Trump refuses to endorse the republican speaker of the house and a senior senator from Arizona in their upcoming elections.
Trump doubles down on feud with a Gold Star Family, and the parents of a true America hero.
Trump makes light of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Judge in Trump University case rules that the lawsuit must go forward.
The president, standing next to a foreign leader, said that Trump is not fit to be president.
Trump's sanity is questioned by friends and pundits.
All this and it's only Tuesday, folks.
Finally, there is a troubling case of another police shooting in Baltimore, but I am going to wait for all the facts to come out before I jump to conclusions and get on my Ajax box.
Still, whoever is in charge of making sure that we get all the facts should do so in an open and fair manner.
Sadly, I am not sure that is possible.
*Pic from
I know, not think, that Hillary will emerge victorious in November!
Trump didn't kick a baby out of a rally. After encouraging the mother to stay, he conceded that she could leave. That is the type of propaganda you see on Comcast owned MSNBC. MSNBC was bad enough when they were owned by the world's biggest military supplier, GE. GE also relied on lies of omission to promote war and downplay things like how badly we were lied in to the Iraq War (which they supported and fired people like Phil Donahue for supporting). But they did let hosts avoid topics altogether if they didn't want to say what the execs wanted them to say. Under Comcast the hosts have to tell the lies Comcast wants them to tell, or they are gone.
Like many people, I can tell you horror stories about Comcast customer service. They can't even keep their lies straight. I have done a lot of work for Comcast. They spent millions of dollars to have us convert call data to their billing system's format. We had to fight with our own managers to not give out propritary information about how call characteristics are recognized, etc. that Comcast asked for. Verizon also had us do a very similar thing. But they had us convert their data to the universal roaming format that the systems on both ends of the conversion used. It took a matter of hours to do what Comcast made into a multimillion dollar six month major project.
Field is in Philadelphia. He probably knows that Obama stays with the head of Comcast when he is there. And that Obama appointed a lot of Comcast execs to the FCC. But to Obama's credit he preserved net nutrality. Hillary won't. She will complete our move to fascism. All "news" will be as fake as MSNC and Fox News. etc. Bill Clointon deregulated the media and six large corporations bought up 90% of the "news" media. Hillary will turn the internet fascist too.
Poetic justice that Mr. Khan has blown the covers off Butt Trumpet's con. This is one conversation that Butt Trumpet cannot and will not control. But his overinflated ego will not allow him to back off and he will continue to dig his own grave. CNN is reporting that Manafort and other top campaign staff are despondent and disheartened the embarrassment that Butt Trumpet is turning out to be. Adding injury to insult Butt Trumpet's Putin fixation that has in turn spotlighted Manafort's own Putin connection. No doubt Pence is seriously reconsidering whether he can drop out and re-entering the Indiana Governor's race as Rubio has for Florida Senator. You can't make this shit up.
Trump is vile and so are his supporters. Hillary supporters at least have an education.
well the jury is out. Another young white male police will be getting off after gunning down an unarmed Black male in Portsmouth, VA. Once again the formula stays intact. "I was afraid for my life". Damn, should not the man standing in front of you be "afraid for HIS life"? The police got the mace, Taser, Billy Club and 9mm gun. AND you have NOTHING.
This situation will not change until some young white girls and boys be mowed down. I have been around whites for over 6 decades and I know they are more assertive as well as aggressive than Blacks. You would think that more of them would be mowed downed. I know and you know we tend to be more lenient towards those we know and love. An example is that an old 68 year old white man was allowed to stay barricades in his home fully weaponized for four days. Yes, I said four days... not hours or minutes. The last Black man that barricaded in Newport News was exterminated in 15 minutes by a police sgt. that emptied and reloaded to empty again. (He said he could not see the dead man's hands. No charges.
So now I am no longer waving to my white neighbors or friends because we are not equally yoked. They pretend that the local events are not happening. Not that I feel that they ever gave a freak, but I do see some urban young whites questioning the heavy handed tactics of the Brutes in Blue.
