""The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter. Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton's chances."[Source]
And the Russiansno doubt got their man. Not that wingnuts care. They have a new found fondness for all things Russian. (Reagan must be turning in his grave.)
It all started when they were looking for a hero to stand up tho that evil Obama fellow, and they found him in Putin. I bet they all have that picture of him riding on a horse without his shirt on somewhere in their homes.(Somebody get that man a bra.)
They couldn't get Vlad, so they elected the next best thing: trump. Now, like Putin did with Mother Russia, he will try to make America in his own image, (Watch how he uses his power to go after private citizens in very Putin like fashion.) I am sure that we all are hoping that he doesn't destroy the country first.
Finally, some of you Negroes need a reality check.
This story in Alabama where the two young ladies were profiled in Victoria (has a ) Secret is both sad and funny at the same time.
It's obviously sad because of what happened to them.
"Victoria’s Secret has apologized to a woman who was asked to leave the store.
A woman shopping at a Victoria’s Secret in the Quintard Mall in Oxford, Ala., says she was shocked and dismayed to be asked to leave the store. Traveling nurse Kimberly Houzah says she and a second black shopper were made to leave after a store manager caught another black woman shoplifting.
In a live video of more than 11 minutes, posted on Facebook, Houzah tells the story of her interaction with store manager Faith, who can be seen in the video talking to the other black woman that Houzah claimed had also been asked to leave. “Completely furious, I could cry,” Houzah said before explaining the situation. “There was another black female in here who got caught stealing … so [Faith] asks me and another black female to leave because, she can’t tell us why, but we’re kicked out [of] the store.”
Houzah says that no one asked to check her bag, said that once the other woman was caught stealing, she and the second black woman were promptly asked to leave. “She caught the other black girl stealing, and she was like ‘You need to get out of here.’” Houzah said the woman who identified herself as “Faith” asked if she and the other innocent shopper were with the thief, and they said they weren’t. “I would have felt more comfortable if [she had] said, ‘Ma’am, can I check your bag?’” [Source]
OK, I think we can all agree that this was a messed up situation. Some folks just believe that now that we are about to start the age of trump they can just do whatever they want when it comes to black folks like they did 45 years ago.
CIA issues "secret" report whose conclusions are leaked to "a newspaper" that the Russians released emails to influence the election.
Right. And the CIA never lies to the American people.
The bigger point is, even if this is true, wouldn't the Russians have done the American people a huge favor by providing them with information that was important regarding their decsion as to who to vote for?
The damning information in those emails was true. Hillary cheated her way to a primary win. She had debate questions provided to her in advance by the moderators. She sold government access to the highest bidders. She lied about what her true positions were. If Putin really did have a hand in releasing the truth, the American people owe him a debt of gratitude.
"I swear some of you Negroes need to wake up. Ms Houzah, why did you think that this could not happen to you?"
Like when your race gets a well-deserved reputation for stealing, and the only other Black woman in the store is caught red-handed with stolen merch, why do you think you will not pay a price for that? Why don't you do something worthwhile, like cleaning up your culture so Your People don't deserve that reputation any more?
Oh, wait, that would mean accepting agency and taking responsibility. I forgot that only White people are allowed to do that.
"None of you are immune from racism. Remember that."
Racism is the crime of Noticing that with googles comes TNB.
Why don't you do something worthwhile, like cleaning up your culture so Your People don't deserve that reputation any more? ------------------ Hmmmmmmm, so what should I do personally to clean up "my" culture? Get a job? Check. Get a college degree? Check. Pay taxes? Check. What the fuck else should I do? Oh that's right, people like James will apply negativity to a negro no matter what he or she does because he thinks it's ok to shoot one of us in the back for registering people to vote because that's a "war" on white people. Sorry but we don't need advice from a racist, ignorant fool like you James thankyouverymuch. Now go back to rubbing cat ass, licking your mom's rotten crotch, burning crosses or whatever it is weird retarded hillbillies do on Friday nights.
"You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated."
The part of the Post story that got my attention was that there was a meeting in September in a secure space to brief congressional leaders on these findings, and Mitch McConnell said that any release of the information by the administration he would specifically label as an act of partisan politics. So congress knew about these findings back in September. Nixon had to resign over a DNC break in that was otherwise basically worthless. Trump's campaign benefited from a DNC break in by a hostile foreign government and it was decided by the Republican establishment that it was too close to an election to say anything about it to the American people. Then McConnell's wife gets a job in Trump's cabinet. They really need to hire some new writers, because this shit is hackneyed as fuck.
Yeah James, take care of your own "culture", maybe you can do something about the meth and baby rape problem your community seems to have. Then again you're to busy chasing kittens and trying to rub their asses bald so your weird ass is no help.
In all likelihood, Russia wouldn't seem like such a world evil if Bush and Obama woulda just left them the fuck alone and stopped driving down their currency and forcing their people into poverty.
If you go around and kick the cage every day, the dog is gonna sit in there and plot on biting your ass when he's released. If you feed the motherfucker, though, you're building some loyalty.
Obama, and especially Clinton, were some of the most antagonistic warmongers of our times. They did nothing with Russia but make an enemy and nearly drove their country to third-world status via sanctions which cut them off. (And Hillary basically single-handedly created ISIS, but that's another topic...)
Remember, racism is the crime of Noticing that with googles comes TNB.
"Hmmmmmmm, so what should I do personally to clean up "my" culture?"
Appear at trials, at press conferences and in front of the churches of the "Revruns" who defend such behavior and condemn it, the people who commit it and the apologists for them. Write your newspapers and legislators demanding stiffer sentences and swifter punishment. Push authority down to teachers in classrooms to enforce good behavior and punish infractions. Push back against anyone and everyone who claims this is "racist".
That would make a good start. It would also get your "blackness" officially revoked, but you'd rather not be associated with such people anyway, right?
"Now go back to ... whatever it is weird retarded hillbillies do on Friday nights."
I dug myself out through a foot of fallen snow to find everything was closed for miles around, so I figured trolling you was the most fun I was going to get this evening. I wasn't wrong.
"maybe you can do something about the meth and baby rape problem your community seems to have."
Whenever we find it going on, we throw people in prison for considerable terms. To quote you above, "what should I do personally?"
Funny, but despite not using jury nullification to get the guilty off, one thing we DON'T have is a movement which declares that there are too many White men in prison.
Are you implying Putin and Trump are gay? Because I think not!!! and those aren't breasts okay, they're muscles. He's muscle bound! (although I admit they are kind of floppy for muscles though...)
Isn't the image for this post from Brokeback Mountains, lol? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yisheng!!!!! I beg your pardon!!!! That is not Brokeback Mountain and they are not...although they are riding kinda funny right?...you and Field! Planting the seeds of dissent!!! x( Santa's watching you!!!
All of a sudden the Democrats are interested in protecting the integrity of the voting process, when for the last 56 years they have been extremely aggressive in their attempts to destroy that integrity.
I guess it's okay that half the dead in Chicago and Detroit and Cleveland and Philadelphia and every other blue city have voted for the last two generations, but when they can't quite manage to flip the election to the chosen one...the drunken sociopath with neurological issues...THEN they take it seriously.
"Obama's directive to his intelligence agencies to conduct a full review and report to him before he leaves office on Jan. 20 could serve to fuel more questions about the integrity of the election - at a time when President-elect Donald Trump's advisers and allies are battling with Clinton stalwarts still bitter over the race."
Except....it's not really "election hacking." Why is the federal government investigating a political party's issues? Why is it the government's problem that the Democrats have crappy network security?
It must be a yuuuge relief that the election is over so now Donnie and Vlad don't have to hide their forbidden love anymore. They can buy a holiday home in South Beach together, and spend long weekends giving each other oily rub-downs, and sharing their hopes and dreams and plans for which meddling journalists they want to have assassinated.
Donnie and Vlad are the perfect couple, but were always tragically kept apart by distance. They've got so much in common.
Turn-ons: Long walks on the beach, abusing the machinery of government for personal enrichment, telling everyone how manly and great they are
This is nothing but the old reliable republican playbook, appoint someone hostile to the department with the intention of harming or outright destroying it. Reagan started it, W continued it and now Trump is taking it to a new level.
This happened during the W administration. One of my professors who is a recognized climatologist told me about the government collection of information back in '04. We all know what time it is.
Trump is also lokking like he will shutter NASA's earth science arm. Many organizations from the NWS to colleges doing research depend on NASA's atmospheric information. These people are dangerous allowing ideology to trump science. Sad times.
