Then, incredibly, he posted the entire thing on Facebook. (I won't give you the link, but you can find it if you want to.)
We have seen these types of things before, but it's usually terrorists in some far away country beheading someone to spread terror and win recruits to their cause.
This was some evil dude here in America who decided to kill two innocent people instead of coping with his demons and the social ills of society like the rest of us. This dude was no doubt a coward.
Yes, racism is real, and it's tough being a black man in America at times. Yes, homophobia is real, and it is no doubt hard to be a Gay man in certain circles. But sorry Vester, no matter what type of pressure or burden you are feeling, you do not have the right to kill two innocent people. This makes you no different than the animal who you claimed pushed you over the edge.
Once again a high profile shooting will keep our attention for a while. All the ingredients are there: race, randomness, the media angle. What we won't be having, though, is a gun debate, because very powerful people work overtime to make sure that doesn't happen.
Unfortunately, from the looks of things, their hard work is paying off.
Finally, I have resisting the urge to call my broker these past few days, but it's getting harder and harder not to pick up the phone. (Gotta love how wingnuts are blaming Obama for the Dow dropping the way it has over the past few days. Dude gets no credit when the Dow is roaring at over 18,000 but he gets blamed if it drops. Sorry wingnuts, you can't have it both ways.)
Anyway, if I call him now I am pretty sure that he won't answer. If he did, I won't just hear the usual: "Ride it out Wayne, don't panic; you are in this for the long haul."
I wish that the folks over in China would get their stuff together. This is not our Father's Wall Street. What happens in places like China affects our bottom line here at home.
Nine percent is a big chunk, but the Dow gained over 619 points today, so a brother can smile just a little bit. For now.
*Pic from
"Yes, racism is real, and it's tough being a black man in America at times. Yes, homophobia is real, and it is no doubt hard to be a Gay man in certain circles."
What does that statement even mean? What "certain circles" would there be where it isn't "hard" to be a gay man, especially a BLACK GAY MAN. There are no excuses for killing two innocent people, though.
Didn't know brotha was gay.
Here's the formula, crazy ass person + gun = somebody hurt. The NRA doesn't give a shit either.
"There was a tragic event in Virginia today"
It wasn't a tragedy, Field. It was an atrocity born of "civil rights" and "social justice" and "anti-racism". The "racial justice" forces have declared that the only thing holding the Black man back is "racism", which has proven to be so devilishly insidious it has to be hiding in "cultural racism" or "microaggressions" or some other impossible-to-find place because every other claim has proven to be utter bunk. Maybe soon you'll just go back to the traditional African nomenclature and call it witchcraft. As always, the only cure is to kill the witches.
It was a hate crime, fully approved and enabled by the "anti-racist" establishment who view White people as pests to be exterminated. I cannot think of a more certain way to end the whole failed "civil rights" experiment. At least you've got your bolt hole in Jamaica; you may very well need it. But don't wait too long. Your chances of getting out will not be good after TSHTF.
"What we won't be having, though, is a gun debate, because very powerful people work overtime to make sure that doesn't happen."
The Dems remember what happened the last time they tried having that "debate". They're still smarting, and they also know just how well Obama has done as a sales rep for the industry. They know, as you ought to know, that White America has seen the war coming and is armed for it. That debate will not last long, because White America also remembers what kicked off the first battle of the American revolution.
Know what would have stopped Flanagan? Eliminating Affirmative Action. Eliminating Disparate Impact. Eliminating all insistence on equal representation in education and employment, because they are the only reason he was ever employed by the TV station in the first place. They're probably the only reason he was able to get the credentials to go into TV. Without that, and all the "Whitey is holding you down" bull he was fed in his "education", he would have had neither the motive nor the opportunity to kill.
Last, Flanagan bought his gun legally. Without the "civil rights" laws, he would have been turned away in most places; certainly someone with a history of outbursts would be likely to be put on a "no sale" list in this day and age. Only being a "protected minority" let him get the tool to kill so easily. When those protections end....
Damn, white people are some whiny little bitches.
As I often do, I'm going to inject a note of skepticism here. Maybe this guy was discriminated against at work. That happens. Maybe his coworkers really were nasty to him because of his race or sexual orientation.
But it's always worth considering that perhaps that wasn't true. People who are members of ethnic or sexual minorities aren't infallible when it comes to detecting discrimination. Sometimes, they lie. Sometimes, their perceptions are just wrong. That's what makes all these stories of discrimination difficult to assess -- from the outside, it's not always easy to know the truth.
The situation is particularly difficult to assess when you are dealing with someone who is mentally disturbed, as this individual clearly was. If you're mentally ill, it is often the case that you're paranoid and think everyone is against you, whether or not they truly are. It's also the case that you may be unable to see that people's criticisms of you might be valid.
So if you're a black gay man and everyone's telling you you're a jerk and you should get some psychotherapy (the shooter's employer demanded this before eventually firing him), you chalk it up to them hating blacks or gays. When the truth is ... you are, in fact, a jerk and you really should go get some help.
@James Bold
"Know what would have stopped Flanagan? Eliminating Affirmative Action. Eliminating Disparate Impact. Eliminating all insistence on equal representation in education and employment, because they are the only reason he was ever employed by the TV station in the first place. They're probably the only reason he was able to get the credentials to go into TV. Without that, and all the 'Whitey is holding you down' bull he was fed in his 'education', he would have had neither the motive nor the opportunity to kill."
You know for a fact that this individual was educationally unqualified for his job? You know for a fact that this individual attended "hate whitey" school?
