They refuse to even give a bill that would prevent people on the terrorist watch list from purchasing guns a vote. A vote! This means that the bill could still fail in the House, but the democratic members want a chance to at least vote on it.
Seems a reasonable thing to ask for, right? Well not if you are owned by the NRA. They put a lot of dollars into making sure the politricksters that they own vote the right way, and right now it seems to be working.
Most Americans (including a vast majority of republicans) want these types of measures taken, because they understand the importance of sensible gun legislation in this country. But the NRA continues to enforce their will on all of us because of a few greedy politicians who rely on their money.
"Hang on, hang on,” Mr. Lewis urged Democrats who encircled him on the House floor late Wednesday night, urging them to hold their ground.
“John Lewis says stay after the votes, and we will stay,” said Mrs. Pelosi, triggering Democratic chants of “stay, stay.” The cries of protesters from outside urging Democrats to “hold the floor” filled the hallways outside the chamber. Protesters also thronged outside the Capitol in support of the House Democrats.
Republicans said they didn’t want to simply give on the gun votes and reward Democrats for flouting the chamber’s rules to demand votes.
“We are going to do the people’s work,” said Rep. Ann Wagner (R., Mo.) earlier in the evening. “We are going to conduct the will of the people, and conduct ourselves, in an adult Congress that is actually going to uphold, I think, the norms, the customs, the rules of the House.”
At about 1 a.m. on Thursday, Republicans voted to adjourn and begin a new legislative day at 2:30 a.m., when they planned to vote on a spending bill that includes money to combat the Zika virus. The move appeared to have the dual goals of wearing the Democrats down and moving toward adjourning the House after completing some work leaders had planned for later this week.
Democrats said their protest had succeeded in raising awareness of their quest to put new gun restrictions in place."
If John Lewis thinks that the racist police departments and local town sheriffs he had to fight during the civil rights era were tough, wait until he has to deal with the full force of the NRA. They are relentless, and they have the best politicians that money can buy.
*Pic from
How absolutely ridiculous! Most of these people committing these acts aren't even on terrorist watch lists!
They're actually sitting on the floor? Yeeziz Crize! Will wonders never cease! Sorta like toddlers with tantrums? Wheres the dignity an proper procedures? What an example!
Easy way to compromise. Non American citizens on the terrorist watch list can not buy guns. Citizens on watch list can buy guns.
As to the college style sit in, silly. The House isn't college and these people aren't college students.
Another Democrat stunt. Yawn.
How mad do ya'll think Abby is now, ROTFL:
Regarding Field's post, I personally think the Dems are wasting their time and firing up Trump's base in the process. IMHO, the best way to get the NRA to do the right thing is to vote OUT politicians more likely to support their cause. Put another way, start NOW working on ways to make sure everyone eligible to vote can do so easily this November.
They're not the jackass party for nothing.
Yeah, make it illegal for anyone on a watch list to buy guns! There's no due process for putting people on those lists and no way to get off, so all the Blacks and Mexicans could be put on one or another of them and they wouldn't be able to buy guns anymore (legally). There'd be nothing they could do about it!
The Black and Mexican gang-bangers would have to find White people to do their "straw purchasing" for them. I can see a lot of homeless vets getting the money to re-hab their cardboard boxes if this ever happens. Woo hoo!
This is one of the most juvenile craps I've ever seen.
Look at them. It's disgusting.
James, would that include Aryan and biker gangs?
I don'the think it's "juvenile" at all. If it brings attention to the disgusting grip the NRA has on Congress I say it's a good thing.
The Left in this country is a joke. No wonder blacks follow them like sheep. brings attention to THEM.
We'll all just sit on the floor of the US Congress, and pout, because we didn't get our way. especially, that monkey who always seems to have his big head in the limelight.
2:40 PM
Blogger field negro said...
James, would that include Aryan and biker gangs?
I'm curious field...why do you purposefully distinguish a difference between "Aryan", and "biker gangs"???????
I doubt you'll answer, but, you could help educate this poor stupid cracker.
Riots in Baltimore tonite!!!!!
"James, would that include Aryan and biker gangs?"
Only if everything you've ever said about the USA being rigged for Whites and against Blacks has been a lie.
How mad do ya'll think Abby is now, ROTFL:
What the SCOTUS decision did today was codify the trend towards diminishing the value of all degrees granted, and most especially those of minority students, because there are differing standards applied to different ethnic groups. Ergo, everyone is going down to the bottom floor.
Blacks still fail to grasp the difference between being "credentialed" (ie: be awarded a seat based on skin color and extortion) over being actually qualified and competent. This latest measure will only supercharge the trend to dismissing "academic" accomplishments of ALL minorities in the real world, which is where it matters.
