I am not a big SNL fan, but I think that we can all agree that Melissa McCarthy's Sean Spicer imitation was laugh out loud funny. She captured the essence of Spicer's I have something stuck up my ass demeanor to a tee.
Sean, of course, didn't think so, and rather than going along with the joke and taking it for what it was, he proved to us that his skin is almost as thin as his thin-skinned boss..
He actually declared that the comedian should just "dial it back a bit".
Or what? Is the administration going to sign an executive order banning comedy on television? The whole thing is totally ridiculous. And the fact that this administration would spend their time watching and criticizing comedy shows on television is not funny. (Pun Intended)
But Spicer didn't reserve his outrage for McCarthy alone. He also hit out at Alec Baldwin and the entire SNL crew for having a "mean streak" and implied that they might have crossed the line.
This administration has actually drawn a red line for comedians now. I wonder how you cross that one?
Maybe they are worried about the "mean streak" with the SNL comedy writers because they have been giving them so much material of late.
"The Donald Trump who arrived at MacDill Air Force Base near Tampa on Monday was subdued and dark, promising to keep the United States against “radical Islamic terror” through a strong defense, and accusing the press of willfully refusing to report on terrorist attacks.
But first, as he is wont to do, Trump let his mind drift back to a happier time, before he was ensconced in the White House with a passel of quarreling advisers, an unrelenting chorus of critics, and a federal judiciary stymieing his agenda." [Source]
Did you read that last line from the first paragraph above? Yes, he actually said that.
I am not sure what good it would do the media (whose job it is to get ratings) to bury a terrorist attack. CNN would love nothing more than to have that BREAKING NEWS feed running all day while their anchors excitedly give us the body count.
Ironically, the only terrorist attack that seemed to have been blacked out by the media is the one that took place in Canada recently. That's the one where some trump loving white supremacist decided to kill six innocent people who were worshiping in their mosque.
“You’ve seen what happened in Paris and Nice. All over Europe, it’s happening. It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported. And in may cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that.”
Tomorrow our president will go to Bowling Green, Kentucky to pray for the victims of that horrible attack.
If a terrorist attack happens and our former president says it wasn't terror, did it really happen?
"I am not sure what good it would do the media (whose job it is to get ratings) to bury a terrorist attack. CNN would love nothing more than to have that BREAKING NEWS feed running all day while their anchors excitedly gives us the body count."
This is is the most illogical part of this lie. If you know anything about CNN, which Trump has smeared as "fake news," it is that their bias problem doesn't consist of left- or right-wing partisan bias. If anything, they try to steer so far toward "objective journalism" that it becomes impossible for them to do any sort of meaningful analysis that would allow viewers to make sense of the news, since analysis requires one to begin with some set of guiding ethical principles and logic. So this network is left only with just-the-facts-ma'am reporting: X happened on Wednesday, divorced from any context. Which doesn't help anyone understand larger trends of current events.
But CNN does actually have a bias problem, and it is about sensationalism. CNN is the "stuff blowing up" channel. If it bleeds, it leads, as the old journalism cliche goes. If there's a body count, CNN is all over it, and they focus on that stuff to the detriment of other kinds of stories. So it is absolutely preposterous that CNN would fail to report on any major crime or act of war. There is nothing they are more ghoulishly attracted to than a bloody terrorist attack.
But that's where we are now, pushing the laughable idea that crimes by whatever minority group are somehow being covered up by "hand-wringing metropolitan liberal elites," because if the truth about the evilness of those minorities were really known, all reasonable (white, Christian) people would rightfully understand that those minorities should have their rights taken away. This is straight-up Nazi propaganda, right out of Stormfront (although it's metastasized from there to only slightly more legit cesspools of hate like Drudge, the Daily Caller, Breitbart, etc.)
So now we're not just talking about fictional Muslim "no-go" zones, but also fictional massacres (!) carried out by Muslims that somehow nobody knows about, because liberals are just that crafty that they can make even momentous historical events vanish (using their handy Men In Black Neuralizers).
