"When Hewitt prodded Trump about the Quds Force, he said he mis-heard the name. 'Are you familiar with General [Qasem] Suleimani?' the host asked.
'Yes, but go ahead, give me a little,' Trump said. 'Go ahead, tell me.'
'He runs the Quds Forces,' Hewitt offered.
'The Kurds, by the way,' Trump replied at first, 'have been horribly mistreated by [the U.S.].'
'No, not the Kurds,' Hewitt corrected him. 'The Quds Forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Forces is the bad guys!'
'Yes, yes,' The Donald followed along. 'Oh, I thought you said Kurds, Kurds.'
On Friday morning he told MSNBC that 'by the way, when you say Quds vs. Kurds – I thought he said Kurds ... it was like "gotcha, gotcha." Every question was, do I know this one and that one. You know, he worked hard on that. I thought he said Kurds.'"
Yeah I know Donald, because Kurds and Quds (pronounced C-O-O-D-S)sound so much alike. *eye roll*
My lord man, if you don't know what is in essence the Iranian version of special forces, how are you going to deal with Iran and their friends when you become president Trump?
But not to worry, this too shall pass. The low IQ voter will keep eating up the Donald because he puts on such a good show, and he knows how to yell and scream to get their attention. Then there are those hats with that awe inspiring saying: "Make America Great Again."
Oh and lets not forget his goons who keep kicking the shit out anyone who dares to show any sign of dissent in his presence.
"A top security guard for Donald Trump smacked a protester in the face after the man chased him for snatching a banner Thursday, video shows.
Demonstrator Efrain Galicia ran after Schiller and appeared to reach for the banner and grab the guard from behind. Within seconds, the guard turned around and whacked him in the face with an open hand as a scrum of reporters snapped photos." [Watch]
Donald's supporters love his goons. It shows that he is not to be messed with. That's the old American fighting spirit. Finally, an American tough guy to rival that Russian who likes to show off himself au naturel.
Before I finish, let's remember that Kentucky clerk who would rather cool her heels in jail than follow the law of the land. She is getting a lot of love from certain quarters. Kind of like a certain rancher from Nevada did.
One thing I do know is this: She will not die in jail under mysterious circumstances. In fact, she will come out a hero and make a ton of money doing speaking tours and appearing in the right -wing media. But Field, isn't she a democrat? In name only. This woman has wingnuttery written all over her. And I know that she has become "the symbol of religious opposition to same- sex marriages", but personally, if I was a part of the religious right, I would try to find a new hero.
"She was first married in 1984, when she was 18, and divorced a decade later, court records show. Five months after the marriage dissolved, she gave birth to twins by another man.
In 1996, she married again, and her new husband adopted the twins. They divorced in 2006.
The following year, she married the father of her twins. That third marriage lasted less than a year.
In 2009, Davis remarried her second husband, Joe Davis. They remain wed."
Lord have mercy! No wonder she doesn't want to issue a marriage license; she probably used them all.
Have a wonderful evening everybody.
*Pic from dailykos.com
Sara Palin meets Donald Chump, ROTFL!!!
Nice hatchet job on Ms. Davis. As if her personal life details should mean anything in this matter.
Stay classy, Field.
Nobody knows who the fucking Quds are, and nobody cares.
Obama thought there were 57 states when he was running for President. Nobody cared because the issue was "change".
Immigration is the only issue now, and if no one else is willing to address it for real, Trump will be President.
Shorter Trump:"Make America white again."
-Doug in Oakland
Brother Field, you don't have to degrade Kim Davis for standing up for her faith and GOD. Just because you are an atheist doesn't give you the right to dump on the nice lady.
Anyone can see that this lady is a religious person, NOT an irreligious person like you. You really are somehting when it comes to compassion, or I should say no compassion for people trying to be honest and willing to die for GOD.
YOU really need to get right with GOD yourself. You can start by wishing Kim the best.
Blogger dinthebeast said...
Shorter Trump:"Make America white again."
