If hope and change were the Obama buzzwords in 2009, the lesson of 2015 is that a bunch of overstimulated, hopelessly right-wing pseudo statesmen haven’t changed, grown up, dropped the sub rosa race-bait narrative—even as Obama delivered on his fair share of what he promised way back when.
Don’t ask me why Obama’s race is still an issue; ask Lou Dobbs. The immigrant-bashing news anchor blabbed to the Fox masses about how Obama only became president because he played the “race card,” a curiously timed outburst given that Dobbs made it just two weeks ago.
One suspects the true motive for the race-card redux politics has to do with an inevitable pivot to the gender card embodied by Hillary Clinton. To beat Clinton, goes the takedown logic, you must first lynch Obama all over again.
Having failed its first black president, is America ready for its first woman president? Not if Trump has anything to do with it, as the GOP frontrunner’s sick and weird comments about Clinton’s bathroom break during a Democratic debate would indicate.
Trump’s obsession with genitals was one of the more telling developments as the year wound down and the GOP establishment continued to grapple with a Trump beast of its own unleashing. Trump’s fallback position when it comes to women is to be grossed out by simple bodily functions, and his emergence as a legitimate candidate for president in 2015, as party standard-bearer at 39 percent in the polls and rising, signals the arrival of an acceptably visceral politics of disgust, disgrace and demeaning language—with all the wink-nod whiffs of malice and conjecture about that Kenyan socialist dictator ever at the ready, because it’s all his fault.
The conflation of Islamophobia and Obamaphobia is the persistent backdrop that defines a reactionary and highly personalized politics around Obama, and that dynamic really took off this year in the aftermath of the Paris and San Bernardino terror attacks.
When Trump says that Hillary got “schlonged” by Obama as he did last week, he is invoking the racial slander of the Old South, in which accusations of black men raping white women were used to justify lynchings. Trump is not alone in vowing a phallocentric outburst of ISIS carpet-bombing to settle the score.
But why is that anything new?
The first year of Obama’s presidency was dominated by efforts to hold off the collapse of the American economy and undo the damage wrought by the smirking failure who previously occupied the White House. As he rolls into his last year as president, Obama appears to have largely succeeded on that front, but you’d never know it.
Then as now, Obama and his accomplishments are drowned out by the pugnacity, the sneers, the lies and the anger that regularly emits from so-called victims of Obama’s presidency and their enablers in the political-media establishment—blue-collar workers of the white persuasion left in a new-economy wilderness of shifting demographics. They are content to gloat about their anti-intellectualism as those voters continue to cling to the guns and religion that made them hate Obama in the first place.
The most recent outburst from the ramparts of dumbed-down America came in the form of a classroom lesson, a Virginia school and a teacher who had offered a lesson in calligraphy late in 2015 that utilized Arabic text. Parents were outraged, they were disgusted, and they were scared, and a compliant mainstream media gobbled up an all-too-familiar set piece that gives credence to the foolish vagaries of spittle politics.
In 2009, Obama thought it would be a good idea to tape a pep talk for kids headed back to school that September, and made available a speech for schools to show students if they chose to do so. Many did not, as fearful white parents freaked out at the idea and demanded that their children not be exposed to the half-white, non-legitimate menace. There’s a timeless quote from a Colorado parent that made the rounds back then that continues to resonate, six years later: “Thinking about my kids in school having to listen to that just really upsets me,” Shanneen Barron told CNN. “I’m an American. They are Americans, and I don’t feel that’s OK. I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now.”
That all sounds familiar, and the subtext was obvious: Maybe those people’s kids need to hear that garbage from Obama, but not mine. And when the feared socialist-indoctrination speech turned out to be some pretty wholesome stuff about staying in school and doing your homework, the fear-lovers and schlong-mongers of the right just blew it off and moved to the next available outrage—over whether the 2009 Fort Hood mass shooting was an act of terrorism and why didn’t Obama say as much, even though he did say as much.
This obsession over that word, and its deployment, was in full force late this year, which found some of the media at its absolute desperate worst following the San Bernardino shootings. The Los Angeles Times flagrantly champed at the “Is it terrorism?” bit for days as it reported on San Bernardino, until such time as it was able to offer fear-jacking teasers like this: “Follow the Times‘ latest coverage of the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.”
The implication was obvious, even if the fact patterns couldn’t have been more starkly different. In one attack, a coordinated group of fanatical Saudi Arabians hijacked four jet airplanes, killed 2,996 people and brought down some of the most iconic buildings in the world. In the other, 14 people were murdered at a holiday party. If that’s the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9-11, then someone’s doing a pretty good job at limiting these sorts of things.
But no, the shrieking narrative that followed was that Obama has totally failed to keep Americans safe for the past seven years. And yet when last spotted on Twitter in 2013, Barron was selling Napa wines in her home state of Colorado and appeared to have survived Obama and his regime of terror.
Twenty fifteen was also the year that Black Lives Matter emerged as a much-needed movement against a segregationist criminal-justice system. It was no surprise that the reaction to BLM was furiously reactive.
The blacks are getting militant, Bill O’Reilly just wet his pants in fear, and don’t you know it but all lives matter. My favorite Internet meme of 2015 addressed this idiocy by noting that just because you want to save the rainforest doesn’t mean to hell with all those other trees.
But the sort of over-Tweeted, table-turning, first-thought, worst-thought reactions that met the BLM movement served only to distract from the real menace: the mean-season undertone held Black Lives Matter as a bunch of thugs, possibly of the Muslim persuasion, who should shut up and get back to work at McDonald’s. Therefore, Obama was consorting with Muslim thugs and he hates cops. If you don’t want to get shot, comply.
