Poor Chris Christie must be kicking himself for two things: Bridgegate and Donald Trump. Let's face it, Christie was trump before trump. He was that brash shoot from the hip straight talker who hated political correctness.
Carly was just a liar who thought that she would be the republican's version of Hillary. At times she seemed to know what she was talking about, and she actually did a good job at some of those earlier debates, but her blatant lying to score political points was a bit much, even for a politician in 2016.
So anyway, now it's on to South Carolina, and trump is clearly in the driver's seat. Fortunately for him, there are still enough candidates in the race to make his 30% of the voters enough to give him enough delegates to leave Cleveland as the republican nominee. If he wins the plurality of the votes in all those winner take all states, he will be hard to stop. Chris and Carly can do the math, so they hit the road.
On the democratic side, last night Bernie beat Hillary like she stole his Larry David autographed baseball hat. It was ugly. If you are in Hilary's camp you have to be wondering how you are going to get all those young people to start voting for you.
Hillary and her peeps couldn't wait to get out of New Hampshire and head to South Carolina. This is where she has her so called "fire wall" propped up with black support.
But not so fast. Bernie has made it known that he will be going after the black vote, and he met with Rev. Al today in Harlem to show his Negro cred.
"I've asked him very bluntly about Flint. I've asked him very bluntly about affirmative action," Sharpton said of the conversation. "I've asked him very bluntly about the issues of police brutality and police misconduct, things I want to hear."'
The meeting was arranged at Sanders’ request, according to The Washington Post."
OK then. I am not sure how many black votes this little trip to Sylvia's will get Bernie, but it's nice to see that he is reaching out. Although he might consider someone else from the black community to reach out to. I know that to white folks Al Sharpton is black America, but you have to believe me when I tell you that he is not.
"Observers said the meeting is Sharpton’s way of telling the Clinton camp it should not take his endorsement for granted.
Bronna-Helm said she supported Sanders over Clinton because of her husband’s harsh policies in the 1990s that led to a surge in people of color behind bars. Bill Clinton has since said the legislation that led to a surge in new prisons and tougher sentences was a mistake.
“Her husband's policies effected my community in a very negative way,” she said. “I think the Clintons have taken the African-American votes for granted.”'
Oh ohhh. This could be a long primary season on the democratic side as well.
*Pic from abc.net.au
And why would the Bernn have to 'ask' the good Reverend those questions about those topics???
Is he so out of the loop that he hasn't heard???;)
I would suggest he take out a little time each day and read 'The Field Negro' blog then!!!
Right guys??? That'll clue him up right quick! Get him up to speed...but can his heart take it??? x*D
G'nite guys, just came in from Home Depot and buying more soil for my garden AND having some Burger King onion rings!!! Love those things!
I'm no Chris Christie fan, but I have to thank the nasty ogre for giving us all the malfunctioning Marcobot 3000 moment. That was amusing, if nothing else, and may even have derailed Rubio's campaign. (Rubiomentum didn't last too long, did it?)
Hasta la vista, Christie, and best of luck with your multiple corruption investigations and that New Jersey state financial trainwreck you created!
Hey Mr. Field. This Tay again. Thinkin about you. Yeah I know you always act like you don't know me when we on your site, but that's OK. We share a special thing that only two strong Black Men can share. Last weekend at my place ... WHOO! It was cold outside but it was warm up this house!
I hope you told your wife, tho. About the virus. You know, that OTHER special thing that we share. You can only avoid it for so long, brother. You can hide it from your wife, and you can hide it from yourself, but eventually you gonna have to go down to the clinic. I'll be there with ya.
Love and Chocolate Kisses,
Lilac, "I would suggest he take out a little time each day and read 'The Field Negro' blog then!!!"
No he shouldn't. If he did he would come away not knowing shit-like the rest of us.
Damn, Field, you on the DL brother? This TayTay stalking your ass. You better come correct. I aint readin no faggot's blog.
Ok, so apparently blacks can't be racist, but they are homophobic as hell.
