I really don't care who wins in Iowa, because, contrary to what the national news people will have you believe, whoever wins Iowa will not necessarily become our next president.
Anyway, speaking of politics, I have been thinking about something today after seeing Crystal Wright and her masters at FOX VIEWS denigrate Black History Month ,by having an entire program highlighting "dumb" black people staying on the democratic plantation to their economic and social detriment. Calling black people "political dummies" might make for a nice sound bite for your simple-minded base, but is it true?
Consider this for a minute; if the republican policies are so great, why are so many of their supporters poor working class blue collar white people? Why aren't they swimming in money like the puppet masters who pull all their strings in Washington? If, as Crystal Wrights suggests, black folks all of a sudden start voting for republicans in droves, what will make it any different for us? Why will our community all of a sudden become prosperous when the people who have been voting republican for years have not?
These are rhetorical questions, because I know the answer: It won't make a difference. And the people pulling the strings at the top know this. They know that the are causing poor and lower middle class white people to vote against their own best interest , and they are doing it by making black and brown people the bogeymen who will take away everything they hold dear.
Besides, I suspect that if blacks were to start voting republican in droves, the makeup of the republican party would change overnight. A lot of those republicans (particularly in the South) would start becoming democrats all of a sudden. The democratic party would start looking like it did in the fifties.
"Blacks have shown a slavish support for the Democrat party for over 50 years,” Wright replied. “Part of me wonders if the Republican party should even bother asking for the black vote because black Americans seem to like being political dummies.”
Crystal, not to be crass, but I would love to see your financial assets. Because I suspect that at the end of the day, the "dummy" might just be you.
*Pic from wbez.org
'' They know that the are causing poor and lower middle class white people to vote against their own best interest ,''
The left loves to tell everyone what is in their best interest.
'' Calling black people "political dummies" might make for a nice sound bite for your simple-minded base, but is it true?''
Of course it's true. And here are three examples that prove it.
Robert Gray. Alvin Greene . Dave Wilson.
"If, as Crystal Wrights suggests, black folks all of a sudden start voting for republicans in droves, what will make it any different for us?"
Black dysfunction can only be remedied by black people.
The formula is simple:
1. Graduate High School.
2. Don't have kids before you are married.
3. Avoid felony convictions.
4. Don't abet criminality in your community by refusing to cooperate with police.
When a good portion the lower half of black people can do this, they will see more appeal in an agenda that promotes personal liberty, economic opportunity, and a sense of common cause with the rest of the country. Then they might decide to vote conservative.
Hopefully, the Republican Party can reform itself to the point it deserves their votes.
"Blacks have shown a slavish support for the Democrat party for over 50 years,” Wright replied. “Part of me wonders if the Republican party should even bother asking for the black vote because black Americans seem to like being political dummies.”
The most violent areas in this country are controlled by Democrats and have majority blah populations. The areas with the worst schools, highest poverty rates are controlled by Democrats and have blah populations.
I would say screw blah people. You get what you vote for. But blahs will piss and moan, cry racism and blame everyone else for they sad plight in life. And than they go line up and vote Democrat like good slaves do.
What say you Chumps for Trumps, LOL???
I agree with Crystal. Have any of you seen her? The woman is a knock out...puts that long nose dummy Stacey Dash to shame.
But I digress. Blacks have always been "dummies" when it comes to voting. Just look at the 'very' high percentage of black votes Obama garnered and what did it get us? NOTHING! In fact, we are worse off.
BTW, Tavis and Cornel West tried to tell us to hold Obama's feet to the fire if we were to receive anything. And what did us Negroes do? We attacked Tavis and Cornel as if they were evil demons. Were we political dummies? You bet we were.
But we have always been stupid when comes to voting in our best interest. We are a people of self-destruction. I guess we still carry the slave gene mentality.
depressed negro
The most violent areas in this country are controlled by Republicanss and have majority white populations. The states with the worst schools, highest poverty rates are controlled by Republicans and have white populations.
I would say screw white people. You get what you vote for. But whites will piss and moan, cry racism and blame everyone else for they sad plight in life. And than they go line up and vote Republican like good slaves do.
There, fixed it.
