Still, a couple of things are running through my mind:
Twitter has been blowing up about D.L. Hughley's takedown of the white Santa lady. I am not sure why he would subject himself to the FOX news fire in the first place, but I give him credit for calling them out. Mark Fuhrman?! Seriously, Fox?!
Then there is Donald trump; the white male billionaire who believes that the system is rigged against him, and who thinks that he actually knows what it's like to be black in America.
Actually Donald, a black man would have probably accepted the NAACP's invitation to speak at their convention.
But hey, what do I know? I am just an actual black man.
Enjoy what's left of your hump day people.
Maybe the Donald asked his African-American first. But as Barack said to former Speaker Boehner, "he is a fellow man of color, just not a color that occurs in nature".
And as Seth Meyers said about the Donald: "He says he has a great relationship with the blacks, but unless the Blacks are a family of white people, I bet he's mistaken."
Damn, I just ate an East Oakland taco truck burrito, so so good.
-Doug in Oakland
Looks like the Republican ticket will be two old white guys. Where is our buddy who was so adamant about the gop being so diverse? Crickets.
I'd like to suggest that good topic for a blog is what the cops did to witnesses of killings. What Baton Rouge police did to the witnesses who video recorded the Alton Sterling killing was a particularly egregious violation of their rights, but there are also other examples. I think this is an aspect of the murders that really shows how systemic and institutionalized the problem is, because of factors like police culture and mentality. It also reinforces the contention that atrocities by the police have always been happening and the only thing that is new, is that more people have camera phones.
You guys think President "Flapper Mouth" will retract his glowing statements about the Dallas police that was a closet Klan. He has run to soothe the majority race with only the script they give him. It is obvious because he described each officer the same as the Black captain. The white side of him always dominate the Black side.
Maybe we will one day elect someone that has the experience of being a minority in a majority world. I think a Mexican will be the first truly minority to have the chair.
I had the pleasure of also having an outstanding Taco in Arizona last year. (Also went to the Grand Canyon and felt so small in relationship to that humongous hole in the ground. A true "Bucket List".
You know what, Mr. X?
White folks don't give a crap about you.
Just LEAVE us alone, and quit taking our money,,,tax-wise, especially.
Lt., I bet u don't even pay taxes.
Limbaugh, that's a great point, and it's a perspective that is not explored enough.
Well see.....what had happened,was....😊
Well see.....what had happened,was....😊
Early on, Mr. Trump sounded sincere about widening the GOP tent. I thought perhaps he could, since he was such an unconventional political figure.
Now it sounds like he's pretty much happy with only getting white males over the age of 50 who don't have a college education.
Very true Pilot, the ticket will be two old Caucasian males. The Democrats will likely be two old Caucasian females.
Is this a reinforcement of institutional racism? The invisible hand of the new Jim Crowas?
I ask these questions to better understand and increase my knowledge.
Seriously, all you dumbasses need to watch this essential video.
Oops, here it is.
I'm voting for Trump.
"The Democrats will likely be two old Caucasian females."
Not sure where you got that information because from what I'm hearing Xavier Becerra, Julian Castro, Corey Booker and Tim Kaine are the leading candidates so I disagree with your opening premise.
"Is this a reinforcement of institutional racism? The invisible hand of the new Jim Crowas?"
Not so much. Even if it is two white women that is a step in the right direction diversity-wise. Let's not forget the current occupant of the WH is a man of color so it's a fool errand to even try to play the tit for tat game dude. There's a reason our dear friend doesn't post here any more, he tried the tit for tat game and lost badly.
Oops, here it is.
"Now it sounds like he's pretty much happy with only getting white males over the age of 50 who don't have a college education."
Pretty much. Romney captured this group and Trump is doing even better. Donald did say he liked the poorly educated. This is the Republicans' strongest constituency.
I am the cum bucket of a dead cock.
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