.
Don’t preach your racist bullsh*t “no justice no peace” as blabbered by Obama’s racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen.
When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don’t attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta assholes you hang with & look up to.
It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And don't claim that “black lives matter” when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks.
Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you f*ckin idiots. Drive safely.
Ted Nugent.
@Anonymous above: "Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you f*ckin idiots. Drive safely."
I hate to break it to you, but you sound soulless to me. In addition, your attitude almost assures that you'll return to this world as a black person.
You don't get it now, but you will then.
You will attack me for warning you, but it won't matter: It won't change a thing. You will have a lifetime as a black person.
Here’s the lessons from Ferguson America:
Don’t let your kids grow up to be Bankers who think they can steal, rob, rip-off and cheat their fellow citizens while awarding themselves million dollar bonuses, as a way of life & badge of white (dis)honor.
Don’t preach your racist bullshit as blabbered by the sort of paranoid, dim-witted fucking morons who call themselves 'Oath Keepers' & their klansmen.
When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, ask him on whose authority does he operate? Ask him on whose authority he exercises power? Ask him who gave him his legitimacy? Ask him if he works as a protector of the people or as he suppressor of people? Ask him why American cops killed more people in just one month (March 2015), than British cops killed in the entire 20th century. Ask him how many unarmed 12 year old kids he has shot today.
It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And don't claim that “black lives matter” when you ignore the millions you have slaughtered on the streets of the USA, Viet Nam, Iraq, Hiroshima, Nagasaki etc.
Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin' us you f*ckin idiots. Drive safely.
Karl Marx.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
Here’s the lessons from Ferguson America:
Don’t let your kids grow up to be Bankers who think they can steal, rob, rip-off and cheat their fellow citizens while awarding themselves million dollar bonuses, as a way of life & badge of white (dis)honor.
Make sure you demand loans you can't afford, know you can't back and then cry racism because you are too stupid to read or understand the terms of the contract. I'm Black and stupid, so you must be racist.
Don’t preach your racist bullshit as blabbered by the sort of paranoid, dim-witted fucking morons who call themselves 'Oath Keepers' & their klansmen.
Oath Keepers are simply men who can and do protect their oath to the constitution. Your cry of racism just shows what a dimwitted negrolicious negro you are.
When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, ask him on whose authority does he operate? Ask him on whose authority he exercises power? Ask him who gave him his legitimacy? Ask him if he works as a protector of the people or as he suppressor of people? Ask him why American cops killed more people in just one month (March 2015), than British cops killed in the entire 20th century. Ask him how many unarmed 12 year old kids he has shot today.
Just get out of the middle of the street you anti civilization dirtbag negro. Don't try and attack the cop and steal his gun, then say you need a pass because your momma was a ho, you're a dunce and you just robbed a store.
It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And don't claim that “black lives matter” when you ignore the millions you have slaughtered on the streets of the USA, Viet Nam, Iraq, Hiroshima, Nagasaki etc.
WTF does any of that bullshit have to do with angry violent feral negroes not being fit for society. You were in on it too sambo.
Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin' us you f*ckin idiots. Drive safely.
I hate to break it to you, but you sound soulless to me. In addition, your attitude almost assures that you'll return to this world as a black person.
You don't get it now, but you will then.
You will attack me for warning you, but it won't matter: It won't change a thing. You will have a lifetime as a black person.
Oh now the threat is reincarnation. How will you be able to tell the Negro who was a White guy in a former life? Oh right, he will be the one with money who you accuse of acting white because he is civilized and doesn't wear his pants around his ass.
St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar has lost control of the situation in Ferguson and needs to step down.
Sorry but your racist drivel is lost on me; I can't read bigot. Could you find someone whose hands aren't full of phallic extensions to type it in English?
So glad that Ronnie ray gun outlawed brandishing firearms in California, even if it was the Panthers joining in the sport that got it Sh!tcanned. Hey, why don't black people start Openly hanging out with their phallic symbols like You've got adequacy issues too? Better yet, do it in trailer parks! The open-carry fad will be dead in a fortnight. Legislatures will go into 24/7 special sessions until it's done.
