"A political movement most Americans have never heard of is suddenly in the spotlight, thanks to Donald Trump — who has hired one of its leading spokesmen to run his campaign — and Hillary Clinton, whose speech planned for Thursday afternoon is expected to denounce it.
It’s the “alt-right,” a loose aggregation of bloggers, radio hosts, think tanks and activists that emerged from the “white nationalist” movement of the 1980s and 1990s. It occupies positions on the far right of American politics, but it is not primarily about the issues that motivate mainstream conservatives, such as taxes or government spending. Instead, it postulates that the culture of white America is under attack, and sees itself as its defender.
Trump has for much of his campaign flirted with “alt-right” themes, mostly through retweets, some of which he later disavowed. When former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke — a major figure in the “alt-right” world — urged his supporters to back Trump, the candidate maintained, implausibly, he didn’t know anything about Duke before grudgingly disavowing the support.
But with the hiring of Breitbart Media chairman Steve Bannon as CEO of his campaign, Trump has embraced someone at the heart of the movement, who boasted of turning Breitbart.com into “the platform of the alt-right.” Duke himself celebrated the hiring with the boast: “We’ve taken over the Republican Party,” although presumably the party’s mainstream leadership would disagree.
There are, of course, many strains of thinking under the “alt-right” umbrella. Some factions are preoccupied with a return to “traditional values,” while others espouse a philosophy called “Human Biodiversity”: the belief that there are significant biological differences between people of different races, which justifies treating them differently. (The other name for this is “scientific racism.”) Anti-Semitism is common, in various forms, ranging from Holocaust denial to full-bore denunciations of Jews as agents of the collapse of white Christian society. Bannon, personally, has not been accused of anti-Semitism, however.
The common thread, however, that connects members of these different factions is a shared desire to protect Western civilization from what many refer to as “white genocide.” This manifests in opposition to things like immigration and multiculturalism, as well as a steadfast aversion to political correctness and to establishment politics of all kinds, including Republican.
The term “alt-right” was coined in 2008 by Richard Spencer, who runs the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank. Spencer founded the influential Alternative Right blog in 2010 to define the movement’s core principles.
The term represented a “shallow rebranding” of white nationalism, according to Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups. “They don’t want to be identified as white nationalists anymore,” she said. “People associate that with white supremacy, which is what it is, so instead they changed it to ‘alt-right.’”
And with that, Beirich said, the movement quickly made its way from the fringe “into right-wing politics.”
“They’re self-mainstreaming,” she said. “But it should be called out for what it is, which is just pure racism.”
Spencer’s own reasons for supporting Trump seem to directly reflect the alt-right’s central “white genocide” fears.
Asked by a reporter at the Republican National Convention about the possibility that some of Trump’s policy proposals, such as banning Muslims from entering the country or abolishing birthright citizenship, might be unconstitutional, Spencer replied, “Who cares? The whole point is that we’ve got to survive.” [More]
Mr Spencer, your savior has arrived.
The sheer evil of Trump not wanting 1.5 billion Muslims to move here!
Do the Democrats really want to publicize their anti-white platform?
Methinks Hillary just made a big mistake.
Anti-globalism = white nationalism.
Generations of Whites have been taught from birth to hate ourselves and be ashamed of our people. Now some young people are getting off their knees and the Progressive scum scream RACIST!
Fuck you.
India has 1.27 billion people
400 million of them earn less than $1.25 per day.
Yet every single voter in India has a voter ID with their picture on it.
Democrats call that racist.
Hillary Clinton has zero record to run on--unless you call corruption a positive--so all she has is the "racist" card. Pathetic.
Hillary turned Libya into a failed state. She turned Syria into a bloodbath that spawned ISIS. She sold out America's uranium reserves to Russia. She sold the power of the State Department with which she was entrusted for personal payoffs.
Now she tells lies about the people resisting her warmongering and treasonous agenda, calling them evil. The truth is that she is the most evil person on earth.
Bitches like Feeled are getting scared now; looks like Whitey done woke up!
Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiiitttt ....
One man with a belief is worth a thousand men merely walking about.
The Master Persuader engineers a linguistic kill shot for Clinton's accusations of racism:
"It's all they have left."