That particular cake was also baked in 2009, during the infamous Henry Louis Gates arrest, and its aftermath. Gates, an esteemed and elderly Harvard professor, who happens to be black, was arrested on disorderly conduct charges after getting uppity with a white police officer who had detained him, or tried to, in Gates’ own home—the officer had followed up on a call that someone had broken into the house.
Obama tried to diffuse the situation and leverage the “teachable moment” by calling for a beer summit with the men at the White House, which sounded like a good idea. But everybody made fun of his meaningless good-will gesture, and six years later, the right still can’t get past the fact that Obama used the word “stupid” in connection with the officer’s actions—as it repeatedly offered apologia after apologia for cop-on-black crimes in 2015, while citing the Gates incident as all the evidence you need that Obama is no friend of the police.
A committee convened to study the Gates incident recommended that moving forward, police forces around the country should offer training to their officers in de-escalation techniques, when the officers are not at risk of injury. Six years later, a white police officer in South Carolina de-escalated a nonthreatening situation by shooting a fleeing black man in the back—and then casually planted evidence to cover up his crime. That was just one of numerous videotaped encounters between (mostly) white police and black citizens that characterized 2015 as the year of the damning video.
Those videos had the moral authority of authenticity, whereas another set of videos—those infamously altered Planned Parenthood sting videos that made headlines in 2015—also harked back to anti-choice rhetorical excesses from 2009.
That year, physician George Tiller was executed by an anti-abortion extremist in his office. Tiller was killed after having been ritualistically eviscerated by Bill O’Reilly, who effectively issued a media fatwa on him through over two-dozen TV segments devoted to “Tiller the Baby Killer.”
What did you expect, went the post-execution narrative, when this country has just elected a “hardcore abortionist president,” as one group put it. The reproductive-rights narrative got even more explicitly racist in later years as right-wingers warned “the community” that Obama was coming for their babies.
And here we are again. Robert Dear shot up a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado in November after being driven nuts by, as he put it, all those “body parts” that anti-abortion extremists had toted out in their years-long quest to drive Planned Parenthood out of existence.
Around the same time Tiller was murdered in 2009, a nutty old anti-Semitic white supremacist attacked the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., in all likelihood because Obama had just visited Buchenwald, and this Jew-hating Holocaust denier couldn’t deal with it.
Fast-forward to 2015, and those people are now at the core of Trump’s support base, while the candidate himself has said or done exactly nothing to try and address the rampant anti-Semitism among his legions of Stormfront supporters.
Indeed, Trump instead played into cheap-Jew stereotypes when, during a December talk he gave to a Republican Jewish organization, he observed that “I’m a negotiator, like you folks.” That speech was widely panned for its barely concealed anti-Semitic chutzpah, but Trump quickly pivoted to a Yiddishism focused on Obama’s schlong, which didn’t so much address the issue of Jew-hating, but did highlight Trump’s obsessive need to be the biggest swinging dick in the room.
Which brings us to Sean Hannity, one of the more ferociously pathetic Obama-haters of the conservative entertainment establishment. Hannity was at the center of the first serious scandal of the Obama Administration, when he exposed, in May 2009, what has come to be known as the Great Dijon Mustard, Emasculate-Obama Scandal.
Hannity thought it was disgraceful that the president, who had just taken his first out-of-office lunch break at a popular Washington, D.C., burger joint, would dress his burger with an un-American, and definitely French, smear of mustard. The good Catholic commentator Laura Ingraham chimed in that it wasn’t manly to eschew ketchup—it was weak!
Like that one joke Trump told a crowd recently, about how he “hates” some of the reporters covering him but doesn’t think they should be murdered—or maybe he does—but not really. The context was a sort-of endorsement from Vladimir Putin that Trump willfully misinterpreted as an outright endorsement. A reporter subsequently asked him if, like Putin, Trump supported the execution of journalists. Instead of just saying, “No, that’s ridiculous,” Trump had to go there, before a crowd of eager supplicants whose heads spun in unison as the crass candidate finger-pointed at the hated journalists at the back of a meeting hall. “Well, maybe. . .”
Threats delivered as jokes highlight a metastasized set of “politically correct” right-wing viewpoints, even as the candidate’s supporters think dick jokes and pee-pee humor are Trump’s way of addressing a PC left that has run rampant over their right to hate Obama, Mexicans, Muslims, reporters and Hillary Clinton’s vagina.
There’s an old joke about how “politically correct” is so overused that it doesn’t mean anything except “I don’t agree with you, so therefore you are PC”—but there is a baseline definition of the phenomenon where legitimate points of view are stifled through social shaming. A politically correct right-wing maintains to the bitter end that any attempt to talk about race, especially in relation to Obama, has to turn the tables back on the person doing the talking, because it’s probably a liberal.
So when Dylann Roof clutched a Confederate flag and then shot up a black church in Charleston in 2015, the right-wing political correctness police insisted that the only orthodox way to talk about Roof’s racist shooting spree was to note that if the low-information voters of this country didn’t elect Obama in the first place, none of this would have happened." [More]
*Pic from the canberratimes.com
2015 was the worst year yet of a very bad string of years under the Obama administration, but somehow it's all the fault of the "right wing".
It doesn't matter how much power or responsibility you give a black man, if something goes wrong, it's still the white man's fault.
It doesn't matter how much power or responsibility you give a black man, if something goes wrong, it's still the white man's fault.
7:20 PM
Not always and you know it. Anyway, it's almost over and Trump will make things right. Forget about Obama and definitely forget about Hillary....she won't be President.
Brother Field, why has all this stuff happened to our black heroes? Rodney King, OJ, Cornel West, Travis, Bill Cosby and now Obama? I mean, who's left?
"Forget about Obama and definitely forget about Hillary....she won't be President."