Universities who pander to the skin color extortion racket are finding that their pool of actually qualified and motivated students is diminishing rapidly. Students of quality are shifting to institutions that don't pander and actually maintain equal standards for all. Can't happen fast enough.
Golf clap for the Grievance/Extortion industry.
The NRA doesn't have a "grip" on Congress.
The Democratic stunt is about people control, not gun control.
Those boxcars to the re-education camps won't load themselves if people have the means to resist.
More and more people are waking up to the knowledge that the only problem with Jim Crow is that it didn't go far enough.
Freedom OF association and Freedom FROM association will be the new rallying cry for the pursuit of individual liberty.
If Trump does prevail and does begin to unwind the entire "progress" of the "social justice movement" and RETURN rights to people to form alliances and communities of THEIR choosing, it will be a blessing beyond measure.
However, this childish stunt is only serving to reinforce the meme that the media are cartoonish propaganda artists desperate to "create" a "movement" and driving more influence TO independent media, where the Progressive wing of the Democratic party is being unmasked for who and what they really are.
I don't know that these regulations would help that much, since I can buy basically any firearm imaginable on the black market with a quickness, and I don't see that being changed by much of anything, unless it would be the repeal of the drug prohibition laws that are creating that black market to begin with. But still, any step toward sanity would probably be a good step.
And there is a wild canary right outside my window just singing his ass off to impress his girlfriend, and while listening to him, I'm having a hard time caring about the fresh turds being laid in this thread my today's trolls...
-Doug in Oakland
Hillary and Trump supporters are all pieces of shit.
Guns will always be available to whomever wants to buy them and has the money. Guns are brought in to the United States illegally and sold illegally.
Look what just happened in Germany today in that movie theater! And Germany has the strictest gun laws in the world!!! and yet there's another one armed to the teeth!
As long as capitalism is capitalism there will be guns. Either legally in the hands of law abiding citizens. Or illegally in the hands of criminals.
field negro said...
I don'the think it's "juvenile" at all. If it brings attention to the disgusting grip the NRA has on Congress I say it's a good thing.
1:05 PM
In this world of strife,war and crime we're living in, you bet your booty I feel safer with a gun!
Field, I bet if you were working there you'd have recused yourself and not sat on the floor! :) It's ridiculous, I've never seen anything as dumb and childish as this! Putin,Jong Un and the rest of the world leaders MUST be laughing their heads off! The memes are sure to follow! Bunch of retards is what they look like! My goodness, I feel really ashamed for them...
Conservatards love packing heat. I'm packing quite an impressive gun in my pants.
I wish Obama would step in and tell them to get the f*** up off the floor already!
Seriously people, if there was ever a year to vote third party, THIS IS THE YEAR TO DO IT!!!
OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
I wish Obama would step in and tell them to get the f*** up off the floor already!
Here here, PR ROTFL!!!!
Hey Yisheng! Great to see you! :)
Hey, field...I have a suggestion for a post:
Let's talk about "Grading On The Curve", when it began, and how is it doing us today?
I'm old...but I remember integration...I was about a B-C+ student.
Once we had to go to grading on the curve, I went to straight A's, and didn't even bother to take books home to study any more.
Perhaps that has helped fuel our decline in education?
2:21 PM
Blogger dinthebeast said...
And there is a wild canary right outside my window just singing his ass off to impress his girlfriend, and while listening to him, I'm having a hard time caring about the fresh turds being laid in this thread my today's trolls...
-Doug in Oakland
2:36 PM
OK, Dougie...ya got me again. Just exactly is a "wild Canary", and just how, would you know the diff, anyway?
Nuthatches? Finches? Chickadees? Numerous sparrows?
All Federal Gun Control laws of small arms stem from the government "discovering" this alleged authority in the Commerce clause The right of any legal citizen to keep and bear arms was settled two centuries ago is part of the social contract and is not up for debate under threat of armed violence, that IS the law and everything the fascists in DC have ever done from 68 to today is Criminal by law anyone not under sentence for a felony and not declared incompetent or mentally ill has the RIGHT to bear arms and needs no government approval every single criminal charge brought against someone for possessing firearms is a criminal act by the state
Those pictures are mostly of yellow ones, this one is the red variety.
-Doug in Oakland
I guess they're in the finch family, this one looks like this, except more orange than purple.,375x360,n,s,SSdtIFRoZSBSZWQgRmFjdG9yIFR5cGUhISEgLSBSZWQgQnJvbnplIENhbmFyeSAtIE5a,ffffff.jpg
-Doug in Oakland
OK. I just couldn't figger out where you got the "Canary" connection.