Several things. One, why insult us and call us names for not voting for a certain party instead of asking us why we vote as such and ask for our votes? Two, we don't live in a vacuum, research for yourself as to why blah folks don't vote Republican. We don't respond well to insults, we've been insulted and abused since we landed on these shores and most of us don't take well to it. Telling me I only vote how I do for free stuff isn't going to get you far as I don't want anyone's free shit, I have my own. When Crystal wright calls blah folks dummies I hope she knows she's talking about a helluva lot of blah people including her family and friends many of whom are very far from dummies. So in closing here's what Republicans need to do to get me to consider voting for them. 1 ask me what I want. 2 call out their fellow party members when they do/say racist/homophobic/ect stuff. 3 stop the anti-intellectual stuff and 4 stop insulting blah people. Seeing that the gop is over 90% white diversity should be high on their agenda.
Watching the speeches tonight and the political ads I'm even more convinced I am behind Bernie at this point. He says what I would say as a candidate and is fighting for issues I care about. I guess we can assign a cheap/stereotypical label on me and call me names but a reasoned debate about why I should vote for your candidate might work. Let's sum up what Bernie highlighted tonight.
He wants to create a transaction tax for Wall Street speculation. I wholeheartedly agree with that. In fact I would propose the same action here in Chicago on LaSalle street. It would provide billions of much needed funds for education and healthcare. Chicago and the nation could use this innovative thinking. Why should the citizens always be on the hook for shouldering the entire tax burden (property taxes are being raised again in Chicago but corporations are getting tax cuts, not fair).
He believes climate change is a major issue as do I. He even spoke about why not one Republican candidate thinks it is an issue. Marco Rubio in an ad ridiculed Barack because according to Rubio ISIS is a bigger threat because they burn people in cages. Call me crazy but in Chicago probably the last thing I'm concerned about is being burned alive in a cage by ISIS. I could be wrong but I'm not.
Lastly, I know I know, the military budget has to be cut. As Barack pointed out we spend more than the next 8 nations combined on our military. Every single Republican vows to increase military spending but I don't see why. If we just spent as much as the next 5 nations we could still have an effective military and more funds to take care of many problems at home. This is a big reason I don't support Republicans and I'm sure many people feel likewise.
I feel these are reasonable stances and we can debate them all might long and they should be debated but it is a cheap and unnecessary shot to just call me a dummy and a slave and act as if I should vote like you when obviously you haven't even considered my basic reasons for voting how I do. I think a dummy would switch how they vote just because someone hurls an uneducated and false insult at them. That is a real dummy.
Wholy moses, did you see Bush's numbers? Wow. Kind of hoping Fiorina drops out because she is the single most annoying person in the race. I'd rather listen to Palin than her.
Hey Lance Cockstrong, you are pro-black and anti-white, yet you have co-opted a white man's name for your username. Oh the irony.
I can't wait for the white genocide. All you pale faced motherfuckers are gonna get whats coming to you.
One more point, the Republican Party is hyper-religious. Being non-religious I tend not to gravitate towards candidates who wear their beliefs on the sleeve. During his speech Raphael Cruz gave acknowledgement to several religious leaders while Bernie made zero reference to religion or his faith. I know America is highly religious in certain areas, especially Iowa so whomever runs on the gop side had better be religious. Just one more area in which I differ with the gop.
It's not about economics or national security Field. Bubba votes Republican for the same reason Stephen does: because they understand the code words for keeping N's in their place.
To celebrate Black History Month, why don't you people stop sucking at the teet of white liberals and the white man's God?
The FieldNegro said...
Consider this for a minute; if the republican policies are so great, why are so many of their supporters poor working class blue collar white people? Why aren't they swimming in money like the puppet masters who pull all their strings in Washington?
If dumbocrat polices are so great, why do so many of their supporters get stuck with the worst schools?
"To celebrate Black History Month, why don't you people stop sucking at the teet of white liberals and the white man's God?"
Already did.
9 out of ten of the top states for education are mostly Democratic controlled.
At the risk of stating the obvious, that was an outstanding result for Marco Rubio, I can't see anything coming between him and the Republican nomination now.
Fuck the white man!
"Blacks have shown a slavish support for the Democrat party for over 50 years,” Wright replied. “Part of me wonders if the Republican party should even bother asking for the black vote because black Americans seem to like being political dummies.”