The political class is in a full panic over the rise of Trump in the GOP and the disastrous performance so far by Hillary Clinton. Not much attention has been paid to Hillary and her terrible campaign thus far, but that’s about to change. Donald Trump has played the Bill Cosby card on the Clintons and so far the liberal press is playing along. The Post and the Times have signed off on discussing Bill’s rape problem as a legitimate campaign item.
I’ve been saying for years that the Cult will eventually purge the Clintons. As valuable as they have been to the Democrats, their verminous rapacity offends the sensibilities of the typical Progressive. In many respects, the Clintons represent a part of the past the Cult would like to memory hole and this election may be the perfect time. 2016 will be the year the liberal media turns on the Clintons, even if it scuttles the Democrats chances of winning the White House.
I feel so much like a sane common-sense adult compared to the paranoid, deluded closet bigots who regressed to puerile acting-out during the past 8 years, including the first two commenters above.
It still manages to amaze me how handily they project their own inadequacies and flaws onto the rest of us. Like the song says, they are carefully taught.
Orange is not the new Black. Trump will not win the party nomination.
I wish our President was as mature and reasoned as KaJo. Instead we got a smug punk who wrecked the country. If smirking self-satisfaction could be converted into competence and patriotism, Obama would deserve to be president. But it can't so he doesn't.
One more year of this shit...
I believe your cut and paste article copied from the prog rag Salon just convinced me to change my candidate choice and vote for Trump in the primaries.
FN's longest copy and paste job of the year. It could have been shorten to a few lines-
America is racist. Fox News is racist. Donald J. Trump is racist. Anyone who doesn't worship Obama like we do is racist. Racism is to blame for Obama's failed policies.
One more thing about Salon, they deleted their article blaming Republicans, Donald J. Trump, Christians and Fox News for the mosque burning when they found out the arsonist was Muslim. Too bad you couldn't do the same, FN.
White trolls like James Bold and The Left Has No Clothes are little white bitches who talk shit over the internet, but in reality cower and piss their pants at the mere sight of a black person.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I believe your cut and paste article copied from the prog rag Salon just convinced me to change my candidate choice and vote for Trump in the primaries.
9:21 PM
I believe you are wrong. Field wrote the article himself, he did not cut and paste. Furthermore, you don't need to fake a phony excuse to vote for Trump. Many are voting for him, including 25+% of Blacks.
Brother Field, were aware that life on earth is very unpredictable? I was rich yesterday and now I am broke and will be moving to PR where food and shelter are real cheap. In fact, I am told that the weather is so nice you really don't need a roof over your head.
And their health system is better than Obamacare. Everybody gets it for free. PR is a wonderful place.
"Gates, an esteemed and elderly Harvard professor, who happens to be black, was arrested on disorderly conduct charges after getting uppity with a white police officer who had detained him, or tried to, in Gates’ own home—the officer had followed up on a call that someone had broken into the house."
And if his house HAD been broken into, and police had not responded to the report, he would have shouted "RAYCISS!" just as loudly. Gates was arrested because he refused to identify himself as the legitimate resident, which is what he would have demanded police require of an intruder. You and Gates are both race-baiters, refusing all logic in your insistence that YT is wrong no matter what he does. This is why you have no business being in the USA.
The problem is that all but the rarest of Black people are too stupid to understand counterfactuals. Both Wayne Bennett and Henry Louis Gates are too stupid to understand what the police would be required to do if the person forcing his way into Gates' home was not Gates, and that resolving the identity question was required to clear everything up. TL;DR you are too dumb for White society.
"Six years later, a white police officer in South Carolina de-escalated a nonthreatening situation by shooting a fleeing black man in the back—and then casually planted evidence to cover up his crime."
Would that be the shooting of (wanted criminal and possible car thief) Walter Scott by officer Michael Slager, in which third-party video shows that Scott had shot Slager with his own Taser? Did a third party "plant" evidence of the Taser wires in the video?
We really should use these incidents as tests for fitness for residency. If you sympathize tribally rather than reasoning on evidence, you are not American and have no business being in the USA. Period.
"White trolls like James Bold and The Left Has No Clothes are little white bitches who talk shit over the internet, but in reality cower and piss their pants at the mere sight of a black person."
Oh, no. I activate my hidden cameras and keep my handgun ready. I'm not afraid of you; I'm afraid of the Jewish persecutorial apparatus ready to fry me if I defend myself against you and can't justify it. That justification is what I am always able to present, therefore you are f*cked.
Happy New Year Field Negroes!
The bad news is that 60% of white people weren't, and their grandchildren might not be either. The good news is that 40% of white votes is all that the country needs to stay in the course in the long ark that his election bent just a little toward justice. If you were listening to the man from the start of the campaign he has said that he couldn't achieve justice, but he could bend us toward it. What were we expecting, reconciliation, harmony? Sorry, that's not how change happens. It's always messy; sometimes it's violent, but it's always messy.
You want to know how far we are into the turn? Kentucky elected a Tbag governor in November who promised to get rid of the medicaid and care facility portions Obamacare that his predecessor had accepted. Then they realized what they'd done and the business sector, medical sector, and the public all told him what it would cost, and how unpopular it would make him, and he backed down. Kentucky, where the white vote was split 70/30 against him.
Kentucky, where Obama destroyed the coal industry so desparate white people would have to embrace welfare and Obamacare.
You socialists are some seriously evil fucks.
Kentucky, where Obama destroyed the coal industry so desparate white people would have to embrace welfare and Obamacare.
You socialists are some seriously evil fucks.
Dumbest statement of the year so far. Maybe if he learns to spell desperate correctly we might take him seriously.
Kentucky, where backwater hillbillies haven't seen a doctor or dentist in years finally got to do so because of Obama and they like it. Funny that.
