Tonight we share a post from someone from the majority population who feels that he recently had a "eureka moment" about one of the major news networks in this country.
"This is my first diary and its going to be long. I’ve been mulling over something that happened to me for almost a week now, I thought I’d become less angry and disappointed, but I just can’t get over it. Fox News is destroying my family. You think I’m exaggerating; I’m not. Watching their decline is like watching my own decline when I was an addict. Except this time the drug is propaganda and lies.
First, a little background is necessary. I come from a fairly typical, conservative, middle-class Protestant family. (How they got stuck with a progressive, pagan, recovering addict daughter is a mystery to us all!). My dad worked for the government for about 30 years, for everybody’s favorite big brother, the NSA. He took early retirement and has a pension for the rest of his life. My mom does real estate – still – and never worked a full-time job after the kids were born. Typical white, privileged family who don’t know how incredibly lucky they are.
My parents, nevertheless, were decent people. Typical conservatives: unintentionally selfish and unaware of their privilege, but not bad people at heart. They were casually racist in what I considered a passive, mostly harmless way – by which I mean they considered themselves superior to people of color, but in spite of that underlying belief, they treated others kindly. They still tended to meet each individual as an individual, regardless of the person’s race.
(As an aside, I don’t actually believe any racism is harmless. I only mean I considered the attitude just a vestige of their upbringing in the pre-civil rights era and it didn’t seem to prevent them from treating everyone fairly. They were never hateful to persons of color, they were just sort of semi-consciously "superior.”)
Sorry for the long back-story, but its important for context about what upset me so much.
The details of the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Night below the orange Fox-scrambled brain:
Last week, I went over to my parent's house for dinner. It was the day of the Oregon school shooting. Fox News was on – Fox News is ALWAYS on.
I generally NEVER discuss politics with them anymore, not since the 2008 election, if I can possibly avoid it, because they have become more and more strident and less and less anchored in reality. But the tragedy of the Oregon shooting seemed uncontroversial to me so I made the mistake of saying, “It's so sad. Another school shooting. I read today it's the 45th mass shooting this year.”
Obama was on-screen giving his response at the time. And my father starts complaining that “he’s getting ready to say something bad, something about gun control.” And I'm surprised, I kind of sarcastically reply, “Yeah, and that's a CRAZY idea.” (Not terribly diplomatic of me).
My dad starts screaming, actually screaming, that “gun control won’t work because the criminals won’t follow the rules and will steal guns or buy them illegally.” That really irritated me after the 45th senseless shooting, so I replied, “I’ll bet you money this shooter legally acquired the gun he used.”
Well, that REALLY set him off. He starts screaming at the TV that he “hates that fucking n***r, he can't stand that man, he'd like to take a gun and shoot him in the head RIGHT NOW.”
Our president. Spoken by a lifelong civil servant.
I was speechless. Angry, disturbed, and very disappointed.
First of all, he’s not a gun person. He actually does own a gun - an antique rifle from my granddad. I don’t think that he’s ever shot a gun recreationally in his life. Secondly, my dad was never a yeller. Lastly, he worked for our government for 30 years, so expressing the desire to murder our democratically elected president, even hypothetically, seemed beyond the pale.
My mother chimes in that HER problem with him is that he’s a Muslim. Beyond the obvious fact that if you say you’re not a Muslim, you’re not (and how else could you prove it anyway?), it wouldn't matter if he was. I said to her “You have problem with him because you think he’s a bad president. It wouldn’t matter if he was Muslim if he was a good president, right?” – vainly trying to get her to base her objections on some kind of factual basis, however misguided.
She agrees, “Well, he’s not a good president!” I think we're getting somewhere here. I say, “OK! Then its NOT because he’s Muslim, its because you think he’s a bad president, right??”
“No, it’s because he’s a Muslim.” Well, alrighty then. Case closed.
The point of this long-winded rant is that THESE ARE NOT MY PARENTS. These are pod people. Hate-filled, fearful, bigoted, willfully ignorant pod people.
Their level of discourse, their understanding of the issues of the day has declined steadily over the years as they have watched Fox's daily propaganda. And their belief that they are the only ones who know the "real truth" has increased proportionately. Obviously, this has been exacerbated by a more virulent racism than I was aware of, but the tone of Fox “News” encourages and blesses latent racism and acts as a hothouse for it grow larger.
These are people who I used to have spirited but intelligent political discussions with. That’s gone now. Those people are gone.
In all other ways, they remain competent, functioning adults. My mom still works, they both are very computer-literate and active. Yet they believed that Dearborn, Michigan was under Sharia law. They believe that Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts for profit. They believe our President is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist.
Fox news IS propaganda, very dangerous propaganda. The harm it has done and continues to do cannot be overstated.
Thanks for listening. I just had to get this off my chest." [Source]
And I am glad that you did. I hope it helped.
*Pic from newscorpse.com
Poor kitty, kitty....
Fox News Derangement Syndrome is a bitch... Meeeeeooowwwww.
It's imporant that Fox News Derangement Syndrome suffers share they stories and pain...While the rest of us laugh out muthafreaking asses off.....
But still field i wonder why you haven't updated your readers on the arrest made following those church burnings....
There was a case where a guy burned down a mosque and his lawyer used the Fox News version of the Twinkie defense. His defense argument was that he watched too much Fox News.
But all corporate network TV news is propaganda. How can anybody believe that the U.S. spent one hundred million dollars each to get five "good terrorists". Putin says the "good terrorists" are mercenaries who joined ISIS for more pay. And Russia did more damage to ISIS in a few days than the U.S. did in more than a year. ISIS grew out of control while the U.S. was supposedly fighting them. It is obvious that the U.S. was arming and training ISIS, even if it was indirectly, as Putin said. But your TV won't tell you that. After all the time the news spent telling us how evil ISIS is, they are in the awkward position of having to cover up that we sided with ISIS against countries that are more peaceful than we and our allies are. And they go through the Benghazi hearings without even mentioning that big elephant in the room. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of our media.
Gotta hand it to Fox. They've figured out how to jack up the confirmation bias in their audience so high that when confronted with contradictory evidence they can't process it. Clever boys. They know that they are working with fewer and fewer old white idiots as they keep dying off, so they have to try to make those remaining louder if they can, while recruiting a few hapless youngsters to take their place in the milking line...
