(In case you live under a rock, there has been a major disturbance at a trump rally in Chicago.)
Maybe we need to just chill for a minute.
I hope Mr. trump feels good about himself. I am pretty sure that this is the America he wanted.
"Can't we all just get along?"
Chicago did something that no one else could have done, shut up Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well ain't that ironic, Trump gets his ass kicked out of Chicago and whooteemoo/gookeymoo comments require moderation on Field's blog??
NO ONE is surprised here, right??
BTW, we ALL saw this coming after ol racist geezer sucker punched a young Black man and Trump gave his blessings afterwards!
Um humh. Look at those Tee shirts.
Would a bunch of skinheads, with tee shirts showing Nazi emblems, with Doc Martin combat boots be allowed thru the door at a Democratic rally?
I think not.
"Free Speech" only applies to the Liberals.
Wow! What a mess! No I don't live under a rock, oh well maybe I do :) But I've been out all day with my daughter as it's her only day off and she's out paying bills so I tagged along for some window shopping!
I just came in all tired out and turned on the water heater and decided to check the blog while the water heats up!
And lo and behold what do I find? America the violent once again!!!
But,am I surprised? NOPE! Founded with and on violence,and with sustained violence all the time!
But I will say something though, there seems to be an great anger on all sides seething just below the surface,and it's starting to boil over!
Thanks for this, Field. I don't blame you for doing what you did--I'm quite sure the comment section would have been one hell of a wretched hive of scum and villany.
Negroes attack Trump rallies and it's his fault?
Blacks are congenitally unable to take responsibility for their actions.
Ha Ha, Ted Cruz going IN on Trump, LOL!!!
If we don't stop Trump now, who knows how many lives his opponents will be forced to take?
Can you imagine hundreds of Trump supporters swarming a Sanders rally, engaging in mass violence and being referred to by the Mainstream Media as "protestors"?
What actually happened was that the Organized Left (MoveOn.org, BLM) that is funded by the same sources (e.g. George Soros) that are funding the Democrats staged a violent anti-Trump protest. The "protestors" blamed the cops for brutality. The media blames Trump for both. Obama and Hillary weigh in and blame Trump.
Does the radical Left really want a civil war,or is this just intimidation tactics turned up full blast? Should not the Democrats who throw in with these radicals receive the blame for this disgrace?
Chicago: Making America great again
"I hope Mr. trump feels good about himself. I am pretty sure that this is the America he wanted."
It's the America you created, with "cibil rites" for criminals but nobody else.
"Can't we all just get along?"
Ah, St. Rodney King, who won millions in a suit and used them to drug himself to death. You would pick better quotes if you understood irony.
Trump's PEACEFUL rally was shut down by VIOLENT protesters.
Millions saw this live on TV.
The media narrative is crumbling.
Hate filled leftists who believe they can only stop imaginary hatred, through hateful acts of their own.
In a two party system, if only one party gets to riot and threaten people in the other party with violence, I'm probably gonna bet on them to win.
Leave it to Donald Trump to turn a placid, peaceful city like Chicago into a violent war zone.
When I see all these decent, civic-minded protesters being roughed up during the sober exercise of their first amendment rights, I fear for this country.
If Trump were less vocal about his convictions then this wouldn't have happened. Conservatives should stick to polite, quiet, ineffectual dissent.
This is about strategic race-baiting. He does it both the attract supporters and solidify their support through solidarity against protesters. It's an old fascist trick; start a fight then play victim. Here's how it works. St Louis is 50% African American, 3% Hispanic; Chicago 32% African American, 28% Hispanic; Dayton 42% African American, 3% Hispanic; Cleveland 53% African American, 8% Hispanic: not exactly Trump friendly places. So Trump plays a raunchy kluxer on tv for a couple of weeks to attract protesters, and then while he's embroiled in controversy over violence at his rallies, he kicks off a 2 day, 4 white minority city tour in the rust belt, and in the inner cities, where the minorities live too, not the burbs where his supporters do. Then, instead of broadcasting his standard plea not to confront or engage with protesters, he himself confronts and engages with them from stage nonstop, calls them names, taunts them, tells his followers that he longs for the days when they could be attacked with impunity, supports the Fayetteville attendee charged with attacking a young man being escorted out by the police, and tells his supporters that he shouldn't even say what he wants to happen to the protesters. This way he's assured that sooner or later massive numbers of pissed off protesters will show up and his supporters will be in a fighting mood. All that he has to do now is let nature take its course and then play the innocent victim for all its worth.