And of course, there is the similar myth that there is an unreported massive epidemic of black-on-white hate crime in the U.S. White women getting raped right and left by black thugs -- and nobody knows!! Totally covered-up!! This was the lie that motivated the massacre by Dylann Roof in South Carolina.
Who watches SNL other than kids and retarded shut-ins?
As for Sean Spicer, half of the president's designated lying duo (for when Trump himself is not available to lie), all I can say is: Never trust a man who thinks gum is for eating. That feels like a psychological problem right out of the gate.
"Who watches SNL other than kids and retarded shut-ins?"
"Despite airing in late-night, SNL‘s 18-49 local people meters rating was the second highest for any broadcast program this week, behind only CBS’ The Big Bang Theory on Thursday (3.3)."
Who watches SNL? Lots and lots of people, obvs. Our new incompetent scumbag leader is a goldmine of material for the show. Because, despite what President Troompa-Loompa and his henchmen pretend, the majority of the country hates him.
It's not a mean streak, it's comedians doing their jobs in response to the Trump administration's idiot streak. How do you fuck up a prayer breakfast? How do you forget that the bullshit floating around hate radio and the right wing septic tank online is bullshit, when you made it up yourself? How does your staff not know how doors and light switches work?
Tell you what, Sean: They'll dial back the comedy when you dial back the lies, stupidity, and insanity.
-Doug in Oakland
So the certifiable bozo Trump wants to run the FDA thinks there shouldn't be clinical trials for the approval of new drugs. He thinks we should just put them on sale and let the free market sort it out.
-Doug in Oakland
"Who watches SNL? Lots and lots of people, obvs"
Obviously, there are lot of kids and retarded shut-ins in America.
"Obviously, there are lot of kids and retarded shut-ins in America."
Cue Brigade Fifteen and Doug in Oakland.
"So the certifiable bozo Trump wants to run the FDA thinks there shouldn't be clinical trials for the approval of new drugs. He thinks we should just put them on sale and let the free market sort it out."
As I understand it from reporting on this loser months back, it's not quite as bad as that. He doesn't want to eliminate ALL testing. He still wants to keep the safety testing (thank God for small favors, I guess). It's only the "does the drug actually work" testing he thinks we can do away with.
This is still an absurd, science-hating, back-to-the-19th-century, loony-libertarian idea. The idea that the free market can sort everything out does not take account of the reality that the free market, in this case, is made up of medical morons. No, the general public cannot decide which drugs are effective, because they lack the knowledge necessary to make that decision. Hell, actual medical professionals have to carefully construct double-bind studies because otherwise, their own biases will tend to contaminate their decision-making. There is ZERO societal benefit to this particular "freedom"; it will only result in increased deaths due to untreated disease.
This is practically a textbook example of why libertarians are laughed at.
*double-bLind studies
We need to understand why the Patriots won, otherwise it's going to happen again and again.
Classical arts: hard-to-produce, easy-to-appreciate. Inclusive talent-signals.
Contemporary arts: easy-to-produce, hard-to-appreciate. Exclusive taste-signals.
You don't have to have me believe in you if you believe in the you that believes in you.
Dems are bloking DeVos because they are in favor of forcing poor black kids in failing schools. They know bad education will keep blacks on their plantation.
Patriots were Trump, the Falcons were anti-Trump. The Patriots victory was a victory for the Alt Right. We cannot let this stand!
Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters doesn't know the difference between Crimea and Korea.
Stupid niggers, LOL.
Well, now give Maxine a break. She can barely speak English. Why should we expect her to understand ANY geography.
What about that idiot Congressman who said Guam might "tip-over" due to the weight of US military installations? Are you geniuses still voting for him?
Quote: Josh the proven liar
"There was no "paper" I linked."
You linked to an article that discussed the implications of a published paper. That paper did not say that the Out of Africa theory is debunked.
That's because the Out of Africa theory IS NOT DEBUNKED there is a continuing (and actually quite interesting) debate on the subject amongst scientists in this complex field. Many - perhaps most -still believe man originated in Africa, the debate continues. These are proper scientists engaged in real study and real debate, not nazi pseudo-scientists such as you.
