It is interesting to read and see how, on one hand, we have come so far as a nation. And how, on another hand, we still have so far to go.
The Field Negro education series continues.
July 18, 1915
"America's Greatest Problem: The Negro" -- Three Students of the Subject View the Racial Question from Different Angles and Offer Suggestions for Its Solution By THE NEW YORK TIMES
Of these three books on the negro, Dr. Shufeldt's "America's Greatest Problem: The Negro" is the least satisfactory, but it shall be discussed first because the others refute some of its sensational statements. It has the merit of sincerity, and it is not without substance; but its violence and prejudice destroy its value. The defect of its judgments is seen in statements such as this: "Men like Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois are traitors to their race in this country, and are the worst enemies negroes in the United States have today."
THE NEGRO By W. E.Burghardt Du Bois.
According to this author the full-blooded negro in this country has never "contributed a single line to literature worth the printing; a single cog in the machine of invention; an idea to any science; or, in short, advanced civilization a single millimeter since the first Congo pair were placed on this soil." A large portion of the book is devoted to trying to prove scientifically that all negroes come of cannibal stock, that they are hopelessly sensual, subject to "sex madness," and incapable of improvement. "It is impossible to improve the morals of a people when they have no morals to improve" is one of his comments. Burke once said that one cannot indict a whole nation, but Dr. Shufeldt would indict a whole race.
The deplorable situation in parts of the South, of course, with the daily terror that it imposes on white women, is discussed at length. The problem is there, an grave enough it is, but it requires a different treatment from that given it by the author who can see nothing but a "seething mass of black bestiality." Dr. Shufeldt asserts that miscegenation is going on in our cities through the lower-class whites, and he jumps at the conclusion that because there is some white blood in 4,000,000 of the 10,000,000 negroes in the United States the whole negro population is going to be absorbed into the white race to our lasting degradation. Our only salvation, he believes, is in "complete and thorough separation" of the two races, and he therefore urges:
"the enactment of a Federal law to the effect that all negroes and descendents of negroes within the boundaries of the United States of America shall leave this country for all time within ten years after the passage of said law."
Dr. Shufeldt would send them to the Philippines, South America, Mexico, the West Indies, and Haiti, and he says we could well afford to spend $150,000,000 on the work. He thinks such a law would "entail no hardship whatever," but he would hardly take the same view if the people to be expatriated were white. The book is so intemperate and unjust that it defeats its own ends.
Dr. Woodson's "The Education of the Negro Prior to 1861" is a dispassionate monograph, done in the modern scientific spirit, to show the persistent strivings of slaves to learn to read and write. It covers a chapter of American history hitherto almost untouched. Dr. Woodson has gathered his facts from innumerable sources and assembled them in an orderly mosaic. His method involves a good deal of repetition, but it leaves no room to question the soundness of his conclusions.
This book recalls the half-forgotten fact that in the beginning the negro slaves were taught to read and write as freely as they were taught Christianity. That epoch continued until about 1835, and it produced some brainy persons of color, such as Phyllis Wheatley, the poet, and Benjamin Banneker, who, in 1770, made the first manufactured in the United States. Another instance is that of James Durham, who spoke French and Spanish fluently, as well as English, and was a distinguished New Orleans physician. The noted Dr. Benjamin Rush of Philadelphia once deigned to converse with him professionally and afterward confessed: "I learned more from him than he could expect of me." Dr. Woodson also tells of a native African who had amazing powers as a mathematician. Many such instances controvert Dr. Shufeldt's sweeping negatives.
About 1835, however, the dark age set in, when it became a crime even for a negro to teach his own children to read and write. The coming of the cotton gin and other modern machinery, coupled with an increasing fear of negro insurrections, caused the slave barons to enact stringent laws forbidding the education of negroes. Dr. Woodson's chapter on "The Reaction" sounds almost incredible, but it is well-authenticated American history.
The policy of keeping slaves in complete ignorance soon had a deteriorating effect on their minds and characters, and the more thoughtful whites tried to overcome this by teaching them "religion without letters," but even such enlightenment often brought persecution to the teachers. A chapter entitled "Learning in Spite of Oppositions" tells of secret struggles to overcome those obstacles -- with pathetically meagre results.
The thirteen chapters of this book cover all the main phases of ante-bellum attempts at negro education in the North as well as in the South. It is a thorough and intelligent study, with just enough sympathetic spirit to humanize its array of well-ordered facts.
Critics on both sides of the Atlantic have long agreed in praising the high average of the compact little volumes in the Home University Library of Modern Knowledge. The volume on "The Negro," by Dr. Du Bois, editor of The Crisis, measures up to the standard of the series. It is a brief history of the black race in Africa, of its beginnings of culture, and of the slave trade and its disastrous effects. The author holds -- with modern science to support him -- that there are no definite lines separating the various human races, and that the comparative backwardness of the black race is due mainly to the fact that the interior of Africa contains no natural barriers such as protected early civilization in the Nile Valley and in Europe. Thus the beginnings of culture on the Niger and Congo were repeatedly wiped out by savage invasions and especially by the slave raids of Mohammedan and Christian nations.
