From where I sit it looks like we are heading for a Hillary versus Donald showdown come November.
Donald, the xenophobic bully and head divider, vanquished "little Marco" in his own state. Poor Marco, the man recently touted as the future and "savior" of the GOP on the cover of Time Magazine , is now, like Mitt Romney before him, just another republican also ran.
Hillary bless her e-mailing heart, once again ran through the South like Sherman's army, and poor Bernie is left with a ton of money but not enough delegates to scare the pants suit wearing wonk who is probably- next to Ted Cruz- the most right leaning pol left in the race.
The night is still young, but it looks like Hillary Clinton and Donald trump (too little too late Governor Kasich) will be the big winners tonight.
*Pic from
"and poor Bernie is left with a ton of money but not enough delegates to scare the pants suit wearing wonk who is probably- next to Ted Cruz- the most right leaning pol left in the race."
Okay, that's probably not literally true. I know the Sandersnistas find Hillary appalling, but she's not more right-wing than Rubio or Kasich. Kasich in particular gets credit for being a sensible, moderate Midwesterner that he does not, frankly, deserve. He only looks moderate when you are grading on a curve, relative to the rest of the Republican wackadoodles.
The only one who might not be more right-wing than Hillary (other than Bernie) is Trump. Because we really have absolutely no freaking idea what that obnoxious carnival barker really believes -- it's all vague waffle and lies -- except for "Yay, racism!!" Trump seems to have taken inspiration from George Wallace in 1963, and he hasn't bothered to come up with much of a serious policy platform beyond fomenting hate.
Going back to Hillary, if (no, just kidding, when) she is president, I am curious as to whether her policies will be affected by all the campaign promises she's been forced to make this primary season. You've got to give it to Bernie. He has successfully dragged her leftward during the campaign. In the last few days, she has been absolutely raging against free trade policy as if she were the head of the United Steelworkers or the Teamsters. She might as well have stumped in a "Fuck NAFTA" T-shirt.
"Okay, that's probably not literally true. I know the Sandersnistas find Hillary appalling, but she's not more right-wing than Rubio or Kasich. Kasich in particular gets credit for being a sensible, moderate Midwesterner that he does not, frankly, deserve. He only looks moderate when you are grading on a curve, relative to the rest of the Republican wackadoodles."
You beat me to it. Kasich is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is hyper-religious, very anti-union, against a woman's right to choose and has said in his commercials he is against regulation (Flint anyone?). Thanks MoT.
Please stop with these ignorant characterizations of Trump.
Black people like you always perpetuate misinformation to the already semi conscious Black psyche.
You dont like a candidate;fine. But dislike a candidate based on an informed and intellectually articulate reason---not because my momma say Trump is bad.
The God Emperor has arrived. Suck on that, bitches.
TRUMP!!!!! TRUMP!!!!!! TRUMP!!!!! TRUMP!!!! TRUMP!!!!! TRUMP!!!!!
MOTHERFIZZUCKING TRIZZUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You beat me to it. Kasich is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is hyper-religious, very anti-union, against a woman's right to choose and has said in his commercials he is against regulation (Flint anyone?). Thanks MoT.
I found Kasich to be much more tolerable than the other rethugs but you're right, he's very likely a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Looks like we're back to the same ol' politics in America, picking the lesser to two evils.
Where's a decent MINORITY candidate when you need one? And I'm NOT talking wanna be White ones like Rubio.
Speaking of boys, what do you guys think of that anti-Trump commercial featuring women repeating phrases from Trump? Kinda late I think, but powerful just the same!
I am a college educated Black man, and I am SO relieved that Mr. Trump won today. I am so sick and tired of those little thugs who can't pull their pants up running around shouting "Black lives matter!" but can't seem to even groom themselves or speak in complete sentences. (Except complete JAIL sentences, that is.)
You want black lives to matter? Get some self-respect! Clean up your act. Read a damn book! Stop getting pregnant at fourteen! And stop naming you damn bastard kids stuff like Quan'dariious and Lafon-Teesha. White folks are laughing at you all.
