The sheriff drives up to a crime scene. He sees a black man lying face down, handcuffed, with a rope around his neck, and bullet holes in his back.
The old sheriff shakes his head, spits out some chewing tobacco, and then he says: "This is the worst case of suicide I done ever seen."
I was thinking about that joke when I heard about the deadlocked jury in the Walter Scott case today.
The jury is in their third day of deliberations, and they cannot come to a unanimous decision about whether the police officer (who we watched shoot an unarmed Walter Scott in the back numerous times while he was running away) is guilty or not.
"I cannot in good conscience consider a guilty verdict," the holdout juror told Judge Clifton Newman in a note, adding, "At the same time, my heart does not want to tell the Scott family that the man who killed their son, brother and father is innocent."
Stunning! Just can't in "good conscience" find Scott's killer guilty. What does that even mean?
Keep in mind, that if the jury finds that Slager did not act with malice, they case can also find him guilty of manslaughter. And yet, still, at least one juror in this case is saying that they can't find him guilty of anything.
Sadly, I guess this is how they get down in South Carolina.Kill a black man, no biggie.
And people wonder why we have to keep reminding them that black lives matter as well.
*Don't worry Field Negro, if the state doesn't get him for this crime, the feds will.*
No they won't.
In fact, I am pretty sure that AG Jeff Sessions and president trump will not aggressively pursue charges against officer Slager.
"Worst case of suicide I done ever seen."
*Pic courtesy of
And Colin continues to kneel.
My vision for black America is beginning to take shape. Watch this video on NewsOne, Field, and tell me what you think--Roland Martin's interview of Bob Johnson: Yes, that Bob Johnson, Billionaire Bob Johnson.
Whooteemoo logic is NEVER logical.
And when did you think Blah lives mattered? We've been lynched, shot, beaten ect but there's always an excuse. Emmitt Till, Medgar Evars...........and they want us to give half a damn about poor stupid white trash in the country. GTFOH!
If Trump loves this country so much why did he get 5 deferments? Stupid people got conned, again.
I think you negroes should keep marching, "protesting", burning and looting.
Well. Hy Queenie!
Maybe you can answer this for me...why do so many negroes give their children a name that ends with a vowel????
Always wondered that.
Worst case of hyperbole I've seen on this blog yet. By your own admission, from the opening text, this is ONE LONE JUROR, ONE PERSON, whom, for whatever reasons--maybe he's a flaming fucking racist!--can't make up his individual mind.
You then immediately go on to say: "Sadly, I guess this is how they get down in South Carolina, Kill a black man, no biggie."
No, you dishonest, demagoguing racial agitator. By your own f'n admission, this is how HE gets; it's an individual, not a "they," not a "system." It's one person.
So, I suppose, if your ilk had their druthers, no more white people on juries with black defendants, and a new majority-rules brand of justice whereby the prosecution does not have to prove guilt to 12 individuals (or a judge) beyond a reasonable doubt; 7 oughta do it! ('Til the first time it's used to lock up a black person, then it's the Trevor Noah theory of world penal systems; e.g. they were ALL designed to enslave and imprison black men.)
But I am impressed in one regard here. Comedians, actors, authors, etc, struggle oftentimes with callbacks. But not you progressive victims! You can yank out a callback from more than a century ago, in any context. Talent.
"And when did you think Blah lives mattered? We've been lynched, shot, beaten ect but there's always an excuse. Emmitt Till, Medgar Evars...........and they want us to give half a damn about poor stupid white trash in the country. GTFOH!"
Medgar Evars? Blacks have murdered 50,000 whites since then. GTFOH!
Blacks have murdered 50,000 whites since then. GTFOH!
Holy fuck you hillbillies are fucking stupid. No wonder the con man fooled you stupid fucks into voting for him. Just ignorant.
I think you stupid white folks should keep on smoking meth, shooting up schools and raping babies. Stick with what you're good at.
Hey, Josh is here to whitesplain things for us. Lucky us she doesn't have a date with that guy she broke up with. Sounds like she's on her period again though.
"No, you dishonest, demagoguing racial agitator."
Hey, J-Boy, give yourself a break. Yes, you are a "dishonest, demagoguing racial agitator," but, then, it's in your DNA: You can't help yourself, or can you.