That there was such a thing as negro culture in Africa is abundantly attested. At the time when Columbus was discovering America a full-blooded black, Mohammed Askia, was ruling over an empire as large as all of Europe. On his pilgrimage to Mecca he was accompanied by "a brilliant group of scholars and holy men with a small escort of 1,500 soldiers and $9,000,000 in gold. He stopped and consulted with scholars and politicians and studied matters of taxation, weights and measures, trade, religious tolerance, and manners. The University of Sankore became a centre of learning in correspondence with Egypt and North Africa, and had a swarm of black Sudanese students. Law, literature, grammar, geography, and surgery were studied."
In a chapter on "African Culture" Dr. Du Bois tells of the achievements of African negroes as workers in iron bronze, copper, wood, and pottery, recalling that "Schweinfurth, von Luschan, Boaz, and others incline to the belief that the negroes invented smelting of iron and passed it on to the Egyptians and to modern Europe."
All this was swept away by the slave trade, says the author. He estimates that every slave imported to America cost "five corpses in Africa or on the high seas," and that the American and Arabian raids together meant the death, expatriation, or forcible migration of at least 100,000,000 natives. "And yet people ask today the cause of, the stagnation of culture in that land since 1600!"
The last two chapters are devoted to the negro in the United States. The author defends the fifteenth amendment, believing that it alone could have insured his race such measure of freedom as it now has. He holds that in the chaos of reconstruction days "the venality was much greater among whites than negroes," and that "while ignorance was the curse of the negroes, the fault was not theirs, and they took the initiative to correct it." As usual, Dr. Du Bois opposes Booker T. Washington's ideas of education, one of the few mistakes that he makes in this book. The whole is written with an intellectual force, a breadth of learning, and a judicious poise that compel respect." [Source]
There are a lot of thinkers like Dr. Shufeldt floating around out there today. (Just read the comments section in this and other blogs.) Although they have become somewhat marginalized (Somewhat. You can still find his book on Amazon.), because it is not currently proper to express such views in polite company.
"incline to the belief that the negroes invented smelting of iron..."
You know, it's fairly scientifically solid that being an ideologue, of any "side" or "cause," has addictive properties which trigger the same sensory areas of the brain triggered by drugs like heroin. It's a very real, very documented, and flatly objective phenomenon: Confirmation bias has the same affect on the human brain as a mind-altering, addictive drug. But there is a way to step outside of one's ideology and to view something through the prism of reality.
For instance, if one wants to know whether or not it was Africans who invented smelting, one doesn't have to believe it because it makes one feel good, or disbelieve it because it makes one feel good. One can simply go through the steps of the scientific method to create a model of reality, thus following some logical steps of reason.
How can one go about this? For starters, one could look at the history of smelting and cross reference their findings with actual scientific articles illustrating archeological findings.
Once this information is gathered, one can put it through a logical filter; e.g. using the ontological principle known as the identity of indiscernibles. In short, an African region bereft of all artifacts suggesting smelting took place (outside of Egypt), and bereft any sort of advancement in any sort of metal, makes said region wholly indiscernible from a region that had nothing whatever to do with the invention of smelting. Therefore, to insist so is a pointless redundancy which reads identical to religion.
The whole "kings and queens" thing comes to mind. And it's understandable. One look objectively at the world puts Negroids in a very bad light, without whitey having to run his mouth about it. I mean, those who stayed in Africa had about a 50,000-year head start on civilization, and with such a gargantuan head start, we never even got a multi-story dwelling or domesticated animals. And that makes genetic sense, in an evolutionary context. The people who stayed behind didn't feel they had to change their way of life, therefore it wasn't culturally ingrained, and therefore the drive for self-improvement wasn't passed along in the SSA gene pool. Natural selected stagnated in Africa. So to want something about which to be prideful is understandable.
And far be it from me to stand in one's way here. Sure...you guys were real modern world-beaters. Built the first skyscrapers, you did. Great work, negroes. It's only because of your contributions that we have the first-world west. Look no farther than Sub-Saharan Africa for proof.
According to this author the full-blooded negro in this country has never "contributed a single line to literature worth the printing; a single cog in the machine of invention; an idea to any science; or, in short, advanced civilization a single millimeter since the first Congo pair were placed on this soil.
That's kind of true. Almost all "black" intellectual achievement has been accomplished by negros with a significant amount of white ancestry.
Give that ALL whites are mutants of the original African, ALL academic achievement is BLACK achievement!!
"There are a lot of thinkers like Dr. Shufeldt floating around out there today. (Just read the comments section in this and other blogs.) Although they have become somewhat marginalized (Somewhat. You can still find his book on Amazon.), because it is not currently proper to express such views in polite company."
Give Trump and his henchmen a few years and maybe we'll have a new crop of Shufeldts openly advocating in major publications for sending black people "back" to Africa.
This is a worst-case scenario, of course, but nothing can be completely ruled out at this point. I don't think anyone would have thought, just a couple years ago, that there'd be alt-reich dirtbags sieg-heiling in Washington in celebration of the election of a racist president.
Given that ALL homo sapiens are mutants of the original Australopithecine, ALL academic achievement is HOMININA achievement!!
The Ministry of Truth said...
"This is a worst-case scenario, of course"
Why? If America really is Nazi Klan Land, why wouldn't leaving be a good thing?
"Why? If America really is Nazi Klan Land, why wouldn't leaving be a good thing?"
Personally, I favor making the Nazis leave. Antarctica sounds like an appropriate destination. What with all the ice and snow, it'll be plenty white, like they like it.
So you advocate doing to others what you view as a "worst-case scenario" for yourself.