Congratulations, Big D! Next stop: The White House!
What is the black version of a "whooteemoo?"
Hey Yisheng, eat my asshole!
Interesting Blog !
"I found Kasich to be much more tolerable than the other rethugs but you're right, he's very likely a wolf in sheep's clothing."
He is more tolerable than the rest of the jokers on his team. If I were forced to pick one out of the original seventeen(!) candidates for president that started out running on the GOP side, Kasich would be the least objectionable option. But that's still not saying much. He would be the turd sandwich with the least turd filling, that's all.
As Pilot mentioned, he's a union-busting, homophobic, anti-abortion zealot.
When it comes to economics, he's also a budget-balance-fetishizing bean counter who'd let the country go to hell in a handbasket if another recession came along. Just a couple posts from economist Paul Krugman on that subject:
Hard Money Men
The Kasich Con
Practically the entire Republican Party is gripped with the idiotic notion that the federal government's finances should work like a household checking account, and our central bank should only worry about inflation and not employment numbers. It's garbage economic theory.
Anon @ 11:29, Digital Blackface Alert!
I think this one is, like, Ultimate DBA, if such a thing exists. You're not even trying today, Mr. Klansman.
@ Anon 11:39 -
What's the black version of whootemoo? I won't tell you, but I'll give you a hint ...
It has six letters and starts with an 'n'.
Hey PX, what's your take on Kim Fox's win in Chicago?
So Trump accused Sanders voters of starting the shit at his rallies, and tonight they all crossed over and voted for Kasich to beat him in Ohio. Not that it will hurt him much, but it does show that Democrats will show up and do the right thing if they need to, and in Ohio no less.
-Doug in Oakland
Oh, in case anyone hadn't already heard, Rubio dropped out after Trump crushed him in Florida.
As a black man, I must say that Mr. Trump will fix what ails this country. You'd be wise to jump on the bandwagon too.
@ Anonymous 1:19 -
"As a black man, I must say that Mr. Trump will fix what ails this country. You'd be wise to jump on the bandwagon too."
I don't think Mr. Trump wants black people on his bandwagon. If they try and climb on, they risk a punch in the face. At least, that's the lesson from his rallies.
Hillary did not do so well in Illinois. Barely squeaked by with a .16 lead in her home state. The Chicago Tribune would not endorse her.
What does that say when your own home state doesn't back you?
Dammit, we're going to have another white person in the White House next year.
correcting my 2:06 entry
Clinton lead in home state .016, sorry decimal typo.
I am a black man and I support Trump. Trump built the housing project my family lives in. It's beautiful - fountains in the yard, crystal chandeliers in the lobby, gold-plated toilets, the works. 24-hour security, even. I've never felt so safe. Donald Trump really knows how to treat People of Color. He even gave my little girl, Try'Quin'Da'Kenyeesha, a lollypop when he came by to visit.
I can't wait till he wins in NY and Cali. Go Mr. Trump!!!
"I am a black man and I support Trump."
CODE 1 Violation. Beginning text with the phrase "As a bm..."
***This is an automatically generated digital blackface alert triggered when a white man attempts to pass himself off as a brother (or indeed, sister). Like Field-Negro, you too can install this award-winning software on your blog for a knock down price of just $99 per month.***
[Please read the Terms and Conditions, payment in cash (small denominations, no sequential numbers), NO REFUNDS.]
Personally, I think Democrats and Republicans have got to go. Republicans seem to realize that. Of course, it's probably pretty easy to see that Fox News is lying to you. The "liberal media" lies better. The other night I saw Michael Hayden on Lawrence O'Donnell's show as a military ethics expert. Hayden oversaw warrantless wiretaps and he was an Iran/Contra criminal. His friends rape nuns. The fact that Dick Cheney isn't in prison ought to tell you everything you need to know about Democrats.
No thoughts, just a growing sadness...