-Doug in Oakland
11:34 PM
You are completely wrong about brother Trump. He is for diversity and you mark this down: Blacks will do much better under the Trump WH than under the Obama Admin.
One thing for sure: Trump will stand up for our citizens when it comes to them being shot dead by illegal immigrants in the Bay Area. He will do it by putting his Presidential foot up SF's sanctuary ass.
There. Don't even try to defend SF. They don't give a damn how many Kates die from criminals from Mexico.
I hope the Donald sells the Bay Area to Mexico in order to build the wall we need. Going to the Bay Area is like going to another country anyway.
I'm not too surprised that Trump didn't know the names of the leaders of some of these Islamist/jihadi organizations. Ultimately, I don't think it's crucial that a candidate have that information on the tip of his tongue. These guys are mostly interchangeable assholes anyway, and the intelligence agencies have long dossiers on all of them available to the president.
On the other hand, Trump probably doesn't even know who the organizations are, or which countries they belong to, or anything about the geopolitics of the Middle East. The view of most conservatives seems to be that the whole region could be sorted out instantly, if only the president would talk tough and show the right attitude, unlike that pansy Obama, who refuses to say enough mean things about Muslims. These are people who believe the Soviet Union collapsed because Reagan yelled at the Berlin Wall.
Brother Field, K. Michelle in your side bar doesn't have the look to be attractive to wm. Where do these crazy blind sisters get this sick ideas?
"Nice hatchet job on Ms. Davis. As if her personal life details should mean anything in this matter."
Her personal details are relevant, in this case.
If you're arguing that laws should be made on a "Biblical" basis -- a horrendous and, by the way, unconstitutional idea -- then you'd best be living the "Biblical" life yourself, or you will get blasted for being a massive hypocrite.
And a massive hypocrite is what she is. According to the rules of her hyper-moralistic code, upon her death, it looks like she's on an express train to the fiery place.
Her romantic history is yet more proof that all of this this "conscience clause" hooey is nothing but a smokescreen to hide the real motive for opposition to same-sex marriage: bigotry.
Kim Davis has a right to be committed to her faith and to GOD. Divine Law is much higher than man's law. Let us never get this twisted. Let us never be this morally perverse.
I praise Kim and support her right to a religious conscience.
"Before I finish, let's remember that Kentucky clerk who would rather cool her heels in jail than follow the law of the land. She is getting a lot of love from certain quarters. Kind of like a certain rancher from Nevada did."
As obnoxious as this county clerk is, right-wing support for her is utterly unsurprising. Homophobia is still basically a platform plank in the GOP. Of course they're going to support an evangelical wackadoo like Kim Davis, even if she is registered as a Democrat for no apparent reason. Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum eat, sleep, and breathe this "religious liberty means I can ignore the law" claptrap. Hell, maybe Ted Cruz and Ben Carson will join in the fun, too.
That whole Cliven Bundy saga, on the other hand, was quite shocking, given the Republican Party's constant bitching about people mooching off the government. How do you freak out endlessly about poor blacks on welfare -- to the point that you're inventing fantasies about "welfare queens" driving Escalades, and consuming lobster and caviar, all on the government dime -- and not notice that middle-class Cliven Bundy is ripping off the taxpayer something fierce?
The amazing cognitive dissonance ought to have made Sean Hannity and his followers have brain hemorrhages and die, if they had any shame, which they clearly don't.
anon @ 11:44: Trump will never do any of those things because even if does get nominated, Hillary will stomp him into the dirt.
-Doug in Oakland
"Her personal details are relevant, in this case."
Obama sucked a lot of dick when he lived in Chicago. Does that matter?
Cliven Bundy wasn't ripping off anybody. The government came in, destroyed his property and threatened to kill him in order to drive him off his land, because Harry Reid wanted it for a group of foreign investors he had a deal with.
You fucking progressive fascists can justify any of your crimes, including putting Christians in jail for not betraying their faith, the faith that built this country, for not endorsing the pervert agenda being forced on the people by a malevolent elite.