Like I said, must be from the finch, nuthatch, chickadee type family. It ain't no damn canary, tho.
Have a nice evening.
"The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791. It reads:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""
I believe that most proponents of the Second Amendment have never read it, or, if they have read it, summarily dismissed the reason it was adopted in the first place.
It was adopted so that a "free State" may have access to "a well regulated Militia;" for that reason, guns were necessary.
For those who wish "to keep and bear Arms" they should be, then as well as now, members of a militia, or required to serve as members, and not just any militia, but a "well regulated Militia."
And when the "security of a free state" is in jeopardy, these gun owners should be required to answer the call to take up arms and report for duty.
As it now stands, gun ownership enriches gun manufacturers, and a terrorist shooting is good for business.
With more than 90 percent of Americans supporting background checks, Republicans in Congress are looking more and more bought by the NRA daily. This will help Hillary more than it will Trump.
I support the Second Amendment, not just the part that speaks of gun ownership, but the part that precedes that declaration, the part that calls for "a well regulated Militia."
"BREXIT" wins!
It seems that "taking our country back" fever is going international!
Apparently the actual Brits didn't take too kindly to teh Pretendident lecturing them about needing to stay.
This has been a stellar week for teh Zero:
- lost on his EO re immigration "amnesty" and lies to a Federal Judge and Federal Court
- lost on Amy Fisher/UT Austin, even though teh stoopid are crowing it's a win (#BadGradesBecky) not realizing how this is the beginning of the end for the artificial black "middle class" (woot!)
and was definitely on the wrong side of history for globalization and Brexit.
Loving this turd's "legacy".
C'mon Jan 2017!
The Shadow Knows
Weak, lame arguments that have been trotting out from time to time and quickly get smacked down.
The reality is, most people realize that gun control is a push for people control, and as a convenient distraction from the Pretendident's policy failures and his release of another terrorist from Gitmo this week.
Am loving tho that the "Big Tent" is falling down and the various factions are now at each other's throats. Didn't realize it would happen this quickly!
A catered lunch and some childish games weren't an effective distraction from the fact that one protected special snowflake class just wacked a whole group of another special snowflake class.
Even Baghdad Bob could do a better job than that lying POS Lewis to convince people to side with his view of the world.
This week has been teh AWESOME.
@Nobody in particular, AKA Anonymous: "Weak, lame arguments that have been trotting out from time to time and quickly get smacked down."
Boy did you lame my horse, and render him unconscious. I guess I'll have to put him out to pasture.
Wait a minute! Hold on. He's getting up. He's just fine. False alarm.
The UK leaving the EU shows that that vote wasn't fixed. Thanks Obama. You built up ISIS to fight Libya and Syria and caused the refugee crisis. Now the UK is leaving the EU to stop unrestricted immigration from the rest of Europe. You caused a worldwide financial crisis by causing a worldwide humanitarian crisis. It reminds me of Bill Clinton. The economy was good before his time bombs like the repeal of Glass Steagall and passing NAFTA went off. IT was good because of Al Gore and Clinton's blow job caused Gore's winning margin to be small enough to steal. As a Senator, Al Gore planted the seeds of dot com economic boom by legislating that major systems interface and use fiber optics. But thanks to Clinton, we got Bush instead. Bill also let the news media consolidate down to the fascist level we have now. Go ahead and vote for Hillary. Goldman Sachs owns some weapons manufacturers that could use the business.
Democrats, like blacks, are too accepting of mediocrity.
I'm surprised BLM hasn't made this all about themselves like they do with every fucking thing.
Toxic masculinity is destroying this country.
These are the cold figures of the extent of the NRA's (and initially, other pro-gun groups) investment in politicians. The NRA will not only fund your re-election if you voted for their measures, they will hurt you by funding your rival candidate if you didn't vote for them.
Year Gun Control Gun Rights
1998 $160,000 $4,498,393
1999 $840,000 $5,891,966
2000 $440,000 $6,710,758
2001 $2,113,699 $6,236,161
2002 $1,842,054 $5,684,546
2003 $1,021,665 $4,283,326
2004 $1,352,346 $4,342,400
2005 $230,000 $4,070,587
2006 $90,100 $3,184,231
2007 $208,374 $3,962,242
2008 $150,000 $4,128,771
2009 $251,425 $5,209,870
2010 $290,000 $5,847,597
2011 $280,000 $5,580,651
2012 $250,000 $6,129,911
2013 $2,217,765 $15,292,052
2014 $1,942,396 $12,013,482
2015 $1,678,956 $11,406,340
2016 $489,300 $2,860,599
Limpbaugh spreading the truth in the fields.