Election night has come and gone and Donald J. Trump is closer to becoming president. America is closer to becoming great again. The poor are closer to the middle class. The middle class is closer to expansion. It will be refreshing to have a president that will look out for us instead of the top 10% like obama has done.
hillary is the candidate of Walmart and Goldman Sachs. hillary is racist and thinks blacks are super predators hillary is a criminal and is in poor health. hillary voted for the Iraq war. How could anyone support that?
The Clinton's are responsible for the mass incarceration, criminalization of blacks. The Clinton's made it easier for banks to take advantage of blacks. How can blacks call bubba the first black president and overwhelming support hillary?
And the democrat plantation is just a myth?
"Practically the entire Republican Party is gripped with the idiotic notion that the federal government's finances should work like a household checking account, and our central bank should only worry about inflation and not employment numbers. It's garbage economic theory."
Yeah MOT, because it's much better to spend like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy in a Latin America whore house. No need to worry about deficits,debt or anything...
Stupid for the cause is how obama got elected twice.
PilotX said...
'' and has said in his commercials he is against regulation (Flint anyone?)''
Faild liberal policies and Democrat corruption, anyone?
Quote: Make America Shit Again
"Faild liberal policies..."
Yes Liberals! Your policies are "Faild'
Which I believe is an olde English word for 'valid".
Purple Baboon is a grammar Nazi now. Because why debate someone you disagree with on the merits of their argument when you can nitpick over minor typos?
I'd like to cosign everything that Ministry of Truth said in the initial post and I'd also like to add that I hope November 2016 brings us a Presidential and much better dressed Hillary.
Seriously. If she dresses herself she is awful at it. If someone is dressing her, they need to be fired. She needs to spend the cash and hire the team from the "The Good Wife" to dress her. Immediately. The show is being canceled, they need the work and she certainly needs the help.
The days of dressing like a dressed up college girl who raided mummy's closet for your first interview are behind you Hillary. Take a cue from Michelle Obama and step up your clothes and hair game. We will all thank you. There is no shame in looking the part.
Oh, and I'd like to add, fuck John Kasich. My college-graduate daughter was a Planned Parenthood baby. Without them, I would have been sunk from the beginning. The took a scared 21 year old with no plan and helped me become a pretty formidable mother with a plan for parenthood.
So fuck John Kasich and all the assholes who want to take away this much-needed and becoming scarcer every day bit of help and healthcare.
"Purple Baboon is a grammar Nazi now. Because why debate someone you disagree with on the merits of their argument when you can nitpick over minor typos?"
Yes, it was what we on the Left refer to as "a joke".
I know that you guys on the far-Right don't do humour, but this "joke" was for the benefit of my fellow Leftists.
Have a nice day.
The question, then, is how long can Democratic Party leaders and candidates continue to rely on African American voters before African-American voters take matters into their own hands – just as white working class Republican voters have done this year.
"...who is probably- next to Ted Cruz- the most right leaning pol left in the race."
Ouch! It hurts even more when I realize you're right, Field.
Maybe Bernie's minions at the convention will influence one or two planks in the platform. Or maybe Hillary will put on her youthful, progressive love beads out of notalgia.
She likes being popular, and would love to be idolized by the youth as she thinks Bernie is. So there's that ego thing.
Am I hoping against hope? What else have we got? The short-fingered vulgarian?
"Hillary did not do so well in Illinois. Barely squeaked by with a .16 lead in her home state. The Chicago Tribune would not endorse her."
Debatable whether you can call Illinois Hillary's home state, in a political sense. She grew up in Illinois, but hasn't lived there in many decades. New York would make more sense.
And the Tribune didn't endorse either Bernie or Hillary. The Trib has had a right-leaning editorial board going back to its beginnings as a newspaper (they were one of FDR's chief enemies back in the '30s), so this is not that surprising. Hillary might even take it as a badge of honor that they wouldn't endorse her, as she is working hard to appear more liberal.
It has been 6 months and Dumold trump has yet to release his tax returns. What is he trying to hide?
Jeez. Everyone in this race is wearing suits with pants. (Thank goodness; things are bad enough without seeing anybody's naked legs on those stages.)
