It's actually kind of pathetic to watch. These seemingly smart people choosing to be on the wrong side of history.
Chris Christie, who would do best to take the NYT editorial board's advice, told the Black Lives Matter (BLM) folks not to call and ask him for a meeting. This man is clearly a legend in his own mind. Why would the BLM people want to meet with him? What's he going to do? Give them tips on how to shut down a bridge?
Donald Trump declared that if he was the president of the University of Missouri he would put all those ungrateful Negroes benefiting from the white man's education in their place. I was paraphrasing but that was the gist of it. He called the protesters "disgusting" and, in true Trump fashion, talked about himself in the third person while telling us all how tough he would be on them.
"'I think the two people that resigned are weak, ineffective people...... referring to University of Missouri president Tim Wolfe and chancellor R. Bowen Loftin, who both announced on Monday that they would step aside under pressure. "I think that when they resigned, they set something in motion that's gonna be a disaster for the next long period of time."'
Or, maybe just maybe racial relations will get better on college campuses across the country and we will become a better country as a result of it.
Of course, not to be outdone, Ben Carson (Mr. Black Lie himself)jumped into the fray. Ben, in order to impress all the right- wing voters in the republican primary, had to jig harder than anyone in the house ever jigged before. True to form he declared that as a country we are actually becoming too tolerant and the behavior of the protesters--- who are putting their safety and college careers on the line---- is "infantile".
This all fits into a narrative being pushed by the republican candidates: White people, you need to vote for me, because I am the only one who will stand up to this attack on our way of life.
Jamelle Bouie writing for Slate magazine wrote about this phenomenon at length. And, as is often the case with Mr. Bouie, he was spot on.
"~~~GOP presidential contenders blaming Black Lives Matter for crime a desperate attempt to frighten white voters into supporting them.~~~ "....Long-term trends can obscure short-term variations,however,and there’s contested evidence that we’re in the middle of a violent crime spike,sparked by a so-called Ferguson effect where less aggressive policing—fueled by “Black Lives Matter” protests—encourages criminals.“Cities across the nation are seeing a startling rise in murders after years of declines,” [NYT] in a story on the rising murder rate in Milwaukee. Critics say this is overblown...Bruce Frederick— the Vera Institute of Justice—notes that of the 20 most populous U.S. cities for which there’s public data,only three experienced a “statistically reliable increase” in homicide rates. For the rest,“the observed increases could have occurred by chance alone.”If there is a new trend,we need more data.The same goes for the “Ferguson effect”;there’s no evidence that less policing has produced more violent crime...." But humans are built to see patterns in unrelated events,and the crime increase—plus a rash of high-profile shootings aimed at police officers—has brought new partisan attacks on Black Lives Matter,even while 2015 stands as an unusually safe year for police officers,so far.“In the last six years under President Obama,we’ve seen a rise in anti-police rhetoric,” wrote Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in an op-ed last week,citing “demonstrations and chants where people describe police as ‘pigs’ and call for them to be ‘fried like bacon.’” Walker was referring to a small group of protesters in Minnesota who by all accounts are unrepresentative of the larger movement.Still,their actions came in the wake of a brutal attack on a Texas police officer,Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth,who was shot 15 times at a gas station near Houston.And as such,it was fuel for Walker’s charge,as well as for claims from Fox News and other conservative outlets that Black Lives Matter is a “hate group.”...."
I don't think that Black Lives Matter is a "hate group". But I can think of another group that is very close to being one.
*Pic from
The GOP candidates are making it plain. In their administrations "No more Negro nonsense will be tolerated". No white man will ever lose their job because because they insulted blacks, because they ignored, abetted or initiated racism in their place of business. No cops will ever be indicted or prosecuted for killing unarmed or non violent blacks. And the total perversity of it all is that there is a black fool, one BEN CARSON, buckdancing and profiling at the front of the pack.
With a name like Chris Christie (what is his middle name? Jesus?), no wonder he thinks he is a deity. For sure he needs to go on a deity.
You're right. Everyone else is not only wrong, but racist.
It's your world, Field; we're just living in it.
I feel like it's racism, therefore we need to change this culture of racism -- even if it takes inventing a story about a truck-load of whites and the Poop Nazis to make it happen. The ends justify the means. VA gang rapes, Rachel's mysteriously disappearing noose, and now Shitler's invisible visit -- the ends justify the means.
Though to any extent you wanna rail against Trump, Trump's a moron. I can't imagine an America with him as its president. Of all the Republicans running, Carson is the only one for whom I'd vote. And that's just because the others are a bit too nutty for me.
But, I know, that means I'm just using Carson as my lawn jockey to say I'm not racist.
I'm an Asian Jew racist, obviously. Res ipsa loquitur.
Christie is just trying to get placed into the next Rethug debate.
