Now the Pope is feuding with the leading republican candidate for president.
The Pope says that trump's behavior, as it relates to the Mexican border, is not a Christian.
Now if you happen to be a Catholic who also happens to be a trump supporter, what do you do?
Do you support the leader of your church? Or do you support the man you want to lead the country?
"After the pontiff’s remarkable contention that Mr. Trump “is not Christian” in proposing deportations and a wall with Mexico, the candidate said Francis’ criticisms were “disgraceful” and “unbelievable,” and he contended that the Mexican government had hoodwinked the pope into criticizing him."
If you are standing next to trump, now might be a good time to step away. You don't want that lightening strike to hit you.
Then there was Ted cruz calling the president "faithless". This, after he and his campaign fraudulently and nefariously photoshopped the picture of his opponent in a campaign ad. Man this guy has some serious cujones. I am not sure how he thought that he could get away with doing a silly photoshop from a stock photo in this Internet age. *[See pic above]
Anyway, such is life in politics, the sleazy people will do anything to win. And this guy has the nerve to rip the president's morals.
But things are getting down and dirty in the republican primaries (the dem primary as well), and trump and cruz are going at it, hard.
Cruz is peddling the narrative that trump is a secret liberal to the base, and trump thinks that cruz is a lying duplicitous scumbag. (Ok, he didn't actually say scumbag, but you get the point)
Of course this could all be because there is a new national poll showing that cruz is actually beating trump. Fortunately for trump, it is the only one, and the word among pollsters is that it is an outlier. We will see.
I just had a scary thought: What if trump wins and chooses cruz as his running mate? Don't laugh. Crazier things have happened. Did you think, for instance, that a self-promoting game show host who has been named in almost 170 federal lawsuits would be on the verge of being the GOP nominee for president?
This pope does not believe in God. Which is ok, but not if you are pope.
Trump is going to have to crush him, too.
This photoshop incident is small potatoes for unprincipled weasel Ted Cruz. The cut-and-pasting of Rubio's head on some other dude's body is a little crude and amateurish. (Also, how nuts is it that being accused of ever having shaken Obama's hand qualifies as defamation, to GOP voters?)
This does not compare to unprincipled weasel Ted Cruz's "Ben Carson has quit the race" lie in Iowa. That was much more unprincipled and weaselly.
Hey Field, what do you think about Barack using a recess appointment? Since McConnell said he wouldn't even give his nominee a hearing why not just go for it?
"(Ok, he didn't actually say scumbag, but you get the point) "
With Cruz, the scumbag is implied already.
-Doug in Oakland
The pope is nothing but a whooteemoo too.
Chump's numbers are going go down after this brouhaha with the Pope. But it was hilarious to see him talk about how short Rubio looked in the pic, lol!! OTOH, Kacinich (sp?) sounded pretty good though I'm voting Dem for sure after the death of Scalia.
I love Catholicism as much as I love onion rings!
Why can blacks talk shit about everybody else, whereas if a non-black person says something critical of black on black crime or the like, they are branded as a racist?
Catholics telling people they're not Christians, and the friggin' Pope, no less. lol
Blacks and women don't want equal rights. They just want special rights. Sad but true.
I am surprised that the Pope would involve himself with calling Trump a non-Christian.
I recall the Pope saying, "Who am I to judge another person?"
Well, he just peeped his hole card: he is not the kind of person and Pope he pretends to be.
I think the Pope's remarks about Trump is going to hurt the Pope more than Trump.
"now might be a good time to step away. You don't want that lightening strike to hit you."
Blacks Always Project. The fear is palpable.
"I think the Pope's remarks about Trump is going to hurt the Pope more than Trump."
Angry American rednecks will never vote for the Pope now! How can he possibly get reelected?
Oh wait ...
Quote: Little Josh
"When I first read this, I wondered why even you--yes, you, the cuntiest cunt of them all--would stoop so low as to make such a blatant straw-man out of a very innocuous point."
It's not really a straw man because it's pretty much what you said.
It certainly was not an innocuous point you were making it was a fascist point.
You were saying that black folks should be careful about voicing an opinion incase it provokes white people. That's about as fascist a message as I can think of.
Yes, because the Pope is trying so hard to lock up the republican nomination. Oh wait....