Of course anotherbozo nor field will tell us how much anti-2nd Amendment nutts are "investing" in politicians. Which is a hellva a lot more than the NRA does.
Good Morning!
So, BREXIT won, as white people assert their freedom and dominion over their borders and reject globalism.
And the backlash against the past 8 years of fake race baiting BS continues:
UCLA is plunging into deficit as well, as their white alumni refuse to give based on their new "any student by a white male" policies continue. Funny that, the AA admissions that they all slobber over in the quest of "diversity" not only detract from the academic environment, lessen the value of a degree, but also refuse to support the academic institution that gave them a seat when they didn't deserve one.
More, please!!
"Democrats, like blacks, are too accepting of mediocrity."
Yeah I am really striving to reach your lofty standards says the blogger to the blogger. *eye roll*
Anonymous Cheryl Conrad said...
Toxic masculinity is destroying this country.
3:23 AM
Masculinity is what this country needs more of actually
lilacpr, you really are one dumb cunt.
Anonymous said...
lilacpr, you really are one dumb cunt.
We all KNOW you hate c**t and prefer a man's hairy a$$. But do you realize you lose 10^6 neurons every time you use the word c**t, like a 10 year old boy? You've now got the mental capacity of 10 million blastomeres, ya' IDIOT!!!
"I believe that most proponents of the Second Amendment have never read it, or, if they have read it, summarily dismissed the reason it was adopted in the first place."
"Who are the Militia? They consist now of the whole people, except for a few public officers."
"It was adopted so that a "free State" may have access to "a well regulated Militia;" for that reason, guns were necessary."
Completely backasswards, but I realize I'm dealing with high-functioning morons here. The militia are the people, and the free State is their political expression. A dictatorial or tyrannical state would try to take away the people's guns to prevent itself from being removed and replaced. Guns are one of the rights of the people and the Constitution was so amended to say that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
Tough concept for you jigaboos, but that's why you belong in your own countries with governments by and for people like yourselves. You aren't White and White concepts of rights and duties are too foreign for you to make them work, just as your concepts of civility and property are unacceptable to Whites.
"And when the "security of a free state" is in jeopardy, these gun owners should be required to answer the call to take up arms and report for duty."
It's called the military draft. Look it up, you might learn something.
Here's my response to Bad Only onLine Doofus : HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa
And the legal definition of militia is:ALL ABLE BODIED CITIZENS BETWEEN THE AGES OF MAJORITY and 65 years old.
Anymore questions?
@Timothy Adams: "Militia refers to a body of citizens armed and trained by the state for military service apart from the regular armed forces. It is composed of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service. It characterizes a military force recruited directly from civilians who would not otherwise be liable to serve in a state's regular armed forces. Usually the state imposes military obligation on the militia for the purposes of local or home defense and in case of emergencies. However, on occasions such militias have been employed abroad also."
My question to you, Timothy, is this: Can we have today, "a well regulated Militia," without the people (civilians in general) keeping and carrying guns?
LOL. I think the US Military should create a Brigade of "women warriors", in the infantry, and send them into battle. Air support included.
Let's just test this concept.
3:15 AM
Anonymous Cheryl Conrad said...
Toxic masculinity is destroying this country.
3:23 AM
Yeah. Tell your bitch that while she/it's strapping it's dildo on.
No comment, Queenie?
I think you military girls should prove yourselves.
LOL. I think the US Military should create a Brigade of "women warriors", in the infantry, and send them into battle. Air support included.
Of course you do because your punk ass would never serve. What a bitch ass, right up there with James.
Of course, I would have, if called. I was lucky enough to be too young for Vietnam, and too old for anything else.
I'm just saying, if you girls want to fight....THEN FIGHT!
Let's see you girls GO! Earn your Combat Pay.
Oh, I especially want to see the Bitch Brigade attack the Islamist Fuck Talibans. Let's see them prove their stuff. about how we should create a Women's Brigade? I mean, we all have to shower & shit together....right PX? Seems like dying together is OK too.
Funny how them dickless people have such an opinion about how, when, and where to fight, but when it comes down to cutting the mustard, they start crying, "BBBBButtttt, I'm a girl! I have to have babies!"
Huh. How many men have died in your defense to have your babies?
NO MALE I have ever known promoted the stupid idea for putting women in a combat situation.
Israel tried it...and dumped it.
No comment, you bad-assed Queens?
Holy Cow I just read this blog.. more lefty lunacy it's the white guys fault all the time every day give away the store and country democrats. Gotta say, the Dems throwing a tantrum on the floor are certainly living up to my expectations. Maybe they can go get a real job and live up to everyone elses..
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