What a first few days it's been for Mr. trump.
First, he appoints a white nationalist, an unapologetic xenophobe, and a a man who has tried everything in his power to destroy voting rights to three of the most powerful positions in his administration.
Recently he agreed to pay $25 million to the poor people he defrauded with his phony Trump University. If you will recall, he said that he would never agree to a settlement because he did nothing wrong. We now see how that all worked out.
Then there is the story of his Indian business partners rolling into New York and him meeting with them in spite of all of his promises to set up a blind trust to avoid such conflicts with the presidency and his business interests. This is almost as bad (almost) as having his daughter sit in with him when he met with Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe. That woman sitting almost right next to the Japanese leader is not some diplomat or state department representative, it is the daughter of the president who has a controlling interest in his businesses.
All of the above is troubling, and I thought that what I mentioned above would be the extent of my issues with our president elect for now. But alas, it is not.
Unfortunately president trump went on a tweet storm last night and expressed his displeasure with the SNL crew and the members of the cast of the play Hamilton. I think it's important that America's president keeps his focus on more important things than what the cast of Saturday Night Live is saying about him.
As for Hamilton, it would seem that his VP was booed when he went to see the play, and one of the cast members hurt his feelings by telling him that he hopes that the trump administration will be fair to everybody. Oh the horror! Imagine a politrickster being booed in a public space. Not in Fuhrer trump's world. Now, even satire is offensive, and actors performing in a play do not have First Amendment rights in his America.
"Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!"
Wrong! This should happen. And the moment it stops happening we will be in trouble, because the Donald trumps of the world will have won.
I wonder where some of these same right-wingnuts who are outraged that Pence was booed were when president Obama was being called a liar (by an elected official no less) in the middle of his state of the union address? No calls for safe spaces because the president's feelings had been hurt. No calls for that scumbag to apologize? (Although we know that was all about.)
How discouraging is it that we have a president who chooses to engage in a twitter meltdown over the actions of a theater audience and actors? He is demanding an apology for his VP because folks exercised their right to free speech, but he refuses to apologize for all the horrific things that he has said and done. Mr. President- elect, that is not how this democracy thing works. Time to put on your big boy pants and stop being so thin- skinned.
"We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us — our planet, our children, our parents — or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir.... “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.”
Donald, you should be memorizing that statement, not asking him to apologize for it.
*Pic from cbsnews.com
"I know that our President- elect will turn out to be a disaster for the country"
Just like you knew he would never be elected?
Your world is crumbling. You grasp at each hysterical headline looking for scandals and crimes that exist only in your imagination.
It's time to run back to your third-world island home. It's where you belong.
If a lib cries racist in the forest, does it make a sound if no one gives a shit?
At least Pence has enough class to not make a big deal about it. Trump is a loser and a bully, and his supporters are trash.
Just remember this picture, forever:
It always gives me a schadenboner.
I'm surprised Pence even went to see Hamilton in the first place.
Pence is probably used to being booed in public because as governor, he's interacted with the public outside of the context of a pep rally, and he's done a lot of things people don't like. Trump? Not so much.
I will give Trump credit for playing the media for the suckers they are though. While he was tweeting about Pence at Hamilton, the media hung on every letter and didn't say much about him paying $25 million to settle the fraud lawsuit over his bogus "university."
-Doug in Oakland
Frankly, it was stupid of Pence to go there in the first place. He should have known better. The Left in the is country is obnoxious, arrogant, rude, childish, juvenile, petulant, and disrespectful. The only way to deal with them is through force -- not by attending their stupid Negro hip-hop "play" and giving it dignity it doesn't deserve by treating it as if it were fine art of some kind.
If Pence and Trump don't know what the Left is really like, I hope this incident schools them and they give these punks the back of their hand good and hard.
Trump should have just called them boorish and low class, because when a guy like Trump says you're low-class, it really has to sting. It got Megyn Kelly to change her hairdo.
P oor
I nsecure
M indless
P eons
The Trump Presidency is all about white privilege and working his stable. President Obama would have never been elected or even nominated for President if he had even one one hundredth of the baggage as Don "The Con" trump.
"No Trump, no KKK, no facist USA"!! -Green Day, 2016 AMAs
Trumplethinskin, use this at least once.
Nothing could be funnier than the new king of the alt-right demanding that the theater should be a "safe space" for 'his Cotton Hill-lookalike henchman, Pence.
Aw, what happened to you guys' demands for free speech, your rants about coddled special snowflakes, your valiant battle against political correctness?
Suck it up, cupcake.
As far as I'm concerned, every member of the Trump administration should be greeted with this song, at every public appearance, for as long as this bad joke of a presidency lasts.
The black race is a joke.
Minorities bitch, whine and moan about white people playing supposed people of color in movies, and yet this piece of shit play has darkies playing historically white people. The hypocrisy is always strong with you people.
Butt Trumpet = thin skinned, tiny dick white boy.
I have a tiny penis too.
I have faith that America will overcome the Trumpocalypse. We are a strong nation! Stronger than anything Trump and his filthy supporters could ever break!
