"COLUMBIA, S.C. — A South Carolina group dedicated to “defense of the proudly Confederate South” rallied at the State House here on
Saturday, showcasing a mixture of Confederate flags and signs supporting Donald Trump as the Republican presidential primary unfolded across the state.
The South Carolina Conservative Action Council said the event was held in observance of the anniversary of the burning of Columbia after Union soldiers invaded the city in February 1865. Along with marking the burning of Columbia, the rally promoted the group’s recent endorsement of Trump’s presidential campaign. Trump eventually won the South Carolina primary handily, creating an even bigger problem for the Republican establishment.
Several neo-Confederate and white supremacist groups have expressed support for Trump. His campaign did not respond to multiple requests for a comment from Yahoo News asking whether it accepts the SCCAC’s endorsement and why such groups are drawn to Trump."
Hey, it must have helped, because trump easily beat his two one Cuban American and one Canadian opponent in the South Carolina primary Saturday night. (Maybe this is why Cruz was trying to paint trump as being anti-confederate.) In the words of my Philly homeboys, McFadden & Whitehead, there ain't no stoppin him now. Jeb dropping out (Americans have seen enough Bushes for one lifetime) gives Rubio a glimmer of hope, but in my humble opinion it will not be enough. Yes, Marco will get some cash now, but money alone can't win you elections anymore.
Just ask Jeb.
And there are reports that he was picking up fares in the middle of his killing spree.
They are saying that the guy is an "average Joe" with no prior criminal record, and that they still don't have a motive.
Six innocent people minding their own business only to have their lives cut short by this monster.
The motive might be that he is just an evil dude who hates people.
In fact, Uber has had a "criminal problem," in that they've had a number of their drivers assault passengers and do otherwise crazy things. I think their business model probably does contribute to that.
This particular case, however, does not seem to have had anything to do with Uber. There is little they could have done to prevent an insane sociopath like this from going on a killing spree.
But some people will leap to blame Uber in this case, simply because they've garnered such a reputation for being a socially irresponsible, unethical business generally.
From the dog bites man department, this pro-confederate flag group in South Carolina endorsed Donald trump for president.
Get used to it, Field. White people have finally had enough. The days of trashing our heritage and country are over.
Brother Field, people support Trump because he is the person who is for change. Hillary sure as hell isn't.
And I hope my peeps will wake up and smell the coffee and vote for Trump. He'll do more for Blacks than any candidate. Let me tell you, Trump has my vote unless Bernie Sanders win.
The FieldNegro said...
with no prior criminal record
So he would have passed a background check.
"So he would have passed a background check"? Maybe. Is that a reason not to have background checks?
A bunch of losers supporting a loser while celebrating some other losers for losing.
High IQ= Idiot Quotient.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Get used to it, Field. Whooteemoos have finally had enough. The days of trashing our heritage and country (that's really owned by real White people, and not us Whooteemoos) are over.
I was going to remark that as Whooteemoos get older/beer belly having, thymidine dimer/sunburned, heroin addicted physical examples of human waste, this trend will get substantially worse in the future.
Especially after the Dems wins the White House.
But thank Grand Whooteemoo Dragon, you for the opportunity to reiterate your original post.
Bill said...
The FieldNegro said...
with no prior criminal record
So he would have passed a background check.
He wouldn't have passed a Whooteemoo check. ;)
Had the Uber driver been Black or Brown we would have wall to wall coverage instead of this secondary coverage and we would hear all day, ISIS!, Thug!, OBAMA!!!
The Media's current response; Meanwhile Donald Trump....
Uber driver murder is getting wall to wall coverage.
If he was black this would be buried.
Yīshēng said...
He wouldn't have passed a Whooteemoo check. ;)
Just like everyone can tell you are an Ape-eemoo the minute they see you.
The Neocons are migrating back to the party they originally sprang from after accomplishing their mission to destroy GOP.
U.S. Scrambles to Contain Growing ISIS Threat in Libya:
Here come dem chickens!
"And I hope my peeps will wake up and smell the coffee and vote for Trump. He'll do more for Blacks than any candidate. Let me tell you, Trump has my vote unless Bernie Sanders win."
Your peeps are the goobers waving around Confederate flags down in South Carolina. And those Chumps for Trump are going to be a very sad, mopey, whiney, insufferable bunch come next November, after the voters deliver a colossal bitchslap to their loudmouthed hero.