Field, quick question:
Did you see the video of the three black young women who surrounded Tim Wolfe and had a "conversation" with him?
Obviously our take on this will be different. But if you haven't seen it, check it out, man. It's hilarious! Funniest shit I've seen all week.
Three young black ladies surround Tim Wolfe, scream at him, make fun of him, belittle his education, insult his intelligence, refuse to let him speak, claim that he's a bad person and doesn't care about them, and then claim that he's oppressing THEM! lol
Pick your heroes more carefully, Field. Please. Just because they're black doesn't mean they're always right. Just imagine these UoM folks vote Republican, if that helps you get your head around it.
Just like I told Bernie Goldberg to tell Mike Huckabee: Don't champion this bigot Kim Davis just because she's a Christian. She's a horrible bigot and it will damage you. Don't hold these folks up as the right side of history just because they're black, Field. Man, give yourself some wiggle room here. The fuse is lit; I predict it's going to blow up in their faces as the true oppressors are exposed.
"I don't think that Black Lives Matter is a "hate group". But I can think of another group that is very close to being one."
Yeah, and we have 'three' vociferous long winded Whites right here on FN who belong to that group. I won't bother to 'name' them. Two names start with the letter "J" and the third, the letter "K". You know who you are.
JOSH is so anti-Black that he is beyond racist antics....he probably would commit genocide on Blacks. What an evil man!
And for you to try to topple Field on his OWN blog says just how hateful you can be.
Mr Field is our hero and you are so anti-Black you attack an honest do-gooder simply because he is Black.
May you rot in hell!
Maybe someone should tell Scott Walker that people have been calling police "the pigs" since the sixties. I believe it supplanted calling them "the fuzz"...
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous illustrates precisely why I don't "listen and believe" the UoM students.
Thanks, anon. If ever one is having trouble explaining something, irony is always useful.
When you can literally create things to call "racism" just because you disagree with someone, how seriously should you be taken when you claim to be oppressed?
This is a grown, old-ass person doing it here. The UoM students are late teens, early twenties, with minds of children. Why wouldn't they be doing this? They see adults doing it; they do it too.
"Oh, you disagree with us? That's racism!"
"Oh, you didn't know that Jonathan was going to jump into your car and then claim you hit him? That's racism!"
"Oh, Wolfe, you cannot charge people with thought crimes and precrime? That's racism!"
Thanks, anon. I was worried that some honest people might have trouble figuring out how racism can just be created out of whole cloth to suit one's selfish purposes. Thank you, sincerely, for demonstrating while the world should be laughing at the UoM students and their spoiled-rotten privilege.
You call disagreement racism. You are the perfect illustration of why a person's feelings do not fucking matter. Black, white, Asian, gay, lesbian, trans, Latino, NA, whatever -- fuck your feelings.
JOSH--"When you can literally create things to call "racism" just because you disagree with someone, how seriously should you be taken when you claim to be oppressed?"
Now see? There he goes again, making up shit.
JOSH, "You call disagreement racism. You are the perfect illustration of why a person's feelings do not fucking matter. Black, white, Asian, gay, lesbian, trans, Latino, NA, whatever -- fuck your feelings."
10:12 PM
Now see? There he goes again, cursing and screaming like a mad man. The irony is he is telling all the Blacks to "fuck your feelings" while he feels deeply and lets it out without any restraint whatsoever. Now if that isn't "childlike" then there is no such thing.
From the previous thread:
Anonymous Anonymous said...
JOSH, "Fuck your feelings! Be an adult.
These black people at UoM are oppressing everyone because of their feelings!"
Can anybody see the irony in JOSH'S screaming cursing comment? At the very least the man should be on a high dosage of Valium.
Yep. I'm saying fuck your feelings, and my own. How ironic.
"while he feels deeply and lets it out without any restraint whatsoever."
Sure. And why can't the black students at UoM do that too? Just vent. Let it out. Call the people stupid fucking douchebags, and get back to your lives.
But instead they cry (literal tears) that they're oppressed, while they're the ones oppressing people. They make a list of demands, starting with a white person having to grovel at their feet and apologize for being a white person and ending with additional funding so that they can spread their ideological message.
I'm not demanding change because of my feelings. I'm not calling you a racist because of my feelings. I'm not asking Field to step down from his blog because of my feelings. I'm not asking for a 10% increase of white people because of my feelings. I'm not jumping into a car and inventing stories about Shitler and Poop Nazis because of my feelings. I'm not physically abusing Asian reporters because of my feelings.
Fuck my feelings! They're MY feelings. They don't set standards for YOU.
To the extent I let my feelings out, it's to say go fuck yourself; not to ban you from being able to say it.
Do you see any differences yet?
