"The grim coincidence of a major terrorist attack occurring just as the 2016 general election lurches to life has provided Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee, the opportunity he needed to define the campaign he intends to run: a campaign that casts the Muslim faith and its practitioners – both inside and outside the U.S. – as antagonistic to American interests. The speech he gave on Monday in response to the Orlando terrorist shooting was a relentlessly ugly diatribe that unambiguously embraced the pernicious and anti-American idea that a person’s religious faith makes them a threat to national security.
I suppose I should get into the parts of Trump’s proposed policies that either don’t make logical sense or are at war with each other. Referring to the man who murdered 49 people in Orlando, Trump said that he “was born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States” and “the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here.” That led Trump to segue into a denunciation of the “dysfunctional immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country.” Those two thing aren’t actually related, unless you believe (as Trump seems to) that the immigration screening process should weed out those people who are likely to give birth to people who will one day become terrorists.
Of course, the way Trump squares this circle is by arguing that literally every single person emigrating from a Muslim country has to be treated as a potential terrorist, which is why he expanded his proposed ban on Muslim immigration. “When I am elected,” Trump said in his speech, “I will suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.” That would obviously include certain Middle Eastern countries, but given how general his proposed immigration ban is, for the sake of consistency it would also have to include Spain, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Peru, India, Canada, Greece, and countless other non-Muslim countries where Donald Trump would quite happily build one of his tacky golf resorts.
But Trump’s focus is on Muslims exclusively – not radicalized Muslims, but every Muslim person outside the U.S. He referred to the expanded admittance of refugees from Syria as potentially “a better, bigger version of the legendary Trojan Horse.” Per Trump, Hillary Clinton, as president, would “be admitting hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East with no system to vet them, or to prevent the radicalization of their children.” It’s all fearmongering based on lies and prejudice. “We have to stop the tremendous flow of Syrian refugees into the United States,” he warned, even though the actual number of admitted Syrian refugees is shamefully low compared to European countries and far behind the administration’s already modest proposed goal. The vetting process for Syrian refugees is rigorous and lengthy, consisting of background checks, multiple interviews, and hundreds of questions, to say nothing of the separate United Nations screening process they have to go through before the U.S. will even consider their cases." [Source]
Constitution? What Constitution? We don't need no stinkin Constitution.
*Pic from thegrio.com
"Those two thing aren’t actually related, unless you believe (as Trump seems to) that the immigration screening process should weed out those people who are likely to give birth to people who will one day become terrorists."
Without a Pre-Crime Division, Trump won't know one weed from another, the ones that can be smoked, from those that will drive you mad, or worse, take your life.
So does that mean Trump is getting foreign policy advice from Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert?
-Doug in Oakland
Quit trying to sound clever, nigger. You're just making an ass of yourself.
Can I be a nigger if I'm white? Like Elvis Costello said in Oliver's Army?
-Doug in Oakland
Field is just sad he can't go to Pulse anymore when he's down in Florida.
@ dindoo -
No, you can just go on Craigslist and find a nigger to fuck your wife while you jerk off with a pacifier in your mouth. That's what most cucks do.
Not married.
-Doug in Oakland
Not as sad as you that you don't have a urinal to sleep in anymore ...
"Can I be a nigger if I'm white? Like Elvis Costello said in Oliver's Army?"
Best guess is that Elvis was being metaphorical with that line, referring to British troops/police shooting Irish Catholics during the Troubles (and implying that Brits held the Irish in the same level of racist contempt they did blacks).
There was a checkpoint Charlie
He didn't crack a smile
But it's no laughing party
When you've been on the murder mile
Only takes one itchy trigger
One more widow, one less white nigger
White people make me laugh. Hard.
"Constitution? What Constitution? We don't need no stinkin Constitution."
Hmmm. Trump's "keep out the Muslims" immigration plan is disgusting and bigoted, and sounds pretty difficult to enforce in any event (you can't necessarily tell someone's a Muslim by looking at them -- and no, it won't work to force them to eat some bacon at a border checkpoint to prove they aren't, so don't start in with the dumb jokes).
But is it really unconstitutional? I'm no legal expert, but the ones I've read say the question is unclear. Apparently, most of the precedent says that Congress and the president have a virtually unlimited power to control immigration, which would give them the right to make our entry requirements as bigoted as they'd like.
Of course, our immigration laws only stopped imposing national origin quotas as of 1965.
TMoT: Yeah, I've always kinda looked at that as a kind of solidarity gesture on his part.
-Doug in Oakland
Honestly, that Muslim dude shot up the club because his pecker is so tiny. I'd be bitter too if I had that problem.
OK I admit that I was being a smartass about the Gohmert question, but it turns out I wasn't that far off. From what I have just read, Trump is being closely advised on foreign policy by none other than Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.