The National Security “Experts” Denouncing Trump Are a Who’s Who of Disastrous Neocons.
They have been sent back to the Democrats where they belong.
No more wars for Israel.
Well, I guess I have to give Trump credit for learning how to be a Republican. He's found his very own band of racist shitheads to invite into the party just like Dick and Ronnie did. Problem is, there were a lot more of them back in '68 and '80, and the ones he's got won't win any general election.
They will, though, make the election, and by extension, the country uglier and more divided, as is their right under the first amendment. And as citizens, they deserve the same representation as anyone else, so good for them expressing their actual politics instead of hiding in the shadows.
Trump, however, is using them as a campaign strategy, and I have to question the wisdom of his approach. I could be wrong about this as it stands right now, though the great majority of the polling says I'm not, but this kind of ugliness is not favored by enough people to actually win. Even if by some fluke (see also: Bush, George W.) he wins in November, white nationalism is not a winning strategy going forward in a country that is already majority-minority among children under six years old. It is the eliminationist approach that didn't work in the forties, and won't work now. It is a lazy, fearful worldview lacking the vigor to deal with things as they are, preferring to wish constituencies it sees as problematic would just go away instead of working out how to live in a shared society with them as is demanded by reality. If you don't like the way things are, what do you have that's better? And no, 1952 (or 1852) is not an acceptable answer.
The alt-right, like the "Tea Party", is just another sad attempt to escape accountability by a group of far right Republicans whose politics have been deemed unpalatable by mainstream society. What a boon for Alex Jones Trump is turning out to be.
-Doug in Oakland
I'm racist and blacks love me.
Sick Hillary is losing it, paranoid. Swatting at invisible flies.
"Duke himself celebrated the hiring with the boast: “We’ve taken over the Republican Party,” although presumably the party’s mainstream leadership would disagree."
Well, one could argue that racists have always been right at home in the gop since 1964. The thing is now they have a guy who is a "straight shooter" who espouses a non-PC stance which means he can't use dog whistles anymore and has to come out and say what he means. This is a very narrow line to walk, you can't just yell nigger in a speech so he has to figure out a way to appear on board without seeming insanely racist. I guess we can feel sorry for them but this is the corner they have painted themselves into with the whole make Americur "great" again. As my dad used to say, no better for their asses.
"India has 1.27 billion people
400 million of them earn less than $1.25 per day.
Yet every single voter in India has a voter ID with their picture on it.
Democrats call that racist."
Yeah, right.
From Wikipedia
"There are millions of fake, defunct voter cards available in India. It has very low reliability. One cannot use it for vote cast. However, it is misused for other ID purposes fraudulently such as obtaining mobile SIM."
PC ,there u go with those pesky facts again.
I have another one: Mr alt-right is down by double digits to H.
PilotX said...
"Well, one could argue that racists have always been right at home in the gop since 1964."
Sure, if you have this debased definition of "racist" as someone who wants the government to treat people of all races equally.
A racist used to be someone who disliked people of other races and wanted legal and social preferences given to his own race.
Today it is what? Someone who opposes the Democrat candidate? Someone who doesn't think white people should be punished for being white? Do you even know what you mean when you call someone a racist, or it just a reflex?
The New York Times published an article about reader complaints of their one sided election coverage. The complaints were typified by a reader who said he has to watch Fox News to see what the NYT wouldn't tell him. I feel the same way. I used to watch MSNBC a lot. I can't stomach their obnoxious propaganda for long now though. Joy Reid shouting down a guest for raising the same "hypothetical" that the FBI Director also raised was good example. I am a liberal who would rather watch Fox News coverage of this election. I am too liberal to vote for a psychopath who caused a quarter of million deaths or more in Syria. Hillary showed her bloodthirstiness with her, "We came. We saw. He died." statement and giddy laughter about the death of Qaddafi. The documentary Clinton Cash is on Youtube. Watch it if you want to see the damage Clinton did to people in Haiti and Africa. Her motive being greed instead of racism does not absolve her of her crimes.
"He's found his very own band of racist shitheads to invite into the party just like Dick and Ronnie did."
HEAVEN FORBID that White people group into a racial interest like the Blacks, Mexicans and Jews do!