-Doug in Oakland
Definitely propaganda. There are some guys who want to leave the tv in the lounge here at the training center on Fox all the time. I had to become the Fox News police. Not on my watch.
Kinky Con, "But still field i wonder why you haven't updated your readers on the arrest made following those church burnings...."
9:35 PM
Who was arrested? I'd like to know...Please update everyone with a link. Why must we wait for Field to update us? Obviously, it's not his area of interest.
But dear Kinky, I can tell you have high interest in it. And so do I especially since you have mentioned it several times. But you never follow up with a link.
FYI, NONE of the MSM is trustworthy either. In fact, they have done more damage to the minds of Americans than anyone. They have destroyed the very moral fiber of our country, our minds, our hearts and our souls.
The MSM has legalized murder via Planned Parenthood. The karma from all the killings of defenseless babies will come back to haunt us.
The MSM has absolutely no morals...zero.
"How they got stuck with a progressive, pagan, recovering addict daughter..."
...who is definitely telling the truth and not just being an exhaustively hyperbolic liar to draw attention to her otherwise exceedingly mundane, just-like-a-thousand-other-stories story.
I know that not everyone grows up with that family code that you shouldn't be airing your family's dirty laundry. But have you ever noticed that when someone like this does decide to air their family's dirty laundry, it always manages to fit exactly into the framework they have preemptively crafted? E.g. "I think Fox News is all propaganda...now listen to all these examples I have of my own family being racist and reactionary and repugnant while watching Fox News!"
The word "convenient" comes to mind.
Another thing to notice in these stories: Notice how the apple always seems to not only fall away from the tree, but in another damn orchard entirely? Supposedly, she's raised by these people, they're her frame of reference, but they're all exhibiting this problematic racism and being subjects of news propaganda. But not her! She's one of the good ones! She's fair and not a racist and champions equality and knows which end of an ace is up!
Every single meme you could expect one to paint over Fox News watchers, her family conveniently manages to land them all. Obama's a Muslim. Obama's a nigger. America has Sharia law. And on and on.
It's almost as if some people just pull this stuff out their ass. They're always the good ones, the writers. They're always the ones who manage to stand against the injustice. And it's everyone else around them who's brainwashed and racist, yet somehow they were able to escape any and all influence of that life. Like social conditioning and genetic predispositions are all myths, but these anecdotes are the facts.
Are they the facts? No idea. But I'd personally like to see some corroboration. Any siblings willing to attest to it? Her family saying it's true? No cell phone video (conveniently enough)? No friends or other relatives corroborating her ridiculously convenient anecdote? Is there anything about this story that even begins to meet the standards of news? (Insert irony here: Uncorroborated, hyperbolic hit-piece about Fox News, the network that supposedly propagandizes with uncorroborated, hyperbolic hit pieces.)
Just your average progressive purple-haired kitten spilling the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, on her family. The white people Field likes!
Now the gop candidates are negotiating the debate rules because I guess they're not big on answering tough questions. As Barack asked if they can't handle cnbc moderators how can they handle putin?
JOSH, your comment is right on time. I totally agree. It's always a mystery that the odd ball to come out of a family system just so happens to be the good one, the superior one, the 'thinking' one... and also the one telling the story of what's wrong with the family. It's unbelievable.
But if you are Liberal, that's how you do it. Field is exactly like that...so is Lilac. and definitely PX. And dare I say PC?
Just your average progressive purple-haired kitten spilling the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, on her family. The white people Field likes!
10:53 PM
You were straight until you started getting racial and color aroused. However, I get your point.
It's true: "There are White people, and then there are WHITE PEOPLE." I'm sure you have heard that phrase before from your Black friends.
Which one are you?
The FieldNegro said...
There you go again.
Let me remind you of your stat, 3 Million foxnews viewers.
319 Million US population.
22 Million believe Elvis is still alive.
Dear Mr Field, I have been wondering who is the larger group, Conservatives or Liberals. My friends say recently Conservatives have surpassed progressive liberals because of moral issues. Is that true?
She's the one who doesn't watch Fox so she obviously the thinking one. No need to delve much deeper.
"319 Million US population.
22 Million believe Elvis is still alive"
Over half the population believes in ghosts.
When you die, a spirit version of yourself, fully clothed and aware, hovers around invisibly and interacts within the spirit world.
Over half of the population believes this.
Over a third of the population believes in UFOs.
And not the technical version of the initialism -- Unidentified Flying Object. They mean actual space aliens visiting the planet in their spacecraft. 10% of the population believes they've seen one!
And, of course, the whopper: 85% of Americans believe that there's an omnipotent being that always existed, spoke everything into existence, made people from clay and ribs, flooded the world, sacrificed itself to itself, and demands worship from its own creations.
But Fox!
"I guess they're not big on answering tough questions."
Why do grown-ass people, supposedly educated, not understand the difference between a tough question and a loaded question? You might think Republicans are all bass-ackward racists of the highest degree, and that their policies will destroy America. But if that's the case, why not ask them legitimate questions and use one's superiority on the issues to show how Republicans are fucktards? Why levy accusations and try to pick fights with loaded questions which have no possible reasonable answer?
"You were straight until you started getting racial and color aroused. However, I get your point."
I don't know what that means. Honestly. Do you mean "the white people that Field likes" is me getting color aroused? It's just an observation. Anyone who's been here a while can--won't, but can--back me up: Every time there's one of these I'm-one-of-the-good-white-people stories, where it's a white person throwing other white people under the bus as racists, Field loves posting it to basically say, "See! Even white people think white people are racists!" To him, that's confirmation bia-- I mean, evidence of racism.
"It's true: "There are White people, and then there are WHITE PEOPLE." I'm sure you have heard that phrase before from your Black friends.
Which one are you?"
Again, I have no idea what this means. Seriously. As far as I'm aware, as I said a few posts ago, I'm aware of no centralized authority in the "white" community that judges what white is, what it must be, and what relegates one to the house if they're not being "white" enough. Unlike some black folks, I don't know any white folks who judge how "white" one is.
Most of the black friends I have are ideologically similar to me. And it makes sense; and I'd argue the majority of people who have cross-race relationships will find the same. For instance, it would be very hard for Field and I to be friends. I would call him out on inventing racism and being illogical, and he would accuse me of being racist and insensitive to black people's feelings. We probably wouldn't be friends. Though I do maintain friendships with quite a few black people within the skeptic community. Full disclosure, though: PX would say that these men weren't black. And Field would say they're house negros. They're not Christians. They're not Democrats. They're not collectivists. They consider themselves individuals, not part of any "black" collective.