-Doug in Oakland
"TMoT: Yeah, I've always kinda looked at that as a kind of solidarity gesture on his part."
Costello said the song was inspired by the conflict in Northern Ireland:
“I made my first trip to Belfast in 1978 and saw mere boys walking around in battle dress with automatic weapons. They were no longer just on the evening news. These snapshot experiences exploded into visions of mercenaries and imperial armies around the world. The song was based on the premise ‘they always get a working class boy to do the killing’.”
Costello was expressing solidarity with both the lower-class kids sent to do clueless politicians' dirty work around the world, as well as the people they were order to oppress. So that "white nigger" line could have referred to either British soldiers or Irish Catholics. But I've always assumed he meant the Irish.
That's what most cucks do.
You seem to know a lot about that anon @11:28. Hmmmmmmmmm.
Roy Zimmerman has crafted the perfect musical message for all the wingnut politicians currently offering emotional condolences to those killed by a mass shooter -- while working tirelessly to guarantee the next mass shooter will have all the high-powered weaponry he desires:
"To the Victims of This Tragedy We Send Our Thoughts and Prayers"
As a straight white Christian male, I just have to say that my people suck ass.
TMOTHER, to answer your question, check out the 'establishment clause" of the First Amendment.
What trump is proposing for Muslims doest not square with everything I read about religious liberties in this country.
Lord, meant TMOT. Don't know where that HER came from. Damn spell check.😔
Oh mai GATT!!! Just lololol had my first laugh out loud moment of the day still in bed!!! TMOTHER! I like it!!! Don't get mad Truth! Jes'kidding wit ya! Lolol! I know it was an honest mistake but, You so funny Field!
"TMOTHER, to answer your question, check out the 'establishment clause" of the First Amendment."
I thought of that, but -- bearing in mind that I'm in no way knowledgeable about these matters -- some legal experts are claiming that Trump's plan might actually be legal because something called the Plenary Power Doctrine means that ordinary constitutional rights protections such as freedom of religion flat-out do not apply in the immigration context.
Look into it yourself if you're interested and decide for yourself whether these guys' argument has any merit or whether they're off their rockers.
"Oh mai GATT!!! Just lololol had my first laugh out loud moment of the day still in bed!!! TMOTHER! I like it!!! Don't get mad Truth! Jes'kidding wit ya! Lolol! I know it was an honest mistake but, You so funny Field!"
Hey, no point in getting mad at that. With all the crazy name-calling from the deranged trolls on this blog, it doesn't pay to be easily offended.
If only obama would get at angry at terrorist like he gets at Trump or Little Sisters Of The Poor.
The Ministry of Truth said...
Hey, no point in getting mad at that. With all the crazy name-calling from the deranged trolls on this blog, it doesn't pay to be easily offended.
7:47 AM
Awwww! That's true we do call ourselves some pretty crazy names! BUT!... it's all in fun, and love I might add! Yes love! You may not think so at first...but I'm convinced!...I'll expound later, having my coffee and crackers (no pun intended ;)right now!
It's all Fields fault I might add! See, he's the first to call us names....xD
The Ministry of Truth said...
...crazy name-calling from the deranged trolls on this blog...
7:47 AM
Hey Tmother! x*D (I love it lololol) the trolls here aren't "deranged" maybe just a little crazy that's all,but, aren't we all? I know I am. ;p
MOT, don't want to get too deep in the legal weeds but since the Sp Court started applying "heightened" scrutiny to alienage based discrimination the plenary power doctrine has been pretty much moot.
Also,more importantly, as I said above, such a ban would have a chilling affect on the Establishment Clause, which speaks to all forms of religious discrimination whether it ultimately affects immigrants or non-immigrants.
The religious clauses of the Constitution are just too much for trump and his friends to overcome.
Now if only field and friends would brush up on the 2nd amendment.
The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.
Wake me when would-be Emperor Trump decides to hold a press conference. Oh, I mean an UNFILTERED press conference, when reporters from legitimate news organizations are allowed to ask questions, even leading questions, even basic questions, like his knowledge of the Constitution, the separation of powers, etc.
It IS interesting that he's learning to be cagey in his wording. A casual listener to his speech might assume that the mass murderer was himself an immigrant. He didn't EXPLICITLY say that, but it might be assumed if one didn't know better.
Hillary looks more and more like a savior. Dubya was very close to being a tyrant, used a lot of the high-handed and secretive techniques, even to redefining reality("torture"), but we're skating pretty close to the abyss, here.
Muslims and gays really don't ever belong anywhere near each other.
If only obama would get at angry at terrorist like he gets at Trump or Little Sisters Of The Poor.
Oh STFU Kinky. Go watch cartoons or whatever you immature conservatives do.
