They can put it on all of their newsroom teleprompters for their hosts and pundits and just save themselves a lot of trouble.
Here you go folks:
You are welcome.
*Pic from
ROTFL @ Field!!
That's why it's too bad Al Jazeera went off the air. They gave the news without all of the nonsense the American Press focuses on. Since they went off the air, I now watch BBC World News which gives a similar style of news broadcast as Al Jazeera, which doesn't include The Trump Madness. American 'News' programming is terrible.
I'm kinda glad I don't have a television, there's enough damn Trumpetytrumpetytrump on the internet.
-Doug in Oakland
@ Wesley
Al Jazeera America went off the air, but Al Jazeera English still exists -- though they have less coverage of the U.S. specifically, and more global and Mideast coverage.
Internet streaming of that channel to the U.S. has been blocked since Al Jazeera America started broadcasting, but now that that AJAM is gone, there are plans to make Al Jazeera English available again in the near future.
That's President Trump to you.
I will seek a foreign policy that all Americans, whatever their party, can support, and which our friends and allies will respect and welcome.
The world must know that we do not go abroad in search of enemies, that we are always happy when old enemies become friends, and when old friends become allies.
To achieve these goals, Americans must have confidence in their country and its leadership again.
Many Americans must wonder why our politicians seem more interested in defending the borders of foreign countries than their own.
Americans must know that we are putting the American people first again. On trade, on immigration, on foreign policy – the jobs, incomes and security of the American worker will always be my first priority.
No country has ever prospered that failed to put its own interests first. Both our friends and enemies put their countries above ours and we, while being fair to them, must do the same.
We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism.
The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down, and will never enter America into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs.
NAFTA, as an example, has been a total disaster for the U.S. and has emptied our states of our manufacturing and our jobs. Never again. Only the reverse will happen. We will keep our jobs and bring in new ones. Their will be consequences for companies that leave the U.S. only to exploit it later.
Under a Trump Administration, no American citizen will ever again feel that their needs come second to the citizens of foreign countries.
I will view the world through the clear lens of American interests.
I will be America’s greatest defender and most loyal champion. We will not apologize for becoming successful again, but will instead embrace the unique heritage that makes us who we are.
"NAFTA, as an example, has been a total disaster for the U.S. and has emptied our states of our manufacturing and our jobs. Never again. Only the reverse will happen. We will keep our jobs and bring in new ones. Their will be consequences for companies that leave the U.S. only to exploit it later."
I trust Donald Trump to renegotiate a trade agreement about as much as I trust a donkey to perform open-heart surgery.
He can stick to what he's good for: fleecing the elderly with slot machines.
Wait, you forgot to mention Cruz choosing Fiorina. Ok, never mind. Ha!
With the Confederate flag, America is basically going through a De-Nazification project 150 years after the war ended. It's kinda insane.
By the 1980s, the Confederate Flag had been watered down into complete kitsch. It stood for Daisy Duke, not slavery.
The Confederate Flag went from the Statehouse to a Hate Crime in record time. Impressive work by our Progressive mind control overlords.
Trump says to millions of demonized and browbeaten whites: "Support me and you will have a place in America's future".
Progressives say "Nazi!".
Are you worried that your people are in demographic decline? Only Nazis would worry about that! Do you want to secure our borders against criminals and terrorists? Only Nazis would want to do that! Do you think it is crazy that Sweden, Germany, and other European countries have imported thousands of rapists from Africa and the Middle East? Only a Nazi would care about that! Do you think that your country should prefer citizens to foreigners, workers to parasites, decent people to criminals? Only Nazis would think that way! Do you think that whites should start saying “no” to unjust and crazy non-white demands, such as Black Lives Matter protesters who basically demand an end to enforcing laws against black criminals? Only a Nazi would do that. You don’t want to be a Nazi, do you? Then stop protesting against policies that will destroy white people. After all, the only way for white people to atone for the crimes of Nazis is by ceasing to exist.
Progressivism is the most evil ideology ever devised by man.
