On the one year anniversary of the shooting of an unarmed young man of color in Ferguson, Missouri, another story has some of us folks scratching our collective heads.
"Arlington, Texas, police fatally shot a 19-year-old college student they claim broke into a car dealership early Friday morning, but some members of the dead man's family find the police version of the story hard to believe.
According to the Star-Telegram, around 1 a.m. Friday, police were notified of a burglary in progress at a GMC Classic Buick dealership. Police say a security company called for emergency help after company employees witnessed a man using his car to crash through the dealership's showroom window.
"The officers went and confronted him. There was an altercation. An officer discharged his weapon and struck the suspect," Sgt. Paul Rodriguez, a police spokesman, told the Star-Telegram.
"The officers went and confronted him. There was an altercation. An officer discharged his weapon and struck the suspect," Sgt. Paul Rodriguez, a police spokesman, told the Star-Telegram.
The Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office identified the dead man Friday afternoon as 19-year-old Christian Taylor. Taylor was a sophomore at Angelo State University and a member of the football team. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Rodriguez added that Taylor was unarmed when he was shot.
Police identified the officer involved in the shooting as 49-year-old Brad Miller, a recent graduate of the academy, who was working under the supervision of a training officer at the time of the shooting. Miller has been placed on administrative leave.
"We're having two independent investigations—a criminal and administrative," Rodriguez said. "As an agency, we take the loss of any human life as serious, but we owe it to our community to conduct a clear and transparent investigation to determine what exactly took place."
Clyde Fuller, Taylor's great-uncle, told the Star-Telegram that the story that is being described doesn't add up. He said his great-nephew was set to return to college and that he excelled at football.
"He was a good kid. I don't see him stealing no car or nothing like that," Fuller said.
"He was a good kid. I don't see him stealing no car or nothing like that," Fuller said.
"I think something is going on that somebody is lying about," Fuller told the Star-Telegram. "... They say he's burglarizing the place by running up in there? Nuh-uh. Something doesn't sound right."
Rodriguez told the newspaper that the officers are in the process of receiving body cameras, but don't have them yet, and as such, Officer Miller was not wearing one during the shooting.
Rodriguez told the newspaper that the officers are in the process of receiving body cameras, but don't have them yet, and as such, Officer Miller was not wearing one during the shooting.
He added that there are several security cameras in the dealership, but said police haven't found footage that shows the incident clearly." [Story]
I know my white brethren, you are tired of all these stories about police brutality and young men. Just remember, though, your child could be next.
"You think you've heard this story before. A young, unarmed man is gunned down by police, black activists are outraged -- the only difference with this scenario is that the young man is not black, he's white.
I know my white brethren, you are tired of all these stories about police brutality and young men. Just remember, though, your child could be next.
"You think you've heard this story before. A young, unarmed man is gunned down by police, black activists are outraged -- the only difference with this scenario is that the young man is not black, he's white.
Nineteen-year-old Zachary Hammond was on a date July 26 when he was fatally shot twice by a police officer while at the back parking lot of a Hardee's fast food restaurant in Seneca, a city 40 miles from Greenville, near the North Carolina border, according to Eric Bland, the attorney representing the teen's family.
The Seneca Police Department said the officer was conducting a drug investigation and shot Hammond in self-defense.
"He was a uniformed officer, he was in a marked vehicle, was out of his vehicle on foot approaching the suspect vehicle -- weapon drawn given it was a narcotics type violation," Seneca Police Chief John Covington said to CNN affiliate WHNS.
A small amount of marijuana was found in the front passenger's compartment in Hammond's car.
"He was a 19-year-old, 121-pound kid killed basically for a joint," Bland said. " [Story]
Let it not be said that the Field Negro is not as equally outraged when he sees a potential state killing of a young man from the majority population.
This situation, like the one above in Arlington, Texas, should be vigorously investigated. And if it is found that the killings of these young men were unjustified, the officers involved should be held accountable in a court of law.
*Picture from twitter via theroot.com
Field, your outrage over the shooting of the wm bothers me because as a bm you fail to acknowledge me as Black. You have left me out in the cold, with no place to go but to the mercy of Kinky.
Quite frankly, I just might leave FN. I get sick and tired of reading shit from Negroes like PC, UTS and Yisheng.
Is FN the only owned black blog in the blogosphere? Probably so. Our folks don't own much. As long as Negroes keep signing up for the Dems, it will always be like that.
