Let's fast forward to present day America. There is a different president now, and the mood among some has changed.
There are now six players from the Super Bowl champion Patriots who said that they will decline the invitation to the White House. Why they are doing it, of course, is irrelevant. And some of the same folks who celebrated that Tea Party hockey player, Tim Thomas, skipping the White House visit, are now saying that these Patriots are being very unpatriotic. (Pun intended)
Here comes Mitch Albom, who took the time to write a long screed from his high horse about why some of the New England Patriots------ who decided to skip a visit to the White House--- were being "rude".
Mitch must have forgotten when their QB lied and skipped a previous White House visit after one of the Patriot's previous Super Bowl wins.
It's no secret that Brady is a fan of President trump. so we will see what he does this time around. If he chooses to visit his buddy, I won't be mad at him, but I resent writers like Albom criticizing his teammates for not going.
He writes:
"No one is asking them to endorse a candidate. And taking a photo with your nation’s elected leader doesn’t mean you surrender your right to disagree with every single thing he does. That’s the beauty of America. In fact, the visit may give you a rare chance to express your views to the leader himself.
How many photos or congratulations have those players accepted from corporations that exploit workers, CEOs who practice unfair hiring practices, TV hosts who they privately don’t like, etc.? All NFL teams have mandatory events, from charity to corporate, where no excuses for absence are accepted. It’s not like players don’t have to bite their tongue sometimes.
Besides, since most presidential elections are about 50-50, I’m guessing half the athletes who have visited the White House over the years didn’t vote for the man occupying it. So what? You can respect the office. The tradition. The reverence of our flawed but still-beautiful democratic system.
But we live in a world where declaring is easier than doing, and Twitter posts pass for social action. So turning down an invitation — by tweeting or doing an interview — gets you celebrated. You don’t need to actually do anything to make the country better. You don’t even need to leave the couch." [Source]
"And you don't have to leave the comfort of your home while you pound away at your computer keys to make yourself seem like a righteous crusader, when in fact you are nothing but a phony and a
*Pic from imdb.com
"And you don't have to leave the comfort of your home while you pound away at your computer keys to make yourself seem like a righteous crusader, when in fact you are nothing but a phony and a fraud."
Truer words never spoken by our very own righteous crusader. Bravo, Mr. Field Negro, bravo.
I love all the butthurt over the Superb Owl ... "Oh lawds, it be da wite supremacy an' shit!"
The best part is how the guy that won the game for the mighty Patriots was a BLACK guy ... named WHITE!
As a NH resident and Patriot's fan, I remember Brady not going to the Obama White House. I believe Gisele tried to make an excuse for it. Fine. His call, just as these 6 players have the right to skip the Trump White House. The biggest problem I have with Brady was when he was asked about the "locker room talk" tape. All he had to do was say "you know, I don't like that kind of talk, it's disrespectful and rude". He didn't/couldn't do that. I have much less respect for him for that.
Rude? We used to treat Nazis somewhat ruder than that, if I remember correctly, and it's a pity we don't still.
There was a time when shooting the guy the crowd was giving the Nazi salute to was considered the right thing to do.
There are consequences to being the kind of disgusting creep that Trump has made himself into, and surrounded himself with, and he and his groupies will have to suck it up while they are busy buggering the country back to the dark ages.
-Doug in Oakland
Flynn is ooouuuuuttttttt!!!
Who got next?
So Flynn talks to Russia, WITH PEEOTUS' knowledge because he's too much of a control freak to have allowed ANYTHING else.
And now he's forced to resign for making PEEOTUS look like the cheater to win the election he is, a man that Flynn being a military man, had to salute?
This is one f**cked up administration!!!
Flynn's ass is busted. Good riddance. Now drop dead ... The ship be sinking ...
Ahs beez wif de muslims and shite yo. Y'allz donts even want nun homie. Yo yo.
One down, now what? About forty to go? So who will the new NSA be? Alex Jones? Jerome Corsi? David Duke? No shortage of despicable crazies to take his place.