Why does PilotX keep posting as an Anon?
I had no idea a large percentage of the confederate leaders were jewish.
Hi Melissa,
Where did you get this information? Do you have a link?
BTW...did the Federals have Jewish folk in their ranks?
Blogger It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
@ 11:40, NOTHING is as sandy and gritty as your rectum when your boyfriends get done.
@12:05, why da' fuck are you worrying about who posts as Amon when you do it too!!
I know it's hard to convict a cop, because cops are an integral part of the court system, but something needs to give at some point. Even leaving the racial aspect aside, what we have made the job of cop into is not something we can expect regular folks to perform reliably on a regular basis, especially when they are hated and feared by the communities they are supposed to be serving because of the drug prohibition laws. On the other hand, DIY conflict resolution is getting less and less attractive as an option when there are 300 million guns in circulation, and the likelihood of ending up with a brand new hole for your trouble has to be factored into your decision.
This is 2016. People are carrying video cameras around in their phones. Cops who should have never been cops have to deal with that loss of anonymity. Cultures of covering for bad behavior don't work like they used to. The courts, on the other hand, aren't likely to do much in the way of reforms without the kind of clear legislative intent we just don't have right now. It could happen, though, if we wanted it to bad enough. Things changed in fundamental ways when we decided we wanted stiffer sentences for crack cocaine, and we still haven't fixed the mistakes that were made then. So change is possible, but the outlook for it is fairly bleak, as we still have to undo the damage we did trying to fix it last time before we even start on trying to get fewer innocent citizens killed at the incompetent hands of police.
-Doug in Oakland
But I am an Anon.
“Those jobs of the past are just not going to come back,”…Instead, Obama advised workers losing their jobs to learn how to adapt their skills to “some of these new technologies,” in particular, the “clean energy sector.”…”Let’s focus on those,” he suggested. — yeah, like, get out there and make some “clean energy”, then sell it.
Yo I got a bucket of solar energy right here, cuz,
What a fucking idiot.
My butt itches, but I took a shower. What da' fuck is up with that?
Those jobs went away do to a decline in commodity prices (which of course at some time will rebound) but also do to ideological decisions made by the Obama administration (which of course will now be overturned).
Solar would not exist without government subsidies. Don't expect those to be increasing.
Imagine an alternate world where the smartest black people can do whatever they want instead of having to talk about blackness.
Nearly 209,000 Americans work in solar - more than double the number in 2010 - at more than 8,000 companies in every U.S. state. By 2020, that number will double to more than 420,000 workers.
So which industry do you think it would be smarter to choose a career in?
-Doug in Oakland
Why does PilotX keep posting as an Anon?
why did anon post as anon?
Obama creates 170,000 jobs while silly white boys suck Trump's dick for "saving" 1,000. The stupid continues.
Imagine an alternate world in which Black people can talk about whatever they want without racist white assholes trolling them.
Alleged dick, we don't really know what's down there.
-Doug in Oakland
"Obama creates 170,000 jobs while silly white boys suck Trump's dick for "saving" 1,000. The stupid continues."
1) Obama's had 8 years to create jobs, and the biggest change--demonstrable, look it up!--to the job market? The way unemployment numbers are calculated has been dramatically changed to skew the numbers drastically. So, in 8 years, 2 terms, Obama did manage to create some things that were good. Contrary to the hard-right, Obama wasn't Satan. He was a well-meaning individual whose presidency wasn't a complete bust.
2) Trump's not even the motherfucking president yet and is taking more initiative to keep jobs than Obama showed in 8 years, 2 full terms.
The life illiteracy of progressives continues.
So, yeah, that's South Carolina for you. Unlike with most of these shootings by cops, this was an actual murder, not a manslaughter AND it was all caught on camera -- yet still no conviction, apparently. Outrageous.
Of course, back in the day down in those parts, it would have been 12 jurors voting to acquit, not one juror. So that's progress. But a depressing sort of progress.
Anonymous It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said... said...
My butt itches, but I took a shower. What da' fuck is up with that?
You're a looney tunes that looks SUPER weird, THAT is what da' fuck is up with you psycho, lol!
Now get your own username, you unimaginative di*ck wad!!
