"Today during a press conference, President Barack Obama responded to a reporter who asked if he is uneasy about President-elect Donald Trump‘s close ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin. Obama responded that
He began by addressing the intelligence report that indicates Russia had a hand in influencing the election, then moved on to what that meant for politics in America.
This is part of what I meant when I said we gotta think about what’s happening to our political culture here. The Russians can’t change us or significantly weaken us. They’re a smaller country, they’re a weaker country, their economy doesn’t produce anything that anyone wants to buy except oil and gas and arms. They don’t innovate but they can impact us if we lose track of who we are. They can impact us if we abandon our values. Mr Putin can weaken us just like he’s trying to weaken Europe if we start buying into notions that it’s okay to intimidate the press or lock up dissidents or discriminate against people because of their faith or what they look like.”'
Donald doesn't like it when you bad mouth his guy. I mean his on his fourth leg of his victory tour now thanks to comrade Putin. But, sadly, for Donald, everyone except the most tone deaf wingnut now believe that the Russians were all in when it comes to getting trump elected.
Of course, if you are trump, this is the last thing you want to hear, and it is the worst thing that you could do to his huge ---but very fragile--- ego.
Finally, Jamelle Bouie has a article in Slate.com that is causing some folks to cry foul. Something about him comparing Dylann Roof.
Personally, I think there is a lot of truth to what he wrote. But hey, what do I know? I am just your friendly neighborhood blogger.
Obama's politicized intelligence shills have lost so much credibility no one believes them anymore when their boss tells them to lie.
The Democrats lost the election because they have mismanaged the country and because they have been shown to be utterly corrupt. If they can't learn from their failures and continue to try to blame Putin for their shortcomings, they are going to keep on losing.
Russian "hacking" is Fake News:
Our vaunted, “objective” press is now asserting far and wide as incontrovertible truth that “Russia” did in fact “hack the election,” by which it is meant that Russian government actors deliberately accessed the email system of the Democratic National Committee, and successfully tricked John Podesta into clicking a “phishing” link in an email. These in tandem are supposed to mean that the election was “hacked.” Then, something something something WikiLeaks. Putin bad. Trust us. Believe the government. The government loves you.
The way that the media (both “objective” and avowedly liberal) has worked itself into a frenzy over this Russia mania is truly disturbing, and it’s an example of the kind of crazed self-fulfilling groupthink that has got us mired in so many catastrophes in the past.
"They're a small country, they're a weak country, they don't produce anything that anybody wants to buy."
Tell me again why we must rely on them to get our astronauts to and from the space station?
Did Alex Jones just do a press conference or something?
-Doug in Oakland
"Tell me again why we must rely on them to get our astronauts to and from the space station?"
Sure thing. Republicans wouldn't fund our own program.
-Doug in Oakland
So Mexico, with something like 20 million of its citizens in the USA legally or otherwise, is explicitly playing US elections (and a whole lot else)...
... and Russia got into bed with Hillary early on, by throwing a large sum of cash into the Clinton Foundation in return for approval of its purchase of a large fraction of US uranium reserves...
... and you fucks think Putin threw the election to Trump? WTF?
Seriously, there is NO WAY to underestimate the depth of your dumbth. Any sort of detailed abstraction has you running off into reality-free paranoid fantasies.
"The Russians can’t change us or significantly weaken us. They’re a smaller country, they’re a weaker country, their economy doesn’t produce anything that anyone wants to buy except oil and gas and arms."
You REALLY ought to worry about the Mexicans, Salvadorans, etc. They DO produce shock troops who get rid of you Africans-in-America, cleaning out places like Compton and Harlem. But you hate Whitey so much you can't even see this.
Meh. You'll get what you deserve.
"Finally, Jamelle Bouie has a article in Slate.com that is causing some folks to cry foul. Something about him comparing Dylann Roof and
Personally, I think there is a lot of truth to what he wrote."
It would help if you paid attention to what YOU wrote, like completing your sentences.
"They’re a smaller country, they’re a weaker country, their economy doesn’t produce anything that anyone wants to buy except oil and gas and arms."
Haha, sick burn on Russia by Obama. Putin is probably fuming about this press conference right about now.
However, Vlad can console himself that his orange-tinted fanboy will soon be replacing Obama, and then the two of them can go off and do shirtless, manly things together. -- like torturing hostile journalists for fun!
"Sure thing. Republicans wouldn't fund our own program."
As it happens, "our own program" was the one bolluxed up by Sen. William Proxmire, (D)-WI. He, who never saw a dairy subsidy he didn't like, was head of the Senate committee which allocated funds for domestic agencies including NASA and Agriculture. Guess which one came out better when the Space Scuttle [sic] was being designed?