Very telling.
"... its violence and prejudice destroy its value."
Kinda like today's Trump voter.
-Doug in Oakland
Chronic self-awareness deficiency!
"Give [sic] that ALL whites are mutants [sic] of the original African..."
When Random spouts this nonsense, it sorta makes contextual sense. He didn't even finish high-school. You, on the other hand, claim to hold a multitude of STEM degrees. You cannot tell me or anyone else here a mutation's relationship to natural selection. Whites are not "[mutations] of the original African." This displays a retard-level misunderstanding of natural selection. You dullards here, more and more of whom seem to be proponents of melanin theory, cannot even explain what genetic mutation is.
Further genetic diversity and heredity rapidly spreading advantageous traits throughout populations is how species diverge into separate classifications. To hear you lunatics tell it, a black person one day birthed a white mutant baby and, boom, white people! That is literally too tragic to be humorous. The gross lack of understanding of fundamental science--shit taught to sixth-grade students, at least the ones who don't cry cultural bias--is utterly astounding.
By and large, Europid Caucasians have very scant amounts of African DNA. Typically around 0.1-1%. What does this mean? There have been so many trillions of changes to the nucleotide sequence of DNA that, generally speaking, "white" DNA has abolished almost every conceivable trace of "black" DNA. Do you realize how many generational variations, how much fucking time it takes, to change 99% of the genetic code? (Rhetorical question; of course you don't.) DNA doesn't just disappear or anything; it's changed over successive generations of natural selection. The fact that whites have, at best, 1% of their DNA attributable to Africans pretty much sums up that these reproducing molecules thought it advantageous to DUMP--to get rid of!--African DNA.
Really, you're trying to make some salient point. Though you don't even understand its implications. YOU'RE MAKING AN OWN GOAL!!
Natural selection dictates that an organism will adapt via picking up traits which are advantageous to its environment. Even if what you're saying is true--which it's not--that really, really puts Negroids in a HORRIBLE light. It means that African DNA--black traits and characteristics--are so incredibly toxic and unsuited for an Earthly environment that the human genome changed itself to get rid of being African, because African DNA was so unsuited for survival. LMMFAO! Karma: it isn't a bitch unless you are one.
But on the real. That's what happened. We can see with modern sharks that they didn't have to change or adapt. If black African DNA was so fucking great for the species, the best of the bunch, we'd be like sharks; that is to say, we wouldn't have HAD to change. The FACT is that we did have to change. We HAD to change. Black African DNA wasn't getting the species anywhere; it wasn't helping the species survive once they fled Africa. So it HAD to change. The deoxyribonucleic acids changed themselves by a factor of trillions through selective breeding for one sole purpose: To no longer be African!
Learn science. Or don't. Keep pretending you know what "mutation" means so you can sing old negro spiritual hymnals to the echo chamber.
Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It's Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don't grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it. And superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call 'minorities.'
---Joseph Sobran, 1997
It is plain for anyone at least twelve years old to see that you have no knowledge whatsoever of science, particularly DNA sequencing and genetics. Maybe you have made a science of self-gratification?
But thanks for showing your true colors. I won't be forgetting that any time soon.
"But thanks for showing your true colors. I won't be forgetting that any time soon."
Dude showed them colors a long time back. A pointed hat and white robe too.
@PX, that wasn't a white robe, it was a 10 thread count white sheet..... Well it used to be white, lol!!
A large portion of the book is devoted to trying to prove scientifically that all WINGNUTS come of cannibal stock, that they are hopelessly sensual, subject to "sex madness," and incapable of improvement. "It is impossible to improve the morals of a people when they have no morals to improve" is one of his comments.
Fixed it for him.
So, my take away is that people have been aware of the negro problem for quite some time, yet have not taken any steps to remedy it.
What a wonderful post Field! Especially as we barrel towards the New Year! Thought provoking to say the least,and infuriating.
Wonderful and horrible at the same time!
Wonderful in the way that it just brings to the forefront in such a stark and brutal way, the horrible feelings of racial animosity felt by Anglo's towards people of color that they have unpatriated (if there is such a word, I mean taken out of their land to work and live in poverty, never to be returned.)
And horrible for, of course the very same reason!!!
How indecent,obscene,ignorant to think that all human beings that have survived on earth for the same millions of years, are any less or more intelligent than any others. But of course when you're looking for reasons to justify your actions, selective vision comes into play doesn't it...
Wasn't a letter from Dr DuBois to Margaret Sanger all the proof nutjobs needed to prove Sanger's birth control clinics in Black neighborhoods were for the purpose of Black genocide?
Somebody up the line is full of hizownself already.
Oh lord its hard to be humble
when I'm perfect in everyway
I can't wait to log on the internet
Wondering which libs I'll dazzle today
Is that vague nonsense without a name for me? Trolls are suffering from such a lack of explanatory prowess at the site these days they don't even put a name on it. Folks are left to infer.
When I tell someone they don't know what they're talking about, like Yiscunt's dumb ass who could guess on a binary evolution quiz and do 30% worse than chance, I'm very specific and spell the issue out and explain it.
When someone tells me that I don't know what I'm talking about, it's always just some vague, fly-by troll blast that doesn't explain anything. It's just an insult. I'm not above insults, of course; I'll call you a moron but explain why and how you're moronic.