LOL, the off-color SJW Berniefags think they've "won" tonight. Being the thugs that they are, they caused such a disturbance (i.e., a "chimpout") that the rally had to be cancelled for safety reasons. Just like niggers turning neighborhoods into complete shit with their TNB, and then once the whites leave and the neighborhood simply becomes a 'hood, they go around acting like they conquered the land in a brave military campaign. The truth is, though, that they're so toxic that no one wants to be around them, LOL.
People are sick of your monkeyshines. Emperor Trump is going to take us home. Hallelujah!
I, for one, am happy to see the "comment moderation," as too many commenters find that, for whatever reason, they can't apply self-moderation.
Field, as I'm sure you know, Trump didn't create "racism, anger, and vitriol," as it's always been here, he just created a climate for it to be expressed; he made it okay.
Trump is well aware of what he's doing. When you attack and dismantle what is termed "political correctness," you're attacking and dismantling multiculturalism, and, as a side benefit, social and political civility.
I wonder how many of these people would be upset if protesters stopped a Hillary Clinton rally? She has been for every war that we've been involved with, and some that haven't happened yet. As Secretary of State she "brainstormed" about giving Israel the green light to attack Iran. Her and Obama armed mercenaries to overthrow Libya and Syria. and then their "good terrorists" joined ISIS. They knew it was happening. As a senator Hillary voted to authorize the Iraq War even though the intelligence that Iraq had destroyed their WMDs came in when her husband was president. Trump is better than Clinton on peace issues. He is for non intervention and isn't funded by war profiteers, like she is. I recommend that people who don't want racism or war vote for Bernie Sanders.
I cannot facepalm hard enough over this broken-ass logic used just because you disagree politically with someone.
By your logic, if a group of Klansmen came to lynch a black man, and a group of black people started fighting back against it, the blacks were wrong and were inciting the violence, not trying to defend themselves.
I never really understood what selling one's soul for politics looked like, then I started reading the anti-Trump derangement.
These agitating protesters are flooding Trump's rallies with the sole purpose of inciting the crowd to anger and to start fights. They don't even hide it. You can hear them on the live feed last night after Trump's rally was cancelled literally yelling curse-laden insults at Trump's supporters and trying to start a fight with them. Trump's people are just trying to exit the building, and these Chicago protesters, whom some of you are so incredibly proud of, are pushing in and surrounding these mostly OLD PEOPLE and trying to bully them! It's the most blatantly ridiculous shit I have ever seen. And still you folks pretend Trump is behind it.
Trump's supporters are primarily people who are fed up with shit anyway. Then these bozos come and incite them, push them over the edge, and a senior citizen punches someone and, boom, you neo-progressive identity politic liberals have a week's worth of Trump-bash fodder.
I hope that Mr. Trump does feel great about himself. With the way his supporters are bullied every event, until literally 0.001% of them snap, it's a damn great bit of restraint! Those protesters were outnumbered 200:1! Imagine if Trump and white people were even 1/10,000th as bad as you delusional dingbats claim them! It would have been a slaughter.
BLM doesn't show that much restraint! They're throwing white girls into walls in college, disrupting study hall, locking everyone into the library like a hostage situation, and all the dumb-asses around here do is cheer them on 'cause they dindu NUFFIN!
But 3 out of 30 million people being harassed decide to fight back against the harassment and you use it to paint Trump as whatever you initially wanted to paint him as. It is tantamount literally to circular reasoning to support a straw-man narrative.
Does anybody else remember the days when Josh still claimed not to be racist?
Does anybody else remember the days when Purple Cow claimed socialism wasn't fascism, and vice versa?
If anyone had any doubts, watching the Brown shirts shut down a lawful, peaceful political rally last night should set them straight.
"What actually happened was that the Organized Left (MoveOn.org, BLM) that is funded by the same sources (e.g. George Soros) that are funding the Democrats staged a violent anti-Trump protest. The "protestors" blamed the cops for brutality. The media blames Trump for both. Obama and Hillary weigh in and blame Trump."