You lied when you said OOA was debunked, that the matter was settled, I know that, YOU know that, all your bluff and bluster apart.
Like you I have a passing interest in this subject and some superficial knowledge. Unlike you, I don't talk bollocks at length about subjects I know only superficially. You read only that which backs up your nazi-science "Übermensch and untermensch" belief system, ignoring any real science that doesn't fit your paradigm. Likewise dismissing the information I linked to as the work of "bloggers", instead of engaging with the real science content provided in the papers they cite.
Josh, if it makes you feel better about your car-crash life to think black folks are inferior to you or that you cleverer than me, you go right along and think it. I don't give a shit. However, sooner or later you are going to have to engage with the real world, spending your days writing your one-trick-pony diatribes on other people's blogs, or making friendships with terminal dimwits like little Jimmy Bold isn't going to help you.
Your life, your call.
PC, to the Neo-Nazi and its ilk, the "trailer park" IS the real world.😏
field, you, of all persons, should lay off the compulsion to use "trailer park" as a pejorative.
If asked, I can show you massive amounts of info showing blacks living in trailer parks....with Government Assistance.
I can remember at least two "Public Housing Projects", which were built, re-built, and still looked like a nuclear weapon had hit them a few years later.
They were razed. Where they relocated the blacks who lived there, I don't know.
Public housing projects are ALWAYS built on Superfund polluted areas to give the poor something else to complain about. Same for schools. It is a devious project whitey wingnuts came up with to spit in the face of the poors of Color and then whitey can campaign that all POC do is complain even when given new schools and homes.
Of course there are going to be elevated health care costs and then young people figure out what is going on then they riot and the cops come in and kill them and brand all POC as thugs and criminals and the cycle continues-except now the killing of blacks has been popularized by shooting them in the back and claiming self defense.
Si far POC have shown major restraint by ONLY shooting a handful of cops in retaliation. That sure freaked out whitey wingnuts didn't it?
Queenie, I have seen some really retarded responses from you, but this was maybe the most retarded yet.
Drop dead.
Oh, BTW, Queenie from Iowa....are you advocating shooting of Law Enforcement Personnel? I suppose a "handful of cops" meets your expectations?
mike from iowa said...
Public housing projects are ALWAYS built on Superfund polluted areas...Same for schools. It is a devious project whitey wingnuts came up with....the killing of blacks has been popularized...POC have shown major restraint by ONLY shooting a handful of cops in retaliation.
5-D troll? Insane person? Mental deficient locked in a basement with access to a computer?
It's hard to tell with this guy.
Powerful call to arms for European citizens, from Der Speigel.
"It is literally painful to write this sentence, but the president of the United States is a pathological liar. The president of the U.S. is a racist (it also hurts to write this). He is attempting a coup from the top; he wants to establish an illiberal democracy, or worse; he wants to undermine the balance of power. He fired an acting attorney general who held a differing opinion from his own and accused her of "betrayal." This is the vocabulary used by Nero, the emperor and destroyer of Rome. It is the way tyrants think."
"Who watches SNL? Lots and lots of people, obvs."
Less than a 3.3 share. Less than about 3.6 million TVs, representing possibly 1.1% of the US population. That's a small subset of the retarded shut-ins and kids.
The rest of them are here on the Field Negro blog, talking about how Black people are so oppressed.
"It's not a mean streak, it's comedians doing their jobs in response to the Trump administration's idiot streak."
Funny, they totally forgot to do their "jobs" for 8 years.
"Dems are bloking DeVos because they are in favor of forcing poor black kids in failing schools. They know bad education will keep blacks on their plantation."
The same school buildings which turned out 17-yo's who'd mastered Latin and calculus now have 20-yo's who can't write a coherent sentence. Then the morons of the cities elect the illiterates to the school board (Otis Mathis).
The school is not the building. The school is the teachers and the students. If you replace the White teachers and White students with Blacks, you instantly have a "failing school" because Black people ARE failures.
"Public housing projects are ALWAYS built on Superfund polluted areas"
Cabrini Green is being redeveloped with at most 2/3 of the original number of housing units, many owner-occupied (meaning high-end). That is not something that goes on a Superfund site, and it never was one.