People who voted for Trump: 62.9 million People who voted against Trump: 73.7 million
And that margin is still growing, not narrowing, as votes are counted. Upon entering the White House, Donald Trump will be more hated than any president to take office in a very long time.
Check out Camus's "The Stranger" and the "Salamano and-his-dog" arc. This arc within the story epitomizes how mutant humanoid "Whites" attempt to treat Blacks, but then will lament when Blacks finally wise up and leave this land that's shackled to the name America.
Others hypothesize that their rage and anger is borne from a deeply latent separation-anxiety, alienation and intense ENVY (research the origins of corsets and bustles in Sander Gilman's "Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness) deriving from them mutating from their African forebearers while trapped within that 40k to 100k Wurm Ice Age. Whites have been so deeply, profoundly ashamed of their physiques and complexions, particularly their women, that the "Hottentot Venus" (Sarah Bartmann) so captivated them that they began cinching their waists with corsets and wearing bustles to create the ILLUSION of having a curvaceous butt (steatopygia).
Most interestingly, it appears that Asians GENERALLY appear to sufficiently love themselves so they appear to be above that collective caucasian body dysmorphic disorder/madness.
Additionally (and admittedly tangentially), most interestingly, as well, after the Japanese defeated the Russians in '04-'05, the Japanese appear to be even more independent thinking. My 91 year old mother recalls being approached by members of Pacific Movement of the Eastern World who encouraged the unity of the melanated populations of the world, led by the Empire of Japan. Note: "The Pacific Movement of the Eastern World was founded in Chicago around 1932 by Satokata Takahashiin.[1] Takahashiin reportedly recruited Ashima Takis and his Chinese companion, Moy Liang, into the leadership of the organization. The organization preached worldwide unity of colored races under the leadership of Japan.[1] When its president Ashima Takis moved to St. Louis in 1933, membership took off." Of course, the U.S. sandbagged Ashima Takis, like Marcus Garvey, with embezzlement, but I digress...
(Cont) I argue that their rage is also borne from the fact that as some point in time, they figured out that SO extreme was their mutation that they were, in fact, dying out (due to their reproductive dysfunction that is part and parcel with all of nature's EXTREME mutations have problems reproducing) because they were a LETHAL MUTATION. In 1916, a virulent racist named Madison Grant wrote, "The Passing of a Great Race" and shortly thereafter, in 1920, directly inspired by the ass-kicking that the Japanese gave the Russians, Lothrop Stoddard wrote the manifesto, "The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy."
In fact, on a previous thread regarding NYT columnist Charles Blow, this @JDeplorable creature tried to include Asians within the caucasian ranks in order to swell their numbers so as to create the illusion that the caucasoid isn't a global minority.
Regarding this Dylan Roof creature, he appears to be in lockstep with those two aforementioned authors, as his decree that Blacks, "...are taking over" coveys great anxiety about his mutant humanoid collective's reproductive FAILURE in keeping up with humans. Because these creatures project their nature-nurture engendered violent tendencies upon humans, this Roof creature figures that he wanted to spark a race war before "Whites" lost the numerical advantage that they presently hold.
Unfortunately, melanated folk aren't paying a lick of attention as @Field has pointed out by that Brain-dead sista's response, as if she hadn't heard of Oprah Winfrey's experience in a trendy boutique in Switzerland!!!
Lastly, until Black people wake up here and FLEE America in accordance with the "FIGHT or FLIGHT" edict that is an immutable law of nature that governs the PREY-PREDATOR relationship that the racially psychopathic, amoral, apex predatory caucasoid exacts upon the melanated populations of the world , they and other melanated populations will continue to be victimized by this moribund, ephemeral creature...
What's with these SLOW whooteemoos being filled with so much hate?"
Dylann Roof was a Deep State asset. The Charleston church shooting was a false-flag op.
Since Charleston, about a thousand of you googles have killed each other in Shitcongo alone. But that doesn't matter, because it can't be used to guilt-trip Whitey.
What IS it with your defective genome, that you kill each other in such numbers and would have a seriously negative population curve if it wasn't for Europeans and Orientals supporting you?
If all these devils were not obsessed with black people they wouldn't come here multiple times daily. I know albinos are devils their perpetual evil is testament to this fact so I attempt to have as little contact with these subhuman demons. Yet albinos have a perverted nature but when your so out of synch with nature and a psychopath this is how you spend your worthless lives. Stalking people who hate you.
Looks like the secretary of state will be the CEO of Exxon. This made zero sense until it was revealed that he is a chum of Vladimir Putin. Vlad gave him an actual medal. For serious.
I guess if Trump has decided America's new best friend should be the thuggish kleptocrat leader of petroleum-based Russia, then this SOS has the perfect credentials.
Dylann Roof was somebody's patsy. He's a mentally weak kid who was manipulated into becoming a means to someone else's ends. What those ends were I don't claim to know, but they probably were aimed at what's now called the Alt-Right the same way that the OKC bombing was aimed at the militia movement. I don't think it was the banning of the Confederate battle flag, I think that was something they managed to sneak in by persuading him to pose with one for his on-line pics and they got lucky in the aftermath.
Notice that we've learned absolutely zilch about the people Roof associated with in coming to his views. There has been no followup on them. They are Deep State agents who have gone on to develop their next asset.
Meanwhile, mobs of Black "teens" continue to beat and rob random White people for allegedly voting Trump... and the lamestream media e-race the perp descriptions where they pay any attention at all.
Looks like the secretary of state will be the CEO of Exxon. This made zero sense until it was revealed that he is a chum of Vladimir Putin. Vlad gave him an actual medal. For serious.
I guess if Trump has decided America's new best friend should be the thuggish kleptocrat leader of petroleum-based Russia, then this SOS has the perfect credentials.
5:59 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gasp! Thuggish kleptocrat!!! O(O Don't let Putins people see that! 'member what they did to that spy Litvinenko? they used Polonium 210 or something,slipped it into his tea!!!
"Dylann Roof was somebody's patsy. He's a mentally weak kid who was manipulated into believing coming a means to someone else's ends."
True. He was manipulated by spending way too much time on the website of the Conservative Citizens of America, a hate site that did nothing other than catalog black-on-white crime, and pretended that this type of crime constitutes the majority of all crime.
Yup. I could end up on someone's naughty list -- and it might not be Santa's. It could be Vlad's. Or Donald's.
7:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You and Field both! Because, you know...the continuous attacks! I dunno...you guys better watch out I'm telling you why:
You better watch out you better not cry you better not pout (or post bad stuff about us, like that picture on the horse) I'm telling you why The KGB is coming to town
They're making a list And checking it twice Gonna find out Who's naughty (that would be you and Field negro) and nice The KGB is coming to town
They see you when you're sleeping They know when you're awake They know if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness sake! (And stop the criticizing too xD)
O! You better watch out! You better not cry Better not pout I'm telling you why The KGB is coming to town The Russian KGB is coming to toooooown!
*Be scared, be verrry skeeered!*
and don't open any Christmas presents from strangers...
Actually I was thinking about making egg nog today but I got involved with something else, maybe tomorrow I will. Not egg nog per say, what is very popular here is a drink called 'Coquito' made with coconut cream, evaporated milk, condensed milk, and rum. Then its decanted into fancy bottles, chilled thoroughly to either give as gifts or drunk,(drinken, dranken?) xD
I bought a couple of bottles to fill and sterilized them, and I have a bottle of a finer rum.
About 10 months ago I added cloves, cinnamon sticks, star anise, allspice, nutmeg and vanilla beans. It has to age at least 6 months, the more the merrier. So when you open it, it no longer has that hard liquor smell, instead it has a soft perfumed aroma and tastes quite exquisite,or so I've been told, as I don't drink rum myself :)or Coquito for that matter, too heavy for me. I'll take wine or Corona and half a lemon!
Russia's spies/secret police are not the KGB anymore; they're the FSB. They rebranded. :-)
And your fancy Puerto Rican eggnog does sound better than the other kind! And definitely better than Vlad's Russian 'nog with the radioactive polonium.
"Um, yeah. Because anonymous trolls know more than scientists with PhD's."
Most of them.
AGW is a hoax. There is no discernable human contribution to warming, and warming is a good thing anyway. Let's stops wasting billions on limiting carbon emissions and get back to the business of Making America Great Again.