PX, I agree with u. Of course he should go for it. But Kentuck Mitch isn't that dumb is he?
That was an excellent pix of Sens. Rubio and Scott with Gov. Haley. It is time to see more diversity "within" the crews of the Republicans. Just flashing minorities as "inserts" will not help the cause. I believe young minorities have not an emotional investment with the Democrats. From the fingers of an outside observer.
Gov. Bush is pulling out his ace pitchers; his mom was on the trail in his bus tour- braving the cold and discomforts of not being home. They must owe somebody and GOT to win this next president.
Funny field spends so much time complaining about the tactics politicians he will never vote for are using while he dosen't mention the person he will vote for continues to buy, lie and steal her way to the house.
If only field would hold the people he votes for to the same standards he holds the people he will never vote for.
'''I recall the Pope saying, "Who am I to judge another person?" ''
The pope is just another leftwing hypocrite.
field negro said...
PX, I agree with u. Of course he should go for it. But Kentuck Mitch isn't that dumb is he?
How is it dumb stopping dear leader from nominating a flaming progressive who will help the left take away our rights?
It was "disgraceful", a loss of grace, for the Pope to judge another man's faith and his relationship with God, especially since this Pope's entire term has been a message of non-judgement of others. Hypocrite.
The Republican candidates are getting nasty. I for one am enjoying the spectacle. I'm tired of a Pussy man running the country.
Trump isn't a liberal, but he is left of center and that is a good thing to me. All R candidates have to move right to get the nomination and move back to the center to win the country.
Obama's problem is his judgement. Have you missed what is happening currently with Syria/Russia/Turkey? It is a potential shit storm. All due to Obama's lack of decision making and piss poor policy. Obama will leave his mess of foreign policy for the next president and the World to deal with.
Notice that in the "photo-shopped" picture both the President and Rubio are using their LEFT hands to shake. . . This of course is a secret coded message to their compatriots around the world. . . A signal that Obama will endorse Rubio against Hillary in the general election. . . (people of color sticking together to fight white supremacy) . . . Or maybe the guy that did the photo shopped photo did not know what he was doing?
This isn't on topic today, but Chris Rock makes a brilliant point in response to a question about "black progress":
Reminds me of James Baldwin's point, decades ago. He said race relations will take a big step forward when white people figure out why they had to invent the ni**er.
anotherbozo said...
Reminds me of James Baldwin's point, decades ago. He said race relations will take a big step forward when white people figure out why they had to invent the ni**er.
But the answer is that racists will NEVER figure it out, they'd need a brain for that!
"He said race relations will take a big step forward when white people figure out why they had to invent the ni**er."
What? Did dogs invent fleas?
"But the answer is that racists will NEVER figure it out, they'd need a brain for that!"
Enlighten us, oh genius Yisheng. Why did white people have to invent the ni**er?
Chump drops 8 pts, I guess "going off" on the Pope didn't work out as well as he would have liked!
It's really sad that the Catholic church has sunk to these depths! But then again when I think what can be expected of this multi-billionaire institution, whose history is rife with blood,unholy crusades,massacres in the name of God, putting missionary band aids on wounds of poverty all over the world,by doling out pennies in return for the conversion of indigenous peoples,harboring and protecting pedophile priests,etc.,what else is to be expected,and of course the church has a history of always working hand in hand with government.
As a born and raised Catholic I am stunned at these expressions! Stunned! But in retrospect I guess in a way that's why I did change to another religion as an adult.
Because in all fairness where were his condemnations when he was kissing the Castro regime a short while ago? The Boko Haram child women kidnappings? and all of the other injustices all around the globe? Did he call them un-Christian in such a strong manner? No wonder the church is losing lay people steadily to other more socially just religions!
Low blow, unfitting of a man in his position,and very unfitting of a man that is supposed to represent God on earth.
Francis is a secular liberal, a man who seeks glory for himself in this world, rather than glory for God in eternity. He is a disgrace to his office, and a symptom of the degeneracy of the Church.
Good points PR!
Public acts of piety have become a staple in the mass media. It’s hard to watch anything on television because every five minutes, it seems, someone is on screen telling us they are a Good Thinker in some way. Watch a sporting event and before long they are preaching about women, refugees, homosexuals or whatever fad is whirling around the Cult of Modern Liberalism at the moment.