This is just another case of Black people making up bullshit about their own oppression and believing it, evidence be damned. They do it because they cannnot admit to themselves that the toxic miasma that turned their once-nice environs into hell is them.
The Purple Cow said...
Powerful call to arms for European citizens, from Der Speigel.
Too bad European citizens don't have any arms, huh?
These people are freaking out because they are losing control of the societies they have committed to destroying. Their dream of a non-white, obedient, culturally fragmented, totalitarian superstate is crumbling before their eyes, because the people have finally woken up to the reality of what their governments have been planning for them.
So now we see leftists staging hysterical tantrums all over the West, quite destructive but ultimately futile. What has been seen cannot be unseen. Justice is coming. Hard.
toxic miasma? Mommy this privileged white asshole just sweared at me.
Jus duhlusional whitey fever dreams. Like the Bing Crosby say, "I'm dreaming of a white country." May our country be orgies of white and can I bang my sister tonight,
Why do wingnuts want to prevent the investigations of the Russians taking over America?
Putin could not have invented a more malleable puppet than Drumpfpuppet. Drumpf appears to enjoy being fisted by Putin. Putin needs several vet gauntlets for preg checking cows to get his fist in there far enough. Drumpf's skin tone stays orange so you know he is not in the least embarassed.
British lawmaker nixes a Drumpf speech in front of Parliament. Drumpf declares hostile action and immediately bans import of Beatles records.
"Public housing projects are ALWAYS built on Superfund polluted areas to give the poor something else to complain about. Same for schools. It is a devious project whitey wingnuts came up with to spit in the face of the poors of Color and then whitey can campaign that all POC do is complain even when given new schools and homes."
Mike, this is some SERIOUS knowledge dropping, dude you dropped the mike then kicked over the podium!!
@ fuck for microscopic brain material, this is my first time on here today. So go finish fucking your relatives, and leave grown folks to adult discussions.
Last Tenant Common Deer's Johnson sez-
mfi speaks truth as truth is spoken among men. I wish to gawd I was that intellectually advanced. I'd be enlightened.
Now now Last tenant, we can't all be up here looking down on you whiteys with glee. Not your fault you were born white with no hope for the future. Its them white devils in power keeping you stuck down there. Just stop believing everything they tell you and maybe the light in your head will turn on.
SNL. like British comedy, is an acquired taste. Wingnuts don't have the street cred to figure it out. But then...........
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
"Public housing projects are ALWAYS built on Superfund polluted areas to give the poor something else to complain about. Same for schools. It is a devious project whitey wingnuts came up with to spit in the face of the poors of Color and then whitey can campaign that all POC do is complain even when given new schools and homes."
Mike, this is some SERIOUS knowledge dropping,
Forty years of education in a futile quest to be a doctor, and this is what she thinks is "knowledge".
It's no wonder...
To think a full 60 years after Jim Crow, and 150 years after the Civil War, a significant majority of our black citizens still can't seem to assimilate to Western European norms of monogamy, child rearing, hard work, academic excellence, non-violence and obedience to the law is mind boggling, and should be mind boggling.
Someone forgot to tell the dumbasss in chief when you say the magic words to make ISIS disappear- Radical Islamic Muslims- you have to spin around three times and click your heels together. They should then be gone forever. Do it on national tv in prime time with an international audience, PLEASE.
Anonymous Confederacy of Dunces said.
Uh, excuse me COD- Dear shit fer brains, you just trolled a troll of Yisheng really is a genius. Good work, troll.
Just in: Teacher's unions lose, American children win, as Betsy DeVos is confirmed as Secetary of Education.
True Lt.Commander, particularly in the South.
But u know how stereotypes go: black folks love fried chicken. Racist Internet trolls live in trailer parks.😏
Conservatives don't get comedy. How long did the Fox news comedy show last? About a week? Anyhoo The Donald actually listed the Orlando shooting as an example of the media not covering a terrorist attack? Really? Did he and his people do this with a straight face? He is either a complete idiot or thinks the American people are. But what is actually interesting is his scrubbing the Jews from holocaust rememberance, only focusing on Islamic terrorism even though home grown terrorists have killed more Americans and installing Bannon as a chief advisor. Just wow.