-Doug in Oakland
Michael Flynn resigns. Sooooooo 6 hours after I post about shakeup rumors and get lambasted for posting "fake news" turns out the report was correct. Maybe the trumpkins should pay attention to more fake news. Ha!
"So who will the new NSA be?"
Probably Michael Flynn Jr.
I guess the other side will accuse us of just being sore losers but the fact is this President is the least presidential President in history. Gee, who didn't see this one coming? He picks a religious demagogue with ties to Russia as his NSA and wonders why it went to hell? Just wait for more shoes to drop as he has a guy who ran a website as his chief advisor and mean spirited doofuses as spoke persons. What could possibly go wrong?
So did anyone grab Conwoman's p*ssy,before they threw her under the bus?
Oh yeah, forgot to mention Flynn got fired from his last job. Not a good pick.
Whoooo hooooo, where for art thou f**cked up whooteemoos????
"Rude? We used to treat Nazis somewhat ruder than that, if I remember correctly, and it's a pity we don't still.
There was a time when shooting the guy the crowd was giving the Nazi salute to was considered the right thing to do.
There are consequences to being the kind of disgusting creep that Trump has made himself into, and surrounded himself with, and he and his groupies will have to suck it up while they are busy buggering the country back to the dark ages."
The fascists are so whiny these days: "Waah, Mommy, everyone is saying mean things about me just because I call brown people subhuman and want to revoke their civil liberties and ship them out of the country!"
You have to punch them just to stop the whining.
"Flynn is ooouuuuuttttttt!!!
Who got next?"
Couldn't have happened to a nicer Muslim-hating, torture-loving, batshit crazy guy.
Hopefully, that rotting human toenail fungus Bannon will be next.
"'So who will the new NSA be?'
Probably Michael Flynn Jr."
What, you mean to tell me Trump hasn't given Junior a job yet? No Secretary of #Pizzagate?
It's hard to believe there isn't a position somewhere in the Trump administration dedicated to spreading baseless conspiracy theories and Pepe the Frog memes, and calling people "cucks" and "commies" all day. I mean, there has to be, doesn't there?
I thought that was Spacer's gig. Bannon thinks it up and he says it in the briefing room. He might not last too long either, Trump hates it when the show doesn't work.
-Doug in Oakland
From twitter:
Peter Huestis @RealSparklePony 4h4 hours ago
LOL, seriously, Trump admin considering David Petraeus to replace Flynn. Sometimes satire just writes itself.
-Doug in Oakland
It's hard to believe there isn't a position somewhere in the Trump administration dedicated to spreading baseless conspiracy theories and Pepe the Frog memes, and calling people "cucks" and "commies" all day. I mean, there has to be, doesn't there?
Well then maybe our girl Josh might have a place.
"I thought that was Spacer's gig. Bannon thinks it up and he says it in the briefing room. He might not last too long either, Trump hates it when the show doesn't work."
True. Spicey and Conwoman have only a passing familiarity with the truth. The distinction between official White House spokesperson and demented Internet troll is getting dangerously thin.
Dumbass Flynn did not know that his conversation with the Russian ambassador was being tapped. And who was listening in? None other that former Acting AG Sally Yates who was unceremoniously dumped by President Butt Trumpet ...
Don't get mad Sally, get even ... What did the president know and when did he know it? ...
Why you choose to do or not do a think is ALWAYS relevant, for fuck's sake.
Holy shit. Witness the mindset of the modern progressive, I reckon. Not sure how else to view it.
Pizzagate has moved to Philadelphia and involves a pizza place and an ice cream place.
Patriots owner Kraft is a durn furriner and talks real funny. Wouldn't want him around Drumpf and his proclivity for spitting out secret info.
You are excused from visiting the WH if the Potus is a popular, well loved, respected, intelligent and handsome Black constitutional scholar.
Mr. Field, I would appreciate it if you devoted your next post to all the whiny white people gnashing their teeth over "Dear White People" on Netflix. This needs to be discussed in depth. White people are the epitome of "snowflakes."