The black acquaintances I have, like a few of the people I grew up with, don't really speak about race that often. At least with me they don't. If I see a guy when I go back for a summer visit or to watch the younger generation play basketball and remind them that I woulda stomped their ass at that age, etc, we typically talk about girls, having relationships, how music is shit now, etc. Not race. So, no, I've never heard them say that there are white people and then there are WHITE PEOPLE. I must not be in the loop.
Now, I've heard them speak about black people, judging a person's "blackness" and whatnot. But I assume--and, sure, it's only an assumption--that they probably view all white people the same, however they happen to view them, because it makes perfect sense that someone who sees their race as necessarily needing to be the same would see other races as the same too.
"It's always a mystery that the odd ball to come out of a family system just so happens to be the good one, the superior one, the 'thinking' one... and also the one telling the story of what's wrong with the family. It's unbelievable."
In every single one of these anecdotes I've personally read, where it's a white person singing his/her own praises while throwing everyone else under the bus, certain things always appear to be the same:
- As you say, the oddball is always the good, smart, thinking one
- There's never any corroboration by other family or friends
- Conveniently, in a world where everyone has a smartphone (practically speaking), there's never any video, or even an audio recording of it
- It's always the worst shit you can imagine! Never "My parents watch Fox, and I think they're wrong for it," but rather, "They say 'nigger' and Obama's a Muslim" and every other worst-end-of-the-spectrum meme one expects.
- It's always someone who seems to be seeking approval and simultaneous forgiveness in the way they write; i.e. "I know you view white people like this, but it's not me! It's them!"
- The person always manages to be nothing at all like the environment in which they grew up; nothing whatever, like they're a blank slate
- It's never someone politically on the fence or unaffiliated; it's always someone who you know is neo-progressive left (not an insult; just an observation)
- They always tend to start by telling everyone that they have some issues, but not those issues. Not racism or Fox, rather drugs or whoring or thieving or whatever else
- It's always presented as if it was meant to be an off-the-chest personal piece while it's always demonstrably geared for print and exposure
- The story arch is that those bad people just continue to get worse as time goes by, while the writer just gets better
- The story always ends up confirming perfectly the original hypothesis, typically found in the title or the preamble
Now, I'm not saying she's lying. It's just one of those old-school Arsenio things that make you go "Hmm..." If these people are that blatantly racist, and only getting worse and worse, to the point they spout this nonsense every time she's around, then how about an audio recording posted on YouTube? How about some corroboration from friends and other family?
Why are these stories always so eerily similar to Stephen Glass's journalism?
My mom does real estate – still – and never worked a full-time job after the kids were born. Typical white, privileged family who don’t know how incredibly lucky they are.
Yep...preparing, going to school, not committing crimes and getting arrested...all privileged.
Oh, then the Author says "My Mom still works.....cool...but remember never a full time job after the kids were born..because she's privileged.
The Author was no doubt disowned by the family for being a drug addict, and mudsharking and probably has a couple babies from different daddies. Typical minority behavior or ugly white chick syndrome.
Typical minority behavior? You post is a typical racist post. Thanks for stopping by.
PilotX said...
There are some guys who want to leave the tv in the lounge here at the training center on Fox all the time. I had to become the Fox News police. Not on my watch.
Think about that for a second. An alleged educated,successful blah man feels the need to 'police' what other grown men and women are watching on tv.
What would make an alleged educated,successful blah man feel that need?
PilotX said...
Now the gop candidates are negotiating the debate rules because I guess they're not big on answering tough questions. As Barack asked if they can't handle cnbc moderators how can they handle putin?
GOP candidates have answered more tough questions than the Democrat candidates ever will.
GOP candidates are not big on debate moderators changing the agreed topic, flat out lying and liberal bias...
And Barack can't handle Fox news or Putin, so he should be the last one asking questions like that...
"And, of course, the whopper: 85% of Americans believe that there's an omnipotent being that always existed, spoke everything into existence, made people from clay and ribs, flooded the world, sacrificed itself to itself, and demands worship from its own creations."
What's wrong with having faith in God? Do YOU have a better solution, or explanation of life?
No one knows why life 'is', so man must have faith. Too bad your pessimistic mind and heart has no faith.
FYI: God is real. Even though you don't believe He exists, Still He exists. It's your sick mind who has decided to turn away from God.
Blogger Kinky_Con said...
PilotX said...
There are some guys who want to leave the tv in the lounge here at the training center on Fox all the time. I had to become the Fox News police. Not on my watch.
KC, "Think about that for a second. An alleged educated,successful blah man feels the need to 'police' what other grown men and women are watching on tv.
What would make an alleged educated,successful blah man feel that need?"
9:35 AM
I was thinking the same thing. Well, as a bm I can understand why PX said what he said.
First, he let Whites like yourself know that he is 'in charge' of the tv at work and watch whatever the hell he wants and it ain't FOX. I know. That is a childish attitude but 'inside', PX IS a kid.
Whether one is educated or not-- one's emotions and lack of character will trump it every time. PX is from the South Side of Chicago. That alone should tell you what he's like. He hates Whites and he hates Blacks. That's why he calls his folks "blah".
KC, why do you use the word "blah"? You know it's insulting so why do YOU use it? I know your heart and character is much better than PX.
"Do YOU have a better solution..."
And I need one, why? Define "better"? What "solution" is a god? What the shit are you smoking? What sort of malformed question is this?
"...or explanation of life?"
Again, why do I need one? So, either it's somebody explains to you scientifically how expansion from singularity created matter, gravity formed planets, chemistry formed life, etc, and you have to judge that as "better," lest you get to inside your personal god, out of thousands of gods, as the right answer?
Let's view this in live action: "Hey, Steve, what's G x Pluto's rate of orbit - the speed of light in an event horizon + the number of neutron stars in Andromeda?" "I dunno. Potato!" "Oh, shit, Steve. You're right! It's potato! Since you don't know the answer to one thing, you get to insert anything!"
"No one knows why life 'is', so man must have faith."
1) What is "why"?
2) "Must"? Why? In what?
3) Who makes these rules?
