Tell me whatever you want.
Feel free to comment on trump's trip South of the border today.
I thought that he was going to get in el presidente's grill and tell him in no uncertain terms that the Mexicans were going to pay for the wall. But alas, there was nothing. No mention of the wall. (Although the Mexicans say that trump is lying; there was talk of the wall.)
If Gary Johnson were elected President we would have no problem feeling proud about this country. It's douchebags like Trump and Hillary that make the word "American" shameful.
If we get President Hillary Clinton, we really have no one to blame but Black America.
Nigga why you still out in the field? Come inside, Brother! It's nice in here! We got air conditioning, good booze, white women and everything. No need for a black man to be working the fields in 2016. Just be nice to the white folks and they'll give you the whole world!
-A Successful Black Man
A lot of black women find Donald Trump very sexy. FYI.
You're gonna be surprised come November.
All of Donald's good points are trumped (excuse the pun) by the stupid shit he follows up with. He made good points about Hill-dog not being around and basically being ghost then he talks about her stamina and energy. That shit worked with stupid gop primary voters but somebody needs to tell him there are still halfway intelligent people voting. I mean we know he loves the uneducated but as Palin found out you can't win an election with just the dumb vote.
Trump is classless and moronic! Quite the opposite of Hillary, who is the epitome of the word "queen!" Go Hillary!
How about the poll that found 4% of Trump voters think he cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons?
And what's up with the clowns in the woods in South Carolina?
-Doug in Oakland
LOL. Get you a burrito, and stick it up your ass, field.
Trump's visit to Mexico was pure publicity stunt. He still doesn't give a shit about Mexicans, and still expects them to pay for his stupid wall. Trump and his supporters are some of the dumbest people on the planet.
I now know that the Super Bowl will be New England Patriots vs. San Francisco 49ers.
Tom Brady vs. Colin Kaepernick
It's gonna be EPIC!
Mr. Trump ran (flew) over to Mexico as a "tuff guy" and now he is returning as Wimpy Trump. Now before I get blasted, he (Mr.DT) 'did' vigorously made the statement as to how the wall was going to be paid for on many occasions. He even had his adorers yelling out the same. If I was that tough, oh well.
I was waiting for the knock-out punch. I only got a tap. I guess if the guy was scared 46 years ago, he still is the same ole "scaredy cat". By the way, I was in his corner. I want the last vestige of racism to be brought to the forefront. I want a man to be able to say what he feels. Wimpy Trump may not be able to even do that.
Now... again some house-cleaning. What makes a person say that I don't comment on Black on Black crime. In the last decade I have commented many times> I have even offered and challenge many other commenters of ways I thought could be of service. Seeing that you don't attend my church or city council meetings- I am placing you in the same category as Wimpy Blowhard Tru.... that was ugly of me. Please.. before you insult, go back to the archives that are posted to your right. People like you are the only reason I want Mr. DT to win. It will get you out the closet. Please stop acting like challenged white guys... add to the discourse.
Deal with it. (puts on shades)
I hope Trump gets elected. A Hillary Presidency will just result in mediocrity and stagnancy. At least our enemies will be out in the open with Trump.
I remember when losers like Focused Purpose used to post here. Now we have losers like dinthebeast, and the two former Black Panther douchebags.
I hate my life and am going to kill myself tomorrow. Any suggestions on how I should do it?
Remember when there was a party called the know nothings? You might want to check them out, because here they come again.
-Doug in Oakland
My bitch loves it when I piss and shit in her mouth.
Trump sucks the big one, but then so does Hillary. It's third party or bust, bitches!
The message of Trump's speech yesterday was "OK I give up, I can't win, but fuck it I'm gonna make some noise on my way down."
This entire Trump campaign was just the longest masturbation in history.
Hey field...have you ever seen a javelina?
I swear, you can smell it before you see them.
You bust them, and then take the carcasses into Harligen, TX, and let the Mexican Mileagroes, drag them out of the truck, worms and all, and you dumb ass-ed tourists will be eating javelins tacos.
Hey cow....what do you have to say in US politics? We've saved "your" asses in two world wars.