The hacked DNC/Podesta Emails revealed a lavish excess of democrat corruption and collusion. All of which were apparently valid, as I have heard no claims that the Emails were fabricated. Instead of focusing on such highly embarrassing and perfectly immoral indiscretions, the left’s media arm has dutifully directed attention toward just who is the culprit responsible for liberating these awkward missives. The crime isn’t what they were caught doing, but who did the catching. This being analogous to forming a lynch mob to apprehend the guy responsible for releasing photos of you burying dead bodies in your back yard. The real story here is did the photographer work for the Russians?? That’s pretty useful squid ink if you can buy it in bulk.
You said, "If all these devils were not obsessed with black people they wouldn't come here multiple times daily. I know albinos are devils their perpetual evil is testament to this fact so I attempt to have as little contact with these subhuman demons. Yet albinos have a perverted nature but when your so out of synch with nature and a psychopath this is how you spend your worthless lives. Stalking people who hate you."
With the mapping of the Human Genome concluding that the genetic marker for "Whiteness" is only 7,000 years old (which corresponds with one of the latest findings from the Journal Nature regarding a dark-skinned blue-eyed hunter gatherer having blue eyes due to undergoing transmutation 7,000 years ago with the last 40k to 100k Wurm Ice Age), these creatures aren't devils, but are, rather, a virulent, extreme strain of mutant humanity. So EXTREME are they that they are, in fact, a LETHAL MUTATION that, according to the U.S. Census is dying out/going extinct---and they're slated to be a minority by between 2030 and 2040. Being that they mutated from a limited number of Africans trapped within that Ice Age, some scholars have cited that separation anxiety and alienation---the desire to have a mammy---have contributed to that obsession. We know that they were obsessed and envious of the Black female physical form, such that they created the corset and the bustle to create an illusion of their women to possess ample steatopygia endowment. Perversion was simply apart of what was necessary to survive that Ice Age so good and evil don't really pertain to them. Rather, they are as amoral as any of nature's other apex predators. They know the difference between 'right' and 'wrong', but they just don't care---which is perfectly natural for them. Knowing that they are fundamentally no different than sharks, snakes, crocodiles, lions and tigers, etc., it let's me know why Aesop wrote his fables and I don't get mad at them, as I don't get angry with nature's other amoral, apex predators.
(Cont) The aforementioned is precisely why I, too, have as little to do with them as possible. Why they relentlessly troll here does reveal that they don't have lives nor women. One such misfit invoked the MGTOW lifestyle, but many of these trolls project that they have no lives nor shame. Once again, it's natural for them to be amoral, apex predators who are clearly starved for attention. They no they're going extinct and yearn to be cryogenically frozen because they no that many of their bloodlines are disappearing. I couldn't imagine being apart of a collective bio-organism that knows that it's going extinct. The latest things that I heard they were doing was that they were attempting to find Ethiopian/Somali/Eritrean women as well as Chinese women. The Chinese recently passed laws to stop these creatures from trolling their women for marriage, too... They are indeed out of sync with nature and Dr. Bobby Wright concurs with them being totally psychotic within his work, "The Psychopathic Racial Personality And Other Essays."
They hate it when you logically explain why the biological designation, LETHAL MUTATION (perhaps, also suffering from a form of (Overo)LETHAL WHITE SYNDROME), fits despite the fact that they can occasionally have healthy babies---when they can have them with the aide of IVF Treatments as well as transnational surrogacy. If you go to the end of the thread regarding Charles Blow, you will see my exchange with that virulent mutant, @James Deplorable and @Josh. They stayed in DENIAL mode to the hilt! I think that with the more of us on the same page regarding what they truly are enables clearer thinking---and we're less easier to be baited into becoming angry, which is a wasted sentiment on a moribund, mutant humanoid life form that isn't human by their own criteria... Thanks for your appreciation of the science!!!!
Word! Would be interested in your feedback (read: peer review) upon the aforementioned coupled with what I wrote to Yisheng above and within the Charles Blow thread. Thanks!
Interesting. And Timothy McViegh just didn't get enough love from his mother?
Of course both Roof and McVeigh were responsible for their evil actions, and they were both racist terrorists, not "false flag operatives" working for shadowy govt organizations., as James has suggested.
However, here in the real world, it is genuinely interesting to note the parallel between how these guys were "radicalized" with hate literature, with the way some Muslims join jihadi movements after soaking up propaganda on an ISIS or al-Qaeda website.
In the case of Roof, he was radicalized by that hateful CCC website, while McVeigh's hate propaganda of choice was the Turner Diaries, a novel about a race war exterminating all the brown people in America.
America has been so overwhelmingly racist---borne of what the late Dr. Welsing would argue was the fear of genetic annihilation (which, she argued/astutely observed that castration usually accompanied lynchings as they were attacking the genetic material) due to their genetic recessiveness and them, from what this author observed, being a LETHAL MUTATION, which accounts for why they are going extinct. This fear was the shoehorn to radicalization, whereas Insurrection Groups Journalist Chris Hedges argues individuals aren't radicalized because of the website, they allow themselves to be radicalized because they see their people or people with whom they identify be blown up by bombs via drones or otherwise. I suppose one could argue that a perceived existential threat was at the root of both radicalizations with one threat forecasted while the other is happening in real time...
Europeon clerks do the same shit all the time. I was just in line at a store and a sister was behind me and the young woman clerk says,"Are you together"? Assuming all people of color know each other. That tactic is always pulled. Dont buy at the store anymore,keep your money and spend it with your own. They stole us didnt they?
Respectfully as always Field, why on earth this Nazi is the only comment here that draws a response from you is beyond me. Do you really expect any kind of coherent response? Do you really believe you can rehabilitate him? Do you not get that you are only encouraging him? It's your blog ... It's your call ...
Please, please, please Field, give me some of the attention I crave by responding to one of my comments! I desperately crave whatever scraps of validation I can get from white-hating black people!
AGW is a hoax. There is no discernable human contribution to warming, and warming is a good thing anyway. Let's stops wasting billions on limiting carbon emissions and get back to the business of Making America Great Again."
Um yeah, an anonymous troll who actually BELIEVES she knows more about atmospheric science than a scientist trained in atmospheric science. I'll go with science over troll logic. Silly me huh?
You don't understand the first thing about science. You just can't.
Global warming fails the random natural variation contest.
Doug J. Keenan in 2015: There have been many claims of observational evidence for global-warming alarmism. I have argued that all such claims rely on invalid statistical analyses. Some people, though, have asserted that the analyses are valid. Those people assert, in particular, that they can determine, via statistical analysis, whether global temperatures are increasing more that would be reasonably expected by random natural variation. Those people do not present any counter to my argument, but they make their assertions anyway.
In response to that, I am sponsoring a contest: the prize is $100 000. In essence, the prize will be awarded to anyone who can demonstrate, via statistical analysis, that the increase in global temperatures is probably not due to random natural variation.
Doug J. Keenan in 2016: In November 2015, I launched a Contest, with a $100,000 prize: to spot trends in time series—series that were similar to the global temperature series. You blogged about it: “Spot the trend: $100,000 USD prize to show climate & temperature data is not random“.
The Contest has now ended. The Solution and some Remarks have been posted. Briefly, no one came close to winning. Some of the people who entered the Contest are well known researchers.
Many people have claimed that the increase in global temperatures (since 1880) can be shown, statistically, to be more than just random noise. Such claims are wrong, as the Contest has effectively demonstrated. From the perspective of statistics, the increase in temperatures might well be random natural variation.
I know statistics are voodoo to you, but the reality is that belief that the science is settled as regards AGW is not science.
"According to the third U.S. National Climate Assessment, “Global climate is changing and this is apparent across the United States in a wide range of observations. The global warming of the past 50 years is primarily due to human activities, predominantly the burning of fossil fuels.”
"According to the third U.S. National Climate Assessment..."
I'm just wondering, mainly rhetorically, how many people involved in this assessment were caught cooking the numbers this time?
For something analogous: Imagine that the FBI were caught cooking stats of black men committing violent crime in America. Although many of you here would already likely cite some conspiracy in the way the government compiles its numbers--unfair arrests, lying witnesses, racial bias, etc--just imagine, if you will, how much credibility you'd lend those numbers were key figures responsible for compiling the data found to be inventing the data.
I can view the data and tell that climate change is happening. I don't deny it. However, we are talking about a very shady, very political, very state-driven topic whereby the elite of the world seek to form a power structure to tell entire nations, not just individuals, what they can and cannot do.
There are people with very legitimate gripes. All the wannabe socialists who think they're doing Che Guevara's Godlike work in opposing capitalism and climate change are actually useful idiots who are promoting the worst corporatism we've ever seen on this planet. People SHOULD BE skeptical of man-made climate change. Until which point we can get CLEAN numbers from these organizations, people should question government at every turn.