It did not take the "organized left" to produce massive protests. Trump's campaign planners stupidly chose to hold their rally at a venue at UIC, an overwhelmingly liberal college campus with a heavily non-white student body. Pretty much everyone attending that school hates Trump.
Imagine Planned Parenthood decided to hold a convention at some Bible-thumper school (say, Liberty U or Brigham Young). Would anyone be surprised if spontaneous protests broke out? Nobody would have to do much "organizing" to make that happen.
What we are seeing with these attacks on Trump supporters is the virulently anti-white hatred in the heart of the Left. It's disgusting, and millions of people are having their eyes opened regarding what is really happening in this country.
No suprise to learn these violent, fascist, leftwing thugs are organized and paid by liberal groups. It was frightening to look in the eyes of these fascists.. You could see the hate and violence. And to hear these leftwing thugs tried to attack female Trump supporters. Thankfully, no Trump supporters were hurt, raped or killed.
Donald J. Trump and his supporters will not be silenced or bullied. Free speech will win...America will be great again.
"What we are seeing with these attacks on Trump supporters is the virulently anti-white hatred in the heart of the Left. It's disgusting, and millions of people are having their eyes opened regarding what is really happening in this country."
Trump's supporters don't represent white people collectively, no matter how much they may claim to.
They represent white racists. That is the source of the hatred for them.
Just think how much better Chicago could be if Chiraqis got as upset over murder,violence and Democrat corruption like they do free speech.
I just pooped in my pants.
LOL. Yisheng, you are one ignorant cunt. That's all that needs to be said about you.
"When you attack and dismantle what is termed "political correctness," you're attacking and dismantling multiculturalism, and, as a side benefit, social and political civility."
But committing assault and battery upon people who simply show up to a BLM protest on public property with cameras (Filming While White)... you think that isn't a gross violation of civility. No wonder you don't get irony.
The USA had social and political civility LONG before it had the creeping totalitarianism currently known as "political correctness" (aka "sensitivity" among other aliases). When riots were put down with live ammunition, riots were understandably small, short and infrequent. Americans (unhyphenated) are going to bring America back to that, in order to get peace once more.
This is going to leave Blacks with nothing. With violence off the table, how are your millions of welfare thugs going to blackmail the majority? Go on strike? Burn their EBT cards? Withhold sex from their baby-daddies?
"Trump's supporters don't represent white people collectively, no matter how much they may claim to.
They represent white racists."
Meaning, they're White people who stand up for White people instead of kowtowing to parasites like you.
"That is the source of the hatred for them."
Yup. We represent the end of your game, and you're scared to death of us.
Faggots. Faggots everywhere.
There was no violence and Donald J. Trump rallies until fascist leftwing thugs started showing up and starting shit.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"Trump's supporters don't represent white people collectively, no matter how much they may claim to."
They sure represent white people collectively to the anti-white racists who threaten violence to any white people who don't submit to the Leftist agenda of white dispossession.
Bullying Trump supporters out of their rally last night was pyrrhic victory for the Soros goons. Millions of Americans are now going to gravitate to the only candidate willing to stand up to those engaged in the dismantling of America.
I know what I saw, and so does everyone else.
Trump wants to Make America Great Again.
The Left wants to Make America Hate Again.
Choose wisely.
I've been called a racist at least once on every thread since I started here. That meaningless word is literally just "LOL" fodder. And why is it just a jest? Because no matter who's claiming the racism in my posts, they can never actually quote it and present it as an argument; e.g. "I think Josh is racist, and here's the evidence to support my claim." Instead it's just bullshit about "Josh is racist."
Fine. I'm a racist. Do something about it.
I just come here for the lulz.
Josh is no racist. Josh's only sin is disagreeing with leftwing group think.
Anonymous said...
I just come here for the lulz.
I come here for the sex. It taste like berry clobber.
I fucked a black woman last night. Nice to know they aren't all racist assholes like they are here.
Ethan, please tell her that on behalf of all men I would like to apologize to her for the experience.
White racist wingnuts posting anonymously on websites have been threatening a great race war for some time now.
I am sure that there are quite a few poor and hungry black folks who are looking forward to it.