4) Stop projecting onto everyone else that they're just like you.
"FYI: God is real."
Prove it. Since homo sapiens first walked out of SS Africa 200,000 years ago, there have been over a hundred thousand gods worshiped. Prove one. Just one.
"It's your sick mind who has decided to turn away from God."
So, everyone who doesn't believe in your personal God, the one version of thousands, thus has a sick mind and has turned away? Since you use the word "God," I'm assuming that you mean the Christian God.
1) I wonder why Field doesn't put black Christians in the house?
2) There are FIVE BILLION people who don't believe in your god.
3) Do all five billion of those people have a sick mind?
4) Even within your own faith, there are over 40,000 denominations.
5) Of the one in which you believe, which of course you'll say is the right one, the one that was taught to you, does that mean the rest are all sick minds?
6) So, it's more like 6.9 of 7,000,000,000 people have sick minds.
How vain a person do you plan on becoming?
I didn't "decide" to do anything. You don't think I want to believe that after I die I'll get to spend eternity with lost loved ones in paradise? Who the fuck wouldn't wanna believe that? My brain doesn't work like your brain. I am incapable of believing these things. And as I said in my response, it's not just religion. It's UFOs and ghosts, and let's throw in Bigfoot and shit too. My brain is skeptical; it's just how it operates. Some people are just programmed like that.
I guess we're all sick! But not you.
Because if there's anything I'm learning about Field and Field's hands, is that they don't need fucking evidence to say something is true! If they feel it, it is! Fuck you and your sick mind, demanding a burden of proof be met! Take "our" feelings into consideration. It's how we feel! We feel! Our feels!
Sadly, you are normal. 100%, the religion in which you believe is the religion you were taught. Mama took that ass to church, as her mama did her, and you were born into the culture of being the exact sect you are. So it's very normal. Just like Pakistanis are mostly Muslims. Hella normal.
But that doesn't make the rest of us sick, you horrible bigot. Get over yourself.
Josh, "Again, I have no idea what this means. Seriously. As far as I'm aware, as I said a few posts ago, I'm aware of no centralized authority in the "white" community that judges what white is, what it must be, and what relegates one to the house if they're not being "white" enough. Unlike some black folks, I don't know any white folks who judge how "white" one is."
Well, you just read a post that came from the heart of a White Liberal, who defined what White person should be: NON-RACIST, instead of racist. Non-racist Whites treat Blacks with 'dignity and respect'.
Blacks(not blahs) and other Whites, appreciate these humane Whites and see them as 'regular' human beings.
The other Whites? you can pretty much figure them out yourself. Hint: James Bold and 'border-line' Kinky Con. That is to say, Kinky is one way today and tomorrow he is another way. He's probably bi-polar.
Come on, JOSH, get with the program.
JOSH, "Since you use the word "God," I'm assuming that you mean the Christian God."
JOSH, let's start from the 'beginning' with the Word, that became GOD.
So go ahead. Let's hear what you 'think' that GOD is to what you think 'every' 'Christian' believes in.
"...They believe that Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts for profit."
They don't believe. Like millions in America, we say the tapes. Hence, it's no longer a belief, it's a fact.
PilotX said...
Now the gop candidates are negotiating the debate rules because I guess they're not big on answering tough questions. As Barack asked if they can't handle cnbc moderators how can they handle putin?
Who would have guessed you would be parroting the right-wingnuts when Obama was so scared of foxnews he had to run and hide.
Democrats cancel Fox News debate
What was Obama and his party so scared of?
Double standards are dumbocrats best friend.
"KC, why do you use the word "blah"? You know it's insulting so why do YOU use it? I know your heart and character is much better than PX."
You are so right. I apologize to black men like yourself and any black person i have offended by using the term "blah'. I see some black people using the term "blah" and i assume i could use the it too. I never thought how hurtful it can be when i use it.
I love the black people and my hope is before i die America will be a mosaic of beautiful colors and love...
Thanks bm@11:14am for being so loving and understanding....
"Well, you just read a post that came from the heart of a White Liberal..."
I read the post, yes. However, I see no audio or video. I see no corroboration of her multiple damning claims. I see a person whose story strikes me as too convenient to not be questioned. I read the post, yes. My overall impression: Nonsense click-bait from a Glass-like personality who wants to position herself as the universe's center.
"So go ahead. Let's hear what you 'think' that GOD is to what you think 'every' 'Christian' believes in."
I don't even know what this means.
But, I'm 100% sure that you have a personal definition of God that you interpreted on faith, but you will claim you're right and that you'll be rewarded after you die and live on for such an incredibly inconceivable stretch of time that it cannot be measured, and even to the extent you could break it down in fractions, multiple infinities would thus ensue and would require an infinite string of numbers following a decimal point. Foeva!
But, I know, right -- math is sick in the brain!
Kinky_Con said...
Think about that for a second. An alleged educated,successful blah man feels the need to 'police' what other grown men and women are watching on tv.
What would make an alleged educated,successful blah man feel that need?
Psych 101 tells us that he feels he lacks power in his own life so he has to exercise power over others.
Much like racist cops finally have a badge and gun to make them feel important.
PilotX said...
Typical minority behavior? You post is a typical racist post.
Didn't Obama call his own grandmother a "typical white woman?"
Another one of those dumbocrat double standards.
Religious anon,
Do you honestly expect that I'll answer your one question when I asked a dozen and you didn't even attempt to answer one of them?
I mean, I'm well aware of the foot-stomping, childlike, because-I'm-right-and-you're-wrong attitude a lot of religious people have, and this is usually found with fundamentalists who interpret their scripture literally. But c'mon, man. You can't blatantly ignore someone's multiple questions and then follow up with a question.
You don't want to discuss the topic. You want to preach to me that your personal religion is accurate and that I'm disturbed for not believing exactly as you do.
It's precisely what the other anon, the one PX thinks is white, did: Because I didn't believe 100% how he believed, I was thus "broken" inside and had a bad heart.
And I'm the one accused of know-it-all vanity on this board! I'm seen as haughty and pretentious because I require evidence to believe something, while people of faith who literally demand ideological exactness lest the person is a bad apple are never questioned here.
"Their level of discourse, their understanding of the issues of the day has declined steadily over the years as they have watched Fox's daily propaganda"
A poor neurotic liberal's parents refuse to conform to the progressive Narrative that all must believe, and he is just so darn angry!