You're that stone-stupid anon who confuses English Lit with middle-school English class, and doesn't know the difference between vigorous and rigorous, so I don't expect you to see the differences here. You really think you're onto something; like you just had your head struck by a falling apple. It would be cruel of me to suggest you let it go.
Your eureka, Dr. House epiphany moment should be celebrated with a participation trophy.
Exist in your delusion, my man. You're not harming me with it.
JOSH, "You're that stone-stupid anon who confuses English Lit with middle-school English class, and doesn't know the difference between vigorous and rigorous, so I don't expect you to see the differences here. You really think you're onto something; like you just had your head struck by a falling apple. It would be cruel of me to suggest you let it go."
No I'm not that Anon but I can relate. Nevertheless, you have hurt my feelings, you racist asshole.
See, you anons need to get real fucking names.
What's stopping you? White oppression?
It's the identity of indiscernibles. (Which I'll bet $1000 you need to look up to know what it is.)
Or is this a game you guys are running? Group of black anons, wait for a white person to confuse you, then shout, "WHAT!? All black people look alike?"
Besides, "Whaddaya mean 'you people'," that one is my favorite!
"What's stopping you? White oppression?
It's the identity of indiscernibles. (Which I'll bet $1000 you need to look up to know what it is.)"
Now see, there you go again with your anti-Black rhetoric of indiscernibles. (And you can't afford to bet $1000 because you don't have it.)
Josh, "Besides, "Whaddaya mean 'you people'," that one is my favorite!"
11:20 PM
There are ways of determining which hate groups people like you belong to and you are definitely a Klansman.
Now a Klansman.
Look, Field, you were right! Anonymous is going to start calling out Klansmen!
(I was going to ask Anon what those ways are; e.g. what evidence is there? But, for fuck's sake, I know how adverse you people are to actually supporting the claims you make.) ;)
JOSH, "(I was going to ask Anon what those ways are; e.g. what evidence is there? But, for fuck's sake, I know how adverse you people are to actually supporting the claims you make.) ;)"
When you say, "you people", what do you mean by that? What does it say in your KKK Thesaurus about that?
Sup Steve.
Any group that disturbs the happy negro narrative is subversive and a hate group. Happened with the Panthers and will continue to happen to any blah group that doesn't sing Kumbaya and gush about how great the white man is. History repeats itself, nothing new here.
This group is objectively oppressing people.
I don't doubt for a second that there are many white people out there who do legitimately expect blacks to meet that "happy negro" narrative and to just STFU, smile, and go on about their business while leaving whites the hell alone.
But that extreme doesn't justify transforming every black group into a Civil Rights Reenactor just because it's a black group!
Why can we not judge a group on its individual merits? Why does it have to be a "black" group first? I ask this of white racists, and of black people who just want to treat them like world-beaters and agents of positive change just because they're black.
This group is oppressing people at the university while claiming to be the ones who are oppressed. This group is intimidating people, shutting down homecoming parades, demanding people lose their jobs and be hired based on nothing but skin color, and has a list so short of actual "racism" to cite that you can fit it inside of a fortune cookie!
Just because the group is black doesn't mean it's legitimate. You have a boy from a family of millionaires talking about the black struggle and oppression and how he's maligned for being black. You have students who aren't even midway through their gender and race studies degrees, telling a man with a Harvard education and PhD that they know more than him because they're black and he's white. They are literally demanding that people recite their ideology and fund it, or else they're not going to stop.
And why? A drunk white idiot shouted "niggers," and someone allegedly scrawled a shit swastika on a wall. The rest of the complaints are feelings-centered, or outright LIES, like a car hitting a boy--surprise, surprise, Jonathan Butler again!--who was caught on video literally jumping into the car before the entire black student body started having a conniption and claiming the president allowed it to happen on purpose and was laughing about it.
Man, things don't need to be either extreme. This is exactly like the Republicans who championed Kim Davis. Choose your heroes more carefully. This is a group of self-entitled children who are oppressing an entire campus until their demands are met.
That's not social change; that's nothing to brag about. That's not the CRM redux. That's damn near fucking criminal, not to mention the biggest slice of irony you'll find in 2015.
They have intimidated the folks there to the point that white professors are discriminating against students to appease the black mob. We all know which way this thing is going unless the university meets every demand: Baltimore.
At least in Ferguson a person was killed. Here, someone shouted "nigger" and was immediately thrown off campus for it.
"But that extreme doesn't justify transforming every black group into a Civil Rights Reenactor just because it's a black group!"
That won't happen. It may seem that way to a casual observer but for every group that stands up to cause change there are 50 bowling and book clubs.
"Why does it have to be a "black" group first?"
Many aren't but there are also those of us who choose to emphasize our cultural identity. Just as there are LGBT groups some blah people join blah groups. Most of the time it's just a matter of pride such as when I joined a blah frat or the Black Student Association.