Who're you kidding? You're whiter than me.
I watched the JV game & she had more......whatevers than anyone Else there or at the varsity.
Hey Ted nut job, put down your artificial penis when you're typing; you'll make more sense.
The Purple Cow said...
It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever.
No, it's only that simple if your facts have been twisted by Marxist propaganda.
Your ignorance of this issue and of history is astounding.
LOL @ Whitey!!!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Hey, why don't black people start Openly hanging out with their phallic symbols
Welcome to 2015
A new group calling itself the Huey P. Newton Gun Club launched armed self-defense patrols Wednesday with one stated purpose: to protect Dallas neighbors from police.
In Texas, armed Black men were not shot nor arrested for carrying weapons.
Lets see if your left-wingnut assumption is correct and texas will start outlawing open carry.
LOL @ Yisheng!!!
We used to have a better class of racists on this blog. Back in the day.
The ones we get now are just too stupid to talk to.
Welcome to 2015, where nothing is as good as it used to be. Not even racists....
PC, racism like Alzheimer's disease, is a neurodegenerative and fatal disease characterized by a gradual loss of cognitive function.
Is that what happened to you, Yisheng?
Or were you just born that way?
Seeing as though the Huey Newton gun club marched in 2014 and we haven't heard a peep since then we have to wonder what happened.
Hillary is going to jail:
Looks like it's going to have to be Bernie, unless you got another mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.
Tea Party group helps (black) woman rebuild her business after Ferguson riots:
Is that FNB behavior, Field?
Only if they are doing it for the right reason and not seeking free publicity.
Anon above, u are not black.
field negro said...
Only if they are doing it for the right reason and not seeking free publicity.
Some acts of kindness are more equal than others.
Your racism permeates every ounce of your being.
"Only if they are doing it for the right reason and not seeking free publicity."
They did it continuously over the last year, and the only reason there is a story now is because her store got looted again this week.
Some publicity.
Hey Field, Jesse Lee Peterson has good recap of the events in Ferguson:
One thing he writes here which I did not know, or maybe I did but forgot, is that Ma Swisher tossed the Gentle Giant out of her house bag and baggage when he was 16 and tried to unload him on his father, just like Ma Skittles tried to unload St. Skittles on Pa Skittles (Pa Skittles, Tracy Martin, an East St. Louis native, is mentioned here) at about that age. That’s why Miamian Trayvon Martin was in Orlando to begin with. Well, as it turned out, Pa Swisher didn’t want the Gentle Giant either, and more or less unloaded him on one of his grandmothers, who lived in the Canfield Green complex.
These strong independent black wimmenz tho think they can raise a boy into a man all by demselfs really do have a penchant for unloading their problematic adolescent sons on their fathers who they claimed they didn’t need, don’t they? Oh yeah, it happens quite a bit in Bell Curve City, it’s not just Sir Swisher of Sweets and St. Skittles. Problem is, if they’re problematic if not incorrigible by that age, there’s nothing their father can really do.
Thank you for the link Re: the esteemed and brilliant Jesse Lee Peterson who waxed Field's ass on his radio show.
JLP is a good role model for bm. He alone is keeping some them off the streets.
He alone is teaching some of our kids how to behave and talk.
Very few, if any, can compare to this bm...he is my hero.
"No one talks much about the hostility between men and women that infects black families, but believe me, it is there. When their men walk out, as they do too often, women grow angry and bitter."---Jesse Lee Peterson
This was an excerpt from one of JLP's books. Besides being a good role model for bm he is also a great writer. He makes me proud to be a bm. I urge you to read this fine man's books.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/08/sudden-death-on-canfield-drive-in-ferguson/#6kuFlKvK2FisqhDU.99
So that's why your trolls have such a skewed view of blah people, they get their insight from Jesse Lee Peterson. Hell, they may be better off sticking with stormfront.