@4:02. That's on Field, racists troll because they're allowed to.
And I think knowing the truth about your enemies is priceless!!
Can we just accept that the so called white race are devils. Because this blatant racism and evil is old news. Why do you think prosecutors can and will always select a albino jury because they are racist and have been groomed to accept their evil behaviour as natural. Albinos have a hatred for the first born that is in their recessive genetic makeup. Don't expect devils to recognize they are devils. We have billions of incidences and thousands of years of their non stop evil. So why does any hue man with eyes and ears could not see this and their next evil coming
But all things seek balance and the god these devils worship was created by my God the most high and when evil is destroyed it will be by its own pale hands
Isn't it a laugh out loud ironic that the least educated/monetarily compensated of the Trump voters/supporters will suffer the greatest under his draconian cabinet selections?
Isn't it a laugh out loud ironic that the poorly educated Yisheng has no idea what she is talking about?
random said...
"Albinos have a hatred for the first born that is in their recessive genetic makeup."
I'm glad someone believes in Science around here.
I know why you and your kind come here daily. Your empty and there isn't anything thing that can hurt more.
Recessive and dominant genes and DNA glad entire race ignores the science
Perhaps since science is an interesting to you albinos you can research your declining birthrates to find what you ignoring, your inevitable extinction
In every living species on this planet albinos are recognized as deviant perversions of nature to be shunned by the all of not utterly destroyed for their demonic adverse behavior
Everyone knows melanin keeps the demons out.
Where y'all going in that there space-ship?
Josh: That 170,000 jobs was last month.
And from the LOLGOP Twitter feed:
Carrier is building a factory in Mexico and got Trump to help pay for it.
-Doug in Oakland
You devils are basically eavesdropping on a conversation that does not include you and like the recessive genetic albino subhuman demon you are you can't help but be the devil you worship. But at the very least upgrade your your meaningless bullshit to match your meaningless godless existence
dinthebeast said...
Carrier is building a factory in Mexico and got Trump to help pay for it.
The first of MANY hoodwinks of lower class whooteemoos, to come!
"Recessive and dominant genes" Science. LOL
You have no idea what these things are and couldn't even begin to explain them if you tried. Made abundantly clear by your bungling of albinism. This congenital anomaly is the absence of pigment (biochromes). Having fewer of these cells, which are basically anti-UV amino acids, doesn't equate to albinism, despite what Louis Farrakhan-lites have to say about junk "science" via the interwebs.
This myth--which is too stupid to even qualify as scientifically illiterate--can be debunked by most with an elementary school education. "Race" has no dominant/recessive genes. The straw-man that black = dominant/white = recessive is simply a biological function of higher melanin levels being selected for the organism in utero if a parent has more chromatophores. Which is what happens with ALL organisms. If, for instance, a monarch mixed with a pieris rapae, its offspring will likely have colored, spotted wings. The biological mechanism for this is natural selection. The chromosome pair featuring a high-level chromatophore trait is typically selected because UV protection is by default more advantageous. (Yes, we have a sun nearby, relatively speaking.) We can also see this in practically any mammal. Yes, fur color is controlled by melanin.
But a few observations which shatter the fucking retarded myth:
1) Those with more melanin are born with albinism at epidemic levels compared to those with less melanin (e.g. Africans, PNG, etc).
2) It's not a "race" thing. Middle Easterners, who are typically very dark, are Caucasians! Aboriginals, whose skin tones are indiscernible from African blacks (see the Spurs' Patty Mills), are also--wait for it--technically Caucasians!
3) If this mythical "black" gene were so dominant, we wouldn't have mixed-race offspring as a result of mixing. They'd just be Negroid. While a mixed person might be considered "black" colloquially, we all know you can easily tell a person mixed with black and white by very distinctive traits which are present in the offspring, traits which come from BOTH parents (skin color =/= race, geniuses). Just ask Becky with the good hair.