"And why? A drunk white idiot shouted "niggers," and someone allegedly scrawled a shit swastika on a wall."
That's only what you've heard, there are probably many more instances. I'm pretty sure there were other events over a longer period of time. Hell, I should ask some folks I know who went to Mizzou back in the day if they recall stuff. It probably just reached a tipping point in which folks were sick of it. I wouldn't outrightly dismiss their grievances without completely understanding them.
"Here, someone shouted "nigger" and was immediately thrown off campus for it."
I'm a betting man, I bet there's more to it than that.
"Or, maybe just maybe racial relations will get better on college campuses across the country and we will become a better country as a result of it."
Right. Because the unidentified creator of an alleged swastika drawn in shit (which is exactly what a real Nazi would not use) is obviously something that a University president should drop everything to deal with, in ways more to the liking of certain members of the feetsball team... though even they can't specify exactly what that should have been.
But we know that if an actual White student was known to have drawn a swastika in anything, they would have been drummed out of school faster than the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. DNA tests on the shit would reveal the race (23 and Me) and confirm the identity of the shitter. So why's there no public ID of the perp? Either because there's no proof that the event ever happened... or they have the perp, and the perp is Black. Another Tawana Brawley, who is untouchable because Blacks have no moral agency and cannot be held responsible for anything.
The whole thing is a hoax. Payton Head, the entitled Black hoaxer fronting it, has already retracted his claim that "KKK" shooters were on the Mizzou campus. But he will not be disciplined or expelled, because he has Black privilege. Blacks can get away with literally anything today, and will until they suddenly can't anymore. That transition is going to be lightning-fast and the consequences for all Blacks will be very bad. You (rather, the survivors) will wonder in retrospect what the hell you thought you were doing... but it will be too late.
Maybe if you cared more about Black mothers killed by their Black baby daddies than profiting from hoaxes, your situation would not be so ridiculous. #LiveBlacksMurder. Maybe you should prompt the police to rid you of your Michael Browns and Trayvon Martins, and the rest of you could live in peace. Sadly, you're too tribal to see how that would benefit you and everyone else too.
"doesn't know the difference between vigorous and rigorous"
I recently became aware of the schizophrenia-associated phenomenon called clanging, associating words based on their sounds rather than their meanings (e.g. the "niggardly" kerfuffle). In other words, we have Blacks here exhibiting symptoms of psychosis. Untreated psychotics should not be allowed loose in society.
And PilotX added to the irony:
"I'm a betting man, I bet there's more to it than that."
You keep avoiding my bets, pussy. That's because you know you'd lose every last one of them.
"That's only what you've heard, there are probably many more instances..."
Well, sure, that's what I've heard. Do you want I should make stuff up? As to there probably being more instances: Okay, I'm more than willing to believe that, if evidence can be presented of such things.
Pilot, understand here that I'm honestly not trying to have a go at black people. Especially black college students. 90% of the people I grew up with didn't even finish high-school. Get your educations, people! Ah salute. Though, as a skeptic, I know literally thousands of people who have claimed to have been abducted by aliens, to have seen Bigfoot, to have received visions from Jesus, and even to have Stigmata, to have seen friggin' Elvis at the A&P.
What's the tipping point; what's the separation between someone who lies for attention claiming Jesus and someone who lies for attention claiming racism? Is it that a claim of racism doesn't seem an outlandish claim? That's fair; and it's not an outlandish claim. Any accurate model of reality shows that racism objectively does exist.
However, claiming racism is an empirical claim that can be either shown to have happened or falsified as not having taken place. That there are multiple incidents of people, say, shouting "nigger" at black people, there are ways by which these things can be verified. Taking on faith that there's probably a bunch of this stuff happening requires more than one assumption:
1) The claimants are honest
2) Swaths of white people are simply racists
3) Racists are ninjas who commit racism without leaving evidence (which would mean, contrary to popular belief, they're actually pretty smart)
4) Young adults wouldn't simply be self-serving
5) Blacks really aren't welcomed at a school that, as video evidence would suggest has, has hordes of white people who openly embrace them
6) That "racism" isn't just some nonsensical microaggression cooked up in a classroom but objective examples of race-based violence of hateful speech
"I'm a betting man, I bet there's more to it than that."
I don't mind being wrong; I'll admit when I'm wrong. Here's how I read the story, broken down. If it's wrong, someone can show me the full story:
- Group of black students were congregating outside of one of their events
- White person across the street shouts "niggers!" at them
- The man is reported and found
- The man is drunk
- The man is removed from campus
Now, we can agree that shouting a racial slur is abhorrent behavior, particularly in a collegiate atmosphere. However, what else could possibly be done to satiate the aggrieved parties? The man was caught and thrown off campus. Damn. Swift and fair, no? Should he got to jail for it? Should he have a hand chopped off? Should he be forced to wear a muzzle or perhaps lose a tongue? Mandatory sensitivity training? If you ask me (admittedly, I'm not part of the aggrieved party), apprehending and tossing him out is pretty righteous fucking justice for yelling a nasty word at people!