Is this another one of those black "thangs" that I'll never understand? lol
I guess natural selection is somehow different for black people and white people...because reasons.
And five'll get ya fiddy you're another one that cannot even explain a mutation's relationship to natural selection, yet will pretend to have some authoritative knowledge concerning natural selection and evolution.
We were lucky to have a grandmother who worked for the Pgh Courier and she would relay to us what she learned from J A Rogers when he was there.We learned to ignore the racist writers and do our own research on our culture.Accept your own and READ! Like they say ,hide your money in your books,if they rob the house they"aint taken no books"!
Yup, if you can't dazzle them brilliance, baffle them trolls with bullshit. Right, Josh?
Us uneducated peons wouldn't know if anything you spout is worth paying attention to and we prolly don't care. You prolly got one of them there conservative arts educations that sez up is down and black is white-facts don't matter. Personally, I'll just muddle along through life knowing what I know and knowing where and how to look for what I don't know. And I don't have to tell the world I'm full of myself.
"Right, Josh?"
Apparently not. I keep being told that I'm the dumb one... by people who can't answer the single simplest question in evolutionary science.
Natural selection is one of the best-known and most documented scientific principles in existence. This misconception that whites are "mutants" is incredibly easy to debunk. It's as anti-scientific as young-Earth creationism. And, frankly, it says an awful lot about your lack of intellect that you read someone speaking about natural selection and infer that they're somehow trying to dazzle you with brilliance.
What's next, Mike? If someone here manages to complete long division, you'll call them a show-off and suggest they're trying to make you feel stupid? Whose fucking fault is it that you don't know about the subject?
And seeing that you did miss out on learning about natural selection, why does it bother you to the point you're going to break my balls for actually knowing about the topic?
With the things about which y'all speak here, and the things in which y'all believe here, learning some rudimentary knowledge about natural selection might be advantageous to your collective ability to differentiate assholes from ground holes. But instead of trying to learn more about the topic, you lot just continue to take jabs at me for daring to have lettered in it.
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for any person here--the ones who claim whites are "mutants"--to explain a mutation's relationship to natural selection. Instead of providing that answer and illustrating that one has at least a very basic understanding of the topic, it turns into snark and condescension and verbal jabs against me. And that's fine. But you can't have it both ways. You can't just offer fly-by jabs and still expect anyone to believe you have an IQ higher than 70.
I am full of myself. Why wouldn't I be full of myself? I'm speaking with some people here who literally believe a black person just one day gave birth to a "mutant" white baby to start a "white" race!
Maybe if more of you people took pride in knowledge we'd see a much more successful people.
Lilacpr said...
"How indecent,obscene,ignorant to think that all human beings that have survived on earth for the same millions of years, are any less or more intelligent than any others."
There are measurable differences in intelligence between different races.
This is a fact. These diferences have been shown over and over again, and these findings have been consistent over a very long time. You can debate the validity of this information, and the reasons for these differences, but the available evidence overwhelmingly points to these racial differences being real.
Using these differences to justify exploitation and deny people equal status is wrong. But so is denying these differences to justify discrimination and enforce equal outcomes.
1. Groups of people have different distributions of attributes.
2. Group outcomes will be influenced by group attributes
3. But people are individuals whose attributes are unique.
4. Ergo, a person's attributes cannot be judged using group attributes.
Group attributes can tell us why certain groups excel at the high end of human achievement in some areas and others are less represented. (Think 100 meter dash times vs. software development vs. physics Nobelists). They should in no way be used to prevent individual Koreans from being sprinters or individual blacks from working out string theory, but they should also not be used to enforce diversity quotas on say, the player demographics of the National Basketball Asscociation.
In any group, there will be individuals with genius-level IQ's and sub-10 second 100 meter dash potential. But differences in group attributes means the fastest guy in the world is more likely to have West African ancestry than he is to have ancestors that came from Finland. We shouldn't worry about the lack of Finnish representation among Olympic gold medalist sprinters; it probably is not due to structural discrimination against Finns.
As a society, we have worked for a long time now towards removing barriers individuals face because of their being judged by group attributes. This has mostly eliminated the differences in group outcomes that were due to unfairly enforcing limitations on individuals based on the perceived attributes of whatever group they were assigned to. There are still skewing effects such as the echoes of past discriminaiton, generational wealth differences, and lingering cultural biases, but these are fading fast. Yet significant differences in group outcomes remain, because there are, and forever will be, significant difference in group attributes. Denying this reality and trying to enforce an artificial leveling between groups causes a lot of harm to individuals and costs to society. It is unjust, and morally wrong, and results in exacerbating the very problem it purports to address.
Field, Stats show since Florida implemented "stand yer ground" laws gun deaths in Florida are up 32%.
I've gotten inside yer head, Josh. You over analyze stuff. I am inside yer head.
There are measurable differences in intelligence between different races.
By what data did the Founding Fathers decide that Blacks were inferior to whites in all ways? Colour me curious.
@1:31, you're DEFINITELY inside someone's head, lol!!
How DOES that feel? Like being in a large wind tunnel? Or a in a pig trough?
mike from iowa said...
By what data did the Founding Fathers decide that Blacks were inferior to whites in all ways?
Their conclusions would have been made on emperical observations and personal experience.