Field, you deserve the "Milli Vinilli Award" for that story about the White Christians burning the mosque. Just another black hoax. Even when negroes make sh*t up, it still shows how racist Whites are. Never let reality stand in your way! LOL!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
'''You want to know how far we are into the turn? Kentucky elected a Tbag governor in November who promised to get rid of the medicaid and care facility portions Obamacare that his predecessor had accepted. Then they realized what they'd done and the business sector, medical sector, and the public all told him what it would cost, and how unpopular it would make him, and he backed down. Kentucky, where the white vote was split 70/30 against ''
More lies and bullshit we get from the left. Republicans won in the state because of obamacare. The govern is going ahead with plays to replace obamacare....
A poster above said white people fear black people. That is somewhat true. I wouldn't go into any ghetto neighborhood at night, and doubt any middle class black person would either, because they tend to be very violent. The crime statistics reveal it would be stupid not to be fearful.
I fear black people like poster Yieshing more. This kind of person hates whites so much she supports Bill Cosby after over 4 dozen women who accuse him of rape not because he may not have raped them. But, she thinks they "deserved" to be raped. Black educated racists like her and the Field Negro are the black people to fear. They blame all whites for the actions of a few whites, just like all racists. They see only negatives....while one is a lawyer and one is studying to be a doctor.
Racists hate all who happen to be of a certain melanin color, always assuming the worst. Yieshing and Field Negro are no better than a KKK Grand Dragons, in my opinion.
Enough of us were ready for a black president that he got elected. Twice.
Alternatively, we weren't "ready" for Rosa Parks, Dr. King, John Lewis, Paul Robeson, Lena Horne, Marian Anderson, Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Vernon Jordan, Russell Simmons—you get the point.
We're a bifurcated nation, but look at the demographics. Most of the haters are old farts. The under-20 set are in pretty good shape, most of them. We're no longer a white/black nation but a white/black/brown/cinnamon/almond nation.
The only inevitability is change.
@9:00 you matter how much distorted bullshit you cluck, you're still just a whoteemoo.............With the heart of a chicken.
Still no comment from Obama about his friend Rahm. No surprise.
Documents: Attorney For Laquan McDonald’s Family Accused City Hall Of Cover-Up, Warned Of Controversy
In the letter, which was part of about 1,400 emails released by the city on New Year’s Eve
News Years eve news dump to keep the truth out of the news.
Good thing Rahm is a dumbocrat, I can only imagine what FieldNegro would be writing about a right-wingnut covering up a a police shooting.
anotherbozo said...
Enough of us were ready for a black president that he got elected. Twice.
Alternatively, we weren't "ready" for Rosa Parks, Dr. King, John Lewis, Paul Robeson, Lena Horne, Marian Anderson, Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Vernon Jordan, Russell Simmons—you get the point.
We're a bifurcated nation, but look at the demographics. Most of the haters are old farts. The under-20 set are in pretty good shape, most of them. We're no longer a white/black nation but a white/black/brown/cinnamon/almond nation.
The only inevitability is change.
11:42 AM
Thank you! Beautiful words indeed!
Honestly, I really think this should be THE motto for 2016!!! A new and accurate view of America!
You gotta love Obama and his anti-gun rhetoric.
Empty words is all it is.
Ten Year Decline in Federal Weapons Convictions
The most anti-gun president is convicting less people than gun-lover bush did.
@9:00 no matter how i distorted bullshit i cluck, i'm still just a ho-bag.............Whith a big smelly ass.
You dig?
Digging the latest insight into the gop race by my man Dr. Ben. He correctly states that whomever is the candidate chosen by the people should carry the party banner and a contested convention would force him to abandon the party. Totally agree, in a democracy we have to live by what the majority wants. If the majority of Republican primary voters want Trump then that's what they should get. The party elite should not get to choose their leader. The good Doctor said what many other gop candidates are afraid to say, he will fully support whomever get the nomination. Good on that brotha showing how blah folks are very principled and resolute. If only the others had his morals and belief in democracy.
Carson/Cain '16.
I resolve to try to make it through the last year of this administration without being upset all the time about President Narcissistic Freak's lack of regard for the well-being of this great republic and the wonderful individuals that make it up--people he regards as mere objects.
We made it through 8 years of W so we can survive anything. I guess losing 800,000 jobs a month, 9-11, unfunded wars, ect is better than having a blah man in power. Ha!
@James Bold Dead Fingers12:22AM -
When you blow your own miserable head off be sure to get that on camera you racist piece of shit
quote Little Bill
"The most anti-gun president is convicting less people than gun-lover bush did."
Well Golly Gosh, I had no idea that Obama was personally in charge of all prosecutions.
You learn something new every day, hey kids?
Quote:the Right Has No Brains
"More lies and bullshit we get from the left. Republicans won in the state because of obamacare. The govern is going ahead with plays to replace obamacare...."
errrrrrr, nope....
"By continuing Medicaid's expansion under Obamacare, Bevin will join a long line of GOP governors who have railed against the program but eventually come around to supporting it. The pattern is well-established and often includes negotiating with the federal government a special carve-out for a state-specific version of the program, a way to save political face by not seeming to have caved and become an Obamacare supporter."
"The most anti-gun president is convicting less people than gun-lover bush did."
He had to do that. Most gun crime is committed by Blacks. If he cracked down on the actual criminals, he would be
(a) "oppressing his own people", and
(b) eliminating the excuse for taking Whitey's guns away.
If he lets the Black criminals go, they commit more gun crime and "justify" his agenda.
Anon@9:00, some of my best friends are white. ;)
Well said Pilot@3:08. But...but....W is a white man, soooooo.
PC, it's like shooting fish in a barrel isn't it?