Vote Trump for our next President. He speaks truth and will put money in our peeps pockets.
Isn't 49 a little too old to be a "recent graduate" of a police academy? I mean, lol, he should be on the way to retiring right about now!
Isn't there an age limit on recruits?
49? That's crazy! Whooeee, America is crazier by the day!
and"vigorously investigated" is simply not enough! What should be vigorous is a do not shoot on a whim law for them!
As well as the marijuana laws! Over here for one cigarette it's 7 years in the slammer, homicide,robbery, a couple months! Go figure!!!
America is crazy!
"Vote Trump for our next President. He speaks truth and will put money in our peeps pockets."
If your peeps is Donald Trump, then, yes, Donald Trump will put money in that pocket.
OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
Isn't 49 a little too old to be a "recent graduate" of a police academy? I mean, lol, he should be on the way to retiring right about now!
49 is the new 29. People are living much longer and therefore remain younger longer. Weren't you in the health field before?
Maybe Christian Taylor was out of his mind on drugs, and accidentally crashed into the car dealership? It's hard to explain otherwise.
I know that smash and grab robberies, in which you drive through the front window of a store and then snatch whatever loot you can see before driving away, have gotten pretty popular. But I don't really see how that is an effective method for stealing cars.
Dear Lord, just for tonight keep PC from FN, please. He tends to attack my white friend Bill and Kinky. It's uncalled for and hampers racial harmony. As a bm, I am embarrassed that we have such Negroes in the Black race.
I know that smash and grab robberies, in which you drive through the front window of a store and then snatch whatever loot you can see before driving away, have gotten pretty popular. But I don't really see how that is an effective method for stealing cars.
The keys are in the showroom and the cars are all gased up, and ready to go. Plus there is no way to trace showroom cars. It's perfectly safe for a thief provided he can get in and drive away.
"Isn't 49 a little too old to be a "recent graduate" of a police academy? I mean, lol, he should be on the way to retiring right about now!"
I was thinking the same thing.
Off today's topic, but kinda related to yesterday's political discussions:
Two evangelical Christian Tea Partier types in the Michigan legislature are engaged in one of the more hilarious sex scandals ever.
See, these two married, holier-than-thou legislators took a break from policing everyone else's sex lives to have a very Godly affair with each other (humpin' for Jesus?).
Then, when it looked like news of their cheating ways might have gotten out, the male half of the couple thought it would somehow take the heat off of them if he started a rumor about himself being involved in a completely separate, entirely fictional gay affair (despite his having publicly opposed homosexuality and gay rights in the past).
Does anyone out there understand how this brilliant plan was supposed to work?
Me neither.
American politics is a circus.
Once again, NO, 49 is NOT too old. Some of you Negroes either can't hear, can't read or just unable to comprehend.
"The keys are in the showroom and the cars are all gased up, and ready to go. Plus there is no way to trace showroom cars. It's perfectly safe for a thief provided he can get in and drive away."
Do they leave keys in showroom cars when they close down for the day? Seems like awful sloppy security if they do.
And if they don't, the thief then has to find the keys, and break into a locked cabinet if the keys have been secured, and figure out which key goes to which car. And do all of this before the cops show up.
This honestly doesn't sound like such a great plan to me.
Keys are all in the showroom on the wall. It's not difficult to get the keys. The most difficult thing to do is drive through the showroom. You have to hit the glass just right. A good driving robber can do it.
It's a good plan, less riskier than robbing a bank. Of course, in getting a job to rob a bank, your resume has to show more skill and experience. What's interesting about bank robbers all of them are White. There are NO qualified black robbers. The job is a very high skilled one with a college degree and ability to read blueprints.
Field, "Let it not be said that the Field Negro is not as equally outraged when he sees a potential state killing of a young man from the majority population."
Kinky and Bill will be glad to know this. Their opinions of you will probably change; and an apology from them should be forthcoming.
Brother Field, you are someone the black race can be proud of. But don't you think your 'outrage' is not 'quite' as outraged for a brother?
Lord have mercy. These folks are out in full force tonight. That Repub debate must have really had an impact.
"According to the Star-Telegram, around 1 a.m. Friday, police were notified of a burglary in progress at a GMC Classic Buick dealership. Police say a security company called for emergency help after company employees witnessed a man using his car to crash through the dealership's showroom window."
So, open-and-shut case, right?