All of the Shuttle's design flaws were quite predictable, but could not be overcome because budgets weren't sufficient. Columbia's demise came from the use of aluminum structure with thermal tiles, which was inferior to the titanium used on the SR-71 Blackbird but the budget wasn't there to build the whole airframe from titanium. The segmented boosters which caused Challenger's blowup were due to another Senator, Jacob Garn of Utah, steering contracts to Morton-Thiokol in his district which required shipping the things in pieces by rail instead of building them in one piece on the Gulf coast and transporting by barge to Canaveral (or using liquid-fuel engines).
As it turns out, trying to spread all the pork thinly enough to get the votes to approve it makes things very expensive. Space-X has a much cheaper booster and re-usable capsule which is already shipping supplies to the ISS, and doesn't have the political demands of a NASA program. Shipping people is just a matter of man-rating the stack. This won't be very long now.
For a laugh, contrast the Zambian space program.
You are an American, right?
James is the typical white American. He just doesn't have a life so he gets to share his racist ideology even with those who don't want to be bothered with the obvious
don't think integrity was the right word. Maybe "cheating and lying" would be better.
Obama said, "I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections ... we need to take action,"
Maybe it was a surprise that the Supreme Court appointed Bush strictly along party lines. And maybe we didn't expect the Department of Justice to be so politicized that they would block charges against Hillary. And maybe we weren't sure that the Fed would wait until after the election to raise interest rates. But how can anybody expect the CIA not to be politicized and tell lies? That's what they've always done. Trump can go ahead and skip the intelligence briefings from the founder of ISIS' CIA. Maybe the hysteria will die down now that Syria and Russia seem to be driving Obama and Hillary's ISIS "moderate rebels" out of Syria. https://consortiumnews.com/2016/12/13/hypocrisy-behind-the-russian-election-frenzy/
Anyone catch Trump's "shout-out" to black people for not voting? That was a nice piece of trolling. I wonder, does Trump ever think to himself, "I've been a dickhead enough times this week. Maybe I should take a break?"
Trump Thanks Black Voters For... Not Voting
Aleppo has been freed. The writing was on the wall for the terrorists. The U.S. could soon be fighting them instead of helping them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzJfefPMbn8
Obama killed the shuttle program:
Orlando Sentinel, January 27, 2010
NASA’s plans to return astronauts to the moon are dead. So are the rockets being designed to take them there — that is, if President Barack Obama gets his way...the White House will direct NASA to concentrate on Earth-science projects — principally, researching and monitoring climate change
The man he appointed to head NASA, Charles Bolden, had this to say in his first interview in 2009:
"When I became the NASA Administrator - before I became the NASA Administrator - he charged me with three things: One was that he wanted me to re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, that he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering."
NASA's mission under Obama has not been to further space exploration or human knowledge, but as with everthing else, merely another vehicle for ideologically driven rot.
That's why we have to use the Russians to get a ride to our space station.
Ah,Obama should have gone over and slapped Ras-Putin on the way to Hawaii !
Some serious mismanaged country-
16 million private sector jobs
80 straight months of growth
Stock market doubled
unemployment cut in half
public sector jobs down (government jobs. Dems know how to shrink big gubmint)
20 million more AMERICAN CITIZENS with healthcare
most of the troops out of dumbass dubya's quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan
more gun rights (despite all the lies coming from wingnuts and the nra)
more AMERICAN CITIZENS enjoying equal rights while wingnuts are screaming they want special rights
The list could go on and on. When you realize that Obama had to drag the country, the economy and nearly every wingnut pol along with him into the 21st century, Obama is a genius and best Potus in my life-going back to Ikenhowser.
Speaking of Trump's excellent black outreach, in addition to meeting with Kanye recently, he was also visited at Trump Tower by Allen West, war criminal and advocate of "exterminating" Muslims
I have to hand it to Donald: When it comes to "his blacks," he's sure picked some truly classy, high-quality people. (/sarcasm)
Some serious mismanaged country-
16 million private sector jobs, all to immigrants
80 straight months of anemic growth
National debt doubled
95 million workers out of the labor market
some public sector jobs down after a huge increase (Dems know how to gut the military)
ZERO more AMERICAN CITIZENS with healthcare; millions of ILLEGALS with health insurance
most of the troops out of dumbass dubya's quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan; new quagmires in Syria and Libya
more gun rights (despite Obama's efforts to subvert the 2nd amendment)
more AMERICAN CITIZENS enjoying special rights while progressives are screaming for ever more punitive policies aimed at the majority
The list could go on and on. When you realize that Obama had to drag the country down despite the biggest energy boom in over a century, Obama is a moron and worst Potus in my life-going back to Ikenhowser
MOT, there will be no black love for trumpy.