After all, you don't need to cheat and lie if you're right.
"I'm just wondering, mainly rhetorically, how many people involved in this assessment were caught cooking the numbers this time?"
Probably zero.
"However, we are talking about a very shady, very political, very state-driven topic whereby the elite of the world seek to form a power structure to tell entire nations, not just individuals, what they can and cannot do."
Actually no, we are talking about a scientific topic that involves weather and climate. Certain people want to drive the conversation into the political realm but as far as the scientists who study climate and weather that is all there is to it. I know many atmospheric scientists and there is no hidden agenda. It is what it is.
Haven't figured out why @Field gives these virulent scourges of mutant humanoid, Nazi life forms so much oxygen---actually responding to a creature who belongs between one's crosshairs, but I digress--- and it remains profoundly, inexplicably troubling and disheartening. Maybe more than a year ago, it seemed that @Field allowed these women to carpet bomb this site on a regular, which made me step away. I would sacrifice the money that these trolls generate and never allow these troll's comments to see the light of day, as I would use this medium to build consensus and solutions or at least healthy dialogue amongst Black folk and others attempting, at least healthy dialogue.
When I returned on the 5th of December and commented on the Charles Blow thread, I was shocked to see a comment like @JDeplor on here and I generally don't respond to TROLLS, but I figured if I totally bludgeoned this CREATURE with precisely what it was, that perhaps others will, heretofore, start ignoring them. Can't figure out why @Field allows these creatures to comment, at all---and it is sad...
However, if from here it becomes a teachable moment wherein members of the parent African human species reach an AGREEMENT by coming to a baseline understanding that 1) this creature is a LETHAL MUTATION (whose impending extinction is driving it insane) and, as to precisely 1) how this ALIEN, LETHAL MUTATION came into existence 2) how that Icy environment made it monstrous (amoral & apex predator), uber violent and overly aggressive 3) and why it's dying out and the various things that they're doing to counter their dwindling numbers, like regentrification, extrajudicial police killings, and near deputizing citizen vigilante killings, etc.
Guess I hang out here until my frustration rises back to your level, then scoot! It's a shame because I became aware of this site as it was listed as one of the best for Blacks, by Blacks. It is a shame that @Field gives them any light of day... Stay Up!!!!
PilotX said... "WTF is Doug Keenan? Has he done any climate studies? Any training in atmospheric science?
PilotX is, like many blacks, a credentialist. He believes that only those credentialed in a subject can speak on it, and that the credential itself confers infallibity on the holder.
Like Yisheng, he got his concept of education from watching the Wizard of Oz, where the scarecrow was made intelligent by giving him a piece of paper with the word "diploma" on it.
He cannot understand that intelligence comes from within, not from an official certificate. Despite having a college degree himself, he simply cannot understand basic statistics, whether applied to crime rates, economics, or the weather.
Just to reiterate, whether or not a statement is factual does not in any way depend on the credentials of the speaker. The truth is, there is no evidence that the warming trends seen over the past century are anything other than random natural variation.
Hey, melanin theory anon, you do realize that Lance Cuckstrong is white, right? I know; I didn't know it at first either. He's such a regressive leftist and black apologist that it's hard to tell, but you're literally allowing Lance's quasi-support to prop you up as you talk about killing him and all his white family and friends and neighbors going extinct. And he's such a massive cuckold that he doesn't even step in to call your stupid, crazy ass a stupid crazy ass.
And have you looked up the answer yet? What is a mutation's relationship to evolution?
"Actually no, we are talking about a scientific topic that involves weather and climate."
Are you still DENYING that you are a LETHAL MUTATION, just like a mental patient, as you creatures shrivel up, prematurely, and die off, early, or is Betsy McKay of the Wall Street Journal [WSJ] wrong, lol???????
Tell yourself whatever LIE you must to keep from deep six-ing yourself, which you should most definitely do, which appears to be de rigueur for many of you loser creatures, which is why you relentlessly troll where you aren't wanted. Eventually, those lies will kill a creature like you, mercifully, prematurely, according to Betsy's work, so you go right ahead:
The source of the Big Lie technique is this passage, taken from Chapter 10 of James Murphy's translation of Mein Kampf:
All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[
More on the lies these creatures promulgate:
The phrase was also used in a report prepared during the war by the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile:
His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.
I see you're still unable to provide the answer to the question, which would illustrate you possessed enough intellectual acuity and knowledge enough on the topic so that we could speak strictly scientifically about it.
What is a mutation's relationship to evolution?
About this very questionable article: Even if true, why aren't these same reporters allowed to print stats and articles about blacks?
The rates at which blacks contract heart diseases and diabetes far outweigh the rates at which whites are contracting liver diseases. And blacks are dying exponentially more than whites due to these diseases.
You're not even very good at cherry-picking data. Anyone with an iota of inquisitiveness can easily look up stats to show that what is basically an OPINION article (for your context), is blown out the water by 30 seconds of research into problems ailing the black community. (If you need help reading these charts, just ask.)
Sorry, mutt, but you lose again. Not to even mention that if your only criterion for which race will survive due to the ability to stay alive--e.g. which is "better"--then you might want to accept a trigger warning for this link. Although whites outnumber blacks 5:1, y'all are being murdered--90% by OTHER BLACKS--at a 92% rate relative to population, which mathematically translates to blacks being almost FIVE TIMES more likely to be murdered (by other blacks) than whites.
So, what are these major evolutionary problems whites are having again? And do you ever get tired of looking stupid?
Like a true LETHAL MUTATION, you desperately seek to deflect attention AWAY from the accelerated MORTALITY RATE of the male members of your moribund subspecies, when they clearly compare that rate with other melanated counterparts.
When that article dropped of a study done by Princeton and Ohio State Scientists, it was HUGE news---even covered on NPR by Diane Rehm.
Once again, all you can do is cling, in accordance to Nazi propaganda, to a lie/diversion/strawman/tangent, etc. and any other number of informal fallacies.
You are what's called a TWT, which is a Time-Wasting-Troll loosed to attack black sites, online. There's a memo out upon you creatures and how you all plan to attack Black Twitter, as well.
"Like a true LETHAL MUTATION, you desperately seek to deflect attention AWAY from the accelerated MORTALITY RATE of the male members of your moribund subspecies, when they clearly compare that rate with other melanated counterparts."
Exactly the same thing I can turn around and say about blacks with diabetes and heart disease and dying at the hands of other blacks.
WTF is "Black Twitter"? Is that the Twitter rip-off that goes bankrupt in a month because there's no way to accept EBT cards for advertising?
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Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
CIA issues "secret" report whose conclusions are leaked to "a newspaper" that the Russians released emails to influence the election.
Right. And the CIA never lies to the American people.
The bigger point is, even if this is true, wouldn't the Russians have done the American people a huge favor by providing them with information that was important regarding their decsion as to who to vote for?
The damning information in those emails was true. Hillary cheated her way to a primary win. She had debate questions provided to her in advance by the moderators. She sold government access to the highest bidders. She lied about what her true positions were. If Putin really did have a hand in releasing the truth, the American people owe him a debt of gratitude.
Putin and Trump are both losers and are made for each other.
We should all uncritically accept second-hand, non-verifiable reports of CIA briefings because the CIA is 100% trustworthy.
Russia forced Hillary's campaign to have one tenth as many canvassers in Michigan as John Kerry did 12 years earlier.
"I swear some of you Negroes need to wake up. Ms Houzah, why did you think that this could not happen to you?"
Like when your race gets a well-deserved reputation for stealing, and the only other Black woman in the store is caught red-handed with stolen merch, why do you think you will not pay a price for that? Why don't you do something worthwhile, like cleaning up your culture so Your People don't deserve that reputation any more?
Oh, wait, that would mean accepting agency and taking responsibility. I forgot that only White people are allowed to do that.
"None of you are immune from racism. Remember that."
Racism is the crime of Noticing that with googles comes TNB.
Trump's administration will be like an anti-Cold War in relationship to Russia. Who knows how bad this could get?
Why don't you do something worthwhile, like cleaning up your culture so Your People don't deserve that reputation any more?
Hmmmmmmm, so what should I do personally to clean up "my" culture? Get a job? Check. Get a college degree? Check. Pay taxes? Check. What the fuck else should I do? Oh that's right, people like James will apply negativity to a negro no matter what he or she does because he thinks it's ok to shoot one of us in the back for registering people to vote because that's a "war" on white people.
Sorry but we don't need advice from a racist, ignorant fool like you James thankyouverymuch. Now go back to rubbing cat ass, licking your mom's rotten crotch, burning crosses or whatever it is weird retarded hillbillies do on Friday nights.
