I could get into numerous reasons why this case was handled improperly by prosecutor Tim McGinty, (11 months?!)but what is done is done, and all the "Monday morning quarterbacking" in the world won't bring this child to life or bring justice for his family.
Every time I watch the video of that child being executed I think of the reckless disregard the officers showed for his life and the way they came out with guns blazing. (Here is an analysis I found quite interesting: "A caller to 911 told the police operator that Rice was pulling a gun out of his pants and pointing it a people, but also said the gun was “probably fake,” and that Rice was “probably a juvenile,” although it appears the dispatcher did not pass this information on to the officers. In dispatch audio released by police, the officers call in the shooting, and identify Tamir as a “black male, maybe 20” years old.
All of this has led people like Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts to ask why Rice was shot when it is legal to openly carry firearms, including handguns, in Cleveland. It has also led blogs like Wonkette to wonder why the usually-vocal open carry movement hasn’t been loudly proclaiming the injustice in this case. In a press conference following the shooting, Deputy Chief Edward Tomba said that Rice made no “verbal threats,” and there was no “physical confrontation.” If the police really believed that Tamir Rice was 20 years old, and the pellet gun was really in plain view, then the open carry law would seem to complicate their justification for killing him." )
"The Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association said it was pleased by what it called the grand jury's "thoughtful decision." But Steve Loomis, the union's president, said the decision not to indict the officers was no cause for celebration.
"While there is absolutely no upside to this issue," he said in a statement, "there are lessons that should and will be learned by all."
There are lessons that "should" be learned; whether it will or not is a different story.
Contrast what happened to Tamir Rice to what happened to Elaine Rothenberg.
"Ahead of the non-indictment of the officers involved in the death of Tamir Rice, a woman in Connecticut was reprimanded for a similar offense – only she was not killed. Elaine Rothenberg, 66, was outside of a Torrington police station with a faux weapon, attempting to provoke civilians and officers on Christmas Eve. She later stood near an employee-only entrance and ordered officers, NBC Miami reports.
“What are you doing? Shoot me!” Rothenberg told the Torrington police. “Boom, boom, boom.”
A 911 call was placed at about 7:30 p.m. on the night of the incident. Rothenberg reportedly purchased the BB gun with the intent to pass it off as a real weapon."
Ms. Rothenberg, if you are trying to commit suicide by cop you are going to have to work a lot harder. Your white privilege shield is just that strong.
*Pic from Wikipedia.
It continues to surprise me that people reach moral and legal conclusions based on the information supplied by the press. If you've ever read an news article concerning something you know a great deal about, then you have a sense of how poorly the facts often move through the process of publishing. A grand jury got as careful an accounting of the facts as this country can provide. Few, if any, other countries have a better justice system than ours. I am very reluctant to second judge their decision with significantly fewer facts than those grand jurists had.
A few things worry me about this. One, there has been a rise in outward racism since Barack was elected. White racists see no need to hide their sheets anymore as they feel they have support. Two, these said individuals may have taken their words into action. The FBI has determined there have been over 1,000 police involved killings and in dozens of cities those killed have all been blah people. Maybe just maybe those racist types have given themselves a greenlight to start the "zombie" war. Think about it, just like in the past racist officers are killing blah folks for the smallest provocation because they know they can get away with it. I hope there is a federal investigation into these shootings because we may have an infestation.
Speaking of the white shield, remember the judge who holed himself in his house and shot at folks? They had a standoff and was eventually arrested peacefully. Not to mention Dylan Roof's arrest which looked like he was jaywalking not having shot 9 people and being armed.
"All of this has led people like Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts to ask why Rice was shot when it is legal to openly carry firearms, including handguns, in Cleveland. It has also led blogs like Wonkette to wonder why the usually-vocal open carry movement hasn’t been loudly proclaiming the injustice in this case."
This is not smart. Nobody -- and certainly not liberals who don't believe in them anyway -- should be invoking and thus implicitly defending these dumb open carry laws. Tamir Rice is case in point as to why these laws are a bad idea: Most people are not comfortable with guns being waved around in public, and never will be. And that's even before you bring issues around racial prejudice into the equation.