Fat ass whooteemoo men and ugly ass whooteemoo women aren't worth our time. I hope they both die of dysentery.
Y'all coloreds need to get out and vote for me in South Carolina! Y'all know my husband was the first black President, blacker than Obama, banging fat hos in the Oval Office!
Don't let that racist, sexist Bernie Sanders fool y'all, I'm the one who will keep y'all out of chains!
No White House for Fat Jesus ... Just White Castle ...
Hey look, fake doctor Queen changed her name again. I don't think the "n" word is appropriate, why go there Yisheng?
Sorry Tay, u are not my type. I told u that before. Now please stop sending me all those flowers.
TMOT, u are right, he did exposé the Rubio bot. I guess we can thank him for that.
"G'nite guys, just came in from Home Depot and buying more soil for my garden AND having some Burger King onion rings!!! Love those things!"
9:36 PM
Have you heard the news about Burger King? They will be selling fire roasted hot dogs sometime this month. I can't wait. It's hard finding good hot dogs in fast food restaurants.
Anon@10:39, those homophobic words were written by your white brother.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey look, fake doctor Queen changed her name again. I don't think the "n" word is appropriate, why go there Yisheng?
10:47 PM
This time her name is legit. She's coming out of the closet.
Why are negroes like Lance Cockstrong always so obsessed with dick?
Hopefully whichever white loser that is elected later this year will be the LAST whitey to ever occupy the White House. Let's make sure those devils never become our leaders again, starting in 2020.
lilacpr2000 said...
G'nite guys, just came in from Home Depot and buying more soil for my garden AND having some Burger King onion rings!!! Love those things!
Careful with those o-rings Lilac, you don't want to get all fat and greasy like Yisheng.
lilacpr2000 said...
G'nite guys, just came in from Home Depot and buying more soil for my garden AND having some Burger King onion rings!!! Love those things!
I LOVE onion rings!!
lilac is already fat and greasy like Yisheng.
Fuck white people. Fuck them up their asses.
I continue to be mystified by the continued derision and disrespect for Sanders in this space. And elsewhere, case in point the NYT Charles Blow who extols Clinton for her brief appearance at the "I'll Make Me A World In Iowa Festival", while dismissing Sanders "hearing the King himself". Who ever said that Sharpton is black America? Is anyone? Are you?
Yīshēng said...
I LOVE onion rings!!
10:59 PM
YAAAASSSS!!! Me too! But I hate to make them, they never come out right x(
I've been wanting them for a bit now, but the Burger King is a bit far from where I live. There's a McDonald but they don't make onion rings, least not in PR anyway.
I'm still uppp! So much to do always! But now for real, bath and bed and ZZZzzzzzzzzzz.
Standoff in Oregon is coming to an end. FBI is moving in right now. The govt. is about to slaughter some white people. I'm sure you're jumping for joy about this, Field.
Thank god Carly is gone. She was more annoying than Palin. Anon, is there really something happening in Oregon?
"Standoff in Oregon is coming to an end. FBI is moving in right now. The govt. is about to slaughter some white people. I'm sure you're jumping for joy about this, Field."
Well, they haven't exactly been forced to run the risk of getting slaughtered, have they? They could have surrendered instead. They've had weeks to do it.
But the four remaining nutjobs have decided they won't surrender unless they are given assurances that they won't be arrested, and the feds won't give them any such assurances, because seizing federal property by force is, in fact, quite a serious matter.
So it appears these guys are idiots, and if they don't survive, it's largely as a result of their own choices. They get a Darwin award.
Looks like the FBI is negotiating with the 4 remaining squatters. Government killings usually don't kill whites even when armed. You have to literally shoot at a cop to get killed as a white person.
"So it appears these guys are idiots, and if they don't survive, it's largely as a result of their own choices. They get a Darwin award."
Yeah, white people kind of have to work hard to get shot.
Justice is suing Ferguson for not complying with the federal remedies that were given to their PD. Let's see where this goes.