Black people steal shit. Everyone knows that. Why the fuck shouldn't stores be allowed to throw black people out?
Albinos certainly earned that devil label
"You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated."
Abraham Linclon, August, 14, 1862.
The part of the Post story that got my attention was that there was a meeting in September in a secure space to brief congressional leaders on these findings, and Mitch McConnell said that any release of the information by the administration he would specifically label as an act of partisan politics.
So congress knew about these findings back in September.
Nixon had to resign over a DNC break in that was otherwise basically worthless. Trump's campaign benefited from a DNC break in by a hostile foreign government and it was decided by the Republican establishment that it was too close to an election to say anything about it to the American people.
Then McConnell's wife gets a job in Trump's cabinet.
They really need to hire some new writers, because this shit is hackneyed as fuck.
-Doug in Oakland
Putin is more pro-American than half of American voters.
Black people steal shit. Everyone knows that. Why the fuck shouldn't stores be allowed to throw black people out?
White guys rape babies, why shouldn't we be allowed to castrate them?
Yeah James, take care of your own "culture", maybe you can do something about the meth and baby rape problem your community seems to have. Then again you're to busy chasing kittens and trying to rub their asses bald so your weird ass is no help.
In all likelihood, Russia wouldn't seem like such a world evil if Bush and Obama woulda just left them the fuck alone and stopped driving down their currency and forcing their people into poverty.
If you go around and kick the cage every day, the dog is gonna sit in there and plot on biting your ass when he's released. If you feed the motherfucker, though, you're building some loyalty.
Obama, and especially Clinton, were some of the most antagonistic warmongers of our times. They did nothing with Russia but make an enemy and nearly drove their country to third-world status via sanctions which cut them off. (And Hillary basically single-handedly created ISIS, but that's another topic...)
Speaking of your well-deserved reputation for stealing....
I dipped into today's news, and what pops up?
In Field's town of Philly, a Black man stole a woman's purse and dragged her with his car as he made his escape. He is described as "a black man, 5’10,” wearing a black jacket and gray pants."
And in the "Fagin in Oliver Twist should be cast as a Black woman" department, a Black woman used both her 10-yr-old daughter and 11-yr-old niece to steal from a Babies 'R Us store in Pasadena, MD.
Remember, racism is the crime of Noticing that with googles comes TNB.
"Hmmmmmmm, so what should I do personally to clean up "my" culture?"
Appear at trials, at press conferences and in front of the churches of the "Revruns" who defend such behavior and condemn it, the people who commit it and the apologists for them. Write your newspapers and legislators demanding stiffer sentences and swifter punishment. Push authority down to teachers in classrooms to enforce good behavior and punish infractions. Push back against anyone and everyone who claims this is "racist".
That would make a good start. It would also get your "blackness" officially revoked, but you'd rather not be associated with such people anyway, right?
"Now go back to ... whatever it is weird retarded hillbillies do on Friday nights."
I dug myself out through a foot of fallen snow to find everything was closed for miles around, so I figured trolling you was the most fun I was going to get this evening. I wasn't wrong.
"maybe you can do something about the meth and baby rape problem your community seems to have."
Whenever we find it going on, we throw people in prison for considerable terms. To quote you above, "what should I do personally?"
Funny, but despite not using jury nullification to get the guilty off, one thing we DON'T have is a movement which declares that there are too many White men in prison.
...everybody must be Christmas shopping...
Field said...
Vlad gets his man.
Are you implying Putin and Trump are gay? Because I think not!!! and those aren't breasts okay, they're muscles. He's muscle bound! (although I admit they are kind of floppy for muscles though...)
Anon @9:11, thanks for the early morning laugh.
Isn't the image for this post from Brokeback Mountains, lol?
Anyone heard the tape of Dylan Roof speaking?
What's with these SLOW whooteemoos being filled with so much hate?
Reince ... Mitt ... Newt ... Mad Dog ... Rexx ...
Make America Grrrr ... rrrr ... rreat again ...
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
Isn't the image for this post from Brokeback Mountains, lol?
No, you are thinking of this one:
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes10:31 AM
Isn't the image for this post from Brokeback Mountains, lol?
Yisheng!!!!! I beg your pardon!!!! That is not Brokeback Mountain and they are not...although they are riding kinda funny right?...you and Field! Planting the seeds of dissent!!! x( Santa's watching you!!!
Brokeback Barry11:39 AM
Hahaha! That horse doesn't look too happy! xD
All of a sudden the Democrats are interested in protecting the integrity of the voting process, when for the last 56 years they have been extremely aggressive in their attempts to destroy that integrity.
I guess it's okay that half the dead in Chicago and Detroit and Cleveland and Philadelphia and every other blue city have voted for the last two generations, but when they can't quite manage to flip the election to the chosen one...the drunken sociopath with neurological issues...THEN they take it seriously.
"Obama's directive to his intelligence agencies to conduct a full review and report to him before he leaves office on Jan. 20 could serve to fuel more questions about the integrity of the election - at a time when President-elect Donald Trump's advisers and allies are battling with Clinton stalwarts still bitter over the race."
Except....it's not really "election hacking." Why is the federal government investigating a political party's issues? Why is it the government's problem that the Democrats have crappy network security?
I wonder what changed?
Russia hacked the Democratic Party and forced it to nominate a widely-disliked, corrupt, militaristic opportunist with severe legal problems.
The Dems have blamed Clinton's loss on:
* Racist Obama voters
* Russia
* Comey
* Wikileaks
* Sexism
* Slave owners that setup Electoral College
It must be a yuuuge relief that the election is over so now Donnie and Vlad don't have to hide their forbidden love anymore. They can buy a holiday home in South Beach together, and spend long weekends giving each other oily rub-downs, and sharing their hopes and dreams and plans for which meddling journalists they want to have assassinated.
Donnie and Vlad are the perfect couple, but were always tragically kept apart by distance. They've got so much in common.
Turn-ons: Long walks on the beach, abusing the machinery of government for personal enrichment, telling everyone how manly and great they are
Turn-offs: Democracy, human rights, facts
The Cold Way seems like such a distant memory now.
John Podesta's gmail account was compromised via phishing link. People are vastly exaggerating the complexity of this supposed "hacking" op.
Russia also hacked the Clinton team and made them pretend alleged Trump comments about the 1996 Miss Universe were a major campaign issue.
Russia must have hacked Field's computer and made him put out lame posts for the past year.
Hillary was going to win until Russia hacked Libya and turned it into a war zone, then hacked her to make her take credit for it.
Hillary had it in the bag until Russia hacked the Rust Belt working class and convinced them that she'd keep sending their jobs overseas.
If Russia wanted to influence the election, they should've just donated millions to Hillary like all the respectable foreign powers did.
The Pizza Gate conspiracy actually has more evidence than the Russian Hackers conspiracy.
This is nothing but the old reliable republican playbook, appoint someone hostile to the department with the intention of harming or outright destroying it. Reagan started it, W continued it and now Trump is taking it to a new level.
This happened during the W administration. One of my professors who is a recognized climatologist told me about the government collection of information back in '04. We all know what time it is.
Trump is also lokking like he will shutter NASA's earth science arm. Many organizations from the NWS to colleges doing research depend on NASA's atmospheric information. These people are dangerous allowing ideology to trump science. Sad times.
California is considering seceding so that they can keep their slaves.
@PilotX: Shutting down wasteful spending on global warming is a good thing. Human caused climate change is nothing to worry about.
Did you know Hillary Clinton accepted undisclosed payoffs while personally approving for Russia to expand their access to plutonium?
People who voted for Trump: 62.9 million
People who voted against Trump: 73.7 million
And that margin is still growing, not narrowing, as votes are counted.
Upon entering the White House, Donald Trump will be more hated than any president to take office in a very long time.
Check out Camus's "The Stranger" and the "Salamano and-his-dog" arc. This arc within the story epitomizes how mutant humanoid "Whites" attempt to treat Blacks, but then will lament when Blacks finally wise up and leave this land that's shackled to the name America.
Others hypothesize that their rage and anger is borne from a deeply latent separation-anxiety, alienation and intense ENVY (research the origins of corsets and bustles in Sander Gilman's "Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness) deriving from them mutating from their African forebearers while trapped within that 40k to 100k Wurm Ice Age. Whites have been so deeply, profoundly ashamed of their physiques and complexions, particularly their women, that the "Hottentot Venus" (Sarah Bartmann) so captivated them that they began cinching their waists with corsets and wearing bustles to create the ILLUSION of having a curvaceous butt (steatopygia).