4) By this same broken, scientifically illiterate logic, Asians (Mongoloids) have some fucking kung-fu master genes, seeing as their ethnic-distinctive variation of an epicanthic fold are present in all mixed offspring; i.e. you can tell an Asian from a feature like their eyes. But genetically speaking, this isn't anything that's "dominant" in the context of we're-better-than-white-people; it's another evolutionary happenstance of having a fucking star relative to the planet's different geographic zones. Look at Redman (Reggie Noble). He's black and Asian (Negroid and Mongoloid). By this race-baiting mythical illiteracy, Asian genes are dominant and black recessive, since the Asian eyes came through.
Translation for comment at 3:43:
Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!
Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!Wah wah wah-wah wah. Wah wah wah wah-wah? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. WAH WAH WAH!!! WAH WAH-WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!
There, Josh, you just engaged with an abhorrent idea. Feel good? Accomplish anything?
-Doug in Oakland
"Accomplish anything?"
Depends on how one defines "accomplish." All I did--what Yisheng can't do because she's a liar, actually possessing zero STEM knowledge--is describe, in scientifically accurate terms, how the idea that "whites" are products of a weaker, recessive gene, or that they're albinos, is nonsensical scientific illiteracy at its finest. But if you'll notice, Doug in Oakland, I never maligned the individual's character, just its ideas. I never called him/her stupid as a person, or a racist as a person. I simply put forth an actual scientific, biological argument which soundly refutes its black nationalist myths about race.
I find it very interesting that you can think Random's racial myths abhorrent yet rather than engaging against those ideas, or daring to agree with me, you're simply acting like a patronizing prick to me for correcting his anti-scientific racial myths. At least you actually typed words, though, for which I will give you credit. Yisheng, the supposedly genius-level-IQ proud black woman who has more STEM degrees than Kanye West has hit songs, didn't have a single word to add scientifically, rather just spent minutes of her life typing a trolling post.
This is the issue with identity politics, and particularly you progressives who spend your lives creating classes of enemies. Even when I say something that is demonstrably, objectively accurate, against pseudoscientific racist propaganda that's intentionally meant to divide, you geniuses still bitch AT ME! Doug, you could not be more of an ideologue if you were paid for the effort. And you know it. Your political ideology is indiscernible from a religion; you're a cultist.
Trump's not even the motherfucking president yet and is taking more initiative to keep jobs than Obama showed in 8 years, 2 full terms.
How stupid is Josh really? I know she's only in high school but damn is the education system that bad?
Some real "knowledge" from James
"Medgar Evers was an out-of-uniform soldier in a war against White people, and properly dealt with. Emmett Till was a budding (and, if his own claims were trustworthy, accomplished) rapist going in the footsteps of his father, Louis Till. (Louis Till was prosecuted for raping 3 Italian women in the occupation of Italy, murdering 1. He was convicted and hanged. Louis Till was in Italy in the first place because a judge gave him a choice between doing time for his own crimes or enlisting. Obviously, military discipline did not reform his savage nature.)".
So much here. First off Medgar Evers was a veteran who was registering voters in Mississippi which was not against the law nor was it punishable by death. Secondly what someone's parent does has no bearing on the child, even the bible says that. Emmitt Till was lynched for nothing. Even if he did commit a crime why weren't the authorities called and his "crime" dealt with within the structure of the law?
Interesting point of view James has of justice.
dinthebeast said...
Josh: That 170,000 jobs was last month.
Doug: Obama didn't "create or save" a single one of them.
He has consistently pursued policies that encouraged the loss of high paying jobs and the awarding of new jobs to immigrants, both legal and illegal. The jobs that open up now are mostly low-wage or part time.
"And from the LOLGOP Twitter feed: Carrier is building a factory in Mexico and got Trump to help pay for it."
You wish that were true, but you know it is not.
Your biggest fear is that America really will be Made Great Again.
Be afraid Doug, be very afraid.
LOL you so fucking ignorant. 150 IQ my ass.
Why should I be afraid? I live in Oakland.
And Josh, what I meant by accomplished was do you think anyone got anything out of what you wrote? If so, who, what, and why? Please think about your answer before deciding that no-one but you is smart enough to understand scientific concepts here.
Also, don't you think that spending that much space and effort on something a bright third grader would recognize as ridiculous elevates it into rational discussion?
-Doug in Oakland
So Trump broke previous protocol and called the leader of Taiwan, infuriating the People's Republic of China. Does this mean Trump intended to piss off the PRC, as part of a new foreign policy viewpoint that will be held by his White House?