The most violent areas in this country are controlled by Democrats and have majority blah populations. The areas with the worst schools, highest poverty rates are controlled by Democrats and have blah populations.
I would say screw blah people. You get what you vote for. But blahs will piss and moan, cry racism and blame everyone else for they sad plight in life. And than they go line up and vote Democrat like good slaves do.
PilotX said...
Several things. One, why insult us and call us names for not voting for a certain party instead of asking us why we vote as such and ask for our votes?
Why does field, most blahs and white liberals insult us and call us names for not voting for the Democrat party instead of asking us why we vote as such and ask for our votes?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
It's not about economics or national security Field. Bubba votes Republican for the same reason Stephen does: because they understand the code words for keeping N's in their place.
Please present us edvience that your insulting, racist rant is true. Don't have any?? Didn't think so.
The FieldNegro said...
Consider this for a minute; if the republican policies are so great, why are so many of their supporters poor working class blue collar white people? Why aren't they swimming in money like the puppet masters who pull all their strings in Washington?
Why aren't blah people swimming in money like they Democrat massa's are?? Why is it the cities that have the worst education systems, highest crime rates and lead the nation in stupidity are all controlled by Democrats?
The most violent areas in this country are controlled by Republicanss and have majority white populations. The states with the worst schools, highest poverty rates are controlled by Republicans and have white populations.
I would say screw white people. You get what you vote for. But whites will piss and moan, cry racism and blame everyone else for they sad plight in life. And than they go line up and vote Republican like good slaves do.
There, fixed it.
Why does field, most blahs and white liberals insult us and call us names for not voting for the Democrat party instead of asking us why we vote as such and ask for our votes?
Well if you can point to a major cable outlet that ran a story that insults an entire race of people other than this Fox special I'd be interested to see it. One blog and a few posters aside you demonstrate classic conservative false equivalence.
At least they didn't play the old false narrative about Dr. King being a Republican this time.
Why aren't white people swimming in money like they Republican massa's are?? Why is it the states that have the worst education systems, highest crime rates and lead the nation in stupidity are all controlled by Republicans?
There, fixed it.
Since blahs and white liberals are good with code words and stuff i need to ask y'all a question. Ben Carson said he will be when he travels to Florida today.
Is "Getting fresh clothes" code for stabbing or beating up one's friends or family members? Cause i saw Ben Carson's interview and he had that twitch black men get when they are about to become violent.
And given Ben's history, i worry....
Facts matter said...
Well if you can point to a major cable outlet that ran a story that insults an entire race of people other than this Fox special I'd be interested to see it. One blog and a few posters aside you demonstrate classic conservative false equivalence.
Facts matter. And unfortunately, you like most of your leftwing breathern, are lacking in that area...
Crystal Wright was interviewed live and she gave her opinion. There was no story or special. I know the truth is often insulting and racist to blacks but facing it sometimes might help.
"Blacks have shown a slavish support for the Democrat party for over 50 years,” Wright replied. “Part of me wonders if the Republican party should even bother asking for the black vote because black Americans seem to like being political dummies.”
The most violent areas in this country are controlled by Democrats and have majority blah populations. The areas with the worst schools, highest poverty rates are controlled by Democrats and have blah populations.
I would say screw blah people. You get what you vote for. But blahs will piss and moan, cry racism and blame everyone else for they sad plight in life. And than they go line up and vote Democrat like good slaves do.
There.It was right the first time.
Why aren't blah people swimming in money like they Democrat massa's are?? Why is it the cities that have the worst education systems, highest crime rates and lead the nation in stupidity are all controlled by Democrats?
There. This was easy.
I am worried that Trump might not win this the Republican Nomination. God forbid Cruz does. He is the one from Texas who literally hates black people.
I have no problem with blacks voting 90% consistently for Democrat candidates. All citizens have the right to vote however we want. I do find it curious, however, that individual blacks get angry when described as part of a monolithic voting block.
Fact is, they are part of a monolithic, Democrat, voting block.
We black political dummies should withold our vote so as not be used by the more savvy electorate. Both the democrats and republicans will use a uninformed voter(s) vote to further someone else's agenda at our expense.
Remember the lesser of 2 evils is still evil. A 12" knife plunged 9" in your back is not progress.