Most interestingly, it appears that Asians GENERALLY appear to sufficiently love themselves so they appear to be above that collective caucasian body dysmorphic disorder/madness.
Additionally (and admittedly tangentially), most interestingly, as well, after the Japanese defeated the Russians in '04-'05, the Japanese appear to be even more independent thinking. My 91 year old mother recalls being approached by members of Pacific Movement of the Eastern World who encouraged the unity of the melanated populations of the world, led by the Empire of Japan. Note: "The Pacific Movement of the Eastern World was founded in Chicago around 1932 by Satokata Takahashiin.[1] Takahashiin reportedly recruited Ashima Takis and his Chinese companion, Moy Liang, into the leadership of the organization. The organization preached worldwide unity of colored races under the leadership of Japan.[1] When its president Ashima Takis moved to St. Louis in 1933, membership took off." Of course, the U.S. sandbagged Ashima Takis, like Marcus Garvey, with embezzlement, but I digress...
By you
I argue that their rage is also borne from the fact that as some point in time, they figured out that SO extreme was their mutation that they were, in fact, dying out (due to their reproductive dysfunction that is part and parcel with all of nature's EXTREME mutations have problems reproducing) because they were a LETHAL MUTATION. In 1916, a virulent racist named Madison Grant wrote, "The Passing of a Great Race" and shortly thereafter, in 1920, directly inspired by the ass-kicking that the Japanese gave the Russians, Lothrop Stoddard wrote the manifesto, "The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy."
In fact, on a previous thread regarding NYT columnist Charles Blow, this @JDeplorable creature tried to include Asians within the caucasian ranks in order to swell their numbers so as to create the illusion that the caucasoid isn't a global minority.
Regarding this Dylan Roof creature, he appears to be in lockstep with those two aforementioned authors, as his decree that Blacks, "...are taking over" coveys great anxiety about his mutant humanoid collective's reproductive FAILURE in keeping up with humans. Because these creatures project their nature-nurture engendered violent tendencies upon humans, this Roof creature figures that he wanted to spark a race war before "Whites" lost the numerical advantage that they presently hold.
Unfortunately, melanated folk aren't paying a lick of attention as @Field has pointed out by that Brain-dead sista's response, as if she hadn't heard of Oprah Winfrey's experience in a trendy boutique in Switzerland!!!
Lastly, until Black people wake up here and FLEE America in accordance with the "FIGHT or FLIGHT" edict that is an immutable law of nature that governs the PREY-PREDATOR relationship that the racially psychopathic, amoral, apex predatory caucasoid exacts upon the melanated populations of the world , they and other melanated populations will continue to be victimized by this moribund, ephemeral creature...
"Lastly, until Black people wake up here and FLEE America "
Every "melenated" person on the planet is trying to get into white countries, however they can.
Oppression must be really popular.
You a funny negro.
"Anyone heard the tape of Dylan Roof speaking?
What's with these SLOW whooteemoos being filled with so much hate?"
Dylann Roof was a Deep State asset. The Charleston church shooting was a false-flag op.
Since Charleston, about a thousand of you googles have killed each other in Shitcongo alone. But that doesn't matter, because it can't be used to guilt-trip Whitey.
What IS it with your defective genome, that you kill each other in such numbers and would have a seriously negative population curve if it wasn't for Europeans and Orientals supporting you?
James, are u a Roof sympathizer? Just curious.
If all these devils were not obsessed with black people they wouldn't come here multiple times daily. I know albinos are devils their perpetual evil is testament to this fact so I attempt to have as little contact with these subhuman demons. Yet albinos have a perverted nature but when your so out of synch with nature and a psychopath this is how you spend your worthless lives. Stalking people who hate you.
Looks like the secretary of state will be the CEO of Exxon. This made zero sense until it was revealed that he is a chum of Vladimir Putin. Vlad gave him an actual medal. For serious.
I guess if Trump has decided America's new best friend should be the thuggish kleptocrat leader of petroleum-based Russia, then this SOS has the perfect credentials.
Well...me thinking over here...pretty soon 2016 will be over...and it'll be 2017, means I have to go party New Years Eve...again x(
Went by fast right?...
"James, are u a Roof sympathizer?"
Dylann Roof was somebody's patsy. He's a mentally weak kid who was manipulated into becoming a means to someone else's ends. What those ends were I don't claim to know, but they probably were aimed at what's now called the Alt-Right the same way that the OKC bombing was aimed at the militia movement. I don't think it was the banning of the Confederate battle flag, I think that was something they managed to sneak in by persuading him to pose with one for his on-line pics and they got lucky in the aftermath.
Notice that we've learned absolutely zilch about the people Roof associated with in coming to his views. There has been no followup on them. They are Deep State agents who have gone on to develop their next asset.
Meanwhile, mobs of Black "teens" continue to beat and rob random White people for allegedly voting Trump... and the lamestream media e-race the perp descriptions where they pay any attention at all.
The Ministry Of Truth said...
Looks like the secretary of state will be the CEO of Exxon. This made zero sense until it was revealed that he is a chum of Vladimir Putin. Vlad gave him an actual medal. For serious.
I guess if Trump has decided America's new best friend should be the thuggish kleptocrat leader of petroleum-based Russia, then this SOS has the perfect credentials.
5:59 PM
Gasp! Thuggish kleptocrat!!! O(O Don't let Putins people see that! 'member what they did to that spy Litvinenko? they used Polonium 210 or something,slipped it into his tea!!!
Do you drink tea? .....DON'T!!! Coffee either!
"Gasp! Thuggish kleptocrat!!! O(O Don't let Putins people see that! 'member what they did to that spy"
Yup. I could end up on someone's naughty list -- and it might not be Santa's. It could be Vlad's. Or Donald's.
"Dylann Roof was somebody's patsy. He's a mentally weak kid who was manipulated into believing coming a means to someone else's ends."
True. He was manipulated by spending way too much time on the website of the Conservative Citizens of America, a hate site that did nothing other than catalog black-on-white crime, and pretended that this type of crime constitutes the majority of all crime.
Hang on, who does that sound like? Oh yeah: YOU.
That should be Council of Conservative Citizens (now closed down, I believe).
And yes, this was a real site. I saw it long before Roof carried out his massacre. But maybe I'm part of the "false flag op," lol.
The Ministry of Truth said...
Yup. I could end up on someone's naughty list -- and it might not be Santa's. It could be Vlad's. Or Donald's.
7:00 PM
You and Field both! Because, you know...the continuous attacks! I dunno...you guys better watch out I'm telling you why:
You better watch out
you better not cry
you better not pout (or post bad stuff about us, like that picture on the horse)
I'm telling you why
The KGB is coming to town
They're making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out Who's naughty (that would be you and Field negro) and nice
The KGB is coming to town
They see you when you're sleeping
They know when you're awake
They know if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake! (And stop the criticizing too xD)
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
The KGB is coming to town
The Russian KGB is coming to toooooown!
*Be scared, be verrry skeeered!*
and don't open any Christmas presents from strangers...
LOL@ PR, too much rum in your egg nog!
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
LOL@ PR, too much rum in your egg nog!
7:35 PM
Ahahahaa! Not yet! ;)
Actually I was thinking about making egg nog today but I got involved with something else, maybe tomorrow I will. Not egg nog per say, what is very popular here is a drink called 'Coquito' made with coconut cream, evaporated milk, condensed milk, and rum. Then its decanted into fancy bottles, chilled thoroughly to either give as gifts or drunk,(drinken, dranken?) xD
I bought a couple of bottles to fill and sterilized them, and I have a bottle of a finer rum.
About 10 months ago I added cloves, cinnamon sticks, star anise, allspice, nutmeg and vanilla beans. It has to age at least 6 months, the more the merrier. So when you open it, it no longer has that hard liquor smell, instead it has a soft perfumed aroma and tastes quite exquisite,or so I've been told, as I don't drink rum myself :)or Coquito for that matter, too heavy for me. I'll take wine or Corona and half a lemon!
PR, that sounds DELICIOUS!!!
Russia's spies/secret police are not the KGB anymore; they're the FSB. They rebranded. :-)
And your fancy Puerto Rican eggnog does sound better than the other kind! And definitely better than Vlad's Russian 'nog with the radioactive polonium.
Oh guys it is good! You'd like it! Its sweet and oh so easy going down, so you gotta be careful 'cos its real easy to get drunk on it too! :)
"James, are u a Roof sympathizer? Just curious. " -
Ask a stupid question ...