Oh wait, you don't. You're just making wild assumptions, like all you racists do.
"Last, Flanagan bought his gun legally. Without the 'civil rights' laws, he would have been turned away in most places; certainly someone with a history of outbursts would be likely to be put on a 'no sale' list in this day and age. Only being a 'protected minority' let him get the tool to kill so easily."
You think there are some special gun ownership rights for black people? I must inform you that there are not. And even white people with a "history of outbursts" would not be turned away from buying a guy. That's not how it works.
Hell, even people who have been pronounced officially insane in a court proceeding usually are able to legally buy weapons in this country. Many would like to change this arrangement but face staunch opposition. The people who oppose this are called "conservatives." The people who oppose this are also known as "the National Rifle Association."
I'm always amazed that the people demanding that "there oughta be a law," so often hail from the very group of people preventing such a law from being enacted.
2 dead-azz crackers. Hallaluyah!
Panther Power! The Revolution has begun!!
Huh. Yes. I have several pistols, and have NEVER had the inclination to shoot anyone.
The perp wanted that blonde girl...let's talk about the Wichita or Nashville Massacres.
No? God knows I wonder why.
Save me your whining shit.
"The perp wanted that blonde girl...let's talk about the Wichita or Nashville Massacres."
Lots of things may be uncertain about the killer's motives, but one thing is not: He did not "want that blonde girl."
Vester Williams was queer.
So not ALL black humans are cowards who pray and forgive white people. Thank God!
This wouldn't have happened if Virginia still had traveling passes.
"You know for a fact that this individual was educationally unqualified for his job?"
I know for a fact that few people want to look at Blacks on television, and the only reason they're hired is for racial balance. Without AA quotas he would have had no job prospects—especially with his psych problems. The issues that had him bouncing around like a hot potato would have tossed anyone but a "protected minority" out of school.
"You know for a fact that this individual attended "hate whitey" school?"
They are ALL "hate whitey" schools, and have been for decades. The only permissible explanation for Black failure is White racism.
I see this is a "hate whitey" site too. "Panther Power" crowing over dead "crackers". Such an accurate reflection of Black character.
Field, "This was some evil dude here in America who decided to kill two innocent people instead of coping with his demons and the social ills of society like the rest of us. This dude was no doubt a coward."
Brother Field, your calling him an "evil dude" is unacceptable and PC incorrect. The correct word is "disturbed", or "depressed". What the hell is wrong with you?
Not once have you called a white killer "evil". Why are you calling the black killer evil? That is bullshit.
The man was seriously disturbed and depressed....leave it at that.
depressed negro
Brother Field, I am a consultant and will gladly advise you what to do in these unpredictable times.
I gave you advice before several years ago but you ignored me. If you had followed my advice, you would be $2Mil richer.
"Anonymous said...
"The perp wanted that blonde girl...let's talk about the Wichita or Nashville Massacres."
Lots of things may be uncertain about the killer's motives, but one thing is not: He did not "want that blonde girl."
Vester Williams was queer.
1:07 AM
Uh huh..."queer" to you black boys, is like queer to a cow. You're all on the down lowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
You stoopid, field?
What is if the China boys are doing it on purpose?
It sounds like the guy went around fishing for things he could complain about and file grievances about. I can see how someone with that type of personality could get depressed and develop mental issues. Some people have personalities that open opportunities for them because other people like them. It isn't just outgoing people. There are friendly and likable quiet people too. Others run people the wrong way. Everything that goes wrong for them isn't their fault. There are people who aren't tolerate of them because of their own personality limitations. Sometimes the other person is someone who is easily offended to some degree too.
There are social skills that can be learned, like knowing that other people like to talk about themselves. I think this type of analysis is very relevant to racism, because minority individuals have to deal with white people. Being a different race is going to be one strike against you, but you can probably impress most people either way, good or bad, in most situations, like interactions with people at work.
Uh huh...again:
Where does it say he sucked dicks?
You people are so oblivious.
Not a single fire was set in Roanoke last night.
At least not a visible fire.
"(Gotta love how wingnuts are blaming Obama for the Dow dropping the way it has over the past few days. Dude gets no credit when the Dow is roaring at over 18,000 but he gets blamed if it drops. Sorry wingnuts, you can't have it both ways.)"
That's because Ben Bernanke deserves all the credit for the Dow reaching historic highs.
Obama's foreign/domestic polices are the reason the Dow has had historic a drop the last few days.
Facts allow for placing credit and blame where it needs to go. Of course in the fields using facts make you a "wingnut".
I'm glad you wrote this Brotha Field. I agree with you whole-heartedly and you've given my anger a new focus and a refreshed perspective. Flannagan could have and should have dealt with his anger and issues in a constructive way - and moved on.
But I also feel white people need to wake up. The problem with white people is they revere Dr. King so much now that he's dead. They forget how much he was hated when he was alive, even though he preached for nothing but peaceful resistance to racism.
But see, when white folks don't listen to the Dr. King's and make sure they wind up dead, then you're going to get the Vester Flannagan's. The ones who are unstable to begin with and it only takes the ill-treatment of American society to tip them over the edge.
White people either kill or marginalize the voices of reason among black people. And then wonder "where black leaders are" or wonder "how things like this happen."
I have no doubt that the discrimination Flannagan said he experienced actually took place. The fact that white people did an investigation and found no racism is laughable.
But in the end three people are dead, a lot of people are wounded and hurting and I think it could all have been prevented- not by gun control but by simple human kindness.
Time for sippenhaft.
Execute the entire nigger's extended family, down to the last infant.
You kill a white, 200 blacks die.