And the Founding Fathers never decided that Blacks were inferior in all ways. In fact, they did not "decide" the moral legitmacy of slavery, which was institution that had existed for all of human history. The reason black slaves were so valuable in the 1500's was their superior resistance to malaria. The Founding Fathers crafted a politcal philosophy that inevitably led to the abolition of slavery and the delegitmization of the abrogation of individual rights based on group affiliation.
"I am inside yer head."
You replied to me, you moron. You called ME out, not the other way around. I'm the one who's in your head.
I know context isn't the strongest suit of your ilk, but it's up there in literal black and white. I was speaking to Yiscunt*, and then y'all started spamming me with verbal jabs and bare assertions. I then replied back.
Who's in whose head here? I didn't come find your comment in a thread, seeking it out specifically, to say anything to you.
But, per your standard, stating a fact is how you "over analyze stuff."
*Mrs. I-have-a-gabillion-STEM-degrees always manages to miss every opportunity to prove she has smarts, or to even prove she knows how to use a search engine or spellchecker. She never misses an opportunity to spam links about affirmative action hires doing very mediocre things on smart people's coattails. But right here, on this platform, she has the perfect opportunity to use her alleged STEM education to explain how white people are "mutants." And what does she choose to do? Refuses to answer the simplest question in evolution and simply adds positive affirmation spam to those who argue with me. LOL
Who's in whose head again?
In their essence, White people are a breed of narcissistic sociopaths with delusions of self-grandeur and a unique talent for deception.
The comments by those of the Caucazoid persuasion here on this thread are testament to this unfortunate condition.
And no better example of this perverse Caucazoid specimen can be found than in the figure of the bloated, puffy-faced creature called Donald Trump.
Retard level? Despite your penchant for grandious words you reveal yourself as ignorant a bigot as any. At many levels.
@2:52, I don't think all White folks are as you describe them.
Just 99% of the ones here and that's a damn good description!!
Hugh Mann said...
In any group, there will be individuals with genius-level IQ's and sub-10 second 100 meter dash potential. But differences in group attributes means the fastest guy in the world is more likely to have West African ancestry than he is to have ancestors that came from Finland.
12:55 PM
But you see this is where your analogy fails. Because again you end up comparing physical prowess and ability which may have developed in accordance with habitat, with intelligence. Two different things.
Intelligence has to be measured in the ability for the individual to learn skills. If the human is not taught skills there is no way to learn them. if the individual is not allowed to learn to read and write, there will be a lapse in learning from one generation to the next. So to say that intelligence is more prominent in one race than another is untrue as there are so many factors and variables. Also if you're measuring intelligence with the now infamous IQ tests...well hahaha, that's a no brainer right there!!! xD
"How DOES that feel? Like being in a large wind tunnel? Or a in a pig trough?"
Probably more like the inside of the septic tank while the bear was still inside:
-Doug in Oakland
@Yisheng - your comment reminded me of a shirt i saw on a comedy show -- Paul Provenza had on a T shirt that read "WE ARE ALL AFRICANS." Wonder why I haven't seen more or those - I woulda bought one. Or two.
Lilacpr said...
But you see this is where your analogy fails. Because again you end up comparing physical prowess and ability which may have developed in accordance with habitat, with intelligence. Two different things.
So....evolution acts on all human attributes except for intelligence?
You are correct that physical attributes such as speed are affected by evolutionary adaptions to climate (High torso to limb size ratio is an adaptation to cold; long limb length to torso size makes you faster). Lighter skin is an adaptation to less sunlight. Sickle-shaped red blood cells are an adaptation to living in a region where malaria is endemic.
The idea that evolution only acts from the neck down doesn't make sense. Different habitats exerted different evolutionary pressures on human populations. Our brains are different because of this. Not superior or inferior overall, just structured more towards certain tasks, like being able to plan ahead to survive 6 months of winter versus being able to figure out very quickly how not be lunch for an apex predator. Analytical/deferred gratification vs. improvisational/high time preference.
There are many factors and variables to intelligence, but IQ tests are actually quite good as measuring the capacity for kind of abilities they seek to measure. Their results strongly correlate with success in mastering skills that require those capabilities.
PilotX said...
Ah yes, KUJICHAGULIA!, the day we tie women up and torture them with soldering irons and vices:
Happy Kwanzaa!
So it is not possible for a darker skinned female to give birth to a baby in swaddling clothes that has little or no melanin and is essentially white? Not possible at all? Not possible to have a recessive gene?
Caucasians are not albinos. I honestly don't know how to dumb this down to the level it doesn't sound like I'm being condescending. I really don't.
It also seems as if you're framing it quite oddly. Darker-skinned parents give birth to light-skinned kids all the time in the black community. Look at Sinbad, for fuck's sake. Though melanin distribution--or, more accurately, activation--isn't much of anything to do with dominant/recessive genes. Melanocytes are produced by melanogenesis, but the many genes responsible for its production and activation typically vary. E.g. the same black parents can have a dark-skinned offspring and a light-skinned offspring, even if twins, because amino acids aren't on the branch to be shaken by a dominant-recessive dichotomy.
A recessive gene, opposite a dominant, is an equilibrium of sorts between the alleles of any gene, the variant form of a gene; e.g. X = D = X.1 = R. A more colloquial way to understand it--which is intentionally misused by melanin theorists--is that "lighter" genes tend to be, but not always are, recessive. For instance, a blonde parent (let's say YB), with a dark-haired parent (let's say YD), can birth a child with blonde hair when that recessive gene is activated. However, YD must also have this recessive gene in his/her genome in order for it to be activated. It's a paring.