"@PilotX: Shutting down wasteful spending on global warming is a good thing. Human caused climate change is nothing to worry about."
Um, yeah. Because anonymous trolls know more than scientists with PhD's.
"Dylann Roof was somebody's patsy. He's a mentally weak kid who was manipulated into becoming a means to someone else's ends. "
Interesting. And Timothy McViegh just didn't get enough love from his mother?
Why on earth you would humor this cretin is beyond me
"Um, yeah. Because anonymous trolls know more than scientists with PhD's."
Most of them.
AGW is a hoax. There is no discernable human contribution to warming, and warming is a good thing anyway. Let's stops wasting billions on limiting carbon emissions and get back to the business of Making America Great Again.
The hacked DNC/Podesta Emails revealed a lavish excess of democrat corruption and collusion. All of which were apparently valid, as I have heard no claims that the Emails were fabricated. Instead of focusing on such highly embarrassing and perfectly immoral indiscretions, the left’s media arm has dutifully directed attention toward just who is the culprit responsible for liberating these awkward missives. The crime isn’t what they were caught doing, but who did the catching. This being analogous to forming a lynch mob to apprehend the guy responsible for releasing photos of you burying dead bodies in your back yard. The real story here is did the photographer work for the Russians?? That’s pretty useful squid ink if you can buy it in bulk.
You said, "If all these devils were not obsessed with black people they wouldn't come here multiple times daily. I know albinos are devils their perpetual evil is testament to this fact so I attempt to have as little contact with these subhuman demons. Yet albinos have a perverted nature but when your so out of synch with nature and a psychopath this is how you spend your worthless lives. Stalking people who hate you."
With the mapping of the Human Genome concluding that the genetic marker for "Whiteness" is only 7,000 years old (which corresponds with one of the latest findings from the Journal Nature regarding a dark-skinned blue-eyed hunter gatherer having blue eyes due to undergoing transmutation 7,000 years ago with the last 40k to 100k Wurm Ice Age), these creatures aren't devils, but are, rather, a virulent, extreme strain of mutant humanity. So EXTREME are they that they are, in fact, a LETHAL MUTATION that, according to the U.S. Census is dying out/going extinct---and they're slated to be a minority by between 2030 and 2040. Being that they mutated from a limited number of Africans trapped within that Ice Age, some scholars have cited that separation anxiety and alienation---the desire to have a mammy---have contributed to that obsession. We know that they were obsessed and envious of the Black female physical form, such that they created the corset and the bustle to create an illusion of their women to possess ample steatopygia endowment. Perversion was simply apart of what was necessary to survive that Ice Age so good and evil don't really pertain to them. Rather, they are as amoral as any of nature's other apex predators. They know the difference between 'right' and 'wrong', but they just don't care---which is perfectly natural for them. Knowing that they are fundamentally no different than sharks, snakes, crocodiles, lions and tigers, etc., it let's me know why Aesop wrote his fables and I don't get mad at them, as I don't get angry with nature's other amoral, apex predators.
That's Science!
The aforementioned is precisely why I, too, have as little to do with them as possible. Why they relentlessly troll here does reveal that they don't have lives nor women. One such misfit invoked the MGTOW lifestyle, but many of these trolls project that they have no lives nor shame. Once again, it's natural for them to be amoral, apex predators who are clearly starved for attention. They no they're going extinct and yearn to be cryogenically frozen because they no that many of their bloodlines are disappearing. I couldn't imagine being apart of a collective bio-organism that knows that it's going extinct. The latest things that I heard they were doing was that they were attempting to find Ethiopian/Somali/Eritrean women as well as Chinese women. The Chinese recently passed laws to stop these creatures from trolling their women for marriage, too... They are indeed out of sync with nature and Dr. Bobby Wright concurs with them being totally psychotic within his work, "The Psychopathic Racial Personality And Other Essays."
Word up, brother.
@Black Science Man,
They hate it when you logically explain why the biological designation, LETHAL MUTATION (perhaps, also suffering from a form of (Overo)LETHAL WHITE SYNDROME), fits despite the fact that they can occasionally have healthy babies---when they can have them with the aide of IVF Treatments as well as transnational surrogacy. If you go to the end of the thread regarding Charles Blow, you will see my exchange with that virulent mutant, @James Deplorable and @Josh. They stayed in DENIAL mode to the hilt! I think that with the more of us on the same page regarding what they truly are enables clearer thinking---and we're less easier to be baited into becoming angry, which is a wasted sentiment on a moribund, mutant humanoid life form that isn't human by their own criteria... Thanks for your appreciation of the science!!!!
Extinction is a bitch!
Word! Would be interested in your feedback (read: peer review) upon the aforementioned coupled with what I wrote to Yisheng above and within the Charles Blow thread. Thanks!
Interesting. And Timothy McViegh just didn't get enough love from his mother?
Of course both Roof and McVeigh were responsible for their evil actions, and they were both racist terrorists, not "false flag operatives" working for shadowy govt organizations., as James has suggested.
However, here in the real world, it is genuinely interesting to note the parallel between how these guys were "radicalized" with hate literature, with the way some Muslims join jihadi movements after soaking up propaganda on an ISIS or al-Qaeda website.
In the case of Roof, he was radicalized by that hateful CCC website, while McVeigh's hate propaganda of choice was the Turner Diaries, a novel about a race war exterminating all the brown people in America.
@The MOT,
America has been so overwhelmingly racist---borne of what the late Dr. Welsing would argue was the fear of genetic annihilation (which, she argued/astutely observed that castration usually accompanied lynchings as they were attacking the genetic material) due to their genetic recessiveness and them, from what this author observed, being a LETHAL MUTATION, which accounts for why they are going extinct. This fear was the shoehorn to radicalization, whereas Insurrection Groups Journalist Chris Hedges argues individuals aren't radicalized because of the website, they allow themselves to be radicalized because they see their people or people with whom they identify be blown up by bombs via drones or otherwise. I suppose one could argue that a perceived existential threat was at the root of both radicalizations with one threat forecasted while the other is happening in real time...
Europeon clerks do the same shit all the time. I was just in line at a store and a sister was behind me and the young woman clerk says,"Are you together"? Assuming all people of color know each other. That tactic is always pulled. Dont buy at the store anymore,keep your money and spend it with your own. They stole us didnt they?
Assuming all people of color know each other is ignorance aided by prejudice.
Respectfully as always Field, why on earth this Nazi is the only comment here that draws a response from you is beyond me. Do you really expect any kind of coherent response? Do you really believe you can rehabilitate him? Do you not get that you are only encouraging him? It's your blog ... It's your call ...
Please, please, please Field, give me some of the attention I crave by responding to one of my comments! I desperately crave whatever scraps of validation I can get from white-hating black people!
"Most of them.
AGW is a hoax. There is no discernable human contribution to warming, and warming is a good thing anyway. Let's stops wasting billions on limiting carbon emissions and get back to the business of Making America Great Again."
Um yeah, an anonymous troll who actually BELIEVES she knows more about atmospheric science than a scientist trained in atmospheric science. I'll go with science over troll logic. Silly me huh?
"I'll go with science over troll logic"
You don't understand the first thing about science. You just can't.
Global warming fails the random natural variation contest.
Doug J. Keenan in 2015:
There have been many claims of observational evidence for global-warming alarmism. I have argued that all such claims rely on invalid statistical analyses. Some people, though, have asserted that the analyses are valid. Those people assert, in particular, that they can determine, via statistical analysis, whether global temperatures are increasing more that would be reasonably expected by random natural variation. Those people do not present any counter to my argument, but they make their assertions anyway.
In response to that, I am sponsoring a contest: the prize is $100 000. In essence, the prize will be awarded to anyone who can demonstrate, via statistical analysis, that the increase in global temperatures is probably not due to random natural variation.
Doug J. Keenan in 2016:
In November 2015, I launched a Contest, with a $100,000 prize: to spot trends in time series—series that were similar to the global temperature series. You blogged about it: “Spot the trend: $100,000 USD prize to show climate & temperature data is not random“.
The Contest has now ended. The Solution and some Remarks have been posted. Briefly, no one came close to winning. Some of the people who entered the Contest are well known researchers.
Many people have claimed that the increase in global temperatures (since 1880) can be shown, statistically, to be more than just random noise. Such claims are wrong, as the Contest has effectively demonstrated. From the perspective of statistics, the increase in temperatures might well be random natural variation.
I know statistics are voodoo to you, but the reality is that belief that the science is settled as regards AGW is not science.
Russian hackers hacked the white working class' brains and made them care about their jobs and communities instead of diversity & Israel.