Please, don't come-back with that inane rap about "Black on Black crime" UNLESS you want to equate policing as a bunch of gangbanging boys in blue. Save that other rap about who will patrol the inner city. If they were effective, should not the crime rate be down.
Just venting due to another Black male making some heavily armed white man gunning him down. If these officers are so scared, they should quit!
I hope Mr Trump return us to 1864 and put African Americans on a plantation. The white masters did not allow anyone to destroy his property (no BOB crime/homicide) and he sure did not ALLOW THE SLAVE PATROLLERS to kill his property. Sometimes drastic measures are required to fix a simple problem.
Khan's son died in a war that was started under false pretenses for corporate greed. Hillary helped start it. Trump didn't.
Trump saying it is sad that his friend Ailes was accused of such terrible things reminds me of Field sticking up for Bill Cosby.
Lance Cockstrong said...
"You can't make this shit up"
You just did.
Kahn is a Muslim Brotherhood associate who makes his living selling visa access to rich Arabs. His son was killed fighting in a war Trump opposed and Hillary voted for. He is wringing every last bit of his 15 minutes of fame by exploiting his son's death in front of anyone with a camera. CNN can have Kahn on 24/7 until November if they want. The more Americans see of him, the more this con becomes obvious.
"Finally, there is a troubling case of another police shooting in Baltimore, but I am going to wait for all the facts to come out before I jump to conclusions and get on my Ajax box."
Well, well, look at that. Field can learn from his mistakes.
Yeah how dare that Muslim exploit and politicize his son's sacrifice by attacking Butt Trumpet's Muslim-hating patriotism. We don't need Muslims to fight for us or anything else. We have Real Americans who are happy to be pushed and sacrificed like pawns on a chessboard. As long as we have flags waving on July 4 and say Thank You For Your Service.
StillaPanther2 said...
So now I am no longer waving to my white neighbors or friends because we are not equally yoked.
That's sad. You seem like a good guy, someone who wouldn't let propaganda lead him to racist feelings. Because that's what this is - a get out the vote tactic.
Describing the larger reality by individual anecdote is one thing, but the cold hard facts are that more whites are killed by police than blacks. Also, the people being shot are generally not being dragged from work or choir practice, they are people who have gotten themselves in trouble and are actively resisting arrest.
The advice to people of all races should be to fully cooperate with police, who as you have pointed out are heavily armed and very wary. These cases need to be judged one at a time, and justice meted out as deserved. Despite what they are telling us, there is no national campaign by police to kill black folk. This is a bad game and creates the kind of mindset that got that lady in Baltimore killed today.
Trump is the legacy of Roy Cohn and Joseph McCarthy.
-Doug in Oakland
Lance Cockstrong said...
"We don't need Muslims to fight for us or anything else. We have Real Americans who are happy to be pushed and sacrificed like pawns on a chessboard"
We don't need Muslims in our armed forces. Muslim American soldiers have killed more of their fellow American soldiers on American soil than have died fighting for America.
And anyone who wants more Americans to be pushed and sacrificed like pawns on a chessboard should be voting for Hillary.
It's not hard to understand why Donald allowed the baby to stay.
It was getting close to feeding time.
Was Eric Garner "actively resisting arrest"? Tamir Rice? Walter Scott? Alton Sterling? Philando Castile? No. Was "justice meted out as deserved" in any of these cases? No.
The Tea Party was nice, and the elite savaged it.
Trump is obnoxious, and the elite savaged it.
The next one's actually going to be bad.
This is for you Doc. STEM scholarships.
>Was Eric Garner "actively resisting arrest"? Tamir Rice? Walter Scott? Alton Sterling? Philando Castile?<
Yes, to varying degrees all of them were.
Alton Sterling was wrestling on the ground with police, still refusing to surrender his firearm.
"This is for you Doc. STEM scholarships."
Thank God for lower standards.