PilotX said...
We made it through 8 years of W so we can survive anything. I guess losing 800,000 jobs a month, 9-11, unfunded wars, ect is better than having a blah man in power. Ha!
So we lost over 70million jobs when W. was president??
What has havig a ''blah'' man in power done foe America????
Increased net incomes for middle class familes? NO
Lifted people out of poverty?? NO
Expanded the middle classs?? NO
Lowered healthcare cost and make insurance cheaper??? NO
Close the inequality gap??? NO
Expand the workforce??? NO
Give us strong GDP growth?? NO.
Give us a strong and robust economic recovery?? NO
I'm sure obamanomics has done something for middleclass Americans. If not, someone like Donald J. Trump would be our next president.
PC, Bevin is doing what he said he would do. Hell, even the next bubba of the Democrat party lost his re-election because of obamacare. That's no so much a left turn.
field negro said...
Anon@9:00, some of my best friends are white. ;)
Well said Pilot@3:08. But...but....W is a white man, soooooo.
And Obama is a black man which is why you or anyone on the left won't call him out over his economic policies which have helped the rich more than it has helped the poor or middle class.
Tell me again, who's the president of the rich????
The Purple Cow said...
"The most anti-gun president is convicting less people than gun-lover bush did."
Well Golly Gosh, I had no idea that Obama was personally in charge of all prosecutions.
Excellent comeback.
The fact remains bush administration put more gun criminals into jail than Obama administration.
Just like bush put more enron thieves in jail than Obama put wall street thieves in jail.
Obama does talk the good talk. His actions don't live up to all his rhetoric.
Keeping it for now, vows to negotiate a replacement with Obama in the future. You gunservatives are so gullible. Bevin's pissing down your leg & you believe him that it's raining. What a parade of dimwits; no wonder Trump, Carson & Cruz are leading the GOP primary pack.
Even if he could create an entirely new healthcare plan for the poor by executive order, which he can't, why would the president negotiate a separate program for Kentucky so that Bevin could both keep his campaign promise AND not suffer the consequences for doing so instead of creating one to cover the uncovered poor in states that refused the expansion? Why would he help pull a tbaggers testicles out of the fire instead? Gotta hand it to Bevin though; he knows his audience; all he has to do now is throw his hands in the air and stomp up & down about Obama (then Clinton) not negotiating with him whenever it comes up & his dimwit parade will nod along.
The coal industry has been on federal life support for 50 years. Besides being the dirtiest mineral fuel, it's far & away the most expensive by BTU to extract & transport. The natural gas industry is what finally killed it by being 100x cheaper to extract & transport not to mention how much cheaper & more efficient it is to use or the it's lack of artifact pollutants.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Besides being the dirtiest mineral fuel, it's far & away the most expensive by BTU to extract & transport.
Nope, with the exception of nuclear or hydro, coal generated power is the cheapest.
Well lefty, GDP growth is as expected after a financial meltdown and is actually on track to meet Romney's expectations he said he would bring as well as the unemployment rate Romney promised. As far as middle-class wage growth when has that ever been a priority of the right? The middle-class has been shrinking since the 70's without a notice. To be fair, Barack and the Dems tried to close the tax break for corporations moving jobs overseas and actually give a tax break for companies moving manufacturing back to the US but unfortunately Kennedy had his health problems and a Repub was elected to the senate and the gridlock we see today is the end result. All of the President's accomplishments are in spite of a congress determined to derail any positive actions because it would make the prez look good.
As far as the 70 mil job losses I assume you know I was referring to the end of the Bush term right and not his entire 8 years? I'll assume you were joking. Ha! Good one.
WC said, "Sorry, that's not how change happens. It's always messy; sometimes it's violent, but it's always messy."
Well, when Truman integrated the army, it was done very neatly. No problems.
Race relations aren't getting better as a Pollyanna poster implied above if one looks at the facts. Race relations are the worst they've been in over 14 years, according to Gallup. http://www.gallup.com/poll/1687/race-relations.aspx
I think we can lay that dismal fact directly on Obama's and Holder's shoulders. America has been forever changed by the first black president. Unfortunately, NOT for the better.
"Well, when Truman integrated the army, it was done very neatly. No problems."
The problems existed before integration as blah soldiers, sailors and airmen were excluded from certain locations and were actually imprisoned while trying to use the facilities they felt they were entitled to use being service members and war veterans. There were problems afterwards also, just ask blah people who served during that time. Do it quickly as they are leaving us.
"I think we can lay that dismal fact directly on Obama's and Holder's shoulders."
Because no one else is to blame. Gotcha.
"He had to do that. Most gun crime is committed by Blacks. If he cracked down on the actual criminals, he would be
(a) "oppressing his own people", and
(b) eliminating the excuse for taking Whitey's guns away.
If he lets the Black criminals go, they commit more gun crime and "justify" his agenda."
Are these facts or something you just made up. I'd love to see here this "agenda" is reported. We know where you get your "news" from James.
"I think we can lay that dismal fact directly on Obama's and Holder's shoulders."
And by the way, can you specifically explain to us how exactly Barack and Holder made race relations worse? What metric are you using to judge this? If you mean by being a blah President he gave rise to more anti-blah sentiment then you may be right.
Looks like Barack will be moving on stricter gun laws.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
''Even if he could create an entirely new healthcare plan for the poor by executive order, which he can't, why would the president negotiate a separate program for Kentucky'''
I dunno..Maybe because the Federal Government allow waivers for states to do what Bevin wants to do? See Indiana for example.
Quote: The Right Has No Brains
"PC, Bevin is doing what he said he would do."
Quote: Little Bill.
"The fact remains bush administration put more gun criminals into jail than Obama administration."