And it's past time for the confederate flag to be discarded to the dustbin of history. What's wrong with flying the American flag?
Conservatism is the most evil ideology ever devised by man.
All states have a state religion. If your state religion is controlled by a hostile state, you are toast. That is spiritual insecurity. The official state religion of most states is progressivism, and their progressivism is controlled by the NGOs, which are controlled by the US State Department, which is controlled by Harvard in pretty much the same way the US supreme court is controlled by Harvard. (Sometimes the president makes minor, and usually ineffectual and unsuccessful, efforts to influence the US State Department. If he gets too stubborn about it, the media demonize him.)
China has a big problem with progressivism and assorted Christian sects, many of which smell suspiciously like the State Department, discovering in the New Testament that gay sex is sacred, and husbands should obey their wives. The obvious solution is state sponsored Confucianism Manchesterized, or state sponsored Manchesterism Confucianized, but they are hesitant and confused. What exactly is their state religion? Supposedly it is Maoism, but Maoism is just not that credible these days, and they don’t particularly wish it was credible. They are half decided to go with Confucianism, but what sort of Confucianism? They are not sure. In the recent confrontation in Hong Kong, the police backed the protestors against the government, siding with the US state department against Peking. Such is the power of faith. Hong Kong suffers severely from spiritual insecurity. The authorities in Peking need to decide on something that is credible, persuasive, and sane, and go with that, for right now China is spiritually insecure. The state department plots a “democratic” takeover of China. If what happened in Hong Kong had happened in Peking, China would be ruled by the State Department and looted by Wall Street the way Russia was after the fall of communism.
Putin has a big problem with progressivism, but is taking forceful and effective measures against it. The unofficially official Russian state religion is highly unprogressive Russian Orthodoxy.
Russian orthodoxy in the west steers a delicate path wobbling between pissing off the State Department, and pissing off the patriarchy in Russia. There are no large scale hierarchical organized Christian religions in the west that seriously dissent from the State Department line that all religions, rightly understood, are the same religion, and that religion is progressivism.
There's a reason they call them Retardicans.
"All states have a state religion. If your state religion is controlled by a hostile state, you are toast. That is spiritual insecurity. The official state religion of most states is progressivism, and their progressivism is controlled by the NGOs, which are controlled by the US State Department, which is controlled by Harvard in pretty much the same way the US supreme court is controlled by Harvard. (Sometimes the president makes minor, and usually ineffectual and unsuccessful, efforts to influence the US State Department. If he gets too stubborn about it, the media demonize him.)"
Whoa. I'd guess you're wearing a tinfoil hat right now, but that sounds like a major understatement. You're probably living in a tinfoil house.
We haven't heard anything about the knock out game recently. Not even Sean Hannity talks about it anymore. Please Mr. Field give us an update so I can know whether or not it's safe to leave my house. No one cares about us anymore!
Trump talks like I a dumbass.
@Field: They can put it on all of their newsroom teleprompters for their hosts and pundits and just save themselves a lot of trouble."
There's an inverse relationship here: The more cable news features Trump the less I watch it.
If others feel the way I do in substantial numbers, then Trump's not so much a ratings bonanza as he is a ratings disaster, yet these news channels never tire of
Mr. Trump presidency may offer a chance for America to purge that which holds it down. Check out the latest groups of Blacks young men being cowards in beating down a white lone man. Maybe when Mr. Trump offer a 'go' to allow some reciprocation, there will be some safety on the streets for all. I am tired of my people feeding and taking care of these thugs. As an old man, my solution now is to exterminate these predators. NO ONE IS SAFE AROUND THEM. Check out the news feed of "Buckroe Beach, Hampton VA assault". I only feel this way because I like to walk my dogs, wash my cars, keep my lawn, have some sons.... it is countless the things I want to do.... but my fear is that I will bump into these untrained animals that I will pay dearly in protecting myself. Now convince me I should feel otherwise. StillaPanther2
A Black Panther Forever said..."Now convince me I should feel otherwise."
You can "feel" as you choose, but in choosing you have sealed your fate.