Not me, though. Nothing but peace and love in my heart.......
We look forward to voting for Trump in November and his presidency for the next 4 years.
@3:09, why don't you stop sucking on your mammy's 10 day old used tampons, you're obsessed with the word c*nt!!
But maybe if you weren't into the anus of men pun intended, you could better appreciate the word c*nt.
"White racist wingnuts posting anonymously on websites have been threatening a great race war for some time now."
Black racists have been waging a race war since 1964, though they've been unable to come up with anything as coherent as an infantry platoon. They kill one here and a handful there. Christian Newsom and Channon Christian were two of the dead. Antonio Angel Santiago was another.
So far you've been protected by "cibil rites" and a racist Department of Injustice that insists that Blacks cannot commit hate crimes. White people are getting very justifiably angry about this. When the pendulum swings back....
"I am sure that there are quite a few poor and hungry black folks who are looking forward to it."
EBT is free and 80% of Black women are clinically obese; none of you are hungry unless you WANT to be. As for fighting, a Black guy said it well: when we come for you, you're going to get on the truck; if you're lucky, the trip ends in Monrovia.
Oops. I just pooped in my pants again. Hey Yisheng, will you come lick it up? I know you're into that kind of stuff.
I actually prefer the ones with red trim. The colors pop more.
Oh @#$&!!
Wrong blog. Sorry.
"It did not take the "organized left" to produce massive protests. Trump's campaign planners stupidly chose to hold their rally at a venue at UIC, an overwhelmingly liberal college campus with a heavily non-white student body. Pretty much everyone attending that school hates Trump."
Trump supporters don't live in reality. These are the same people who think Barack is a secret Kenyan Muslim. Well even Nixon understood even the stupid need representation.
"Black racists have been waging a race war since 1964"
Does this guy even realize how stupid he sounds? James has officially jumped the shark. No one, can be this obtuse. Or is it senility?
I am so proud of our younger generation! The muslims and hispanics have shut down The Mouth. Amazing that these kids pulled this off with a few days of facebook planning.
I don't believe UIC is a white majority school and perhaps Trump should be careful where he books in the future. Not everyone buys into his message of bigotry, hatred, and racism. These kids had the courage to stand up against that.
I applaud them, as a white female who used to live just down the street when I was in graduate school. Oh, and a former Republican I might add.
Dear Mr. Trump,
Remember how George Wallace's presidential campaign ended? Maybe you should pack it in now. Surely there is something else you could do in your retirement.
A concerned citizen
James Bitch makes Bill look like a genius.
Dear "concerned citizen":
Your implied threat is noted. Do please recognize that this goes both ways; if you prevent America from voting in the necessary changes, a country-full of James Earl Rays is entirely possible. America has been arming up for years, and if you remove the soapbox and ballot box from the means of change the cartridge box is ready to go.
You can try to fight, but in a competition between thugs who hold their Glocks sideways and White 8-yr-olds who score bullseyes at 100 yards, even a Black guy says the thugs will be fish food.
I have a small leather "trick bag" with braided horsehair for a cord. In it, is the most powerful amulet of them all. “a protective arsenal from a hoo-doo root doctor” It holds the tricks that fool the evil ones – so they can’t get a grip on you nor penetrate your soul.
Things will be great again! Now, I have to find some ol' negro to shine my shoes!
Yawn, dumbass James Bitch and his ilk have been promising a race war for years. I guess he needs something to hope for in his waning years as he sits in his dirty Depends and watches Matlock. Yeah yeah grandpa, we're scared of you. Ha! You'd shit your pants just like Trump did if you ever stepped to any negro. Didn't the broth as take your money like the bitch you are? Bet it was a 7 year old. Ha! You can't make this shit up, an elderly keyboard warrior talking shit.
Here's a video of James Bitch getting his ass kicked (as usual).
Violent black liberal thugs really hate free speech.
Right after you stole the country is when you should have built the wall. You could have picked your damn cotton and everything would have been honkey dorey.
"Violent black liberal thugs really hate free speech."
nope, just hate racist assholes.
The last time some Black guy accosted me, I just turned and looked at him. I stared him in the eyes for a couple of minutes. He didn't say another word. After a couple minutes of him not saying anything, I turned and walked away. He didn't follow me.