It’s what Bad Thinkers call “virtue signalling.” You see it everywhere. Someone blunders and utters a truth about the world in public and immediately there is a line of people telling us how they were offended. Then there is a line hooting some form of “burn the witch!” and demanding the heretic grovel. The very act of groveling, the public struggle session, has been ritualized so everyone can sing along with the sinner. Ask Manny Pacquiao how it works. It's a moral code that is just as self-absorbed as the practitioners.
Trump's success so far is due the fact he refuses to cooperate with the liberal Gestapo. He says what we are not allowed to say and refuses to back down or ever apologize to the howlers. Even the pope gets kicked to the curb.
Francis is just another self-absorbed practitioner of the New Religion. He has abandoned the Catholicism that is scorned by the Good Thinkers and embraced the precepts of the New Cult in order to garner the adulation of the World. In this way he has betrayed his faith by neglecting his role as the prime defender of its eternal truths. He has chosen poorly and now finds himself on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of God.
Yīshēng said...
Good points PR!
12:41 PM
Thanks! and you know it's not that I'm for one or the other. But, I'm sure that neither of the parties are in agreement with his expressions. They may be afraid to voice any dissent against such a powerful entity, but they must be shaking in their boots that one day they may be on the wrong end of the Popes likes or dislikes!
@ Z Man 12:56pm: I have to agree!
Here's another shitty Cruz photoshop:
+1 to Z Man and lilacPR.
Regardless of political affiliation, the Pope's statement was improper for his leadership position in the Catholic Church.
In defense of the pope, the question from the Reuters reports was very loaded and quite misleading. Of course, the question was in Spanish and no one here has heard it, only the pope's answer was translated.
Both the Pope and the Donald have backed off a little today.
Just another example of how the media is not to be trusted.
White people invented the nigger? They fucked up royally with Yisheng.
White people invented the nigger? We fucked up royally with Yisheng.
"Because in all fairness where were his condemnations when he was kissing the Castro regime a short while ago? The Boko Haram child women kidnappings? and all of the other injustices all around the globe? Did he call them un-Christian in such a strong manner?"
I don't think the Castro brothers would be particularly stung by being called un-Christian. They're communist and therefore atheist.
And Boko Haram are Muslim, so, again, "un-Christian" is not really an effective put-down.
The pope is giving Trump crap because suddenly (wonder why -- could it be all the evangelical GOP voters?) he is pretending to be effusively pious, despite never really having taken much of an interest in the faith before (how many bimbo wives?). And because he is loudly and proudly lacking in compassion toward a whole slew of ethnic and religious groups -- and compassion is practically the whole damn point of Christianity.
On that latter point, though, almost all right-wing voters fail. The pope should hold a mass excommunication of the entire Republican Party. That would fix 'em.
"It’s what Bad Thinkers call 'virtue signalling.' You see it everywhere. Someone blunders and utters a truth about the world in public and immediately there is a line of people telling us how they were offended."
You're complaining that the pope is "virtue signalling"? He's the pope! Virtue-signalling is what popes do! Being a full-time morality cop comes with the funny outfits and the Popemobile.
Republicans are just mad that this particular pope doesn't keep his beak out. He actually does his job in pointing out that the bad people are, in fact, bad. Because, as it turns out, many wingnuts are right at the top of the naughty list.
You're complaining that the pope is "virtue signalling"? He's the pope! Virtue-signalling is what popes do!
No. It's not true virtue if you have to signal it.
Virtue signaling is what narcissistic liberals do. The 'virtues' they signal are those of the Cult of Progressivism. They attempt to project selflessness only to promote themselves. In truth, their cult values only intolerance and hate. It is a philosophy of utter hypocrisy and negativity.
They call for open borders not out of love for those on the other side, but out of hate for those on this side.
The pope is supposed to live a life of virtue according to the precepts of his faith, not for his own glory, but as an example for those who would honor those tenets. He should be less interested in materialism, and more focused on spirituality.
The Ministry of Truth is a total narcissist. Totally in love with himself and all the self-satisfied bullshit he spews.
Racist whites Always Project. The fear is palpable.
There, fixed it.
White men don't want equal rights. They just want special rights. Sad but true.
There, fixed it.