Therefore it is impossible for any "black" parents, anywhere, at any time in history, to birth a "white" baby (remember: Albinos aren't Caucasian, FFS), unless both parents have said gene; e.g. Obama and Rashida Jones could theoretically birth a baby whose appearance, not genetics, are mostly "white." Wesley Snipes and Naomi Campbell (probably, because I don't know their DNA, only that they don't look mixed) couldn't.
For a black person--true African, not colloquially "black" like fucking Drake!--to have a recessive gene for "white," that means they have Europid Caucasoid in their genome. If both parents have this allelomorph, those genes (PS: It's never just any ONE gene, FFS) can theoretically be activated. But the baby wouldn't be "white" per se. Whatever genes may be activated for appearance, the genome is still a mix of the parents' DNA, and that would still be Negroid. Giving birth to an X-Men mutant is science fiction bordering on fantasy; natural selection doesn't work that way.
In short, you need two copies of the allelomorph, one from each parent, for a recessive gene to activate rather than a dominant gene.
So if what you're really asking is, "So it is not possible for a Negroid person to give birth a Caucasian baby?" the answer is a resounding: That's correct. It is not possible. Caucasoids and Negroids aren't separated by only skin tone. Just like two hares don't birth a rabbit.
In fact--and this might blow y'alls minds!--in biological racial classification, skin color IS NOT EVEN CONSIDERED when classifying race. Why isn't it? Because, technically, Middle Easterners are Aboriginals are basically Caucasian, while Aboriginals have skin colors indiscernible from African blacks. So the amount of melanin in someone's skin is not--I repeat, IS NOT--used at all to determine race.
I can't be the only one who has been noticing the propensity of black males with white women in today's commercials.
See one with a white male with a black woman?
Why would you suppose that is?
You won't/can't answer truthfully.
So....rant, as usual. Go terrorize a mall.
"Why would you suppose that is?"
Because every major advertising agency is owned by Jews.
@ Bozo, you know I NEVER click on links from this site, right?
Too many roaches running around here, and DH HATES roaches!
America's biggest problem is still "the negro". As a percentage of the population: highest crime rate, highest incarceration rate, highest welfare rate, highest unwed mother rate, and lowest high school graduation rate, lowest SAT scores.
When the stats change and affirmative action is not demanded by blacks, blacks will be accepted as equals.
You have your sources....so do I:
Prove the lies you perceive.
No one who demands Affirative Action can be considered an equal. Case in point: Yisheng.
This man was kicked out of an art gallery for speaking Arabic:
At Christmas no less. Welcome to Trump's America.
More, lest you doubt it
"I can't be the only one who has been noticing the propensity of black males with white women in today's commercials.
See one with a white male with a black woman?"
Yes, there are actually lots of ads featuring white male / black female couples. I believe this is called "confirmation bias" -- you only note and remember the ads that piss you off. You might want to spend some time reflecting on WHY you are so threatened by the black dudes with white women.
Oofah...all this sophistry. Question: Don't some of you folks get sick on the stomach after being apologists for politically correct colloquialisms for so damn long?
Yes, technically speaking, homo sapiens share in common African ancestry, some thousands upon thousands of years ago. But this is like the sort of technicality that Field might try to pull in court; a cute way to fuck a fact in the butt because you're intentionally blurring linear time to suit some PC purpose.
By the same level of accuracy the shirt can read "WE ARE ALL AFRICANS," it can also read, "WE ARE ALL PRIMATES." Hey, but why stop there? "WE ARE ALL MAMMALS!" Hey, but why stop there? "WE ARE ALL SEA LIFE!" Hey, but why stop there? "WE ARE ALL SELF-REPLICATING CELLS!" Hey, but why stop there? Tell 'em, Moby: "WE ARE ALL MADE OF STARS!"
Yes, all of life originated from the same place. The only reason people wanna blur linear time to stop at "AFRICA" so badly is so they can preach a sophist PC message, which has implications of telling white people, and ONLY white people, "Stop being racists to blacks. You're from Africa!"
As illustrated above, African DNA has basically been bred entirely out of non-Africans. At which point in life do we focus on the real and stop living our lives by cutsie PC aphorisms?
Doesn't this shit make anyone else gag in its cuckolding sensitivity?
No. It doesn't.
I'm 1/2 Italian, 1/2 German.
Don't need anything to prove it. Besides the genealogy research my grand mother had done 20 years ago.
"Ah yes, KUJICHAGULIA!, the day we tie women up and torture them with soldering irons and vices"
Sounds like fun, I'll see if the wife is down. Starting to like Kwanzaa even more.
" The Ministry of Truth said...
"I can't be the only one who has been noticing the propensity of black males with white women in today's commercials.
See one with a white male with a black woman?"
Yes, there are actually lots of ads featuring white male / black female couples. I believe this is called "confirmation bias" -- you only note and remember the ads that piss you off. You might want to spend some time reflecting on WHY you are so threatened by the black dudes with white women.
10:10 PM
No, I can't name one, they are too many. Can you name one?
And, I'm not threatened by whores or sluts.
Since we are discussing theories of evolutionary development, I have a somewhat politically incorrect question:
It's been noted through decades of meticulous scientific observation that the Caucazoid species displays a remarkably pointed nose and impossibly flat buttocks.