I can tell you this: You're not going to like what's coming your way, but you chose the path and all who travel in your direction.
Man, do I feel sorry for you!
"You're not going to like what's coming your way,"
He doesn't like what is in his way right now, which is rampant criminality in his community. Another generation lost to nihilism.
It's a weird situation we are in now, where Black Americans are taught that is their duty to be angry and their right to be violent. This is destroying the black community.
Whites are taught that they are privileged to merely exist, and that this privilege must be revoked. This is destroying the white community.
There are evil forces at work in America that seek the destruction of its people. Blacks are used as the hammer that beats on the stone foundation. The foundation will crack but so too will the hammer.
Let's stop the hate. The pursuit of national survival is a right we all share. There should be a place for all of us in America's future, our government has no right to decide who the people are. Let's stand together and Make America Great Again.
Strange field nor his racist posters were bothered with the non-stop 24/7 obama lovefest on the "television networks and cable news outlets" that has been going on since 2007.
Also strange field doesn't post about the violent obama supporters attacking peaceful Trump supporters in the people's republic of California.
Donald J. Trump represents true hope and change. Donald J. Trump will uplift everyone not just Wallstreet and the top 10%.
That is what scares the racial grievance industry. People like field want blacks exactly were they are. Scared, poor, violent and resentful towards everyone who isn't like them. It makes it easier to keep them on the plantation.
After Donald J. Trump beats crooked hillary and she off to prison, he will free the slaves and bring America together in prosperity and love.
If Trump does happen to get elected, hopefully he'll be able to take care of race supremacists like Yisheng.
Don't let Beyonce talk you into leaving yo man. She got one kid and 500 million, odds say she'll be aight. You got three and 500 dollars. Hold on tight.
Protesters at yesterday's Trump rally in California once again attacked Trump supporters, set fires, and trashed police cars. The NYT described them as "boisterous", as if it's all just fun and games.
Who knew the Right Side of History involved so many Mexican Flags and smashed cop cars?
The big question is whether these tactics intimidate people from openly supporting Trump or encourages them.
The mask has come off the organized Left. It's time to look them in the eye and say no to hate.
Donald Trump’s campaign reveals the establishment for what it is, a swamp of corruption as fetid as those of Latin America. The frantic scramble to rig the primaries, change the rules, and defeat the voters makes absurd any pretense of democracy.
Their shit is getting fucked up.
I love it.
The Republicans try desperately to ditch the only Republican candidate who could win the Presidency because...Hillary is one of them. Everyone by now has noticed that the Republicans and Democrats are members of the same corrupt club of blood-sucking parasites, the action arm of the corporations, Wall Street, the Israeli lobby, and those who want the US to control the world at any cost, except of course to them. They are panicked at the rise of someone who might put first the interests of America. Better Hillary, a fellow parasite, than Trump, who isn’t.
Burn this shut down.
The left can no longer contain their violence and hate. They are losing power because the silent majority is awake and ready to make America great again. Given the left's history of assassinations, i worry for the safety of Donald J. Trump.
If obama was any kind of leader he would call off his violent thugs.
Foreigners attack Americans in our own country, wave Mexican flags, overturn police cars.
So Trump's the problem?
Note we have to once again go to the foreign press to get actual coverage of things like this:
The left really are helping their cause with all the violence and mexican flags.
I'm a proud American who just wants what's best for the country. Now let me go protest a presidential candidate who puts America first while waving a Mexican flag.
Simon, are you a blah person? The reason I ask is because your broad brushed stereotype of us seems a bit skewed. I must have missed the class that was supposed to teach me to be angry and violent. If you don't regularly interact with blah folks and watch fox and/or conservative media I can see why you would believe as you do.
Mexico sucks.
So Mexicans fled to California.
Now California sucks.
Maybe it's them.
Some where in the House barack and moochelle are smiling at the political environment they have created. The country they have divided.
Will America ever be great again?
simon said...