I disagree, Fred. MOT is not a narcissist. This person is very earnest, but dumb as dirt. I enjoy MOT's point of view for the laugh occasionally, but usually end up smh at the rational.
Conservatism has been linked to birth defects, mental illness and late stage retardnation.
"I disagree, Fred. MOT is not a narcissist. This person is very earnest, but dumb as dirt."
And kind of faggy. Don't forget that.
The Ministry of Truth said...
I don't think the Castro brothers would be particularly stung by being called un-Christian. They're communist and therefore atheist.
And Boko Haram are Muslim, so, again, "un-Christian" is not really an effective put-down.
2:42 PM
Aw com'on Truth! Now you're quibbling over semantics! :)
Islam,Jewish,athiest,whatever! If it's sauce for the goose it has to be sauce for the gander also!
I think he made a big blunder and for sure he's gonna get a briefing at Vatican City, because there's an entire machine behind his azz!
He has to learn to hold his tongue and be more diplomatic because world leaders here and everywhere have no intention of kissing his Catholic azz out of fear of getting on his bad side and risk, as you said, his denouncing and ostracizing/ex-communicating them!
I wonder why the communist Pope Francis didn’t take the opportunity when he was in Mexico, a country that is nominally 80+% Roman Catholic, to criticize Mexico for its restrictive immigration laws, which I understand are much more restrictive than those of the U.S. His words might have had much more effect in a country which is more than 3X Catholic than the U.S. (percentage-wise) and thus more inclined to follow the wisdom of their Holy Pontiff and more likely to accept his criticism that such restrictive immigration policies are not “Christian.” Where did the Church find this left-wing buffoon who insists in intruding into political matters that have little connection to the Church’s mission?
Both parties and the media are sleazy. This is a Boston Globe article about one of the topics I have harped on, our government supporting ISIS and our media covering it up.. http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/02/18/the-media-are-misleading-public-syria/8YB75otYirPzUCnlwaVtcK/story.html
lilacpr2000 said...
He has to learn to hold his tongue and be more diplomatic because world leaders here and everywhere have no intention of kissing his Catholic azz out of fear of getting on his bad side and risk, as you said, his denouncing and ostracizing/ex-communicating them
I’m getting sick of this guy. He knows as little about history as he does about Christian theology or climate science. I would recommend that he consult his Bible, if he even owns one, and see how many times the word “hypocrite” comes up.
Faux News said...
In defense of the pope, the question from the Reuters reports was very loaded and quite misleading. Of course, the question was in Spanish and no one here has heard it, only the pope's answer was translated.
Both the Pope and the Donald have backed off a little today.
Just another example of how the media is not to be trusted.
2:17 PM
I found the video and although he did seem to be a little flustered and unprepared for the question, his answer meant exactly what was reported. He was quite emphatic about it. Not only that but he began with a quote from Aristotle where he compares non believing humans to animals!!! OMG! That man really put his foot in his mouth! Ahahaha!
Me thinks that from now on he will not be taking impromptu questions like that, until after he has come down from that cloud that the die-hard lay people with their unabashed adulation put him on!
It can be quite intoxicating I'm sure, and he may have felt beholden to the Mexican people for that and thus want to please them at that moment.
But good! Reality check moment for him! Maybe now he can get off that 'I'm almost a saint' bs cloud he seems to be walking on!!!
This is why that Pope position is so highly criticized. He is after all a mere man! Subject to all of the same carnal afflictions, one of which is a large ego. In his case a giant ego! x*D
Extra-hilarious part about the Trump v. Pope grudge match:
Trump is now hiding behind the alleged principle that nobody should ever judge another person on how well they observe their professed religion. Except that just one week ago, Trump called Cruz a crappy Christian. (Psst, Donald: You were right. Cruz IS a crappy Christian -- and so are you!)
No legs to stand on here, I'm afraid.
What follows is – as far as I can tell – an accurate description of what happened.
1. The Pope criticized Donald Trump.
2. The Pope’s credibility declined.
If this were fiction, no one would believe it.
tbraton said...
I wonder why the communist Pope Francis didn’t take the opportunity when he was in Mexico, a country that is nominally 80+% Roman Catholic, to criticize Mexico for its restrictive immigration laws, which I understand are much more restrictive than those of the U.S. His words might have had much more effect in a country which is more than 3X Catholic than the U.S. (percentage-wise) and thus more inclined to follow the wisdom of their Holy Pontiff and more likely to accept his criticism that such restrictive immigration policies are not “Christian.” Where did the Church find this left-wing buffoon who insists in intruding into political matters that have little connection to the Church’s mission?