What's going on ?
Zoos don't build people proof cages and resorts let word gators run free!!! and people trust that all is well! Two years old, wading in a lagoon, with 'no swimming' signs at Disney a resort! Along comes a gator and snatches him up! Oy!
On the subject of the 2nd Amendment:
I agree, this idiot should have never been allowed to purchase those weapons.
I blame this on our stupid laws. If you are on a "Watch List", which he certainly should have been, the Federal Background Checks should have denied it.
It wasn't the gun dealer's fault. He already had a valid license to carry.
I have one, too. It wouldn't have done any good though the FBI, or any other law enforcement agency has ever had any reason to question me for ANYTHING. They had him on their radar at least TWICE.
They have a lot to answer for.
But, again...I can carry, and I'm not some homicidal religious idiot. If I had been in that bar, there is a possibility a lot less people would have died. A .45 goes a long way, if you know what I mean.
BUT. That doesn't matter either! I understand that bar was designated a "Gun-Free" zone, and they would pat you down at the door.
This gomer picked closing time, the sexual orientation of the patrons, and his love for being an Islamist prick.
Nothing you can do. It's a Total Eclipse Of The Heart.
BTW....ever noticed, not that you "assault gun" idiots would, that these freaks always use an AR-15?
Most of these radical bastards are trained in the use of the AK-47...which, you can buy in the gun store, and at a cheaper price.
Just as "lethal", holds just as much, if not more ammo, (and the ammo is cheaper, too)
I'd like someone to at least say," yeah...that is kinda weird".
Yeah...that is kinda weird :)
Is it because the AR 15 is much lighter?
I love what Trump said, " In order to make America SAFE - we cannot be politically correct!"
I don't think it's that it is that much lighter, from my experience. But, that's a good question.
The AK-47 was replaced by the AK-74...which was to copy the AR-15...sort of.
Now if only you and your fellow NRA types would stop fighting a battle you have won. So now as you contemplate your victory, not 1 but 2 deranged shootings in Orlando over the past weekend, the "2A" no longer a right but a responsibility, what does a distinguished Constitutional scholar like yourself propose to deal with too many guns and too many assholes with guns? I await your enlightened response Mr. Kinky Con Sir.
So they finally found the body of the toddler. They had already killed four gators, I guess in the hopes of finding the remains of the child inside one of them?
So now they are comparing bite marks, and so far they need to find THE alligator it seems. So they are searching for it,for what? Oh that's right, I guess they're going to fry him in the electric chair or something! It's not the friggin alligators fault! They do what they do!
So how about a little question from a little ole Puertorican lady alllll the way over here in P.R...
Why the hey do they have ALLIGATORS COMING UP TO THE SHORE with beach chairs and people there for Pete's sake??? Isn't that just a tad dangerous?
Why the hey do they not, AT LEAST fer crying out loud, put up SIGNS warning people that alligators come ashore of that man-made lagoon at any given moment???
Lawdy,lawdy,lawdy! Am I the only one with half a brain that sees these things?
I mean....only in America!
Personally, I think we should capture all the alligators in Florida, and ship them to Farto Rico...maybe it would help eliminate your Island's debt of being worthless.
Hell, you want the US Taxpayer to pay your debts?
The rifle used in Orlando wasn't an AR-15 it was a Sig Sauer MCX, which from what I can gather is a little lighter and easier to fire, with less kick, meaning a faster recovery time allowing an overall faster effective firing rate. It also folds up, making it small enough to conceal under your coat, which may be how he got it past the bouncers.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
Personally, I think we should capture all the alligators in Florida, and ship them to Farto Rico...maybe it would help eliminate your Island's debt of being worthless.
Hell, you want the US Taxpayer to pay your debts?
5:58 PM
So true that ignorance is bliss!!! ;)
"Go watch cartoons or whatever you immature conservatives do" ... or as Butt Trumpet refers to it, getting military advice ...
Retards. Retards everywhere.
5:58 PM
Blogger dinthebeast said...
The rifle used in Orlando wasn't an AR-15 it was a Sig Sauer MCX, which from what I can gather is a little lighter and easier to fire, with less kick, meaning a faster recovery time allowing an overall faster effective firing rate. It also folds up, making it small enough to conceal under your coat, which may be how he got it past the bouncers.
-Doug in Oakland
6:11 PM
Yeah. If you know about the SIG model you referred to, that's a high-dollar weapon which fires the 5.56 round. They use "assault weapon" as any gun that can fire semi-automatically.
A "litte lighter", "less kick", only proves you don't know the difference between a floating & sinking turd.