OK, now I really have to go see this and buy a Green Day CD. Glad to see folks aren't taking this laying down.
Trump brought to you by the same people that brought you Hitler, Catholic priests and white rappers
I can't wait to see Hamilton now!
The Trump fans who commented on this blog entry have shown themselves to be a bunch of thin skinned, ignorant, racists! America would be a much better place without you! You're the real problem here, unfortunately you're just too stupid to recognize that fact.
Do u know where I can get tickets? It's been sold out for months.
Field, if you are quick you can get tickets for the afternoon show on Wednesday August 23rd 2017. $449 a piece...
Trump taking advantage of the whites who have feel Left Behind in the social and economic revolution of recent decades has brought racists out of the woodwork-- swastikas combined with "Go Trump" are now the grafitti of choice in New York City--but sadly that's just a side show for what's about to happen. More huge tax cuts for the wealthy will have to be paid for by somebody. Women will lose rights over their own bodies. We'll be full-scale polluters again, ruining our own water supplies and creating havoc on the planet the like of which we can only begin to imagine.
And the orange-colored dickhead won't ever be impeached, as has been predicted, for the conflicts of interest that will multiply soon after he's inaugurated. Republicans will "have his back," as the phrase has it, because they need the ship to efficiently undo the social and economic legislation of the past 80 years.
The most outrageous news isn't even that Clinton won the popular vote, but that she would have won the Electoral College too if it hadn't been for suppression, ID laws, closing polls in black and latin neighborhoods, etc. Three separate studies:
Anyway, great post, Field. Love rallies celebrating diversity in NYC are ongoing, a great response to the turd who's now president-elect.
How 'bout dem Cowboys!!��
In light of all the voter suppression that occurred, the Dems not the Rethugs,have shown themselves to be the party that needs a COMPLETE make over.
Problem is, it'll be too late to get my vote back, I'm going Independent only in the foreseeable future.
It's official. The U.S. is now the most powerful third world nation (aka banana republic) on the planet.
As for voter suppression, we've been hearing about it happening since George W. Bush was in office. States started passing voter ID laws decades ago. People knew the problem existed -- instead of whining about it, why weren't there more proactive efforts to make sure everyone has the ID they need and is legally registered?
@Nan: Yes, eight years of Obama have taken their toll. But Trump is here to MAGA.
Manifest Density said...
The Trump Presidency is all about white privilege and working his stable. President Obama would have never been elected or even nominated for President if he had even one one hundredth of the baggage as Don "The Con" trump.
President Obama would have never been elected or even nominated for President if he had not been "black". The American people never agreed with his policies, they just wanted to make a black man President to show they weren't racist. Poll afer poll showed strong majorities against Obamacare, mass immigration, amnesty for illegals, tranvestites in the Army, etc., but people still voted him to be "nice", and because the Republicans offered no real alternative with their establishment candidates.
When Obama was on the ticket in 2008 and 2012, his party won. When he wasn't in 2010, 2014, and 2016, his party got stomped.
Obama's whole life has been one Affirmative Action appointment after another. His legacy was leaving this country more divided and deeper in debt than it has ever been. Trump is going to erase every Obama "achievement" on the books and get to work repairing the damage. That's what "white privilege" is about, fixing the wreckage caused by black people.
anotherbozo said...
"-swastikas combined with "Go Trump" are now the grafitti of choice in New York City-"
That was so obvioulsy an attempt by anti-Trumpers to smear Trump. Whoever did it did not even know how to make a swastika. Based on the location, it was probably a couple of young black kids
Last week, two Jewish college students got busted for doing the same thing on a church on the campus of Northwestern:
But stay there in your bubble shivering over these fake hate crimes. We'll take care of the real world from now on.
@10:33, when will you underacheiving whooteemoos stop blaming affirmative actions for your personal and professional failures?
White mediocrity/incompetence ALWAYS = Affirmative action
And White privilege is actually White MALE privilege as Clinton found out with the election.
"No Trump, no KKK, no Fascist USA!!" - Green Day
It's Yīshēng the Crazy B*cth said...
White mediocrity/incompetence ALWAYS = Affirmative action
And White privilege is actually White MALE privilege as Clinton found out with the election.
Right, because whites are the ones who need Affirmative Action.
And truth be told, white females have enjoyed the lion's share of Affirmative Action benfits.
Your inablility to grasp the basic facts of the situation illustrates why you have needed Affirmative Action every step of your life.
The best part of Trump winning is that we have a chance to Make America Great Again.
But also the fact that Hillary Clinton will never be President is right up there.
And of course the massive tsunami of butthurt that has rolled over the shitlib Army is a source of undending mirth:
Now go listen to some Green Day and march around in the cold. We need our entertainment!
Just how pathetic you must be to stalk black people on their blogs because what exactly. Millions of racist Google black blogs and comment different versions of I hate you because I can't be you. See you again same delusional albinos invading every time they can. I can't be mad at a snake or a inbred mutant albino being true to their nature, after all devils will be devils
@ Hate Hoax
Only idiot liberals would draw a swastika or write KKK on a wall. They aren't even smart enough to convincingly fake hate crimes.