Why don't you just come right out and say it ... "I ... HATE ... MUSLIMS ..."
Me thinks Gary Johnson may benefit from The Donald's recent missteps. White male voters can save face by not voting for Hillary and cast their vote for someone with a similar ideology. If Johnson siphons off enough votes this would be the second time a Clinton got into the House because of a third party dude.
Gary Johnson - LMAO
>Why don't you just come right out and say it ... "I ... HATE ... MUSLIMS ..."<
I hate Muslims in America.
I am fine with Muslims in Muslim countries.
Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration
The anatomy of Trump controversies: He says something gonzo, media erupts hysterically, then news leaks out that Trump's instinct was right.
Khizr Khan and Loretta Lynch were both employed by Hogan & Lovell, a Law Firm with ties to the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary draws smaller crowds than Swedish death metal. CNN reports it as "big, boisterous crowd." Pure propaganda
Ace maxs As we know, the impact of global warming is being felt by the whole world, ranging from the impact of both small and large. Global warming is indeed very terrible if we imagine what would happen this earth where we live in the decades ahead. Currently, obat tradisional darah tinggi have a lot of damage to nature that we have encountered. The most prominent is the melting of polar ice caps is causing the increasing volume of water in the ocean. Let us imagine, if all lapisa ice polar cap melts, sea water will certainly covered all the land and we will drown in it glucoberry
Joke: Waving a Constitution in front of the DNC
Woke: The Constitution "must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah"
Khizr M. Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his Democratic National Convention speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald Trump.
Alton Sterling was face planted on the ground with 2 police on top of him.
Varying degrees? No. Zero degrees.
Eric Garner could not get out of his own way much less resist arrest by 4 policemen.
Tamir Rice, no policeman would pull the car right up on him and got out of the car and put himself in point blank range of the presumed active shooter unless he was damn sure that said active shooter was in fact unarmed.
Walter Scott was running away.
Philando Castile, there is no actual video of the shooting itself, just the policeman continuing to point the gun at Diamond Reynolds and screaming nigger at her while Philando bled to death.
That is very benevolent of you but no one gives a shit. You hate Muslims in America then get the fuck out of America
"Philando Castile, there is no actual video of the shooting itself, just the policeman continuing to point the gun at Diamond Reynolds and screaming nigger at her while Philando bled to death"
But you know what happened anyway. Your a fucking sick twisted lunatic.
It's more acceptable in America to be publicly pro-Satan than publicly pro-White
That's kinda fucked up.
>You hate Muslims in America then get the fuck out of America<
I think I'll stay and fight. Stay out of the way.
Flattery will get you nowhere Fuckboy.
Do what you like with me. Just leave my pigs alone.
Trump's doubling down only enrages the shitlibs even further they're not used to someone not backing down like a little cuck. And when you've got Obummer actually saying that Repubs (we all know he means cucks) should rebuke Trump, while he is overseas selling America away, you know these bastards are scared to no end.
Anyone with a modicum of self respect will be able to see that the ugliness being lain at Trump's feet is nothing but the heart and soul of his enemies.
Obama is right that Trump is unfit to be president. But Hillary is worse. She is a neo con warmonger corporate tool. All establishment politicians are unfit. Hopefully Jill Stein will get close enough to have a shot, but I will vote for Trump if he has the best chance to beat Hillary. Some things that get reported in independent journalism got vague mention in the mainstream media after Sanders or Trump brought subjects up. I finally heard TV "news" talk about Clinton creating ISIS. I have mentioned a Clinton email that discussed if it was time for her to start bragging about overthrowing Libya without using American troops. They may have been referring to that email or similar information when they said that her Libya policy was supposed to be the feather in her cap, but we got ISIS and destabilization instead. When somebody says something in a debate or WikiLeaks gives information to the right people, the corporate media won't be able to hide it. They will certainly downplay it, but hopefully enough people will start to see how evil Clinton is. Something else that Obama has said is that Libya was the biggest regret of his presidency. Who do you think talked him into that?