The fact remains that in 2015 there were fewer gun criminals to put in jail.
There are a multitude of news articles on Holder's, Obama's appointee, deplorable record if one reads the paper.
Obama's "son" Trayvon was the start of race relations decline, imo. After interviewing nearly three dozen people in the George Zimmerman murder case, the FBI found no evidence that racial bias was a motivating factor in the shooting of Trayvon Martin. Even the lead detective in the case, Sanford Det. Chris Serino, told agents that he thought Zimmerman profiled Trayvon because of his attire and the circumstances — but not his race. After Zimmerman was acquitted, then Obama set the DOJ and Holder on Zimmerman to investigate this possible "racist". Obama made this case, a "white Hispanic" vs a black innocent (haha) a race issue. Zero evidence he was but it sure incited the black mob.
Intentions were even more clear when Eric Holder and Obama were stirring the shit over the grand jury decision in Ferguson when there was NO evidence to indict the officer who shot Brown. They knew there would be dissatisfaction in the mob. Mission accomplished.
Race relations have been downhill and are in free fall.
PilotX said...
"And by the way, can you specifically explain to us how exactly Barack and Holder made race relations worse?"
Eric "My People" Holder and Barack "Punish Your Enemies" Obama have sued city fire departments to fire whites and give their jobs to less qualified blacks, sued banks to force them to give more bad loans to blacks, spent millions in court trying to deport white Christians while importing millions of non-whites, released thousands of black felons from prison, attacked police departments for enforcing laws against blacks, forced medical schools to accept unqualified blacks, dumped millions of federal dollars in the hands of black hate groups and incited race riots in order to increase black voter turnout.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Race relations aren't getting better as a Pollyanna poster implied above if one looks at the facts. Race relations are the worst they've been in over 14 years, according to Gallup. http://www.gallup.com/poll/1687/race-relations.aspx
I think we can lay that dismal fact directly on Obama's and Holder's shoulders. America has been forever changed by the first black president. Unfortunately, NOT for the better.
5:44 PM
Obama had nothing to do with the up tick in racism except be elected to the Presidency. However, he said or did nothing whatsoever to inflame racism...
No, the dismal fact can point directly to Americans like: James Bold, Lefty, Josh, racist anons, and people like you.
That's his face saving fallback. His promise was to get rid of the Medicare expansion, not renegotiate it, and Indiana's alternate was an accommodation to get them to extend coverage, not one like Bevin wants to restrict it. Kentucky accepted expansion & is either stuck with it or it will collapse it's healthcare system, which even a tbagger is too smart to do. There is no reason for the President to accommodate Bevin; he's already won.
That would be news to the black neighbor's who I grew up with in base housing since they were still ironing it out 30 years later when I joined the Marines.
WC, did you find racism run amok in the marines? Anon above claimed there was 'no' mess in the military? That is, did everything run smoothly between Blacks and Whites when Truman integrated the military?
I don't believe Anon. I believe it was pretty 'messy'.
Racist or not, that aspect was not why the Trayvon Martin incident initially was focused on by liberal media. Rather it was the Florida "stand your ground" law and it being the grounds by which George Zimmerman was able to avoid being arrested and charged. Fox News did not cover the incident at all until a month later, and only then did it the racial aspect come to the forefront.
The Purple Cow said...
"The fact remains bush administration put more gun criminals into jail than Obama administration."
The fact remains that in 2015 there were fewer gun criminals to put in jail.
Depends on your definition of "gun criminals."
Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities
Crime in Los Angeles rose in all categories in 2015, LAPD says
SF crime rate jumps despite fewer arrests
Yes, murder and crime are down in America despite the increase in big cities.
Wow Bill, that really hurt me. As a bm I am speechless but PC will most definitely have something to say to you...that is, to prove you as wrong as a three dollar bill.
field, you need to stop: and look around, before you get your black-assed embarrassed over this "Tamir" crap.
The stuff is coming out.
Wow. Poor Tamir. I've been trying to get field to make a comment on this, another white lynching an rape and massacre for over a year. We all knew the truth. We didn't march around like sheep
The trial won't be Televised.
Anyone want to make a comment?
And..by the way...I would have happily taken this young girl's "parents" out, shot then, and tossed them where God even couldn't find them.
And, had a rare steak afterward.
Progressives insist their goal is to make everyone equal, and for a long time I believed it, but their communities actually enforce factionalism and division.
Bill Cosby demonstrated that the ‘stereotype’ of the black rapist was more valid than the ‘role model’ of Dr. Huxtable.
Truman gave the order in 58. It took about 5 years to formally end it, but into the 80s if you went into a Navy or Marine galley, on ship or shore, you'd see mostly black & Filipeno faces with the occasional and white one. Motor transport too was almost completely black. The air wings of both services were the opposite; white with the occasional black face. The officer corps has lagged far behind the population. In '79, when 22% of the US population was minority, only 5% of Marine officers were. By '89 with nonwhite population at 28% it was 10%. Today it's USA 38%, Marine Corps Officers 17%, service wide it's 25% with the Navy leading at 34%.
I saw a real mixed bag. The 2 best SNCOs who I ever worked for were black, but then so was the worst 1. I saw blatant racism from white SNCOs who thought that it was their jobs to patrol & supervise black troops especially harshly, I also served in units where men set aside their obvious prejudices against each other to a much greater degree than I've ever experienced in civilian life, even as a lawyer. Being in the same shitty situations with each other week after week, month after month is a great equalizer. I ended up serving with black men who I'd have died or killed for and are still as close as brothers and white men who I wouldn't piss on if they were afire. And vice versa.
"can you specifically explain to us how exactly Barack and Holder made race relations worse?"
"... the Cambridge police acted stupidly..." ("Beer summit" ensued when Ovomit had to walk that back.)