Strip niggers of all rights today.
Enough is enough. Pigs and dogs have no civil rights. Retarded nigger trash deserves no rights.
Somewhere in America an asylum is missing an inmate. Now he has found a computer and is leaving comments on a black blog called The Field Negro.:)
Saw the Atty on television who repped Vester in his discrimination suit a few years back. She said they settled out of court, and she felt that he had a strong case. So there is that.
Just putting that out there.
An attorney representing a nigger needs to be disbarred.
Niggers are incapable of telling the truth. There is a reason their testimony wasn't admissable in court for decades.
Niggers need to answer for these murders today.
Good grief, field. I'm as white as a piece of Wonder Bread...but this guy is even too much for me.
I spit on your service, nigger lover,
Good lord man! Take your meds.
You are embarrassing white people. :)
I'll consider that another badge of recommendation.
You fucking piece of shit.
Maybe you need to take meds, nigger. The truth is painful to you.
And Navy faggot - you are a faggot piece of shit. Fuck you and fuck your service, you pawn. Protecting niggers and sand niggers. Real good choice in life there, faggot.
All soldiers and sailors are servile scum, but Navy faggots are the lowest. A nigger is the equivalent of a Navy officer.
A goat is the Navy mascot, because Navy officers fuck farm animals.
A nigger is a farm animal as well.
I would have spit a lung cookie on your Navy uniform, faggot. Nigger loving scum.
I drowned two Navy officers when I took away their water wings. Navy officers suck nigger cock.
I'm not stoopid. I never actually served in the Navy...(where did you look that up...Google for the meth heads?)
It's a running joke around these parts...most understand.
I wish uptownsteve was still around to bust your ass...'cause I don't have the desire.
A person who lies about being servile scum is like a nigger.
I spit on you, faggot.
Ha. I wish you would/could.
That would guarantee it would be the last fluids to leave your body.
Oh. Except for the piss & shit when your bowel evacuates.
TheFieldNegro said...
Finally, I have resisting the urge to call my broker these past few days, but it's getting harder and harder not to pick up the phone. (Gotta love how wingnuts are blaming Obama for the Dow dropping the way it has over the past few days. Dude gets no credit when the Dow is roaring at over 18,000 but he gets blamed if it drops. Sorry wingnuts, you can't have it both ways.
For an Obama supporter like you that believes Obama did fix the economy, does that mean you do have to acknowledge it was his fault?
You can't have it both ways.
Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of others, that also applies to you.
If it weren't for double standards, niggers would have no standards at all.
Niggers will be held accountable for yesterday's murders..
I can't believe I'm the defender of field's blog today.
Go figure.
Goddamn white boy, you must have a really tiny dick!
"Anyway, if I call him now I am pretty sure that he won't answer. If he did, I won't just hear the usual: "Ride it out Wayne, don't panic; you are in this for the long haul."
Damn, field, sounds like you've been the victim of a ponzi scheme. I suggest you hit an American Greed marathon STAT! you can catch the latest episode
here >>>>
TheFieldNegro said...
All the ingredients are there: race, randomness, the media angle. What we won't be having, though, is a gun debate, because very powerful people work overtime to make sure that doesn't happen.
A legally purchased gun is a now problem?
Except for profiling of the racial type, why should Vester not have been allowed to purchase a gun?
Fuck you, Shabazz. Go shine shoes or whatever niggers do. KFC isn't open yet, but the grocery stores have watermelon on sale.
How do you get a nigger out of a tree? Shoot it.
These nonsense insults look like a false-flag operation to make thoughtful critics of Black (mis)behavior look bad.
Philadelphia nigger attorneys will be executed to atone for yesterday's murders.
Nuke Jamaica.
Exterminate niggers. Zyklon-B does the trick. So does rat poison in malt liquor.
That looks like a clear threat against you, field.
You should report it...I'm sure you can provide his IP Address.
Good luck with that. No threat posted, cocksucker.
Public site. No password. Any cop would tell a nigger to fuck off.
The FieldNegro said...
There was a tragic event in Virginia today, where a lunatic chose to execute two people on live television.'
And yet the same talking points...
“He’s a soft spoken person. A gentle giant,” said former neighbor Rui Pimentel
Uh, huh.
Why don't you send me your address, I can bring you some homosexual flowers?
2939 West Durango
We kill niggers there.
So the guy who kills white people and wants a race war is a die hard lib and Obama supporter.
No shock there.
And of course whenever a blah male attacks or kills white people he is called a "gentle giant" and we are told he wouldn't hurt anyone....
Niggers will be held accountable for yesterday's murders.
Cut off the EBT.
Revoke nigger civil rights.
Close all fried chicken restaurants.
Ban malt liquor.
Place a bounty on nigger scalps.
At $500 a scalp, 40 million nigger scalps would inject $20 billion in the economy.
"Yes, racism is real, and it's tough being a black man in America at times. Yes, homophobia is real, and it is no doubt hard to be a Gay man in certain circles. But sorry Vester, no matter what type of pressure or burden you are feeling, you do not have the right to kill two innocent people. This makes you no different than the animal who you claimed pushed you over the edge."
So...Alison Parker was an "animal"? Really Field?
The narrative has already been set. The Charleston shooting was about the persistence of virulent white racism in America, particularly in the South. This shooting is about the need for greater restriction on gun ownership.
If the MSM feel bold enough, they will soon argue that — while nothing justifies the Virginia shooting — it is further evidence of how living in a pervasively racist society drives blacks into an understandable state of rage. This is a trickier ploy, as it’s a sort of “he shouldn’t have done it, but he had his reasons” argument.