Any partisan in America is a flat idiot. While A can waste their time bitching that B's politics are wrong, and vice versa, we're governed by two sides of the exact same coin. Everything said bad about Bush, like his status as an international arms dealer, his big-spending habits, his propensity for war, etc, has just been amped up by Obama. People poor under Clinton got poorer under Bush and even poorer under Obama, and while most morons spend their time just blaming the other side for it, politicians exist entirely off the taxpayers' dime.
Want real change? Render Republicans and Democrats extinct instead of being led around by your nutsack, believing that an all-Democrat government will be the answer to your prayers. It won't be. Just look around.
Fuck all you worthless fucks!
This place proves that blacks can indeed be racist. Your white liberal masters are wrong about that.
Josh said...
Any partisan in America is a flat idiot. While A can waste their time bitching that B's politics are wrong, and vice versa, we're governed by two sides of the exact same coin.
That's why we should all vote for Trump. Both sides of the coin hate him.
I met a cool woman from Puerto Rico yesterday. Nice to know they are not all dumbasses like lilac.
The Left denies the agency of "oppressed" groups, forever acting upon, never acting. This is necessary in direct correlation to the negative effects of a given group's actions.
No one is seen as having less autonomy than black Americans, for instance, as a group or individually. It's practically a source of pride for those who contribute to the Narrative. Blacks have dominated in this category about as long as they've dominated the NBA. But there's a new kid in town, and his name's Abdullah. Or Mohamad. And that really does cover about half of these assholes. These guys, with phones full of aggressive porn and beheading videos, are going to test the patience and faith of entire nations. But so far MSM narrative discipline holds here in America while leaning on open police censorship in Europe.
Because of the Left's success in obscuring the agency of black Americans, a model which they readily adopt to Muslims now, we're all a little less equipped to understand not only what is happening, but the extent of things. Even the average conservative citizen who's paying as much attention as he can doesn't come to comprehend the degree of depravity and hostility with which he, as a natural born Westerner, is confronted in the form of Europe's new Muslim rape gangs. If that citizen were to truly compare these men to the other men of the world, dispassionately, objectively, without bias, he would be struck by their moral inferiority. By the profound lack of gratitude displayed, a lack that can only mean one of two things: these are either the meanest or the dumbest people on earth. Mostly I think it demonstrates their contempt for us. But that too is lost, when you can't even get past the "white guys are terrorists too" obfuscations or the "widows and orphans" bunting. God help us.
Anyone else sad that Calvin Johnson a.k.a. Megatron, is retiring?
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
The horrific reality of black crime today powerfully contradicts the conventional assumption that lynchings were driven primarily by "hysteria" & delusion.
Why are some blacks so absolutely vile?:
Hey Field, what do you mean don't put much stock in Iowa? Former President Santorum has assured me Iowa always picks a winner.
Why aren't white people swimming in money like they Republican massa's are?? Why is it the states that have the worst education systems, highest crime rates and lead the nation in stupidity are all controlled by Republicans?
There, fixed it.
The most violent areas in this country are controlled by Republicanss and have majority white populations. The states with the worst schools, highest poverty rates are controlled by Republicans and have white populations.
I would say screw white people. You get what you vote for. But whites will piss and moan, cry racism and blame everyone else for they sad plight in life. And than they go line up and vote Republican like good slaves do.
There, fixed it.
I know the truth is often insulting and racist to blacks but facing it sometimes might help.
Or you're just a racist asshole who likes to troll and insult The Blacks.
That's more likely.
Cause i saw Ben Carson's interview and he had that twitch black men get when they are about to become violent.
What kind of twitch do white guys get before they shoot up a theater or classroom full of kids?
The horrific reality of black crime today powerfully contradicts the conventional assumption that lynchings were driven primarily by "hysteria" & delusion.
If that makes you feel better about being a racist asshole have at it.
Ben Carson went after his mother with a hammer.
Quote:Dennis Dale
"The Left denies the agency of "oppressed" groups, forever acting upon, never acting."
Yes Dennis, that's because they are oppressed. If they were able to act effectively they would;t be oppressed. By definition, like.
By the way Dennis, your blog doesn't get many visitors now does it? So almost no responses. I appreciate that does not look good, but sock-puppeting responses to your own inane ramblings in the same irritating, self-conciously, self-regarding grammatical style is not a good look for you mate.