"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." Yup, and probably act as badly too... thus setting the expectations for Black behavior WAY downward.
Just two examples of many, and none from Holder or Lynch. Lynch is more concerned with "discrimination" against muslims than American lives, but that's been true of all Obama appointees. Diversity uber alles!
"The fact remains that in 2015 there were fewer gun criminals to put in jail."
So, the soaring number of murders in Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago etc. reflects fewer gun criminals? Who'd a thunk it?
The fact that you Blacks can write such things in all apparent seriousness shows that you are not intellectually adult and should not be allowed to act as such in the USA, including voting.
"the dismal fact can point directly to Americans like: James Bold, Lefty, Josh, racist anons, and people like you."
Nobodies like US are the all-powerful force that drives race relations in the USA? If you really think we have such potent juju, why don't you get out of our country before we shrink your pee-pee to the size of an eyedropper.
"it was the Florida "stand your ground" law and it being the grounds by which George Zimmerman was able to avoid being arrested and charged."
This is what I mean about Blacks writing total idiocy in utter seriousness. George Zimmerman was being held on the ground with Martin bashing his head into concrete. "Stand Your Ground" had nothing to do with the case; it was pure self-defense against attempted murder. Martin died because he deserved to die. So did Michael Brown. He got justice, so now STFU.
@ 2:08 AM -
As usual James Bold you miss the point. Which is, you would not even know the names Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman but for the "stand your ground" law as the basis for not arresting Zimmerman. Only after the liberal media focused on that aspect was a special prosecutor appointed and Zimmerman finally arrested (and Fuck Snooze finally getting into the act and bringing the racial aspect to the forefront, Geraldo famously blaming Trayvon for wearing a hoodie). You have no way of knowing what you are stating as fact. What we do know is: how it started, Zimmerman was told by police not to confront Trayvon but went looking for trouble anyway; how it ended; and Zimmerman's subsequent conduct, does being arrested 3 times in domestic violence incidents thus set expectations for White behavior WAY downward? Then again Zimmerman is not white, not as white as you anyway.
"you would not even know the names Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman but for the "stand your ground" law as the basis for not arresting Zimmerman."
First (I need to repeat myself because you're too dumb to understand) there was no issue related to SYG, which establishes that people have no duty to retreat. Zimmerman was ON the ground with Martin attempting to murder him. He was unable to retreat even if he wanted to. The Sanford police refused to press charges because it was an open-and-shut case of lawful self-defense. All the lying leftist media's noise about SYG afterward is just proof that they lie, and your harping proves that you do too.
Second, I was following the Trayvon Martin fiasco LONG before Angela Corey got involved. Her appointment was a transparent attempt to railroad Zimmerman for daring to keep himself alive; thank goodness the jury saw through THAT nonsense, but there never should have been charges in the first place. The Sanford PD got it right the first time.
"What we do know is: how it started, Zimmerman was told by police not to confront Trayvon but went looking for trouble anyway"
Damn are you dumb. We know EXACTLY what went down with the police dispatcher and Zimmerman was not told to do or not do ANYTHING. The exact words were "we don't need you to do that". Dispatchers are not officers on the scene and cannot give orders anyway.
"Zimmerman's subsequent conduct, does being arrested 3 times in domestic violence incidents thus set expectations for White behavior WAY downward?"
First, the guy was persecuted for daring to survive his encoonter with Martin. He lost his job, his home and his wife. He has to be cut some slack for all of that stress.
Second, I note your blatant double standard. You want the robbers, burglars and dope dealers absolved despite numerous priors (Freddy Gray had a very long rap sheet), but Zimmerman is to be railroaded for DV after the fact. Never mind that the DV charges are very likely part of the campaign to nail him; do you think the interests that sicced a special persecutor on him just gave up after the jury verdict? No; they are out to make an example of him.
"Then again Zimmerman is not white, not as white as you anyway."
He's White enough for you to want him dead, which is all that counts.
The New York Times invented the term "White Hispanic" for Zimmerman in order to make this a white-black racial incident. Had Zimmerman been involved in a similar incident with a white 18 year old, he would have been 100% Hispanic and he would have the victim. You all know this is true.
Think James Bold ... THINK !!!
Does "we don't need you to do that" mean "do whatever the fuck you want" to you? Did I say anything about Orders? The 911 call just establishes that it was Zimmerman who set out to confront Trayvon. Hence Zimmerman created the Stand Your Ground issue. And Zimmerman getting his shit stacked when it was him that was the aggressor does not constitute self-defense.
You were following the fiasco LONG before Angela Corey? How long? The incident happened on Feb. 26. Corey was appointed March 22. Not likely you were following it unless you live in Sanford FL or watch MSNBC.
Who the fuck is talking about Freddy Gray?
When the law is not on your side argue the facts. When the facts are not on your side argue the law. When neither one is on your side invent a conspiracy theory.
He's white enough for me to want him dead which is all that counts?Flattery will get you nowhere Fuckboy. I hope that is not the case, for your sake.
"Think James Bold ... THINK !!!"
I'd tell you to take your own advice, but Black people are notoriously blind to irony.
"Does "we don't need you to do that" mean "do whatever the fuck you want" to you?"
It means "The ass of the municipality is covered because we didn't ask anyone to do anything." It's purely an anti-liability measure.
"The 911 call just establishes that it was Zimmerman who set out to confront Trayvon."
Wrong. Zimmerman set out to track Martin, who was behaving in a very suspicious manner, to direct the police to him. If Zimmerman was intent on confrontation he would have had his gun ready beforehand.
The police were already on the way, remember? Oh, wait, I forget that you conveniently vanish any facts contrary to your narrative, even when they've just been shoved in your face.