He probably suspected that my hand was on a gun. It was.
You MAOA-deficient clowns can't conceive that anyone without your hair-trigger propensity for violence might not be a coward. The idea of a "long fuse" is just too hard to comprehend. If you had any knowledge whatsoever of what happened to Germany and Japan just 70 years ago, you'd realize just what a dangerous game you're playing. You are not in the White man's league, not by a light-year.
The last time some Black guy accosted me, I just turned and looked at him. I stared him in the eyes for a couple of minutes. He didn't say another word. After a couple minutes of him not saying anything, I turned and walked away. He didn't follow me.
Bullshit! You shit your pants old man and begged him not to kick your old ass. GTFOH! You are a keyboard cowardly bitch who needs to carry a gun because otherwise you'd get your ass kicked by 5 year olds. Gotta love the internet where even a bitchass like James can be an action hero. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! He is just like Trump, he turns tail and runs at the first sign of trouble. Fuck you bitch assed old man, go change your diapers. Boo!
See, this ^^^^^ is what I mean about you not being in the White man's league. You are completely unable to handle unwelcome truths, nor understand what you're dealing with. And that is why you are going to push into a hot race war and get your asses handed to you.
You think you're going to fight us at your usual ghetto odds, one against six. What you're going to get is shotgun-wielding men putting you in ankle shackles connected by chains, and you'll march to wherever we decide to send you. If you're lucky, that will be Liberia.
We're not going to keep you as slaves. You wish we'd keep you as slaves, to enjoy the benefits of White society. Not this time; we know how that ends.
And that is why you are going to push into a hot race war and get your asses handed to you.
Blah blah blah fucking blah blah. You would get your bitch ass whooped from one side of the street down the other if you EVER talked this race war shit in real life. Now go take your old ass somewhere and play pretend while the rest of the adult world laughs at simpleminded fucks like you. You have been trying to start a "race war" for over 40 years and no one is buying it you silly cunt. I bet even your family shuns you and laughs at your ridiculous bullshit. You are a pathetic piece of shit and proof whites aren't superior to anyone. Your dumb ass will shoot yourself soon because idiots like you always do that. Please stay around James, you are a fucking laugh riot.
Here's a video of James Bitch and his family. Enjoy.
Superior race my ass.
Don't any of you brilliant Negroes know how to use a Hyperlink? AHREFhttp://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Turd/A
So, do you big, brave Black men want to go all Zulu? It would be hilarious to see you reprise the battle of Rorke's drift. 153 British soldiers killed or routed 4000 Zulus. The Zulus thought they were badasses too, until their own asses were handed to them.
At the rate you're going, Rorke's drift will be repeated in this decade with GoPros recording the whole thing (your iPhones will be dropped rather early on).
At the rate you're going, Rorke's drift will be repeated in this decade with GoPros recording the whole thing (your iPhones will be dropped rather early on).
Blah blah blah race war blah blah blah blah blah. The ramblings of a senile old fool. Go eat your creamed corn or something you worthless asshole. Just stupid for no reason but we've come to expect that from dumbassed racist white keyboard warriors. You don't have the balls to say any of this shit to a negro's face, you'd shit your pants as you got your old ass whopped. Bitch ass!
"You don't have the balls to say any of this shit to a negro's face"
You forget: I don't want to see your faces, period. You want what I have but you have absolutely nothing that I need or want. The one thing I want that relates to you at all is your absence. (You get upset when I post here? It's a small bit of recompense for your presence in my life where you're not wanted.)
Had my ancestors known what you were like, they would have voted for Breckinridge.
You forget: I don't want to see your faces, period.
And who wants to see your face? You're free to stay in your trailer park and trust me not one of us wants to smell you or your smelly relatives.
The one thing I want that relates to you at all is your absence.
Don't let the fucking door knob hit your stupid ass on the way out.
You get upset when I post here?
Please post as much as you want, it reminds me how fucking stupid white racists like yourself really are. You are a one man self esteem booster.
Had my ancestors known what you were like, they would have voted for Breckinridge.
Well, they are your ancestors so that means they were almost too fucking stupid to breathe. Had they known how totally ignorant and worthless you'd turn out to be they would have shot themselves on purpose unlike your moronic ass who will shoot himself soon. Post here as much as you want, at least until your unavoidable death by your own hands.