My Facebook “friends” absolutely follow the MSM narrative. After Charleston, they were going nuts with posts about the depths of white racism. After this shooting, only a couple of posts, both about how this is a story about guns and the need for greater gun control. People really are sheep when their point of view is dictated primarily by the desire to be well thought of by their peers, not to mention their betters.
I think it’s fair to ascribe both of these murders to affirmative action. The Charleston murderer was a pathetic white loser who was angry over being discriminated against. The Roanoke murderer was a pathetic black loser who was angry over being hired as a reporter and then fired for incompetence. In his case, it seems he is literally crazy. I wonder how many schizophrenic paranoid blacks’ paranoia is turned by their liberal teachers into the direction of thinking whites are out to get them? What for whites is Martians or “everybody” might be white people for them. A practising psychiatrist could tell us.
Black sea, reading comprehension is important if u are going to debate in comment sections on blogs. Read the post again.
Did the angry anon above go back to the asylum?
Was your comment meant to be satire? I am thinking about your affirmative action caused these murders, comment.
"This shooting is about the need for greater restriction on gun ownership."
Indeed. Blacks do not have the in-built checks on violent behavior required to possess and use guns properly. Blacks and guns should be separated; removal to all-Black countries is the only way to accomplish this.
"Was your comment meant to be satire? I am thinking about your affirmative action caused these murders, comment."
Goodness, Field. The commenter says something straight out and you can't assess it on the truth-value of the claims? Further, you do this immediately after advising another commenter to work on reading comprehension? Take your own medicine.
black sea said...
"If the MSM feel bold enough, they will soon argue that — while nothing justifies the Virginia shooting — it is further evidence of how living in a pervasively racist society drives blacks into an understandable state of rage"
Well if you listen to Cornell West, who is bloviating on CNN right now, the murders were the result of (legitimate) rage.
In his career as a journalist, Flanagan filed at least two racial discrimination lawsuits against his employers, including one against WDBJ – both dismissed. He also alleged, in his final tweets, that Alison Parker, a young woman whom he may never have even met, had made racist comments to him. So Flanagan’s “rage” is the result of racism that never really happened. His claims of experiencing racism are about as legitimate as those of Serena Williams and most blacks. I get treated coldly all the time. Regardless of the person’s race, I ascribe it to their being assholes. Blacks get treated coldly by whites and they ascribe it to racism. They assume that there’s some secret white world where white people are always nice to each other.
And I think there’s some truth to Eric Rasmussen’s claims the murders were the result of affirmative action. Flanagan appears to have risen to his level of incpmetence – perhaps far above it. Why was he repeatedly hired at so many stations despite having such a poor track record? How did he manage to sustain a journalism career up to about the age of 39, when he was fired from WDBJ, despite being so awful?
Federal race quotas/anti-discrimination policy may have something to do with it. Flanagan should probably never have been hired as a reporter. Or, if people had refused to hire him earlier in his career, he would have had time to make an early career switch to some work better suited to his talents. Instead his career dragged out into his late 30s, when changing lines of work becomes increasingly difficult.
Dear Mr Field, I think people are very angry in America. It is so violent that people punch and cut people on planes. Fyi, the plane was from Jamaica...
As a Jamaican bm, I am concerned about this story. Brother Field, let me know what you think about all this violence that could have been prevented if Jamaican security was up to snuff like European and American securities.
This is so depressing.
depressed negro from Jamaica
Definitely off-topic, but everyone interested in the fact that slavery in the U.S. was getting more vicious, not less, in the run-up to the Civil War, and that "12 Years a Slave" was not an exaggeration, should read this:
It was deregulated capitalism, baby!
Check this out. Pretty cool.
@anotherbozo: movies like "12 Years a Slave" and "Django Unchained" are violence porn designed to maintain anti-white sentiment in the population.
Slavery could of course in many cases be terrible, but overall really wasn't that bad:
Wilkey said...
black sea said...
"If the MSM feel bold enough, they will soon argue that — while nothing justifies the Virginia shooting — it is further evidence of how living in a pervasively racist society drives blacks into an understandable state of rage"
Well if you listen to Cornell West, who is bloviating on CNN right now, the murders were the result of (legitimate) rage.
If this is spun into “white racism made him do it,” then it will be another version of two Thorntons:
Omar Thornton
Cookie Thornton
(They’re not related, I don’t think.)
True, freedom is overrated.
black sea, you misspelled Mr West's first name. His first name only has ONE "l", not two at the end.
BTW, C-o-r-n-e-l does not 'bloviate', he speaks 'truth to power'.
"Well if you listen to Cornell West, who is bloviating on CNN right now, the murders were the result of (legitimate) rage."
Vester Lee Flanagan, a young black professional, was the victim of senseless gun violence at the hands of light-skinned Bryce Williams, who was triggered by the racist comments of blonde Alison Parker.
PilotX said...
True, freedom is overrated.
Freedom has failed.
When Dylan Roof senselessly murders innocent black people, all southern whites are guilty and the confederate flag is banned.
When Vester Flanagan senselessly murders innocent white people, the focus is on the weapon he used.
Another day in the B-R-A.
I get treated coldly all the time. Regardless of the person’s race, I ascribe it to their being assholes. Blacks get treated coldly by whites and they ascribe it to racism. They assume that there’s some secret white world where white people are always nice to each other.
I don't think the part about black people "assume that there's some secret white world" is true outside of a Dave Chappelle sketch.