"You were following the fiasco LONG before Angela Corey? How long? The incident happened on Feb. 26. Corey was appointed March 22."
It appeared on my radar no later than March 8, and I was following the matter actively about a week later.
"Zimmerman getting his shit stacked when it was him that was the aggressor does not constitute self-defense."
Zimmerman was investigating, not aggressing; there is no evidence that he did anything more to Martin than try to track him and ask him questions. It's you savages who obsess over "disrespectin" who consistently escalate to aggression and violence. It has since been proven that Martin was a burglar, so questioning his odd behavior was proven correct in retrospect. And even if it wasn't, it was still (an unintelligible concept to you, I know) the right thing to do.
"... Martin who was behaving in a very suspicious manner" Being black?
"If Zimmerman was intent on confrontation he would have had his gun ready" You don't know that he didn't.
"Zimmerman was investigating not aggressing" You don't know that either
"It has since been proven that Martin was a burglar" By who? Drudge? Pamela Geller?
"And even if it wasn't ..." The first sensible thing you have said
"... it was still the right thing to do" You do understand that no one other than you and your fellow Neo-Nazi shits looks at it this way don't you?
America was prepared for those never paid a dime black cotton pickers. Prepared to terrorize and hate them for 500 years ongoing.
Mr. Muh Dik keeps on confirming our low opinion of his intellect:
"Being black?"
No, dumbfuck. "There's a real suspicious guy.... This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or sum'n, it's raining and he's just walking around lookin' about.... he's here now and he's just staring, looking at all the houses. Now he's staring at me.... Somethin's wrong with him." All of this is either (a) behavioral information about the sketch factor, or (b) descriptive information for the police who were on the way.
All of this is from the phone call link I gave you before, but you couldn't get your head around it. It completely demolishes your notion that Zimmerman was picking on Martin because he was Black. Zimmerman tutored Black kids, for pete's sake. Zimmerman had led a protest against the son of a Sanford PD officer who had beaten a homeless Black man. But you canNOT get your head around the idea that Zimmerman was calling Martin to the attention of the cops Because Martin Was Behaving Like A Burglar... even though Martin had a history of burglary.
Damn, are you dumb. You insist that Blacks be absolved of everything, including their own confirmed felonies. Whitey don' buy dat no mo.
""Zimmerman was investigating not aggressing" You don't know that either"
If Zimmerman was looking to shoot someone, he would (a) NOT have called cops to be witnesses to the crime, and (b) would have had his gun ready, rather than being surprised and pinned by Martin. God DAMN, are you dumb!
""It has since been proven that Martin was a burglar" By who? Drudge? Pamela Geller?"
By the Miami-Dade School System Police, who caught him with "found property" which was not properly registered as proceeds of a crime. The jewelry in his possession was eventually traced to a burglary on 204th Terrace street in Miami. All of this has been public record for two and a half years, so how is it that you don't know about it yet? Oh, right... you're a dumbass.
The funny part is that if Martin hadn't been let off because he was a Black male, he would have been in jail for the burglary and would never have been in Sanford to encounter George Zimmerman in the first place. He might even have given up burglary. Trayvon Martin died because Blacks insisted that the authorities go soft on Black crime.
No doubt you look pretty suspicious yourself James Bold. Does that mean I get to take you into custody and shoot you?
Soft on black crime? So let me get this straight, according to James Bold in Miami-Dade Blacks insisted the authorities go soft on black crime. But in Baltimore this was your story:
It was the "Black community" who demanded draconian drug laws to deal with the "scourge" of crack cocaine and the associated violence over territory. The Congressional Black Caucus insisted on it, and the executive and judicial branches went all-in on getting crack makers and dealers off the streets. They gave Blacks everything they asked for. Refusing would be "racist".
Whatever James Bold. What you say makes perfect sense if you are an avowed Neo-Nazi. The rest of us have to consider the source.
Mr. Muh Dik doubles down on the stupid:
"No doubt you look pretty suspicious yourself James Bold."
If you see me:
1. in your neighborhood,
2. loitering around where I have no business being,
3. looking into people's yards and houses,
then by all means call the cops to have me checked out and point me out to them when they arrive. That's all George Zimmerman tried to do.
The problem for you is you'll fail at (1): I wouldn't be caught dead in your neighborhood, and I sure wouldn't be loitering; if someone dumped me there my highest priority would be to get out.
"Does that mean I get to take you into custody and shoot you?"
Fact fail: Zimmerman wasn't trying to take Martin into custody. But if you see me:
1. Jump onto you,
2. Pin you to a concrete sidewalk, and
3. Try to cave in your skull against it,
then by all means, you have the right to shoot me in self-defense. But again, I wouldn't be caught dead near you.
"Soft on black crime? So let me get this straight..."
Your underpowered brain has failed you again. The Black coonmunity's demand for action against "the crack epidemic" in the 1980's is a matter of historical record. So is the current whine about "overincarceration" and "school-to-prison pipeline". That was then, this is now. I know this is a really hard concept for you, but things were different in the past, and even Blacks said they wanted different things from what they say they want today.
"What you say makes perfect sense if you are an avowed Neo-Nazi."
Godwin's Law fail, I win. Oh, but keep on devaluing the word "Nazi". You're well on your way to rehabilitating the National Socialists and I sure wouldn't want to miss all your wailing and gnashing of teeth when you get the real thing.
Yeah James Bold, you win. You usually do when you are the one keeping score.
He did win, it was an ass-beating.
As soon as Trump gets into office and he deports every damn thing black including ants out of the country, White folks will be back on track!! Hang in there White Folks!!!! Everything's gonna be awright!!!!!!
Sounds like you guys are really jealous of black men. Maybe because they athletically outdo you? You can't jump?
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