Don't worry homophobic black people, gay white men are just as racist as you are homophobic.
Frank Marshall Davis Jr. is Obama's real father. Look at the pics.
You know it's true.
Cliven Bundy has also been arrested. It appears the feds have had just about enough of these jokers.
Hannity will be so sad that his valiant hero has been vanquished. :-(
Let us have a moment of silence and raise the Y'all Qaeda flag one last time for our fallen butthurt Teabilly warriors.
Ministry of Truth, you are as annoying as my husband whenever he wants to finger my asshole.
Aw, do you feel sympathy for poor Cliven?
Did you also "forget" to pay your grazing fees to Uncle Sam, fake Yisheng?
Or is it more that you have a spiritual bond with the elder Bundy because you and he share the same hobby: telling everyone the very important things you know about the Negro?
I have only been reading your blog a few weeks and posted a few times. In general, I would like to say that there are white people appalled at the cop corruption and brutality problem across our country too. Just not sure how to get it stopped.
In specifics to this election, many of us realize there are major problems in our country and again how does the little guy get it fixed? Finally, for me, there is a candidate who not only can honestly admit this, but has a plan to change things. A fundamental different way of thinking about issues. I have been drawn into the Bernie agenda because of his ideology, not his race or age or gender. I have had to change my political party to be able to caucus for him. But finally I am feeling some hope of a better future.
I am curious... why the view that his ideas would not make any difference in the lives of black voters?
Is it because you desire to be preceived as an individual, rather then being lumped into a category of voters that all should vote a certain way? (Look how woman are irritated with Albright and Gloria Steinem saying females should just automatically choose Hillary because she's female.)
Is it because Bernie's platform (ending mass incarceration, improving access to college education, improving wages of entry level and middle class workers) doesn't go far enough?
Is it because Bernie's platform is not delivered by a black candidate?
Just a white sister trying to understand. I am a person with a natural curiousity about people, and have found that when I get to know someone individually that their external labels fade. As a country, if we could see others as people first and a certain race or gender second, then there would be far less prejudice IMO. My view is that hatred and prejudice start in the mind, but then are disseminated throughout the laws and fabric of our entire society...so if we could change the thinking one leader at a time, one police officer at a time, one public figure at a time it would eventually trickle down to a safer, kinder society for all. Ok off my soap box. Curious of your feedback on my Bernie questions.
I think there are a lot of issues that effect black people. A candidate who isn't sponsored by Wall Street is better than one who is. The disproportionate racial incarceration rates mean a candidate who is for legalizing marijuana is better than one who isn't. There are a lot of blacks in the military and a candidate who avoids war is much better than a warmongering neocon. Socialism gets popular in economic hard times, like it did during the Great Depression. Black people suffer disproportionately from economic hard times. Jesse Jackson got a lot of votes when he ran for president during economic hard times, and Sanders endorsed him. Some people say (pardon the Fox News expression) that Sanders was marching with Dr. King at roughly the same time Clinton was campaigning for racist Barry Goldwater. The part about Clinton is documented in her book. I'm not aware of the claim about Sanders having been conclusively proven. Clinton's stronger stance on gun control is better for black people than Sanders', since a lot of black people live in high crime rate urban neighborhoods and don't own guns. But Sanders' history and positions on everything else I mentioned are better. People like Ben Jealous have started to endorse Sanders, but Al Sharpton is employed by the big corporate media. It would say a lot if he jeopardized his standings with his employers to endorse Sanders. Alan Colmes made too good of an argument against John McCain and he lost his job at Fox News. I don't think I could go to Sylviia's with Al Sharpton without saying, "where's my ice tea mother F*@$&er?"
I just saw a CNN clip of Anderson Copper asking Bernie Sanders about him being arrested for protesting racial segregation 54 years ago.
Ben Carson is running for president.
Where is the love and support for this black candidate? He is black and that is all that matters. Right?