Why aren't blah people swimming in money like they Democrat massa's are?? Why is it the cities that have the worst education systems, highest crime rates and lead the nation in stupidity are all controlled by Democrats?
There, fixed it.
The Purple Cow said...
Yes Dennis, that's because they are oppressed
By reality.
Wah, wah, wah.
The most violent areas in this country are controlled by Democrats and have majority blah populations. The areas with the worst schools, highest poverty rates are controlled by Democrats and have blah populations.
I would say screw blah people. You get what you vote for. But blahs will piss and moan, cry racism and blame everyone else for they sad plight in life. And than they go line up and vote Democrat like good slaves do.
There. Fixed it.
Negros should not be allowed to vote ever. Its a white thing to elect good leaders. just stay in the cotton fields and be useful.
Anon@4:06,when BHO was sworn in to be your leader from the White House, it must have killed u.😊
That Negro ain't picking cotton from Air Force One.
I would take 8 more years of Obama just to piss off Neanderthals like Anon. It's a beautiful thing.
Lonzie, maybe it's because they had some good teachers.Mainly the people who brought them here. 😏
field negro said...
Lonzie, maybe it's because they had some good teachers.Mainly the people who brought them here
So blacks have a license to kill babies because some of their ancestors were slaves?
Interesting morality negroes have.
I'll remember that, and pass it along to everyone I meet.
@ PilotX 12:25AM -
Excellent choice PilotX! Better than Carson/Cain for sure!
If anyone thinks Bernie is going stand a chance in hell of not getting ripped to shreds by the Clinton machine, he's a fool.
You'll vote for Hillary, and you'll like it.
Racist whites should not be allowed to vote ever. Its a Black thing to elect good leaders. just stay at the monster truck shows and not be useful.
Why are some whites so absolutely vile?
The most violent areas in this country are controlled by Republicanss and have majority white populations. The states with the worst schools, highest poverty rates are controlled by Republicans and have white populations.
I would say screw white people. You get what you vote for. But whites will piss and moan, cry racism and blame everyone else for they sad plight in life. And than they go line up and vote Republican like good slaves do.
There, fixed it.
Why are some whites so absolutely vile?
The difference is whites don't make excuses for white murderers.
Blacks make heroes out of black murderers.
The difference is whites don't make excuses for white murderers.
Blacks make heroes out of black murderers.
Yeah, whites just used to bring their children to murders where people were burned alive and castrated and body parts were kept as souvenirs. Whites just used to cut babies out of pregnant womens' stomachs to watch them die. Whites used infants as alligator bait. Until The Blacks start doing truly horrific shit like the whites did and still do you need to STFU. And stop shooting up theaters and schools while you're at it. You sick fucks, it's in your DNA.
Whites make heroes out of white murderers.
I guess anon at 8:10pm must have missed this story.
This is the woman teh stooopid wanted to potentially occupy the White House. And they call others stupid for not voting for this type of goofy insanity? GMAFB.
Why aren't white people swimming in money like they Republican massa's are?? Why is it the states that have the worst education systems, highest crime rates and lead the nation in stupidity are all controlled by Republicans?
There, fixed it.
White people are stupid as shit.
An Idiot said: Why is it the states that have the worst education systems, highest crime rates and lead the nation in stupidity are all controlled by Republicans?
The cities controlled by blacks have the greatest problems!
You want to talk about slavish voting. These Log Cabin mother fuckers who are fighting for LGBT equality in the Republican Party? Really? Every single one of the Republican candidates oppose LGBT rights and both Hillary and Bernie support such but they campaign for "their" party? Talk about chickens voting for Col. Sanders.
The rural areas controlled by whites have the greatest problems!
Fuck my life. And fuck all of you.
The rural areas controlled by whites have the greatest problems!
This is true.
The last time I checked the black controlled cities had the highest murder rates in America.
"Yeah, whites just used to bring their children to murders where people were burned alive and castrated and body parts were kept as souvenirs"
Utter bullshit.
Lynchings were hangings of violent criminals. We could sure use some of that today. The good thing is that everything comes back in fashion eventually.
PilotX said...