Donald Trump isn't a monster. He is not qualified for or capable of doing the job of president, but he is the Republican nominee. The despicable things he says and tweets are merely his campaign tactics designed to distract us from the fact that he is running as a Republican, when Republicans don't have the demographics to win the presidency any more. There is a reason why John McCain still backs Trump for the presidency even after being insulted on national TV by him and in the face of damage to his own reelection campaign his support is causing him.
If this election were to go sideways and elect Donald Trump, he most likely would take office with Republican majorities in the house and the senate, and his incompetence would be a feature, not a bug to the Republican right. Like they said about Romney, the only ability they would need or want from him would be the ability to use a pen.
Paul Ryan's fraudulent budget would actually become law and we would say goodbye to medicare, medicaid, and social security. The deficit would explode again, like it always does under the Republicans, and the economy would again stagnate. Mike Pence would become inordinately powerful when called upon to do the things that Trump won't or can't do, and like Cheney got his wars, Pence would get Roe v. Wade overturned. The supreme court would be stacked with right wing morons for a generation and the country's infrastructure would continue to crumble until his characterization of the US as a third world level hell hole became a self fulfilling prophesy.
This would all make him feel big and important and he would thrive on it, just like Roy Cohn taught him to.
Public unrest would only multiply when his electorate figured out that he never meant any of the distracting bullshit he said in the campaign, had no intention of carrying any of it out, and had no basic clue about how to do so in the first place, meaning they'd been had yet again, and were measurably better off under Obama. They probably wouldn't riot about it, but all of the anger he has been manufacturing during the campaign isn't going to go away, especially after he does nothing to remedy the imaginary threats he screamed about night after night for 18 months.
What I'm saying is that we let him distract us at our peril.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump just accepted a purple heart from one of his dupes.
Doesn't that just more or less say it all?
"Doesn't that just more or less say it all?"
Well..........I guess the classy move of saying "no, you earned this so you keep it but I appreciate the gesture" doesn't even come into his train of thought huh? Telling ya, the Johnson campaign just grabbed about 2-3 more percentage points.
You're an ignoramus PilotX.
Gary Johnson 2016
"You hate Muslims in America then get the fuck out of America "
Americans are not Muslim by definition (Shariah is anti-Constitutional, and the first war fought by the US Marines was against Muslims who attacked American ships and enslaved Americans). If you are Muslim then get the fuck out of America.
"Obama is right that Trump is unfit to be president."
0bama, presuming to opine who is fit to serve as POTUS? That's rich.
Trump 2016
"Americans are not Muslim by definition"
What an idiot.
Make it happen J-BO. You won't do shit. You can't do shit. You and Anonymouse are not good enough to lick Humayun Khan's boots.
Field NEVER stuck up for the Cos.At least not that I can remember. Provide a link and refresh my memory.....
Really? His "instincts" were right to disparage a mother who lost her son in battle fighting for your right to say stupid shit in the comment section of a blog?
Ok then.
Flying Junior, it is so sad and pathetic that he even took it from the man. Then he flat out lied about what the man told him.
And the flip way he said that he always wanted one.Just wow.😐
Your faux outrage at Trump for things he didn't actually say is rich, in a week when Hillary called another Gold Star mom a liar and was caught lying outrageously on a Sunday show.
Muslims cannot be Americans because their religion tells them they can't. Shariah is incompatible with western values and cannot coexist with the Constitution.
Serious question - how does importing millions of Muslims improve our country?
The media is enabling Hillary's refusal to engage Trump on the issues. All personal attacks.
Amazing new low for the MSM.
Captain Humayun Khan died heroically. America was better for having him in our country. But one person's story should not set our immigration policy. The total experience with Muslims in the American military is not a good one:
Nidal Hasan, the vengeful mass murderer who gunned down 13 service members—including a pregnant private first class who lost her life and her child—and wounded more than 30 others at Fort Hood in 2009.