"Clyde Fuller, Taylor's great-uncle, told the Star-Telegram that the story that is being described doesn't add up. He said his great-nephew was set to return to college and that he excelled at football.
"He was a good kid. I don't see him stealing no car or nothing like that," Fuller said.
"I think something is going on that somebody is lying about," Fuller told the Star-Telegram. "... They say he's burglarizing the place by running up in there? Nuh-uh. Something doesn't sound right."
Even when there is unimpeachable corpus delicti evidence, the senior member of the Dindu tribe says his grand-nephew dindu nuffins. Simply can't believe it. Unstated but implied.. it has to be Whitey's fault.
And this is why the smoldering Black-on-White race war that has been going on since the era of Cybil Rites and before is starting to heat up and see Whitey fight back. The sheer insanity of the narrative pushed by Black-run America can no longer be denied, and the tower of lies has already seen its floor beams sag under the flames and started its long, slow fall into rubble.
When the African survivors of the shakeout are back on their mother continent, there won't be any need for lawyers because there will be no courts of justice or equity in which to practice. There will only be the Big Man of the tribe, ruling and disposing of everything and everyone. It's the African way, the way the African re-creates everywhere he goes from Coleman Young to Robert Mugabe to Barack Obama. It is your nature. Embrace it... away from America and Whitey. You don't like us anyway, so feel free to build your own nation in your own image.
PR, it's not about how old your are, it's about being in shape and staying sharp at EVERY age.
I know a 54 year old Family Practice Resident, a 63 year old Surgical Attending that's only been practicing for 7 years, and a 48 year old ICU fellow. And NONE of them look their age!!!
"Even when there is unimpeachable corpus delicti evidence, the senior member of the Dindu tribe says his grand-nephew dindu nuffins. Simply can't believe it. Unstated but implied.. it has to be Whitey's fault."
How is driving into a building unimpeachable evidence of a robbery? One of the houses in my neighborhood growing up had a car plow into their living room in the middle of the night. There was no robbery in progress, only reckless driving (on the part of some young knucklehead, no doubt).
I hope no one ever allows you to serve on a jury.
"That guy just looks guilty! Lock him up!"
"How is driving into a building unimpeachable evidence of a robbery?"
When the driver is inside the building and refuses to comply with the orders of security and police when they arrive, moron.
But I should not expect more than moron-level reasoning from you. Reason takes a second, third, or twentieth place to race in your evaulation of things.
Haha, right on schedule, another right-wing media outlet goes on the attack on Trump.
Trump has now been banned from RedState Gathering for making sexist remarks about Megyn Kelly (the latest were his comments about her probably having been on the rag while questioning him during the debate). This is humorous because Erick Erickson, who runs RedState, is an unbelievably sexist dickhead himself.
See, this is exactly how it works. Most right-wing media figures and politicians believe in the exact same bigoted crap Trump does, but they somehow manage to be slightly more discreet than he does about expressing that bigotry. Trump broadcasts that ugly GOP thinking in all its ugliness, with absolutely no filter, so he must be destroyed.
It is going to get very bloody over in wingnut land.
Another rocket scientist brain surgeon philosopher, gunned down in his prime by da rayciss po-leese! Now weep and rage and demand "Justice!". Get Al & Jesse out there and threaten to burn the city down.
(But don't say a peep about the hundreds of blacks who are shot every week by other blacks. There's no gibsmedat in that business.)
Quote:Anonymous 9:47
"Vote Trump for our next President. He speaks truth and will put money in our peeps pockets."
CODE 7 Violation. Use of the word "Peeps..."
***This is an automatically generated digital blackface alert triggered when a white man attempts to pass himself off as a brother (or indeed, sister). Like Field-Negro, you too can install this award-winning software on your blog for a knock down price of just $99 per month.***
[Please read the Terms and Conditions, payment in cash (small denominations, no sequential numbers), NO REFUNDS.]
Field, what would your dad say about your agnosticism? You and your Field Negro Of The Day will one day get the shock of your life when you discover the existence of God and that "being honest about your beliefs" has set your soul's evolution back for a lifetime or more, as well as those who look to you as the source of their wisdom, and beliefs.
""being honest about your beliefs" has set your soul's evolution back for a lifetime or more,"
So there you have it, from the horse's mouth.
Being honest is not good policy if you are a christian.
@The Purple Cow: Being honest is not good policy if you are a christian.