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I am Natasha Hayes by name and i reside here in United States of America.I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband ,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce.he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited.{Unityspelltemple@gmail.com}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past{7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our marriage was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster Dr Unity. So, i will advice you out there, if you have any problem contact Dr Unity and i guarantee you that he will help you and you will be the next to share your testimony to every one in the world!!. Email him at: Unityspelltemple@gmail.com or call him on: +2348072370762.
Little lighter and less kick means that your bead is not thrown off for as long and you can get the next bead and thus the next shot sooner.
-Doug in Oakland
Uh huh, Dougie...so are you saying that bastard was actually aiming his shots?
You know nothing about weapons. I'll bet the asshole had one of them 100 round "piano" type clips/magazines....look it up.
I've shot thru one. You almost get bored.
lilacpr2000 said...
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
Personally, I think we should capture all the alligators in Florida, and ship them to Farto Rico...maybe it would help eliminate your Island's debt of being worthless.
Hell, you want the US Taxpayer to pay your debts?
5:58 PM
So true that ignorance is bliss!!! ;)
7:57 PM
Uh...besides to "ship the gators to Pussy Rico", which was sarcasm, you might understand,
Where was the blissful ignorance? On you?
Explain, or, STFU.
I got my first rifle in 1971 when I was ten. You don't hit over 100 people without aiming at them. You don't just wave a firearm in the general direction of something to hit it. I find this misconception is common among people who have only fired a gun at a "shooting range" where everyone is shooting in the same direction at stationary targets.
-Doug in Oakland
let me guess, Dougie....a single shot, bolt action Remington? Maybe a Marlin?
I was shooting ducks, mud up to my crotch, no waders, in rice fields, with a Remington, Model 1, twelve gauge. Automatic.
MAYBE, I was ten years old.
My main shotgun was a Browning 12 gauge auto that was so old that it only had a 2 3/4 inch chamber, which was fine by me as I never cared for waterfowl (that was my dad's passion) and mostly hunted pheasants, which I liked eating much more, and found the hunting not as boring and ugly as waiting around for a duck or goose to fly by. Also I got to work with the dogs, which I liked a lot. My rifles were a .243 model 70 Winchester with a Weaver scope and a .32 special model '94 lever action with a scabbard length barrel. But my own guns are not how I know about assault weapons. When I was learning to be a machinist I was one of two top students in the program. The other was my friend Larry, who was as much of a gun fanatic as I was a motorcycle fanatic. He came from a family full of master machinists who were competition shooters, who regularly outshot the military/LEO/soldier of fortune crowd at Northern California meets. They made their own parts, and some of their own firearms (cannons and such) and their ATF licenses were in bound volumes in their living room. Larry told me about which guns were legal for anyone, and which ones you had to have a license for, and the difference between shooting a semi-auto rifle and a simple repeater. I had a semi-auto .22 rifle, but as it had no discernible kick to it, Larry said that it was no different than shooting a manual action gun.
I had a manager at a business where I worked as a delivery driver/installer who was a part-time reserve cop, and he once told us about a near riot that happened outside of a bowling alley in Pinole. He said there were about 60 people and about 150 shots were fired. When I asked how many people were killed, he said that nobody even had to go to the hospital. So I guess in the same way that you can't flock-shoot ducks or geese and hit anything, you also have to aim at people to kill them. At least that's what military snipers will tell you.
-Doug in Oakland
Well, Dougie,
Let me apologize. You apparently DO know some shit about firearms.
Tho, a .32 lever action is like...poo-poo.
But, enlighten me...what is "difference between shooting a semi-auto rifle and a simple repeater"
I'm not sure what's the diff?
BTW...I'm from Mississippi, but when I really want to hunt deer,or hogs, I fly to South Texas. I got my 17 pt, Texas record, back in 2013, with my .300 WSM.
Damn deer in MS are too damn smart & spooky.
That model '94 was my dad's gun, and he was the best shot I've ever known, including one of my brother's friends who got drafted and ended up a sniper. That may have been because when my grandfather was killed in an oil well accident, they tried to ship my dad and uncle off to a Catholic orphanage until my grandmother could remarry, as white women didn't work much in Oklahoma in the thirties. Dad and uncle Gene weren't having any of it, so they ran away and used that rifle to shoot enough food to feed the three of them until my step-grandfather showed up on the scene. I guess when your dinner is at stake, you get good quickly. I have never been much of a marksman myself, being left handed and right eyed, but as I said, pheasants weren't safe from me as I found them tasty.
-Doug in Oakland
Fine. OK Doug, but, I still have to say a .32 lever action rifle is poo poo, at best. A squirrel gun, at best.
My dad killed a lot of deer with it. It was a good brush gun, a little slower than my dad's .270, but with a naked lead slug that didn't deflect if there was an alder thicket between you and your target.
-Doug in Oakland
Interesting. Must admit, I didn't know much about a .32 rifle shell.
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