CS1950 is advocating for pre-crime. They want a president, demanding it's a minority, who will create an atmosphere where a white person somehow doesn't get to do that. How can that possibly happen? How?
I understand being offended. You don't think I heard every white insult in the book coming up? That's why I laugh about them here. This shit is in the minor leagues compared to being railed on for a dozen years simply because of my skin color. I'm not crying the victim over it. Fuck my feelings. But why in the hell can't educated young men and women just chalk it up to assholes existing in the world, and they had the bad luck of meeting one? Why do they need to demand some sort of systemic change, cost people their jobs, and oppress the entire campus as an aggrieved party?
It's not Selma.
And let me just add about Field's FNB Jonathan Butler, a few points that might make some (well, some honest people) question his martyrdom:
- He's from a family of millionaires, the top of the 1%
- He complains about how hard and oppressed he's had it
- He's the guy who mysteriously saw the stereotypical pick-up truck full O'white men shouting "nigger" at him, while no one else happened to see or hear anything
- He's the guy who jumped in front of a car, indisputable proof on video, who then rallied the troops to accost the president of the university, claiming that they hit him on purpose because he's black
- He's the guy who wears the shirt that says "I love my BLACKNESS" and then bitches that people see him as black, claiming it a system of oppression
- He's the guy who, like Stephen Glass always in the right place, found evidence of Shitler and the #2 Reich visiting Mizzou, oddly leaving antisemitic symbols as anti-black rather than "KKK" or "FU Niggers" or "kill blacks," etc
- He's the guy who demanded the president do something, but then refused on at least three occasions to speak with the president, after the president had publicly apologized for the incident and was looking for Butler's input on what he, Tim Wolfe, could do to make Butler happy at Mizzou
- He's the guy who rolled out looking like he just ate at the Golden Corral after a supposed "hunger strike"
He's the guy people are just instantly willing to believe, no matter how many claims he's made. He's the guy who's seemingly always in the right place at the right time to catch all this racism! He's the guy who was a horrible victim of potential vehicular homicide, after he jumped in front of a car going 1/2 MPH at a parade and feigned like a white Klansman tried to run him down at high speeds on a sidewalk.
Choose your heroes more carefully.
The "angry white male" vote, LOL. Yeah, Feeled, white males have NOTHING to be angry about, of course. Our wages aren't being depressed by third worlders. Our taxes aren't rising and rising to crippling levels (partly to pay for your kind to lay around and reproduce). We and our families aren't constantly targets of violence by your kind, either.
No, our lives are just peachy keen! We just sit around drinking mint juleps and taking $100 bills off our money trees. We have nothing to be angry about.
I mean, God forbid anyone should get ANGRY.
I get so tired of JOSH and James..."J&J" trashing Blacks. Someone needs to give it right back to them but JOSH would call that "oppressing Whites".
As a bm, there is no way to win or to have an 'intelligent' open honest discussion with J&J. One thing for sure, those Whites like J&J sure stick together.
How I wish Blacks had the will and love for each other to do the same. Ben Carson.
DBA! (Digital Black Face Alert)
I want this election to be over. I want the Republican nominee to suffer the most humiliating defeat since... Willard Romney? Bob Dole? John McCain? Take your pick.
Then, we can all regret how many BILLIONS of dollars were wasted on the campaigns that could have been put to so much more humane uses.
Not that campaign finance reform is even thinkable now.
And the idea that Black Lives Matter, whose message asks SO LITTLE, the BARE MINIMUM that a civilized society ought to be able to admit to, has been demonized and become the lightning rod for reaction...could we look any more pathetic to the rest of the world?
Hey Field speaking of jigging have you seen this so called conservative black chicks blog on what's going on at Missouri. Talk about someone who needs the drop squad called on her OMG>
The GOP candidates are making it plain. In their administrations "No more Negro lies will be tolerated". No white man will ever lose their job unless the blacks demanding they be fired can explain why they should be fired. No cops will ever be indicted or prosecuted for doing their jobs. And the total perversity of it all is that there is a black fool, one OBAMA, buckdancing and profiling for white liberal amusement.
"White lies matter."
Not so much has black lies matter......
Which is what has gotten massa scared. And when mass gets scared, field drops everything to put massa at easy.
Republicans use facts and logic to cut through the bullshit the left puts out.
Let's ask some questions and talk about somethings Jamelle Bouie and field won't dare mention-
How many murders have happen at Black Lies events?