Your people slunk up the coast to England....how?
Anon@2:35, turn your television on FOX and keep watching until your eyes close.
Try to separate Hillary Clinton from 40 years' worth of Republican vilification. Go ahead, try.
Whitewater was a nothingburger.
Vince Foster's suicide was tragic, but as a Hillary scandal, another nothingburger.
Benghazi was tragic, but as a Hillary scandal, another nothingburger.
The email scandal? Which classified secrets fell into enemy hands? Another nothingburger.
Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest? Nothingburger.
Like a lot of victims of bullies, she doesn't defend herself very well. But I don't know if any response to any of these Republican persecutions would have worked. Persecutors don't reason, they just persecute, in this case because they could. They're not interested in constructive legislation, are they? So it passes the time.
Nothing pisses off a reactionary male more than a strong woman.
With character assassination, what works are not indictments, not facts where there are none to be found. Just smear by association. The public thinks where there's so much smoke, there must be SOME fire SOMEwhere. Hence her "trustworthy" numbers are low.
The smoke has all being blown up the public's ass for decades. And it's worked among the lazy and only half-interested. Which is to say, a lot of the public, sadly.
Trump is an interesting case to me. Dunno how good he would be as President, at this point he is kind of an unknown quantity (like Obama was, or any other person with low experience in actually governing). His strong point, ie. not being owned by the banks or the current ruling class, can work both ways, and easily end up with government paralysis as he's not part of the existing mafia.
What I mostly see are entirely emotional responses to this race which then get a thin patina of logic to justify who your 'man' (or woman) is.
You do have to admit that the thing that gets him into trouble is really quite a superpower in itself. The ability to speak extemporaneously for an hour or more is quite remarkable. Nixon is the only modern President that I can think of who was likely capable (and better) at it. Just imagine the train crash if you set up Hillary or Obama in front of a mic for an hour or two with no notes, much less no committee-written prepared speech.
The ability to speak extemporaneously for an hour or more is quite remarkable.
So because Trump can say stupid shit for an hour or two is an asset? GTFOH!
Quote: Lt. Cdr. Johnson
"Hey cow....what do you have to say in US politics? We've saved "your" asses in two world wars."
Wait - you're a Russian??
Sorry bro, I always had you down as a Septic.
What part of the Soviet Union are you from?
Why are white men so fat, stupid, and ugly?
Trump wouldn't be the greatest President ever, but he would be a hell of a lot better than that bitch Hillary.
Can't wait to see that BLM-loving, black Muslim turd Kaepernick get fucked up tonight in San Diego! He deserves it!
Trump 2016
Don't try to resist it anymore. It will make it a whole lot easier.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Deal with it. (puts on shades)
Is that bright, orange Trump "glow" finally getting to you?
EXACTLY!!! Thank you!
"So because Trump can say stupid shit for an hour or two is an asset? GTFOH!"
You bet it is, and it ain't easy. Holding the crowd is an art form like writing a pop tune, don't discount it if you can't do it.
Frankly, any Presidential candidate should be stuck on stage and asked to talk for an hour or two. You'd likely be surprised how little they really knew about anything.
Yisheng's vag is leaking again.
Trump will make this country safer than Hillary ever could. Hillary will continue to let assholes like BLM tear this country apart, whereas Trump will demand personal responsibility from blacks. I know I know, personal responsibility is a foreign concept to Black America.
Marco Rubio was right you know. Butt Trumpet: small hands, small dick. I bet even the Mexican President is packing more than Butt Trumpet.
Don't you understand, field?
Of course you do.
When he says "Mexico" will "build the wall, he's talking about the trade inadequacies.
The taxes imposed will pay for it.
God almighty, you are stupid..willingly.
Send US jobs to Mexico. Let's see who cries "uncle" first.
Hey Cow...you stupid, supposed Historian:
Where did Russia get the trucks, planes guns and ammo to hold back the Russian horde before they were able to start manufacturing on their own behind the Urals?
Abbetter question:
What part of Russia are YOU from?
Why live in pestilence, in England?
It's either my computer, or your blog, field.
I meant "German Hordes". Sheesh.
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