"Cabrini Green is being redeveloped with at most 2/3 of the original number of housing units, many owner-occupied (meaning high-end). That is not something that goes on a Superfund site, and it never was one.
This is just another case of Black people making up bullshit about their own oppression and believing it, evidence be damned. They do it because they cannnot admit to themselves that the toxic miasma that turned their once-nice environs into hell is them."
Well, Cabrini Green was actually built as high rise apartments until it was determined the units were too small for general consumption. It was built on prime real estate so it was only a matter of time until it was going to be redeveloped. Now as far as toxic environs being located in poor areas there is well documented research into this matter.
Just a little light reading.
field negro said...
Racist Internet trolls live in trailer parks.��
The BEST trailer parks.
Filibuster on Sessions just got busted, he'll be confirmed tomorrow.
Here is a new coffepot that posts instagrams of itself and tweets back at the Orange Moufflon Sheep in the Witch Hunt.
Drumpf declared war on public schools. DeVos got in on a tie breaker vote from Drumpfpence none the smarter.
Racists live in trailer parks and Mother Nature sends in a yooooge vacuum sweeper to clean up the trash and she doesn't have to drag a hundred dollar bill through there to do it.
Id DeVos hadn't got in Drumpf would have had to commit Hairy carey by tossing his stoupee off Drumpf's golden Tower dome.
Left freaking out about DeVos. They can't have them negroes learning anything but grievance in school! Can't have schools be about students rather than teacher's unions! WAH! WAH! WAH!
US Economic Confidence Surges To Highest Level Ever Recorded By Gallup:
So. Much. Winning.
92% of left-wing activists live with their parents, Berlin study finds:
Is anyone surprised?
They Blacks don't be larning much in DeVos charter schools in Michigan. Love it when the right claims charter schools outperform Detroit's public schools which have been near the bottom of all public schools for a long time.
Anonymous Loser! said...
US Economic Confidence Surges To Highest Level Ever Recorded By Gallup:
Obama score's again. Replay clearly show's dipshits steal Obama's record and claim it as their own. Obama is the GOAT!
When they demolished some public housing in West Oakland to rebuild the 880 freeway after the Cypress Structure fell down in the earthquake, the soil was found to be so carcinogenic that the top three feet of it had to be dug up and hauled to a toxic waste dump, delaying the construction almost two years.
That meant that as a delivery truck driver, I had to use the 980 link to get from the Nimitz Freeway to 80 East (and vice versa) making the MacArthur Maze even more fun than usual for two extra years...
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous Loser! said...
Filibuster on Sessions just got busted, he'll be confirmed tomorrow.
Hate to burst your bubble, dip, but Dems kept the session going and turned 6 wingnut votes. Sessions is denied his racist position.
"Well, Cabrini Green was actually built as high rise apartments until it was determined the units were too small for general consumption. It was built on prime real estate so it was only a matter of time until it was going to be redeveloped. Now as far as toxic environs being located in poor areas there is well documented research into this matter."
I don't think it's generally the case that public housing is built on a polluted industrial site. Usually, it is built to replace already-existing, low-quality private housing used by poor people.
In Chicago, a poor Italian slum was replaced with Cabrini Green public housing. Then the Italians eventually moved out of the project and blacks moved in. Then the city mismanaged it and it became a dangerous, filthy hellhole. Then the neighborhoods around it gentrified and became prime real estate. And ultimately, almost everybody wanted it gone.
Now, of course, given that, unlike Cabrini Green, most public housing is usually located in low-income neighborhoods, it will tend to be in proximity to environmental hazards. Because if you're poor and powerless, your neighborhood will tend to be first on the list if a garbage dump or chemical storage facility or some other sort of foulness needs to be built. In addition to empty lots being targeted by illegal dead-of-night fly-tippers -- piles of garbage will just mysteriously appear on the corner, courtesy of some scummy local businessman too cheap to pay to dispose of waste who just leaves it like a gift in the ghetto.