So why are Clinton's pants so endlessly worthy of comment?
(Rhetorical question, of course; I know why.)
She wears pants to hide her very thick legs. She doesn't want anybody to suspect that she has black genes in her ancestry. Where do you think her daughter got that frizzy hair from?
OMG - I had the exact same thought: Why is she dressed like she just got off the set of Star Trek? That yellow jacket was definitely Lieutenant Commander worthy. Or maybe a visiting ambassador.
If Hillary is tuning out the fashion commentary, she needs to tune back in. Believe me, I get it. I'm not a fashionista either. Then again, I am not running for President of the United States. If I were not capable of getting it together, I would definitely hire someone and there's no reason she can't.
As despise her, even Palin stepped her fashion game for her and her family when she was running with McCain. Some people accused her of going overboard, spending over $100,000 on clothes for her entire family over the course of her campaign. Personally, I thought that was downright frugal considering she dressed herself, her husband, her zillion kids and her daughter's baby daddy. Say what you want about Palin, but she is always on fleek and you would never catch her in some dowdy yellow jacket. Palin knew if she couldn't be smart, she could at least look good.
I think that's why it's always surprising that Palin sounds so stupid because she looks like she could say something interesting, but she never does. Anyway, Palin knew she was on a national stage and she stepped up her fashion game. Clinton needs to do the same.
The Ministry of Truth said...
I think she looks like a Star Trek character in them. The yellow one she wore to one of the debates was pretty attention-grabbing. Jokesters said she'd dressed as Big Bird in honor of PBS hosting the debate.
But she's been getting criticism about her fashion sense since she was first lady back in the '90s (and probably before that; here's her in college -- yikes!), and I think she tunes it all out at this point.
10:33 AM
Don't be so hard on her! She has better things to do with her money,specially now with the grand daughter,trust funds, estates, mansions, all that really important stuff.
I understand her. I myself also dress very minimally, and usually in black,that's my favorite color for clothes :p, then I add a little pop of color, maybe red shoes, or like take New Years Eve for instance, I wore my black slinky dressy pants, a back shell, with a black sheer see thru,long sleeved blouse wore open over the shell, then I wore leopard shoes! and of course a small glitzy, sequined, black 2016 crown for fun! Purfect!
But I digress :)...Hill looks fine just as is. That's her style and it's fine.
Because also remember, Mrs.Obama is a young woman,in great shape,no wrinkles or sagging underarms! Mrs.Clinton is not, and has to dress accordingly to kinda hide all the,oh shall we call it,wisdom wrinkles and sag that we all get as the years take their toll on our bods ;)
So yeah, I don't think we're going to see her in a strapless gown anytime soon, picture bueno right xD
She doesn't have to do a strapless gown, but she has plenty of other women she can take a cue from.
Love her dearly, she has to dress better. There is no excuse not to.
More of that famous left-wing double standards.
It would be a tough life if Bernie was held to the same standard Bernie wants trump held to.
"More of that famous left-wing double standards.
It would be a tough life if Bernie was held to the same standard Bernie wants trump held to."
Bullshit. As usual, Bill doesn't understand what double standards are.
Trump is inciting his supporters to commit violence. (And then denying it. And then inciting them again. Repeat endlessly.)
Bernie is not.
"More of that famous left-wing double standards."
Sorry Little Billy, you are going to have to explain this one to us. What is this su[posed evidence of double standards of which you speak?
''Trump is inciting his supporters to commit violence.''
Bullshit. Donald J. Trump and his supporters are having to defend themselves and react only after being attack by paid leftwing thugs.
One interesting angle that has not been much remarked on is that Trump didn't actually have that great a night last night.
Fivethirtyeight has created bench marks for each of the primaries, with respect to how many delegates a candidate needs to win. And Trump has been exceeding his all along -- until now. Last night, Trump was the big winner, clearly. But he "should" have won more, according to the Nate Silver machine. They gave him a benchmark of 272 delegates, and he only won 189. There is no doubt that Trump will win a plurality of delegates, but there is still a slim chance that he won't be able to pull off a majority, and then no one can win.