Anonymous White Man's Burden said...
Right, because whites are the ones who need Affirmative Action.
That's correct, especially the poor ones who don't have an education or family wealth to fall back on.
Trump played you ALL low/middle class idiots for fools, the details of his proposed tax structure proves as much.
And for the record, my family's bottom line doesn't change ONE BIT, but I'll bet two puffs on a meth pipe and a pair of overalls, that YOURS does!
Anonymous All American Gullible said...
Why fake it when you have the real f*KKKing thing!
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
Anonymous White Man's Burden said...
Right, because whites are the ones who need Affirmative Action.
That's correct, especially the poor ones who don't have an education or family wealth to fall back on.
So tell us, brilliant AA scholar, why do the people who need Affirmative Action not receive any?
"So tell us, brilliant beautiful, highly successful, scholar, why do the people who need Affirmative Action not receive any?"
@1:44, for the same reason Farmers don't put perfume on pigs. It wouldn't change a thing and they would STILL smell like $hit.
The pigs would still smell like $hit too!
Donald Trump used the threat of his impending presidential powers to lean on the Argentinian government to approve one of his construction projects. This is yet more proof that he views control of the White House largely as a nice money-making opportunity for himself and his family.
Hey, way to drain that swamp, Donnie.
"President Obama would have never been elected or even nominated for President if he had not been "black"." White Man's Burden @ 10:33a
If you say that the only reason President Obama was elected is because he is Black I must disagree. Speaking for myself, I would have been open to the Republican party. However, McCain and Palin just didn't make sense. I, like many who voted for President Obama, saw the significance of hope and change, where the GOP represented the same old "plantation platform" they ran from the days of Richard " King Heroin" Nixon.
Paul Krugman reports today on how Trump's infrastructure plan is designed to maximize profits for his cronies (NYT paywall).
Hey, way to drain that swamp, Donnie.
"However, McCain and Palin just didn't make sense."
I disagree. McCain made PLENTY of sense which is why I supported him.
Palin was just dumba$$!!!
Fear of losing White privilege is why Trump won:
So nipples doesn't want to move to the White house?
What, did they cancel her nude spread in the oval office?
Long - but very good - beatdown of Trumponomics (and of Keynsianism, in passing) by a Marxist economist.
@Hate Hoax & All American Girl:
"...But stay there in your bubble shivering over these fake hate crimes" Irrelevant to my point. Someone "shivering" wouldn't call swastikas "fashionable," anyway, you dullard. Any kids with spray cans who wanted to make a stir would plausibly do the same, then hope they could see their work shown on local TV. They're doing sane New Yorkers a favor in providing a rallying point for activist groups. Maybe if there's enough urban outrage it will (eventually, never too late) spread to Dumbfuckistan, as I believe it's known. Whites in the Rust Belt will get the blunt end of Trump's agenda, and the smug suburbans will have to pay for his coming tax breaks for the wealthy. The only question will be how long it takes them to realize they've been played.
Donald Trump _can't_ drain the swamp. He's Swamp Thing!
"Donald Trump _can't_ drain the swamp. He's Swamp Thing!"
We are about to witness a corrupt administration that will make the crooked and sleaze of the Grant and Harding administrations look like nothing. This is another attitude that Trump has in common with his kleptocrat buddy Putin.
And it's not for nothing that South African Trevor Noah compared Trump to an African dictator.
Government for sale -- everything must go!
The Federal Elections Commission is going after Trump for more than 1,000 federal campaign law violations.
Hey, way to drain that swamp, Donnie.
Oh no, Trevor Noah disapproves of Trump!
It's over!
1,000 federal campaign law violations! This must be serious!
It's good that Progressives are scared.
Obama wasn't the President for "everyone".
As he so poignantly stated, "He Won".
Trump Won. He is obligated to HIS constituency, and their wants/needs/desires have primacy.
The rest of you can go get -----
"Trump Won. He is obligated to HIS constituency, and their wants/needs/desires have primacy."
But yet you whooteemoos accused POTUS of "playing favorites" when he NEVER had the power to do that?
What a bunch of f**king HYPOCRITES!!!!
You party may have won the election, but you'll ALWAYS be a bunch of LOSERS!!!!
"But yet you whooteemoos accused POTUS of "playing favorites" when he NEVER had the power to do that?"
Obama didn't but Trump does? Explain.
Yeah. We've got some smarmy-ass negro playing Aaron Burr.
Think we can get us a non-negro to play Marvin Loofer King?
These incidents involving Hamilton and SNL are emotionally horrific.
Hopefully, once he is in the White House, Mein Fuhrer will issue an Executive Order mandating Safe Spaces and Trigger Warnings throughout the land for Alt-Righters, White nationalists, and proto-fascists who are butthurt by the anti-Trump protests.
After all, Alt-Righties have feelings too!
Anon@4:02, I hope u are here all week. That was classic. We promise to tip the waitress.☺
You've done with God and Jesus which is blasphemy
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