"Replay clearly show's dipshits steal Obama's record and claim it as their own."
November 8, 2016 was the day "it's Bush's fault" changed to "Obama deserves the cedit", and dissent went from "racist" back to "the highest form of patriotism"
The White House, attempting to defend their latest mendacious statement, have released a hastily prepared list of terrorist attacks that the "lying media" allegedly failed to cover.
Surprise! Everything on the list received extensive coverage in U.S. media except for three out of the 78 listed incidents.
And those three attacks? One in Egypt of which there's no evidence at all (probably non-existent). A small fire in Sweden that caused minimal damage and injured no one. And, erm, a BB gun incident.
There's your sinister lefty cover-up. Shockingly, this is yet more hot air from the Jackass-In-Chief.
Can't believe you Trump dittoheads are saying that nobody watches SNL. Comedy gold like this is probably the only thing preventing Trump from getting together with the Koch brothers to launch TrumpTV. This is a necessary part of our democracy. God knows the media is falling over backwards trying to find conservative Trump supporters that don't sound like radicalized anti-government agitators or just simpletons. So get over it, or go back to the 1960s and watch some more "Father Knows Best" and "Leave it to Beaver" reruns.
You don't have to watch SNL to see this stuff. It's the lead video on SNL's YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWuc18xISwI
Spoiler alert. But, yeah Field. By the time she was attacking the reporters with the podium I was the superior, majestic, cackling hen. I was screaming and gasping for breath. Mrs. Junior came in to see what all the laughing was about.
Flying Junior said...
This is a necessary part of our democracy.
It wasn't necessary during the Obama years, when the slightest criticism of a President who expanded NSA spying, used drones to kill American citizens, illegally toppled governments and murdered heads of state, used the IRS and other government agencies to harass political opponents, refused to enforce laws that conflicted with his personal agenda, spied on media critcal of his administration and conspired with friendly media outlets, cynically manipulated racial animosity for political gain, and conspired with criminal political operatives to influence his successor's presidential campaign would get you called racist.
SNL never once stood up to power when Obama was President. Why should they have any credibility now?
"Winning", your president has the lowest approval rating at this stage in a presidency since they started taking polls.
"Winning", your president has the lowest approval rating at this stage in a presidency since they started taking polls.
We're Laughing at You,
Don't you remember the SNL Obama, Bush, Clinton? The funniest one was President Ford. So what would you do? Shut it down? You know your tiny dick-tater would love nothing more.
It wasn't necessary during the Obama years, when the slightest criticism of a President who expanded NSA spying, used drones to kill American citizens, illegally toppled governments and murdered heads of state, used the IRS and other government agencies to harass political opponents, refused to enforce laws that conflicted with his personal agenda, spied on media critcal of his administration and conspired with friendly media outlets, cynically manipulated racial animosity for political gain, and conspired with criminal political operatives to influence his successor's presidential campaign would get you called racist.
Good God! You bought the entire farm.
Well, at least the schools will have guns to protect against grizzlies.
We're Laughing at You said,
SNL never once stood up to power when Obama was President. Why should they have any credibility now?
SNL is satire, shit fer brains. It is a better source of news than anything the right produces, but, they are entertainment. They make fun of idiot nutjobs and don't particularly try to be accurate.
Anonymous, Hawaii and iowa filed suit against DeVos because these two states have to import grizzly bears so the teachers can be armed. You gotta stand yer ground against stoopid white pols.
This administration is full of liars and idiots. They will continue lying until they are voted out.
"Well, at least the schools will have guns to protect against grizzlies"
What would retards have to be snarky about without Fake News?
Hey, Queeniey...just HOW Many names do you ost under?
I could probably name ten. DQUAE, Lilac, mike from Iowa, Yisheng, cum-sucking nigger, ...it goes on, like AIDS.
Drive your imaginary Jaguar or big truck the fuck out of here.
Of course, field will delete this, seeing as how you are "related".
Hey, y'all, just HOW Many names do I post under?