In which case, we are looking at a brokered GOP convention, where anything could happen. If the party bigwigs were to decide to give the GOP voters the finger and parachute in an establishment Republican instead of Trump -- KABOOM! Party implosion. And popcorn time for Democrats watching the hilarity ensue at home.
I'm not saying this will happen. But it could.
The Purple Cow said...
"More of that famous left-wing double standards."
Sorry Little Billy, you are going to have to explain this one to us.
You can't figure it out?
The Ministry of Truth said...
It would be a tough life if Bernie was held to the same standard Bernie wants trump held to."
Bullshit. As usual, Bill doesn't understand what double standards are.
Tough life, his explanation why he doesn't want to be asked about his supporters attacking trump.
Fivethirtyeight?? No wonder MOT is so ill-informed.
Fivethirtyeight has been wrong about Donald J. Trump from the being.
"You can't figure it out?
No I can't.
...and by the sound of things, neither can you.
Let's try to make the best of it until 2020.
"Faild liberal policies and Democrat corruption, anyone?"
Nope, valid policies that keep us safe. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You have to admit we need good regulations to ensure our environment, food and water are clean and stable right? I agree, get rid of the corruption but keep the valid and needed regulations. You can agree with that can't you MAGA?
"Bullshit. Donald J. Trump and his supporters are having to defend themselves and react only after being attack by paid leftwing thugs."
Nah, the suckerpunch guy wasn't defending himself nor were the Trump people who were pushing and shoving that young lady. That defense sounds good I guess but isn't 100% truthful. Nuance is necessary sometimes. Trump supporters aren't 100% innocent nor are the protesters 100% guilty.
For those that think a brokered GOP convention couldn't happen ... Trump isn't so sure. He's taking it completely seriously. He's helpfully warning everyone that "bad things" could happen if they try and snatch the nomination away from him:
"'I’m representing a tremendous — many, many millions of people — in many cases, first-time voters. These are people that haven’t voted because they never believed in the system,' he said.
'Now, if you disenfranchise those people and you say, "Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short," I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen, I really do. I believe that. I wouldn’t lead it but I think bad things would happen.'”
If you think this is just informational, you're dreaming. Trump is really threatening that he will instruct his people to riot and blow up the party if he doesn't get his way.
To put it in mafia terms: Hey, dat's a nice party you got dere. It'd be a real shame if something were to happen to it.
Tomorrow is St.Patrick's Day, who else is wearing green? :)
Field will be wearing his green party dress when he goes out with Tay-Tay to celebrate.
Lilac pr said...
Tomorrow is St.Patrick's Day, who else is wearing green? :)
I'm wearing a green sweater in homage to my Irish ancestry! It's the one day I don't need to tell White people why I have freckles and reddish brown hair, ROTFL!!!
What?! You're not wearing your blond weave and blue contacts?
You're at least going to bleach your skin, right? LOL
ThatDeborahGirl said...
She doesn't have to do a strapless gown, but she has plenty of other women she can take a cue from.
Love her dearly, she has to dress better. There is no excuse not to.
12:25 PM
Ah c'monnnnn,cut her some slack will ya! :)
She's a busy woman! She's got a full time job, she has to go home to cook for Bill,house clean,do laundry,organize the church fund drive,take care of the million little details we women have to solve,AND get enough rest to see her thru the stresses of a campaign! I mean?...who has time for anything more than a pantsuit and the occasional pearl necklace??? It's like Mark what's his name the Facebook founder, he has a closet full of grey T shirts! Simplicity! I LOVE IT!!! I say the pantsuits and now with the addition of a colorful cape are wonderful, and oh so mid-western church-lady.
Yīshēng said...
I'm wearing a green sweater in homage to my Irish ancestry! It's the one day I don't need to tell White people why I have freckles and reddish brown hair, ROTFL!!!
10:01 PM
I'll break out into an Irish jig every now and then during the day 'cos that's what we were taught in grade school, and I don't drink so...;)
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