How many rapes or assaults have happen at black lies events?
And why is there more Anti-Americanism at black lies events than at an ISIS rally?
And why are they no black lies events in cities and neighborhoods have black children have been shot and/or killed by gang members.
The shooting/killing of blacks by cops is at an all time low. And more white people are shot and killed by the police. So, what war on blacks?
Blahs and white liberals/media were so quick to falsely link the Tea Party to acts of violence or out and out lie about the Tea Party. They were quick to compare the Tea to terrorists groups.
Yet these very same groups tell us we shouldn't pay attention to the violence that happens at black lies events and they are outraged when they are compared to terrorists.
I guess it's just the left being who we thought they are-hypocrites.
Blogger field negro said...
DBA! (Digital Black Face Alert)
8:45 AM
hmmm. didn't know Field was a fan of Ben Carson, which means he loves Clarence Thomas too.
Isn't it interesting the left and liberal media got all butt hurt over Trump failing to challenge something a supporter said about Obama but they remain silent when Hillary laughed at a supporter who talked about choking Carly Fiorina....
Why doesn't the left hold themselves to the same standards they hold everyone else too?
So many racist pieces of shit here: Josh, James Bold, Bill, Lt. Commander Johnson, Colonel Corn, Dr. Ramos Yisheng, PilotX, Purple Cow, etc.
What the hell happened to humanity?!
Anonymous The P said...
So many racist pieces of shit here: Josh, James Bold, Bill, Lt. Commander Johnson, Colonel Corn, Dr. Ramos Yisheng, PilotX, Purple Cow, etc.
What the hell happened to humanity?!
12:09 PM
They ARE what humanity is like. It's not a pretty sight but it IS humanity...ugly but trying to look good.
Don't worry, this won't last forever.
"there is no way to win or to have an 'intelligent' open honest discussion"
Point me to ONE person here representing your viewpoint who's ever tried to have an intelligent, open discussion, and I'll apologize humbly and participate.
Apparently, asking for evidence of a thing is agitation. And you can't fucking open by calling people hopeless racists and then say you're about intelligent, open discussion. The standard on this blog is literally "If Josh disagrees with UoM, then he's the same as the KKK."
Fuckwits aren't interested in discussion. You want ideological purity. You don't want me to even be allowed to have a voice of dissent. Mao!
Ping Josh...
How fast do you type?
"Dissent" away, Josh. We encourage free speech in the fields.
I just wish that some of my fellow bloggers on the conservative side could say the same.
With just three on stage, Democratic debate moderator plans to dive deep
Moderator John Dickerson and his team met with each of the campaigns for more than an hour to discuss the major issues at play in the race, sources on the campaigns said, describing the pre-interview as "informational in nature."
Read more:
Democrats will know the questions ahead of time. Looks like the fix is in...
"You keep avoiding my bets, pussy. That's because you know you'd lose every last one of them."
Uh, ok. I'll open up a Swiss bank account and hire a lawyer in Las Vegas so we can have one of your silly "bets". I don't know who's crazier, you or your buddy.
Wow guys, Paris is burning! :(
Wow! Just wow!
Kinky_Con said...
Democrats will know the questions ahead of time. Looks like the fix is in...
Hell, the dumbocrats were giving the moderator the questions.
"So many racist pieces of shit here:"
Every Black who blames Whitey for his "bad situation", such as being part of the most advanced and comfortable civilization on Earth and enjoying many of its vast benefits even if they contributed nothing to it. Entitled scum.
"They ARE what humanity is like."
If you want to see what pre-humanity is like, Liberia, Congo and Haiti are right there. Humanity builds things like the Parthenon, Notre Dame cathedral and the Sears tower. It supplies energy with electricity, feeds it with purified water in pipes and carries away its sewage for treatment. Pre-humanity builds mud-and-stick huts because it can't figure out how to saw lumber, burns dried dung indoors for heat, and shits in its water supply.
"I'll open up a Swiss bank account and hire a lawyer in Las Vegas so we can have one of your silly "bets"."
What's the list of bets I've given you 2:1 odds on up to now?
- That my home isn't a trailer (it's worth north of $0.5M).
- That I'm uneducated trash (I notice that you've stopped claiming this).
- That I've never invented anything.
I'd have to dig in the archives to find the rest.
"I don't know who's crazier, you or your buddy."
You may kill me with shock if you actually take one of those bets, but as long as you refuse to back your insults with cash, you are a pussy and I will let everyone know it.
""Dissent" away, Josh. We encourage free speech in the fields.
I just wish that some of my fellow bloggers on the conservative side could say the same."
You do, Field. And I've said openly and numerous times that I appreciate that about you and respect that about you.