But what I have noticed is that white people who are jerks to everyone are even more disrespectful to people of color. They already have a lack of respect for others and the gloves come off completely when they are dealing with people they feel are beneath them.
What you have to understand is that for a person of color to go out into the world and begin with the assumption that no white person is racist is tantamount to suicide. Our interactions with white people must begin with the assumption that white people know little to nothing about us and meet them where they stand from there.
"When Vester Flanagan senselessly murders innocent white people, the focus is on the weapon he used"
Ditto Omar Thornton, Cookie Thornton, Colin Ferguson, Maurice Clemons, Clifton McCree, Nathan Dunlap, William D. Baker, and Hastings Arthur Wise.
ThatDeborahGirl said...
"What you have to understand is that for a person of color to go out into the world and begin with the assumption that no white person is racist is tantamount to suicide. Our interactions with white people must begin with the assumption that white people know little to nothing about us and meet them where they stand from there."
What YOU have to understand is that for a white person to go out into the world and begin with the assumption that blacks are no more likely to be a violent criminal is tantamount to suicide. Our interactions with black people must begin with the assumption that black people are taught that they are fully justified in perpetrating violence against any white person.
Your fears are completely irrational, while white fear of black crime is a rational response to reality:
ThatDeborahGirl said...
"But what I have noticed is that white people who are jerks to everyone are even more disrespectful to people of color. They already have a lack of respect for others and the gloves come off completely when they are dealing with people they feel are beneath them"
There are a whole bunch of irrational Vester/Bryce sympathizers out there who think they can relate. They will never be convinced anything is ever their fault. This is what happens when feelings trump reality.
Don't turn your back on That Deborah Girl.
ThatDeborahGirl said...
What you have to understand is that for a person of color to go out into the world and begin with the assumption that no white person is racist is tantamount to suicide.
Sorry that you have such a low opinion of people you have never met.
There’s always forethought given as to how these stories should be spun. Everything is spin; no crisis should go to waste. If the need is to jack up the fear of terrorism then that’s what angle they’ll play. They’ll harp on ‘gun violence’ rather than what some of it really is which is just garden variety black violence, covering up the everyday fact of life that blacks are a more violent group on an individual basis. In both the church and this anchorwoman shooting the culprits strike me as being delusional paranoiacs with little connection to reality but people will still try to find some explanation for them and the media is there to try to shape the message for it’s own purposes.
I generally watch “Morning Joe” in the morning. The show today was a memorial to the Roanoke Media victims; there was nothing about the shooter or his motives and his picture was not posted. Mika avowed that there was a lot about him on the internet, including his personal postings, but Morning Joe wasn’t going there. If we wanted to know more about the shooter and his motives, we could go elsewhere.
Taking Mika’s cue, I went over to Fox and learned that Vester was “Black”, something of a professional complainer (my verbaige) and had a history of making unfounded racial and sexual harassment (?) charges. But, even Fox shrunk back from televising the “chilling video”.
Cornball Yeast said...
When Dylan Roof senselessly murders innocent black people, all southern whites are guilty and the confederate flag is banned.
The Virginia Shooter was censured for wearing an Obama sticker on election day while reporting and now they found a gay pride flag in his apartment!
Blame Obama!
Ban the gay pride flag!
"Allergic To Apes said...
That Deborah girl is the fat, ugly, gorilla-statured "woman", who stars in "LA Hair".
....And she still looks better than you primate cave-dwellin' cracker
You stupid genetic mutant, when you're not spitting skoal juice and practicing self-scratching techniques,pick up a europeon (my spelling) history book and study yourself. You dirty stinking dog-smelling monkey. Your recessive ass will NEVER look better than the ugliest Black person alive, male or female. YOU calling someone ugly? You must be smoking that good shit. Instead of trolling Black blogs you should be Googling penis enlargement techniques. Then you can actually please a woman, you'd get more respect with females, and you wouldn't harbor so much hatred for strangers you don't even know. It will also boost your self confidence and your jealousy should subside. Who knows? You might even boost your self esteem to levels where you might actually turn off the back room computer and find some meaningful employment.
"you should be Googling penis enlargement techniques."
Did you find one that worked?
Black woman Chemical Engineer at MIT, now head of the Department of Chemical Engineering!!!
Yīshēng said...
Black woman Chemical Engineer at MIT, now head of the Department of Chemical Engineering!!!Engineering!!!
Affirmative Action in Action!!!
Nigger Vester Flanagan's family deserves to be executed for his murders.
Take a white life, your family dies.
Only White Lives Matter
New law takes effect January 20, 2017.
When a nigger murders a White, 500 niggers will be selected at random for summary execution.
"Black woman Chemical Engineer at MIT, now head of the Department of Chemical Engineering!!!"
"Nigger Vester Flanagan's family deserves to be executed for his murders."
You're more than welcomed to put your beliefs into practice or are you just another keyboard coward? Ha! We know the answer to that one.
"New law takes effect January 20, 2017.
When a nigger murders a White, 500 niggers will be selected at random for summary execution."
Take a look a the intelligence level of the "superior race", a sista runs the chemical engineering dept at MIT while this genius types nigger repeatedly like a moron.
"sista runs the chemical engineering dept at MIT"
No "sista" has ever actually engineered anything of note. You know this is just an AA promotion.
"No "sista" has ever actually engineered anything of note. You know this is just an AA promotion."
Nope, MIT is very concerned about their academic reputation so they wouldn't dare hire someone who isn't qualified which means she has a PhD in engineering. What degree do you have anon? Did you finish high school? Ha! Trailer trash talking about someone with a doctorate in a field they couldn't finish in 1,000 years. Ha! Just stop white guy, jealousy isn't cute.