I can't blame the guy who called 911 on Tamir Rice -- I blame the incompetence of the dispatcher and the cops. What if that had turned out to be a real gun and Rice had been a crazy person who then shot someone in the park? From a distance, the caller couldn't know for sure, which is why he felt he should call the police (while informing the dispatcher that he wasn't certain there was a real danger and advising the police to exercise caution; obviously, zero caution was ultimately exercised).
So, yeah, if Tamir Rice had been an adult, it might have been legal for him to be waving a real gun around. But so what? It shouldn't be legal. We shouldn't be encouraging this. It is incumbent on the police (and civilians, too) to exercise good judgment and not see danger where it doesn't really exist. But if we're honest, we know that inevitably, sometimes, panic and screw-ups will occur, and people will die. Let's not create even more opportunities for that to happen.
Ministry, fact is no matter how dumb these laws are they are here probably to stay. Field's point is the same as the video that shows the difference when Whites open carry and when blah folks do it. If we want these laws to go away as many blahs as possible should open carry, but that may be extremely dangerous.
As much as I feel for this family, I think they're partially the blame for the child's death as I don't believe children should EVER be given toy guns to play with. ESPECIALLY NOT BLACK/BROWN BOYS.
However, the trigger happy cop bears the most responsibility for the boy's death.
BTW, whatever happened to shoot to incapacitate, are these rogue cops so insecure in their shooting skills?
A grand jury got as careful a 1-sided accounting of the hand-picked facts as a prosecutor who does not want to prosecute can provide. Hell, the grand jurists themselves were hand-picked by said prosecutor. But since we are all eyewitnesses to a murder captured quite clearly on video, it is now the grand jury who should be on trial.
"A grand jury got as careful an accounting of the facts as this country can provide. Few, if any, other countries have a better justice system than ours. I am very reluctant to second judge their decision with significantly fewer facts than those grand jurists had."
In many cases, I might be inclined to agree with you. In this one, no.
Two cops were investigating reports of a guy with a gun completely alone in a park. For no good reason, they pulled up a only a couple feet away from him and instantly shot him. There is no additional information, no possible mitigating factors we, the general public, could be missing from media reports that would make that NOT a stupid decision by the cops. That's seriously dumb in any universe, under any imaginable circumstances.
To me, the only plausible explanation for the verdict is that the prosecutor presented the grand jury a careful accounting of "non-facts" -- that the prosecutor, in fact, worked quite hard to ensure these officers were not indicted.
What is needed is strong leadership on this issue. Donald J. Trump will be a shield for the blacks. Blacks will sleep better at night knowing that Donald J. Trump will be their pookie....
"Ministry, fact is no matter how dumb these laws are they are here probably to stay. Field's point is the same as the video that shows the difference when Whites open carry and when blah folks do it. If we want these laws to go away as many blahs as possible should open carry, but that may be extremely dangerous."
Are you volunteering for this experiment, Pilot? It's your life, but for my part, I'm not convinced this is the best strategy.
For what it's worth, I don't think these laws "work" when white people open carry, either. That's already guaranteed to end in disaster some of the time. It's just that, due to prejudices we know exist in our society, the potential for panic and tragedy is significantly greater when black people open carry.
Open carry laws doesn't give anyone one the right to wave their weapons in the air or point them at people. Thousands of blacks open carry everyday in this country and nothing happens to them. Nothing.
PilotX said...
''A few things worry me about this. One, there has been a rise in outward racism since Barack was elected. White racists see no need to hide their sheets anymore as they feel they have support.''
There's been a decrease in hate crimes every year since Barack was elected.
'' The FBI has determined there have been over 1,000 police involved killings and in dozens of cities those killed have all been blah people.'''
The FBI has also determined that police kill more whites in this country.
'' Maybe just maybe those racist types have given themselves a greenlight to start the "zombie" war. Think about it, just like in the past racist officers are killing blah folks for the smallest provocation because they know they can get away with it. I hope there is a federal investigation into these shootings because we may have an infestation.''