Or could it just be that Trump is being a greedy bastard, as usual, because he wants the government of Taiwan to help him build a hotel in their country?
"Weeks before President-elect Donald Trump’s controversial phone call with Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, a businesswoman claiming to be associated with his conglomerate made inquiries about a major investment in building luxury hotels as part of the island’s new airport development.
The woman, known only as Ms Chen arrived from the US in September to meet the mayor of Taoyuan, Cheng Wen-tsan, one of the senior politicians involved in the Aerotropolis project, a large urban development being planned around the renovation of Taiwan’s main airport, Taoyuan International.
'She said she was associated with the Trump corporation and she would like to propose a possible investment project in the future, especially hotels,' said an official familiar with the project, who spoke on condition of anonymity."
Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry
What have I accomplished? Probably nothing. But that's not the point to a skeptic. Whatever you just got through telling me you're "not," another thing you're certainly not is a skeptic. No matter how much you wish to argue against it because you find it to be a smear, you are very clearly an ideologue, and I have demonstrated such by your utter refusal to engage in anything beyond name-calling and vague accusations with nothing to back them up. Those traits are indiscernible from an ideologue. And as such, you're an ideologue even if you believe you aren't one, because of the ontological principle of the identity of indiscernibles.
To a skeptic, there are larger things at play other than an obviously biased blog base refusing to accept anything I say because they live by the standard of shoot-the-messenger, burn-the-message. For we skeptics, what's important is having the information out there:
As for anyone's intelligence, well, that's not really up to me. It depends on what folks come away with after reading it, and potentially after checking it out for themselves. For example, if you were to tell me that I was wrong in my reply to Random, I would tell you that you're probably too stupid--or too brainwashed--to understand the topic. But since all you did was live up to your I'm-not-what-you-say-but-still-act-exactly-how-you-predict demeanor, by insulting me right after you read my name, I wouldn't say you're too stupid to understand it. I'd say you're too into creating phony enemies to legitimize your worldview.
Correction for my response to Random: Mammals have melanocytes, the cells which are responsible for pigmentation; chromatophores are typically found in non-mammalian sea life. Been a long while since I've used these terms; working from pure memory. My bad.
(Humorously enough, Mrs. I-have-50-STEM-degrees missed it as well. LOL)
Also, further correcting more of the black nationalist "recessive" myth. Skin color isn't actually driven by number of these cells, as in volume, but rather by activity. Therefore, those with actual albinism aren't suffering per se from an absence of these cells entirely; rather, they suffer from inactivity in their melanin due to roughly one of seventeen variations of gene expression problems in activating peptides and suchlike.
If you can't produce melanin you're an albino. And one thing time after time albinos have proven themselves to be the most evil lying devil worshipping invaders this world will ever know. The funny thing about believing in a pale God is no matter what your going to hell
Yeah, I take it you're from the Cape Town school of gravity-is-a-LIE-but-a-voodoo-curse-is-real public university. LMFAO!
I knew we had some of you people in America.
"Nearly 209,000 Americans work in solar"
The 209,000 Americans who work in solar produced 0.65% of US electricity last year (source).
The maybe 80,000 Americans who work in nuclear produced 19.5%.
If you want affordable electricity, you're not going to be able to pay those solar workers much more than minimum wage. Actually not even that. 209,000 workers times 2000 hours times 7.85/hr is $3.3 billion. Dividing this by 26473 million kWh gives 12.4¢/kWh just for employee wages (no taxes, benefits or other business costs).
Solar energy is the route to the poorhouse. Rich idiots can afford it, until they run out of other people's money.
"Imagine an alternate world in which Black people can talk about whatever they want without racist white assholes trolling them."
Imagine a country where Black people can talk about whatever they want without White people giving a damn.
It exists. It's called Liberia. You'll be free of YT trolls, because there is no Your heaven awaits.
"Albinos have a hatred for the first born that is in their recessive genetic makeup. Don't expect devils to recognize they are devils."
Why do you still live in the USA? You never explain that part.
"What have I accomplished? Probably nothing."
Oh, Josh, not so. Watching the morons flail at you is very entertaining.
Which reminds me, it is once again time for popcorn.
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