"What do you call the head of chemical engineering at MIT?"
Well, doctor or professor will do just fine thankyouverymuch.
"Nope, MIT is very concerned about their academic reputation"
They are more concerned with their racial reputation, which is all that matters in BRA.
" What degree do you have anon? "
BS engineering plus a MBA
Nigger trash,
Society's rash.
Save your town,
Hunt them down.
"BS engineering plus a MBA"
Yeah, right. Even IF that's true looks like Dr. Hammond has you trumped. Let us know when you get your PhD. Plus she got degrees from MIT and Georgia Tech not Trailer Park U.
More on Professor Hammond
She has taught several classes over the past several years, including the 10.467 (Polymer Science Laboratory), 10.569 (Synthesis of Polymers), and 10.10 (Introduction to Chemical Engineering). Hammond previously served as executive officer of the department in 2008 through 2011. Hammond received her BS in chemical engineering from MIT in 1984, her MS from Georgia Tech in 1988, and earned her PhD from MIT in 1993.
Hammond's many awards and honors include the Alpha Chi Sigma Award for Chemical Engineering Research in 2014, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Charles M. A. Stine Award in Materials Engineering and Science in 2013, the Ovarian Cancer Research Program Teal Innovator Award in 2013, the Junior Bose Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2000, an NSF Career Award in 1997, and the MIT Karl Taylor Compton Prize in 1992 (in recognition of achievements in citizenship and devotion to the welfare of MIT). She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a director of the Board of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and a fellow of the American Physical Society and American Institute of Biomedical and Biological Engineering, among other honors.
White trash,
Society's rash.
Save your town,
Hunt them down.
Cornel West should be sent to nigger Gitmo.
Waterboard that spook motherfucker. Gaptoothed jigaboo isn't worthy of White American soil.
" What degree do you have anon? "
BS engineering plus a MBA
BS in your case stands for bullshit, you're a social outcast in your Asian family because you're gay and dropped out of a STEM.
major. Gay AND dumb? You never had a chane in your own damn family!!!
Now is there anything else you'd like me to reveal about you, or should I just leave it right there?
The greatest way to set America free,
Is to douse niggers in Zyklon-B.
A hillbilly with a third grade education trumps Professor Hammond, for he is not a nasty nigger.
And it's hilarious how you niggers ook about one nigger department head.
One nigger versus hundreds of Whites in elite universities.
Exterminate the nigger race. They serve no purpose, as we have mules, spics, and farm equipment.
"Plus she got degrees from MIT and Georgia Tech not Trailer Park U."
Affirmative Action
These killings almost always take place in America, China.
America and China are both industrialized empires with regimented citizens always being conditioned for violence and war.
See where that gets you?
Crazy racist people, pitted against each other as if practicing for the war that they've conditioned us for since the scare tactics 'atom bomb shelter' and 'cold war' times.
That's America and China. And the citizens going crazy with bloodlust!
Lord have mercy!
"Plus she got degrees from MIT and Georgia Tech not Trailer Park U."
Affirmative Action
And from where did you get your degrees? White male jealousy isn't cute at all.
One nigger versus hundreds of Whites in elite universities.
White Male Affirmative Action!
The best place for hollow point lead,
Is in the back of a redneck head.
Grovel before the White man, for he has created all your modern luxuries.
Niggers have not invented one useful thing in millions of years of history.
Exterminate the white race. They serve no purpose, except to troll websites.
Stupid rednecks have not invented one useful thing in millions of years of history.
I look forward to the race war.
In just a few short weeks of battle America is redneck free.
Grovel before the White man, for he has created all your modern internet trolling.
Another stupid redneck, stealing what someone else wrote and passing it off as his own work.
Then again, thieving honkey is a redundant term. Like lazy whootemoo. Or stinking peckerwood. Or incompetent redneck.
Once again
It will be a great day for this nation,
When we get rid of the redneck abomination.
Round them up, and shoot them dead.
Hollow point to the back of the head.
There, no need to thank me.
It will be a great day for this nation,
When we get rid of the racist white abomination.
Round them up, and shoot them dead.
Hollow point to the back of the head.
There, no need to thank me.
And it's hilarious how you niggers ook about one nigger department head.
One nigger versus hundreds of Whites in elite universities.
There's actually many blah department heads of major universities. A math major you weren't.
PX thanks for this link. It's nice to know there is a large enrollment of bm freshmen this year at a great men's college.
It was beautiful and inspirational. Thank you.
The hatred and disrespect on FN today is quite deep, and scary. But it proves that racism is alive and well in America....nothing has changed in this area. In fact, racism and hatred has increased not decreased.
This is no way to live in America for anyone, Black or White. It's depressing and very dangerous. As the country continues to sink the possibilities of race wars increase exponentially. But maybe that's the grand plan.
depressed negro
"The hatred and disrespect on FN today is quite deep, and scary"
It's all part of the Zionist media plan:
Clearly another case of mental health problems. The internet and social media has certainly changed the landscape of how we receive the news though. This was live and unedited.
lilacpr2000 said...
as if practicing for the war that they've conditioned us for
Like by letting kids play violent shoot-em up video games?
Think how accomplished the same kid would be if he practiced a musical instrument as long and dedicated as he does his xBox.
Instead the kid is being desensitized to violence.
Keep America Beautiful....
Kill every pale-faced, glass-eyed HONKY in sight!
Start with White Supremacist Feminist Jew, The Goldigger's Avenger, Kikey Man-hating Ubercunt, Gloria Allred-Neck!!!