"You're not going to like what's coming your way,"
"He doesn't like what is in his way right now, which is rampant criminality in his community. Another generation lost to nihilism. "It's a weird situation we are in now, where Black Americans are taught that is their duty to be angry and their right to be violent. This is destroying the black community.""
And you know this how? Who's doing the teaching? And how are blacks "destroying the black community." Is it by protesting police abuse?
I don't presume to talk for "A Black Panther Forever," nor for "his community," but just how "rampant [is the] criminality in his community"? Without specifics, and a way to compare one community's "rampant criminality," to another, we can't measure what is at best a generality.
And you say "Another generation lost to nihilism." Is it the entire generation? Surely you realize: There are many black youth who aren't violent, who aren't criminals, and who are making a lasting impact in the community. There are black organizations devoted to this very cause. Here's one. And there are others:
"There are many black youth who aren't violent, who aren't criminals, and who are making a lasting impact in the community."
That's great, but shouldn't all kids be provided the guidance and environment that encourages them to be responsible and honorable people who build positive communities? That lets them be what they were meant to be rather than what others dictate they be? The majority of kids are raised in a toxic media and educational culture that feeds on dysfunction and division. How is the grievance/violence culture working out for black youth? How is the guilt/privilege fetish working out for white youth? Our children are dying in alarming numbers. Nihilism is the goal of this system. People who believe in nothing will fall for anything. Breaking our culture for fun and profit. Everyone is losing at this game.
"I must have missed the class that was supposed to teach me to be angry and violent."
You did, probably by about 20 or 30 years.
"Are you worried that your people are in demographic decline? Only Nazis would worry about that! Do you want to secure our borders against criminals and terrorists?"
Oh look everybody, yet another fascist plagiarist. Some things never change.
Why is it that our nazi friends are incapable of original thought?
simon said: "There are evil forces at work in America that seek the destruction of its people. Blacks are used as the hammer that beats on the stone foundation. The foundation will crack but so too will the hammer."
You characterize blacks as a tool, a "hammer," and then you say the hammer is used to beat "on the stone foundation."
What is this "stone foundation" of which you speak, certainly not the structure upon which this nation was built? That structure came with cracks, cracks larger than the one in the Liberty Bell, cracks which grow larger year after year, and the cracks aren't the result of a black hammer, or the result of our pounding a mythical "stone foundation."
And even if blacks had a hammer to use, it's not a Thor Hammer that can do real damage, but a really small one that doctors use on the knees to check reflexes.
As for there being "evil forces," I have to agree, but those forces are hidden, and can't be attacked or destroyed with the use of conventional weapons, but reside in places that're mostly untouchable and insulated.
"Let's stop the hate. The pursuit of national survival is a right we all share. There should be a place for all of us in America's future, our government has no right to decide who the people are. Let's stand together and Make America Great Again."
I agree: "hate" merely generates more hate, and we know how that story ends. Surely, you realize that the person using the slogan, "Make America Great Again," is the one who's spewing the hatred, and the division? As for this country being "great again," it has never been great by my metrics, so it can't return to a time or place that never existed.
Was it great when it stole land from the indigenous people? Was it great when it made Cotton King using slave labor?
Was it great when it used "separate but equal," to assure that the races would exist separate and unequal.
I could go on.
simon said: "Everyone is losing at this game."
If it's as bad as you say it is, then let's all pitch in and do our part to stem the tide.
What are you doing to make everyone winners in the "game"? Talk is the least of that which can be done; it merely brings momentary satisfaction for having vented.
"I could go on."
You should just go, if that is what you believe. There is no happy ending to that story.
Mindless reiteration of leftist nonsense propaganda betrays a profound lack of awareness of what is actually afoot.
We live in a truly debased world when wishing greatness for your country is "spewing hate", when stating the obvious about the problems with uncontrolled mass immigration is "racist", and when making the point that the government exists to advance the common aims of the citizenry rather than the citizenry existing to serve the aims of the government gets you called a "Nazi".
These words are thrown about in such absurd and inane ways that they are becoming meaningless.
Black America is not the one swinging the hammer that is being wielded against the foundation of white America; Black America is the hammer. Both will be shattered before the job is done.