"Problem is, there were a lot more of them back in '68 and '80, and the ones he's got won't win any general election."
The Reagan Democrats are in play once more, and Hitlery is definitely going to feel the Bern when a large fraction of Sandocrats either stay home or vote Trump.
"They will, though, make the election, and by extension, the country uglier and more divided, as is their right under the first amendment."
It's funny that you couldn't be bothered to take note of the outright hatred (far more than mere ugliness) coming from BLM ("pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon") and King Samir Shabazz ("you got to kill some White people. You got to kill some of dey babies"). But that is why you are going to lose, you cannot even understand yourself let alone the alt-right.
"white nationalism is not a winning strategy going forward in a country that is already majority-minority among children under six years old."
The vast majority of the land area of the country is White-majority, and the triumphalism of the genocidists is not playing well. You first saw this rise as Taxed Enough Already, people fed up with paying for the minority parasites at the expense of their own children. Now you have the alt-right rising to do what the TEA party failed to do. If the alt-right does not get its way, expect something MUCH uglier to replace it.
The majority of those non-White under-6's could be gone in a week if White people were determined to make it so. That is not an exaggeration.
If you don't want it to happen, recognize the legitimacy of White interests and yield to them. Show the goodwill that White people have been waiting for all these years.
Real science can be so hard on the white supremacist.
For example, when humans roamed off the African continent eons ago they interbred with Neanderthals, generally considered inferior to true humans and a race that itself went extinct.
The only people not befouled by Neanderthal genes are "pure" Africans, the once who didn't leave Africa until recent centuries.
So who's genetically inferior?
anotherbozo said...
"So who's genetically inferior?"
The short answer is no one. Human populations are however different.
The predecessor to homo sapiens was homo erectus. Homo erectus left Africa over two million yeaes ago and settled throughout the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. Erectus evolved into many hominid types adapted to the new environments, including Neanderthals in Eurasia and Denisovans in East Asia.
Africa is a huge continent with many different habitats, and homo erectus also branched out there. One of these branches eventually evolved into the first "modern" humans - homo sapiens.
Homo sapiens spread out from Africa where they encountered their cousins, the other descendant of homo erectus. Some interbreeding occurred. The beneficial adaptations to the environment of the local hominids were incorporated into the human genome. For example, the Tibetan adaptation for high altitude seems to have been inherited from an archaic, non-sapiens population. All Europeans and Asians have 2-5% Neanderthal DNA. Some southeast Asian populations (New Guinea, Australian aborigines, south Indians, and Pacific Islanders also have up to 5% Denisovan ancestry.
As homo sapiens spread throughout Africa, they also encountered archaic populations descended from erectus, with who they interbred. Fossil DNA is hard to find in Africa, as it does not preserve well in tropical climates, however modern analysis of Bushmen and Pygmy populations show genetic divergence from the rest of humanity 200,000 to 300,000 years ago - at least 50,000 years before homo sapiens first appeared.
Neanderthals lost out to modern humans, so in that sense they were "inferior". But they were not stupid -they had brains larger than modern humans, and they survived for several hundred thousand years, through several ice ages. Also of note, populations that contian Neanderthal DNA have higher IQ's than populations that don't.
"Pure" homo sapiens don't exist, and probably haven't for 50,000 years.
The point is that we are all mostly modern human, and share over 90% of our ancestry. We can all interbreed, and are part of the same species. The differences in our genomes makes the different racial groups subspecies. No subspecies is absolutely superior to the rest, but each has some inherent traits that are different from the others.
"I am a liberal who would rather watch Fox News coverage of this election."
Fox is doing everything they can to elect Hillary. It's anti-Trump coverage all day long. They repeat the same lies and distortions that CNN does, just targeted for a Republican audience.
I love that Hillary doesn't pander to racist scum like that dirtbag Trump does! She's got this election in the bag. No contest really. Go Hillary! Class act!
The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.
"when humans roamed off the African continent eons ago they interbred with Neanderthals, generally considered inferior to true humans and a race that itself went extinct."
Neanderthals had a tool-making culture and got by in harsh, ice-age Europe for tens of thousands of years. They survived under conditions that no African could endure (and most still can't).