"Cliven Bundy wasn't ripping off anybody. The government came in, destroyed his property and threatened to kill him in order to drive him off his land, because Harry Reid wanted it for a group of foreign investors he had a deal with."
Conspiracy theories about Harry Reid. That's what you've got? So, so pathetic.
Cliven Bundy grazed his animals on government land for years, for which he owed the government a huge amount of rent he simply felt like not paying. End of story.
When Trump was asked who he listens to for advice, he said his daughter and John Bolton. John Bolton is a war criminal. Cheney sent him and Scooter Libby over to the CIA to bully them into making up false intelligence. They did things like get the analysts who knew the aluminum tubes weren't for centrifuges reassigned. Bolton advises Jeb Bush too. If Trump has knocked Bush out of the race, the country owes Donald a thank you.
Who cares where people like to plug their love muscles? I wish they'd all plug each others' mouths until the next president is announced. Human beings just shown how nasty human beings can be.
"No wonder she doesn't want to issue a marriage license; she probably used them all."
Ok, that was funny.
Now Huckabee is chiming in about Christian persecution. What is it with fat hillbillies and their insane fundamentalism? I swear the only good part is most of these snake handling fools get bitten and die before they try to force everybody else to hold their snakes.
Hey Mike, it's not persecution it's the fact that ignorant rural asshole who think they speak for god don't make the rules for everyone else. You lost the culture war, get over it.
Trump doesn't know what a qud is.
Biden doesn't know that China is not part of North America.
Dumbocrats have the stupidest candidates.
PilotX said...
Hey Mike, it's not persecution it's the fact that ignorant rural asshole who think they speak for god don't make the rules for everyone else.
No it's ignorant progressive fantasists who think they speak for the earth who do that.
Gone for good.
More good news about the Obama recovery.
Why those working-age men who left the U.S. job market aren't coming back
Millions of workers who dropped out of the job market during the last economic slump were supposed to jump back in once things turned around. But more than six years after the Great Recession ended, the missing millions are increasingly looking like they're gone for good.
In the past, a recovering economy usually meant rising labor participation as more people gained confidence and got off the sidelines and into the job market.
But not this time. The share of the population 16 years and over in the workforce was 66% in December 2007 when the economy fell into recession, and it has ticked down every year since then to 62.6% the last three months.
The more people that give up looking for work the better job Obama has done reducing unemployment.
"The more people that give up looking for work the better job Obama has done reducing unemployment."
That's just what Obama sees his job as - getting people to give up on America.
Kim Davis as a right to believe in whatever she wishes, but should have better judgment in choosing a job that coincides with those beliefs. If I hate animals, then working at an animal shelter may be a good idea. She is an elected official sworn to uphold the laws governed by State. You cannot pick and choose those you like or dislike, and yet again we are sucked into in watching another show of a narcissist. I think she believes and loves God, but not more than herself. It's all about her as it's not only alright to break laws by both man and God. At least she's consistent.
Field wrote about how this woman married four times and thrice divorced, one husband she married twice if I understand it correctly. Her marries germane because it shows the level selflessness and doesn't care about the damage she causes to those involved. Imagine her children going through all those divorces and the psychological effect it has on them. It seems that she thrives on drama. She neglected to use religion to make her a better person because she isn't one at the moment.
Burning man, the white man's liberal utopia.
Of course Black people are under-represented just like liberal San Francisco.
Burning Man founder: 'Black folks don't like to camp as much as white folks'
The smallest demographic of burners – 1.3% – identified as black. According to the census, which also measures income, this means that the temporary city is home to twice as many people who earn $300,000 a year as it is to black people.
We do see a fast-increasing influx of Asians, black folks. I actually see black folks out here, unlike some of our liberal critics.”
See what Anon@12:01 said.
Anon@11:36, I am not an atheist; I am agnostic.And for your information some of my best friends are Christians.
field negro said...
some of my best friends are Christians.