The powers that be are united in opposition to a man who dares to say the days of division are over, that there will be no more fighting other people's wars, and that the pillaging of the working class is going to come to an end. They send out their stooges and their liars to put down the rabble, but it's all slipping from their grasp.
The time for the rule of lies is over. Those who cling to fear and hate serve no one but their tormentors. America will be made Great Again, and they won't be able to stop it.
simon said: "That's great, but shouldn't all kids be provided the guidance and environment that encourages them to be responsible and honorable people who build positive communities?"
You already know the answer. The operative words here are "shouldn't all," and in a perfect world, "all" would be given the opportunities which you have specified, but for blacks, this "perfect world" has always been elusive, and something that we have had to clamor for, protest for, and die for.
"That lets them be what they were meant to be rather than what others dictate they be? The majority of kids are raised in a toxic media and educational culture that feeds on dysfunction and division."
We may not be able to make a difference for every fish (or child) beached on the sands of neglect, but we can make a difference for some by throwing them back into a world where they can thrive.
I believe that those who're conversant with the nature of the problem have an obligation to bring to bear solutions, and not only solutions but the application of the same.
Again, I ask: What are you doing in tangible ways to bring forth the world that you envision?
"How is the grievance/violence culture working out for black youth? How is the guilt/privilege fetish working out for white youth? Our children are dying in alarming numbers."
What is your definition of "alarming numbers"? And our children will continue to die, but not all, as some will take up the mantle of responsibility and make differences in their community, and indeed the entire world.
I'm more sanguine than you.
"Nihilism is the goal of this system. People who believe in nothing will fall for anything. Breaking our culture for fun and profit. Everyone is losing at this game."
What "system" are you speaking of?
From the inception of this nation, the profit motive loomed large, even to the point that corporations were feared.
To be sure, our national values have undergone very little change over the years, with materialism and greed leading the way.
Change is coming, as our weather patterns have already indicated, but to have change on the scale that's needed, old ways of thinking must fall to a new paradigm.
simon said...
"I could go on."
"You should just go, if that is what you believe. There is no happy ending to that story."
It's not a matter of what I believe. History has chronicled this nation's vast abuses against its indigenous people, and blacks, some of which I've lived to see.
To go forward, a people need to know whence it came. I won't wear rose-colored glasses, and rewrite this nation's history--that would be revisionism, and a lie. Nothing permanent can be built on a lie, but only on the truth.
With the truth there's hope, without it, it's merely a "raisin in the sun."
-Doug in Oakland
No, but Doug sure the fuck is.
simon said "Mindless reiteration of leftist nonsense propaganda betrays a profound lack of awareness of what is actually afoot."
I know what's "actually afoot." And your use of the words "leftist nonsense propaganda," reveals your true intent.
You're not interested in solutions, only in reciting the problems of the black community as you see them, which I don't think you have first-hand knowledge of, merely a pseudo-academic one.
"Black America is not the one swinging the hammer that is being wielded against the foundation of white America; Black America is the hammer. Both will be shattered before the job is done."
And what "job" is that? You know your problem, you speak of two Americas, one white and the other black. If there exists a "hammer," then it's division that "wields" it, a devise that Donald Trump uses with great skill and effectiveness.
I didn't know that you were a disciple of Trump, but I should have guessed.
And if blacks can be used to "shatter" the foundation of this country, or of "white America," then it's a foundation that should fall, as it was built on a sand of lies and empty promises rather than on a bedrock of truth.
"We live in a truly debased world when wishing greatness for your country is "spewing hate", when stating the obvious about the problems with uncontrolled mass immigration is "racist", and when making the point that the government exists to advance the common aims of the citizenry rather than the citizenry existing to serve the aims of the government gets you called a "Nazi"."
I see. You're a Trump supporter. On the one hand you speak of the unification of the masses, and on the other you advance the need to Keep America Great by stemming "mass immigration," and insulting family members North of the border.