Keep dreaming, faggot.
Yisheng, do you prefer to be called a nigger or a niggerette or a nigress?
Hahahahahah!!! White people are just stupid pathetic pieces of shit. Fuck them.
The Uber guy hair cut looks like Trump. Just saying!
well said,, nice post...
Six innocent people minding their own business only to have their lives cut short by this monster.
The motive might be that he is just an evil dude who hates people.
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James Bold, you are the cum bucket of a dead cock.
Yishengcow can't pass any test. Which is why she has spent 30 years trying to pass her first semester.Yishengcow will never be smart like Asians so she should stick with something easy-like weaving..
Oh lawdy,lawdy. Dis be why blacks like me ain't gone bes supporting trump. Heda got the support from peoples who fly a pieace of cloth on a pole. I's will be supporting that nice white lady Hillary. She be talking like me and understands my issuses.
PBM, I don't what's worse; a pathetic loser pretending to be black in a blog comment section, or the fact that said pathetic loser's perception of a group of people is based on the backwards bubble that it lives in.
If the ONLY problem you can find about Trump is that he is supported by racists then you're not paying attention.
I love how the brain of a political partisan works.
- Hitler liked spaghetti
- Therefore, spaghetti is evil
- If you like spaghetti, you're Hitler
79 murdered in Chicago so far this year (none of them by White Uber drivers with guns).
The Root reports on an Indianapolis flash-rob gang of "teens" (none of them White Uber drivers with guns) doing the kind of crime that creates food deserts
According to FN's clientele, what's the problem? White Uber drivers having guns. Because they cannot admit that Black people do not have the self-control required to live in a peaceful, prosperous society, let alone create one for themselves.
field negro said...
"pathetic loser's perception of a group of people is based on the backwards bubble that it lives in."
Says the guy who has no problem demonizing poor southern whites, even though he knows them only through the descriptions of those who hate them.
Growing up, I never really thought of myself as "white", but as American. I guess you would call that "white privilege", but it truly reflected my belief that an "American" was someone who believed in the basic principles of equality under the law, personal liberty, limited government, and individual opportunity, regardless of race or background.
I have lived my entire life in the Civil Rights Era, and have been waiting for decades for the premise that we are all in this together to bubble its way to the surface. But things are just getting worse, apparently, the complaints ever more shrill, the accusations ever more serious, the calls for retribution ever more severe.
Eight years of a black President doing everything he can for his and Eric Holder's people has finally put the lie to Civil Rights having anything to do with justice; it is only about power. It could have been the realization of the original American promise, but in truth it was not a cure but a weapon. Instead of bringing us together, it has only deepened the divisions.
The identity politics of the Left has triumphed over Conservative notions of assimilation into a propositional nation. America is not really an idea, at least any longer. What you are seeing now is white America realizing that it must get into the identity game before its over. A new day is coming. Now I am white.
Donald Trump has decided to go double birther. Now he says neither of those dirty Latino foreign types threatening his White House ambitions, also known as Cruz and Rubio, are ineligible to run for president.
See? We don't need to see endorsements from "Skinheads For Trump" to tell us Trump is Hitler.
We know that Trump is Hitler because he tells us he is Hitler.
That last bit should read "eligible." Oops.
The Ministry of Eunuchs said...
"We know that Trump is Hitler because he tells us he is Hitler."
I'll take Hitler over Hitlary.
Blogger Josh said...
I love how the brain of a political partisan works.
- Hitler liked spaghetti
- Therefore, spaghetti is evil
- If you like spaghetti, you're Hitler
I had to laugh at this because it does seem that's how a lot of political thinking works. I was surprised to be laughing at anything Josh posted so it was worth a comment.
But my mother, when I was growing up, would say this to me about minding which people I hung out with: "You're known by the company you keep."
I think it's reasonable to believe that if someone believe the rhetoric and ideology of a certain candidate, and that candidate is evil - then that candidate's supporters are evil to. Or at least tainted with foul beliefs and ideas.
It makes me skeptical, not only of their political beliefs, but overall intelligence.
ThatDeborahGirl said...
"But my mother, when I was growing up, would say this to me about minding which people I hung out with: "You're known by the company you keep."
Obama to meet with Black Lives Matter activists and others at White House:
Obama with NBPP leader Maik Shabazz:
Obama with Hugo Chavez:
Obama with admitted terrorist Bill Ayers:
Obama with Tony Rezko:
Your mother was a wise woman.