If you and I got a dollar every time a racist said he had Black best friends you and I would be living on our private islands. :)
Black Lives Splatter.
field negro said...
See what Anon@12:01 said.
Progressives can rationalize anything.
What a scumbag you are.
Field's take on Trump's ignorance of foreign policy matters is echoed by political blog writer Charles Pierce:
Apparently poor Dubya was unfairly trapped back in his day with "gotcha" questions, and had not the press dumped on the poor reporter who dared to ask, we might have been deprived of his vigilant leadership on 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Katrina...
George Bush was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was a good bit smarter than Obama.
'nuff said.
"George Bush was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was a good bit smarter than Obama."
In 2008 The country was quite enamored of this seemingly new kind of candidate, one who was short on accomplishments and policy papers and concrete statements, but had soaring rhetoric and lovely sounding platitudes.
How could it go wrong? Why bother examining the actual candidate; it was much easier to accept his own statements as the truth. And besides, the country was tired of the Bush years and unending war. Let's try the new guy!
Fast forward to 2015, and we are in a similar situation.
We are tired of the Obama years; the unending war, the awful economy, the descent into mob rule, the beclowning of America on the world stage.
Have we learned our lesson?
Isn't it time to examine each candidate rigorously, and push aside the soaring rhetoric and lovely sounding platitudes?
Nah...it's gonna be Trump.
"Kim Davis has a right to be committed to her faith and to GOD. Divine Law is much higher than man's law. Let us never get this twisted. Let us never be this morally perverse.
I praise Kim and support her right to a religious conscience."
Not when it violates the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. In America we follow the Constitution, not your bible. Sorry. :(
BTW, Kim Davis, and others like her, would have enforced miscegenation laws back in the day.
"We are tired of the Obama years; the unending war, the awful economy, the descent into mob rule, the beclowning of America on the world stage."
Speak for yourself.
The economy is just fine, and you can thank your boy W for all of our "unending wars".
"Mob rule"? Stop watching FOX VIEWS and join the rest of us in the real world.
"Apparently poor Dubya was unfairly trapped back in his day with "gotcha" questions, and had not the press dumped on the poor reporter who dared to ask, we might have been deprived of his vigilant leadership on 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Katrina..."
Hmmm. Maybe.
But both Gore and Bush tacked to the center big time during that election, giving the impression that it really didn't really matter who you voted for. I roll my eyes when people trot out that annoying cliche that America's parties are both the same. Even if you're far to the left, and are unhappy with both parties, it is not remotely honest to say the Ds and Rs are the same. Yet during the 2000 election, the candidates did work overtime to give the impression there really were no major policy differences between them, obscuring what a radical right-winger Dubya truly was. I am doubtful any reporter could have dispelled that fantasy.
Also, I heard people say things during that election that were enough to make me despair about the viability of democracy as a system. I think many people were well-aware Dubya was kinda stupid, but just didn't care. My own brother admitted before he was elected that Bush was indeed a complete moron, but claimed it shouldn't be too much of a problem, because once in office, he would be surrounded by smart advisers and that would make everything okay.
Everything was not okay.
"Not when it violates the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. In America we follow the Constitution, not your bible. Sorry. :(
BTW, Kim Davis, and others like her, would have enforced miscegenation laws back in the day."
The First Amendment comes into it, also (not least because people like Davis constantly invoke their right to free exercise of religion).
The Establishment Clause's guarantee of freedom OF religion has to mean freedom FROM religion, or else it is meaningless.
But fundy fanatics like Kim Davis have a different, insane interpretation. To them, "religious liberty" means "it's unfair if I don't get to force everyone else to follow my faith."
To them, "religious liberty" means "it's unfair if I don't get to force everyone else to follow my faith."
The only ones forcing others to follow their faith today are progressive fascists.
"Everything was not okay"
Gore would have been worse.
"The economy is just fine, and you can thank your boy W for all of our "unending wars"
Syria and Libya belong to Obama, as does the creation of ISIS.