Flynn Calls Russia and Resigns.
Hillary Sells them 20% of our Uranium and made $150 Million...
Good thing General Flynn wasn't a Kremlin agent when he worked for Obama for two years. He could've done some real damage then.
Black Lives Matter Leader Says White People Are ‘Sub-Human’ and Suffer From ‘Genetic Defects’
BLM is the new Klan.
Deal with it.
Yusra Khogali:
"white people are lesser because “[they] have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production. They are genetically deficient because melanin is present at the inception of life.”
“Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge. Melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy,” she added.
Sounds a lot like Yisheng, doesn't it? Whootiemoos and all.
I wonder if Yusra has been in college for 40 years too?
Valentine's Day is a celebration of rape culture. Lucky for us, Muslims are willing to step up to protect women from this horrid holiday.
Anonymous It's Yīshēng the Talking B*cth said...
Flynn Calls Russia and Resigns.
Hillary Sells them 20% of our Uranium and made $150 Million...
and yer proof v HRC is......?????????? That's right. You got nothing!
Whitey wingnuts have been in America for over 400 years. Ain't it about time whitey assimilated? Quit the whiny victimhood and embrace assimilation.
The last decent AG America had warned Drumpf that Flynn's hobnobbing with Russia Ambassador was a yoooooge problem so Drumpf fired her. Sally Gates deserves to have Obama comeback and give her the Congressional Medal of Freedom before it becomes a Russian souvenir.
Never understood why the professional sports team champions have to visit the prez,or the executive mansion,oops,it's the white house again!!
"Drumpf fired her."
For refusing to do her job, not for anything to do with Flynn.
Toe nail fungus? That's a hilariously low blow, lol!!
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal:
"LOL, seriously, Trump admin considering David Petraeus to replace Flynn. Sometimes satire just writes itself."
Really, no more of these Obama administration retreads.
The Deep State attacking an elected administration isn't new.
Flynn's removal is a warning shot.
The gloves came off in November of 1963; elections now are Public Relations.
"Flynn's removal is a warning shot."
One that Chuck Schumer threatened Trump with just last month:
“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Tuesday evening on MSNBC after host Rachel Maddow informed him that intelligence sources told NBC news that the briefing had not been delayed.
Why is the "liberal" position now war with Russia?
Why is the "conservative" position grabbing their ankles in hopes of some Trumpbuggery?
How do you morons even dress yourselves or wipe?
-Doug in Oakland
You can always count on Doug to keep things on a high intellectual level.
"There is no legal issue. It was an issue of trust, which led to POTUS Trump asking for Flynn's resignation."
To recap: No legal issue vis-vis what was discussed with Russians.
Flynn was fired for misprepresenting the issue to the Trump administration.
Funny how Dems want to blame Trump for former Obama adminstration guy Flynn lying to him.
Never blame the victim
Anonymous said...
Why is the "liberal" position now war with Russia?
A land war with Russia is the Globalists / NeoCon's final solution for the white working class question.
Poor widdle Drumpfie loves leaks when they help him win a campaign but not when he is the source of most of them that hurt his standing in the world.
Poor widdle wingnuts trying to pass off treasonous Flynn as Obama's man. Flynn only did what the pelt wearing shitgibbon told him to do. Collude with the Russians to ensure Drumpf wins the elction and now Flynn can go open that pizzaria he always wanted with child sex rings and everything.
Whiny bitch wingnuts in congress aren't interested in justice for America, they have a higher calling- punish leakers so their party doesn't get any more tarnished than it already has. Party before country has always been the wingnut way.
Even the cherry-picked parts of the conversation that were released made clear that Flynn never made reference to sanctions just improved relations. Russian Strategic Rocket Forces had gone to DEFCON-2 and were moving toward DEFCON-1. Flynn knew this and needed to deescalate as NSA designee.