Is this possibly the result of an evolutionary adaption by primordial Caucazoids?
Perhaps, a physiological effect resulting from the noted Caucazoid propensity for tightening the sphincter and turning up one's nose?
"a remarkably pointed nose and impossibly flat buttocks"
And the strongest backs from having to carry billions from the third world on their shoulders, since third-world races' greatest achievements include things like:
No, I can't name one, they are too many. Can you name one?
And, I'm not threatened by whores or sluts."
If you are only capable of describing white women involved with black men as "whores and sluts," I'd say you're definitely threatened.
America's greatest problem is denial. The neuropeon created the "Negro" and wants to deny this as a fact. There were no Negroes before America. Neuropeons want to be smart when it comes to everything else. Why do they dumb down when it comes to taking responsibility for the mess they created?
"Give that ALL whites are mutants of the original African, ALL academic achievement is BLACK achievement!!"
Given that ALL academic achievement is from the White(r) variations of the African, what does the Black have left to claim that isn't also rightfully due to the chimpanzee? Nothing.
"my take away is that people have been aware of the negro problem for quite some time, yet have not taken any steps to remedy it."
Oh, they've "taken steps"... but those steps were reversed by "progressives" who sought "the brotherhood of man". Which does not exist beyond the Europeans from inside the Hajnal line.
"Give Trump and his henchmen a few years and maybe we'll have a new crop of Shufeldts openly advocating in major publications for sending black people "back" to Africa."
You call yourselves African-Americans, and you deny your connection? After a great many moved themselves to Liberia, and set up plantations of their own where they kept African-African slaves to work them? SRSLY?
That connection is beyond denial. Get yo azz ovah deyah RAHT NAO. Your alternative is to become dog food, fish feed or compost, literally. When the Saxon begins to hate, it will be much too late for you to decide your future; it will have been decided for you.
"This is a worst-case scenario, of course"
The worst-case scenario is somewhere beyond all of you being burned at the stake because White Americans demand an end to Black predation and are making it EMPHATIC. But do please get to a distance beyond any such possibility so it no longer concerns you.
"I favor making the Nazis leave. Antarctica sounds like an appropriate destination."
The Nazis (figured by attitudes towards Africooons, to which they came decidedly late) have right of majority from Vladisvostok to Krakow to London around to Portland Oregon, a state which was founded with a ban on Africans in its constitution. Our race has majority throughout that entire band, so plan your own departure. Antarctica is not friendly to you, so I suggest Ghana if none of the other lands appeal.
"Though you don't even understand its implications. YOU'RE MAKING AN OWN GOAL!!"
Josh, they're too dumb to appreciate that. They can only understand things in clan/tribal terms. Whatever makes The Saxon begin to Hate is beyond their ken... even if it determines that they will be exterminated in the next 10 years. That is how oblivious/stupid they are.
"How indecent,obscene,ignorant to think that all human beings that have survived on earth for the same millions of years, are any less or more intelligent than any others."
How absurd to deny what is observably (with minimal effort) true.
"I know context isn't the strongest suit of your ilk"
It goes down better if you take it as unintentional comedy...
"In their essence, White people are a breed of narcissistic sociopaths with delusions of self-grandeur and a unique talent for deception."
... like that. But there's more sophisticated illogic too:
"If the human is not taught skills there is no way to learn them. if the individual is not allowed to learn to read and write, there will be a lapse in learning from one generation to the next."
Note that lilacpr implies nobody can ever invent anything. Also note that she contradicts the post, which states that e.g. Phyllis Wheatley was a poet despite being as little as 1 generation removed from her illiterate African origins (the import of African slaves was ended in 1808).
Today, after literally generations of attempting to teach Black children to read, America finds that perhaps half of them don't (possibly because they don't want to). Not that Phyllis Wheatley was anything but an outlier anyway.
The Trump-haters display more seething, palpable hatred than any alleged "hate" he or his supporters do. It's delicious to behold.
Many White people are chomping at the bit for Race War, if not outright genocide of the darker races of this planet.
Donald Mein Trumpf and his cult followers are merely the latest spawn in this perverse bloodline of mutant albino ex-Africans. ;-)
Melania Trump is to The Donald as Eva Braun was to the Fuhrer.
Instead of suicide in a bunker, however, their fate may be more along the lines of suicide in a garish penthouse suite in Trump Towers.
White Master Race delusions tend to end that way.
The Left always projects it's dark desires on the Right, and tries to blame them for its own crimes.
George Soros and the Hillary campaign paid thugs to go to Trump rallies to beat Trump supporters, and the media accused Trump of inspiring violence.
Even now, the SPLC classifies the ISIS-inspired Muslim gunman's 6/12/16 murder of 50 people at the Pulse Orlando as "radical right" terror.
Last December 31st, 600+ Muslim migrants assaulted 1,000+ German women in Cologne. So this year police are banning “right wingers”.
I am so thankful for almost two months of hysterical liberal meltdowns.
Thanks President-Elect Trump!
100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering:
"Many White people are chomping at the bit for Race War, if not outright genocide of the darker races of this planet."
No, we just want you out of our nice, straight, beautiful hair. We're quite willing to help you move if you're willing to go, and for all the bitching you do about White this and White that you're totally hypocritical if you aren't in line to get on the boat RIGHT NOW.