Other more touchy-feely field-hands of the plantation don't take too kindly to increased levels of sulfur or chlorine in their ideologically pure spring.
As to conservatives being opinion censors, I don't doubt some are. I had to write a 12-article stretch last night about Marco Rubio (FL), Lindsey Graham (SC), and other top-ranking Republicans trying to force a bill through that would overrule a 2011 Department of Justice ruling that made it unlawful for the federal government to dictate how a state legislates its own gambling, outside of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (1992 Bradley Act), which still stands save Nevada, Delaware, Oregon, Colorado. These totalitarian assholes want to enforce their morality across the entire nation, despite it being ruled illegal to do so. Their god says no gambling, so no gambling!
The implications are frightening. Just wait until they decide to do the same for same-sex marriage, or abortion laws, etc. If they're allowed to overrule the DOJ on gambling, they can even more easily overrule SCOTUS on things.
Anyway, I went to a conservative blog I haven't visited in like 3 years, and read the guy's glowing post about Rubio. I left a scathing comment about how the guy is no different than the far-left authoritarians he's railing against, and the comment never ended up posted. So I appreciate that my opinions here go straight through.
However, in my experience, left-leaning blogs censor 10:1 vs. right-leaning. I found this blog through MalColm's Diversity Ink years ago, along with Progressive Eruptions. I was thrown off that blog after writing a comment that criticized the members for openly bashing Christianity for its stance against SSM, while simultaneously saying about some Muslim countries literally oppressing women that, "It's just their culture. We have to understand different cultures." Pull your heads out of your asses! This began like a seven-blog streak where I was banned for having a dissenting opinion.
Brother Field, please shut JOSH the fuck up. He makes no sense and he is insulting to the entire black race. There is no question about it, JOSH is a racist, no ifs, ands or buts.
At least James Bold thinks before he speaks.
JOSH- "You do, Field. And I've said openly and numerous times that I appreciate that about you and respect that about you"
It's time for Field to make an exception, esp when the wm is outrageously racist.
PX is smart enough to know he is out matched. Josh is a wise asian who's kung-fu is strong.
"He makes no sense"
Sorry, I'm not public school. I cannot adjust grades based on cultural bias, changing an F to a B, nor can I promote you socially to boost your self-esteem by keeping you with your superior peers, nor can I offer you 230 free SAT points to make your literal equivalent of a 5th-grade education look enticing to universities. Universities, by the way, that would adjust for you anyway to give you preferred placement over people demonstrably more intelligent and more beneficial to their environment of higher education.
I cannot dumb my language down for you. You have to rise up to the level of being able to comprehend things. Knocking the top down to your level is a failing formula. Just look around you.
And, no, that's not a message to black people; that's a message to YOU. You are not black people. You are an individual. And you are quite objectively one stupid motherfucker.
"no ifs, ands or buts..." and also no "evidence," while we're on the topic.
But who needs evidence? You FEEL. I FEEL. WE FEEL. This is the new victim mantra: "Okay, I have more feelings than you. I win the argument."
Do you want to go on a hunger strike until Field bans me from the blog? Are you willing to suicide to get rid of me?
Challenge accepted.
"How fast do you type?"
AFE: more like 86
In a week, I typically write 25,000 words. Writing a 200-word blog blast takes me about 3 minutes, quick, rudimentary editing included. It takes me longer sometimes to find all the patios in the Captcha! lol
"You may kill me with shock if you actually take one of those bets, but as long as you refuse to back your insults with cash, you are a pussy and I will let everyone know it."
So this "educated" idiot wants to make an online bet with someone he's never met. White trash would be a step up for that kind of idiocy. I swear, and this is the guy who thinks he's superior because of his skin color. SMGDH.
"What's the list of bets I've given you 2:1 odds on up to now?
- That my home isn't a trailer (it's worth north of $0.5M).
- That I'm uneducated trash (I notice that you've stopped claiming this).
- That I've never invented anything.
I'd have to dig in the archives to find the rest."
Um, your "house" IS a trailer. You are uneducated white trash. You haven't invented anything. Other than that you're pretty much spot on.
"Sorry, I'm not public school. I cannot adjust grades based on cultural bias, changing an F to a B, nor can I promote you socially to boost your self-esteem by keeping you with your superior peers, nor can I offer you 230 free SAT points to make your literal equivalent of a 5th-grade education look enticing to universities."
Oooh, harsh! Dammit, Josh, you're going to hurt their precious feewings!
"that's not a message to black people; that's a message to YOU. You are not black people. You are an individual. And you are quite objectively one stupid motherfucker."
That's objectively a message to the median-IQ-85 Black population of the USA. Not that they're bright enought to understand it. They need to endure enough pain to drive it through their thick skulls; naught else will do. Paddles, whips, tasers, water cannons, capsicum... pain.