Hasan Akbar, the 326th Engineer Battalion Muslim-American soldier who lobbed stolen hand grenades and shot his M-4 automatic rifle into three tents filled with sleeping commanding officers at the 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade operations center in Kuwait in 2003. Capt. Christopher Seifert, 27, and Maj. Gregory Stone, 40, died during the fragging. Fourteen others suffered wounds from grenade shrapnel.
A decade later, in 2013, former Muslim-American Navy veteran Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and an accomplice were convicted of plotting to kill officers and employees at a Seattle military recruiting center.
In March, U.S. Air Force vet and avionics weapons systems expert Ta pughirod Nathan Webster Pugh, who declared himself a “Mujahid,” was convicted of providing material support to ISIS.
Last spring, 22-year-old Army National Guard specialist Hasan Edmonds was arrested on his way overseas to join the Islamic State. He had plotted attacks on his Illinois National Guard Armory, police stations and courts
Army soldier Ali Mohamed, who pleaded guilty to conspiring with Osama bin Laden to “attack any Western target in the Middle East” and admitted his role in the 1998 African embassy bombings.
Naval reservist Semi Osman, linked to a terrorist training camp in Oregon.
Army reservist Jeffrey Leon Battle, who pleaded guilty to conspiring to levy war against the United States.
Navy sailor Hassan Abu-Jihaad, convicted on espionage and material terrorism support charges after serving aboard the USS Benfold and sharing classified information with al-Qaida financiers, including U.S. ship movements prior to the USS Cole bombing in Yemen.
US. Army Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo, who plotted to kill his fellow soldiers to “get even” with the military and strike at kafirs (non-Muslims).
What's the difference between Donald J. Trump's hair and a wet raccoon?
Muh dik is even bigger than Hillary's.
Trump is nuttier than 150 fruit cakes lined in a row. He needed to be enrolled into the nearest nut house yesterday.
REPORT: Obama Admin Airlifted $400,000,000 to Iran as Americans Freed
Fucking lying traitorous filth.
Impeach. Now.
I'm going to be out of the country on Election Day, but I really hope Trump gets elected on your asses.
You're an ignoramus anon 1:55AM.
Omigosh said...
Trump is nuttier than 150 fruit cakes lined in a row. He needed to be enrolled into the nearest nut house yesterday.
Pursue American trade polices that benefit American workers? Crazy!
Stop rewarding Wall Street allies with bailouts and lucrative crony capatalist deals? Crazy!
Enforce border laws like every other country on earth? Crazy!
Do a better job screening immigrants from known terrorist regions? Crazy!
Stop fighting endless wars for other people in the Middle East? Crazy!
Stop antagonizing Russia to the point of causing WWIII? Crazy!
It was reported that a black quadriplegic combat vet was forcibly ejected through the window at a Trump rally. The crowd was yelling, "We hate minorities!"
Quick reminder to fellow Dems: the only form of civic sacrifice we're currently accepting is the loss of family in unnecessary foreign wars.
Let's not point fingers or assign blame for why ISIS took hold in Libya. The important part is we're bombing again!
Trump amassed HIS wealth through greedy for-profit real estate deals, but Hillary amassed HERS through selfless public service.
Thrilled to see The Field Negro is on board with the emerging Democrat consensus on hostility to Russia, foreign wars, and hedge-fund megadonations. That's our changemaker!
"Serious question - how does importing millions of Muslims improve our country?"
Serious answer - The 1.1 million Muslim refugees entering Germany in 2016 are expected to add 4.5% to Germany's GDP.
"The 1.1 million Muslim refugees entering Germany in 2016 are expected to add 4.5% to Germany's GDP."
Because increasing GDP is the reason for humanity's existence.
They will probably also add another 30% or so the rape totals and increase terrorist attacks by 60% or so.
When their children become a majority, they will ban bier gardens and uncovered women. The great cathedrals will be converted to mosques and the artwork destroyed.