@JoshOnce this information is gathered, one can put it through a logical filter; e.g. using the ontological principle known as the identity of indiscernibles. In short, an African region bereft of all artifacts suggesting smelting took place (outside of Egypt), and bereft any sort of advancement in any sort of metal, makes said region wholly indiscernible from a region that had nothing whatever to do with the invention of smelting. Therefore, to insist so is a pointless redundancy which reads identical to religion.
Well other than Tanzania and Sub-Saharan Africa, there clearly was no civilization to speak of in Africa:).
Man, as a white man I'm so disheartened at all the work going into keeping one's 'White Civilization Doomed' delusions active. Seems this blog got clogged by crazies, which seems to be the case now a days--they seem to be emboldened by Trump (even more than their ability to rant anonymously so they're safe in their basements). The Ooga Booga is strong in these crazies.
As to the original posting, it's somewhat heartening that even the NYT couldn't gaslight past the crazy of Dr. Shufeldt. And it clearly inspires me to go search out more of WEB Du Bois and others who got their signal through the noise as it were. But, also the comments here show how far we still have to go.
"No, we just want you out of our nice, straight, beautiful hair. We're quite willing to help you move if you're willing to go, and for all the bitching you do about White this and White that you're totally hypocritical if you aren't in line to get on the boat RIGHT NOW."
An even better idea would be to start mass deportations of Euro-Americans back to Europe where their ancestors came from.
After all, European invaders stole, colonized, and now occupy what was originally Native Indian lands from sea to shining sea--thus making them and their Euro descendants the ultimate ILLEGALS.
Dearest Fuhrer Trump: Start rounding up these Euro-American illegals and deport their morbidly obese asses back to Euroland!
"After all, European invaders stole, colonized, and now occupy what was originally Native Indian lands from sea to shining sea..."
Yep. They surely did. And why did they think it was okay to do so? Because when they got here, they witnessed the Indians doing the same shit. They witnessed the Apache brutally murder lesser tribes and take their land. This shit had been going on in the land for thousands of years. And go figure -- the entire world lived by conquest. It's just the entire world wasn't very good at it.
You retards love blurring linear time but refuse to be accurate about the dial where you choose to stop it. White people didn't invent this fucking game. They just played it better!
Get the fuck over it.
Here's more of that unintentional comedy I keep coming back for.
"An even better idea would be to start mass deportations of Euro-Americans back to Europe where their ancestors came from."
Shorter Anonymous Coward: GIBSMEDAT! (He thinks HE should be allowed to stay, and he's too dumb to realize that removing Whitey would (a) turn everything into Selma, Detroit and Gary, which even Blacks are trying to get OUT of, and (b) leave them at the tender mercies of Hispanics who have no qualms about ethnic cleansing and genocide. In short, he's arguing for Black racial suicide just to spite Whitey. Whitey is just about ready to oblige him on the suicide part, hold the spite. I've done the calculations, the bulk of the job could be done in a month.)
"After all, European invaders stole, colonized, and now occupy what was originally Native Indian lands from sea to shining sea--thus making them and their Euro descendants the ultimate ILLEGALS."
Europeans were the first Americans (Solutreans). It was the Siberians who stole, genocided and occupied what were originally European lands from Hudson Bay to Tierra del Fuego until Europeans took most of them back after 1492.
Africoons didn't even figure in this except as dumb labor mostly outside the military.
So please, keep talking about White genocide in public; it's essential that more White people wake up to the fact that co-existence with you is impossible. Once a critical mass of Whitey is red-pilled, we can discard the failed measures and solve the Negro Problem once and for all.
"also the comments here show how far we still have to go."
So many people offer this platitude, a failed aphorism that's not even good enough to make it on a coffee mug. But nobody ever seems to illustrate properly--or even partially--the destination they have in mind.
"how far we still have to go"...to where, exactly? Where are we supposed to be heading? There is no destiny. There is no plane of higher enlightenment.
Hare Rama Krishna.
John Lennon's life philosophy only works if you already have 50m in the bank and can screw an ugly Asian girl while eating fruit 29 days a month.
"You retards love blurring linear time but refuse to be accurate about the dial where you choose to stop it. White people didn't invent this fucking game. They just played it better!
Get the fuck over it."
This is White "Morality" in all its twisted glory.
White crimes against humanity are justified ... because other groups are also guilty of crimes.
Pathetic self-rationalizing cucks.
Keep on telling yourselves these rationalizations. They're probably the only thing saving you from going even more insane with your depravity.
BTW, don't whine and complain about how Mexicans are "taking over" the US Southwest or California with their Reconquista.
By your own logic, this is totally understandable, as the Mexicans are only "playing a game" that Whites have been playing themselves. Hell, the Mexicans are only taking back land that was originally part of Mexico, before the White invaders stole it with the 1848 US-Mexican War.
Read this article below and get the fuck over it!
Texas Demographer: ‘It’s Basically Over for Anglos’
"Looking at population projections for Texas, demographer Steve Murdock concludes: “It’s basically over for Anglos.”
Two of every three Texas children are now non-Anglo and the trend line will become even more pronounced in the future, said Murdock, former U.S. Census Bureau director and now director of the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University.
Today’s Texas population can be divided into two groups, he said. One is an old and aging Anglo and the other is young and minority. Between 2000 and 2040, the state’s public school enrollment will see a 15 percent decline in Anglo children while Hispanic children will make up a 213 percent increase, he said."
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