Every single person hosting the network news or Sunday shows, or involved in running those shows, has been a liberal Democrat for the last 50 years.
Fox News is considered a Republican outfit because they let Republicans host their shows.
So what does that make the networks?
The vast majority of Americans never hear a single word broadcast by Fox. For those who still follow politics, the networks supply the great majority with day-to-day information. The great majority of voters in America do not know which party controls congress, who the Vice President is, or the name of their own congressman. Their level of discourse, their understanding of the issues of the day has declined steadily over the years. Whose fault is that?
Anon@11:48,please provide a link as proof that PP is selling baby parts. Take all the time u need. I will wait......
Joe Scarborough, is that you?
field negro said...
Anon@11:48,please provide a link as proof that PP is selling baby parts.
Here you go:
Keep on denying reality Field. It's your job.
50 years ago American citizens had Primarily married parents, low illegitimate birth rates, respect for teachers and police, and committed few random murders of strangers.
I blame Fox TV for America's degeneration.
Blogger Josh said...
Religious anon,
Do you honestly expect that I'll answer your one question when I asked a dozen and you didn't even attempt to answer one of them?"
I don't know what you are talking about. It sounds like you won't answer because I didn't answer your 12 questions?
Josh, "
Josh, "You don't want to discuss the topic. You want to preach to me that your personal religion is accurate and that I'm disturbed for not believing exactly as you do."
No, I don't want to preach about religion. My religion is not the personal religion you are carrying around in your head. It can't be because we are different people.
Josh, "It's precisely what the other anon, the one PX thinks is white, did: Because I didn't believe 100% how he believed, I was thus "broken" inside and had a bad heart."
I watched that debate with great interest and concluded that you weren't bad or broken, you have your own opinions, which are permanent and no matter what is said, you can't hear the other person. For instance the anon told you several times that you were a good person("you are ok with me") but it went right by you as you ranted on about your position.
Josh "And I'm the one accused of know-it-all vanity on this board! I'm seen as haughty and pretentious because I require evidence to believe something, while people of faith who literally demand ideological exactness lest the person is a bad apple are never questioned here."
Well, if you require evidence for the existence of GOD, try doing 'spiritual' practices instead of waiting for science to provide you with proof of His existence... That's the point of faith.
For me, science is wonderful but it is lacking in Spirit because it does not enter the realm of the Spirit which is beyond the secular world. But I understand your position and respect it. Everyone has to find that road to himself. If science is doing that for you, God bless you.
Science is a good thing but it continues to disappoint the human race. I have observed that it is wrong at least 50% of the time simply because it is run by humans who think they have the answers in a changing universe.
They keep saying, "we are close to determining the origin of life and existence", but they keep getting farther and further away with each generation...
They still can't answer scientifically about is there anything after death or where did we come from at birth? You see, THAT'S what is 'most' important to a human being. It's more important than an I-phone or a smartphone or anything that is materialistic.
Apparently, it's not important to you, and that's ok. But, as you have indicated, a whopping 85% believe in GOD, the Spirit. And it is 'THERE' that the human heart finds solace...
There is no solace in a constantly changing Science. Although Science has made our lives comfortable and convenient, it cannot touch the Spirit of Life.
Again, I understand your position. I used to be an atheist. It just never cut it for me. You see, 'logic and reason' is limited and cannot go beyond itself. GOD, religion, faith takes the human heart where the finite human mind can never go.
12:31 PM
Again , please provide a link as proof that PP is SELLING baby parts.
I will wait.....
Field, how many videos does it take to prove that PP is evil? How many doctors in those videos must you see and hear before your 'conscience' want to puke?
you emphasized 'SELLING.'
How about emphasizing the greater Truth: "KILLING"
ANON @1:37PM, you hit the nail on the head. Field posts about cops killing bm but seems to be unmoved about PP's killing of vulnerable babies. What's up with that?
The man claims to know something about Seventh Day Adventists but I think he does. They don't adhere to abortions and the thousands of killings of babies by PP.
The man needs Jesus, BIG TIME!
That's what I thought. You can't.
FYI, is is perfectly legal to DONATE fetal tissue etc. for research purposes as long as the donor consents.
I say thank u PP, keep up the good work.
KKK list outs politicians?
After Anonymous Leaks Alleged KKK Names, Group Says More Ahead
The article mentions dan coates.
It doesn't mention Jim Gray.
Guess which one is a dumbocrat.
field negro said...
That's what I thought. You can't.
Why did PP change their perfectly legal policy?
To appease 3 million foxnews viewers?
I'll wait.
field negro said...
I will wait.....
...til Hell freezes over before I will acknowledge a truth that runs counter to the progressive Narrative.
A reasonable person can believe that abortion should be legal, but that the government subsidizing a profitable enterprise that illegally sells fetal body parts is indication of ideological extremism run amok.
But then again an ideological extremist like yourself is not a reasonable person.
"FYI, is is perfectly legal to DONATE fetal tissue etc. for research purposes as long as the donor consents."
Yes but:
1. PP was demanding payments far in excess of the cost of donations, and therefore was "selling" not "donating", and
2. PP was harvesting fetal tissue without obtaining the consent of the mothers.
"I watched that debate with great interest and concluded that you weren't bad or broken, you have your own opinions, which are permanent and no matter what is said, you can't hear the other person..."
1) Apparently you didn't watch it closely enough. (4)
2) I asked for evidence. There was no evidence. In fact, the evidence that was present suggests Eason is misinterpreting the situation. An investigation found no wrongdoing, a court found no wrongdoing. It's Eason's feelings against facts. Why am I the one that has to change his opinions about this situation? Why isn't it that other people have to accept facts? I'm guessing because I'm white.
3) I heard the other people perfectly. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE SAYING: Because Eason is black, and we believe, as black people, feel it's racist, therefore it's racist. Now, tell me, how the fuck am I getting that wrong? That is literally the damn argument that was made! "LISTEN AND BELIEVE! That's the argument being made! "We feel its' racism, listen to us! Pay attention to us! Care about us! Believe us! We feel, therefore IT IS!"
4) For everything that he said in the realm of me being "good," he ended multiple comments by saying shit like, "This is obvious racism. I'll give you one last chance to admit it's racism. If not, then you are just a broken person."