Maybe just maybe being a typical paranoid black isn't working for you.....
All the white people justifying this murder sanctioned by a racist oppressive state probably long for days of picnics with black people hanging from trees or being burned alive. Typical white Americans
Let me ask the anonymous kkkomentariat a question: how many black police officers can you point out who've shot unarmed white men? Any? Any at all?
When America sends its people to Mexico, it's not sending its best; it's not sending you and me. It's sending its, its murderers, its drug addicts, its fugitives, and some I assume are good people.
There's been a decrease in hate crimes every year since Barack was elected.
No, there's been a fall in the number of cases reported to police. The majority of crimes are never reported. The National Crime Victimization Survey (polling on the sorts of crimes people are experiencing) indicates the number of actual hate crimes has stayed pretty constant in recent years:
What this suggests is that minorities' trust in the police is plummeting, and they're increasingly unlikely to report their victimization to the police. This would make sense, given the way that BLM and other groups have been highlighting episodes of police misconduct. Unfortunately, the effort to reform the police may be having the unintended effect of making minorities more afraid of the police.
"The FBI has also determined that police kill more whites in this country."
Yeah, and that is exactly what you should expect, given that there are five times as many white people than black people in this country. If everything were absolutely equal, cops would always shoot way more whites than blacks, in terms of absolute numbers, because there are so many more whites than blacks.
But everything is not equal.
On a per capita basis, blacks are roughly 2.5 times more likely to be killed by cops than whites. Unarmed blacks are almost 4 times more likely to be killed than unarmed whites.
Your point only makes sense to math morons who don't understand statistics.
The explanation for why blacks are more likely to be killed by police is undoubtedly a complicated one, involving multiple factors, but there's no doubt at all that blacks are killed at a significantly higher rate.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Let me ask the anonymous kkkomentariat a question: how many black police officers can you point out who've shot unarmed white men? Any? Any at all?
Gil Collar/Trevis Austin
I'm sure there are plenty of others I could find if it was important to me. But, then I don't consider what ANY other shooting had to do with THIS case.
"Police said Collar repeatedly charged Austin. The student's mother, Bonnie Smith Collar, disputed the police chief's recollection, saying surveillance tape showed that the slightly built, unarmed, and naked young man never came within five feet of the officer and didn't pose a threat extreme enough to justify shooting him from less than 10 feet away."
The irrelevant George Pataki has dropped out of the Republican presidential race. So I guess that leaves "only" 12 candidates for the nomination. LOL
Meanwhile, the hate-fueled Trump juggernaut rolls on ...
"Ms. Rothenberg, if you are trying to commit suicide by cop you are going to have to work a lot harder. Your white privilege shield is just that strong."
There is no such thing as white privilege. Go see the "Hateful Eight" and you will understand. Even during the old bounty hunter's days in good ole America, Blacks had privileges Whites just didn't have.
I am sure WC can vouch for this because he is a fair-minded lawyer. But Field is biased because he is a big R chaser and can only see racists and victims of racism, even when there is none.
Has anyone asked themselves "why would parents give their black son a toy that looked like a gun?"
Here's a sobering stat for you: This year alone, U.S. cops shot and killed at least 28 people holding BB or pellet guns.
So Tamir Rice was not that much of an outlier.
Can someone explain to me how Americans are supposed to be sensible enough to handle open carry of real guns? We can't handle open carry of toy guns.
"it appears the dispatcher did not pass this information on to the officers."
That's the problem with having black dispatchers.
PilotX said...
A few things worry me about this. One, there has been a rise in outward racism since Barack was elected.
This a direct result of:
1. Blacks feeling they have a license to act out since a black man is in charge.
2. The intentional stirring up of black racial animus by the democrats as a get-out-the-vote measure.
3. Obama's War on Whites
The Democratic party falls apart if they can't keep blacks terrorized.
Obama had an unprecedented opportunity to heal the country's racial divide, and instead threw away his chance at greatness for petty political gains based on exacerbating existing divisions. He has set race relations back 100 years.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Let me ask the anonymous kkkomentariat a question: how many black police officers can you point out who've shot unarmed white men? Any? Any at all?