"who wants to see your face? You're free to stay in your trailer park"
My home is appraised at north of half a million dollars. Even with a homestead tax exemption, I pay over $500 a month in property taxes.
"Don't let the fucking door knob hit your stupid ass on the way out."
My ancestors built this country, not yours. If my people left this country you would starve, just as you are in Zimbabwe. I'm sure we'd all be happy to pay your way to Monrovia or Accra, though.
You don't seem to get that America has a massive case of Negro Fatigue. We are literally sick and tired of you. It's painfully obvious that you can't withhold anything, like going on strike, to get your way; you have nothing positive to offer, so all you can do is threaten violence. When America says "bring it, we'll blow your lousy asses off" you are left with nothing.
The problem is that you live in America. Note, "live in America. There are two ways to fix this. Don't choose the wrong one.
There are two ways to fix this. Don't choose the wrong one.
Tell you what grandpa, you're just like all the other white assholes who've been promising to kill us for decades. Stop talking about it and start it already huh? Don't post on the fucking Field Negro blog night after fucking night but get your old ass off the fucking couch and start the race war already ok? Do it right now!!!!!! You like to bet, how much you wanna bet you're ALL talk. Ha! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I dare you you white pussy DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!! Bring it bitch!!!!!!!!! Or are you a pussy? (C'mon, we all know the answer to that right?)
James is just like a Chiuaua, he yaps and barks like a big dog but as soon as someone makes a move towards him he skitters away and hides.
"Tell you what grandpa, you're just like all the other white assholes who've been promising to kill us for decades."
I'm not promising, I'm predicting. There's a difference.
"Stop talking about it and start it already huh?"
It's not time yet. Law enforcement is still taking orders from the traitors; the Chicago Police Department went up against the violent "protestors" at the Trump rally without batons, riot shields, or even helmets. Several had serious injuries from projectiles. Second City Cop has a thread where officers are making official inquiries about wearing protective gear when "protests" are expected; if permission is denied, expect massive "blue flu". That is when things will turn against you.
Law enforcment is the only thing that protects you from vigilantes. It would have taken all of two guys with rifles to take out dozens of "protestors". Un-armored officers will refuse to move against "active shooters", and they will "unfortunately escape" while the tac teams are on their way. This will happen time after time.
6/10 times, the active shooters will be off-duty cops. You're about to have the same dirty war you've been waging for decades come right back at you, but hey... you made your bed, you sleep in it
"Do it right now!!!!!! You like to bet, how much you wanna bet you're ALL talk."
Accost me in public or trespass on my property and see how much I back up my talk with action. I don't go looking for trouble, but I'm ready to deal with it. As for the rest, go ahead and take one of my bets.
Oh, I forgot. You won't actually take bets, you'll just mouth off. Pussy.
It's not time yet.
And it never will be. You'll just continue to post bullshit here and nevr do a gotdamned thing. Pussy!
Accost me in public or trespass on my property and see how much I back up my talk with action. I don't go looking for trouble, but I'm ready to deal with it.
Why the fuck would I want to step foot in your dirty assed trailer park? All talk and no action, just like all the other fake assed naziklanners who talk shit all day long and in the end do nothing.
I'm not promising, I'm predicting. There's a difference.
Of course, you can't promise because we all know you will never do a fucking thing but post on the internet. Oooooh, such a tough guy! All talk and not man enough to put ANY of your talk into action huh?
You won't actually take bets, you'll just mouth off.
Tell you what tough guy, let's do a REAL bet. I bet you won't do ANY of the shit you're talking. Let's go, make a bet. Who's the real pussy? I say it's you because you talk all this big shit that you know you'll never do. Please, be a man and do ANY of the shit you say you'll do. ANY of it. You're supposed to be a bad assed white boy so step up or aren't you a man of your word? (We all know you're not). Please, we're begging you DO SOMETHING! PLEASE! Start you so called revolution if you can (you can't). Why is that? Either you're a pussybiatch or you just can't or my guess is both. You naziklanners are all the same, all talk. Blah blah blah blah fucking blah. You are a joke.
Bye bitch.
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