More troops have died in Afghanistan under Obama than did under Bush.
"You cannot pick and choose those you like or dislike, and yet again we are sucked into in watching another show of a narcissist. I think she believes and loves God, but not more than herself. It's all about her as it's not only alright to break laws by both man and God. At least she's consistent."
To love GOD is to love HIM with all your mind, heart and soul. Kim cannot chose which Divine Laws she will follow based on man-made laws. She IS 'self-less' not narcissistic. The only narcissism you see is your own.
GOD's LAW is NOT about her, it's about HIM....Get it? If it wasn't, she would have signed those marriage licenses without a second thought of violating GOD's LAW. Obviously, you are anti-GOD and quite self-centered yourself.
This is how nations, one by one, falter and go 'down' by putting their own laws above GOD. The is the ultimate in perverted sin.
Kim is a soldier for GOD, not for the Supreme Court's legislation, which should have been left to Congress anyway. But the Supreme Court is NOW effectively a legislating and a judicial body. Might as well be, since the Congress isn't worth beans.
For Kim to sign same sex marriage licenses is to condemn herself to hell. Nobody in their right mind and heart and soul who is committed to GOD, will do such a heinous sinful act.
I don't think god would like Kim very much.
Don Trump probably couldn't even name three world leaders if two of them were from Canada and Mexico. In fact, neither could most of his supporters. Sara Palin's fans didn't have a clue who the Governor of Alaska was until John McCain trotted her out in an attempt to "one-up" Barak Obama back in the day. Most of them probably couldn't name ONE Mexican state or two Canadien provinces, couldn't tell you who the Chancellor of Germany is, nor the Prime Minister of Great Britain, nor the President of Japan, even though these people are mentioned frequently in the news.
Trump doesn't think the voters need to worry their little heads over sordid details like this country's foreign policy, and apparently neither does he; only journalists care about things like that, according to him. So what if there's a difference between the Kurds and the Quds? Or Hamas and Hezbollah? He has his mouth-breathing supporters drooling and fantasizing about some kind of wall that would, presumably, span the entire U.S.-Mexico border, all 1,933 miles of it. Never mind that he has no clue about foreign policy, or domestic policy, nor does he even seem to care about how government works or the fact that he'll have to work with Congress, the Supreme Court, all the various departments of government, etc.
This is the same guy who got called out by David Letterman a few years back about where some of his clothing lines are made. It was news to him that they were mass produced in places like Bangladesh and China. But OH! China is "taking our jobs!", says The Donald. Mexico is "taking our jobs!" says he. It's their fault, because these countries STOLE our manufacturing base and somehow lured corporations to their shores, kicking and screaming over the prospect of having to pay the workers little or nothing and not having to deal with such hardships as worker benefits, labor laws, etc. The CEO's of these blood-sucking, parasitic corporations simply can't sleep at night worrying about how much of their profits they have to park in offshore accounts and how many taxes they manage to avoid paying into this economy.
But no worries! Trump the Racist Savior will solve ALL problems by spending huge amounts of money and resources to kick millions of men, women and children out of this country and back to wherever they came from, even if thousands upon thousands of them actually work for him. Remember, he doesn't think the voters need to worry their pretty little heads about REALITY.
Pam: So what? That's what democracy with universal suffrage gives us. Obama was a mediocre intellect with zero job experience. Trump couldn't do worse.
Exactly Sherry Maple @ 1:44!
Lilac and Sherry Maple, I really don't like you two slamming Kim. As a bm I think she is hot. There is something holy about that woman. I bet if she winked at Field, he would leave his wife for her.
I wonder how Kim would have felt if a strict Catholic County Clerk denied her every marriage license after the first?
-Doug in Oakland
Well, Doug, you would have to ask Kim. My guess is she might not have liked it. So?
"It seems that she thrives on drama. She neglected to use religion to make her a better person because she isn't one at the moment."
nailed that one Shari.
Someone please beat and rape my worthless, dumb ass!
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