Seriously Whitey? You live that far inside the liberal bubble?
Per police/suspect contact, MORE whites are killed by black police than blacks are killed by white police:
The Ministry of Truth said...
What this suggests is that minorities' trust in the police is plummeting
Of course it is. That's what this whole anti-police progressive propaganda campaign is for.
Most "hate" crimes, crimes that involve both races, are black on white.
Anonymous The Ministry of Truth said...
"Your point only makes sense to math morons who don't understand statistics."
That would be Field, and PilotX, who cite figues like "there are just as many whites on welfare as blacks" or "whites commit 50% of murders, same as blacks".
The solution to tragedies like this is simple: Gun control for black people.
If it were illegal for blacks to own guns, with a penalty of life in prison plus free license for police to shoot any black person with a gun, there would be great incentive for blacks to eschew firearms and a resultant much lesser need for police to use deadly force.
Murder and crime in black neighborhoods would plummet, and black people would be much safer. Perhaps businesses could even be established in black communities. Life would be much better for everyone if only whites were allowed to own guns.
The Ministry of Truth said...
Meanwhile, the hate-fueled Trump juggernaut rolls on ...
What a pearl-clutching faggot you are.
"When whites commit violence they choose fellow whites as victims 82.4 percent of the time, and almost never attack blacks."
So you should be just as upset with your fellow whites. Let's stop white on white crime.
Obama had an unprecedented opportunity to heal the country's racial divide
So you admit 'murica has a race problem. Why didn't the other 43 white Presidents do anything about this? Why single out the only blah guy?
1. Blacks feeling they have a license to act out since a black man is in charge.
2. The intentional stirring up of black racial animus by the democrats as a get-out-the-vote measure.
3. Obama's War on Whites
Teh stooopid is strong in this one. Obama's war on whites? A license to act out? Somebody slap this stooopid hillbilly.
Quote: The Right Has No Brain
"What is needed is strong leadership on this issue. Donald J. Trump will be a shield for the blacks."
"Teh stooopid is strong in this one. Obama's war on whites? A license to act out? Somebody slap this stooopid hillbilly."
I have to confess I laughed out loud when I read that one as well, and that's something that very rarely happens.
"Obama's war on whites..." for fuck's sake.
Obama, the conservative who has filled his cabinet with white millionaires, saved the Wall Street banker's collective ass, has overseen a sharp rise in corporate profitability, is waging a war on white people is he?
How did these people get so fucking idiotic? Is it something in the beer you drink over there?
And yet blahs overwelimg support they black jesus from Chicago.
Oh, Lord. It's Travion revisited. Another "cute" black boy, who wanted to be an aviation engineer, sang in the choir, helped little old white ladies across the street, and only wanted some purple drank.
Oh, I forgot the "scholar-athlete" thing.
Obama supports black psychopathy and racial hatred of whites. Obama supports polices that discriminate against whites. Obama refuses to enforce civil rights laws and hate crime laws equally.
Under the Obama Administration, black on white violence is near historic levels.
But at least Obama, the conservative, takes care of his white liberal friends.
Tamir wasn't familiar with guns, was he? I'm sure there wasn't no knives in his life...or, purple drank.
How old is the pic you posted?
Uh huh. I thought so.
Anonymous The Ministry of Truth said...
"Can someone explain to me how Americans are supposed to be sensible enough to handle open carry of real guns? We can't handle open carry of toy guns."
Thousands of blacks,whites,hispanics and asians are sensible enough to handle open carry everyday in this country. Thousands. Without any trouble at all.
The only trouble with open carry comes from anti-gun nutts who falsely link open carry laws to what happens to people who don't have sense enough to know how to handle themselves among people and/or the police.
Quote:The Right Has No Brains
"The only trouble with open carry comes from anti-gun nutts who falsely link open carry laws to what happens to people who don't have sense enough to know how to handle themselves among people and/or the police."
There's a gaping hole in your logic right there.