Anyone see the movie "Race", about Jesse Owens' gold medal performance at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Yet another Hollywood attempt to reinforce the Good Black / Evil White narrative by associating all whites with Hitler.
As with most things, the real story is more interesting than the Jew propaganda:
“Actually, Owens was acclaimed by the Berliners as enthusiastically as any German. Owens himself said that on one occasion, while in the stadium, he caught sight of Hitler: “When I passed the Chancellor, he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him.” Hitler invited all Olympic winners, including Owens, to a reception at the Reich Chancellory. Hitler personally congratulated and shook the hand of each winner, including Owens, who later confirmed this on several occasions.
Jesse Owens said the German Government gave him official greetings. 110,000 Germans at the Olympic Stadium hailed him, many Berliners asked for his autograph. He was allowed to stay in the same hotels as his white teammates, something that was forbidden in parts of the US. He was also featured on seven full pages in Germany's official Olympics book by Leni Riefenstahl in which he is highly praised without a single word of racial slur.
To his credit, Jesse Owens himself never contributed to the myth-making. He repeatedly stressed the warmth of his reception in Germany and his happiness during those days in Berlin.
“…Jesse Owens’ reception by the German public and the spectators in the Olympic stadium was warm. There were German cheers of “Yesseh Oh-vens” or just “Oh-vens” from the crowd. Owens was a true celebrity in Berlin, mobbed by autograph seekers to the point that he complained about all the attention. He later claimed that his reception in Berlin was greater than any other he had ever experienced, and he was quite popular even before the Olympics.
Ironically, the real snub of Owens came from his own president. Even after ticker-tape parades for Owens in New York City and Cleveland, President Franklin D. Roosevelt never publicly acknowledged Owens’ achievements (gold in the 100 meter, 200 meter, 400 meter relay, and long jump). Owens was never invited to the White House and never even received a letter of congratulations from the president. Almost two decades passed before another American president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, honored Owens by naming him “Ambassador of Sports” — in 1955.”
On the other hand, Hitler sent Owens a commemorative inscribed cabinet photograph of himself.
Owens said, “Hitler didn’t snub me – it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”
So why is Jewish Hollywood still lying to us about this? What's in it for them?
Look mate, fuck off with this anti-Semitic shit O.K.?
We don't need it here.
Fuck off back to Stormfront.
The Purple Cow said...
Look mate, fuck off with this anti-Semitic shit O.K.?
PC is right. This site is for anti-White shit only!
-Hitler was a socialist.
-The Purple Cow is a socialist
-The Purple Cow is Hitler
"Anyone see the movie 'Race', about Jesse Owens' gold medal performance at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Yet another Hollywood attempt to reinforce the Good Black / Evil White narrative by associating all whites with Hitler."
Christ, this is the warped view of the world held by loony tunes people like you? Normal people watching the story of Jesse Owens might come away with the impression that Owens was inspiring, or that Nazism is a morally bankrupt ideology. They wouldn't describe the movie's theme as "all white people are inherently evil." They wouldn't see it as some sort of insidious attempt to destroy society.
This reminds me how, years ago, Howard Stern had an actual Klansman as his movie reviewer (for the shock value, of course). The Klansman would give his ratings in number of burning crosses -- one burning cross for a bad movie, four for a great one, etc. His sole criterion for evaluating cinematic quality was how many black people died during the course of the film. More was better. So his favorite film, as I recall, was 1964's "Zulu," because the black body count was off the charts, with African warriors armed with only spears attacking colonial authorities who had machine guns.
Suffice to say, his reviews weren't terribly useful to anyone except other, like-minded racist dirtbags.
"Christ, this is the warped view of the world held by loony tunes people like you?"
The point was not to be a defense of Nazism, but to be an advocate for historical truth.
A little over your head, apparently.
FN said:
..... pathetic loser's perception of a group of people is based on the backwards bubble that it lives in.
I agree that person is a pathetic loser and you are guilty of the same damn offense as the poster you reprimanded. Black people are judges, doctors, CEOs of fortune 500 companies, lawyers, mayors, governors, congressmen and women, a Supreme Court justice, the President. Why do you only look at the negative all the time? Why do you not acknowledge life is better for black people, all minorities, than they have ever been?