5) If I say, "Hey, religious anon, I like you," opening up, but then end every comment with, "Fuck you, religious anon!" which one are you going to "focus on?"
"which is beyond the secular world."
It's beyond the PHYSICAL world. It's beyond the REAL world. This postulated "spiritual" world, this assumed metaphysical plain, is not found in any model of reality. So, sure, that's precisely what faith is for: Deluding oneself into believing things that aren't real; e.g. Field and his "white people are still racist because I think white people are racists" bullshit. Faith, pure and simple!
"They still can't answer scientifically about is there anything after death or where did we come from at birth?"
This presupposes some spirit form, some ghost version of yourself that lives on. Why would you expect science to be able to deal with that stuff? Do you even know what science is? I'd have to guess that you don't. And I don't even know what "where did we come from at birth" even means. Honestly.
"I used to be an atheist. It just never cut it for me. You see, 'logic and reason' is limited and cannot go beyond itself. GOD, religion, faith takes the human heart where the finite human mind can never go."
1) IT'S STILL YOUR MIND THAT HAS FAITH! The heart is a muscle; it doesn't fire neurons and store memories and rationalize and suchlike. Holy smokes.
2) So what you're saying is that you used to rely on the empirical, a working, functioning, realistic model of reality. You used to hold yourself to standards which required a burden of proof be met before you believed something. You used to subscribe to the Socratic method as the best way to dialogue because it holds claims and fallacies in check and to standards. But this didn't cut it for you. Existing within the context of things needing to be true or untrue, per their natural state, was constraining your ability to believe in things which are spoken into existence from outside the realm of logic and science.
I understand. It's a pretty tough thing for one to convince oneself that something without evidence is true if one demands evidence. So, why not eliminate that obstacle? Why not create a new standard for yourself, by which you will accept things on faith because they feel good?
There's a word for that, anon: Sophistry.
You are a sophist, pure and simple. I'm not insulting you, just pointing it out. Being a rationalist who held himself to factual, observable, empirical, objective standards wasn't allowing you to spread your wings. It's hard to race-bait or believe in a religion or to appeal to emotion if you rely on the rational. So, become a sophist. Problem solved.
I don't begrudge it. But I won't be following in those footsteps.
Because you are nihilist.
By the standards on this blog, my soul, you're probably 100% correct.
You see, you don't need to know what nihilism even is. And Pete fucking knows that you sure as shit don't need evidence here. Asking for evidence is a racist tool of the white supremacist society to attempt to castigate, emasculate and dominate the black man. So you get to make any claim you want, claim it's true because you "feel" it, and thus it's true. So no matter what I am, or what I was previously, a great universal cyclone started when you claimed me a nihilist, and it spun around me and transformed me into a nihilist.
Therefore, I'm a nihilist. You probably think a skeptic and a nihilist are interchangeable, because I suspect your IQ is a solid 2SD<0. But, sure, I'm a nihilist.
That's not McCarthyism at all. But the thing about McCarthyism, as the great movie Quiz Show reminded us, "Look what it did for McCarthy."
Wingnut,please provide proof that PP was providing fetal tissue for sale without the consent of the parent.
I will wait......
The most willfully ignorant negro on the internet.
Field posts story about racism, bereft of actual evidence of racism, Josh asks, "Where's evidence?" Field says, "What you're saying is illogical. It's obvious racism."
Now Field asks for evidence.
I need an emoji that can display side-splitting laughter with a simultaneous facepalm and a practically indescribable look of "Where am I?" on my face.
Again, Wingnut,without the right-wing propaganda video that has been circulating among u clowns for months; please provide a link as proof that these women did not give their consent.
I will wait....
Josh there is a Latin term in the law called Res Ipsa loquitur
Look it up.
field negro said...
Again, Wingnut,without the right-wing propaganda video
Video evidence of PP officials negotiating compensation for fetal body parts and the voluntary testimony of planned parenthood employees that organs were harvested without the mother's consent is not enough for you?
Man, you really have a problem.
If the truth is "right-wing propaganda", maybe you need more right-wing propaganda.
Why do educates successful white men feel the need to leave the tv on and on fox News? I guess if you answer that Kinky you can answer your own question.
So far Barack seems to be handling Putin just fine. Unless of course you get your news from Fox then you wouldn't know that.
Digital Blackface 11:14. Why do you pretend to be blah anon? Now that's a question we all want to know the answer to.
Uh Kinky, you do know that asshole isn't a blah person right. Of course you don't. Good luck with all that "love" from that anon, remember there's nothing wrong with what you two have going on. Oh yeah, be careful once you go blah.
Anon@5:04, not calling u a liar, but do u mind providing me with the link to that PP employee saying that PP used fetal tissues without consent?
I will wait. Thanks.
PilotX said...
So far Barack seems to be handling Putin just fine.
If by "handling" you mean letting Putin kick sand in his face, then yes, that's just fine.
field negro said...
Anon@5:04, not calling u a liar, but do u mind providing me with the link to that PP employee saying that PP used fetal tissues without consent?
Holly O'Donnell was a "Procurement Technician" with StemExpress, contracted by Planned Parenthood to obtain fetal tissues at Planned Parenthood clinics. Ms. O’Donnell talked extensively about her work with StemExpress and Planned Parenthood. O’Donnell is a phlebotomist, but she was hired by StemExpress to be a procurement technician. StemExpress provides blood and tissue to biomedical researchers. O’Donnell’s job was to go Planned Parenthood clinics to identify pregnant patients who matched customers’ needs and harvest fetal body parts from abortions. When she took the job with StemExpress, she did not know that this is what she would be required to do.
“If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted,” Holly O’Donnell, a former blood and tIssue procurement technician for StemExpress, a start-up biotech company from northern California that partners with Planned Parenthood clinics to purchase their aborted fetus parts and resell them for scientific experimentation. O’Donnell’s job was to identify pregnant patients matching the specifications of StemExpress customers and to harvest the fetal body parts from their abortions. “And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.”
“It’s not an option, it’s a demand,” StemExpress supervisors instructed O’Donnell about approaching pregnant women at Planned Parenthood for fetal tissue “donations.” O’Donnell says the StemExpress techs working in Planned Parenthood clinics sometimes harvested fetal parts without obtaining consent from the patients: “If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.”
“You have to make sure you get her,” O’Donnell’s colleague told her, but O’Donnell said the woman having the abortion had refused consent.