Let's assume that the only information upon dispatch that these officers had was that there was a man with a gun...why on God's green earth would they drive up the way they did, firing immediately? Why didn't they observe from a safe distance first? I thought at the very least, they acted very recklessly. Can't believe that they were not punished for this.
The Purple Cow said...
"Obama's war on whites..." for fuck's sake.
Obama, the conservative who has filled his cabinet with white millionaires, saved the Wall Street banker's collective ass, has overseen a sharp rise in corporate profitability, is waging a war on white people is he?
Don't ask the white Jews on Wall Street, ask the working class whites who work in the coal industry or join the Army about how Obama has treated their livelihood or their lives. Ask the people who are having thousands of hostile refugees dumped in their neighborhoods and in their schools, not the people who send their kids to Sidwell Friends.
Obama had an unprecedented opportunity to heal the country's racial divide
So you admit 'murica has a race problem. Why didn't the other 43 white Presidents do anything about this? Why single out the only blah guy?
Just like the only the anti-communist Richard Nixon could go to China, only the anti-racist Barack Obama could end the structural governmental racism (Affirmative Action, race-based favoritism, etc.) and set America on a healthier basis for race relations.
But he didn't. Instead, he made things 10 times worse.
The FieldNegro lied...
has me wondering how our Christian brothers and sisters can celebrate the spirit of Christmas by burning the house of worship of members of another religion.
Another fake hate crime you fell for FieldNegro. The pattern keeps repeating.
Man charged with setting Houston mosque fire was a devout attendee
I wonder if you are going to write a correction.
HAHAHAHAHA I was joking.
The FieldNegro said...
I could get into numerous reasons why this case was handled improperly
Sounds like what white racists were saying when OJ was found not guilty.
Funny how white racists act when they loose in court.
Why can't blacks build anything?
Is it because they don't want to? Could they build houses, businesses, or machines if they set their minds to it?
Watch this and you will understand why Donald Trump WILL be the next President:
Indicting Bill Cosby is just a distraction from the Tamir Rice tragedy.
@Yisheng: If Bill Cosby is being charged, why not Bill Clinton?
Why are charges now being brought against someone who had been sheltered for so long? This offers a clue:
He was a fatherly figure off camera as well, serving as a public moralist and public scold, urging young people to pull up their saggy pants and start acting responsibly.
By suggesting young black men take responsibility for their behavior, and by criticizing the degenerate liberal moral creed that he lived by, Cosby got His Get Out of Jail Free card revoked.
Cosby’s old hobby of drugging and raping women has gotten him charged with aggravated indecent assault, something Bill Clinton is well acquainted with:
Why is Bill Clinton not also facing criminal charges? Because the liberals who run everything still regard the dirtbag as a demigod, and they are trying to get him back in the White House along with his conspicuously corrupt and incompetent wife.
Bill Cosby's arrest is a mass conspiracy by the white folk to distract from the Tamir tragedy?
God, some people are truly deranged.
Anonymous Bill said...
The FieldNegro lied...
has me wondering how our Christian brothers and sisters can celebrate the spirit of Christmas by burning the house of worship of members of another religion.
Another fake hate crime you fell for FieldNegro. The pattern keeps repeating.
I wonder if you are going to write a correction.
HAHAHAHAHA I was joking.
1:02 PM
This is what happens when the left reaches conclusions based on their hatred instead of facts.
Field should not only issue a correction, he should also apologize to our Christian brothers and sisters.
"And yet blahs overwelimg support they black jesus from Chicago."
Of course, he's blah and a pretty good President. Just like Latinos will support the first Latino President, women will support the first woman President, gays will support the first gay President and so on and so on and so on. No shock there.
Hey Doc, going to see the Georgetown/DePaul game tonite. We'll see how your Hoyas do against the Chicago boys.
Anonymous said...
And yet blahs overwhelmingly support they black jesus from Chicago.
There are lots of divergent groups that support him, but he serves the same elite the GOP does, and their primary agenda offers only scraps to the disparate interests they rely on. The Democrats are a party for men in dresses and women in muumuus. The Republicans are the land of misfit toys, politicians just not weird enough for the other team. The machinations against Trump in the GOP primary reveal the party establishment to be hollow men with no reason to exist beyond habit. The Democrats look like God’s waiting room, an old pinko in a pantsuit versus an old an old pinko in pants.