If one is following Christian principles and practices, honesty can be a blessing. What value is there in being "honest" about the virtues of slavery, or the error of agnosticism or atheism, or the benefits of racism, or white privilege, or a million other positions or practices for which one might be honest?
As for having it "from the horse's mouth," I don't speak for the horse, I speak for myself, using my own mouth.
Yīshēng said...
PR, it's not about how old your are, it's about being in shape and staying sharp at EVERY age.
I know a 54 year old Family Practice Resident, a 63 year old Surgical Attending that's only been practicing for 7 years, and a 48 year old ICU fellow. And NONE of them look their age!!!
11:58 PM
I agree! You're absolutely right!
But for a job such as a police officer, fireman, paramedic,to start off as a rookie at 49? Seems a bit old.
As well as for any job that entails sharp shooting,fine reflexes, running,driving to accidents and such. I think that type of job should be started a little bit earlier in life so that at that later age there is some sort of seniority acquired along with more supervisory or at least less strenuous physical duties more suitable for that age.
Maybe if 43 million Africans sued 235 million white folks for all the murders committed since the ships landed until right this minute and for all that might be committed after today's end, this shit will stop, we'll be wealthy and can leave their liced-up heads permanently.
The Purple Cow said...
Being honest is not good policy if you are a christian.
It's not just christians.
"The typical family will save $2500."
People with an agenda need to lie.
The FieldNegro said...
the only difference with this scenario is that the young man is not black, he's white.
The bigger difference is the lack of media coverage.
There must be a good reason your media treats kids shot by cops differently according to their race.
Quote:I'm just saying'
"If one is following Christian principles and practices, honesty can be a blessing."
"Can be"???
Isn't honesty always a blessing?
" What value is there in being "honest" about the virtues of slavery, or the error of agnosticism or atheism, or the benefits of racism, or white privilege, or a million other positions or practices for which one might be honest?"
How can you call yourself a christian and find virtues in slavery or racism?
@The Purple Cow:
"Isn't honesty always a blessing?"
It depends. It depends on your perception. I'm a "blessing" to you, but how are you perceiving it. And, too, it depends on what you're being honest about:
What value is there in being "honest" about the virtues of slavery, or the inerrancy of agnosticism or atheism, or the benefits of racism, or white privilege, or a million other positions or practices for which one might be honest?
"How can you call yourself a christian and find virtues in slavery or racism?"
I didn't. You did.
"I didn't. You did."
No I didn't.
Until god can create some better human beings I am going to have to remain skeptical of his/her existence.
See some of the comments above from our racist trolls.
No way a god could have allowed them to be around the rest of us.
Just sayin.....
Doc, I deleted those comments from that imposter.
"What value is there in being "honest" about the virtues of slavery..."
Well I don't know. Why don't you tell us what you perceive to be the virtues of slavery, and then we'll see?
" or the inerrancy of agnosticism or atheism..."
Well they can't both be inerrant can they? Which of the two do you believe to be inerrant?
"... or the benefits of racism, or white privilege, or a million other positions or practices for which one might be honest?"
So to be clear, are you saying there are virtues to racism and white privilege - but there's no point in discussing them? Have I got that right?
I which case why are you even here?
"And, too, it depends on what you're being honest about:"
So you are saying there are different grades of honesty and dishonesty? So how does that work?
"I know a 54 year old Family Practice Resident, a 63 year old Surgical Attending that's only been practicing for 7 years, and a 48 year old ICU fellow. And NONE of them look their age!!!"
Yeah but before this guy the oldest I've seen a law enforcement agency accept is 40.
Blogger field negro said...
Until god can create some better human beings I am going to have to remain skeptical of his/her existence.
See some of the comments above from our racist trolls.
No way a god could have allowed them to be around the rest of us.
Just sayin.....
3:58 PM
Mr Field, I am very disappointed in you...even more so than Anon, Inc who you have not paid what was due them.
Mr Field, since when did you become so high and mighty that you can judge the mind of God? The human ego, i.e. YOUR human judge of everything isn't fit to be above the Almighty. It is too ignorant; too greedy; too prideful; too selfish; too fearful and too blind to know much about life, let alone GOD.
You really are an arrogant fool. Of course, we all are fools, but like you, 'most' don't know they are fools.
However, there are a 'few' who know they are fools....these are the Saints and Sages of all time.