“I’m not going to tell a girl to kill her baby just to get money,” O’Donell says of Planned Parenthood, “and that’s what this company does. Straight up. That’s what this company does.”
Here's the full video:
Oh, you mean this Holly O'Donnell?
Yeah I thnk she has been discredited.
Sorry. :(
Oh, no. Torts. lol
They always remind me of Rocky 5. "Touch me, I'll sue. C'mon, punk. Touch me, I'll sue."
Apparently, an investigator and court of law both looked at the situation and said, "Well, no, it doesn't speak for itself."
I'm just assuming here; pure speculation. But I imagine a few things happened that worked against Eason; I mean, other than those damn people being white, of course. For instance, I imagine they checked into the actual restaurant's policy to ensure that they actually had a policy whereby people drinking alcohol had to prepay. They were probably able to show this through a history of receipts, testimony of staff, and of customers. When the lawyer's biggest hang-up seems to be the stupidity of the policy, which is a completely separate point, then you know something's askew. I also imagine they interviewed patrons, other staff, etc, who better explained the policy. And in the course, they found 0 other instances of any other black patrons claiming discrimination.
Maybe Eason's just an overly-sensitive baby who, like you, looks at white people and assumes that the only thought running through their heads is how much they hate white people.
But at least we know that people miles away can read an abridged version of the incident and declare 100% that it's just those evil white people once again making things difficult for the black race.
Obviously the thing doesn't speak for itself. There exist multiple ways by which to gather empirical evidence to support a claim of discrimination. "'Cause I'm black!" didn't work there, unfortunately. But don't lose faith. It still works often enough to get people hired/fired, fined, suspended, etc.
How much they hate black people even. But, hell, if we're speaking about neo-progressive whites, who apologize for being born wrong, then it still does fit.
field negro said...
"Yeah I thnk she has been discredited."
How so?
Wow. This must attack the Blacks day for JOSH. He's doing a good job....
Hmmmm, wonder what got into him today? The guy has shown no mercy to not even ONE black person....not even to anon who has had his back.
Kicking sand? What is this an add for Charles Atlas? Uh, ok witty retort. You're free to go live in Mother Russia where they "elect" strong leaders. Don't let the door knob hit you on the way out but as for me I'll stick with Barack and the US economy. Send me a postcard.
Hilldog and Dr. Ben are tied in a head to head matchup. Even chance of keeping the WH blah.
No chance for a candidate who thinks he is a "blah".
I meant ad. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
"Hmmmm, wonder what got into him today?"
Well, duh, as everyone seems to know already, it's obviously because they're black! It's not what's gotten into me; it's what they look like.
It's not that people are literally arguing that actual mysticism is a replacement for facts; it's that they're black people and I'm a white person.
Goddamn, son. E'rybody know dat.
Lord have mercy. Josh has lost his mind. and he is mean too. No spirit.
Question for logical and reasonable people: Can you be logical and think straight when you are emotionally traumatized with anger and "color arousal" like Josh?
The answer to your psychological question re: JOSH, is "NO".
If you're asking a question of logical and reasonable people, yet aren't including me, then your pickings are incredibly slim. lol
People who say, "Agree with me or something is broken inside you!"
And, "I can spot a person's skin color by how they type English!"
And, "Because I feel like white people are racists, therefore white people are racists."
And, "If I believe the universe has meaning, the universe has meaning."
And, "There can be no greenhouse effect unless it's man-made."
And, "Police who fire guns at whites are intentionally missing."
Shall I go on?
To which "logical and reasonable people" are you referring? The very ones who have dropped those gems here, all within the last two weeks?
I mean, you're among friends here, anon. If what you mean to say is, "I have a question for black people...blah yadda Josh," then just say so! Nobody's going to judge you negatively for it. In fact, as I just illustrated, I expect it.
"Color arousal" lol I reckon, like "racism" itself, the definition of that term is inherently subjective and plastic in its application. Though I probably do doubt you realize I was just trolling the other anon with my above comment.
Calling PC, do something about Josh.
It's not that people are literally arguing that actual mysticism is a replacement for facts
Which is still better than arguing for the sake of arguing like our good friend Josh. What a life he must lead, constatntly arguing online. No wonder he doesn't have a woman.
"What a life he must lead, constatntly arguing online. No wonder he doesn't have a woman."
You do realizing that you are literally arguing online, right alongside me, right?
People shouldn't be this stupid. WTF is happening in the world?
"Calling PC..."
Please! By all means! I'm anxious to read the guy say more shit like the greenhouse effect requires man-made warming, and then blatantly lie and say he didn't say it, and have guys like PX come and get his back because...well...Field knows.
Dear JOSH, here's hoping the definition and information re: White Privilege will help you see the light. I really want to help you, I really do.
"White privilege is a set of advantages and/or immunities that white people benefit from on a daily basis beyond those common to all others. White privilege can exist without white people's conscious knowledge of its presence and it helps to maintain the racial hierarchy in this country.
The biggest problem with white privilege is the invisibility it maintains to those who benefit from it most. The inability to recognize that many of the advantages whites hold are a direct result of the disadvantages of other people, contributes to the unwillingness of white people, even those who are not overtly racist, to recognize their part in maintaining and benefiting from white supremacy.
White privilege is about not having to worry about being followed in a department store while shopping. It's about thinking that your clothes, manner of speech, and behavior in general, are racially neutral, when, in fact, they are white. It's seeing your image on television daily and knowing that you're being represented. It's people assuming that you lead a constructive life free from crime and off welfare. It's about not having to assume your daily interactions with people have racial overtones.
White privilege is having the freedom and luxury to fight racism one day and ignore it the next. White privilege exists on an individual, cultural, and institutional level."
"Being white means never having to think about it."
-James Baldwin
JOSH, I pray this helps.
So, basically, "white privilege" are those things I debunked with exceedingly simplistic rationale on Field's other post?
And James Baldwin is OBJECTIVELY wrong.
You're literally making a case to a white person that he's a recipient of this invisible thing called "privilege," and yet you still end your comment as if you think I'm not thinking about being white? I guess James Baldwin never visited The Field Negro's blog!