Still, trolls are ripping me for leaving a word hanging, but nothing about their leader and his "unpresidented" tweet this morning. (Yes, he really tweeted that.)
Go figure.😏
Bouie's post is great! Not a polemic, he just puts Donald's and Dylann's quotes side by side. What could be more factual? "Let the reader decide."
Idiot in Iowa, did u think about what u wrrote before u wrote it?
Or are u just practicing how to write on your computer?
Who is idiot in iowa? Who is comatose in iowa?
Wingnuts-like Drumpf's pick for OMB claims 20 trillion in debt is due to Obama's tax and spend policies, except, as everyone with working brain cells knows, congress controls the purse strings. Congress raises taxes and wingnuts refuse to pay the bills. The debt won't shrink because wingnuts won't accept responsibility for their screw-ups. Trickle down economics don't work. Raygun proved that. dumbass dubya tripled down on trickle down and blew the budget way up. It is historical fact, wingnuts raise debt and deficits and Dems are more fiscally responsible.
Oh,man. Wingnuts delusions are delusional. Methinks you need to go watch more O'Keefe edited videos since dead Breitbart died.
Mike, we know the difference.
This is hard to wrap my head around. Trump admits his followers are vicious and violent -- basically, they're scum -- but clearly thinks there's nothing wrong with that, as long as it means he gets to run the federal government (incompetently)
What kind of a country are we becoming, where these things can be said openly?
Blogger random said...
James is the typical white American. He just doesn't have a life so he gets to share his racist ideology even with those who don't want to be bothered with the obvious.
Jimmy Boy is the typical white american that is barely middle class so he despises minorities who are more educated and have higher incomes than he has.
You are correct that he doesn't have much of a life which is why he has time to post here all day under various user names.
Donald Trump is all about himself and his money. His only interest is in advancing his own financial agenda. He wouldn't care if that comes from Russia or anywhere else for that matter. It's a shame how naive Americans (both white and black) are being used to advance his financial gain (which is exactly what he blamed Hillary of doing). The sad fact is that now he is using our democracy and government of the United States as his vessel.
Be careful folks…America is fast becoming ruled by a monarchy. He has now set the tone for every other president after him to behave in the same manner. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.
It was pretty disappointing to hear that former Gov/Senator Bob Graham isn't happy with how POTUS has handled intelligence info. And it's pretty telling if you ask me.
"You are an American, right?"
Through and through.
"James is the typical white American."
The typical White American is gaslighted, cucked and intimidated into silence or brainwashed virtue-signalling on anything related to race. When the typical White American is red-pilled... hoo boy, will it EVER be a show.
"Obama killed the shuttle program"
I hate to break this to you, but the Shuttle was a white elephant living on borrowed time from the beginning. When it came in at multiples of the cost of expendable rockets like the Delta, the satellite launch market never came to it. At that point its only remaining uses were manned missions and carrying up new modules for the ISS. The Russians do the small-scale manned stuff cheaper. Once the ISS launches were done, the Shuttle's work was finished and it was retired.
The Soviets built their own Shuttle-clone called Buran. They flew it once, as a test. They realized that it was hopelessly uneconomic so they skipped the showy part and retired it.
"Jimmy Boy is the typical white american that is barely middle class so he despises minorities who are more educated and have higher incomes than he has."
I made 6-figure incomes for quite a few years, which why I can afford to be semi-retired now.
"You are correct that he doesn't have much of a life which is why he has time to post here all day under various user names."
"Various user names"? You see me even when I'm not there. I am living rent-free in your mind. Oh, and so much for your so-called "brainpower" if you're mistaking garden-variety trolls for me.
Comatose in iowa- if wingnuts weren't behind the Syria and Libya excursions, they could just pull the funding. See how eay it is to refute your no-evidence? Libya is still in play because there could be future chances for treasonous nut jobs to re-investigate the 8 failed investigations into how HRC murdered all them four 'muricans in Benghazi by her self.
As for Syria, since wingnuts have thrown their lot in with Putin, who backs Assad's government killers (chemical weapons) Wingnuts have bought into a conflict in direct opposition to the Commander in Chief-the guy in charge of military operations. Treason,treason and more treason. What one expects from treasonous wingnuts.
But I'm just saying, what was all that outrage about Hillary Clinton calling Trump supporters "deplorables"?
She thinks they are despicable lowlives. And Trump agrees! Everybody's on the same page. Why the uproar then?
Where's the hope in America?
Look like Pukin is a midget, LOL!!