You are part of the problem in America. You only see the negative. You relish in the past instead of celebrating how far we ALL have come.
Yes, you are just like that person in the "backwards bubble", Field.
Which Race? Is being somewhat disingenuous here, because there is a paragraph in that piece he copied and pasted, (without attribution incidentally) that he has mysteriously left out.
Here it s...
"When I came back to my native country, after all the stories about Hitler, I couldn't ride in the front of the bus," Owens said. "I had to go to the back door. I couldn't live where I wanted. I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler, but I wasn't invited to the White House to shake hands with the President, either."
Jesse Owens
(source: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v5n1p123.html )
I agree with every post so far. Cruz is out of control. It's a sad day in America when our politicians resort to lies and slander. This is why i support Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump dosen't lie or play dirty pool.
Donald J. Trump will make America great again. Donald J. Trump can't do it alone. He needs support from all the field hands. Go to https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ for more information.
The Purple Cow said...
Which Race? Is being somewhat disingenuous here, because there is a paragraph in that piece he copied and pasted, (without attribution incidentally) that he has mysteriously left out
Pasting a quote in italics which includes the words "Owens said" is not indicating attribution?
You are an idiot
Hey James Bold, how old are you?
BTW I live in a peaceful and prosperous society. Hmmmm, actually I know many blahs that do. Every single one here does and has pleant of self control. Soooooo wrong again. Keep trying though.
The Purple Cow said...
Which Race? Is being somewhat disingenuous here, because there is a paragraph in that piece he copied and pasted, (without attribution incidentally) that he has mysteriously left out.
Here it s...
"When I came back to my native country, after all the stories about Hitler, I couldn't ride in the front of the bus," Owens said. "I had to go to the back door. I couldn't live where I wanted. I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler, but I wasn't invited to the White House to shake hands with the President, either."
Jesse Owens
(source: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v5n1p123.html )
Why do film makers go back to the 1930s other than to make money? This film is a scam to stir the shit and keep the negativity alive. Owen competed 70 fucking years ago!
A couple of things anon 1105, the "conservative notion of assimilation" means what exactly? What you consider identity politics may simply be an acknowledgement and pride in one's culture. I doubt if people of Irish descent are looked down upon when they attend a St. Patrick's day parade and wear shirts that say "Kiss me I'm Irish" nor should they be. No one tries to shame people when they attend a Ukranian church because they still want a link to their ancestral homeland. America has always been embracing of different cultures, nothing wrong with that.
Also, did you really live through the civil rights era?
PilotX said...
BTW I live in a peaceful and prosperous society
Aren't white countries great?
Hey, Purple Cow, as long as you're here I'd like you to provide some factual support for what you wrote a few days ago:
"changing the invigilators skin colour alters the I.Q. of black and southern white men by 15 points."
Date of the study, links to it, how many times it's been replicated and by whom... that would be great to know. You know, like all the data on the reproducibility of IQ scores and the strong correlations with life outcomes?
And as long as I'm picking on clowns, PilotX needs to be called out:
"BTW I live in a peaceful and prosperous society."
Do you now? Just where on the HeyJackass map of crime do you happen to live? Care to name the neighborhood?
Precisely what race is associated with the peace and prosperity in Chicago, and which with violence, crime and poverty? Enquiring minds want to know.
Why do film makers go back to the 1930s other than to make money? This film is a scam to stir the shit and keep the negativity alive. Owen competed 70 fucking years ago!
It was 80 year ago.
"Care to name the neighborhood?"
Bronzeville. Care to tell us how old you are? I hope the question isn't too tough.
"Precisely what race is associated with the peace and prosperity in Chicago, and which with violence, crime and poverty?"
Well, where I live we have many blah doctors, lawyers, pilots (ha), teachers, fire fighters, nurses, business owners, ect. Next time you come here I'll show you around. Might be a bit nicer than the stereotypes you've built up in your mind.
"Aren't white countries great?"
Sure, I guess but so are blah countries and multi-cultural countries like 'murica.
"Now I am white."
That's nice. Do you get some sort of prize or something?
No, white people have to earn whatever they get.
@8:49, so I guess you're $hit outta luck, huh??
"@8:49, so I guess you're $hit outta luck, huh??"
Mic drop!
DQAE said...
@8:49, so I guess you're $hit outta luck, huh??
Um, no. I am quite sure I make more each year than you and PilotX put together.