"Until god can create some better human beings I am going to have to remain skeptical of his/her existence."
You mean, like getting rid of the demographic that is infamous wherever it goes for theft, vandalism, assault, rape and murder? Yup, I'd become an instant believer in any $DEITY who did that.
"See some of the comments above from our racist trolls.
No way a god could have allowed them to be around the rest of us."
Meanwhile you ignore the heinous murders of Jacob Koudla and Jourdan Bobbish, Channon Christian and Christian Newsom, Antonio Santiago, the victims of the Carr brothers, little girls like Autumn Pasquale... no, it's "racists", not murderers, who you single out as proving the non-existence of deities.
Because nobody could possibly develop a legitimate antipathy towards Africans-in-America because of your behavior and use of the race card whenever you're criticized, amirite?
@field negro: "Until god can create some better human beings I am going to have to remain skeptical of his/her existence."
This may perplex, but God didn't create human beings. That which He created He pronounced "Good," and nothing can alter that.
We have yet to see the Man of God's creating, the Man He created in His Image and after His Likeness (which clearly must be like Him, and no one else). Jesus the Christ is the best example that humanity has of the Man That God Created, explaining why Jesus referred to himself variously as the Son of Man, as well as the Son of God.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave his Only Begotten Son...."
We're all His Begotten Sons when we rise above the belief that humans are those of His Making, that humans are what God has begotten. We're not.
"No way a god could have allowed them to be around the rest of us."
A god, perhaps, but not God. In the world of God's creating there are no "racist trolls," no racists at all, no evil, no sin, no sickness, no death.
To the degree that we align ourselves--individually and collectively--with this God Man, and this God World (His Kingdom) do we bring them both into our experiences.
God's Creation is always intact, and is permanent. We have only to see it to experience it. Our creation, on the other hand, is impermanent, and always in flux.
"Thy Kingdom come; thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven."
Having Free Will, the choice has always been ours--God's Kingdom and God's Man, or the kingdom and man of our own making. Heaven or Earth?
Anons5:06pm and 5:24pm, thanks for your comments. They really show the ignorant confusion of Field that is operating at an unconscious level. That's too bad. One can never change their perception if they can't see it. Here's hoping your comments will get Field to reflecting on his unconscious 'convoluted thinking' about the existence of God.
"Only an idiot would bet there is no life after death and therefore, no existence of a God. It's just good business to have faith in God."---guess 'who' said this?
@The Purple Cow: <"Well I don't know. Why don't you tell us what you perceive to be the virtues of slavery, and then we'll see?"
I'm impressed. You've done an amazing job of bringing complexity to simplicity.
I'm just Sayin, thank you so much for your comment. It isn't often comments are made that speak of GOD, Spirit, or Scripture. I really hope there will be more room in Field's posts, or at least in his comments to open the door to this.
I personally think Field is crying out to God to save his sinful ass. It's obvious from his many posts that Field has been unable to save himself.....Poor guy.
"I'm impressed. You've done an amazing job of bringing complexity to simplicity."
5:48 PM
PC is a very complicated person. He takes everything that is simple and views it as extremely complicated. Btw, Purple Cow is a mean-spirited angry self-proclaimed 'Atheist'.
How would you like to be living in his body? might as well call it a day and jump off Big Ben naked when it strikes 12am.
"I'm impressed. You've done an amazing job of bringing complexity to simplicity."
I'm also impressed in that you appear to have a PhD in talking total bollocks and dressing it up as christian pseudo-mysticism.
"How would you like to be living in his body? might as well call it a day and jump off Big Ben naked when it strikes 12am."
I could easily jump off Big Ben without a problem. At a guess I would say that you have no clue what Bg Ben is.
316ft is high enough to kill ya. Do YOU know what Big Ben is?
Field is saved, and I will prove it when we all see each other in the after- life. :)
I feel like we need an organ solo , and an offering plate pass right about now.
@The Purple Cow: "I'm also impressed in that you appear to have a PhD in talking total bollocks and dressing it up as christian pseudo-mysticism."
You impress me once again: You have recognized my many talents. Thanks.
@field negro: "Field is saved, and I will prove it when we all see each other in the after-life."
In a sense you're right. God's Man is always saved, as he is never lost. It's the man of our making for whom salvation is sought, to save him from the illusion that he is lost.
field negro said...
Doc, I deleted those comments from that imposter.
Kudos for only deleting imposters.