But what does the propagation of your culture and way of life for your progeny matter when what's best for the Economy is being considered>
PilotX said...
This is for you Doc. STEM scholarships.
Thanks PX, I'l definitely pass it along!!
"The 1.1 million Muslim refugees entering Germany in 2016 are expected to add 4.5% to Germany's GDP."
Considering the number of third generation Muslim immigrants in Germany not working, the idea that illiterate, violent, third-world religious fanatics living off government benefits will boost your economy is absurd.
Yisheng just can't graduate!
She got a Zika head, smaller than the rest.
Mosquito-spread Zika head
It really is heartwarming to see how eagerly liberals are welcoming once-loathed Bush officials back into the fold. It's great to see the Neocons back where they belong!
"Because increasing GDP is the reason for humanity's existence."
That's capitalism sunshine, your system, not mine.
"That's capitalism sunshine, your system, not mine."
You are the one justifying the sacrifice of a country's national character and cultural values for a 4.5% increase in economic output.
You sound like a Koch brother.
I wonder how much GDP increase we could get by re-instituting slavery? Do you think we could beat the Germans 4.5%?
"You are the one justifying the sacrifice of a country's national character and cultural values for a 4.5% increase in economic output."
I don't believe there is any such thing as 'national character' or 'cultural values'.
That's because I'm not a fascist.
"I wonder how much GDP increase we could get by re-instituting slavery? Do you think we could beat the Germans 4.5%?"
In 1840 the cash value of American slaves represented 40% of the USA's GDP, so yeah you probably could.
Why don't you give it a try? Let me know how you get on....
"Why don't you give it a try? Let me know how you get on...."
You are the one who placed GDP as the highest human value. I'll settle for a lower standard of living if it means people don't have to be enslaved or if people from a hostile alien culture don't have to be forcibly settled in my community.
"I don't believe there is any such thing as 'national character' or 'cultural values'.
There is no difference between the general consensus on values and acceptable behaviors between the populations of say, the Netherlands and Yemen? Between Indonesians and Swedes? How does gay marriage play in Uganda, or freedom of religion in China?
This ought to be good...
Go Hillary!
Whatever the polls are saying now, Hillary Clinton will get destroyed by Trump in November. She knows nothing about the economy. She was just on CNN. Wow is all I can say.
"His "instincts" were right to disparage a mother who lost her son in battle fighting for your right to say stupid shit in the comment section of a blog?"
What mother being disparaged? She stood and said nothing. It was the father making all the noise... and waving a copy of the Constitution that he himself says should be superceded by sharia.
How do you know that the Jr. Khan was fighting for open comment sections? He could have been biding his time to kill a dozen or so US (not Allah) soldiers like Maj. Hasan did, except the roadside bomb got him first. FYI, the US military has lost 15 to Muslim jihadists wearing US uniforms, compared to 14 US-uniformed Muslims KIA in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Khan Sr. is an immigration attorney specializing in bringing Pakistanis to the USA. Trump is going to more or less wipe out his business. Maybe we can get the Khans to go home and devote their talents to improving the lot of their own countrymen in Karachi and Islamabad, instead of making America worse.
"Serious answer - The 1.1 million Muslim refugees entering Germany in 2016 are expected to add 4.5% to Germany's GDP. "
Yeah, right. Like Germany's high-tech economy can use millions of people with no skills, many of whom are not literate in ANY language. However, there will be a lot more prison guards and after-riot cleanup and repair jobs until they're deported (or killed).
When the people responsible for the rehabilitation of the reputation of Adolf Hitler are listed 20 years from now, Angela Merkel's name will be on top.
Trump will be defeated in November. I can practically smell it!
To Burning Bridges, we are not going to get out of this by not seeing all sides. I will take your advice and continue to respect all.
"I'm going to be out of the country on Election Day, but I really hope Trump gets elected on your asses"
Great! So I take it you won't be voting. If you live in Pa or Ohio you might want to stick around. The Donald might need your vote.
Sup PC, long time.
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