Voters will pick energy over lethargy and the Democrats in the mid-2000’s had plenty of energy. Then they found "Black Jesus" and could run as moral crusaders, even though they could not articulate the point of the crusade. They had to search around the fringes for victims to champion and wrongs to be righted.
Homosexual marriage, tranny rights, weather apocalypses, ghetto rage, micro-aggressions and faux rape culture are all the result of grasping around at the edges of life looking for something, anything, which can be made into a banner. Each grasp deeper into the darkness returns something even more preposterous. Liberalism, and by extension the Democratic Party, has become a roadside freak show of self-beclownment.
So-called serious progressivism today is mostly just nostalgia. Lefty plutocrats like Rahm Emmanuel, a man who made millions in a no-show job on Wall Street, vacations in Cuba while Chicago descends into a race war. George Soros, the great benefactor of modern progressivism, is a billionaire global capitalist.
The Left and by extension the Democrats, now embrace the same economics as the so-called Right. Both sides lust after riches in the financial markets. Both sides embrace global corporatism. The Left champions the liquidation of labor rights through advocacy of open borders. Think about that. There’s a reason it is hard to see the difference between the parties. There isn’t one.
Much is made of the circus going on in the GOP primary, but look at the Democratic side. The party that used to brag about its youth and creativity is offering a worn out old grifter and a ridiculous commie that looks like he strolled out of a 1940’s movie on communism. The two of them are out campaigning in mobility scooters. The one young guy in the race can’t draw flies.
The great reordering that is under way is due to the collapse of the raison d’être of the American ruling class. What animated politics in America for the last several generations has been the interplay between Progressives and the defenders of the status quo, played out in the shadow of the Cold War.
The Left collapsed as an intellectual movement when the Cold War ended, but the Right collapsed as a pragmatic alternative. You can’t have one without the other. In a single generation, the Left has adopted the economics of the Right and the Right has adopted the politics of the Left. Neither side has a reason to exist outside of naked greed.
Yīshēng said...
Indicting Bill Cosby is just a distraction from the Tamir Rice tragedy.
I wonder what prompts white liberals (Kevin Steele) to go after Cosby.
These are the very people Black people vote for.
Sounds crazy.
PilotX said...
My two favorite things are Jello pudding and rape.
Anonymous Bill said...
I wonder what prompts white liberals (Kevin Steele) to go after Cosby.
A Black man screwing White women, DUH!!!. And since he did that at the Playboy mansion with Hugh's knowledge, doesn't that make Hugh an accomplice? And why didn't the "victim" sue Hugh too?
I agree with Yīshēng, there's nothing wrong with rape. Those women were honored to get attention from someone who was rich and famous. "Victim" my ass.
Anonymous Stupid Miller said...
Those women were honored to get attention from someone who was rich and famous. "Victim" my ass.
"Casting couch", unfamiliar with it? How many White men in Hollyweird have done and DO the EXACT same thing? If these "victims" had been Black, Cosby would STILL be collecting checks from his TV shows. And I'll bet that the overwhelmingly majority of those women intended to have sex with Cosby, they were just pissed he did it on his terms and not theirs. Because what else do you have in mind when you agree to meet with a married man and his house or the Playboy mansion, looking for "career advice"?
Cosby's problem was in thinking he was "special", above the law. But trying to buy NBC put him on the wrong side of the powerful White man's law. And when so many primarily White women came forward, it was just a matter of time before they nabbed his Black ass.
Ask OJ.
The Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, expressed appreciation for what it called,"... the grand jury's 'thoughtful decision'...being no cause for celebration."
One might celebrate after winning a bet, a "race" or a game. However, if the deck is stacked and you're forced to play , it ceases being a game. The birth of a child is celebrated. In the case where someone lost their life, the word celebration seems out of place.
People, please, just start being honest.
You don't want justice; you want vengeance.
You don't want equality; you want deference.