"Thank you for the link Re: the esteemed and brilliant Jesse Lee Peterson who waxed Field's ass on his radio show."
Jesse, is that you?
field negro said...
"Thank you for the link Re: the esteemed and brilliant Jesse Lee Peterson who waxed Field's ass on his radio show."
Jesse, is that you?
Between the daily phallic references and now talk of waxing asses, I'm starting to believe that whooteemoos are ALL a bunch of closet homosexuals with VERY loose anal sphincter muscles.
You ought to know, you a whooteemoo yourself.
Why do you spend every day stalking a black blog?
Yisheng, "Between the daily phallic references and now talk of waxing asses, I'm starting to believe that whooteemoos are ALL a bunch of closet homosexuals with VERY loose anal sphincter muscles."
First of all, you obviously don't understand the contextual meaning of the word "wax" in the way it was used. Secondly, I am Black. That means I am not a whooteemoos. Third, you don't know the difference between wm and your own people.
You need to STFU because your ignorance is showing.
Anonymous Assymouse said...
First of all, you obviously don't understand the contextual meaning of the word "wax" in the way it was used.
Black version of the term "waxing 'dat ass" - To beat someone at something.
Whooteemoo version of the term "waxing 'dat ass" - The wax like lubricant used in the anus/rectum area during sex.
Since you're obviously NOT Black, answer 2 is yours BOY!
"Between the daily phallic references and now talk of waxing asses, I'm starting to believe that whooteemoos are ALL a bunch of closet homosexuals with VERY loose anal sphincter muscles."
That describes a majority of the Republican Party.
Well, JLP knows I am black. I have been on his show many times because he likes intelligent brothers on his show.
He doesn't think much of Field and most of the Negroes on FN. Yet, you folks never say JLP is not Black. You are nothing but a bunch of crabs in a bucket...TNB.
PilotX is a homophobe.
Go figure.
Yīshēng the Whooteemoo said...
"Since you're obviously NOT Black, answer 2 is yours BOY!"
STFU cracker!
"They are protesting because they want to be a part of America."
Hold that thought.
"They want to be treated fairly,with equality and accepted as per the American dream."
Being treated fairly means being held accountable for one's wrong actions and failures of duty. What they are protesting is that Michael Brown was actually held accountable for his strong-arm robbery of the store, his assault on the officer and resisting arrest. They are protesting fair treatment. Have you ever seen White people rally in support of a White perp of such crimes? No. This explodes the lying claim that the protests have anything to do with a desire for "equality". What the BLM movement wants is impunity for Black crime and criminals.
"Let us remember that the Black men that have been killed have not been killed while committing a heinous crime!"
Let us remember that the Dindu shot in the recent Ferguson "protest" had shot two people and fired at police officers.
I saw a hilarious headline in a big city paper the other day. Mamas of dead Dindus wanting answers about the demise of their offspring. These Dindu-mamas are almost certainly advocates of the "no snitching" ethos, which guarantees that police investigators have great difficulty finding clues to close cases. Helping the police investigate crimes is one of the DUTIES of citizenship; fail in your duty and the benefits are lost. This lesson is completely lost on the Dindu-mamas. They expect everything that Whitey gets out of civilization, without doing anything that Whitey has to do to achieve it.
"White privilege" is having to work to maintain civilization for a parasite population of Africans who tear it down at every opportunity and then claim racism when things stop working around them.
""These marauding band of "patriots" and protectors of freedom, have decided that it's best for them to be in Ferguson protecting the status quo instead of fighting with the people who are trying to bring about change through civil disobedience and protests. ""
"OathKeepers" are hired as private security to stop Arson and Looting that the local police will not stop. Where the police retreated from the "civil disobedience" video shows negros burning down businesses, beating Whites and breaking into stores to loot.
Where the "Oath Keepers" appeared, no one was looted or burned out or, as a matter of fact, shot.
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