Hope lies with the Democrats in that hopefully Drumpf will be removed from office and Dems can block Pence until they get a chance to make severe gains in the 2018 elections.
Then I wake up and realize taking retirement and healthcare benefits from the ones that fell for Drumpf's lies won't be enough to put the party of fiscal responsibility back in charge of congress.
Politifacts disagrees with you entirely on your assertion there was pay to play between HRC and the Russkies.
Geez, it seems like the deals went through while HRC was running for Potus in 2008- not as SOS. There is no knowing if the donors to Clinton Foundation were even involved with the uranium deal.
"Look like Pukin is a midget, LOL!!"
"Pukin" is 5'7". So he's slightly on the short side. Don't comment on his height, though, unless you want to have a very unpleasant "conversation" with some goons from the FSB.
Then again, Obama is kinda tall, so he makes everyone except pro basketball players look dwarfish.
Oh yeah, well that bastard Ted Kennedy enlisted Russia's aid to defeat Ronnie Raygun in 1983 based on a single letter found in KGB files. Only one right wing author claims he has verified the letter, but no one paid attention to him or his book on Saint Ronnie.
I hate when that happens.
"Where's the hope in America?"
It's where there's no longer a pair of apes occupying the White House and the Oval Office desk has a man behind it who cares about Americans.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"Pukin" is 5'7". So he's slightly on the short side.
I'm almost 5'8", so yeah he's a midget.
Deplorable-here is the only ape ever allowed into the White House. Name of Bonzo, a service chimp selected to guide your Saint Ronnie Raisin from the jelly beans to the outhouse. Set to music for your listening enjoyment. Cheers. https://www.google.com/search?q=land+of+confusion&rlz=1C1VASM_enUS527US562&oq=land+of+confusion&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.7747j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
If you don't need to come back here to satisfy some pathetic psychotic pathology don't. But each time you do you only prove that your less than zero and would need help to become a petty annoyance
Until then you represent the racist dumb ass white bitch
"Deplorable-here is the only ape ever allowed into the White House. Name of Bonzo"
I tried to get a 16mm copy of "Bedtime for Bonzo" to screen in 1981. They were all completely booked.
Ronald Reagan never shared a stage with a chimp named Bonzo. The chimp in question wasn't named Bonzo, but Peggy, and she died in a zoo fire 2 weeks after the film was released in 1951 30 years before Reagan entered the White House.
Feel stupid? If not, reality hasn't caught up to you yet.
"If you don't need to come back here to satisfy some pathetic psychotic pathology don't."
I come back here because you pavement apes and apologists amuse me no end.
Random, Jimmy Boy comes here because the Cialis/Viagra doesn't work anymore, so his orgasms can only come from insulting others.
What a stupid bitch you are 150iq my ass . Fuck you bitch.
Ronald Reagan never shared a stage with a chimp named Bonzo. The chimp in question wasn't named Bonzo, but Peggy, and she died in a zoo fire 2 weeks after the film was released in 1951 30 years before Reagan entered the White House.
And you neglected to accuse HRC of starting the fire? What a masochist you be. Feel stoopid? You provide the hillarity.
The only reason the chimp's name was changed was so Raygun would not be accused of homosexual bestiality, so I heard on the internets.
The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve
Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.
The timing of most of the donations does not match
Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.
Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place, according to The New York Times — Ian Telfer, the company’s chairman:
His donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009, the year his company appealed to the American Embassy to help it keep its mines in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control; as well as $600,000 in 2011 and $500,000 in 2012. Mr. Telfer said that his donations had nothing to do with his business dealings, and that he had never discussed Uranium One with Mr. or Mrs. Clinton. He said he had given the money because he wanted to support Mr. Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Mr. Clinton. “Frank and I have been friends and business partners for almost 20 years,” he said.
From Snopes
You can see the contained anger in Putins face in that picture,and the contempt in Obamas. No love lost there.
Drumpf basically kissed China's ass and gave them our undersea drone by way of apologizing for Obama's crude attempt to intimidate Red China. Sad Traitor.
"And you neglected to accuse HRC of starting the fire?"
Hillary Clinton was born October 1947. She was all of 3 and a half years old when the film was released.
"Feel stoopid?"
How stupid do you have to be to come up with such nonsense? I don't personally know anyone that stupid. You do, though. Look in the mirror and report back.
Stoopid is answering. That means you are the stoopid one. HRC has been accused of every freaking crime in the book by you right wing nut jobs, why not arson?
Stoopid is tossing out easily disprovable lies such as HRC sold uranium for contributions. But then. lying and the politics of personal destruction are just games for your side. Sure was fun. Now it is payback time, Stoopid!
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