Homo neanderthalis had an advantage. It looks like Homo sapiens sapiens was able to co-opt that advantage by inter-breeding.
"The only people not befouled by Neanderthal genes are "pure" Africans, the once who didn't leave Africa until recent centuries."
<raises eyebrow> Who, again, got out of Africa and took over the other 5 habitable continents? It wasn't "pure" Africans. A lot of the "diversity" of Africa appears to be useless or counterproductive in the rest of the world, and was discarded for other variations along the way.
"So who's genetically inferior?"
Inferior at what? H. sap africanis is good at stone-age tribal warfare and resisting malaria and sleeping sickness, all things which kept H. sap sap out of the inner continent for a long time. The western sub-race is very good at sprinting, as you all saw at Rio. However, africanis is notoriously bad at civilization.
Seriously, Gary Johnson is the ONLY candidate that deserves your vote in November.
Most of the lame white boys on the alt-right have big black dick envy. Whiny losers.
James: Yeah, I'm really scared of the wrath of pampered white people.
-Doug in Oakland
Bullshit groups like BLM have to take a lot of the responsibility for the rise of Trump and some of the crazy factions of supporters. Normal, intelligent people like me know that Trump is not nearly as bad as most dumbass liberals make him out to be. It's the small percentage of radicals that support him that give us a bad name. Fuck BLM.
Hey Lance "Muh Dik" Cockstrong, are you sure you don't just have big white brain envy?
I give up. Black people just aren't worth fighting for anymore. Your race is hopeless.
I agree. The black race is a joke. I am so glad I don't live near many of you people.
When Trump loses in November, his idiotic supporters will still be around and clamoring for bigger and better. Unfortunately, we could get an even worse candidate in 2020. Maybe we should round up and detain all Trump supporters. It would be for the betterment of society and humanity.
Africa is less industrialized today than it was 40 years ago:
Yes, Hillary ACTUALLY said that Putin runs the Alt-Right.....
While labeling Trump a "conspiracy theorist".
LA Times poll has Trump +2.
I guess Hillary's fuck whitey speech fell flat.
I don't deny the Holocaust, but I do think the numbers have been exaggerated.
Fuck Generation Z. Generation Z ain't shit.
I'm Dave Zirin. I write for Edge of Sports and The Nation. I have dedicated my life to fighting for women, gays, blacks, and Muslims. I am Jewish but hate most Jews.
You know what? I've had it with you negroes. You can all suck a fat dick.
I'm out.
I agree with Disillusioned Gen Xer. Generation Z is full of retards, spoiled brats, dumbass Call of Duty fanboys, and pussy Social Justice Warriors. Fuck this generation.
-Doug in Oakland
Observation: If a guy is GOP and attacking Trump, there's a 75% chance he's Jewish. Test it out. It's very bizarre but you'll see.
White people are just ridiculous.
Duuuuuurrrr. The Young Turks is my favorite news source. I think Cenk Uygur is really cool. Duuuuurrrrrr...
I hate white people. Especially the ugly men. The women can at least be attractive, when they aren't fat and annoying.
Baby boomers suck ass too.
Fuck you all.
Trump 2016
"Observation: If a guy is GOP and attacking Trump, there's a 75% chance he's Jewish."
There is a reason the neocons have been called neocohens, or as we sometimes write for emphasis, (((neocons))) and (((neocohens))).
"Anti-globalism = white nationalism."
That's a funny thing, isn't it? Everyone is being played like a fine violin.
Somehow, to be not considered a racist, you have to be pro unlimited immigration, pro-war, pro-NAFTA, pro unlimited free trade.
My guess is that it's a reasonable side effect of the fact that what used to be the political Left is now simply a coalition of special interests, some of them racially based. The deal with Wall Street has been struck and off we go to the races.
A big FUCK YOU to the crackas harassing Leslie Jones!!!
Leslie Jones is an ugly bitch.
^^^ so is your mammy, but that doesn't stop your uncle from f**king her!!
Leslie Jones?
Oh, yeah, the man-in-women's-clothes in that movie I didn't bother seeing.
Do you realise you've made yourself sound like an outrageously insufferable sycophant and a nefarious maliciously malodorous offensively uninspired malodorous half-wit.
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