I respect TheFieldNegro for not censoring comments.
There is a difference between not censoring and taking the trash out.
"This was live and unedited."
Glad you all saw that.
Now you know what kind of country you live in.
We deleted some of it, but we left enough for normal people to see just how insane the racist wingnut fringe can get.
The main problem in this "cuntry" is WHITE RACISM, WHITE SUPREMACY,
Shhhh! Honkies simply can't stand it when this is mentioned, and immediately
try to deflect, change the subject or start screaming "Love it or leave it!!!"
Geronimo was right: "The White boy is the cancer of planet Earth!"
I agree. Bro. Field should 'take the trash out!'
He should start with the obnoxious White trash like YOU, KKKINKY, JOSH THE HONKY and
Private Cocksucker Johnson!!!
"You dirty stinking dog-smelling monkey. Your recessive ass will NEVER look better than the ugliest Black person alive, male or female."
That explains why Black men never pursue White women, while White men are always after Black women. Oh, wait...
Butt-hurt much, Shabazz... or should I say, Shab-ass?
"a sista runs the chemical engineering dept at MIT"
Ah, finally one gets to a high administrative (meaning, political) position. But who does 99.9% of the actual chemical engineering in the world, and invented the field in the first place? It's Whites/Asians and Whites, respectively.
And in honor of You Know Who, who can't even write two original couplets:
The nogs, oh they piss and they moan
About everything Whitey has goin'
As you see (more's the pity)
You give them a city,
They trash it and can't build their own.
"They serve no purpose, except to troll websites."
Whites invented the Web, and the computer you're using to access it. So cut the cultural appropriation already. Go back to ink on paper... if you can figure out how to make paper, which was Egyptian and not African.
"Stupid rednecks have not invented one useful thing in millions of years of history."
John Rust invented the mechanical cotton picker which made you forever obsolete. One redneck replaced millions of Africans.
"I look forward to the race war.
In just a few short weeks of battle America is redneck free."
Whitey goes hunting and fills his deer tag at 150 yards every year. Meanwhile, here's You Know Who... if he lives long enough to take aim at something.
"Whitey goes hunting and fills his deer tag at 150 yards every year"
Sounds really exciting. Do you eat your deer meat?
Whites invented the Web, and the computer you're using to access it.
This is true, his name was Al Gore.
John Rust invented the mechanical cotton picker which made you forever obsolete. One redneck replaced millions of Africans.
Are you John Rust or just another very stupid white male who has nothing going on in his pathetic life except to get joy from another's accomplishment? Exactly.
Whitey goes hunting and fills his deer tag at 150 yards every year.
I guess the deer population should be cowering in their hoofs right? GTFOH you toothless inbred. Go screw your mother/sister/aunt some more and make some more inbreds because you're going to be the minority soon. It couldn't happen soon enough.
Field is a good lawyer. Because he doesn't suck cock, he's not the piece of shit trifecta.
Don't commit suicide, Field . Don't do it,just because anon at 9:20pm is a down low faggot piece of shit.
The blood of two whites is not on your hands and anyone with sense knows this.
Ah, finally one gets to a high administrative (meaning, political) position. But who does 99.9% of the actual chemical engineering in the world, and invented the field in the first place? It's Whites/Asians and Whites, respectively.
Well we know what Dr. Hammond does for a living and her educational background why not impress us James Bold and tell us your educational background and what you do for a living. How much do you wanna bet it isn't even close to what Dr. Hammond has accomplished. I dare ya, respond if you're really Mr. Bold but we all know you're not.
James Fu Yung the pinky pecker said...
Go back to ink on paper... if you can figure out how to make paper, which was Egyptian and not African.
When did the country of Egypt, disassociate from the continent of Africa?
Dumb ass chinkymoo, no wonder your family disowned your stupid ass.
Honky Anon Asshole @9:20 PM...
And YOU are a worthless, smelly bag of Caucasoid Confederate Skunkshit!
Get off this Black blog, Pigmeat! I guess you took a break from picking lice from your bald head and crabs from your crotch.
Your house needs a new set of wheels, you pussy!
Go back to having sex with your hogs!!
Anonymous The Fixer said...
Don't commit suicide, Field . Don't do it,just because anon at 9:20pm is a down low faggot piece of shit.
You left out Asian, like the fool that killed those people at VaTech.
BTW, beware of Nat Turner's Ghost............
And yet, here you are.
Umm...Egypt IS in Africa. Sooo, paper was African. IJS
Also, based on what I've witnessed here. It would appear as though whites invented the Internet so they could hide behind anonymity and hurl insults at blacks from a safe distance.
Paul Kersey? Is that you? How are the book sales going? Read the reviews on Amazon. Lol. Even other racists thought it was crap.
"Also, based on what I've witnessed here. It would appear as though whites invented the Internet so they could hide behind anonymity and hurl insults at blacks from a safe distance."
Al Gore would never do that.
Of course he would. How else would he be able to tell scary black people how he really feels? Face to face? That's not in their DNA.
I watched the video of some of the clips of his reporting and He was quite good at it.
Goes to show you what mental illness can do to a person.
Gay or het, male or female,irregardless of color or ethnicity, it can strike anyone.
"Sounds really exciting. Do you eat your deer meat?"
It makes some of the best-tasting spaghetti sauce, sausage and jerky you ever tasted, and a properly marinated and cooked steak is pure ambrosia.
"This is true, his name was Al Gore."
Try Tim Berners-Lee. Al Gore helped make the Internet into a public utility—a perfect job for a politician.