Now, I think this country's Native Americans would have a thing or two to say about "mass immigration," as they saw their land overrun by European interlopers, and when they resisted was slaughtered where they stood, or relocated by force to lands never seen by their forefathers.
If you're placing this nation's future on the visions of Donald Trump, God help you. Trump is not a unifier, and if you unite with him, you're not a unifier, but a divider.
As for blacks being a hammer, a tool to be used to divide this country further, remember this, we were never welcomed into the fold, never seen as real Americans, and neither was full civil rights extended to us without Herculean efforts on our part.
We can't divide that which we were never a part of.
"The powers that be are united in opposition to a man who dares to say the days of division are over, that there will be no more fighting other people's wars, and that the pillaging of the working class is going to come to an end. They send out their stooges and their liars to put down the rabble, but it's all slipping from their grasp."
Trump's supposed stance is not new, it's been tried before and perhaps with greater elan, it was called, "America First," and guess who was one of it's chief proponents, a man who supported Hitler.
Do you really believe that Trump, the man who runs several casinos, and who uses undocumented workers in his hotels, and restaurants, will be this nation's savior?
No it doesn't believe it, even trolls are not that stupid.
"You did, probably by about 20 or 30 years."
Well, my dad was a student 30 years before me and some other relatives were students 20 years before me and they don't recall these classes either. Can you be more specific when and where these anger and violence classes were taught? Thanks buddy.
No, dumbass, he meant you went to school 20 or 30 years before they started teaching the bullshit they do today.
Man, you are dense.
"Now, I think this country's Native Americans would have a thing or two to say about "mass immigration,"
No doubt.
That's probably the purest example of what happens to a native culture that can't maintain a boundary line. The comparison with the modern US mostly fails in that the reasons are different. Rather than a technology gap or the Indians inability to see themselves as a unified group, the US will fall due to an internal rot.
It's not the first time that a successful culture committed suicide, the Western Roman Empire did a bang-up job at that, but it's the first time I've gotten to watch it happen.
Watch what happens after Trump receives the GOP Nomination and then Hillary wins the DEM.
Hillary will be up some 30-45 points and busting the Electoral College map. It will be a Regan like sweep. Get ready to say "President Clinton" again.
By October, it will be a dead heat - a statistical tie or, Hillary will be loosing by many polls Nationally!!
Drama and election poli-tricks for the masses!
after the failed presidency of obama Trump would be a welcome change. Maybe he can put the US back on course and maybe not. Obama should never have been a president of the most powerful country in the world. His limited negro brain could not comprehend the implications but neither could W.
"No, dumbass, he meant you went to school 20 or 30 years before they started teaching the bullshit they do today."
Man, I would sure love to see some of those lesson plans. BTW, I know kids in school now and they haven't been taught the anger and violence course yet.
"I must have missed the class that was supposed to teach me to be angry and violent."
A pity Nkosi Thandiwe didn't. He murdered Brittany Watts and shot 2 others in part because of the racial grievance narrative he learned in college.
"As for this country being "great again," it has never been great by my metrics, so it can't return to a time or place that never existed."
Monrovia is calling you, TGOT. Go make it great, by your metrics.
"If you're placing this nation's future on the visions of Donald Trump, God help you. Trump is not a unifier, and if you unite with him, you're not a unifier, but a divider."
Precisely. Trump will build the wall and put the immigration moratorium in place, to divide America from the destructive forces invading it. Our essential division was torn down in 1965; it's long past time to put it back.
"we were never welcomed into the fold, never seen as real Americans, and neither was full civil rights extended to us without Herculean efforts on our part."
The KGB saw you and "civil rights" as a tool to destroy the USA. You've been GOOD little "useful idiots", haven't you? And your reward should you succeed is the same one Hitler's Brownshirts got on the Night Of Long Knives: extermination, since your usefulness will be over.
I guess maybe a specific school, class or textbook wouldn't be too much to ask. I would love to learn specifics about this violence and hate being taught to our students. Thanks in advance Simon. Also, do you have any personal experience with such a class such as witnessing it being taught.
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