Disappointed not to see Marley Dias featured in your "Field Negro of the Day" category. Check her out:
Even my wife noticed, Field, that so often it's the first generation African Americans like Marley (whose parents, more often than not, are from Jamaica!) who lead the way in correcting white-blindness or repression or prejudice.
My theory, that Jamaica is a mostly black island whose people grow up unapologetic about their ethnicity and thus have no bones about protesting wrongs when they see them, gets more support all the time. The theory also holds true of Americans whose parents are recently from Africa or other other Caribbean islands. A disproportionate number of high-achieving black people are first-generation natives. Need someone to look into this further... just interesting, that's all.
Is Dr. Ben still in the race? He seemed so hurt about being thrown under the bus, lol!!
"Looks like the FBI is negotiating with the 4 remaining squatters. Government killings usually don't kill whites even when armed. You have to literally shoot at a cop to get killed as a white person."
Gotta love how dumbocrats pick their candidates...
In the overall race for delegates, Clinton has 394, thanks in large part to endorsements from superdelegates — party officials who can support the candidate of their choice.
Sanders has 42 delegates.
It takes 2,382 delegates to win the Democratic nomination for president.
Hillary squeaked out a win in iowa because she won the important coin flip competition and then gets blown out in new hampshire.
Yet she is winning big.
Yīshēng said...
Is Dr. Ben still in the race? He seemed so hurt about being thrown under the bus, lol!!
as previously noted...
Casual Observer said...
Ben Carson is running for president.
Where is the love and support for this black candidate? He is black and that is all that matters. Right?
And... crickets.
There is only love and support for black candidates if they are a Democrat. Nothing more, nothing less. That's the sad truth.
Josh, you have a tiny penis. The only ones who have touched it other than yourself are 10 year old boys.
It's Racist for White People to complain about Violent Black Supremacist groups that murder Whites.
CP said...
There is only love and support for black candidates if they are a Democrat. Nothing more, nothing less. That's the sad truth.
11:59 AM
So... A white Democrat running for POTUS is preferred over a black Republican? Is that the message I'm hearing? Even when white=racist? Or do I have that wrong? Is it racist=white?
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation (on Field Negro)"...Always stay gracious, best revenge is your (success) and paper!!!!
From Beyonce's Formation
This quote right here!!! It's just too bad there's no middle finger icon to add to make it complete!
Yīshēng said...
It's just too bad there's no middle finger icon to add to make it complete!
I got it right here..
||||| /
This is a very powerful video:
Yīshēng said...
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation
She is listening to Beyonce on her Beats headphones as she washes glassware for the real doctors.
I left off the MOST important part of the song:
I slay, I slay, I SLAY!!!
"Slay" all you want, but make sure all those beakers are clean before you leave or you're back on toilet duty.
Beyonce's dancers hold up a BLM sign about Mario Woods and post it on twitter, but her show ain't political? Panthers, Malcom, a corresponding video of song with anti-cop "don't shoot me", but that shit ain't political. On and On. Barf. This very privileged, .001%, non-black featured, blonde is funny. Jackson five nostrils? hypocrite.
Did you read the last guy standing in Oregon stand off wanted pot and pizza before he surrendered to authorities? Too funny, too! Idiot.
"Where is the love and support for this black candidate? He is black and that is all that matters. Right?"
Uh yeah, of course.
Carson/Cain '16
Looks like the Oregon occupation has ended without messing up one hair on the 4 individuals' heads. Once again the predictions of white oppression are over blown.
How many people did those white protesters kill, PilotX?
or loot or burn businesses or burn cars or.....
PilotX said...
Looks like the Oregon occupation has ended without messing up one hair on the 4 individuals' heads. Once again the predictions of white oppression are over blown.
So where do you think the FBI took them after their arrest, WhooteeBurger or Cracka' Barrel?
To jail.
Carly's going to get a haircut and look exactly like one of the men and Christie's going to eat some Crispy Cream donuts by the boxes-full to keep that hefty tonnage thing going on. And the beat goes on.
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