"Are you John Rust or just another very stupid white male who has nothing going on in his pathetic life except to get joy from another's accomplishment?"
As opposed to an idiot African who actually believes that White people stole every invention ever made from Blacks... as he also proves that he can't understand a single one of them?
"I guess the deer population should be cowering in their hoofs right?"
They're not that bright, but hunting does limit the numbers which commit suicide by leaping in front of cars.
"GTFOH you toothless inbred."
Winner, "About As Bright As A Deer" award.
"When did the country of Egypt, disassociate from the continent of Africa?"
When the Egyptians came from a line which evolved separately from Blacks, both genetically and culturally. Africans don't need paper because most African languages have no written form. Even the alphabet you're writing in is a White (Roman) invention. Quit with the cultural appropriation already! Put down your computer and your "sail foam", put down your paper, put down your alphabet! Go invent your own and leave Whitey's alone!
"The history of alphabetic writing goes back to the consonantal writing system used for Semitic languages in the Levant in the 2nd millennium BCE. Most or nearly all alphabetic scripts used throughout the world today ultimately go back to this Semitic proto-alphabet.[1] Its first origins can be traced back to a Proto-Sinaitic script developed in Ancient Egypt to represent the language of Semitic-speaking workers in Egypt. This script was partly influenced by the older Egyptian hieratic, a cursive script related to Egyptian hieroglyphs.[2][3]
Mainly through Phoenician and Aramaic, two closely related members of the Semitic family of scripts that were in use during the early first millennium BCE, the Semitic alphabet became the ancestor of multiple writing systems across the Middle East, Europe, northern Africa and South Asia.
Some modern authors distinguish between consonantal scripts of the Semitic type, called "abjads", and "true alphabets" in the narrow sense,[4][5] the distinguishing criterion being that true alphabets consistently assign letters to both consonants and vowels on an equal basis, while in an abjad each symbol usually stands for a consonant. In this sense, the first true alphabet was the Greek alphabet, which was adapted from the Phoenician."
James dear; there's more, much more, but I don't think it gets clearer than this.
"James dear; there's more, much more, but I don't think it gets clearer than this."
It is only clear to those with the wherewithal to understand it without explanation. I will try to simplify and elucidate to make up for your intellectual deficits.
"The history of alphabetic writing goes back to the consonantal writing system used for Semitic languages in the Levant in the 2nd millennium BCE."
The history of writing itself goes back much further, to the beginnings of heiroglyphics before 3500 BCE in Egypt and the proto-cuneiform in the Levant in SW Asia. But when Europeans encountered Shaka Zulu in the early 19th century, more than 5000 years after the Egyptians and Sumerians, the Zulus had no written language. Today, Zulu writing uses the Roman alphabet. It was a gift of Christian missionaries; for all their military prowess, neither the Zulus nor any of the other Black African tribes from south of the Sahara had anything worth remembering beyond what could be memorized and passed down by rote repetition.
Where are your ancient African books, Lilac? Where is your Aescylus, your Thucidides, your Homer? Where are your even-more-ancient writings, like the Linear A of Minoan Crete? Stone you had a-plenty, but you had nothing worth engraving in it for your descendants to read tens and hundreds of generations hence. Your ancestors gave no thought to tomorrow, unless they were Bantus and thought as far as the next crop. Nothing beyond that was worth thinking about, because the next idiot could destroy anything else at a whim—and probably would. The 'hood today reflects Africa a thousand years ago, or ten thousand. The 'hood does not arise from "oppression", it comes from your nature.
It's ironic that you quote an article which centers around the Levant, because Levantines (specifically, Sephardim) gave rise to the group which has an inordinate amount of influence over your myths, culture and actions in the Americas today. You are not in control of your own destiny. You really can't be, because only the most exceptional of you can think a month ahead, let alone a century. The top minds like Shaka Zulu have to spend all their efforts keeping your masses in line, and all their work collapses when they become too feeble to enforce their will. The Chinese are moving into Africa. They will simply move Africans away from what they want, which will be everything. You should have kept the White colonial powers, who would at least have preserved you, but you are notorious for not knowing when not to mess with a good thing.
Anonymous James Bold said...
Where are your ancient African books, Lilac? Where is your Aescylus, your Thucidides, your Homer?
You are not in control of your own destiny.
You really can't be, because only the most exceptional of you can think a month ahead, let alone a century.
You should have kept the White colonial powers, who would at least have preserved you...
1:23 AM
Yes dear, we so stupid!
That must be why we're walking around in animal skins with clubs, dragging our knuckles on the ground and making grunting sounds instead of words! LOLOL!
And that must be why browns and blacks were extinguished so long ago...oops, oh wait a minute,we're still here,stupid and all!
and who's birthrate is declining did you say?
LOLOL! You're too funny! and ignorant,and inbred, and unwordly!
Come out from behind that picket fence and smell the universe friend! Mkay?
"Yes dear, we so stupid!
That must be why we're walking around in animal skins with clubs"
You culturally appropriated Whitey's invention, the gun. Back in your motherland, spears and pangas are still widely used.
"making grunting sounds instead of words!"
Ebonics isn't far from that. Daz why aybay poda hep uz, maing. Nomesayin?
"dragging our knuckles on the ground"
Something you regularly accuse "crackers" of doing.
Why do you think I come here? The irony of everything you say amuses me, and when one spring goes dry Field is always posting another.
James Bold said...
Why do you think I come here?
Nothing better to do???
"Nothing better to do???"
Idle amusements often look like that.
As you say, racism is indeed real. Whether from the country, but in every country there is always a conflict usually about racism.
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