"You don't understand the first thing about science. You just can't."
"Global warming fails the random natural variation contest."
There is NOTHING remotely scientific about that statement. WTF is Doug Keenan? Has he done any climate studies? Any training in atmospheric science?
Doug J. Keenan is NOT a climate scientist just as I suspected
About the author: I used to do mathematical research and financial trading on Wall Street and in the City of London; since 1995
A financial statistician. Financial statistics is about as far away from atmospheric science as you can get. More to come.
"According to the third U.S. National Climate Assessment, “Global climate is changing and this is apparent across the United States in a wide range of observations. The global warming of the past 50 years is primarily due to human activities, predominantly the burning of fossil fuels.”
"According to the third U.S. National Climate Assessment..."
I'm just wondering, mainly rhetorically, how many people involved in this assessment were caught cooking the numbers this time?
For something analogous: Imagine that the FBI were caught cooking stats of black men committing violent crime in America. Although many of you here would already likely cite some conspiracy in the way the government compiles its numbers--unfair arrests, lying witnesses, racial bias, etc--just imagine, if you will, how much credibility you'd lend those numbers were key figures responsible for compiling the data found to be inventing the data.
I can view the data and tell that climate change is happening. I don't deny it. However, we are talking about a very shady, very political, very state-driven topic whereby the elite of the world seek to form a power structure to tell entire nations, not just individuals, what they can and cannot do.
There are people with very legitimate gripes. All the wannabe socialists who think they're doing Che Guevara's Godlike work in opposing capitalism and climate change are actually useful idiots who are promoting the worst corporatism we've ever seen on this planet. People SHOULD BE skeptical of man-made climate change. Until which point we can get CLEAN numbers from these organizations, people should question government at every turn.
After all, you don't need to cheat and lie if you're right.
"I'm just wondering, mainly rhetorically, how many people involved in this assessment were caught cooking the numbers this time?"
Probably zero.
"However, we are talking about a very shady, very political, very state-driven topic whereby the elite of the world seek to form a power structure to tell entire nations, not just individuals, what they can and cannot do."
Actually no, we are talking about a scientific topic that involves weather and climate. Certain people want to drive the conversation into the political realm but as far as the scientists who study climate and weather that is all there is to it. I know many atmospheric scientists and there is no hidden agenda. It is what it is.
@Lance Cockstrong,
Haven't figured out why @Field gives these virulent scourges of mutant humanoid, Nazi life forms so much oxygen---actually responding to a creature who belongs between one's crosshairs, but I digress--- and it remains profoundly, inexplicably troubling and disheartening. Maybe more than a year ago, it seemed that @Field allowed these women to carpet bomb this site on a regular, which made me step away. I would sacrifice the money that these trolls generate and never allow these troll's comments to see the light of day, as I would use this medium to build consensus and solutions or at least healthy dialogue amongst Black folk and others attempting, at least healthy dialogue.
When I returned on the 5th of December and commented on the Charles Blow thread, I was shocked to see a comment like @JDeplor on here and I generally don't respond to TROLLS, but I figured if I totally bludgeoned this CREATURE with precisely what it was, that perhaps others will, heretofore, start ignoring them. Can't figure out why @Field allows these creatures to comment, at all---and it is sad...
However, if from here it becomes a teachable moment wherein members of the parent African human species reach an AGREEMENT by coming to a baseline understanding that 1) this creature is a LETHAL MUTATION (whose impending extinction is driving it insane) and, as to precisely 1) how this ALIEN, LETHAL MUTATION came into existence 2) how that Icy environment made it monstrous (amoral & apex predator), uber violent and overly aggressive 3) and why it's dying out and the various things that they're doing to counter their dwindling numbers, like regentrification, extrajudicial police killings, and near deputizing citizen vigilante killings, etc.
Guess I hang out here until my frustration rises back to your level, then scoot! It's a shame because I became aware of this site as it was listed as one of the best for Blacks, by Blacks. It is a shame that @Field gives them any light of day... Stay Up!!!!
Cold weather makes a people evil.
PilotX said...
"WTF is Doug Keenan? Has he done any climate studies? Any training in atmospheric science?
PilotX is, like many blacks, a credentialist. He believes that only those credentialed in a subject can speak on it, and that the credential itself confers infallibity on the holder.
Like Yisheng, he got his concept of education from watching the Wizard of Oz, where the scarecrow was made intelligent by giving him a piece of paper with the word "diploma" on it.
He cannot understand that intelligence comes from within, not from an official certificate. Despite having a college degree himself, he simply cannot understand basic statistics, whether applied to crime rates, economics, or the weather.
Just to reiterate, whether or not a statement is factual does not in any way depend on the credentials of the speaker. The truth is, there is no evidence that the warming trends seen over the past century are anything other than random natural variation.
@Black Science Man,
The experts agree and have asserted that that was why the Polar Bear was more aggressive and violent than the parent Grizzly Bear.
Hey, melanin theory anon, you do realize that Lance Cuckstrong is white, right? I know; I didn't know it at first either. He's such a regressive leftist and black apologist that it's hard to tell, but you're literally allowing Lance's quasi-support to prop you up as you talk about killing him and all his white family and friends and neighbors going extinct. And he's such a massive cuckold that he doesn't even step in to call your stupid, crazy ass a stupid crazy ass.
And have you looked up the answer yet? What is a mutation's relationship to evolution?
"Actually no, we are talking about a scientific topic that involves weather and climate."
No, we're not.
"I know many atmospheric scientists..."
No, you don't.
@Lethal Mutation,
Are you still DENYING that you are a LETHAL MUTATION, just like a mental patient, as you creatures shrivel up, prematurely, and die off, early, or is Betsy McKay of the Wall Street Journal [WSJ] wrong, lol???????
@"The Lethal Mutation,"
Tell yourself whatever LIE you must to keep from deep six-ing yourself, which you should most definitely do, which appears to be de rigueur for many of you loser creatures, which is why you relentlessly troll where you aren't wanted. Eventually, those lies will kill a creature like you, mercifully, prematurely, according to Betsy's work, so you go right ahead:
The source of the Big Lie technique is this passage, taken from Chapter 10 of James Murphy's translation of Mein Kampf:
All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[
More on the lies these creatures promulgate:
The phrase was also used in a report prepared during the war by the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile:
His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.
I see you're still unable to provide the answer to the question, which would illustrate you possessed enough intellectual acuity and knowledge enough on the topic so that we could speak strictly scientifically about it.
What is a mutation's relationship to evolution?
About this very questionable article: Even if true, why aren't these same reporters allowed to print stats and articles about blacks?
The rates at which blacks contract heart diseases and diabetes far outweigh the rates at which whites are contracting liver diseases. And blacks are dying exponentially more than whites due to these diseases.
You're not even very good at cherry-picking data. Anyone with an iota of inquisitiveness can easily look up stats to show that what is basically an OPINION article (for your context), is blown out the water by 30 seconds of research into problems ailing the black community. (If you need help reading these charts, just ask.)
Sorry, mutt, but you lose again. Not to even mention that if your only criterion for which race will survive due to the ability to stay alive--e.g. which is "better"--then you might want to accept a trigger warning for this link. Although whites outnumber blacks 5:1, y'all are being murdered--90% by OTHER BLACKS--at a 92% rate relative to population, which mathematically translates to blacks being almost FIVE TIMES more likely to be murdered (by other blacks) than whites.
So, what are these major evolutionary problems whites are having again? And do you ever get tired of looking stupid?
Like a true LETHAL MUTATION, you desperately seek to deflect attention AWAY from the accelerated MORTALITY RATE of the male members of your moribund subspecies, when they clearly compare that rate with other melanated counterparts.
When that article dropped of a study done by Princeton and Ohio State Scientists, it was HUGE news---even covered on NPR by Diane Rehm.
Once again, all you can do is cling, in accordance to Nazi propaganda, to a lie/diversion/strawman/tangent, etc. and any other number of informal fallacies.
You are what's called a TWT, which is a Time-Wasting-Troll loosed to attack black sites, online. There's a memo out upon you creatures and how you all plan to attack Black Twitter, as well.
"Like a true LETHAL MUTATION, you desperately seek to deflect attention AWAY from the accelerated MORTALITY RATE of the male members of your moribund subspecies, when they clearly compare that rate with other melanated counterparts."
Exactly the same thing I can turn around and say about blacks with diabetes and heart disease and dying at the hands of other blacks.
WTF is "Black Twitter"? Is that the Twitter rip-off that goes bankrupt in a month because there's no way to accept EBT cards for advertising?
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