@field negro: One more thing, Field, God's Kingdom is not here on Earth. It's in Heaven, which is why Jesus prayed thus:
"Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven."
We humans, counterfeits of God's Man, have made the Earth, as well as ourselves, in our own image and after our own likeness, and not the Image and Likeness of God.
Remember? Freewill. Our choice. Heaven or Earth. The Kingdom, or the vagaries of this world.
Until man fulfills the maxim, "know thyself," his True Self, sage advice handed down for ages, he will continue to pursue a self-destructive, suicidal path--he will continue to die only to be reborn again, ad infinitum, until he comes to his senses, his spiritual sense, and returns Home, to the Kingdom of God, his Father's House, and put the "far country" behind him.
I'm just saying said,
"Until man fulfills the maxim, "know thyself," his True Self, sage advice handed down for ages, he will continue to pursue a self-destructive, suicidal path--he will continue to die only to be reborn again, ad infinitum, until he comes to his senses, his spiritual sense, and returns Home, to the Kingdom of God, his Father's House, and put the "far country" behind him."
Dear I'm just saying, 'Where' in the bible does it say that:"--he will continue to die only to be reborn again, ad infinitum"?
I was under the impression that Christians had only 'one' life to live to get it right. Which has always seemed odd and mean-spirited to me. Because unless you're like Christ or Buddha you are sure to get it wrong, and therefore are headed 'straight to hell' as they say. This means the population growth in hell is exploding with human souls and Heaven is dire need of company.
@Anonymous: 'Where' in the bible does it say that:"--he will continue to die only to be reborn again, ad infinitum"?"
"But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
"Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection." Luke 20:35-36
Until our souls have evolved sufficiently to be "equal unto the angels," we die. Once we're considered resurrected from the world, which is the world of the dead, and not the "living," we don't "die any more."
And in another place it is written:
"And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.
"Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God." Luke 9:59-60
Until we obtain the "Kingdom of God," we die, only to live and die again, until we're resurrected from the dead, until we're "changed":
And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. I Cor 15:49-54
This change doesn't take place over one lifetime, but over many. Although it's possible to replace "mortality" with with "immortality" in one lifetime, rarely is it done. Hence the necessity of birth and death, birth and death, until "death is swallowed up in victory."
Thank you...yes, it makes perfect sense. So 'how' does one 'practice' to evolve and get there?
Are there 'specific' instructions on 'how' to do it? Where do I find it?
@Anonymous: 'Are there 'specific' instructions on 'how' to do it? Where do I find it?'
While I was typing what would have been the answer to your query, my computer inexplicably froze (a never before occurrence), sending a clear signal that at this time, using this forum to answer your question, would be unwise and inadvisable.
I can tell you this much: Instructions may be found in the King James Version (KJV) of the Christian Bible. The information has proven to be the Secret of Secrets, although hiding in plain sight, as supposed seekers of "real" knowledge have passed over it in their pursuit of greater wisdom.
For serious seekers of Truth (those seeking it for the Glory of God, and Him alone), the Secret, in due course, will be revealed to them.
I sincerely apologize for my inability to impart the knowledge and the instructions that you seek, but I have learned overtime that knowledge hastily given, without the proper cultivation of the mental and spiritual soil for which it is intended, can oftentimes do more harm than good.
Thank you and I understand. FN has some evil characters that visit it. Also, I agree that knowledge gained too fast without cultivation of mind and heart could lead to a place one hadn't planned to go. There are no short cuts in the field of spirituality. It's truly the journey of a thousand miles.
I had hoped to get some idea of where in the KJV Bible to look. It's a pretty big book. Nevertheless, I will trust something higher than me will BE my guide. I will start with the first book, and go from there.
I will read carefully, watch and stay awake while reading it, trusting God will lead me.
Again, thank you so much, it's very much appreciated.
@Anonymous: "I had hoped to get some idea of where in the KJV Bible to look. It's a pretty big book."
Indeed it is. I will give you this much of a head start: Although the answer is in several places, it's clearly stated in the Book of Psalms.
Nevertheless, I would encourage you to read the entire book, and surely trust "God will lead [you]," as the Holy Text is saying more than people have ears to hear, or eyes to see.
"There are no short cuts in the field of spirituality."
Wisely stated, but there is one "short cut" for its sheer simplicity, but not for its application. This is the Secret of Secrets of which I speak.
Good luck!
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