Better pick that mic up, boy.
"No, white people have to earn whatever they get."
PilotX doesn't get it.
Merit: It's a white thing.
Well, where I live we have many blah doctors, lawyers, pilots (ha), teachers, fire fighters, nurses, business owners, ect. Next time you come here I'll show you around. Might be a bit nicer than the stereotypes you've built up in your mind.
8:37 PM
who are you kidding? there may be a 'few' doctors and an overabundance of useless broke lawyers but a 'lot'? And people with businesses? Last I looked, Blacks in Chicago didn't own shit. They used to own a nation wide hair products line but sold that to the wm, just like BET was sold to the wm......GET REAL.
You haven't said why you hate White People yet.
Is it cause they're so pretty?
White girls are really pretty.
PilotX probably does alright, but Yisheng isn't worth spit.
Anon@9:07, what's the name of your company?
"Last I looked, Blacks in Chicago didn't own shit."
You should look a bit harder. In my neighborhood a Delta sista owns a nice cafe that my wife and I frequent. There a several great restaurants that are very nice. Quite a few sweet boutiques and clothing stores that keep us looking good. Not to mention a radio station, newspapers and a magazine. I expect whites to not know about us, no surprise there.
"PilotX doesn't get it."
I get it every night from an NFL cheerleader. You've been misinformed.
"Um, no. I am quite sure I make more each year than you and PilotX put together."
Uh, yeah. You make millions, you have 20 PhD's, invented air and walk on water. Ain't the internet great? You can be anything your little heart desires cupcake.
I notice James still didn't answer my simple question. What's up Big J? How old are you?
11:23 PM
Blogger field negro said...
Anon@9:07, what's the name of your company?
Probably Bubbas Are Us, lol!!!!
Think about it? What this Uber driver did--killing six people at random--was beyond insane. He was seen by his neighbors as a regular Joe, and not a troublemaker.
Now, I know why he did it, but I'm not telling--you won't believe me anyway. This kind of senseless killing will be with us for a while, but it won't last.
The world has entered a desperation period marked by the ever-growing threat from global warming, terrorism, and just general attacks upon our fellowman.
There's a reason for this. Clues are everywhere, but you have know where to look, and how to look, to discern them.
""Care to name the neighborhood?"
That puts you in the Douglas area. Bodies turned up there last year, and already this year too. "Peaceful"? (Relative to Englewood, maybe.) Whatever you're smoking, you better quit or you won't pass your next drug screen.
"Care to tell us how old you are?"
Anonymous Birds of a feather said...
ThatDeborahGirl said...
"But my mother, when I was growing up, would say this to me about minding which people I hung out with: "You're known by the company you keep."
Obama to meet with Black Lives Matter activists and others at White House:
Your mother was a wise woman.
First things first, my mother is a wise woman. She is quite alive.
Second - I am firmly on the side of the Black Lives Matter activists and I have absolutely no problem with President Obama meeting with them. That you include them on a list with people you seem to consider terrorists is odd. Why do you think people who simply want the police to reconsider before shooting black people because black are terrorists?
That statement says more about you, than it does about the activists or President Obama.
"Peaceful"? (Relative to Englewood, maybe.) Whatever you're smoking, you better quit or you won't pass your next drug screen."
Nope, it's pretty nice James. you should visit, I'll show you around.
What's wrong? Scared to give us your age? How about a range. 20's, 60's, ect. I thought you were supposed to be bold? Well, that's one thing we are in Chicago, tough.
ThatDeborahGirl said...
I am firmly on the side of the Black Lives Matter activists and I have absolutely no problem with President Obama meeting with them.
Deborah supports a hate group that believes white lives don't matter and calls for murdering cops.
Deborah is a hater.
Thanks for sharing.
"I am firmly on the side of the Black Lives Matter activists and I have absolutely no problem with President Obama meeting with them."
Amen sista.
PillotX is a hater.
But we already knew that.
PillotX is a great guy.
But we already knew that.
The Fixer comments are retarded.
But we already knew that.
The Fixer comments are great.
But we already knew that.
Yhanks a lot his honor! I agree that Mitch and the bad of 8 et/al wioll embrace the mam with the tan like they embraqed Gov Faubus Maddox and Wallace nuff said..He knows exactly what he is doing
FN Thanks a lot..I am waiting for the murders of Afrikan men to begin again HUGE!
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