With Flynn’s resignation Deep State won. Trump and the outsiders lost. Big time. Deep State HAD to take out Flynn because he was inside the belly of the Deep State as head of DIA and knew their m.o. They fabricated and lied and pushed the narrative and won. Major loss for realists. So, first we have the federal judiciary controlling our immigration policy and now we have Deep State controlling foreign policy and making the world safe for Davos.
Trump made a huge mistake when he caved. It will only get ten times worse for him now.
Anonymous said...
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal:
I saw nothing in the article about 150 million bucks. I also did not see any laws broken or any crimes committed. I did see where some of your proof came from the thoroughly debunked Peter Scweizer.
That article is a wash. And if I remember from a better sourced article the dates and stuff don't jibe with the actual events.
I do believe Flynn and his Russkie ambassador buddy were taped talking about sanctions which made Fkynn have to apologize to Pence for lying. But go ahead with yer little phallic fantasies about Drumpf's tiny dick.
Hopefully, the entire transcript will be released.
"That article is a wash"
Your brain is washed. It's not a crime to shepherd a deal to sell 20% of America's uranium reserves to the Devil (a.ka. Putin) and then get tens of millions of dollars donated to your foundation by several of the involved parties?
You refuse to believe anything that contradicts the your weird world view.
You people are so damned stupid.
Who cares about Spicer? Flynn? I don't see any conservatives losing sleep over it. Conway? bomb her ass.
Who is calling for the removal of these folk?
You violent "progressives".
Who is saying, "I don't give a shit, let them go, already."
Those Communist, No Free Speech conservatives?
What a sorry joke.
I can only hope the violence shown by the rioters ends in what they deserve.
Black Lives Matter Leader Says White People Are ‘Sub-Human’ and Suffer From ‘Genetic Defects’
BLM is the new Klan.
Deal with it.
Uh, every negro isn't a BLM leader. And stop getting your news from obscure conservative sites with fake ass news.
Man...by the reaction, you'd think General Flynn told Putin we'd be more flexible after the election.
"Uh, every negro isn't a BLM leader."
But Yusra Khogali is:
So if the Presidential Records Act was so damned important when HRC wasn't in compliance, why is it OK for the West Wing to be communicating over an app that destroys messages after they are read and erases them from the servers?
The app is called "Confide" and they are all using it.
-Doug in Oakland
"Why is the 'liberal' position now war with Russia?"
Why is the conservative position now letting Russia eat Eastern Europe for lunch? What did the poor Latvians and Ukrainians ever do to wingnuts?
Take those stinking panties off, Queenie.
I wish Mexico would have the balls to make an armored attack on the border (LOL). They already have armed militants here, selling drugs.
Do you think Russia should help them? I would, if I was Russian.
Crimea is their backyard.
You want to go to war over Riga?
"The app is called "Confide" and they are all using it."
No they aren't.
Brigade Fifteen said...
"Why is the 'liberal' position now war with Russia?"
Why is the conservative position now letting Russia eat Eastern Europe for lunch? What did the poor Latvians and Ukrainians ever do to wingnuts?
Why not? Tell me Queenie, exactly WHAT does the US owe them?
As far as I know, Finland is the only damned country to pay it's war-debt from WWII. Your "Latvians, Ukrainians", never did shit.
"You want to go to war over Riga?"
Russia wouldn't fight the U.S. over those territories. Putin wants them, but he doesn't want them that badly.
Now he can take what he wants with no fight, though, by way of installing his own lame little patsy in the White House.
Looks like Michael Flynn retired. Yet another loser from a loser administration. This is great!
I'm thinking that Petraeus might not be as bad as he seems for NSA. Sure, he gave a bunch of classified information to his mistress when she was writing a book about him, and that's not a good trait for the person who has to inform the president about what he needs to know out of all of the classified information out there, but he does have one asset for the position that very few others do. That would be the same asset that Flynn had, the fact that Trump might occasionally actually listen to him.
Well, that and he actually knows what classified information is, has worked with it before, and as far as I can tell, isn't batshit crazy like Flynn is.