You want to talk about slavish voting. These Log Cabin mother fuckers who are fighting for LGBT equality in the Republican Party? Really? Every single one of the Republican candidates oppose LGBT rights and both Hillary and Bernie support such but they campaign for "their" party? Talk about chickens voting for Col. Sanders.
Go suck a dick ass pilot.
The last time I checked the white controlled cities had the highest O.D. rates in America.
Go suck a dick ass pilot.
Your mom's?
Utter bullshit.
I guess the pictures proving it are bullshit. To a white asshole like you burning people alive and taking your kids to see it is AOK. I knew you were some sick fucks.
Well, well well. It seems the Cruz political machine did Carson in by telling the people early on in Caucus that Carson had pulled up stakes in Iowa and left before the the voting had finished. Of course, this helped Cruz to garner more of the Christian Evangelical vote.
Ben Carson is livid about the lies put out on him. Just think what Trump is going to do with this very important information.
Here, maybe you can spot your sick ass granddaddy.
Well, well well. It seems the Cruz political machine did Carson in by telling the people early on in Caucus that Carson had pulled up stakes in Iowa and left before the the voting had finished. Of course, this helped Cruz to garner more of the Christian Evangelical vote.
See what happens when The Blacks trust Republicans? Dr. Carson learned the hard way.
Lynching was justified. No innocent blacks were ever lynched in America.
A: It isn't really a question of whether African American babies were used as alligator bait, but the question is how frequent was the practice?
During slavery and the Jim Crow era in the United States, African Americans were brutalized and mistreated in almost every way imaginable. If there was a way to kill, maim, oppress, or use an African American for any reason, it more than likely happened. If the skin from an African American might be used for leather shoes or handbags, (see Human Leather), then pretty much all atrocities were possible and probable.
You are some seriously sick fucks! No wonder shooting up a classroom full of 6 year olds is cool with you.
African American babies being used as alligator bait really happened, and it happened to real people. It doesn't seem to have been a widespread practice, but it did happen.
Lynching was justified.
Of course it was! The niggers deserved everything they got. Even the chillins! You keep up the good work and you might even get to be Grand Dragon just like your worthless grandpappy!
This is the official Republican platform and what they teach in their textbooks.
"Lynching was justified. No innocent blacks were ever lynched in America."
"Lynching was justified. No innocent blacks were ever lynched in America."
I approve this message.
The GOP is racist. We have two Hispanic men, a black man, a woman, an Asian, and several white men, one with a Hispanic wife and children, running for our party as president.
The GOP is a fake a$$ joke.They have two WHITE Hispanic men who wish they were just White, a jigging negro man who used to be a famous Black Neurosurgeon, a woman who's face Trump doesn't want to look at, an Asian who really wants to be White, and several white men including one that looks like an orange, and one with a Hispanic wife and children who thinks using his "minority" family as props will help him become president.
Geez, that was FUN, ROTFL!!!!
"I'll remember that, and pass it along to everyone I meet."
Who are u kidding? You don't "meet" a lot of people in that insane asylum you call home.
"The GOP is racist. We have two Hispanic men, a black man, a woman, an Asian, and several white men, one with a Hispanic wife and children, running for our party as president."
And ONE entire blah woman in the congress. Let's hear it for Republican diversity. Let's just forget who is occupying the White House right now. Ah hem. Let's not mention the Democrats have 20X as many blah women in congress. Sure, we can play this game all night. For $100, name the last non white male who was nominated as the Presidential nominee for the Republicans? I'll wait for the answer.
I am an enlightened former Republican and proud to have just registered as a D so I can vote for Bernie. The party has veered off to the hard right, and among other things is being brain washed by the private agenda of the Koch industries. Pilot X why would you even want to be a part of that? (I am not black, but am a female with graduate education so I guess I fit another "voter block" of the democrats.)
African American babies being used as alligator bait never happened.
"Pilot X why would you even want to be a part of that?"
A part of what?
"African American babies being used as alligator bait never happened."
Well at least we have that.
Pilot X, clarification of my 8:06 ramble. The Republican party has serious issues and I was wondering why you feel you have to defend not being a part of that? As someone who just left that toxic party, glad to be a registered D now and feel like my vote matters and it'll go to Bernie. Yes, I got some grief from my conservative friends for changing but am not letting them shame me into how I vote.
Not defending but simply commenting about how wrong Ms. Wright is. Giving my one cent.
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