It's okay to admit it. Nobody's going to think any less of you for it; and, in fact, it's not as if it's a secret. Everybody fucking knows it. Most are just too scared to say it.
The minds here were made up when Field first ever put the abridged version of the story forward. From there, there was only one word that would satisfy: Guilty.
Demanding justice meet out your opinions isn't justice; it's vengeance.
Own it. We're all human; we're all given to such emotion. Stop trying to pretend it's justice, as the process was met. Though since the process didn't satisfy the thirst for vengeance, enter the conspiracy theories and systemic racism claims and capitalizing on the pain of the family to push a point across.
If it's vengeance you want, stand tall for it. If it's justice you want, understand a verdict and your opinion will not always match.
PilotX said...
Hey Doc, going to see the Georgetown/DePaul game tonite. We'll see how your Hoyas do against the Chicago boys.
Even though I'm an Alum of 2 basketball powerhouse universities, I haven't been to a single game since I was a student, LOL!
Enjoy PX! :)
Yīshēng said...
But trying to buy NBC put him on the wrong side of the powerful
Wasn't his son assassinated just a couple years after he tried to buy NBC?
Yisheng=retard & piece of shit
Damn, white people are stupid as shit. Somebody get their race under control.
Bill said...
Wasn't his son assassinated just a couple years after he tried to buy NBC?
I believe that was long before Bill.
But it's funny you should mention that since his son was on his way to see the White woman he was dating, at the time he was killed.
Everybody loves white women! Why?
PilotX said...
Nia celebration in Tennessee:
Happy Kwanzaa!
Why are blah women jealous of white vajayjay????
"Cosby's problem was in thinking he was "special", above the law."
He was above the law until he strayed off the plantation.
Clinton has done worse, but they'll never touch him.
Yīshēng said...
Bill said...
Wasn't his son assassinated just a couple years after he tried to buy NBC?
I believe that was long before Bill.
Yīshēng said...
"If these "victims" had been Black, Cosby would STILL be collecting checks from his TV shows. And I'll bet that the overwhelmingly majority of those women intended to have sex with Cosby, they were just pissed he did it on his terms and not theirs. Because what else do you have in mind when you agree to meet with a married man and his house or the Playboy mansion, looking for "career advice"?
You are right, these bitches had it coming. Waking up with a sore rectum and covered in semen is the price you gotta pay to get in the business. You oughta know!
Hillary Clinton was to Bill Clinton's sexual assaults what Quaaludes were to Bill Cosby's.
The Hateful Eight will restore your hope in the human race, although I didn't like the part when Samuel Jackson got his balls shot off(literally) in the movie.
Anyway, Samuel Jackson had a special letter from Abraham Lincoln that made those bounty hunters and killers choke up.
A great movie! 3hrs 7mins long but had an intermission half-way through. Definitely an academy award winner.
The FieldNegro said...
I could get into numerous reasons why this case was handled improperly
Sounds like what white racists were saying when OJ was found not guilty.
Funny how white racists act when they loose in court.
1:08 PM
Do you think Whites will ever forget that 'one' case that a bm won in court? I know it's rare, but sooner or later, someone Black will win. It's Murphy's Law.
Besides, the jury was 'all' Black.
Thought about a correction on that arson Mosque story, but then I saw this:
I am guessing that this guy is a Christian as well. And yes, he was actually caught on camera.
So...you slandered an entire religion regarding the mosque arson, but when it's revealed that a moslem guy did it you refuse to retract what you said because another person you assume to be a Christian wrapped a piece of bacon on a mosque door.
You are as stupid as you are dishonest.
Really dude, that is as pathetic a response as I could imagine.
Anonymous said...
Everybody loves white women! Why?
6:55 PM
Cosby didn't "love" white women. He lied to them, fooled them,used them,spit on them,and discarded them, never giving them a second thought. I wouldn't call that "love"
He ejaculated on them too.
America's showing who the real "Americans" are. We fail to take heed. The white militia has taken over a federal building in Oregon; no word on that shit. All those white mothers' sons are breathing. White Lives Matter and they're the only ones. Seeing is believing.
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