So as slimy and creepy as he is, he's still probably an upgrade.
So maybe Trump will choose him in spite of that.
-Doug in Oakland
Your brain is washed. It's not a crime to shepherd a deal to sell 20% of America's uranium reserves to the Devil (a.ka. Putin) and then get tens of millions of dollars donated to your foundation by several of the involved parties?
You clearly stated 150 million bucks, not tens of thousands. Had it been a crime wingnuts would have been all over it. Go read your own article. The purchasing of Uranium 1 began in 2005 long before Obama or HRC were in power. So STFU you whining cur!
Omarosa whatever is claiming Drumpf has dossiers on several journalists. Time to take this POS out of service permanently-ala Nixon.
"You clearly stated 150 million bucks, not tens of thousands"
Actually, 150 million is fifteen tens of millions.
I know it's hard for you, but try to keep up.
And it's not the amount of money Hillary charged for signing off on this deal, it's the fact she got paid at all for a policy decsion that signficantly damaged the security postion of the country that entrusted her with it's highest diplomatic office.
HT johnson's johnson sez- You people are so damned stupid.
Who cares about Spicer? Flynn? I don't see any conservatives losing sleep over it. Conway? bomb her ass.
Conservatives don't lose sleep over anything except being primaried from the right. They have no souls. They have no conscience. They are too stoopid to live and breathe on their own.
Libs love Spicer and Barbie Goebbels- comedy fucking gold and the gift just keeps on giving. And you call us stoopid?
Nothing really has been that much of a surprise so far with how the Trump Administration has been received, except how desperately the Deep State, GOPe and media want war with Russia.
These motherfuckers want to put the world through a meat grinder, and Trump is the only thing in the way.
If you value the 1st amendment, this should scare you.
Sounds like maybe Russia is hacking or trying to hack other journalists.
But Yusra Khogali is:
Who? And so damned what? Yawn. Maybe she can get a job as Presidential advisor.
Uh huh. Mebbe the conservatives smash the turd in their commode, unless, letting them float? Emmanuel? Holder?
God only knows.
Dougie projects in IMAX quality:
"Party before country has always been the wingnut way."
This, while the Dems have been pushing immigration of millions (both legal and illegal) in order to dispossess the "wingnuts" (Americans), the placement of most immigrants on public assistance, illegal voting, and other schemes too many to count make Americans a permanent, shrinking and hated minority in their own country.
Doug takes his own crimes and attributes them to those he hates... who have done nothing to him or anyone to deserve it. If he ever actually took a factual look at himself, he'd have no choice but to jump off the Golden Gate.
I'm going fishing for crappie/channel cats.
You suck-ass Dems just circle-jerk.
The bald guy admits he is full of shit. Talking about voter fraud the blame goes to wingnuts and wingnuts only. They are the ones who commit voter fraud and every election proves.
For a more serious matter the grifter Drumpf family has been dealing with foreign countries to make money despite promises to not engage in such practices as long as daddy grifter was the supposed potus. The whole fucking family is a bunch of liars. They nave just apparently got an okay from China to license the Drumpf name there and new deal in Scotland and some other country to our south.
Dougie projects in IMAX quality
Says the biggest projectionist in history.
Hey James Bitch, shouldn't you be fighting in your race war or are you still too mucj of a bitch?
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha!
Fake Noize latest poll- Drumpf approval 48%, disapproval 47%, 35% strong approval, 41% strong disapproval.
Glub, glub, glub!
Leaving aside the absurdity of getting excited by polls three weeks into an administration, the Iowa Moron is again falling for Fake News.
These are the real polls, not the fake ones.
A Gallup poll released Monday found clear majorities of Americans believe President Trump "keeps his promises, is a strong and decisive leader, and can bring about changes the country needs."
When asked to evaluate whether the phrase "keeps his promises" applies to Trump, 62 percent of respondents responded affirmatively. Fifty-nine percent replied affirmatively when questioned on whether he is a "strong and decisive leader" and 53 percent agreed that he "can bring about the change this country needs."