And as a black man, how the shit is James Baldwin supposed to know what it's like to be white? Of course, I know who the guy is, but I'm not sure if he's still around or whatever. I just know that it always seems to be the case that black people can tell white people everything there is to know about being white, while white people are simultaneously told that they can never understand what it is to be black. How does/did Baldwin know that being white means you never have to think about it?
So, basically, "white privilege" are those things I debunked with exceedingly simplistic rationale on Field's other post?
Uh no, you THINK you debunked something when in reality you just spouted a bunch of bullshit you THINK is correct. Oh yeah I forget, Josh declares himself the winner and we all must agree. Well anon, if it shuts Josh up just agree he is right because, well Josh says he's right.
You do realizing that you are literally arguing online, right alongside me, right?
Pointing out how dumb and lonely you are is simply making an observation not arguing. You should be smart enough to understand that but alas........
Bloody hell, what just happened to the comment I tried to post?
"Beyond the obvious fact that if you say you’re not a Muslim, you’re not"
Beyond the obvious fact that taqiyya allows Muslims to say whatever advances the Islamic agenda....
"It wouldn’t matter if he was Muslim if he was a good president, right?”
He's been so abysmally bad he makes George W. "allowed 9/11 on his watch" Bush look good. But you'll ignore that because he's half-Kenyan.
"These are people who I used to have spirited but intelligent political discussions with. That’s gone now. Those people are gone."
People who cannot accept that other people have incentives to lie, and are obvious liars, are too stupid to be taken seriously.
Makes Bush look good? He revived the economy that was decimated under Bush, there have been no major attacks on the country, his medical plan is helping millions, his Supreme court appointments are good, his NLRB appointments are good. Barack has been a pretty good President and much better than the previous resident of 1600 at least according to most objective observers but to a racist nothing he does will be good.
Josh said, "And James Baldwin is OBJECTIVELY wrong. "
My God, man. Now you are attacking James Baldwin? Do you even know who he is?
Oh, I get it. You are the Mr Know-it-all and you are here on FN to let the folks know who YOU are.
"Matt Bevin’s 53 percent to 44 percent victory tonight marks only the second time in 48 years that Republicans have won the Kentucky governor’s race. But Republicans also made history in another way. Bevin’s lieutenant governor running-mate, Jenean Hampton, is now the first African American elected to statewide office ever in the state’s history. Both Bevin and Hampton are Tea Party activists who have never held elective office."
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/426555/kentuckys-new-gop-lt-gov-black-tea-party-activist-john-fund
I blame Fox.
"Uh no, you THINK you debunked something when in reality you just spouted a bunch of bullshit you THINK is correct."
Ah, I see. So, a white person turning on the TV and being likely to see another white isn't actually a statistical likelihood of whites being 66% of the population? (Unless they land on an NBA game.) What's actually happening here is that it's white privilege. I just "think" math is able to debunk people whining as if whitey has some conspiracy to be on every channel.
Because math isn't a universal absolute or anything. Math is just another wrong opinion coming from a racist, privileged white against the black race.
Glad there's always an anon around to call me on my shit!
"My God, man. Now you are attacking James Baldwin?"
At the risk of sounding very sexist: Anon, I really hope you're not a male. It saddens me to think of a fellow dude being such a whiny bitch. You are claiming an "attack" because I pointed out someone is wrong.
And, yes, Mr. Baldwin was wrong in his assertion that being white means never having to think about it. It's demonstrably wrong.
Look at how many whites out there are posting those types of letters that Field pastes here. They're not thinking about being white? Look at those white people who were banned from a diversity conference just because they were born white. They're not thinking about being white? Look at the conversation we're having on this board. I'm not thinking about being white?
The big thing in social-justice society today, that segment of mainstream culture, is that being white is original sin. White people must atone for their whiteness. We're told, constantly, that white people are responsible for white privilege, for the patriarchy, for imperialism across the globe, etc. We're told we need to check our privilege. And you think white people don't have to think about being white? They're not only reminded they're white people at every turn, they're told they're wrong inherently for being white! Yet they don't have to think about it?
Man, I can honestly only guess that a lot of you folks don't know jack-fucking-shit about the world outside of your bubble, and I'm assuming these bubbles are mostly monochromatic enclosures that don't include folks who don't think exactly like you.
In no way am I attacking the guy; I'm just pointing out he was wrong. He made a statement, I illustrated how it's not true.
How is that an attack?
"Makes Bush look good? He revived the economy that was decimated under Bush"
The American labor-force participation rate is plunging. The economy is dying; only the stock market, propped up by zero-interest money from the Fed, is surviving.
"his medical plan is helping millions”
His medical "plan" was sold on the basis of lies, and allows freeloading illegal aliens to benefit while crushing Americans under steeply escalating costs they can't even opt out of by refusing to buy insurance.
"Barack has been a pretty good President"
So "good" that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are flooding the country due to his malfeasance in office, causing lots of Black people to throw their support to anyone who will enforce our border laws. That means Donald Trump. If there's an anti-Barack, The Donald is it.
"The American labor-force participation rate is plunging."
not so fast, where do those numbers come from? Who are they asking? It's not as bad as one would think and also remember the 700,000 jobs per month lost under Bush.
"So "good" that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are flooding the country due to his malfeasance in office, causing lots of Black people to throw their support to anyone who will enforce our border laws."
Oh really? I would LOVE to see your evidence of this. Let's not mention the record number of deportations under Obama. Facts and you don't go well together do they James? Illegal immigration isn't high on most blah people's list of concerns.
"His medical "plan" was sold on the basis of lies, and allows freeloading illegal aliens to benefit while crushing Americans under steeply escalating costs they can't even opt out of by refusing to buy insurance."
And what were illegal aliens doing prior to Obamacare? Going to emergency rooms and costing tax payers money? Not a well thought out argument there James. Like I said, check out any objective assessment of Bush's Presidency and Obama's and you'll see far better reviews. And no major attacks on the country under Obama so we can stop all the shrill apocalyptic hyperbole about the country declining.
"not so fast, where do those numbers come from?"
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics, cocksucker.
"And what were illegal aliens doing prior to Obamacare? Going to emergency rooms and costing tax payers money?"
So instead of putting an end to their freeloading, Obamacare legalized it. Kind of like Plyler vs. Doe legalized their freeloading on the schools paid for by American taxpayers. You realize that Hispanics kill Blacks and run them out of their schools and neighborhoods? There's your future, and both Hillary and Jeb will give it to you good and hard.
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