5:38 PM
Yup!! and what about the press in Mexico? I've seen documentaries where journalists that criticize the government in any way are kidnapped and killed! Either that or they have to leave the country fearing for their lives!!! Let me cup my ear...nope..only the sound of the coqui! Nothing from Vatican City on that little matter!
Oh and the corrupt police system, where any poor person will confirm that there is no justice for the poor! Which is why the case of the missing and killed women from Juarez has not been solved!!!
Hypocrisy, Pope is they name!!!
It is of course the height of hypocrisy for the pope to go to Mexico and criticize Trump’s proposed immigration policies, when Mexico’s actual policies are many times more racist, xenophobic, brutal, and harsh. And of course, the Pope himself allows zero Muslim refugees to wander into the Vatican.
I meant Pope,thy name is hypocrisy and financial interests!
What follows is – as far as I can tell – an accurate description of what happened.
1. The Pope criticized Donald Trump.
2. The Pope’s credibility declined ... among Trump voters
3. The Pope had a big laugh over the irrelevance of Trump voters.
Jesus didn't believe in political parties! As a matter of Bible fact he was adamantly against them!!
This is why the papacy is criticized and rightly so!
But I'm sure that the Vatican City machine will make him apologize publicly, because actually it's the only way!
Otherwise instead of preaching about all that peace,love,forgiveness,charity, he'll have to start railing and ranting against ALL of the ills and social injustices of the world! Not just the one that fits his personal political agenda!!!
Which means he'll be ranting and raving and calling lots of folk 'un Godly' 24/7 for the rest of his tenure!
Ahahaha! I like it actually! He now has a choice! Let's see what he'll choose, but I'm beginning to foresee an all expenses paid, treated like a king trip for Trump to Vatican city in the near future!
Ahahahaaa! God is good! and Just! x*D
Liberalism has been linked to birth defects, mental illness and late stage retardnation.
Racist blacks Always Project. The fear is palpable.
There, fixed it.
Black men don't want equal rights. They just want special rights. Sad but true.
And I just saw the video where Trump very diplomatically downplays it all, and takes the heat off the Pope, and I think it's very intelligent as well as gentlemanly of him! He's Taken the high road by forgiving the pope for the insult, which is after all a Christian value, "turn the other cheek"! "Forgive the sinner"
He has now successfully de-fused the situation so that all of his followers can do same,and at the same time demonstrated that HE is bigger than the POPE! Brilliant,I must admit!
Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP
So it begins.....
Hillary is going to jail.
Conservatism has been linked to birth defects, mental illness and late stage retardnation.
lilacpr2000 said...
And I just saw the video where Trump very diplomatically downplays it all, and takes the heat off the Pope, and I think it's very intelligent as well as gentlemanly of him! He's Taken the high road by forgiving the pope for the insult, which is after all a Christian value, "turn the other cheek"! "Forgive the sinner"
He has now successfully de-fused the situation so that all of his followers can do same,and at the same time demonstrated that HE is bigger than the POPE! Brilliant,I must admit!
Ir Trump! ¿Sabías Donald J. Trump ama los puertorriqueños? Espero que ayudar a devolver el amor.
Racist whites Always Project. The fear is palpable.
There, fixed it.
"Which means he'll be ranting and raving and calling lots of folk 'un Godly' 24/7 for the rest of his tenure!"
Lilac, I think he plans to. This is what makes right-wingers so hopping mad at him. For once, they'll be facing the business end of the "sin cannon" they are accustomed to pointing at everyone else. :-D
White men don't want equal rights. They just want special rights. Sad but true.
There, fixed it.
Have you seen the recent Scott Pelley interview?
PELLEY: You talk about leveling with the American people. Have you always told the truth?
Hillary Clinton gets personal about her mother
CLINTON:I've always tried to. Always. Always.
PELLEY:Some people are gonna call that wiggle room that you just gave yourself.
CLINTON:Well, no, I've always tried --
PELLEY:I mean, Jimmy Carter said, "I will never lie to you."