The survey for Secure America Now found that 56 percent of Hispanic voters approve of deporting criminal illegals. Some 31 percent don't.
What's more, they back the president's executive order to end the Obama administration's "catch and release" policy at the border.
Over all in the McLaughlin and Associates survey, 69 percent of all voters back the president's plans.
15th February 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
So the head of the secret service is retiring rather than facing the ethical conflict of trying to protect Trump.
-Doug in Oakland
"So the head of the secret service is retiring rather than facing the ethical conflict of trying to protect Trump."
How could any professional security person have an "ethical conflict" performing his sworn duty protecting the president of the United States?
On what planet does preventing harm to Donald Trump consitute an immoral act?
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
You want it? Commander Penis Envy? ... You can't have it ...
Maybe because of conflicts with Trump's own private security? Don't know.
Or maybe by continuing to employ his own private security force he is sending a signal that we shouldn't trust any government agency. Not a good look for the head if out government.
"Maybe because of conflicts with Trump's own private security? Don't know."
Doug was just talking out his ass. Clancy came out of retirement to help get things in order after all the scandals in 2014, and now he is going back into retirement. He has never said anything to suggest he wouldn't serve the President with honor.
Before you cheer Trump having to fire Flynn, think about what just happened:
"Talking about voter fraud the blame goes to wingnuts and wingnuts only. They are the ones who commit voter fraud and every election proves."
Ah, the Dindu Reality Inversion Field (one of only two true inventions of Sub-Saharan Africans, the other being the Super Soaker) is being used at full power in Iowa today. When Jill Stein's recount of the Michigan vote was called off, the only major discrepancies were in Wayne County (e.g. Detroit); one precinct counted 306 votes cast from a ballot box with only 50 ballots in it. MfI is claiming that the Black female precinct workers are "wingnuts". Reality inversion.
"What the fuck is wrong with you people?"
They're Black. They hate Whites for everything they do and everything they are, because they represent something that they can never be. The only way to eliminate the shame of how inferior they are is to destroy it all along with the people who made it.
By forcing Whites to adopt identity politics, they're ensuring that it will be done right back to them... but by people who are actually competent and effective This does not work out well for them.
The bald guy has taken leave of his senses.
the only major discrepancies were in Wayne County (e.g. Detroit); countless voting machines broke down and those votes never got counted. Only county where they had machine malfunctions. And you lying little mofo mfi never called any black women wingnuts. You are a fucking lying wingnut. That is all you are.
You asshats need to get over your Flynn fantasies. He committed serious crimes, he lied, the potus lied, they are all fired. No resignations.
The Africoon Reality Inversion Field is strong stuff. It takes this from the news article:
"Voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes than they should have during last month’s presidential election"
and somehow comes up with this:
"the only major discrepancies were in Wayne County (e.g. Detroit); countless voting machines broke down and those votes never got counted."
The Reality Inversion Field turns up to 6:1 overvotes in a precinct into "voter suppression". That is some top-grade delusion! Most people need drugs to hallucinate like that.
"Only county where they had machine malfunctions. And you lying little mofo mfi never called any black women wingnuts."
I quote, "the blame goes to wingnuts and wingnuts only." The only people involved in the fraud were Black women, ergo you called them wingnuts.
This is why you're unfit for civilization. Civilization requires an irreducible minimum of connection to reality, and you don't even come close.
You have to go. You don't have to go back to Africa, but you can't stay here.
Resist said...
Truer words never spoken by our very own righteous crusader. Bravo, Mr. Field Negro, bravo.
Why don't you Google Mr. Crusader, (slaughter of the Muslims), Bennett, and after reading that, come back and tell us what a "hero" he is.
Why must the players have to respect the Office of the President when the current occupant of that office doesn't?
Americans were asking that question from 1/20/2009 to late last month.
The answer is that the occupant wasn't an American.
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