I could probably name ten. Shithead, Lowlife, D**k from my dog, Yo-Yo from my mammy's nipples, I love c*m-sucking on niggers, ...it goes on, like the AIDS in the crack of my ass.
Driving my imaginary F150 or big wheel the fuck to no where.
Of course, field will leave this, seeing as I'm such a "retard".
Ya know Queenie? One of my few enjoyments is flying to Texas, just to slaughter as many hogs as I can.
Load them in the back of the truck, take them down to Harligen, and give them to the illegal immigrants.
They recognize my truck, and damn near fight to be the first ones to get them some.
Takes about ten seconds.
The fact you have AIDS in your ass-crack is no surprise.
Melanoma Grifter sued the Daily Mail for 150 million bucks. Claims their claims about being a prostitute has ruined her once in a lifetime chance to prostitute herself and her designs as the first naked model ever to infect the WH. Grifters-every last Drumpf is a money grubbibng grifter. Barroom will probably be the worst of the bunch.
Turdbrain, Lard off the hawgz sezx itza good thang them thar hawgs ain't never larnt to shot back cuz I'd pee my granny pants and cower in the cactus getting all scratched up.
Maybe next time ah goes hawging we'll let them outen their confinements afore we start to shooting.
Yes, your Affirmative Action Degrees show straight thru to your blue-gum genetics.
@ Mike, do you suppose nipples first taught PEEOTUS how to be peed on, lol??
She married Donald Trump. I don't think anyone could top that level of prostitution.
-Doug in Oakland
Daily Mail never actually said or suggested she was a prostitute. They mentioned a few books had made that claim. I don't think Melanoma has a legal leg to stand on (pun intended), but it certainly sez alot about the mentality of that whole family. Like Commodore Vanderbilt was alleged to have said-if its not nailed down its mine, and if I can pry it loose, its not nailed down.
Drumpf's skin color could well make one wonder about golden showers.
Drumpf complained endlessly about Obama golfing. It took 4 months before Obama went golfing the first time as Potus. It took the orange whiner 2 weeks before he took a vacation he claims he never takes and played golf in Florida.
Drumpf offered to help a Texas county sheriff destroy the career of a Texas wingnut pol who is against asset forfeiture without the party being charged and convicted of a crime. Impeach the orange bully.
mike from iowa said...
Impeach the orange bully
Not doctor material.
Never going to happen.
> Build me something for free
> I cannot nor will I pay anything for it
> Have it built to sate my desires to be "equal" and live comfortably in the first-world
> Make sure it's rent controlled--if not totally free--and has bedrooms, bathrooms, a kitchen, and comes furnished
> Make sure there are enough properties for people just like me
> Say no to Walmart and other sorts of commerce that want the property
> Build it quick enough that I don't get angry waiting
> No, I will not maintain it. Plumbing, paint, trash removal, etc, will be handled also on your end
> WHAT? You built it THERE!? That's not where I wanted it! OMG, you shoulda moved the taxpayers out, our manifest destiny, our eminent domain, to build in a better area!
- Ummm...perhaps build something of your own for once?
> DAT'S WAYCIS! Don't ya know we oppressed!
I love how you clowns keep proving my claims about Black people not understanding cause and effect. In practically all cases of so-called "environmental racism", the dump or chemical plant or whatever was there first, and the minorities moved in afterward seeking low rents.
This is properly called "minority stupidity", because that's what this immediate time preference is. Stupid people will move next to dumps because it's cheap, and then complain about the stank.
^^stuff your video links up your ass, only an idiot looking to get hacked clicks on a link from a troll.
^^^stupid bitch posts links here non-stop in the expectation someone will click the links.
"Oh, look! Already this month we have 2 black sistas who got into STEM, one of which actually scored highly on her SATs and didn't need the free points! They changing the world, 0.0003% comparable to Asians and Whites!"
9th February 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Meters of lies told = infinity.
TPC doesn't mention all the ICE raids in places like Los Angeles and Dallas. Because that would be honest accounting of a promise kept counter to his delusions, and Black people don't do honesty.
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