And the likely marginally-competent PilotX writes...
"So this "educated" idiot wants to make an online bet with someone he's never met."
You really have to be grossly stupid to believe that my not having met you means that your disbelief of my verifiable claims has merit.
"White trash would be a step up for that kind of idiocy. I swear, and this is the guy who thinks he's superior because of his skin color."
Nothing to do with skin color. Everything to do with provable claims.
So step up and demand money from me, motherfucker. Take the damn bets, pussy. You've just disputed $300k of them. Put up or shut up.
"Dammit, Josh, you're going to hurt their precious feewings!"
I certainly hope so. I hope this dumb-ass anon decides to go on a hunger strike, saying he's willing to die, unless I leave.
I accept the challenge.
An otherwise healthy adult male, so long as he's drinking water and not exerting himself -- my guess is that it would take a solid 50-70 days before he met his end.
I'm patience on a statue. One less moron sucking up resources, not contributing to anything, anywhere, and acting as an anchor on everyone else is a good thing.
field negro said...
"Dissent" away, Josh. We encourage free speech in the fields.
Not really all that "free" around here when the comments section is a constant barrage of insults directed toward Black folks.
Your posts continue to be fantastic though.
If you continue to feed the trolls... they, like stray dogs,will continue to stick around.
@2:30, Touche'!!! So I'll end my comments with the following until things get cleaned up around here:
"Not really all that "free" around here when the comments section is a constant barrage of insults directed toward Black folks."
If a black person wants to make an argument that people are being racist toward black people, because obviously you cannot insult a black person without it being racist, maybe it shouldn't be this dumb bitch.
This moron, who not only attacks white people but their entire damn families, wants to pull the race card?
You can't make this shit up.
Self-awareness: 0. Self-esteem: Infinity.
Yisheng is what grad school affirmative action looks like.
It's not pretty.
"Self-awareness: 0. Self-esteem: Infinity."
You can add:
Dignity: 0. IQ: Insufficient.
"Self-awareness: 0."
As I was schooling ThatDeborahGirl over in the previous Open Thread, "oblivious".
I wonder if that will be the next adjective to be declared "racist", like "inept"?
These days, the standards of racism have become so subjective that calling something racism is a joke. 90% of the reason I don't believe the UoM students experienced "racism" is because I have seen firsthand what many black people, black adults, in 2015 consider "racism":
- Disagreeing with them
- Insulting them
- Correct their facts, grammar, spelling, logic, etc
- Just being a white person on a "black blog"
- Daring to speak back (or speak "black" - cultural appropriation)
- Having an opinion that makes you part of the out-group
- Using curse words
- Not believing in the same religion (which has to be the oddest one)
- Not treating them with special deference because of skin color
These are grown-ass people here, in their 40s and 50s, and they're literally calling it racism if a person disagrees with them or, after they call you an evil heathen, you call them a dumb fuck. "You treat black people like this!" Notice I can speak specifically to an anon, and even spell it out in 3rd-grade English so the stupid can comprehend, that I'm not speaking about "black people"; I'm speaking specifically to an individual. And still, here come more anons, and Yisheng, "JOSH is treating black people racist!" (Shocked they don't say "racistly.")
This black-as-an-ideology thing is crippling America as a whole, not just black folks. Jonathan Butler, the UoM student, goes out of his way, literally, to identify himself only as a black person. He joins black-specific clubs. He makes black-specific art. He takes black-specific courses. He wears black-specific clothing. His little rich, articulate ass puts on the phony Obama "'hood speak" and uses black-specific vernacular. Yet the first time a white person calls him "black," he has a mental breakdown, claims it's a system of oppression, and asks why he can't just be treated like a human being. (Though if you told him, "I think you're a human being just like me," he would accuse of you of racism for whitewashing his black identity.)
These ideologues have deluded themselves into believing that they can absorb the "black" experience through millennia, all because of a vaguely similar skin tone*, and they feel necessarily different than everyone else because they have made themselves feel that way. Then they project that onto white society when they go outside, and suddenly everything's racism! Notice that incidents of "racism" rise directly proportional to the number of new racist slights being created. White people aren't becoming more racist; black people have exponentially broadened their definition of what racism is.
Literally a fact: If you are white, you have committed a racist microaggression, or outright racism, against a black person. The reason is that it's set up to be a catch-22. You cannot escape being a racist if you're white.
*A dude from Africa, like black as night black, made a comment on the UoM YouTube video I linked Field: "Why are these mostly-white people claiming to be oppressed blacks?"
I LOL'd because it was true. To him, being black is how he was born. To them, being black is an identity they chose to adopt.
You can be anything you want in America, even an oppressed black victim with a skin tone only 1/2 shade darker than my Irish-Italian ass.
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