CLINTON:Well, but, you know, you're asking me to say, "Have I ever?" I don't believe I ever have. I don't believe I ever have. I don't believe I ever will. I'm gonna do the best I can to level with the American people.
"Tried" in Statement Analysis
A breakdown of Hillary's interview. Why does Hillary have so much trouble with the truth?
Ima sticka the 'sin cannon' right uppa MoT's ass!
Anonymous The Ministry of Truth said...
"Which means he'll be ranting and raving and calling lots of folk 'un Godly' 24/7 for the rest of his tenure!"
Lilac, I think he plans to.
6:36 PM
Oh he better if he wants to live this down! but my personal opinion, he's now as they say 'dead in the water' 'cos it's a 'yoooooge' gaf! It shows that he left his impartiality and Christianity at home that time!
The Left Has No Clothes said...
Ir Trump! ¿Sabías Donald J. Trump ama los puertorriqueños? Espero que ayudar a devolver el amor.
6:35 PM
Lamentablemente aqui no tenemos el derecho al voto por la presidencia de los Estados Unidos, por eso no lo podemos ayudar en ese aspecto ;)
Leading Black Lives Matter Protester Gunned Down by Fellow Black Person in Chicago:
A young community activist is gunned down at a friend’s house the week before he was supposed to rally for peace.
This past weekend, 21-year-old Matthew Williams died a violent death, the kind he held peace marches and rallies about.
The kind of black on black murder we hear about far too often in this city.
Chicago police say Williams was in the wrong place at the wrong time, playing video games at a friend’s apartment at 71st and Calumet, when a guy with a gun came back to settle a score with someone else and Williams was the innocent victim.
Liberalism has been linked to birth defects, mental illness and late stage retardnation.
Racist blacks Always Project. The fear is palpable.
There, fixed it.
Black men don't want equal rights. They just want special rights. Sad but true.
There, fixed it.
Black men and black women want special treatment. Other than for special treatment, why would colleges be required to accept black SAT scores 100+ points below whites for college applicants?
Blacks want equality. I do too! If you want to be treated like someone who deserves to be where you are don't be a required by LAW quota hire. Everyone knows or assumes you are if your skin is black.
Other than the love for individual families, it appears there's no love or like for anyone/anything else in this country. Everyone's racist. Everyone.
No we aren't Omigosh. Most of us aren't. Our respected neighbors, coworkers, brothers-in-law, nephews, friends are black. Some people want to promote that belief that "everyone" is racist.
"Racist" is a stop the conversation bomb that some exploit to end any discussion. Field included.
Omigosh said...
Other than the love for individual families, it appears there's no love or like for anyone/anything else in this country. Everyone's racist. Everyone
Omigosh is racist.
"Field" , NEVER stops a discussion when the R words pops up. In fact, this is when the discussion starts for me, because I want to know who u (the racist) are , and what are your beliefs.
All the better for me to navigate around u and win our individuals battles. It's always best to know exactly where the enemy is.
Hey, Purple Numb-nuts: If you wish to continue a discussion, why the fuck do you do so in a completely different thread? Is the hope that by changing venue with every single reply that eventually people will just stop replying because they can't find you? I only seen your condescending, cunty remark this go-'round because I was looking for something for Lance.
So, let's run through this strain of cultural Marxism invading western civilization.
Guy says, "Hey, Americans, and specifically white Christians, do not antagonize Muslims. Watch what you say about Islam. Don't have your 'Draw Muhammad Day,' as that will incite more people in their hatred and will create more terrorists."
The cultural Marxists say about this: "Good advice! Leave Muslims alone and fewer of them will become terrorists! Don't give them a reason to hate us all!"
Guy says, "Hey, black folks, and specifically you faux progressive black-as-an-ideology black folks, do not antagonize white folks. Watch when you're only speaking negatively about an entire people. Don't say that all whites are privileged and oppressors and racist toward you, as this might create more racists."
The Punk Cunk says about this: "FASCISM!"
Like all things in the life of identity political black-as-an-ideology buffoons, it's only wrong when white people do it.
Things you'll never find in those with "progressive" ideologies who cannot help--literally cannot help--but playing identity politics:
- Honesty
- Consistency
- Integrity
- Logic
- Character
You ends-justify-the-means identity political lunatics have some serious issues.
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